VOLUME XLI | ISSUE 5 | MAY 2016 WWW.CAGTOWN.ORG CAG AWARDS & ELECTIONS MAY 24 Meet New Members and Hear Highlights of CAG Work

AG’s annual awards and elections to protect and enhance the community’s 24 meeting. The slate is Bob vom Eigen, meeting will be held on Tuesday, parkland and architectural resources. President; Jennifer Altemus Romm, Vice May 24. The meeting will include President; Hazel Denton, Secretary; Bob Cthe presentation of CAG’s prestigious awards The Martin-Davidson Award to businesses Laycock, Treasurer; and elected directors to outstanding community leaders for 2016. that have contributed significantly to Karen Cruse, Barbara Downs, Hannah Isles, Highlights of CAG’s past year activities will the community will be presented to The and John Rentzepis (See page 8). Treasurer also be briefly recapped by key committee Georgetowner. Robert Laycock will report on the financial chairs. The reception and annual meeting will condition of the organization. There will be a special appreciation award be hosted at Visitation School in the Heritage presented to MPD Officer Antonial Atkins Room, 1523 35th Street. This year we are also Please join us to welcome new members and for dedicated and distinguished service to the having a special reception at 6pm for new honor people who have made Georgetown Georgetown community. members of CAG. a better place. Parking is available in the school parking lots (through the And Annie Lou Bayly Berman will be The Belin Award will be presented to Jeff Jones gatehouse entrance) at 1523 35th Street. honored posthumously with a special award for his expert and dedicated work in preserving for her many contributions to neighborhood the historic character of Georgetown. Tuesday, May 24 programs. New member reception 6pm Peter Jost will be honored with the William Election of CAG officers and four directors Reception at 7pm; Program at 7:30pm A. Cochran Award for exceptional efforts for 2016-2017 will also take place at the May Georgetown Visitation, 1523 35th St.


pring has sprung in Georgetown and by Nancy Taylor Bubes and Washington Fine that means it’s time for Concerts in Properties, on Sunday, June 19th in Volta Park the Parks, everyone’s favorite summer from 5:30 to 7pm. The father’s day concert Sconcerts series that is free and open to the will feature the Weathervanes. In addition public in beautiful Volta and Rose Parks. to great music, there will be special treats to celebrate the dads. The 2016 Concerts in the Parks committee has been planning all winter, and thanks to Gypsy Beat the summer heat at the final concert of Sally’s, there is a terrific lineup of bands, as well the season that will be held on Sunday, July as fun family activities and edible treats. 10th in Rose Park from 5:30 to 7pm. Concert Rebecca McCabe always invites kids to sing on stage. goers will tap toes and sway to the Roots Rock/ As is the tradition, the first concert of the season, synching to one of the latest hits! The concert Americana band, The Walkaways. And as presented by TTR Sotheby’s International will take place Sunday, May 22nd in Volta always our sponsors will have special treats and Realty, will feature Georgetown’s own favorite Park from 5 to 7:30pm. activities for cooling off. singer songwriter Rebecca McCabe. Rebecca will no doubt have the crowd, including the Grab your dad and don your dancing shoes The Concerts in the Parks series continues bravest mini-stars, up on stage dancing and lip for the fabulous father’s day concert, presented to draw an ever larger audience of families Continued on p. 6 “GOODNESS IS THE ONLY INVESTMENT THAT NEVER FAILS.” - Henry David Thoreau

As a leader in Georgetown’s real estate community, our firm proudly supports the Georgetown community. We are proud to sponsor the following events and organizations:

Citizens Association of Georgetown Friends of Volta Park Concerts in the Park Georgetown House Tour (St. John’s) Park Conservancy Georgetown Jingle Friends of Book Hill Park Reception ( Hospital) Friends of Hyde-Addison Elementary School Gala Friends of Rose Park

Georgetown Brokerage 1206 30th Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 I +202 333 1212 I ttrsir.com

