ome to Castile and Leon C iscover Dits birdlife elax R in its accommodation

Rural Domestic Tourism and Ornithology León U.K. Palencia Burgos Zamora Valladolid Soria Segovia Salamanca Ávila ome Spain to Castile and Leon C Sistema Central, Ávila Cereal plains, Palencia The vast, and highly diverse, region of Castile and Leon is an exceptional location for habitats of the majority of the most threatened bird populations of the European Union. bird watching in the Iberian Peninsula. From the vast plains of the interior to its high Seventy SPAs have been declared, covering an area of around two million hectares, over mountain peaks, a multitude of different habitats can be found with a rich and varied 21% of the regional surface area. birdlife. Around 361 species of birds have been recorded and of the 266 species that nest in Spain, 218 can be found in this region. Amongst the main species remarkable Main habitats and species for their breeding populations (when placed in a national and European context) are: Arable land provides a favourable habitat for numerous species of steppe birds. The the White Stork, Black Stork, Red Kite, Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture, Black Vulture, Great Bustard is the most representative, with one of the most important populations Spanish Imperial Eagle, Hen Harrier, Montagu´s Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, in the world. About 10,000 of them can be found spread around the cereal plains of the Great Bustard, Cantabrian Capercaillie, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Dupont´s Lark, region, mainly in the Tierra de Campos, Tierra del Pan, Tierra de Medina and La Moraña Bluethroat and Rook. areas. In these wide-open spaces low-flying Montagu´s Harriers can often be seen, as well as flocks of Little Bustards and Black-bellied Sandgrouse scattered among the crops. Castile and Leon is the Spanish region with the greatest represen- tation in the European ecological network Natura 2000 Net- The Cantabrian Mountains provide the southern border for the distribution area of work, with 18.94% of the total. Within this framework, some European birds. In the deciduous forests of the Picos de Europa (Leon) lives a network of Special Protection Areas for birds the Cantabrian Capercaillie, a glacial relict increasingly threatened with extinction. The (SPA) was established which provi- beech and oak forests of these mountains also provide a habitat for woodpeckers such des protection for the as the Black Woodpecker and Middle Spotted Woodpecker and other small birds such as the Eurasian Treecreeper.

The steppe lagoons are of vital importance to the migration of aquatic birds from all over Europe. The Natural Reserve at the Villafáfila Lagoons (Zamora) and the lagoon at La Nava (Palencia) are the main wetlands in the region with more than 50,000 wintering aquatic birds, 30,000 of which are Graylag geese.

The river canyons provide the main breeding sites for many species of rupicolous birds. The Natural Park of Arribes del Duero (Salamanca-Zamora) is one of the leading exam- ples of this type of environment with very important breeding populations of Black Stork, Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture and Golden Eagle. The park hosts the main re- productive concentration of the Bonelli Eagle, the most endangered species in the

Page • 2 Page • 3 region. The canyons and cliffs of The riverine forests that run the SPAs of the Hoces del Alto alongside the river network of Ebro and Rudron and Humada- the Duero basin provide an en- Peña Amaya (Burgos) also pro- vironment for a rich diversity tect important birds of prey po- and large number of birds. The pulations including the Griffon Natural Reserve of the Riberas Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Pere- de Castonuño-Vega del Duero grine Falcon and Eagle Owl. (Valladolid) and the riverbanks The towns and villages of Castile of the Duero at Burgos have and Leon are home to bird po- well-preserved stretches of pulations of significant interest. thicket and vast areas of reed The White Stork is the most beds where herons nest, inclu- popular and well known with ding the Purple Heron, the Grey more than 8,000 pairs. Other species of note include the Lesser Kestrel with more Heron and the Marsh Harrier. than three thousand pairs nesting on the roofs of buildings in most of the villages of the region. All these natural trea- sures that have made The moorlands conserve large areas of largely their home in our re- unproductive wasteland and stony gion can also be yours for a while just by coming to visit our ground where the established ve- natural environments, meeting local people and sharing our bio- getation consists of small shrubs. diversity. We have preserved this The SPAs of Altos de Barahona and Paramos de Layna (Soria), are natural heritage so you too can home to important populations get to know it and help us to of Dupont´s Lark, one of the broadcast the importance of rarest of all Spanish birds. our countryside.

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Come to Castile and Leon iscover D its birdlife In the vast geographic area that makes up the region of Castile and Leon, a Knowing where to search for each different species, as well as which huge variety of bird-friendly habitats can be found. From the vast plains of the can be found at any given time in the different ecosystems of the interior to the mountains that surround them, a wide variety of different region, is undoubtedly one of the best ways of helping ornithological habitats can be found with communities of birds characteristic enthusiasts when they are starting out. of each area. The birds that can be found include typically Euro-Siberian In the following pages details are given of the distribution of 20 species of birds within Casti- species (such as the Cantabrian Capercaillie), exclusively Mediterranean birds le and Leon, of interest to the ornithological enthusiast either for their beauty or their rarity (like the Spanish Imperial Eagle in the southern area of the Sistema Central) in a European context. and steppe birds such as the Great Bustard that inhabit the deforested inte- We would like to invite all nature lovers to come and enjoy the beauty and biodiversity that rior of the plains. is still in existence in the extensive Castile and Leon region.

Natura 2000 Network in Castile and Leon

Castile and Leon is the Spanish autonomous region with the grea- test representation in the European ecological network Natura 2000 Network, with 21% of its total surface area under protection.

