Millicent Fawcett

Source: Britannica (biography) (

Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett, née Garrett, (born June 11, 1847, , Suffolk, Eng.—died Aug. 5, 1929, London), leader for 50 years of the movement for woman in England. From the beginning of her career she had to struggle against almost unanimous male opposition to political rights for women; from 1905 she also had to overcome public hostility to the militant suffragists led by and her daughter Christabel, with whose violent methods Fawcett was not in sympathy. She also was a founder of Newnham College, Cambridge (planned from 1869, established 1871), one of the first English university colleges for women.

Millicent Garrett was the seventh of the 10 children of Newson Garrett, a shipowner and political radical, who for years supported the efforts of his eldest daughter, the pioneer woman physician and medical educator Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, to be admitted to the practice of medicine. In April 1867 Millicent married , a radical politician and professor of political economy at Cambridge. She helped him to overcome the handicap of his blindness, while he supported her work for women’s rights, beginning with her first speech on the subject of woman suffrage (1868).

Fawcett became president of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies in 1897. Finally, in 1918, the Representation of the People Act, which enfranchised about 6,000,000 women, was passed. (Ten years afterward, British women received the vote on a basis of full equality with men.) In 1919 she retired from active leadership of the suffrage union, which had been renamed the National Union for Equal Citizenship.

Source: Twinkl (biography)

Source: Millicent Fawcett: 100 Years On – Mayors Office London

Source: BBC Newsround – Millicent Fawcett Statue