www.hetramedia.co.uk The Aerial & Satellite People Tel. 01245 473739; Mobile 07939 255786 The Life of Great Baddow www.baddowlife.org.uk Spring 2005 Issue 7 New Beginnings by Irene Duke Spring!!! Doesn’t the word alone make you feel better? After all the gloom of dark winter days, we can look forward to brighter, sunnier times – hopefully! Lambs will soon be gam- bolling in the fields; bulbs pushing upwards in our gar- After several years of dens; trees bursting into leaf planning, “The Surgery” – who wouldn’t feel uplifted? Of course, there’s always a downside: paint- in Great Baddow High work begins to look a bit dowdy; curtains will Street is to move. need to be washed; lawns to be mowed, but Dr Russell & Partners have who cares – the sun will soon be shining and been at their present location the days grow longer – winter will soon be but for many years, but as far a memory. back as the year 2000, there New clothes will be tempting us in the shops; has been a desperate need for new places beckon us on holiday. That’s what expansion. With the realisa- it’s all about, isn’t it – renewal? Oh yes, let’s th tion of the need for bigger not forget Easter – it falls on 27 March this premises, work started early year. Now that’s a real time of uplift for you. this year for relocation to Three days of utter darkness when the Saviour Longmead Avenue; cranes of our world lay in his tomb, then – bingo! and pile drivers have been a Light, hope, a sudden surge of joy in the hearts of his followers. After the darkness comes common sight from the main light, after despair, hope. What a promise! roads. Enjoy your Easter break. “This is the culmination of many years work and frustra- tion as we identified that we needed extra space and facili- Looking for a ties to offer extended and ex- Nursery School? panded services to our 10,000 The “Surgery” in Great Baddow—photo by James Millham plus patients,” states Sue Finch the Practice Manager. “As the ex- ence in building new surgery fa- and it has taken four years to ar- isting site had very limited room cilities, to identify and pursue any rive at the point when they could Woodcroft Nursery School for expansion, we decided to ap- sites available within the locality.” start to build. proach a development company, Longmead Avenue was recognised Ashley House, who have experi- as the most appropriate location, (Continued on page 8) Invite you to an Open Evening on New Youth Minister for Meadgate by Peter Kirk Wednesday 23rd March Meadgate Church appointed Mark He spent two years in South Africa ily fled the chaos in Zimbabwe and Petitt as Youth Minister, starting in in practical training for Christian came to . Mark followed September 2004. Mark, 23, was youth work with Baptist Youth of them in 2002 and settled at first in • Call in any time between 7:00 and 9:00 PM born and brought up in Zimbabwe. South Africa. Meanwhile his fam- and now in Great Baddow. Mark is in charge of Meadgate • An opportunity to have fun as you experience Church's work with young people aged 6 to 18. He leads the Junior and talk about some of the activities the Church on Sunday mornings and is children take part in at nursery one of the leaders of the church youth group FUSE. But his main • Enjoy an informal talk about the learning focus is on the children and youth behind play of the Meadgate area. He is joint leader of the "Six Pack" and "Victory Warriors" clubs, and is Dorset Avenue, Great Baddow, starting to take school assemblies. , One of his main aims is to build Essex. CM2 9UB bridges with the young people who hang around the Meadgate shops Headteacher: Mrs J. Sullivan and other such areas and to help Tel: Chelmsford (01245) 473222 them to be not a problem but use- ful members of the community.

Read about Mark’s adventure to South America with sixty young Essex County Council Mark Petitt, Meadgate Church’s new Youth Minister—photo by Mike Fisher people on page 4 by Baddow Road, now But 10% of all homes will be but a necessity for a Peter Kirk Goodwin Close and "intermediate" housing for sustainable community. If What is Affordable Housing? Bawden Way. key workers such as teachers we want adequate schools, Affordable housing is parts of these estates were were transferred to the This affordable housing is and nurses. For example, police, health services, defined as "housing within sold to tenants in the 1980's. Chelmer Housing in no way inferior in quality government money has council services, we need the financial reach of The task of providing Partnership. or size to regular housing of helped six key public sector homes for workers in these people unable to enter the affordable social housing In recent years planners the same type – indeed this workers to obtain homes in sectors. We already have a private housing market". was then gradually taken have moved away from has been true ever since the the new development in hospital ward closed because There is a serious problem over by housing associations. building separate estates of 1960's council estates. The West Hanningfield Road, staff cannot be found. If shop in the Chelmsford area, as For example, in the early social housing, which tend to difference is only in where Great Baddow through workers cannot afford to live elsewhere in the South 1990's the Guinness Trust concentrate and aggravate the funding comes from and shared ownership schemes. in the area, our shops will be East, that property prices built about 80 houses and social problems. Instead they who is allowed to live there. The government has forced to close, or charge and rents are so high that flats off Park View Crescent prefer to integrate Chelmsford Borough recently announced a major exorbitant prices. We need to many ordinary people in Great Baddow. These communities by scattering Council, in its 2004-2007 initiative "Sustainable make sure that these homes simply cannot afford to housing associations are affordable housing within Housing Strategy report, Communities: Homes for are provided in suitable buy a home or even to rent funded each year in England private sector developments. acknowledges a need for All". This includes extending places, and that there is one on the open market. In with about £1 billion of The planning system can be over 1000 new affordable shared ownership and right adequate infrastructure to recent years the problem government money and £2 used to oblige private sector homes per year, but to buy schemes. But such support them. It would be has become serious enough billion of private sector developers to partner with recognises that it cannot schemes cannot solve the sad to see development of that key professionals such loans. This money enables housing associations so that meet this need. Its strategy is problem unless sufficient areas like Manor Farm, off as teachers and nurses them to build new homes to a certain proportion of a to provide only 150 of those new homes are built. Yet our Maldon Road, but what is have moved away from the let at affordable rents. development is affordable homes. This will be done by council's strategy is to build the alternative – apart from region, leaving significant Housing associations have housing. For example, requiring 35% of all new only a small proportion of shifting this into someone shortages. also taken over remaining Barratt Homes partnered developments of 15 what is needed, and even else's back yard? Failing to The basic problem is not a council housing: in 2002 the with the Shaftesbury dwellings or more to be these developments lead to meet these housing needs is new one. In the 1950's and remaining 7000 council Housing Association to affordable housing. Most of public outcries. something none of us can 1960's it was solved by homes in the Chelmsford provide 22 affordable homes these homes will be for rent Provision of affordable afford. building large council estates Borough, including four for rent on the former to