Sotheby's GTC AD 2015.indd 1 2/2/15 11:58 AM

2 GEORGETOWN CITIZENS | MAY 2016 President’s letter s president of CAG I participate in many meetings. Recently CAG hosted a meeting at the CAG office withA 20 concerned neighbors and ANC2E Commissioner Monica Roache regarding new developments at the former Georgetown Residence at 2512 Q St. The building, where many Georgetowners spent their final years, is being converted into a short-term rental apartment with a minimum rental term of 30 days. The owner, Holladay Properties, has terminated the occupancy of the retired tenants to permit renovation of the 96 units in the building. We understand that the owner has offered to readmit the retirees once the renovations have been completed, but there will be no kitchen or food service within the building. Rents will surely increase, making it the owner has indicated that they will even more difficult for the retirees to return. replace the windows of the building, which UPCOMING CAG EVENTS As of February, the website still stated the will require such approval. CAG ANNUAL MEETING: building would remain a retirement home On another matter, thanks to board member AWARDS & ELECTION after its renovation. However in December Victoria Rixey, volunteer consultant Tara Date: Tuesday, May 24 2015, the Holladay Company announced to Sakraida Parker, and pro bono attorney John Time: 7– 8:30pm a few neighbors that this wasn’t the case. Lynham at Foley and Lardner LLP, CAG is New member reception at 6pm The major concern expressed by the starting an exciting – and much needed – Place: Georgetown Visitation, 1523 35th St. neighbors (pictured above with me [in vest], planned giving and major gift program. CAG offers a range of programs that are CAG CONCERTS IN THE PARKS Monica Roache [left of me], John Lever, Sunday, May 22 – Volta Park CAG Historic Preservation Chair [yellow free of charge to residents of Georgetown. These programs include Concerts in the Sunday, June 19 – Volta Park tie], and Eileen McGrath [hidden from Sunday, July 10 – Rose Park view]), was that the apartment building Parks, monthly public meetings on issues has only 11 parking spaces, and that many of importance to residents, our monthly newsletter, and advocacy and support for of the new, more transient, tenants of the SAVE THE DATE restored building will have automobiles that residents who feel that development projects will occupy already congested parking lanes may contradict historic preservation, zoning in the area. It is also likely that some of these standards, or quality of life – such as the Georgetown Gala situation described above. tenants will seek to obtain Ward 2 parking Saturday, October 22 permits. Also, many short-term tenants may These activities require staff support, The Four Seasons use vans to bring furniture to the building, office space, equipment maintenance and 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue creating congestion at the entrances to the supplies. The annual membership fees and building. proceeds from fundraising events such Solutions to these congestion issues are not as the annual CAG Gala do not cover all easy to solve. Fewer apartments and longer these costs. Because many dedicated CAG lease minimums would be a better fit for members may want to help CAG protect this part of the historic neighborhood. our historic neighborhood and improve our If the Holladay Properties were to make residential community in the future, we are significant alterations to the interior units, instituting a planned giving program. Please which currently are small (350 to 500 square see Victoria Rixey’s article on page 6 for feet) apartments, there may be grounds to more information. TRY US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH require them to apply for approval for I look forward to seeing you at our Annual these modifications from the DC Office of 1226 36th Street, NW Meeting on May 24 at Georgetown Visitation 202.337.6668 Planning. If the exterior of the building were to honor outstanding Georgetowners! modified, they would need to seek approval by the HPRB and the Old Georgetown Bob vom Eigen, president tombs.com Board (Commission of Fine Arts). Already

GEORGETOWN CITIZENS | MAY 2016 3 GEORGETOWN EXXON & SHELL spects of BOOST PUBLIC SAFETY A ne of Georgetown’s central (BTW, another sign of their attentiveness to enterprises, Georgetown Exxon the community is their beautiful flower and eorgetown and Georgetown Shell, recently plant boxes along Q Street and Wisconsin G Odonated over $5000 to the CAG Public Avenue.) DONOR SEASON Safety Program. The popular service stations’ Public Safety 2016 We hope other Georgetown businesses EDITH SCHAFER Hamood Abutaa andPublic Jamie Safety and Bobby 2016 Ladson said they DonationsDonationssupport tothe to date dateprogram (4/28/16) (4/9/16) will join the more than 15 commercial establishments supporting the CAG “because$180,000$180,000 CAG helps keep the entire neighborhood safe... and Public Safety Program! We are making $160,000$160,000 progress on meeting our expenses – but still ccording to Benjaminbudget Franklin some$173,740 we value our customers$51,143 and the $140,000 $60,785 things are inevitableDonations – among them$112,955 quality $140,000of life in our community.” need help from individuals and the business death, taxes, andShortfall that the crow will$60,785 $120,000$120,000 community! eatA the eggs the dove lays every spring in $100,000 the wisteria which grows along the house. $100,000 ShortfallShortfall Public Safety 20162016 And, oh yes, donor season is inevitable too. $80,000$80,000 DonationsDonations DonationsDonations toto datedate (4/28/16)(4/9/16) It’s donor season all year, of course, requests $122,597 $180,000 $60,000$60,000 $112,955 $180,000 for funding for charitable causes are indeed $40,000$40,000 $160,000$160,000 relentless, but there seems to be a spate of budget $173,740 $51,143 $60,785 them in the spring. Many of them are causes $20,000$20,000Donations $112,955 $140,000$140,000 we like and might want to support and many $0$0Shortfall $60,785 $120,000$120,000 are not. How did we get on THAT list, we wonder. $100,000$100,000 ShortfallShortfall $80,000$80,000 DonationsDonations So these are the times that try men’s souls, $60,000$60,000 $112,955$122,597 only we don’t talk about men’s souls anymore Here, Jamie and Bobby share a $40,000 because it turns out that women have souls congratulatory handshake with Public $40,000 too! Who knew? So times change and we Safety Co-Chairs Rich Hinds and John $20,000$20,000 must change with them. Rentzepis. $0 In any case, we can manage even though things are confused and confusing and nothing is the way it used to be when life Outstanding representation was simple and straightforward. Gilbert and for exceptional properties Sullivan knew that. They wrote:

