Chapter17 Future Paths

You’ve now reached the final chapter of Learn Cocoa on the Mac, and hopefully by this time you’ve gotten a good feel for how Cocoa works, and how its various parts can be used to write all sorts of interesting desktop applications. However, the Cocoa frameworks are really huge, and we’ve only scratched the surface on most of the classes and concepts we’ve covered. This book was never meant to be an encyclopedic Cocoa reference (you’ve already got that on your computer, installed with ), but rather a sort of guide to help you find your way. Continuing in that spirit, we’re going to wrap up the book with an overview of additional techniques that will help you take your Cocoa development efforts above and beyond what we’ve covered so far. We’ll start off with a bit of expansion on a few design patterns that we’ve mentioned, but deserve a little more attention. We’ll also take a look at how to use languages other than Objective- to do Cocoa programming, and finally we’ll look at some ways take your hard-earned Cocoa skills and apply them to other realms than just the Mac OS X desktop.

More Cocoa-isms We’ve spent a lot of time in this book dealing with the MVC pattern, which helps you partition your application into logical layers, as well as the delegate pattern, which lets you define the behavior of some GUI objects inside your controller layer, instead of subclassing the GUI objects themselves. These techniques use language features and conventions to define patterns of usage. Along those lines, Cocoa has more tricks up its sleeve. One of them is the concept of notifications (referred to as the observer pattern in some circles), which lets an object notify a collection of other objects when something happens. Another is the use of blocks (new to C and Objective-C in Snow Leopard) to simplify your code in spots where a full-blown delegate, or even a single method, might be overkill.

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Notifications Cocoa’s NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter classes provide you with a way to let one object send a message to a bunch of other objects, without any of the objects needing to know anything about the others. All they really need to know is the name of the notification, which can be anything you like. An object that wants to be notified signs up as an observer of a particular notification name in advance, and the object that wants to broadcast a notification uses that name to send its message out to any observers that are listening. For example, let’s say you have several parts of your application that need to be updated whenever a particular event occurs, such as a piece of networking code reading a response from a web server. Using notifications, your networking code doesn’t need to know about every other object that wants the information. Instead, you can define a notification name for both the networking code and the observers to use, preferably in a header file that can be included by all classes involved: #define DATA_RECEIVED @"dataReceived" Observers can sign up to receive notifications at any time, but typically this happens during an object’s initialization: - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(receiveNetworkData:) name:DATA_RECEIVED object:nil]; } return self; } That tells the application’s one and only instance of NSNotificationCenter that it should notify the caller by calling its receiveNetworkData: method whenever anyone posts a DATA_RECEIVED notification. Note the final parameter, where we’re passing a nil: if we instead specified an object there, that would limit the notification-observing to only apply to that particular object. Any other object posting the same notification wouldn’t have any effect on us. To make this work, the observer also needs to implement the method it specified when registering. This method always receives the NSNotification itself as a parameter: - (void)receiveNetworkData:(NSNotification *)notification { NSLog(@"received notification: %@", notification); } Finally, any object that sets itself up as observer should usually remove itself from the observer list later on. If you’re using GC as we have in most of this book, it’s not such a big deal; but if you’re not using GC, you really have to do this in order to avoid run-time errors. A common pattern is to do something like the following in the dealloc method of any class that ever registers as an observer: - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; CHAPTER 17: Future Paths 337

[super dealloc]; } Now, what about the notifier itself, in our case the network-reading object that’s going to broadcast its status? That’s taken care of as simply as this: if (some condition is met) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self]; } The idea is that the notifier can fling out a notification like that, and the notification center takes care of the actual delivery. The notifier can also pass along additional information, in the form of a dictionary which can be retrieved by an observer, like this: // in the notifier NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:someData forKey:@"data"]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self userInfo:info];

// in the observer NSLog(@"received data %@", [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"data"]);