those in need from the housing is not and subsidising rents. Large estates in Great Baddow, Isolation Hospital site in Council's Housing Register. just charity, Open Spaces by June Davidson In the 50’s, following the Second World War, accommodation for the many who had lost their The Rise of Great Baddow Today homes had to be built both quickly and with as From the mid-1970's until the late 1990's there 16. Cundell's Field, off Maldon Rd: 86 houses on Chelmsford Borough Council depot many homes as possible, and so the high-rise was rather little new housing development in and flats on former playing field and and former Meadgate Avenue garage flats were built in London. These certainly Great Baddow. There were some small waste tip. site. housed people, but the toll on family life was developments off Vicarage Lane and Craiston ♦ Approved developments 24. Longmead Avenue: 9 houses on former great. Families on the upper floors were tied to Way, and the old prefabs in Maltings Road 17. Harberd Tye, off Beehive Lane: 24 flats on Roman Catholic church site, and a their flats, lifts were often out of order, children were replaced by flats. There were also some Essex County Council Highways Depot medical centre already under had nowhere to play and mothers were totally welcome old people's properties. But in the last site. construction. stressed out. few years there has been a massive increase in 18. Baddow Road: 3 homes on site of 180 25. Marrable House, near the Vineyards: office You would have thought that in the 50 years the pace of development, and this looks set to Baddow Road. block to be replaced by housing. that followed we would have learned a few les- continue or even accelerate. Currently more ♦ Developments with outline 26. MASC field, off Beehive Lane: large sons, but no – in the 21st Century we are still than 300 homes are under construction, and approval housing development on current playing building dwellings that in my view will cause nearly 200 more have received at least outline 19. ESTRIC field, off Galleywood Rd: 113 field. the post modern idea of stressful living. planning permission. And developers are now homes, incl. 90 for old people, on 27. New Road: development of former Have you noticed the new style of housing? paying £1.8 million per acre for new sites. former playing field. Jackson's nursery. I’m sure you have. “Lets pack as many houses, Here is a summary of what has been built and 20. Beehive Lane: residential development on 28. The Causeway: high density housing on flats etc., into the smallest amount of ground” what is being proposed – not including Essex Trading Standards site. edge of Vineyards car parks. seems to be the planning for our times. No gar- developments of 1-2 houses. These are 21. Willowmead Centre, Molrams Lane: ♦ Threatened developments dens; everywhere concreted over either for con- numbered as on the map. residential redevelopment. 29. Chelmerton Avenue: homes on Chelmerton venience or limited space; communal gardens ♦ Developments completed since ♦ Proposed developments Avenue gardens. good for the washing lines; or “shall we sell off about 2000: 22. Baddow Road: 11 homes on site of 180 30. Manor Farm, off Maldon Rd: gravel part of our garden for yet another house to be 1. Apple Way, off Beehive Lane: 16 houses on Baddow Road. extraction may be followed by housing built”. former Hampton House grounds. 23. Chelwater, Baddow Road: about 30 homes development. What sort of investment are we leaving for the 2. Bawden Way, off Waterson Vale: 29 homes families of the future? If you have had a family on former Isolation Hospital site. and have been fortunate enough to have a gar- 3. Bramley Place, off Dorset Avenue: 9 houses den, what a joy it is for the children to just get on former Beehive Lane gardens. out into the fresh air, kick a ball around, have a 4. Goodwin Close, off Waterson Vale: 56 game of badminton, hoping not to get the shut- homes on former Isolation Hospital site. tlecock over into the next doors garden, just hav- 5. Hanlee Brook, off Pertwee Drive: 8 houses ing fun. How can children do this when they do on former Vicarage Lane gardens. not have space, or have a flat with a balcony 6. Isaac Square, off Newport Close: 46 houses several floors up? on former Sandon School playing field. Not only are we cutting down on space for 7. St. Mary's Close: 5 luxury houses replacing 1 gardens, there is also building on sports fields, house between Galleywood Rd and St. school playing fields, in fact, anywhere where Mary's Close. our children can “let off steam”, even when you 8. Vicarage Mews, off The Spires, Vicarage see a little green patch or a space for playing Lane: 5 houses on former vicarage there is a notice “No ball games”. garden. I can remember the days when you could 9. Woodstock Place, off Craiston Way: 3 “play in the street”, having fun – yes, maybe houses on former Galleywood Road being a bit of a nuisance, but were people more gardens. tolerant years ago? Certainly there wasn’t so ♦ Developments in progress much traffic to make life hazardous. We do 10. Beehive Lane: 4 homes behind 1-13 seem to want it every way now – expensive Beehive Lane. homes with little free space, small or no gardens, 11. Beehive Lane: 6 flats at 103-105 Beehive houses packed in on every spare piece of Lane. ground, children’s playgrounds vandalised or 12. Church Street: 4 houses at 18 Church Street. most of the elements taken away as they are not 13. Craiston Way: 5 houses on former considered safe. Just where do our children so- Galleywood Road gardens. cialise with friends, have fun in a safe environ- 14. Harberd Tye, off Beehive Lane: 135 homes ment, move away from computers and other on Eastern Electricity site. electronic games? 15. West Hanningfield Road: 78 houses and In 50 years time will the older generation be flats on former Marconi/BAE Systems saying – whatever were they thinking about in car park. 2005 building houses so unsuitable for families? The Rise of Great Baddow by by The Peculiar People Eddie Curties Mones Farah The Effects of Unaffordable Housing In the latter half of the nineteenth century, one might have Affordable housing for those on the ing neighbourhoods and communities. their party’s or their own. been intrigued by the dress of the group of people using Council’s Housing Register and for Of course, they can join the council The combination of the developer’s the buildings either side of Russell’s Yard. This yard still key workers is the only need that is register for accommodation, but with efforts and the politicians response leads to an old barn, built in the late 1400s and now con- discussed when any talk about af- current planning stipulation on the and support of some application have verted into Russell's Restaurant. These people wore severe fordable housing takes place. Yet percentage of affordable housing, it had the disastrous effect of pushing clothes with the women in Quaker-like dress and black the problem is so much greater will be extremely difficult for any up the price of land to almost obscene bonnets. They would be going to their chapel, now Bell than this, as it affects most of our council here in the Southeast to be amounts. This will prevent small, Street Hall, and were a religious sect unique to Essex and the North London region. young people. School and college able to manage their register and the more conscious, community based The religious denomination was originally called the leavers in normal ordinary hum- waiting list. This will only be a smoke investors from entering the market, “Peculiar People” (peculiar meaning “Chosen Ones”). drum professions make up the bulk screen. leaving the arena for the major devel- James Banyard (1800-1863) started the group in Essex in of the young in society, and it is The government’s main policies for opers, whose main interest is for a the 1850s. He was a disreputable character being convicted