Things are seldom what they seem, DC Skim milk masquerades as cream; Highlows pass as patents leathers; VA Jackdaws strut in peacock’s feathers. MD If we knew what highlows were it would be Eastern better, but we get the idea anyway. Back to Shore donor season. As bleeding heart supporters Lenore Rubino • 202-262-1261 of environmental causes, and filled with a Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, , 3000 K St. NW burning desire not to destroy our beautiful Washington, D.C. 202-333-6100 planet, donors have been known to write terse notes asking not to have cuddly stuffed animals sent to them because they gave a few dollars to save the earth, the air and the oceans. Ditto do we really need to be invited to a party by way of thanking us? Yes, maybe we do because it is reassuring to see people who care.

We don’t need to be rewarded for saving the planet, we just want it saved. We like it, we LIVE MUSIC love it. It’s the only planet we’ve got.


t’s spring, which means the Georgetown parks was open to African American children. effort. Garden Tour is right around the corner. In 1947, amid much opposition, Children’s From its very beginning, this celebrated House began to integrate its Board of Directors Because of the garden tour’s success and the Iannual event has been both a visual delight and its facilities, becoming the first integrated enthusiasm it generated for Children’s House, to visitors and a significant contributor to the childcare center in the city. the organization continued to provide services Georgetown community. throughout the twentieth century. But by A founding member of the Georgetown the late 1990s, there were serious financial One of the oldest garden tours in the country, Garden Club, Mrs. Whitehead solicited the shortfalls. With city funds for childcare Georgetown’s tour was begun in 1928 by Mrs. support of Club members and the community services and United Way funding drying up, Edmonia Whitehead as a source of funds for at large, persuading 26 prominent Georgetown even the generosity of Georgetown patrons the Georgetown Children’s House, which she residents to open their gardens to the public. was not sufficient to keep the program alive. had established the previous year. Dedicated Its initial success began a tradition. Over the In 1999, Children’s House was forced to to providing day care for underprivileged years, the list of patrons read like a who’s who close its doors. It had served the Georgetown children whose mothers worked in and around of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamont Belin community well for three-quarters of a Georgetown, Children’s House served hundreds offered the magnificent grounds of their estate, century and in the process, the Georgetown of District youth in its large nursery school and . Visitors roamed the winding paths Garden Tour had become a cornerstone of after-school programs for children up to age of Dumbarton Oaks, owned by Georgetown community dedication and involvement. 13. Classes of all types were offered: carpentry, Garden Club member Mildred Bliss. Secretary Once its raison d’être was gone, what, the music, drama, sewing, dance, art, and design. of State Dean Acheson opened his gardens, as community wondered, was to become of the At the time, only one of three Georgetown did Averell Harriman. In 1955, Mrs. Dwight beloved springtime event? Eisenhower and Mrs. Richard With many Garden Club members and their Nixon headed gardens intricately involved in the tour over TOUR up the two-day the years, it was predestined that the tour pilgrimage. In the should fall into the hands of the Club. Then- president Kathy Graff oversaw the transfer. No S ATURDAY M AY 7, 2016 1960s, patrons Georgetown10 AM TO 5 PM Garden tour was held in 1999, but the following year, of the tour it was game on. Club members rallied to find TICKETS $35 UNTIL APRIL 30 included Lady gardens, provide hostesses, arrange afternoon $40 ON MAY 1 Bird Johnson tea, create a garden boutique, publish a lovely www.georgetowngardenclubdc.org and journalists Drew Pearson, tulip poster designed by Club member Katrina Tickets can be purchased the day of the tour at Joseph Alsop, and Carothers, and energize the community. It was Christ Church Rowland Evans. a new era, and the garden tour was redefined 31st and O Streets, NW as it moved into the twenty-first century. In Washington, DC Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas its first year running the tour, the Garden WWW.GEORGETOWNGARDENCLUBDC.ORG contributed to the Club netted over $26,000. Four beneficiaries Continued on p. 9 CONCERT SEASON KICKED OFF CAG half page ad he season kicked off on Thursday, April 14th with a great crowd and live music by Steve Siekkonen at Vinyl Lounge, Thosted by Concerts sponsor Gypsy Sally’s. The host committee and friends – a crowd of 100 – grooved to the sounds of favorite old tunes covered by local singer songwriter Steve Siekkinen while quaffing nostalgic dive bar drinks and snacks and rocking glow bracelets and temporary tattoos. Many thanks to the hard work of the Kickoff Party committee chaired by Amy Looney, Erin Mullan and Dabney Jewell. Concerts Chair Hannah Isles (center) with two of the Kickoff Party co-chairs, John Rentzepis embraced the mixtape Erin Mullan (left) and Amy Looney (right). theme with a classic shirt.