Page • 6 Page • 7 Come to Castile and Leon 20 Birds all within reach in Castile and Leon

•Black Stork Ciconia nigra •White Stork Ciconia ciconia •E gyptian Vulture Neophron pecnopterus •Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus Distributed around the southern fringes of the Widely distributed throughout the region from Found mainly in the Cordillera Cantábrica, Arribes del Distributed around the mountainous areas and ri- region and regularly breeding in the provinces of the arable land of the interior to the mountainous Duero and the Sistema Ibérico and their foothills. Not ver canyons, mainly in the eastern and southeas- Avila, Salamanca, Segovia and Zamora. Numerically, areas. Breeds in all provinces with the largest bree- found in the arable land of the interior where there is tern parts of the region. Breeding is rare in the Castile and Leon has the second most important ding concentrations in Leon, Salamanca, Segovia a lack of suitable nesting sites. Breeds regularly in all Sistema Central and non-existent in the cereal population in Spain. and Zamora. Gathers in large concentrations in provinces except Valladolid. Worthy of special mention growing areas of the interior and mountainous the days prior to migration. is the population in Burgos and the populations con- areas of the northwest. Breeds in all the provinces centrated around the river canyons of the Arribes del of Castile and Leon. Duero in Zamora and Salamanca. Population trend Increasing Population trend Increasing Population trend Declining Population trend Increasing

Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon

Nesting Nesting Nesting Nesting Migration Migration

•Greylag Goose Anser anser •Red kite Milvus milvus •Black Vulture Aegypius monachus •Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus Average wintering population of 30,000 birds. The Widely distributed although it seems to avoid areas to Breeding colonies are restricted to the Sistema Widely distributed throughout the region, preferring Villafáfila lagoons, the second most important site the northwest and the deforested arable land in the in- Central. They breed in the provinces of Avila, Sa- open and deforested spaces in the arable land and moor- in Spain after the Marismas del Guadalquivir, are terior of the region. Breeds in all provinces with the main lamanca and Segovia with the main populations land of the Duero basin. More dispersed and scarce el- the main location for this species with an average of breeding concentrations in the pasture lands around Sa- concentrated around the Sierra de Guadarama, sewhere, especially in large mountainous areas. Breeds in 24,843 birds. Other sites of interest are the lagoons lamanca and Zamora and on the north face of the Sis- the eastern Macizo of Gredos and the Sierra de all provinces with the biggest populations concentrated at La Nava and Boada in Palencia, the Rosarito reser- tema Central, where the highest numbers can be found. Francia. in the cereal growing areas of the interior such as Tierra voir and the El Oso lagoon in Avila, the Ricobayo re- The breeding population is estimated at 1,000 pairs. de Campos and La Moraña. servoir in Zamora and the Ebro reservoir in Burgos. Population trend Increasing Population trend Declining Population trend Increasing Population trend Stable

Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon

Nesting Wintering Nesting Nesting Wintering

Page • 8 Page • 9 Come to Castile and Leon 20 Birds all within reach in Castile and Leon

•Golden Eagle Aguila chrysaetos •Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni •G reat Bustard Otis tarda •European Bee-Eater Merops apiaster Distribution appears to depend on the existence Summer nesting and common migrant. Widely Wide distribution in the arable land to the north Widely distributed throughout the region although of cliffs so are mainly found in mountain ranges and distributed throughout the interior of the region, and south of the Duero, with the largest popula- less numerous in the Cordillera Cantábrica and most of the river canyons in the region. It avoids mainly in the arable land to the north and south tions concentrated around the Tierra de Campos, missing in some parts of the Sistema Ibérico. the deforested areas of the interior. of the Duero and also in the high moorlands and La Moraña (AV), Campo de Peñaranda (SA) and Breeds in all provinces with very high numbers for foothills of the Sistema Central. Breeds in all pro- Tierra de Medina (VA) areas. Castile and Leon is Spain in the olive groves of the Sierra de Gredos vinces with the largest populations in Zamora, Sa- home to the largest population in Spain, with an (AV) as well as high numbers in Salamanca, Zamora lamanca, Valladolid and Palencia. estimated 10,000 birds. and the south of Burgos.

Population trend Increasing Population trend Incrasing Population trend Stable Population trend Stable

Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon

Nesting Nesting Nesting Nesting Migration

•Common Crane Grus grus •Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax •Black-Bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis •Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti Distributed in the Tierra de Campos area (PA-ZA), Wide distribution in the open and deforested spa- Considered to be rather sedentary, its transient Found in two distinct concentrations separate from Tierra de Medina-La Moraña (VA-AV) and Tiétar ces in the cereal growing arable land of the interior behaviour is little known. Wide distribution on ara- each other. The first, and most important, is in the valley (AV) with an average of 2,300 birds in the as well as the moorlands and foothills of the Montes ble land and moorland. Breeds in all provinces with moorlands in the northeast of the region and the winter censuses. Apparently during the last cen- de Leon. Breeds in all provinces with the greatest the largest populations concentrated in the cereal second in various locations in the west of Zamora. tury it used to breed in the La Nava lagoon (PA). numbers in Leon, Zamora and Salamanca. In recent growing areas to the south of the Duero, mainly in Breeding is confirmed in the provinces of Burgos, Palencia, Segovia, Soria and Zamora and also possibly years the Iberian populations, as well as those lo- Avila, Salamanca, Valladolid and Soria. in Avila, Valladolid and Salamanca. The Castile-Leon cated in the rest of Europe, show a declining trend. population is the largest in Spain. Population trend Stable Population trend Declining Population trend Stable Population trend Declining

Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon

Wintering Nesting Nesting Nesting Migration

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20 Birds all within reach in Castile and Leon he TRINO Project •Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris •Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus Rural Domestic Tourism and Ornithology The breeding population is found in the highest altitu- Abundant and widely distributed around Castile T des of the Castile and Leon mountain ranges: Sierra de and Leon. Strong breeding in all provinces although The TRINO Project (Rural Do- Gredos (AV), Cordillera Cantábria(LE-PA), Montes de more scarce in the driest and most deforested mestic Tourism and Ornitholo- Leon (LE), La Montaña and Sierra de Neila (BU), Sierra areas in the centre of the region as well as the del Guadarrama (SG) and Picos de Urbión (SO) at an mountainous areas. The highest numbers are found gy) was a proposal made by thir- altitude of between 900 and 2,500 metres. In winter it in the northeast of Zamora and southwest of Bur- ty Local Action Groups of the is more widely distributed and numerous, appearing in gos. It is a typical inhabitant of riverside woodlands. LEADERCAL programme under limestone crags of medium altitude. Populatin trend Stable Population trend Increasing Axis 4 of the European Agricul- tural Fund for Rural Develop- Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon ment (EAFRD) in Castile and Leon (Spain). Its main objective is the promotion of ornithologi- cal tourism in Castile and Leon.

Nesting Nesting This project works to ensure that rural tourism accommodation providers supply an offer that is compatible both with the needs of ornithological tourism and nature by using sustainability criteria and making a commitment to follow good environmental practices. •Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria •Azure-Winged Magpie Cyanopica cyana Other established objectives to ensure the region reaches a higher level of environmen- The nesting population is found in Leon and Pa- Wide distribution around the southern part of the tal awareness include environmental education for children and young people, increasing lencia. In Castile and Leon the greatest numbers region, reaching its northernmost limit at the ri- awareness among foresters, arable and cattle farmers and also training guides. can be found in the Picos de Europa (LE), especially ver and Lara area of Burgos without going in the Macizo Central. The average altitude in the beyond the Sistema Ibérico and taking the river Other activities that will en- breeding season is 1,680 metres in the Cordillera Duero as its north-eastern boundary. Breeds in all Cantábrica. During migration and wintering it can the provinces except Leon with reduced concen- sure you do not leave the be found at altitudes of less than 800 metres. trations in the southwest of Palencia. region disappointed inclu-

Population trend Stable Population trend Stable de conservation activities with protected species and Distribution in Castile and Leon Distribution in Castile and Leon the creation of routes that respect both wildlife and their natural habitats that can be taken by bicycle, on a horse or in a hor- se-drawn carriage (de- Nesting Nesting Wintering pending on the species to be observed).

Page • 12 Page • 13 Come to Castile and Leon Ávila elax La Moraña in our accommodation Cereal plains, pine forests, groves, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS R thicket, wetlands, pasture. IN CASTILE AND LEON Thirty Local Action Groups of the LEADERCAL programme under Axis 4 of the Euro- pean Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in Castile and Leon are working as part of the TRINO project (Rural Domestic Tourism and Ornithology) to ensure that rural tourism accommodation providers supply an offer that is compatible both with the needs of ornithological tourism and nature by using sustainability criteria and making a commitment to follow good environmental practices. The rural accommodation establishments linked to TRINO are committed to the de- velopment of a series of activities with the aim of offering a quality service adapted to the requirements of nature tourism. With this in mind ornithological training has been ADRIMO provided to increase knowledge of local birdlife and raise awareness of the needs of the Pza. del Salvador, 1, bajo izqda. birdwatcher. 05200 Arévalo (Ávila) Birds of interest: White stork, Red kite, Tel.: +34 920 300 870 In these establishments information is available about the birdlife in each area. In addition Montagu´s harrier, Hen harrier, Lesser [email protected] the implementation of good environmental practices in these establishments ensures kestrel, Hobby, Merlin, Crane, Little tourism activity is compatible with sustainable development. bustard, Great bustard, Black-bellied sandgrouse, Pin-tailed sandgrouse, Black- winged stilt, Stone curlew.

Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA La Herrería and CRA Besana • PR Los Cinco Linajes • CRA El Oso • CRA Las Hazanas • CRA La Fonte • CRA Los Cantones

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 14 Page • 15 Ávila Burgos Valle del Tiétar Amaya-Camino de Santiago Mediterranean forest, groves, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Rocky crags, moorland. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS thicket, mountain pasture, IN CASTILE AND LEON IN CASTILE AND LEON wetlands.