these who find it difficult getting a housing are to blame; the planning quick and high return for their invest- of stealing; he was almost certainly a smuggler; and was a foothold on the property ladder. authorities themselves are to blame, ment. habitual drunkard. After a particularly bad period, he re- House prices are way beyond their as they seem to be on the side of the This is unsustainable, as it has the pented, joined the church and became an extreme reach; they need a huge deposit to put large developers. The new policies effect of raising the cost of living Wesleyan and a respected and dynamic speaker in his down before the mortgage lenders begin see the developers as part of the an- higher and higher. And are we (home church. to consider whether or not they will swer to provide for the community’s owners) all involved with this, be- After hearing a stirring sermon in London in 1853, he give them a mortgage. In addition, a needs. I do not think we should con- cause of the mistaken notion of think- caused a split in his congregation and he, and his follow- couple or an individual still need a total fuse developers with providers of ing that it will benefit us personally? ers, left and moved to a separate chapel. Later he was to income of £18,000 before they will be community services; this is the arena One possible solution is that when become their 'Bishop'. given a large enough mortgage to pur- of the local and national government the council is selling any public In London this sect was called Plumstead Peculiars and chase a property. (This is assuming the structures and committees. owned land, that land should be parti- like their Essex brothers had no paid ministry and services starting price is £102,000 for a one bed- I am always so amazed by the num- tioned into smaller building plots. not dissimilar to those of many Pentecostal churches of room flat – the cheapest for sale in Bad- ber of people who make derogatory This will make it possible for private today. They believed that no doctors should be used even dow as of the beginning of February comments when any planning appli- individuals/couples who are first time during serious illnesses and became famous, some may say 2005 – and the prices are still rising). cation is passed. They often seem to buyers to place an offer that is realis- infamous, for their practice of faith healing. The women in The effect of this is so detrimental suggest that it is more about whom tic and affordable. the sect were called sisters after conversion. Certainly Banyard preached that praying over one who on the whole of society, as it brings the applicant knows, rather than what Other solutions might also be possi- was ill should be all that was necessary. However, one of greater and greater pressure on young they know or what the merits are of ble, but for these solutions to be Banyard's children became ill and when it became obvious couples and individuals. There is an their application. If this suggestion is found, a new look at the underlying that he was dying, Banyard called a doctor who cured him. increasing need to work more and correct (and I very much doubt that it capitalist free market principles of so- Banyard then modified his original belief of curing all ills more hours; this in turn leads to stress is) then we need to make sure that ciety is needed. A re-channelling of by alone, to using medicine to supplement prayer. and pressure, which has dire conse- those whom we elect are elected for values is needed, from notions of indi- This caused a schism and his rejection as the Bishop of the quences on families and health. In ad- their desire to serve the community, vidualistic prosperity to accepting that Peculiar People. Banyard died in 1863 of a poisoned foot. dition, it also leads to a neglect of so- for their integrity, and for a proven any lasting prosperity is dependent on Later the death of children, when faith healing failed, cial responsibility and integration into track record of consistency of putting the prosperity of the community as a caused a split in the sect and the majority of the sect to fol- the wider society, thereby fragment- the welfare of the community before whole. low Banyard’s modified way. By 1885, the congregations had dropped until there was there is the most plentiful supply. barely 100 Peculiar People. However, a new Bishop, a Bishop Harrod – a most revered preacher – caused the numbers to rise. They held a special meeting to celebrate his 50th The Real Pests So why is there this plentiful supply in year of his conversion and nearly two thousand turned up. the towns and villages? The answer is be- by Matthew Curties The belief in divine healing was always a problem with the Peculiar People. Early in While, coincidentally, discussing housing cause people are messy! 1848 the first peculiar child died at Prittlewell causing trouble in the district. As late as development at a local meeting, I got a call As a society, we do not take adequate 1907, a Mr Whale was convicted and gaoled for two months for letting his son die when from my wife to say that a fox had killed care with our rubbish. We leave bags of medical help could probably have saved him. The villagers and authorities viewed this our pet duck. By the time I got home, she enticing morsels littered about the place so with some alarm, but a number of successful cases of apparent divine healing muted argu- was beside herself with grief. that any animal - whether it is a domestic ments, although the Essex Chronicle continued to report several cases of failures. During Two weeks earlier, we had had two cat or a wild fox - can have a reasonable the wars many became conscientious objectors and were gaoled, others served with dis- ducks. Then one evening we found one diet on our leftovers. If we were more tinction in medical corps. Most of their appeal was to the rural working man and the lower injured in the front garden, the other was careful and considerate, there would be no class in the towns. With Great Baddow being relatively affluent, this made the creation of no-where to be found, and the fox was on food lying around for the unwanted wild such a chapel in the village unusual. the prowl. animals; they would be forced back into the My wife nursed the survivor back to countryside to find food there. health, and when it was strong enough, she And it's getting worse! We, as a society, put him outside in our shed. However, two are becoming less careful - therefore en- days after that, the fox found its way in and couraging more animals in, because of the killed him. plentiful supply of 'waste' food lying about. Although I never considered myself ex- Also, we are building more houses in the cessively fond of him, to my wife our duck areas that the true wild animals inhabit. was a treasured pet. She felt angry and in- This has the effect of either killing them off credibly upset about what had happened; I or driving them into the only areas left: the felt incredibly angry at seeing her grief. towns and villages. How dare this fox come and take away Although the argument may be a little something that my loved one cared about, more complicated than this, the conclusion and cause her so much pain. My anger to- seems obvious: we need to look carefully at wards this 'pest' cut deep. the way we leave rubbish about, and also at When my wife saw how angry I was and our building developments and allow the where it was directed, her own anger mel- open areas—the countryside—to thrive as lowed. In the heat of her own anguish, she they should. If we don’t, we will inevita- was able to show to me something I could bly be overrun with those wild animals, not see for myself, and it led me on a trip that have not died out, but who have been of realisation. forced out of their natural environment into First of all - as she so rightly explained - the ours. fox was not to blame. It was only doing