Blocks In Chapter 16, we introduced you to blocks, an addition to C that Apple has come up with and included in Snow Leopard. We brought up blocks in the context of the concurrency features provided by Grand Central Dispatch, where blocks fit in really well, but there are many more uses for blocks. In Snow Leopard, Apple extended several Cocoa classes, adding dozens of new methods that take blocks as parameters. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Enumeration Let’s start with something simple: enumeration. You’re probably familiar with the standard C-based ways of stepping through a list, and perhaps the use of NSEnumerator and even the new fast enumeration (“for – in” loops) that’s been available since the release of Leopard. Now, blocks provide us with yet another way to do the same thing: NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", "two", @"three"];

// C-style enumeration int i; for (i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) { NSLog(@"C enumeration accessing object: %@", [array objectAtIndex:i]); }

// NSEnumerator, the "classic" Cocoa way to enumerate 338 CHAPTER 17: Future Paths

NSEnumerator *aEnum = [array objectEnumerator]; id obj1; while ((obj1 = [aEnum nextObject])) { NSLog(@"NSEnumerator accessing object: %@", obj1); }

// "Fast enumeration", released as part of Leopard id obj2; for (obj2 in array) { NSLog(@"Fast enumeration accessing object: %@", obj2); }

// "Block enumeration", new in Snow Leopard [array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj3, NSUInteger i, BOOL *stop) { NSLog(@"Block enumeration accessing object: %@", obj3); }]; The block we pass in to enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: takes three arguments, and returns nothing. That’s the block signature declared by the method, and that’s what we have to follow. The three arguments sent into our block are an object from the array, an integer containing that object’s index in the array, and a BOOL passed by reference that lets us halt the enumeration by setting its value to YES. Looking at it that way, it may not be obvious at first why the block version is any better than the others, but the fact is that it really combines the best of all the other ways of enumerating. For one thing, it gives you the index of the current object, which is really handy if you want to do something like print out a numbered list of the items in an array. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve dropped down to C-style iteration just for easy access to each object’s index value! Also, there’s a variant of this method that lets you specify options defining how the enumeration runs, such as make it run concurrently: [array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(id obj3, NSUInteger i, BOOL *stop) { NSLog(@"Block enumeration accessing object: %@", obj3); }]; That method actually uses GCD to spread the work around to all available processor cores, which will make your app run more quickly and better utilize system resources. And you get it for free! Similar enumeration methods exist for the NSSet class, but without the index parameter (because the objects in a set are, by definition, unordered). NSDictionary has also gotten some good block action, with new methods such as enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: (and its options-taking variant that allows for concurrency), letting you specify a block that gets the key and value together. This is much better than previous ways of enumerating the contents of a dictionary, which typically involved stepping through all the keys, and looking up the value for each key. CHAPTER 17: Future Paths 339

Observing Notifications Using Blocks We realize that we just threw notifications at you a few pages ago, but guess what: Apple’s already taken the block concept and applied it to the NSNotification class as well, which boasts a new method in Snow Leopard that lets you specify a block rather than a selector, like this: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:DATA_RECEIVED object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notification){ NSLog(@"received notification: %@", notification); }]; This is cool in a couple of ways. For one thing, it frees you from the burden of creating a method for your notification-handling code, letting you instead put it inline with the code that’s setting it up, which can make your code easier to read. The other cool thing, which is true of all blocks, is that because the block you create picks up its context from the location it’s defined in, it has access to not only instance variables, but also local variables defined earlier in the same method. That means that you can defer access to some values until a later time, without needing to explicitly put them into instance variables or pass them along in some other manual way.

Filtering Another use of blocks that Apple has added to Cocoa is NSArray’s indexesOfObjectsPassingTest: method. This method lets you declare a block that will examine an object, and based on your own criteria determine whether it should be included in the set of indexes that comes out (which can in turn be used to extract the “successes” from the original array. For example, assuming you have an array of people, you can find all the people named “Bob” like this: NSArray *people; // <- assume this exists NSIndexSet *bobIndexes = [people indexesOfObjectsPassingTest: BOOL ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){ return [obj.firstName isEqual:@"Bob"]; }]; NSArray *bobs = [people objectsAtIndexes:bobIndexes]; Although the use of blocks may seem tricky at first, after a while they become second nature, and once you get started, you’ll probably find more and more ways to use them. They are a really important tool for every Cocoa moving forward.