he Citizens Association of will be available on our website and in our members who make a bequest to the Citizens Georgetown’s Board of Directors is newsletter to tell you how. Association of Georgetown. Members and initiating a new effort to ensure the founding members of this Legacy Society will Tfuture of our organization. We are launching In addition, we will be turning to past and be recognized and honored each year. a Planned Giving initiative, whereby we invite future supporters of Friends of CAG later this our members to remember CAG through fall to give as generously as they can to keep CAG is grateful for charitable gifts by bequest. a bequest to the association. Our Board of our organization strong. Best of all, we hope The Citizens Association of Georgetown is Directors, each and every one, has committed for both types of gifts – contributions which a fully qualified public charity (Tax ID#52- to doing exactly that – leaving a portion of support Friends of CAG with much needed 1359105) whose primary purpose is to their estate to CAG to ensure a thriving donations today, as well as bequests to ensure preserve the historic character, quality of life, future for the oldest, and most active, citizens CAG’s future. and aesthetic values of Georgetown with an association in the District, a 501(c)3 public eye toward protecting the interests of the We plan to create a Legacy Society that charity recognized by the Internal Revenue neighborhood’s residents and homeowners. will formally recognize these very special Service.

Why are we doing this now? It has been a long time coming, actually, and the organization is Sample Bequests having a difficult time balancing our budgets. Making a bequest is easy, and sample language is below: We have an ever-expanding list of programs, a wonderful group of volunteers, and terrific staff, I bequeath (state dollar/percentage amount or describe property) to the Citizens Association but costs escalate each year and our income is of Georgetown, a corporation formed under the laws of the District of Columbia, located at very much dues-based. While membership 1365 , NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20007, to be used by it for such stands at 1250, we need to keep dues at levels charitable purposes as its board of directors shall decide in its sole and absolute discretion. that ensure our membership continues to grow. ...or... The Board believes the organization needs to I bequeath all of the rest and remainder of my property, real, personal, or mixed, to the add additional sources of funding. Citizens Association of Georgetown, a corporation formed under the laws of the District of We will be rolling out this Planned Giving Columbia, located at 1365 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20007, to initiative over the summer and fall. It is easy be used by it for such charitable purposes as its board of directors shall decide in its sole and for individuals to do, and simple information absolute discretion.

Support the Georgetown CONCERTS IN THE PARKS promises to be among the best yet thanks to the Continued from p. 1 generosity of the wonderful sponsors and the Senior Center dedication of the hard working committee. and friends of all ages from the Georgetown For over a quarter of a century, the community and beyond because of the great If you would like more information, to join Georgetown Senior Center at St. John’s bands, fun family activities, free treats and the concerts committee, or become a sponsor, Episcopal Church has been providing recent addition of food trucks. The 2016 season please contact [email protected]. seniors living in Georgetown and upper northwest DC with nutritious lunches, thought-provoking programs, holi- day celebrations, field trips and events. Founded by Virginia Luce Allen in 1982 JOHN D. RICHARDSONJOHN D. RICHARDSON COMPANY, COMPANY,LTD. LTD. to address the “plague of loneliness,” the JOHN D.Established RICHARDSON 1976Established COMPANY, 1976 LTD. Center offers thrice-weekly programs Established 1976 September through June where seniors Custom RenovationCustom & Building Renovation & Building find warmth, companionship, nourish- Custom Renovation & Building 1516 34th Street,1516 N.W. 34th Street, N.W. ment, and intellectual stimulation. 1516 34th Street, N.W. On May 25, an evening event to benefit Washington, D.C.Washington, 20007 D.C. 20007 the Center will be held at an elegant home Washington, D.C. 20007 in Georgetown. Tickets are $100 or $150 [email protected]@johndrichardsoncompany.com p) 202-342-7424 p) 202-342-7424 for a couple. Contact Barbara Downs: www.johndrichardsoncompany.comjohn@johndrichardsoncompany.comwww.johndrichardsoncompany.com f) 202-342-0245 p) 202-342-7424 f) 202-342-0245 337-3373 or Wendy Erlanger: 333-9348 www.johndrichardsoncompany.com f) 202-342-0245