what We may consider foxes to be pests, but if came naturally, whether we liked it or not. It we look at it through their eyes, I wonder hunts for food in the areas where it knows who we would consider to be the real pests. Bell Street Hall as it is today—photo by James Millham Maths Week 2005 At Don’t be Switched Off be … West Runton Holidays WEST RUNTON HOLIDAYS offer a range Meadgate Primary School by of activity-based holidays for young people. The I left St Michael’s C of E Junior School at the Stephen first one was started in 1919 and was based at by end of a busy year, with the heavenly thought Finch the West Runton Campsite in Norfolk (hence Kate of putting my feet up for the few remaining the name!), from where they still operate today. Gowen weeks before the birth of my first baby. As I The purpose of these is to provide excellent breaks and to grew larger and more immobile every day, I share the gospel. found I had more time to contemplate the future and what The holiday for the youngest age group (9 to 13 year life might be like in a few months time. olds) is Dolphin Camp, which is based at West Runton, and One of my thoughts was how we might get to church on activities offered include cycling, karting, horse riding and Sunday mornings with a baby in tow. I tried to imagine much more. I have been four years and thoroughly enjoyed what it would be like in the morning service with a the atmosphere, the variety of activities, and making new screaming baby complete with essential clutter including friends. off road buggy and rucksack overflowing with nappies, There is more choice of holidays for the next age group bottles and wet wipes - this was the stuff of nightmares! (13 to 15 year olds) including Kart Camps in Norfolk and I wondered how many other mums in my situation felt Wye in the Forest of Dean, which offer gorge walking, like this? Did they see a future full of missing half the ser- caving, climbing, pony trekking, mountain biking and hill vice due to feeding, changing the baby or trying to keep it walking. For those who like it cold, there is also Ski quiet, resulting in headaches and a decidedly non-spiritual Runton, which is the only holiday to operate in the Easter experience? break. It is based in Switzerland and suitable for all levels Children at Meadgate took variety of subjects with What might be a solution, I pondered from my sofa? An of skiers, from complete novice to advanced standard. part recently in a highly many having the idea began to form. For the 14 to 17 year olds, there is Sail and Surf and successful Maths Week. opportunity to do some A few conversations, friends and glasses of wine later, Lakeland Challenge in the Lake District, which offers Many activities took place, cooking. There were came ‘Switched On!’ The rector was on board and we challenging options for gorge walking, canoeing, rock all designed to increase the competitions and a had the go ahead. A half hour fortnightly service aimed at climbing and mountain biking. For the 16 to 20 year olds, there is opportunity to learn children’s understanding of ‘Mathematical’ assembly 0-5 year olds and their parents was born, to include action songs, percussion instruments, bible stories, short , leadership skills and work with the National Trust at mathematics. There were each day. Mrs Pope the Basecamp, also in the Lake District. A new holiday challenges to solve and a Mathematics Co-ordinator orange juice and biscuits. On the first ‘Switched On!’ Tuesday, we waited in recently introduced, Surf Romania, is to run a holiday for Maths Trail to complete. said, “It was wonderful to trepidation for our first sign of the under 5’s, and to our Romanian children aged 10 to 14. All classes used their see the children so joy and encouragement they came. There was much ex- Graham Woodward, the leader of one of the Kart Camps mathematical skills in a enthusiastic about maths.” citement and noise for the next half an hour and much ex- and a ski instructor with Ski Runton, who has also been a haustion when they had gone! camper at Dolphin, said Maybe they’d made their first that, “These camps are Larkrise Playground Gets tentative steps towards discov- great fun to be at. It gives ering God’s love? Certainly the opportunity to make new prayers and support of the con- friends and meet old ‘Ground Force’ Makeover gregation made a big difference friends and to explore the and were very much appreci- Christian faith in a ated. relevant way.” Why don’t you come along to If you would like to find St Mary’s, Gt Baddow, (the out more about any of next one is Tuesday 29th these holidays or receive a March at 3.30—4.00pm). We’d brochure, please contact love to see you and maybe you Glenn or Sue Finch on too could be Switched On! Kate (left), with helper Joanne 01245 473143.

as told by The Real Adventure Mark Petitt South Africa. Away from home. Away from family. Away from friends. On an adventure! Little did I know that I would find many ‘homes away from home’. I would meet people I would call family. I would make many new friends. And the adventure would be harder, more demanding, more exhilarating, more painful, more rewarding and would impact my life A group of committed offended roots. It is more than I had ever imagined! parents have got an sometimes used as a stage ambitious redevelopment for drama and role-play and The idea was this: homes and prisons. We went leading a team of seven was programme off to a great will become a cool shaded Sixty young people aged in with the idea of sharing people, with the task of strong start by building the place to work in high between eighteen and the good news of Christ and incorporating and overseeing enough twenty-seven on one bringing hope to the music, dance and drama into and it turned out to be a truly ubiquitous deck around the summer. Six-year-old Jack campsite for three months hopeless and showing love a once primarily sports fantastic and life-changing playground’s imposing Bailey says, “It’s made of training in music, drama, the to the unloved. focused team. I accepted the year. Norway maple tree. Soil nice wood and it’s much arts, sports, clowning and There were three main calling and returned the One other major thing erosion had left lots of better now because you can theological studies. teams; one did the arts following year for more happened during that year. roots dangerously exposed go on it and do stuff like After three months of (dance, drama and singing), adventures. My family left Zimbabwe and these created a play games. And, if you’ve training we left the campsite one concentrated on sports My second year was even and moved to England! significant trip hazard for got work, your teacher says in teams of eight to eighteen and one did both. In my first more stressful, So at the end of my second young children. Sadly, this you can do it on the and travelled the length and year I was on the team that heartbreaking, difficult, year in South Africa, I went left the tree cordoned off decking.” The decking is breadth of South Africa, did both sports and arts rewarding and satisfying back to Zimbabwe and being hosted by different based ministry, although I than the first. A major reason stayed with some friends for for much of last year. Now the first step in a long-term churches. We stayed for was in the half that being that the team was half a couple of months until I the area is open again and redevelopment of the infant periods of one or two weeks specialised in the arts and the size of all the other teams was able to follow my family the decking gives the playground but stands as a in the area and in that time music. and yet being required to do over to the UK… and the children a place to relax testament to the goodwill we went into primary At the end of the year I almost everything the other start of a new adventure! and socialise at playtimes and commitment of the schools, high schools, old