Cocoa in a Foreign Language As much as some of us love Objective-C, it’s not the only game in town, and some people would rather use another language for developing Cocoa apps. Maybe you have a particular code library you want to make use of, or maybe you just prefer some other language. The good news is that there are some languages out there that can interface 340 CHAPTER 17: Future Paths

with Objective-C well enough to allow for some Cocoa development, through the use of what’s called a “bridge” between the other language and Objective-C. The bad news, for some people at least, is that two of the biggest, most popular languages, C++ and Java, aren’t among them. You may be wondering why not. Well, without getting too deep: C++ and Java are just too inflexible. They don’t have the sort of runtime introspection capability that’s required for fully interfacing with complex Objective-C class libraries like Cocoa. Maybe, technically, Java has got what it takes. In fact, Apple included a Java bridge for building Cocoa apps in the first several versions of Mac OS X. But the fact that weren’t lining up at the gates to use it, combined with the technical challenge of implementing and maintaining the Java bridge, just made it not worthwhile for them, and Apple abandoned the project several years ago. And because you can actually combine Objective-C and C++ together in the form of Objective-C++, the need for bridging there is somewhat reduced. There are some real limitations there. You can’t, for instance, implement an Objective-C delegate in the form of a C++ class, so you’ll need to create some “glue classes,” typically paired up across the border (one C++, one Objective-C) that are each able to deal with their own world and translate things for one another. It works, but believe me, that sort of code is not much fun to write or maintain. Back on the good news side of things, some of the languages whose usage is still increasing year-by-year, such as Python and Ruby, have solid, working bridges that let you do real Cocoa work with them.

PyObjC One of the earliest projects to bridge a non-Objective-C language with the Cocoa frameworks is PyObjC, which lets you do a significant amount of Cocoa development in Python. As you’re well aware by this point, Objective-C’s syntax, in particular the intermixing of method names and arguments, is somewhat unusual, and most other languages don’t have any equivalent. What PyObjC does is provide mappings for all methods in all Objective-C classes included in Cocoa, so that you can call them from Python. The mappings are determined by a pretty simple formula: the entire Objective-C method name is pushed into a single symbol, with each colon in the method name replaced by an underscore character. All the method arguments are sent between parentheses, just like a standard C function. All objects are automatically bridged, so that you can use all the standard Cocoa classes right from Python. For example, let’s look at a line of code we showed earlier, when talking about notifications. Here’s the Objective-C version: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self]; The Python version, using PyObjC, looks something like this: center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center.postNotificationName_object_(DATA_RECEIVED, self); CHAPTER 17: Future Paths 341

As you can see, the lack of intermixed method-name-parts and arguments really impacts the readability. Also, on the whole it’s rather “un-Pythonic,” so, while it works well for what it does, there are things for all sides to be somewhat unhappy about. PyObjC is included in both Leopard and Snow Leopard, and Xcode even has templates for making application projects using this right out of the box.

