I ping her from time to time “to get her thinking about various startups and trends.”

Sheryl Sandberg - Went Lorna's husband works at Google “ to “in corporate development...He told a year ahead of me. me that I had to meet Lorna.... p ” rshi ” tne par oo! ip PROFESSIONAL ah rsh y/Y tne Ba par n e o! TIES r o aho the /Y Connected as two Sue and I were in the ge ay to eB “ “ rk on Canadian ‘cyberchicks’ same class at HBS... Wo er eth Mayer og manag joined to Yahoo to have k t es Go in the Silicon Valley. or ogle' ” vestment in 23andme W s inv the opportunity to work le's in estm Goog en ges t in with Sue.. ana Na m vig yer en ” Ma nt to college toge ics her at Yahoo We ther toget rked wo

23 and me Acel eBay Facebook Google move.com Navigenics Ning Yahoo

Anne Theresia Lorrie Stephanie Sheryl Marissa Sukhinder Susan Juliet Aileen Lorna Mari Gina Sue Hilary Wojcicki Ranzetta Norrington Tilenius Sandberg Mayer Singh Cassidy Wojcicki Flint Lee Borenstein Baker Bianchini Decker Schneider

s er st Si ds ien l fr I applied to school ua ut “

married m gh for two of our boys... rou th Lorna was on the ow kn board for the School and also worked at Re Yahoo.. gularly Initially met Sheryl through Sha meet fo ” Sergei re th r lunch “ e sam husband David Goldberg...We Brin e yog a inst became fast friends and stay ructor I actually had breakfast in close touch. “ with her a day or so before ” SOCIAL her joining Facebook “Have played poker “We also share a passion for U2 was publicly announced.. in Aileen's basement and flew to see them in Hawaii for TIES ” speakeasy.” Bono their last concert – 36-hour trip!!.”

Capital One Finan cial (complete list), says that new employees GE chief Immelt. Hindustan Unilever (second number) has (lesson learned). Of the many powerful forces driving companies people a lot more than talented people need organizations.” Com- cite “job flexi bility, development, and community ig other things, supplied nearly first CEOs to 350 other companies worldwide to develop leaders more the most important is the panies are finding that the advantages of building a reputation high-potential employees to the company’s famed Crotonville, over the years. world economy’s long-term shift from dependence on financial for developing talent are greater than they may have thought—“a N.Y., leadership-development center 600 much earlier in their GE alumni run scores of companies, including, besides GE capital toward human capital. Even given the credit crunch, first-pick advantage,” as the RBL Group calls it, an edge in attract- careers; in attracting top prospects, “that’s a strong selling point.” itself, four of the first in the Dow Jones industrial average: Boe- money for investment is more abundant than ever. It isn’t 450 the ing the cream of 650 college and business-school students. For example, alumni of Procter & Gamble (first list on our list) ing (James McNerney), Home Depot (Frank Blake), Honeywell scarce resource in business anymore; human ability is. Hewitt Says Hewitt’s Gandossy: “Companies that provide people include Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, eBay CEO Meg Whitman, (David Cote). McNerney may hold a record, having worked for global-practice leader Robert Gandossy, who oversaw the Top with opportunities to learn and grow become talent magnets, Intuit founder Scott Cook, AOL founder Steve Case, and even three companies in our top ten—400 GE, P&G, and McKinsey Companies for Leaders study, says, “Organizations need talented drawing scarce talent in droves.” By continually attracting the

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