was asked to return the teams did. But my team Mark continues his story in the as well as covering the Larkrise community. age homes, orphanages, aids following year and assist in members were fantastic, God next issue. give advice, downloads and are computers playing games, chil- say, practice makes perfect and ber. He says good luck to every- the first website to offer “11+ on- dren can now test their knowledge confidence levels get a great boost one sitting the exam this year. Help for 11 Plus on the Net line interactive testing”. in readiness for the 11+ exam, in 4 when you can see Charlie had a dream to go to Education Authority and Consor- Charlie, an avid computer user, subjects: English, Mathematics, the progress you Grammar school when he finished tium of Selective Schools were was drafted in to ensure that the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reason- are making as the his final year at Baddow Hall so able to provide lists of schools and site had kid appeal and spent ing, at any time of the day that exam draws ever mum Jo, and step dad Tim, were information on 11+ test formats many hours searching and re- suits them. The timed tests are nearer. pressed into service. They soon but most parents were generally searching for information on the marked interactively, so parents Incidentally, became increasingly frustrated by left to their own devices as far as web. When the site was com- don’t need to spend hours marking Charlie passed his the lack of information available. preparation was concerned. pleted Charlie set about taking the and the computer tracks their pro- 11+ exam and won They realised that competition Following Tim’s research, his tests on line (all 20 of them!) to gress, issuing a report on results a place at Westcliff was fierce for the coveted selec- company VBPro Ltd, in collabo- ensure they were correct and to over a given period of time. The High School for tive school places but not much ration with experienced 11+ tu- give the thumbs up. papers can also be downloaded Boys, where he help was available. The Local tors, set up a support website to Instead of being glued to their and printed as required. As they started in Septem- Come and Light the FUSE It's a Wonderful Life! Do you like playing table tennis, hanging out with your “Ooh, I haven't done anything with my life,” mates and eating fish and chips? If so, then come along to was the response from a 93 years old, when Meadgate Church Centre on a Sunday evening at 6.30 p.m. by asked if she would be interviewed for Bad- FUSE is a group of 14 – 18 year olds who get together for Selina dow Life. Whilst she may not have played a a laugh and some serious stuff too. If you are interested Knight Powerhouse is a worship- direct part in all the inventions, wars and based children’s group that please ring Heather on 07775 833185 or Mark on 01245 moon shots of the past century, her life actually contradicts aims to introduce children 492741. this perception. to God through worship Kathleen Millington has lived in Great Baddow for 75 and fun activities. Han- years, the last fifteen of which have been in her present by Peter Kirk nah’s artwork (left) and Use Your Vote! house. Her mother died when Kathleen was aged seven Ashlie’s information Essex County Council elections take place on 5th May this and her father arranged for various housekeepers—“a (below) explain quite well year. Maureen Miller (Liberal Democrat) won the Great strange lot some of them”—to care for her and her three what they get up to. Every- Baddow seat (including Galleywood) in 2001 with 2,735 older brothers. At the time they were living in London, thing that is done is directly votes, a majority of 649, and is expected to defend her seat. and moved several times because of World War I air raids. linked to the church Bible Other candidates' names are not yet known. By the age of fifteen Kathleen had left school, which she readings for that Sunday. A General Election is also expected on the same day. had enjoyed, to keep house for them all. She would have The groups also have their Great Baddow is part of the Maldon and Chelmsford East liked to have been a nurse, but her father believed that it own morning service four constituency. John Whittingdale (Conservative) won this was a waste of time educating girls. Indeed, he held very times a year called seat in 2001 with 21,719 votes, a majority of 8,462, and is rigid views, and she never had the opportunity to undertake “Powerhouse Praise”, a career, or have a boyfriend. She reflected that she did not aimed specifically at chil- expected to stand again. Other candidates' names are not dren and their families. yet known. believe she had missed out on these ventures because she The groups are: If you want to make a difference to what happens locally, had enjoyed her life caring for others. Mini Amps nationally and internationally, USE YOUR VOTE! Looking after other people included not only Kathleen's for 0—3 year olds immediate family, but also her eldest brother's wife until they found their own place; a 16 year old homeless friend Bright Sparks for 3—5 year olds Take a Break of one of her brothers with whom she has remained in Live Wires Have you ever felt the need to be quiet and take a break touch; and a young writer named Maisie who came from a for 5—7 year olds even if it is only for a few minutes, from the ceaseless broken home and who spent the next 60 years living with Cool Connections activity, which forms a large part of most of our lives? them until she died at the age of 90. Kathleen has stayed in for 7—11 year olds Sitting down with a cup of tea or coffee can be enough contact with Maisie's half-sisters. And, during World War If you would like to find sometimes to make all the difference, by restoring our II, German prisoners of war Rolfe and Gustav were fre- out more information about energy and sanity. But what if you need something more, quent Sunday dinner visitors, along with several others. Powerhouse, St Mary’s perhaps a bit longer to sit and reflect on your life, the Kathleen developed her interest in nursing by joining the Church Office would be direction you are going in or the problems you face? Or it Red Cross, and she would often visit lonely parishioners. happy to provide you with may be that you just need to catch your breath and have Over the years she believes that her faith came as a gradual more details on time to ‘be’ rather than do. development, reinforced when one of her twin brothers be- 01245 477501 Finding a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted can came ordained, and the other twin, a scientist, was con- be difficult but have you ever thought of visiting St. firmed, despite the agnostic beliefs of their father. How- Mary’s Parish Church? The building may be ancient but it ever, her grandfather was a church warden in the City of has a fine interior with modern facilities. As well as being London and, according to Kathleen, after being driven to open for worship on Sundays it is also open for part of the drink during his second marriage, he just walked out one day on most Thursdays and Fridays to provide a place of morning and booked a passage to Australia! Unfortu- stillness and quiet. Anyone may drop in and stay for a nately, he died on the journey! The family has always been short or longer time during this period. There is always the centre of Kathleen's life, and although her brothers are now dead, she remains in constant touch with her nieces someone on duty to provide information and answer and nephews. She thrives on hearing of each event in their Theatre At Baddow questions or to be available to listen to you in confidence if lives. you wish to talk. George, the scientist twin, worked for Marconi in Few things are more satisfying for a theatre group than to You may prefer to be completely silent, to look around Chelmsford, which led to the family moving from