MacRuby On the Ruby front, there are a couple of ways to bridge to Objective-C. For several years, a project called RubyCocoa has been available that works similarly to PyObjC in many ways. However, RubyCocoa seems to have stagnated, with most forward momentum having shifted to a newer project called MacRuby. This Apple-sponsored project aims to bring Ruby syntax to Cocoa in a whole different way. Instead of bridging between similar classes, MacRuby takes a different approach, basically jettisoning all the existing Ruby standard library classes, and using the Cocoa equivalents instead, often giving them new methods whose names match their equivalents in the Ruby world. This means that experienced Ruby developers who jump on a MacRuby project may find that lots of their favorite classes and methods are missing or subtly different. One interesting difference between MacRuby and both PyObjC and RubyCocoa is that MacRuby goes the extra mile to make method calls feel similar to the way they do in Objective-C, while still working within Ruby syntax. This works is by a smart use of Ruby’s keyed arguments, using the name of the Ruby method being called, and the argument keys, to look for a matching Objective-C method. Returning to our previous example: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self]; In MacRuby, this would be written like this: center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter center.postNotificationName(DATA_RECEIVED, object:self) When MacRuby hits that second line, it uses the method name (postNotificationName) and the argument key (object) to look for an Objective-C method called postNotificationName:object: in the receiver (center), finds it, and calls it. If we didn’t include a keyed argument for object, or included other keyed arguments that aren’t part of the underlying method we’re shooting for, this method call wouldn’t find a matching Objective-C method, and would fail. On top of all that, MacRuby offers some other interesting features, such as compilation to native code, both just in time and ahead of time. It has also moved away from the traditional Ruby VM, instead sporting a new runtime built atop of LLVM, which some of you will recognize as the most modern of the compilers that Xcode can use. All of this is still pretty new. At the time of writing, MacRuby is less than two years old, and hasn’t produced a 1.0 version yet, but it’s definitely something to keep an eye on. http://www.macruby.org is the place to do so. 342 CHAPTER 17: Future Paths

Nu Another interesting language in this context is Nu. Unlike PyObjC and MacRuby, here it’s not a matter of interfacing an existing language to Objective-C. Instead, Nu is essentially a whole new language (really a Lisp variant) that is designed specifically for interoperation with Objective-C, so it features the same interwoven method and argument syntax. Let’s bring back that example one more time. Objective-C: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self]; Nu: ((NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter) postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self) How about that! Of course, it’s not completely identical. Even ignoring the change from square brackets to parentheses, there are lots of other syntax changes when declaring classes, methods, and so on, often stemming from Nu’s origins as a Lisp-based language. However, in general there’s a lot here that’s immediately recognizable to an Objective-C developer. Apart from the language itself, Nu also includes a command-line shell (nush), a make- like tool (nuke), and more. These tools add up to a package that lets you fire up a shell, and do some ad-hoc scripting using the Cocoa classes you know and love. You can interact with live objects, and take an exploratory approach to the Cocoa frameworks. Head on over to http://programming.nu to download it and see more about this interesting crossover between Cocoa and Lisp.

JavaScript The odd-man out here, in some sense, is JavaScript. Everyone knows that JavaScript can be used to script web pages, but did you know that you can script your app with it? The WebKit framework included with Mac OS X won’t let you create an entire app in JavaScript, but it does let you build in a scripting layer, with or without a web view, that lets someone familiar with JavaScript define some of what happens in your application. This is something you’re most likely to use in conjunction with a web view. Using the WebView class from WebKit, you can “reach through” to a WebScriptObject, which lets you call JavaScript functions from Objective-C, and also lets you expose an Objective-C object to the JavaScript interpreter, so that the JavaScript code can call Objective-C methods, using a method-to-function mapping similar to what we described for PyObjC. This is primarily useful if you want to use a WebView to lay out your GUI, but still include controls in your GUI that can affect things outside of the javascript environment. But wait, there’s more! Besides the JavaScript support that WebKit gives you, there’s a third-party option called JSCocoa, which fully bridges JavaScript with Cocoa, using the same JavaScript engine (JavaScriptCore) that’s a part of WebKit. This lets you write complete Cocoa applications in JavaScript, much like you can in Python or Ruby. One nice feature of JSCocoa, which it shares with Cappuccino (described in the final section CHAPTER 17: Future Paths 343 of this chapter) is that, in addition to the translation between JavaScript-style function names and Objective-C method names, JSCocoa actually lets you write your javascript in a syntax that is hauntingly similar to Objective-C: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self]; JSCocoa: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DATA_RECEIVED object:self] That’s right, the only difference is the absent semicolon, because you don’t need a semicolon at the end of a line of JavaScript if the end of the line is also a valid statement ending. We’re the first to admit that this seems like a JavaScript miracle: we don’t have the JavaScript knowledge to have the slightest idea how this trick was pulled off, and probably never will, but that’s okay. If you want to learn more about this, http://inexdo.com/JSCocoa is the place to look.