Birds of interest: Black stork, White stork, Honey buzzard, Black-shouldered Birds of interest: Egyptian kite, Black kite, Short-toed eagle, Spanish CEDER Valle del Tiétar imperial eagle, Booted eagle, Golden Avda. Pintor Martínez Vázquez, 5, bajo vulture, Griffon vulture, Hen harrier, eagle, Black vulture, Hobby, Crane, Little 05400 Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila) Montagu´s harrier, Golden eagle, ADECO Camino de Santiago Tel.: +34 920 372 804 Plaza Mayor, 2, bajo 09110 Castrojeriz (Bu) tern, Eagle owl, Roller, Lesser spotted Peregrine, Eagle owl, Chough, woodpecker, Bluethroat, Spanish sparrow. [email protected] Alpine chough, Rock thrush. Tel.: +34 947 378 536 [email protected] Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • APT Paraíso del Tiétar Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • AT Valle de la Salud • CRAC Casa del Naranjo • CRA La Cambija • CTR El Torreón • CRA Entregredos • CRA Casa Abánades • H La Canela • CRA Chozos de Tejea • CRA El Lobo and La Luna • CRA Gredos • CRA Puerta Norte • CRA Las AtalayaS I y I • CRA Luna • CRA Villa de Brullés • CRAC La Sayuela B&B 4 espigas • CTR Casa Carmela • CTR La Consulta de Isar • CTR Crisol • CTR El Molino de Plata • PO La Posada del Tiétar • PO Rincon de Alardos • CTR El Safari • Albergue Granja Escuela Casa Vieja • CTR El Sembrador • CTR La Hacienda de Gredos • El Paraiso del Tietar • PO La Posada • Albergue Valle de la Salud • CRA La Casa del Naranjo • H Rte. Viacos • CTR El Torreon de Piedralaves • Camping Cavia • CRA Entregredos • Hotel La Canela CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 16 Page • 17 Burgos ibera del Duero Burgos R Burgalesa Sierra de la Demanda Cereal plains, groves, thicket, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Atlantic forest, lagoons and LOCAL ACTION GROUPS moorland, rocky crags, IN CASTILE AND LEON peatland, glaciers, high IN CASTILE AND LEON Mediterranean forest. mountain pasture, rocky crags, pine forests, groves, thicket.

Birds of interest: Egyptian vulture, ADRI Ribera del Duero Burgalesa Griffon vulture, Golden eagle, Peregrine, C/ La Cava, s/n Eagle owl, Dupont´s lark, Alpine swift, 09410 Peñaranda de Duero (Burgos) AGALSA Sierra de la Demanda Tel.: +34 947 552 091 Birds of interest: Hen harrier, Black wheatear, Blue rock thrush, C/ Ondevilla, 24 Grey partridge, Honey buzzard, 09199 Pineda de la Sierra (Burgos) Chough, Red-backed shrike. [email protected] Golden eagle, Peregrine, Treecreper, Tel.: +34 947 424 028 Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Woodcock, Alpine accentor, Rock [email protected] • CRA Casa Baco thrush. • CRA El Artesano • CRA El Castillo • CRA Flor Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Casa Azul de La Ribera del Duero • CRA La Tejera • CRA La Morera de Agustina • CRAC Las Cuatro Sendas • CTR Papasol • CRA Los Tulipanes • CRAC and Rte. La Casa de Aza • H San Antonio Abad • CTR Casona de Vadocondes • CRA El Hayedo • CTR La Casa Grande (Palacio de los Serrano) • CTR La Cerca de Doña Jimena • CTR and Rte. Las Baronas • CTR and Rte. La Parada del Cid • CRA Bigotes • PR and Rte. Monasterio Tórtoles de Esgueva • H Tres Coronas Dos • H Milagros Río Riaza • CRA El Rincón de Alfoz • H and Rte. El Prado de Las Merinas • HS and Rte. El Ventorro • CRA La Chimenea Serrana CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 18 Page • 19 Burgos Burgos del Arlanza Las Merindades

Rocky crags, moorland, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Rocky crags, groves, thicket, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Mediterranean forest. IN CASTILE AND LEON moorland, Atlantic forest, IN CASTILE AND LEON Mediterranean forest.

Birds of interest: Egyptian vulture, Birds of interest: Egyptian vulture, Griffon vulture, Hen harrier, Montagu´s CEDER Las Merindades Griffon vulture, Hen harrier, Golden ADECOAR harrier, Golden eagle, Bonelli´s eagle, C/ Laín Calvo, 22 C/ Audiencia 6, 09340 Lerma (Burgos) 09550 Villarcayo de M.C.V. (Burgos) eagle, Bonelli´s eagle, Peregrine, Peregrine, Eagle owl, Alpine swift, Tel.: +34 947 177 016 Tel.: +34 947 130 197 Eagle owl, Alpine swift, Blue rock Dupont´s lark, Alpine chough. thrush. [email protected] [email protected] Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA El Horno and el Horno II • CRA Fortaleza • CRAC La Ondina • CTR La Dehesa • CRAC Poza de la Torca I and CRA Poza de la Torca II • CTR Zaguán • CRAC Zalama • HR La Posada de Eufrasio • CTR La Gándara • CTR Sabinares del Arlanza • CTR El Mirador de Merindades • CRA Villa Gómez • CTR Punto y Aparte • CRAC La Hornera • PO Molino del Canto • CRA El Carretero de Santa Inés I and II • PR El Prado Mayor • CRA La Conejera • PR Granja Ribacardo • CRA Casa Adolfo • HS Villacobos

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 20 Page • 21 Burgos Laciana y Alto Sil, Babia, Luna, León Bernesga, Torio, Omaña and La Cepeda

Rocky crags, Atlantic forest, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS High mountain, rocky crags, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Mediterranean forest, groves, IN CASTILE AND LEON Atlantic forest. IN CASTILE AND LEON thicket.