London. have a full house, which is what we had for our Saturday the church which has stood for centuries at the centre of the He was given two prestigious awards in 1974 and 1978 for night performance of ‘Strangers On A Train’ by Graig village as a place of worship and sanctuary, or to sit quietly Warner. This, together with good attendances on the other his work as the Chief of the Propagation and Mathematical by yourself. The Prayer Chapel, which is more private, is Group, which involved investigating high frequency radio nights, has enabled us to raise £650 for the Asian Tsunami available for prayer and reflection. You may wish to light Appeal Fund. Our thanks to everyone who supported this waves. Kathleen was thrilled for him and was full of praise a candle or write a prayer request with or without your for his brilliance as a mathematician. It saddened her when successful production, of which the critics have used phrases name. such as “Simply superb” and “Another TAB triumph”. his mind became confused and his dementia presented If you are curious about your local church, do come and It is equally satisfying when we receive recognition for our many difficulties, which at times made her feel afraid. see what it has to offer. efforts and we are very pleased to be able to report that our However, Kathleen's faith was her strength through these production of ‘The Village Fete’ by Peter Tinniswood, was It may be, however, that if you live alone you may have difficulties. She cycled to church until she was 80, and adjudged by The National Operatic & Dramatic too much peace and quiet and what you need at the mo- sometimes played the organ for the 8 a.m. services at St. Association as being the best production in Region 8 for the ment is a place where you can meet and chat to other Mary's in Great Baddow. Now that she can no longer play year 2004. people over a cup of tea or coffee. Coffee Pot may be the the piano, and her hearing is suspect, Kathleen spends her answer. This takes place in Bell Street just off the High time reading, watching television, writing copious letters, OUR NEXT PRODUCTION WILL BE Street and is also run by the church. It is open on Wednes- crocheting, water-colour painting and praying. Although day and Saturday mornings staffed by a team of volunteers last on the list, praying is very important to her because she The under the leadership of Roy and Joan Parker who started it believes that her active mind can still perform this service ODD in 1990 and still enjoy being involved. for those friends who surround her, and assist her daily. Couple Coffee Pot has received a civic award for its service to Kathleen casually mentioned that she had been corre- (Female Version) the community. Over the years many people have found sponding with a prisoner on death row in Texas for the past A comedy by Neil Simon help and friendship, the value of a sympathetic ear and the four years. Having been sentenced 20 years ago at the age of 18, he had always denied the crime. She described won- 27th – 30th April opportunity for cheerful company and laughter. Whatever your need you are always welcome at both St. derful letters from him of how his faith had sustained him,

Mary’s Church and Coffee Pot. despite four stays of sentence during the past year. It was Many people will remember the acclaimed film with learnt later that the sentence had been carried out. Kath- Church opening times: Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon as the slob and the house- leen believed that he was spiritually ready. proud flat mates, but in re-writing the play for a female Thursday and Friday 11.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. Kathleen may not have had a career, nor married like cast, Neil Simon has added another dimension, which if For the regular services, see ‘Local Information’ on page 6 most of her contemporaries, but without her being who she anything, makes it even funnier than the original. Coffee Pot: is, many of us would have been the losers if they had not

Wednesday 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. touched base with her at some time. There is a poem that For more information about the group, why not visit our website at the Bell Street Hall (next to Russell’s Restaurant) ends with “They also serve who only stand and wait”. The www.theatreatbaddow.co.uk Saturday 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. or for ticket reservations phone 01245 472380 love and care Kathleen is receiving now reflects all that she at The Bell Centre (opposite Russell’s Resaurant) had given to others in the past, and still does now. Local Churches Doctors’ Surgeries

Rector: Revd Alistair McGregor Dr Russell and Partners St Mary’s Church Tel: 01245 471740 “The Surgery” E-mail: [email protected] Address 16 High St, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 7HQ Address: Church Street, Great Baddow Telephone Numbers Surgery: 01245 473251 / 0870 2851990 Services each Sunday 8:00am Holy Communion Dispensary: 01245 472449 10:00am Morning Worship Out of Hours: 01245 444478 6:30pm Evening Worship Surgery open Monday to Friday: 8:00am-6:30pm Palm Sunday: Sunday 20th March at 10.00am Opening Hours Special services Practice closed: 12:30pm-1:30pm Easter Day Service: for the coming weeks Test Results: After 3:00pm Easter Sunday 27th March at 10.00am Children’s Special Service: “Sutherland Lodge Surgery” Sunday 29th May at 10.00am Address 115 Baddow Road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford. St Mary’s Tel: 01245 477501 Church Office E-mail: [email protected] Telephone Numbers Surgery: 01245 351351 Opening Hours: Dispensary: 01245 353530 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: Out of Hours: 01245 295000 9:30am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-3:00pm (Primary Care Trust, St John’s Hospital) Wednesday: 9:30am-12:30pm only Also for Weddings and Baptism enquiries: Opening Hours Surgery open Monday to Friday: 8.30am-6.30pm all day Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm Vicar: Revd Tudor Roberts Other Local Information St Paul’s Church Tel: 01245 269026 E-mail: [email protected] Great Baddow Library Address: Beehive Lane/Loftin Way, Great Baddow 27 High Street, Great Baddow, Chelmsford. Services each Sunday 9:30am Family Praise Address 10:30am Morning Worship Telephone No. 01245 478032 Palm Sunday: Special services Opening Hours Monday: 2.00pm-6.00pm Friday: CLOSED for the coming weeks Sunday 20th March at 9.30am; 10.30am; 6.30pm Tuesday: 9.00am-5.00pm Saturday: 9.00am-5.00pm An hour at the Cross: Wednesday: 2.00pm-7.00pm Sunday: CLOSED Good Friday 25th March at 2.00pm Thursday: 9.00am-6.00pm All Age Easter Service with Holy Communion: Easter Sunday 27th March at 10.30 am at R.S.P.C.A. Mid Essex Clinic Larkrise School, Dorset Avenue, Great Baddow. 