y reporting of all things sewer- also will be relocated where it runs beneath sewers into the Potomac River. The overflows related has become such a regular the Hyde Addison School grounds. Without are not currently measured, but are predicted feature of the newsletter that shifting the sewer to the western edge of the using a computerized, hydraulic model. MI feel I am morphing property, the new school addition could not Contemporary anecdotal observations by into the persona of Ed be constructed. those who frequent the river, as well as Norton. So before my engineering calculations from some decades transmogrification is DC Water Bills: At a meeting for Ward 2 past, suggest that overflows are fewer in complete, further sewer- residents, George Hawkins, DC Water’s number and with less volume than predicted related updates will go General Manager, revealed that water and by the model. If true, this could significantly Ed Norton (Art sewer bills will be increasing 5-7 percent on hiatus until autumn. Carney) leaving his reduce the amount of Green Infrastructure Meanwhile: ‘office’ annually, into the next decade. This increase that needs to be installed. largely stems from the cost of abating Sewers in West Georgetown probably date to combined sewer overflows into when Rutherford Hayes was President (1877- the Potomac and Anacostia 1881). Many segments are in poor condition. rivers and Rock Creek. Already An extensive year-long repair of a main sewer the largest single component between O and P streets and Water Street of the monthly bill, the “Clean will begin this summer. Most of the repair Rivers” charge is projected to can be done without digging a deep trench. double between 2017 and 2025. At one location, however, an excavation will be required: digging will affect about 120 Green Infrastructure: The square feet of both sidewalk and street in the ad hoc Georgetown task force 3300 block of O Street. The masonry wall of that is coordinating with DC the sewer is bulging and cannot be repaired Water on its proposed plans without excavating. The Old Georgetown to install Green Infrastructure in west Georgetown has asked Board has approved the proposed work, Walter Groszyk (aka Ed Norton), left, meeting with members of the provided that existing bricks and cobble DC Water to monitor actual Historic Preservation Committee (l-r) Elsa Santoyo, Shelley Ross-Larson, pavers are salvaged and re-used. This sewer overflows from combinedVictoria Rixey, Joe Gibbons, & Nola Klamberg.

VIA UMBRIA and About VV HARRISON ROUND ia Umbria, located at 1525 While browsing and perusing, I had the good At the April 7 meeting of the Old Wisconsin, is a truly unique, eclectic fortune to run into Deborah Simon, Retail Georgetown Board, EastBanc’s Anthony and enchanting store – the kind of Manager/Buyer, who showed me around, Lanier unveiled the latest design of his placeV you enter and never want to leave. The pointing out various items of interest such as proposed residential building at 2715 moment I walked it, an enticing aroma of rather pricey Maitake mushrooms for $21 a Pennsylvania Ave using an Oculus virtual freshly brewed coffee filled the air. The store, pound, huge watermelon radishes for $4.75 a owned and run by Bill and Suzy Menard, is pound, and a bunch of spearmint for $24 a reality device – WOWZA!!! (The Board an Italian treasure-trove, filled with colorful, pound. Most produce, however, is much more basically approved the design, the next hand-painted ceramics, fresh vegetables, pocketbook-friendly. The shop also carries a review will focus on materials, palette, pastas, imported linens, cheeses, and one wide selection of meats, salume, prosciutto landscaping, and lighting)...The Tombs hundred and twenty distinctive wines. and pates. I met Scott the butcher, busy slicing and 1789 Restaurant will be closed Everything Italian is beautifully appointed up meat, and Federico, visiting from Italy and for about two months this summer for and displayed. This sensational market offers working in the upstairs kitchen. Frederico’s renovations – and F. Scott’s will merged opportunities to eat, drink, cook, decorate family makes and decorates many of the in to create additional space...Bangkok ceramics, or sample wine and cheese. Private ceramic pieces displayed on shelves around the Joe’s is back to being a Thai restaurant dinners or friendly stand-up gatherings can store. Via Umbria is a very welcome addition at 3000 K Street...Church, a coffee be enjoyed on the second floor of the totally to our village, where we have lost so many shop and eatery, is going into 7,000 modernized building, which includes an art attractive, classy places to shop. square feet at Georgetown Park...The gallery and spacious patio. (See their website, old Georgetown Theatre renovation is viaumbria.com, for information on classes and And speaking of Italy, who owns the two red looking snazzy and we all wonder who events.) Ferraris parked on the streets of the eastside of is moving in! Georgetown? Inquiring minds want to know!


he nominating committee has proposed 3303 Water Street. volunteer at the Senior Center Lunch Program the slate of officers and four of the and Meals on Wheels. She and her husband, directors. Please come to the CAG Secretary – Hazel Denton Jim, live on 35th Street. Tmeeting at Georgetown Visitation on May 24 Hazel Denton has lived on for 21 to cast your vote. years, during which time she has been active Director - Barbara Downs in a number of neighborhood activities and A resident of P Street, Barbara has served on the President – Bob vom Eigen organizations including CAG where she CAG board in several capacities –asPresident Bob and his wife, Ann, have lived and raised is Chair of the Parking Committee. She is and on numerous committees including Public their children in Georgetown since 1978. Bob Co-Chair of the Parking and Transportation Safety, Beautification, Gala, Membership, and practiced law in Washington since 1970 until Working Group of the Georgetown Nominating. Currently she serves as board he retired in 2011 from the firm of Foley & Community Partnership. Hazel currently Secretary. She is also active in the Georgetown Lardner LLP, located at Washington Harbour. teaches courses in health and population issues Garden Club and the Senior Center at St. Bob currently serves as President of the Citizens at Georgetown University. Previously Hazel had John’s. She and her late husband, Tim Downs, Association of Georgetown. He is also a a 20-year career at the World Bank. have been pivotal leaders in Georgetown, from member of the Executive Committee and the CAG Beautification Days to the O & P Street Historic Preservation & Zoning Committee. Treasurer – Bob Laycock renovation project. He has served as President of the Friends of Bob, a CPA who has been Treasurer of CAG in Georgetown Waterfront Park (FOGWP) past years, is a Professor Emeritus of Accounting Director - Hannah Isles since 2006, and served on the fundraising at Montgomery College and Professorial Hannah Isles has lived in Georgetown since committee of the Georgetown Waterfront Park Lecturer in Accounting at George Washington 2006 and recently moved from 33rdStreet to