Birds of interest: Capercaille, Grey partridge, Golden eagle, Hen harrier, Honey buzzard, Montagu´s harrier, Black woodpecker, Woodcock, Birds of interest: Egyptian vulture, Bluethroat, Treecreper, Alpine accentor, Rock thrush. Griffon vulture, Chough, Golden eagle, ADECO Bureba C/ Santa Inés, 9 - bajo 09240 Briviesca (Bu) CUATRO VALLES Bonelli´s eagle, Peregrine, Grey partridge, Avda. Manocho, 92 Tel.: +34 947 593 831 Accommodation network linked to Honey buzzard, Woodcock, Eagle owl, 24120 Canales-La Magdalena (León) Alpine chough. [email protected] the TRINO project Tel.: +34 987 581 666 • CRA Aguas Frías Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA El Llao and CRA Los Fresnos [email protected] • CRA Mirador de Babia I and II • CRAC El Brocal • CRA Entre Valles • CRA El Sol • CRA La Alberiza • CRAC La Casa del Huerto • CRA La Panera del Conde • CRA Las Verdes I and II • CRAC Quinta Término • CRAC La Gosteriza • CTR Aldeas de Treviño • CTR Casa Amagada • CTR San García • CTR Chousa Verde • CTR Días de Luna • CTR Santuario de Santa Casilda • CTR El Urogallo • H Mi Hotelito Viloria • CTR La Bolera • CTR Montealegre • A P El Corro • H Santa Lucía • CTR Las Majadas de San Palayo • HS Fontañan • CRA Lar Emilia • HS Las Rocas • APT Mil Madreñas Rojas www.milmadreñ • CTR Valdebelar • AT El Chaltén CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 22 Page • 23 eón eón L La Cabrera, La Maragateria, Valle L Sahagun and southeast Leon del Eria, Ribera del Jamuz, Valle del Tuerto, Tierras de Duerna Cereal plains, wetland. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Rocky crags, high mountain, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN CASTILE AND LEON Pasture, uncultivated land, IN CASTILE AND LEON agricultural fields.

ADESCAS Avda. Dres. Bermejo y Calderón, 12 MONTAÑAS DEL TELENO Casa Consistorial de Valderrey 24320 Sahagún (León) 24793 Valderrey (León) Tel.: +34 987 780 100 Birds of interest: Hen harrier, Peregrine, Tel.: +34 987 605 910 Rock thrush, Montagu´s harrier, Golden Birds of interest: Montagu´s harrier, [email protected] eagle, Short-toed eagle, Booted eagle, [email protected] Lesser kestrel, Great bustard, Marsh Eagle owl, Bluethroat, Alpine swift, Blue harrier, Hen harrier, Little bustard, Black- rock thrush, Chough, Little bustard, bellied sandgrouse, Short-eared owl, Black-shouldered kite, Stone curlew. Merlin, Dotterel, Rook. Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CTR Casa Pepa • HS and Rte. El Ruedo • CRA La Casina de la Fuente • CRAC Pozo Villa • CRA La Velada • CRAC Casa Joaco • PR Hostería Camino • CTR Casa el Cura • CRA La Casa de Murias • CTR La Huerta • CRAC Casa kika

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 24 Page • 25 eón eón L Eastern mountains of Leon L El Bierzo and Picos de Europa

Atlantic forest, high mountain, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Atlantic forest, rocky crags, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS pasture. IN CASTILE AND LEON high mountain. IN CASTILE AND LEON

ASODEBI Birds of interest: Honey buzzard, Hen Avda. de la Minería, s/n 1ºD Birds of interest: Honey buzzard, Montaña de Riaño harrier, Grey partridge, Rock thrush, 24400 Ponferrada (León) Capercaille, Grey partridge, Black Avda. Valcayo, 8· 24900 Riaño (León) Tel.: +34 987 418 214 Tel.: +34 987 740 776 Capercaille, Golden eagle, Black woodpecker, Middle Spotted woodpecker, woodpecker, Woodcock. [email protected] Rock thrush, Chough, Snowfinch, [email protected] Treecreper, Alpine accentor, Citril finch. Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project

• CTR La Ecocasa Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Babel • CRA La Devesina • CRA El Casar del Puente I and II • CRA A Calexa da Poza • CRA El Invernal de Picos • CTR Los Trobos • CRA La Venta del Alma I and II • CRA La Osa Mayor • CTR Casas de Montaña Alto Curueño • CRA La Casa del Abuelo Julián • CRAC El Canto del Gallo • CRA Morada de los Sueños • CTR El Sabinar • CRA El Nido • HS Ibérico • CRA Casa Do Concello • HS Tierra de la Reina CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 26 Page • 27 eón alencia L Paramo Leones, P rios Orbigo and Esla Cerrato Palentino Cereal plains, wetland. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Moorland, Mediterranean forest, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN CASTILE AND LEON agricultural fields. IN CASTILE AND LEON

POEDA Plaza Mayor, 11 ADRI Cerrato Palentino 24240 Santa María del Páramo (León) Plaza La Carolina, 5 Tel.: +34 987 351 026 34240 Baltanás (Palencia) Tel.: +34 979 790 118 [email protected] Birds of interest: Red-necked nightjar, [email protected] Birds of interest: Montagu´s harrier, Sardinian warbler, Orphean warbler, Little bustard, Black-shouldered kite, Azure-winged magpie, Spanish sparrow, Short-toed eagle, Stone curlew, Calandra Thekla lark, Spectacled warbler, Black- lark, Short-toed lark, Thekla lark, Tawny eared wheatear, Pin-tailed sandgrouse, pipit, Ortolan bunting. Dupont´s lark, Black-shouldered kite, Goshawk. Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CTR Astura • CTR B & B El Caminero • CRA La Cañuela www.lacañ • CTR Hospedería Los Reales • CRA La Toba • CTR Molino Galochas • CRA El Portal del Cerrato

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 28 Page • 29 Palencia Palencia Tierra de Campos Montaña Palentina

Cereal plains, wetland. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS High mountain, rocky crags, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN CASTILE AND LEON Atlantic forest, heathland, IN CASTILE AND LEON pasture.