32 Maldon Road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford. Meadgate Church Vicar: Revd Mones Farah Address Tel: 01245 471516 Telephone Number 01245 478886 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Meadgate Shopping Centre Opening Hours Office open Monday to Friday: 9.00am-3.00pm Services each Sunday 10:30am Morning Worship Please Note All Consultations by appointment only. 5:30pm Evening Worship Means tested benefit only. Special services Holy Week: “He Stands For Me” Coffee Pot for the coming weeks “Who Would Have Thought”: Mon. 21st March at 6.30pm “A Second Look”: Tue. 22nd March at 6.30pm Opening Hours Wednesday 10.00am—1.00pm “We Looked Down On Him”: Wed. 23rd March at 6.30pm Bell Street Hall “It Was For Our Sins”: Thu. 24th March at 6.30pm Saturday 10.00am—1.00pm “The Passion Of The Christ” certificate 18 Bell Centre (old library) Maundy Thursday 24th March at 8.00pm “Everything Was Laid On Him”: Telephone Number 01245 472673 Good Friday 25th March 12.00pm—3.00pm “Celebration Of Life”: Easter Sunday 27th March at 6.30pm LunchBox United Reformed Minister: David Pennicott Address St Paul’s Church, Great Baddow Tel: 01245 472356/473057 Church Address: High Street, Great Baddow Opening Hours 1st Monday of each month, 12.30pm—2.00pm For soup, a roll and a chat Services each Sunday 10:45am Morning Worship 6:30pm Holy Communion (1st Sunday of each month only) CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CHELMSFORD Special services Easter Day Service: for the coming weeks Easter Sunday 27th March at 10.45am Good Friday March of Witness 25th March 2005 Church of the Minister: Fr Adrian Bell Meeting Place Gathering Departing From Habitat, all four groups Tel: 01245 352898 St Mary’s Church 9.05am 9.15am will assemble at the Town sign Holy Name Address: Lucas Avenue, Moulsham Lodge St Luke’s, Gloucester Avenue 9.00am 9.05am and be led to the top of the St Paul’s Church, Loftin Way 9.20am 9.25am High Street by the Salvation MEADGATE CHURCH The Beehive Pub car park 9.35am 9.45am Army Band. The service at the top of the High Street will Drop in to OASIS and enjoy an all day Breakfast/cup of tea, Meadgate Avenue 9.55am 10.05am with refreshments, and a chat. Salvation Army Citadel 10.15am 10.25am start at 11.00am and run for Easter Saturday, 26th March, 2005 from 10.00a.m. - 1.00p.m. Outside Habitat 10.35am 10.45am approximately 45 minutes. I believe that in the beginning God made But God takes us beyond a perfect world. I believe that God gave us that. The Jesus who cried No One In Need Ask the freedom to choose how to respond to out, "My God why have you his love in creation. I also believe that the deserted me" is the same Je- by Mones Farah Dear Alistair, world was messed up by the way human sus who said, "I am the resur- “There was no one in need among them.” This sentence

beings treated God and his creation. This rection and the life. Those was written two millenniums ago; it described a commu- How can you believe in a means we live in a world where things sim- who believe in me will live, nity that has learned to consider the needs of every mem- loving and all-powerful God ply go wrong and suffering exists. It even though they die; and ber. In a global village, we need to take this point very when things like the tsunami would be almost impossible to have both whoever lives and believes in seriously, because unless the weakest member of the so- disaster happen? freedom and an absence of suffering. this will never die. Do you (Name and address supplied) God's response was to send Jesus, not believe this?" (John 11 vs.25- ciety has a stake in that society, they will not see the simply to share our suffering, but through 26) benefits of working towards the harmony and the Whenever I hear questions like this the his death and resurrection to offer the hope strengthening of that society. words of Jesus from the cross come back to of new life and new creation. This hope is Revd Alistair McGregor The more that we retreat into our little islands and indi- me: "My God, my God, why have you de- not limited to what happens after we die, (Great Baddow Team Rector) vidualistic lives – lives that are mainly concerned with serted me?" There are times when it feels but can be grasped in this life also. We see our welfare and comfort, without aiming to contribute that God is absent, does not care, or does that in the way people responded to the dis- Questions to Alistair, regularly towards providing the needs of others through not even exist. Even Jesus felt like that for aster in caring for those who were injured; please direct to the address taxation and generous giving – the more that poor mem- a terrifying moment on the first Good Fri- in providing from scant resources food and on the back page, bers of national and international society will feel ex- day as he experienced separation from God shelter; and in the generous response to the or e-mail: cluded, marginalised and without a stake in the develop- in death. international appeal for funds. [email protected] ment of the world. One recent headline that ought to be re- membered, is Gordon Brown’s declaration A Growing Faith For Gemma in describing the February meeting of the G8 Summit: “the 100% debt relief sum- I first came to know Jesus wanting to move from My faith continued to mit”. He has been and is committed to as my personal saviour Sunday school into grow and I re-committed tackling world poverty. His actions and re- when I was about five Church. I didn’t see it as my life to Jesus. It was all sponse to world poverty is something to be years old. I remember relevant and, to be honest, cemented when I went to commended and encouraged, for it is this listening to the Sunday I thought it would be Soul Survivor in poverty that claims the lives of thousands school teacher telling us boring; Sunday school Somerset, meeting with daily across the world. It is this poverty, how Jesus had died on the just seemed a lot more thousands of young which is the cause of many ills in our cross to take away our fun! people all coming world: Terrorism; economic migration; na- sins. Being little I got I became a helper in together to praise God. I tional, regional and international instabil- very upset and wondered Sunday school, and while saw what he was doing ity; and even the lack of capacity to re- how people could be so I was teaching, I really on a huge scale, and with nasty to someone so nice! recognised what Jesus amazing encounters with spond to natural disasters. I was lucky enough to be had done for me. It was the Holy Spirit, it What we saw of the G7 intention is a brought up in a Christian there, as I was explaining continued to encourage move in the right direction. For as these family who took me to it to others, that once me even more. debts are written off, 37 of the world’s Church, taught me about again its meaning became When I went to poorest countries will benefit. The money Jesus and let me make a important. The other university, I found it hard saved on the debt repayment needs, how- ever, to be monitored and re-channelled for choice about whether I leaders were encouraging at first, but God really Gemma being Baptised at Meadgate Church by the improvement of the infrastructures of recognised Jesus’ me to try going into the brought me through it and Revd Mones Farah—photo by James Millham sacrifice for myself. church, and one Sunday I my faith grew even more. these nations, not simply pocketed in the After I became a did. It was great, not I found a good church and baptised and my journey look at my life, I see so pockets of the ruling elite, their friends and Christian, when I prayed boring, not irrelevant. My felt much happier. with God is beginning many of God’s blessings. entourage, or in the accounts of the Trans and went to Sunday faith was further One weekend I was another phase – it feels It has made me realise National corporations. school, it all meant encouraged with youth home and praying, and I amazing! I realise that all how much I need to rely We do not need to be extremely clever to something. But when I groups that we had: first felt God saying to me that the experiences He has on God’s grace; and it notice that at the heart of the majority of ills was a teenager, like most Mannaclan and then Fuse I should be baptised and brought me through have doesn’t matter what life in our society and the world at large is pov- I decided I wanted to do when Meadgate youth that I was ready to stand shaped me as a person. I throws at me, He has erty. So let us fight it; let us make our poli- my own thing, so I went group joined with St up and declare my faith. feel more confident in my gone before me and is ticians accountable as to their stance on through a time of not Mary’s. Now I’m here, not long faith in Jesus, and when I with me every step of the tackling poverty, both at home and abroad. way. As long as I trust in “There was no one in need among them” His consistent love and is a slogan that needs to be