Commission that preceded FOGWP’s creation. University. Bob has worked with the Trees for 30th Street. She started her career as a political

Sharon Lockwood Sharon Jessica Townsend Jessica

Bob is the Vice President and Director of the Georgetown Committee for 13 years and is an fundraiser andGolub-Rofrano laterLynn transitioned to public

Leslie Smith Smith Leslie

Founder Founder Georgetown Village, which provides volunteer active member of Friend of Book Hill Park, relations workingDirector Executive for private sector and non-

Patricia Sherr Sherr havingPatricia donated and helped plant hundreds of profit companies including AOL, GE, Powell

assistance to seniors living in Georgetown and Scolaro Patricia Robert P. vom Eigen vom P. Robert

Gloria Weissberg Gloria

Burleith. Satterthwaite daffodils.Ann Bob lives on O Street. Tate, and Share our Strength. In 2007 she Jessica Townsend Jessica

Toni Russin Russin Toni

Ann Satterthwaite Satterthwaite Ann left office life to work at home raising her two

Patricia T. Scolaro Scolaro T. Patricia

Nancy Roll Roll DirectorNancy - Karen “Cookie” Cruse

Vice President – Jennifer Altemus Romm Peabody Malcom children, Nina and Peter. She has served on the

Nancy Regan Regan Nancy

A CAG board member for over eighteen years, Russin Antoinette

Joan Kennan Kennan Joan

Jennifer, raised in the Washington DC area, Peele Anne Jo committee for CAG’s Concerts in the Parks

Nancy Roll Roll Nancy

Gail Nordheimer Nordheimer KarenGail is co-chair of the Alcohol Beverage

graduated from Georgetown University in Gerbasi K. Virginia Rev. The program for the past 8 years and currently chairs

Nancy Regan Regan Nancy

1988. Currently, she is an event planner at the Nauman ControlDarcy (ABC) Committee, working diligently the committee. She is married to Adam Isles. The Hon. Jack Evans Evans Jack Hon. The

Toni Lepone Toni

Library of Congress. She is a former president to create a balance between the residential LaMotte Q. Henrietta

Henrietta LaMotte LaMotte Henrietta E. Hazel Denton Hazel E.

and commercial sectors. She coordinates with DirectorGraham M. – JohnJohn RentzepisRev.

of CAG and currently is a co-chair of the CAG Kiernan Andrea

Betsy Cooley Cooley Betsy

James C. Smith, Treasurer Treasurer Smith, C. James

Georgetown Gala Committee and the Alcohol Hanas businessesMotrya and residents to modify and answer John has lived in Georgetown since 2000

Nora L. Cameron Cameron L. Nora

Melissa Glynn Glynn Melissa

Beverage Control Committee. She is the concerns regarding liquor licenses – known andSecretary has beenSmith, C. Co-ChairLeslie of the Public Safety

Nancy Taylor Bubes Bubes Taylor Nancy

Frida Burling Burling Frida

lead CAG representative for the Georgetown as settlement agreements. “Cookie” is a key President CommitteeVice Birch, L. since Thomas 2014. For many years, he has Anna Black Black Anna

Nancy Taylor Bubes Bubes Taylor Nancy

liaison person with Georgetown University on beenPresident involvedNordheimer, withGail Friends of Book Hill Park

Campus Plan and is part of the Steering Barth Shirley

Advisory Board Advisory Directors of Board Committee of the Georgetown Community Committee town-gownEvent matters, serving on the Safety and serving as a volunteer and board member. He

Partnership. A Georgetown resident for over Student Life Committee of the Georgetown works in alternative investments and resides on

Community Partnership.corporation She non-profit also assists501(c)(3) A with P Street with his wife and two daughters. 30 years, she and husband David Romm live at Inc. Village, Georgetown editing the CAG newsletter and is a regular

3245 K ST


AnnualPlease GeorgetownJoin Us to VillageHonor GEORGETOWN WATERFRONT Party on the Potomac COMMERCIAL BLDG W/PARKING FOR SALE ROBERTThursday, (Bob) May 5,P. 6:00-8:00pm vom EIGEN ALL COMMERCIAL USES At the AnnualAtop 3000 Georgetown K Street, NW at Village The Washington Party on Harbor* the Potomac [email protected] *Discounted parking available TOURS BY APPT: 202.491.5300 Thursday, May 5, 2016 6:00 – 8:00 PM 8 GEORGETOWN CITIZENS | MAY 2016 Atop 3000 K Street, N.W. at The Washington Harbour* Refreshments donated by Fiola Mare Venue donated by Foley & Lardner LLP Wine and flowers contributed by Nancy Taylor Bubes Discounted parking at 3000 K Street NW *Handicapped accessible from garage and front door of 3000 K Street, N.W.


