FALL 2009 5Th District Governor, Order of AHEPA PHIL VOGIS

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FALL 2009 5Th District Governor, Order of AHEPA PHIL VOGIS Join us for a very Special Night Honoring LOUIS ARVANITIS, PSG–REGIONAL DIRECTOR #3, NY, NJ/DE on January 29, 2010 2 Ahepa Voice – FALL 2009 5th District Governor, Order of AHEPA PHIL VOGIS Dear Brothers and Sisters: Supreme Governor Region 3, for his all the chapters to participate in this pro- support and guidance that he gave to gram. I urge every Ahepan to bring One Hope everyone had a great summer the District Lodge and specifically for new member into their chapter. My next and your vacations were relaxing. hosting the “Journey to Greece” and priority is to focus on the Sons mem- I greatly appreciate the support I have “Cooley’s Anemia” fundraising event bership Drive. We plan to hold several received from the brothers up and down that was held at the “Graycliff Fine events to help the Sons increase their the state of New Jersey and Delaware and Catering” in Moonachie, NJ. membership and participate in future look forward to this opportunity to serve In addition I want to extend my con- AHEPA Family programs. I want to as your District Governor. I am truly gratulations to Bro Lee Millas who extend my congratulations to Brother honored by the trust that has been placed served as chairman of our 78th District Dean Tselepis who was elected the new upon me by the people of our great states Five Family Convention at the Crowne Supreme President of the Sons and his and I will do everything I can to live up Plaza Hotel in Monroe, NJ The Trenton Supreme Lodge Officers. to that trust over the next year. chapter #72 and the Daughters chapter Congratulations to Sister Robin It is indeed an honor to serve the Altes #163 hosted a great convention this Papagiannis the newly elected District “Order of AHEPA” and be a part of a dis- year. My congratulations go out to both Governor for the DOPs and the rest of tinguished organization whose mission is chapters and their membership for a job her District Lodge Officers. We are look- to support our fellow mankind. Bro Tom well done. ing forward this year to working with the Pappas, PSG, thank you for nominating Soon after the District Convention I, Daughters in various projects. My con- me to serve as the next District Governor along with my District Lodge Officers, gratulations to Sister Demi Thomas for at the Convention. I would like to thank have been planning our agenda for the being elected as the new National Maids Bro Ted Fanikos for his leadership, and fiscal year 2009-2010. We plan to visit Advisor at the Supreme Convention in also I would like to thank Brother George all the chapters, participate in local San Francisco CA Karatzia for bringing me into the District events and support the AHEPA Projects. Again, I want to thank everyone for Lodge. I have served under the follow- My goal is focused on the Membership your support and looking forward to see- ing District Governors: Bro Ted Vittas, Drive. I have arranged to hold three ing everyone this upcoming a great year. Bro Christopher Diamantoukos, Bro Ted mass initiations this year in the northern, Remember my motto: Fanikos and Bro George Karatzia. My central and southern regions of the states. Panda Enomeni-Always United thanks go to Bro Louis Arvanitis, Past Our coordinators will be reaching out to Zito Ei AHEPA-Long Live AHEPA 5th District5th Governor,District Governor, Daughters Daughters of Penelope of Penelope DEMIROBIN THOMAS PAPAGIANNIS Dear Sisters and Brothers, numbers of sisters and hopefully having Thasites will again be filling the role of It is with great pleasure that I am writ- our AHEPA family grow by the addition District Secretary, and new to the Lodge ing as District Governor for Daughters of Maids of Athena chapters to compli- this year are Marcella Calagias from of Penelope District 5, the greatest dis- ment our many Sons of Pericles chap- Trenton as our District Treasurer and trict. We had a fun, fast convention this ters. I believe it is due to the wonderful Eleni Parlapanides from New Brunswick June in Jamesburg, NJ and I would like support all the brothers and sisters give as our District Marshal, With our PDG to thank the Brothers of AHEPA Chapter their respective Lodges that we are able Demi Thomas taking the position of 72 and Sisters of Altes 163 of Trenton to accomplish so much each year. National Maids of Athena Advisor Patty for that. I am privileged that a wonderful Vlahos will take the position of District My theme for this year is “We are group of women stood with me at the Advisor.. Family” and as the song says I have convention to be sworn in as the District Here is to a wonderful year