placed above The Marriage guidance, God is faithful. Alpha Courses the policies, which are formed and forged Course Gemma Hobbs to direct our world today. A seven session course, designed to Exploring the meaning of life strengthen, enrich and enliven your marriage. —a ten session introductory It is designed for couples of all ages, and course about the Christian faith. hundreds have already completed it. Some of the subjects covered in the course are: Is Christianity boring, untrue and irrelevant? building strong foundations, the art of communication, resolving conflict, the power Who is Jesus? of forgiveness, parents and in-laws, good sex, Why did he die? and love in action. Chelmsford Great Baddow The course costs £70 per couple, which covers And how can I be sure of my faith? a two course meal and all the course material, 86 Broomfield Rd 348 Baddow Rd Come and find out and starts on Monday, 9th May 2005 at 01245 353978 01245 268993 7.00pm, at Meadgate Church. more! For more details call 01245 471516 Ingatestone Braintree or see www.meadgatechurch.org.uk Thursday, starting 47 High St 6 Clare Rd 21st April at 7.30pm. 01277 350988 01376 551951 For further details DAVIDSON please contact Bereavement & Mones Farah Building Services Aftercare on 01245 471516 Kitchens/Bathrooms Design/Supply/Install Support Group:

Tel: Mark on 01245 473665 0800 0284808 Alphacourse.org or Mobile: 07773688512 So what will the new surgery pro- Doctor’s Surgery To Relocate vide? THE ♦ An up to date facility, which (Continued from page 1) plot has been sold separately, for pos- will enable existing services to MAN ALIVE REPORT As many who have lived in Great sible housing development. be better provided and oppor-

Baddow for a long time will know, The site has been chosen with care- tunity for expansion of ser- the site was owned by the Catholic ful consideration to ensure that it is vices for the future Here are come possible headlines taken from ♦ Additional clinical areas pro- Church, who until recent years, held still within the centre of the village, different editions of viding both additional GP and services in the wooden hut. The right with good access by road and bus, and nurse facilities, all on the hand site of the plot (viewed from with easy access to local chemists. ground floor to ease access Longmead Avenue) was left as grass- “We are also pleased,” confirms Sue, THE JERUSALEM EVENING STANDARD ♦ Increased waiting area, with land as it had originally been a landfill “that we are on the main bus route provision of a separate area to During ‘PASSOVER WEEK’ in the year A.D. 30 – that serves many of the residential ar- site. The surgery is being built on this provide privacy when required plot, albeit that it is the car park that eas covered by our practice bound- ‘REVOLUTIONARY PRAYS FORGIVENESS ♦ A proper provision for group ary.” As part of the development, a will be on the landfill area. Extensive based sessions e.g. smoking ON EXECUTIONERS’ Pelican crossing is also to be provided work, including compliance with cessation clinics on Maldon Road. This will be of European directives, has been under- ♦ Full compliance with all the ‘GLOOM AT NOON IN CITY AS CRIMINALS DIE’ taken to ensure that the site is fit and, benefit, not just to patients but also to latest legislation e.g. Health & in fact, the first two weeks was spent the wider community, especially chil- Safety, Disability Discrimina- ‘TEMPLE CURTAIN SPLITS ITSELF’ pile driving the area to ensure a safe dren attempting to cross the road on tion Act (DDA) base to build. The left hand side of the the way to and from school. ♦ Opportunity to expand and en- ‘LOCKED DOORS DEFIED IN AFTER-DEATH hance the services offered CONFERENCE’ ♦ A work base for ‘attached staff’, that is District Nurse ‘POLICE ACCEPT BRIBE TO CONCEAL Team and Health Visitors to foster closer working relation- TRUTH AT TOMB’ ships Sensational? Maybe, but these are truthful quotations ♦ Space for Other Primary Care from the Bible, of events which actually happened in our Services (yet to be determined) world. Christianity is concerned with NEWS not VIEWS. ♦ Increased administrative space The Bible is the record of something that has happened – ♦ More car parking than is cur- something that God has done in history. rently available Most religions contain some good teaching and fine ad- So when will the move be taking vice, but Christianity is totally different. It isn’t concerned place? “At this early stage in the with ideas, but facts concerning the Good News of what development it is impossible to give God has done in our world to put us right with Himself. an accurate date, but we anticipate This wonderful news is centred on JESUS CHRIST. before Christmas,” Sue suggests, During March, Christians all over the world will be “and possibly as early as Septem- thinking of the death and coming to life again of Jesus. ber, when the existing surgery will This happened. It is true. It is part of real history. You be sold.” can read about it for yourself in the four gospels in the At present, the new surgery is not ‘Holy Bible’. Whether you believe it or not, makes no dif- called anything. Sue asks, “If any- ference to it being fact. one has any ideas for a name for the But if you do believe it, it can radically and marvellously The building site in the process of being converted into houses and the new new surgery – we are open to sug- change your whole life. It will give you ‘Peace with God’ in Doctor’s Surgery—photo by James Millham gestions!” your heart; it will change your life from one of futility to crea- tive purpose. It will fill you with joyous satisfaction. It will CROSSWORD Thank You To The Team For The enable you to overcome temptation. It will bring understand- ‘Senior Citizen’s Christmas Dinner’ ing and guidance to help you through your problems. It will 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 take away the fear of death because Jesus has overcome On the 1st January the annual Christmas Dinner for Senior 8 death by His glorious resurrection. It will take you into Citizens living alone was held at St Mary’s Parish Hall. I am Heaven to be with Jesus forever when you die. 9 sure all who attended would like to say a big “Thank you” to Clive Spratt and everyone who worked so hard to make it a Good news alright! True in A.D. 30 and in A.D. 2005. Believe this news if you want to enjoy ‘A HAPPY success. The lunch was excellent and the entertainment, which followed, made for a very enjoyable afternoon. So, EASTER’ and ‘Live happily ever after’! 10 11 12 13 thank you very much to all involved. The Revd. Canon Philip Price.

14 Across: Down: If you wish to make any 1. Lodgings (13) 1. Pertaining to one’s own writing (13) 15 16 comments regarding any 8. Greek letter (2) 2. Small enclosed place (9) items printed in this 9. Mobile temple (10) 3. Seasoned soaking (8) publication, or you wish to 10. South American tongue (8) 4. Egg-cells (3) advertise with us, 17 18 12. Fasten (4) 5. Pivot (4) 15. Call off (5) 6. Positioned above (2) please contact the editor at 19 16. 1 across for short time (5) 7. Pertaining to the study of figures (13) the address printed at the bottom of this page, or e-mail 20 21 17. Tints (4) 11. Marten (5) 18. Twelve months old (8) 13. Belonging to one’s country (9) [email protected] 22 23 20. In an order (10) 14. Divine spirits (8) and we will be happy 22. Place (2) 19. Slight (4) to respond. 24 24. Rising to the power (13) 21. Small 1 across (3) If you wish to have a letter Answers next issue 23. In the direction of (2) printed in the paper, address it as below, or e-mail [email protected]. Alternatively, please visit us at www.baddowlife.org.uk

Please send comments and suggestions to: Baddow Life, 162A Meadgate Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 7LJ Produced by Great Baddow Team Ministry. Printed by Newsquest (Essex) Ltd. Deadline for the next issue: 22nd May 2005