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illy Martin owns Martin’s Tavern, often Billy Martin is the fourth-generation owner called “the heart of Georgetown”. Sarah of Martin’s Tavern. Tom Birch spoke for Satterlee Yerkes and Ellen Charles are many when he said, “When I want to show Btwo of Georgetown’s grande dames. As a GU visitors Georgetown, I take them to Martin’s student, Bill Treanor helped save parts of Tavern.” Billy remembered when the Tavern Georgetown from highway demolition. They had trouble getting a liquor license because shared their stories at CAG’s “Recollections” his grandfather “had been selling whiskey Oral History panel, moderated by Tom Birch, when he shouldn’t.” Of the famous JFK-to- at the Sea Catch restaurant on March 23. Jackie proposal, Billy just says, “There’s a lot Sea Catch General Manager Tom Reidy, Bill of skepticism about that but my dad said he Verno of RB Properties & CAG Meetings Co- Ellen Charles, who successfully spearheaded was there and it happened.” Looking to the Chair Sue Hamilton the Hillwood house museum for 25 years, future, Billy said, “In these days of the big now helps lead the struggle to renovate and conglomerates, people ask me, why don’t you preserve historic Tudor Place. “It’s such a jewel branch out, but I’m not going anywhere. I like in the middle of Georgetown,” said Ellen. being there, talking to everybody.” Describing the challenge of preserving the historic but rundown house, Ellen added, Sarah Satterlee Yerkes moved to Georgetown “But it’s so important architecturally. You “just after the bomb dropped”, raising her don’t need to go to Italy. You can just walk up family in a large house on Q Street where, she 31st Street and there you are.” laughs, “What mother didn’t know was just as well, the children had plenty of places to Bob vom Eigen introduces Tom Birch and hide.” She had a BA in landscape architecture, Ellen Charles but then the Harvard School of Design sent the highway under the Lincoln Memorial!” a letter saying “We’ve decided it’s really a The protestors set out to block construction. graduate degree so if you send us $25, we “The bulldozers were there, the pipes were will send you a new degree and you will be there.”...“We had demonstrations, we were a Master of Architecture.” After raising her arrested. I once spent the night on Three family, she partnered with a friend to start Sisters Island, an island about as big as this their own landscape architectural firm. She table we’re sitting at.” He recalls a Washington eventually joined the Georgetown Garden Post editorial that said, “You kids from Club, recalling “In those days it had a great Georgetown have had your fun, why don’t you reputation, but you had to wait for someone just go home and let us build our road?” to die.” CAG thanks Sea Catch Restaurant and Bill Treanor helped lead the protests RB Properties for generously hosting this against the “Three Sisters Bridge” highway meeting in their historic room. that would have demolished sections of Georgetown. “It would have destroyed this You can read the interviews with these whole neighborhood where we’re standing four notable Georgetowners, and now,” Bill told the audience at Sea Catch. many others, on the CAG website: Billy Martin & Sarah Yerkes “They were even going to dig a tunnel for www.cagtown.org/oralhistory.

GEORGETOWN GARDEN TOUR Club has contributed well over half a million vigilant of the mission of the Club’s founders Continued from p. 5 dollars to these organizations over the years. In to beautify every corner of Georgetown, the were identified: Volta Park Habitat Garden, addition to planting hundreds of trees, funds tour presents a challenge to build on its core Rose Park, Trees for Georgetown, and the from the tour have provided the handsome tradition while exploring ways to expand its Student Conservation Association. As the Georgetown Library and Book Hill signs depth and breadth and scope. It’s a challenge tour became more profitable, the number of and the restoration and installation of the embraced each year with pride and ever beneficiaries grew. Along with the original historic library fence. The playground and present determination! The Georgetown four, Conservancy, playing field in Rose Park, the rose garden in Garden Tour takes place Saturday, May 7. the Georgetown Library, Book Hill, Montrose Montrose Park, heirloom boxwood hedges at Tickets for the tour may be purchased online Park, Tudor Place, and the Georgetown Tudor Place, bike paths along the waterfront, at georgetowngardentour.com or at tour Waterfront Park received grants. The Garden and the habitat garden in Volta Park are among headquarters at Christ Church on the day of the many projects that have benefitted. Ever the tour. Tickets are $40.