for the all my sisters with me. I am looking Lodge, Karen Marousis will be my right Daughters of Penelope and AHEPA of forward to a year filled with a growing hand as District Lt. Governor, Rula District 5. Ahepa Voice – FALL 2009 3 National Advisor of the Maids of Athena DEMI THOMAS Dear Sisters and Brothers: this past year. It is vital to the well being and the future leaders of our community It is my honor and pleasure to have been of our community and the long term vital- organizations. It was, and continues to be, elected at the recent national convention ity of the Daughters of Penelope that we an environment where young people also in San Francisco as the National Advisor help to continue to grow and strengthen learn important life skills, such as leader- to the Maids of Athena. My role will be our junior order. ship, organization, managing a meeting, to work with the Daughters, Maids, and Our Maids of Athena, as well as the and negotiations. I look forward to the aspiring Maids to help grow our important Sons of Pericles, have provided our com- coming year in supporting the Maids of junior order. The Maids of Athena nation- munity with a long and rich tradition of Athena and its leadership team. ally have started to experience a renai- bringing young people into social networks Yours in Theta Pi, sance, having grown to over 400 members that in turn have generated the families Demi Thomas AHEPA VOICE District and National Websites 15 West Grand Ave. Montvale, NJ 07645 National . .www.ahepa.org Phone: 201-666-8651 FAX: 201-666-0903 AHEPA Districts. www.ahepafamily.org Email: [email protected] District Sports . www.ahepasports.org [email protected] District Lodge AHEPA Governor . Phil Vogis E-Mail Addresses Lt. Governor. George Horiates Secretary . Savas C. Tsivicos PDG Ted Vittas: Editor . [email protected] Treasurer . William Harrison Marshal . Sammy Thomas 5th District Cancer Foundation . [email protected] Warden . Jimmy Rozanitis E-Mail & Web Coordinator . [email protected] Athletics Advisor . .Nick C. Mariolis Sons Advisor . Ted Vittas DOP Publication Board Governor . Robin Papagiannis PDG Louis Arvanitis, Business Mgr. PSG Tom Pappas Lt. Governor . .Karen Marousis PDG Ted Vittas, Editor Secretary . Roula Thasites PDG George Rigos Treasurer . Marcella Calagias Vassos Chrisanthou, PSG PDG Chris Sevast Marshal . Eleni Parlapanides PDG Steve A. Lioumis Advisor. Patty Vlahos PSG John A. Mehos PDG Stathia Maroussis 4 Ahepa Voice – FALL 2009 Message From The Newly Elected Supreme President of the "Sons of Pericles" DEAN TSELEPIS First and foremost, I would like the Daughters. We believe these to thank all four outgoing Presidents two simple additions will help to of each order: Barbara Stavis Wolf increase membership and knowl- (Daughters of Penelope), Ike Gulas edge of our accomplishments even (AHEPA), Stephanie Maniatis further in 2009 - 2010. (Maids of Athena), and most impor- Being able to represent District tant to me, Demetrios Vidalis (Sons 5 as the Supreme President of the of Pericles), who did a superb job Sons of Pericles is a true honor. this past year as the leader of the There has not been a Supreme Sons of Pericles. Demetri accom- President of the Sons from District plished many of the goals he set 5 in over 25 years when Chris forth when he took office one year Evangel held that position in 1980 ago; goals that I, along with the rest – 1981, so I hope to make you of the Supreme Lodge and all of proud. District 5 is one of the our members, will build upon this most active Districts in the country, year and for years to come. and myself, along with Supreme This coming year, the Sons of Treasurer Haralambos Tsivicos of Pericles will continue to enhance Asbury Park, hope to build upon our new website www.sonsofperi- that this year. cles.com with constant updates and Fraternally, individual chapter page links. Both ings. Continuing with that trend, we will Dean Tselepis will allow for an improved flow of infor- unveil our new monthly email newslet- Supreme President, mation regarding events and happen- ters, similar to the ones from AHEPA and Sons of Pericles Message From our Business Manager Louis Arvanitis, PSG Dear Brothers and Sisters, support. We have tried to maintain a 32- page of quality material, but due to the Congratulations to all our new offi- economic crisis we ought to reduce it to cers who were elected, for the courage 24 pages. There was also a vote at our and the energy to serve. I hope you all District Convention, that for those who had a great and restful summer, regard- have access to the Internet, they will not less whether you would be able to take get a printed copy of the AHEPA Voice, a vacation time.
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