Birds of interest: Egyptian vulture, Grey Montaña Palentina Birds of interest: Purple heron, Marsh ARADUEY Campos partridge, Middle Spotted woodpecker, Plaza Modesto La Fuente, 1 harrier, Montagu´s harrier, Lesser kestrel, C/ Villandrando, 11 - 2ª 34340 Villada (Palencia) Honey buzzard, Short-toed eagle, Alpine 34840 Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia) Great bustard, Spoonbill, Greylag goose, Tel.: +34 979 870 770 Tel.: +34 979 847 213 swift, Alpine accentor, Snowfinch, Bittern, Little bittern, Bearded tit, Savi´s Treecreper. warbler, Reed bunting. [email protected] [email protected] Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Casa Tarabás • CRA Las Cuatro Torres • CRA Casa Montes, Casa Gutiérrez and Casa del Arco • CTR and CRAs Amanecer en Campos • • CTR Estrella de Campos • CRA Entrepeñas and Los Nidos • CTR La Casona de Doña Petra • CRA Villa Esperanza 1 and 2 • CTR San Hipólito • CTR Cortijo las Monjas • AT Las Casitas de Papel • CTR La Camarga • CRA La Pequeña A and B • CTR Piedra Abierta • CRA Las Casas del Corro A and B • HS y Rte. Pacho • AT Tierra de Campos • CRA Casa Simón • CTR Villamartín de Campos • CTR Molino de Valdesgares

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 30 Page • 31 Salamanca Salamanca Tierra del Oeste Campo Charro, salmantino Alba de Tormes and Guijuelo Sparse wood pasture, rocky LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Sparse wood pasture, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS crags, Mediterranean forest, IN CASTILE AND LEON Mediterranean forest, groves, IN CASTILE AND LEON groves, thicket. thicket, rocky crags.

Birds of interest: Black stork, Egyptian ADEZOS Birds of interest: Black stork, Little ADRECAG vulture, Griffon vulture, Golden eagle, C/ San Roque, 13, 1º C/ Alfonso XII, 2 bittern, White stork, Honey buzzard, Bonelli´s eagle, Red kite, Peregrine, 37210 Vitigudino (Salamanca) 37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca) Eagle owl, Dupont´s lark. Tel.: +34 923 528 100 Montagu´s harrier, Red kite, Black- Tel.: +34 923 580 644 [email protected] shouldered kite, Black vulture, Crane. [email protected] Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Casa Balneario Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA La Casa del Cura • CRA Casa Mudayyan • CRA Orgullo Rural • CTR Casona Valdejimena • CRA Therma Agreste • CRA El Caño I and II • CTR Casa Las Uces • CRA La Charca • CTR La Judería de las Arribes • CRA Valderrojo • CTR Mesa del Conde • CRA La Nogala and II • CTR Las Mugas • CRA Torre Verde • CTR El Sayal • CRA Casa del Médico • H Abadengo • CTR Casona de Valdejimena • PR Faenas Camperas • CTR VII Carreras • AT Aires del Duero CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 32 Page • 33 Salamanca Tierras de Peñaranda, Salamanca Sierras de Bejar Cantalapiedra,Alba de Tormes, y Francia La Armuña and Ledesma

Rocky crags, pine forests, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Cereal plains, sparse wood LOCAL ACTION GROUPS groves, thicket, heathland. IN CASTILE AND LEON pasture, groves, thicket, wetland. IN CASTILE AND LEON

ADRISS Avda. Peña de Francia, 2 Nordeste de Salamanca 37624 La Alberca (Salamanca) C/ Teresa Herrero, 1 - 1º Tel.: +34 923 423 118 37797 Calzada de Valdunciel (Salamanca) [email protected] Tel.: +34 923 310 405 Birds of interest: Black stork, Black Birds of interest: Montagu´s harrier, [email protected] vulture, Honey buzzard, Egyptian Great bustard, Black-bellied sandgrouse, vulture, Griffon vulture, Golden eagle, Pin-tailed sandgrouse, Little bustard, Peregrine. Great crested grebe.

Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Abadía • CRA El Molino de Aldearrubia • CRAC Fuentes de Abajo • CRA La Casa del Sauco • CRA Las Peruchas • CRA La Solana del Abuelo • CTR Candela and Plata • CTR Rural Montesa • CTR Másio de La Plata • CTR La Torrecilla • H Antiguas Eras La Alberca • AT La Rivera • Camping Sierra de Francia • CRAC El Rinconete

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 34 Page • 35 Segovia Segovia Campiña segoviana Tierra de Pinares

Pine forest and holm oak woods, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Pine forest, wetland, pasture, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS wetland, pasture, groves, thicket. IN CASTILE AND LEON groves, thicket. IN CASTILE AND LEON

AIDESCOM Santa Mª la Real de Nieva HONORSE Tierra de Pinares C/ Los Maestros, 2 Birds of interest: Aves de interés: C/ Trinidad, 22· 40200 Cuéllar (Segovia) 40440 Sta. María La Real de Nieva (Segovia) Black stork, Spanish imperial eagle, Tel.: +34 921 143 422 Tel.: +34 921 595 006 Booted eagle, Golden eagle, Red kite, [email protected] [email protected] Black vulture, Peregrine. Birds of interest: Black stork, White stork, Spanish imperial eagle, Black kite, Little bittern, Marsh harrier, Black- shouldered kite, Short-toed eagle, Roller. Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA Camino del Prado • CRA El Molino Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRA El Molino de Nieva II • CRA Palacio de Hoyuelos-Alad e Naciente • CRA El Rincón de Miguel Ángel y Ala de Poniente • • CRAC La Casa del Abuelo Andrés • CRA Los Lobos • CRA Real Pósito I and II • CRAC El Caserón del Viajero • CTR El Lagar de Vegafría • CRAC La Gurriata • CTR y CRAs A Toca

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 36 Page • 37 Segovia Soria Sierra de Guadarrama Almazan, Berlanga de Duero, Arcos de Jalon and medinaceli

Pasture, high mountain, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Agricultural land for cereals, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS rocky crags, pine forest. IN CASTILE AND LEON moorland rocky crags. IN CASTILE AND LEON

Birds of interest: Chough, Egyptian vulture, Griffon vulture, Red kite, Short toed eagle, Black stork, Honey buzzard, Spanish imperial eagle, Booted eagle, SEGOVIA-SUR Ctra. de Segovia, 5 · 40191 Espirdo (Sg) Birds of interest: Little bustard, Golden Golden eagle, Black vulture, Peregrine, ADEMA Tel.: +34 921 449 059 eagle, Black-bellied sandgrouse, Egyptian Plaza Mayor, 2 GoshawkAlpine accentor, Bluethroat, vulture, Griffon vulture, Dupont´s lark, 42200 Almazán (Soria) Rock thrush. [email protected] Montagu´s harrier, Peregrine, Black- Tel.: +34 975 301 531 Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project necked grebe, Stone curlew. [email protected] • CRA El Balcón de Nut Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CRAC El Camino Real • CRA Soto de Cabañas www.sotodecabañ • CRA El Alfar • CRA El Mirador de la Cigüeña www.elmiradordelacigüeñ • CRA El Museo • CRA El Rinconcillo de Torreiglesias I, II and III • CRA La Pastora • CRA La Casa de las Eras • CRA La Estrella Polar I, II and III • CRA La Sierra • CRA Real Pósito I and II • CRAC Las Vicarías • CTR Alquería de Segovia • CRAC La Antigua Fonda • CTR El Chorro • CRAC Museo del Cántaro • CTR La Casona de Espirdo • CTR La Casa del Maestro • CRAC La Chatarrería de Ferreros • PO Los Leones • CTR La Data • PO Hospedería de Santo Domingo • PO Palacio de Brías • CTR La Tejera de Fausto • HS Castilla

CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 38 Page • 39 Valladolid Valladolid Tierra de Campos Valladolid central Area

Cereal plains, groves, thicket, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Cereal plains, groves, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS wetland. IN CASTILE AND LEON thicket, wetland, pine forest, IN CASTILE AND LEON Mediterranean forest.

ADRI Zona Norte de Valladolid Avda. del Parque, 10 47600 Villalón de Campos (Valladolid) ADRI Zona Centro de Valladolid Birds of interest: Montagu´s harrier, Tel.: +34 983 761 145 C/ Santa María, 25, 2º Lesser kestrel, Great bustard, Pin-tailed [email protected] 47100 Tordesillas (Valladolid) sandgrouse, Black-bellied sandgrouse, Tel.: +34 983 770 407 Little bustard, Marsh harrier, Red kite, Black-shouldered kite, Short-eared owl. Birds of interest: Purple heron, Marsh [email protected] harrier, Booted eagle, Cormorant, Grey Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project heron, Night heron, Black kite, Great • CRAC El Encuentro crested grebe, Great reed warbler. • CTR Bodega La Tata • CTR El Rincón de Doña Inés • CTR Fuerte de San Mauricio Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CTR La Huerta Mantilla • CTR Quinta del Canal • CTR San Pelayo • PR La Posada del Canal • CRA Don Diego • H Venta del Alón • CRA El Rincón de Torozos • CRA La Huerta • CRA La Casa del Valle CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 40 Page • 41 Zamora Zamora Tierra de Campos, Tierra del Pan, Valles del Eria, Esla, Órbigo, Lampreana and North of the Duero Tera Valverde and Vidriales

Cereal plains, wetland, pasture. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Cereal plains, wetland, pasture, LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN CASTILE AND LEON pine forests, Mediterranean IN CASTILE AND LEON forest.