Mon May 2 ANC 2E May Meeting at Georgetown Visitation, 6:30pm. Heritage Room, Main Building. 35th St at Volta Place NW. anc2e.com/meetings.html Fri May 6 National Public Gardens Day at Tudor Place. Stroll among spring blooms at CITIZENS ASSOCIATION leisure or join free guided tours. Don’t miss the special Garden Sale featuring OF GEORGETOWN gifts, seeds, and live plants cultivated from heirloom specimens on the estate. 1365 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 200 Garden admission free, no registration. Guided Garden Tour (free) at 11am, Washington, DC 20007 1pm, and 3pm. tudorplace.org/programs 202-337-7313 / Fax: 202-333-1088 Email: [email protected] Sat May 7 Georgetown Garden Tour 2016. 10am–5pm. Tickets $35 before April 28, $40 Web: www.cagtown.org after. Afternoon tea included in ticket price. georgetowngardenclubdc.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sun May 8 Mother’s Day President: Bob vom Eigen Vice President: Jennifer Altemus Romm Sun May 8, Room for Children with Arts & Crafts Workshops at Embassy of Sweden. Arts Treasurer: Robert Laycock Sun May 15, & Crafts workshops between 12 - 3pm. FREE and no registration required. Story Secretary: Barbara Downs Sun Jun 12 time sessions every Saturday at 2pm. Room for Children is a Swedish library and arts studio for the young designed to stimulate their desire for books, music, DIRECTORS storytelling and self-expression. Karen Cruse Hazel Denton Wed May 11 Book Hill Talks: Developing Classroom Communities at Georgetown Library, Hannah Isles John Lever 7pm. Amy Williamson, Chair of the Education, Health and Social Work Division Christopher Mathews of the University of the District of Columbia, will be on hand to discuss her Pamla Moore research on engaging and increasing cultural competencies of today’s students. John Rentzepis dclibrary.org/georgetown John Richardson Victoria Rixey Sun May 15 Little Folks Preschool Art Exhibit & Sale at 3257 Q St NW 3-5 pm. Art, GENERAL COUNSEL music, food and fun. Free and open to the community. Richard deC. Hinds Fri May 20 Bike to Work Day. The Georgetown BID is hosting a “pit stop” near the fountains EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR at Georgetown Waterfront Park (K St & Wisconsin Ave) where commuters can enjoy refreshments, snacks and bicycle-themed giveaways. Register today to Betsy Cooley ensure that you receive a BTWD t-shirt and are entered to win one of many PROGRAM & donated bicycles. 7:30 to 9:30am, registration is free. biketoworkmetrodc.org COMMUNICATIONS MANAGERS Sun May 22 First CAG Summer Concert in the Parks at Volta Park. 5:30-7pm cagtown.org/ Louise Jacob concerts Amy Looney Tue May 24 CAG Annual Meeting: Presentation of Annual Awards and Election of OFFICE ASSISTANT Officers at Georgetown Visitation, 1523 35th St. New member reception at 6pm. Beth Nielsen Reception at 7pm; program at 7:30pm. STANDING COMMITTEES Wed May 25 Georgetown Senior Center Benefit An evening event to benefit the Center Alcohol Beverage Control: Karen Cruse & Jennifer Altemus will be held at an elegant home in Georgetown. Tickets are $100 or $150 for a couple. Contact Barbara Downs: 337-3373 or Wendy Erlanger: 333-9348 Concerts in the Parks: Hannah Isles Historic Preservation & Zoning: Thu May 26 Adult Coloring at Georgetown Library, 6:30-8:30pm. Springtime series of John Lever relaxed coloring sessions. Coloring sheets and colored pencils provided, though Meetings: Diana Rich & Sue Hamilton personal supplies are welcome as well. Contact: [email protected]. dclibrary. Membership: Lisa Koches org/georgetown Parking: Hazel Denton Mon May 30 Memorial Day Public Safety: John Rentzepis & Richard Hinds Tue May 31 ANC 2E June Meeting at Georgetown Visitation, 6:30pm. Heritage Room, 2nd Transportation: Christopher Mathews Fl, Main Building, 35th St at Volta Place NW. anc2e.com/meetings.html Trash & Rodents: Patrick Clawson & Georgine Anton PLANNING AHEAD Trees for Georgetown: Betsy Emes Sun Jun 18 CAG Father’s Day Summer Concert in the Parks at Volta Park 5:30-7pm, Designed and produced by cagtown.org/concerts DHM Media Group LLC Tue Jul 5 ANC 2E July Meeting at Georgetown Visitation, 6:30pm. Heritage Room, 2nd Fl, Main Building, 35th St at Volta Place NW. anc2e.com/meetings.html Sun Jul 10 Third CAG Summer Concert in the Parks at Rose Park 5:30-7pm, cagtown. org/concerts

10 GEORGETOWN CITIZENS | MAY 2016 FINE PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS ASSOCIATION OF GEORGETOWN 1365 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20007 202-337-7313 [email protected] www.cagtown.org

DEDICATED SUPPORTER OF The Citizens Association of Georgetown

Georgetown Office 202.944.8400 1680 Wisconsin Avenue NW | Washington, DC 20008