F-Script No discussion of alternate languages for programming in Cocoa would be complete without mentioning F-Script. Unlike most of the language bridges, which are ultimately meant to let you build Cocoa apps in a different language, F-Script seems to have a couple of complementary purposes. First of all, you can embed F-Script into your applications, providing an easy way to add user scripting to your apps, including GUI components for entering and trying out scripts written in the F-Script language, which is based on Smalltalk and therefore pretty similar to Objective-C. The other, perhaps even more useful features of F-Script are the tools it provides to you, the developer, in the form of an interactive command shell that lets you explore your running application. This includes a graphical browser that lets you navigate among the objects in your application, inspecting their properties, traversing relationships to other objects, and so on. It’s like taking the interactivity you have in gdb, and turning it up to 11. Not only that, you can also inject F-Script into any running Cocoa application, and use the same tools to explore its objects! Although this functionality is not as useful as having another app’s source, being able to browse the structure of other applications can be highly educational, and fun as well. This is really a tool that all Cocoa developers should have some familiarity with. Run, don’t walk, to http://www.fscript.org to try this out for yourself.

Ported Cocoa This book is primarily about making Mac software (it’s right there in the title), but we’d be doing you a disservice if we didn’t point out the other areas where Cocoa and Cocoa-ish technologies may be applied. 344 CHAPTER 17: Future Paths

Cocoa Touch These days, with iPhone development growing by leaps and bounds, presumably everyone reading this book knows a bit about the iPhone development model, and the fact that it’s based around Objective-C. In fact, it’s a pretty safe bet that you probably did some iPhone development before testing the Mac waters. In spite of that, it’s worth mentioning the iPhone’s Cocoa Touch frameworks, and how it differs from the Cocoa frameworks we’ve been covering. Cocoa’s core classes are split between two frameworks: Foundation contains all the fundamental classes that can be useful in every type of development (NSString, NSArray, and so on), and AppKit contains all the classes that are specific to desktop GUI app development (NSApplication, NSView, NSWindow, and so on). In Cocoa Touch on the iPhone, the Foundation framework is about the same, but the AppKit is gone, and UIKit has taken its place. Many of the fundamentals of UIKit are similar to AppKit, with a few twists to make it work easily on a small, accelerometer-enabled, touch-screen device. Each application has a single UIWindow where all drawing occurs, and that UIWindow contains a hierarchy of UIView subclasses (such as UIButton, UITextField, and the like). Although AppKit’s only native user input methods are mouse and keyboard, UIKit also provides similar event-based input for handling multiple onscreen touches as well as movement of the device. In some other ways, UIKit is sort of “AppKit 2.0.” Apple took the opportunity to toss out some baggage in the form of and classes that may have seemed like a good idea a decade or two ago, but now seem unnecessary. For instance, the whole concept of cell classes, distinct from views (as exhibited by the NSCell classes) is now gone. The only UIKit class with Cell in its name is UITableViewCell, which is really an NSView subclass used to draw a chunk of a table view (hence the name). Also, UIKit embraces Objective- C 2.0’s properties in a way that AppKit never has, providing declared properties for most of the configurable attributes. Apart from that, there are some important parts of Cocoa that aren’t available in Cocoa Touch (at least, not as of this writing). First of all, there’s no garbage collection on the iPhone, so any code meant for iPhone needs to use the retain/release/autorelease reference-counting system that we’ve mostly been avoiding in this book. Second, there are no Cocoa Bindings in Cocoa Touch, though KVC and KVO are there, so, if you’re feeling ambitious, the underpinnings for building your own bindings-like technology are there. Finally, there are no blocks on iPhone. It’s entirely possible that Apple will port these technologies to iPhone on its own at some point, but don’t hold your breath!