ADRI Palomares Plaza San Pedro, 8 Birds of interest: Marsh harrier, 49136 Villafáfila (Zamora) Tel.: +34 980 591 753 MACOVALL 2000 Montagu´s harrier, Lesser kestrel, Great C/ Calvario, 1 bustard, Greylag goose, Crane, Little [email protected] 49690 San Cristóbal de Entreviñas bustard, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Gull- Tel.: +34 980 643 910 billed tern, Short-eared owl. [email protected]

Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Birds of interest: Marsh harrier, Montagu´s harrier, Grey heron, Booted • CRA Ca Madre eagle, Cormorant, Black kite, Dipper, • CRA Casa Pintas • CRA La Casa del Pueblo Nightjar, Short-toed eagle, Peregrine. • CRA La Paloma • CRA Las Siete Ruedas • CTR Altejo Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project • CTR Las Torres • CTR Pago de Alafes • CTR Restaurante EL MOLINO • PR Los Condestables • CTR VILLA MARTINA 1820 • H La Huerta • PO Pascual CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 42 Page • 43 Zamora Active omarca de Sayago Tourism Companies C For guided tours and other leisure activities you can rely on the services of the accredited Sparse wood pasture, rocky LOCAL ACTION GROUPS companies listed below whose staff are knowledgeable about the biodiversity of the areas crags, Mediterranean forest, IN CASTILE AND LEON in which they work: groves, thicket. • Aventura Paseo La Campa s/n 09570 Arija (Burgos) • Beloaventura c/ Mayor 68 · 09250 Belorado (Burgos) • Guheko C/Campanillas 48, 1ª Planta 24008 León ADERISA C/ Castañas, 5 • Naturaltur 49200 Bermillo de Sayago (Zamora) Ctra/ Riaza-Toro s/n 40320 Cantalejo - Hoces del Duratón Segovia Tel.: +34 980 610 209 [email protected] • Piedra Abierta C/ Real s/n 34839 San Martín de Perapertú (Palencia) • Zamora Natural Avda. Victor Gallego 2849009 Zamora Black stork, Egyptian Birds of interest: vulture, Griffon vulture, Golden eagle, Bonelli´s eagle, Red kite, Peregrine, Eagle owl, Dupont´s lark. Other

Accommodation network linked to the TRINO project Ornithological Activites For environmental educational activities you can also contact the following companies: • CTR Las Arribas • Johanna Dartels • CTR Marqués de la Liseda • CTR Los Jerónimos • Molino del Canto Birding • PR La Mula de los Arribes C/Molino del canto s/n 09146 Burgos – Barrio la cuesta CRA: Rural House (exclusive use) || CRAC: Rural House (shared rental) CTR: Rural Tourism Centre || PO: Posada* || PR: Royal Posada** • Dos Aves H: Hotel || HS: Guest house || Rte: Restaurant C/ Real s/n 34810 Cordovilla de Aguilar. Palencia * Rural hotel with historic interest ** Luxury Posada

Page • 44 Page • 45 ¿Why Practice responsible Castile and Leon? and sustainable tourism

Its natural heritage is one of the hallmarks of Castile and Leon. Its diverse landscapes, exten- This kind of tourism is based on criteria that have the socio-economic development of the ding over more than 94,000 km2, are home to some of the highest biodiversity rates in Eu- area as their ultimate objective, rather than mass tourism. This avoids any negative envi- rope. The presence of 360 species of vertebrates is a good indicator for an area with around ronmental impact on the area to be visited, respecting and benefitting the local population, 26% of its natural area under protection, ensuring its long-term conservation. their economy and the environment. Castile and Leon is a leader in rural tourism in Spain and a benchmark for the sector. This Through responsible tourism we try to guarantee: prominent position allows new tourism offers to be embarked upon that satisfy the interests • An approach to local culture and the environment that encourages the partici- of those who visit our rural environment. It is in this way that this ornithological tourism pation of local people in tourism. project has developed, enabling the visitor to get close to the region´s birdlife, natural lands- capes and other species of wildlife. • The negative effects of tourist activities are kept to a minimum. • An increase in the positive effects of tourist activities. By these means local You can enjoy bird watching activities in complete peace and comfort, as there are many hides and other types of infrastructure in place for this purpose. people will gain some economic, social, educational and environmental benefits. Some recommendations to take into account during your visit: • Have respect for current regulations, paying special attention to the protected natural spaces. • Wherever possible, visit information or nature interpretation centres. There you will find useful information about how to organise and enjoy your visit as well as gaining awareness of environmental values, access to routes and trails, authorised use etc. • Avoid any activities that might cause a fire. • Do not leave any waste or rubbish behind. Leave everything in the same state as you found it. • A pair of binoculars, some field guides and appropriate clothing will make your field trip more interesting and comfortable. • When taking routes or trails, try to ensure any human impact is kept to a mi- nimum. • Respect local culture and traditions. • Buy local products, it will support the economy of the area. • Hire local guides so that you can gain a deeper knowledge of the area.

Page • 46 Page • 47 C R D ome elax in its its to iscover Castile andLeon birdlife accommodation

Rural DomesticTourism andOrnithology Spain

your leisure. Enjoy your tripatyour own pace, allat heritage. as enjoying ourlandscapes andcultural most outstandingbird speciesaswell watching, discovering someofEurope´s re you canenjoy excitingdays ofbird with alargevarietyofbirdlife whe- Leonasanareaness ofCastileand TRINO project aimstoraiseaware- the leaflet this of publication the With

Published by TRINO Project - Designed by SGE - - Photographs: Carlos Sánchez/ - Translation: Sally Coleman