(Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-09-06
GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYl Partly cloudy with scattered showers and thunder storms. Continued rather warm. High about 85. To morrow cloudy and cooler with light showers. FAtabUahed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 297-AP Ne•• and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Sept. 6, 1946-Five Cents -.-ity an • • rtt * * ~eClrly Half Million Idle In AF~ Shipping Strike B1 The ASSOCIATED PRESS ying AFL sailors the lul1 wage 'alkout began a day early, pic The threat of spoilage of thous increase won in recent contract keting, too, started prematurely. Vernon D. Oxley, 47 , 736 Kirk ands of tons of perishable food negotiations. CIO seamen as well as AFL work wood avenue, was killed instantly stuffs, indefinite delay of relief AFL leaders said more than 90.- ers quit their jobs. at 3:47 p.m. yesterday when the 611ipments to the world's needy 000 members of the Seafarers In Secretary of Labor Schwellen car he was driving was slruck by and a blow to American industry ternational union and the Sailors bach last night dispatched an as an east bound Rock Island pas descended last night on the na Union of the Pacific already had Sistant, Phillip Hannah, to San senger trnin at the Downey cross tion's waterronts, numbed by the quit their ships on the Atlantic, Francisco to make a personal plea ing about 11 mlles east of Iowa ,rea test maritime strike in his Pacific and Gull coasts. to Harry Lundeberg, west coast City. tory. Another 400,000 workers, in AFL boss, to call off the strike. Fred Lewi~ of Downey, 8 Rock Union 'leaders claimed a hall cluding dock employes, tugboat Should Hannah, an Ohio AFL Island b tion hand, who said he million workers were aligned in operators .
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