GNUstep and Cocotron Another platform that can run Cocoa-like apps is GNUstep, and its more recent brother- in-arms Cocotron. The GNUstep project has been around for a long time, and its original goals were centered on providing a desktop application programming environment for Linux and other Unix machines. The development libraries were based around the CHAPTER 17: Future Paths 345

OpenStep API, a published standard which lists classes and APIs that are a subset of today’s Foundation and AppKit frameworks. That, in turn, came from a collaboration between NeXT and Sun in the mid-1990s, when Sun wanted help providing an application development environment for their Solaris OS, all of which preceded Apple’s later acquisition of NeXT, whose OS and software later morphed into Mac OS X. So here we are today, and GNUstep is still out there in the wild. GNUstep continues to grow, acquiring new APIs as volunteers re-implement the latest things that Apple adds to Mac OS X, but its main goal has always been to implement the old OpenStep APIs, with the new additions being just a bonus. So far, there’s not much for GNUstep to shout about in terms of big-name projects, but if you are looking for a way to port your Cocoa app to another Unix variant or to Windows, GNUstep is worth looking into. A few years ago, a new alternative called Cocotron turned up. Cocotron has a slightly different focus (trying to keep on top of all of Apple’s latest classes and API changes) and a different deployment target (it’s focused primarily on Windows instead of Unix), but it may also be worth thinking about if you’re looking for a way to port your app to Windows. It also has a less stringent license than GNUstep, which means you’re free to build Cocotron into your own closed-source applications. You’ll find more about GNUstep at www..org, and for more Cocotron info, www.cocotron.org is the place to go.

Cappuccino/Objective-J Another interesting development from the past few years is the Cappuccino development environment. Unlike the other environments we’ve mentioned, Cappuccino is all about making web apps, not desktop apps. Cappuccino contains class libraries that mimic much of Foundation and AppKit in name and functionality, and even manages to pull off the amazing trick of implementing much of Objective-C’s syntax in Javascript, as we described when we mentioned JSCocoa. The applications you create using Cappuccino can then be published on any web server and run in any modern browser, just like any other web application. This implementing of Objective-C in Javascript is called Objective-J, and is a crucial part of what makes Cappuccino tick. The company behind this, called 280 North, is also working on a tool called Atlas to help you manage your Objective-J source define the GUI of your Cappuccino app, somewhat like Xcode and Interface Builder. Of course, following the spirit of the project, Atlas is itself a Cappuccino application, which runs in a web browser. As of this writing, all of the Cappuccino technology is still in its infancy (in fact, Atlas is only available as a private beta at this time), but it looks very promising indeed. Go to http://280north.com to follow the action. 346 CHAPTER 17: Future Paths

Here at the End of All Things That wraps up our discussion of future paths for you to take as you develop your Cocoa skills, and also concludes this book. We hope this book has taken you to a place you wanted to get to, but let’s not assume that stopping place is the final destination! Visit the Learn Cocoa on the Mac web site, where you’ll find forums for discussing with other Cocoa developers, source code for all the examples in this book, and more. Come and visit us at http://learncocoa.org where we’ll do our best to help you learn even more! All rights reserved FUTURE 0305-0548/86 $3.00+ 0.00 Copyright @ 1986PergamonJournals Lid PATHS FOR INTEGER PROGRAMMING AR TIFI CIAL INTELLI G EN CE AND LINKS TO FRED GLOVER* Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence,Graduate School of Business,University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80300,U.S.A. Scopeand Purpose-A summary is provided of some of the recent (and a few. When two paths diverge in a yellow wood, which will lead me to breakfast and which will lead me to become breakfast? Both look really about the same, but imagination makes all the difference. The place cells' oscillations between the present and possible futures didn't appear to be directly controlling rats' decisions about which path to choose, but did become stronger as the rats approached the decision point, Kay and colleagues found. Thinking about a successful future is a necessity that should be done without any distractions or interruptions. Being in a quiet place will also help you think on your own as no other people will have little to zero influence on decisions you feel comfortable with. Next, use these things to help you decide on a future career path. Write down short and long term goals to achieve your imagined future, and track your progress in a journal.