
Market Connections Committee

Meeting Agenda

Date: Monday, May 13, 2019 Time: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Location: Economy Building Classroom, 1433 First Avenue (3rd Floor) Committee Members: Colleen Bowman (Chair), David Ghoddousi (Vice-Chair), Devin McComb, Mark Brady, Matt Hanna, Ali Mowry, JJ McKay

4:00pm I. Administrative: Chair A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of the Market Connections Committee April 8th, 2019 Meeting Minutes

4:05pm II. Announcements and/or Community Comments

4:10pm III. Key Issues and Discussion Items A. Heritage Display Grant Update Karin Moughamer B. Viaduct Demolition Garage Impacts Update Mary Bacarella C. Executive Director Report and Construction Impact Mary Bacarella Updates

5:45pm IV. Public Comment

5:50pm V. Concerns of Committee Members

6:00pm VI. Adjournment Chair

Pike Place Market Preservation & Development Authority (PDA) · [email protected] · pikeplacemarket.org P: 206.682.7453 · F: 206.625.0646 · 85 , Room 500 · , WA 98101

Market Connections Committee z Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 8, 2019 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Economy Building Classroom, 1433 First Avenue (3rd Floor)

Committee Members Present: Colleen Bowman, David Ghoddousi, Ali Mowry, Mark Brady, JJ McKay, Devin McComb

Other Council Members Present:

Staff/ Consultants Present: Mary Bacarella, Karin Moughamer, Brady Morrison

Others Present: Joan Paulson, Howard Aller, Nick Setten, Wendy Paul, David Graves, Lillian Sherman, Russell Monroe

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm by Colleen Bowman, Chair.

I. Administration A. Approval of the Agenda Colleen Bowman amended the agenda to include a Construction Impact Update by Mary Bacarella and moved that to item A under Reports & Discussions items.

The agenda was approved as amended by acclamation.

B. Approval of the Market Connections Committee March 11th, 2019 Minutes The March 11th, 2019 meeting minutes were approved by acclamation.

II. Announcements and Community Comments Wendy Paul commented that holiday lights are still up in the MarketFront. When on they block the view through the building and at night some of them blink and are a distraction. She handed out two photos showing the lights in the Pavilion at night.

Joan Paulson, with regards to Park, asked where the totem poles will be going, clarification on if trees are being removed and will the leaking into the garage under the park be fixed. She would also like to know if there will be an elevation change in the park. Second, Joan handed out an email regarding the map that was included in the Hildt Licata Agreement. She does not feel it accurately outlines the historic district.

Howard Aller commented that there should be a separation of the MarketFront and and cautioned the PDA to be careful about protecting our area. In the drawings he has seen there is no physical separation.

Pike Place Market Preservation & Development Authority (PDA) · [email protected] · pikeplacemarket.org P: 206.682.7453 · F: 206.625.0646 · 85 Pike Street, Room 500 · Seattle, WA 98101

III. Reports & Discussion Items A. Construction Impact Updates Mary Bacarella provided updates on the following construction projects:  There is no update on Overlook Walk. The design process should pick up in 6-8 weeks.  No update on the Hahn Building  The Streetcar may be pushed back even further than anticipated and Mary is looking into that.  The waterfront shuttle will continue service this summer and from April to June will have three shuttles on the north/south loop and two shuttles on the east loop. There will also be a concierge on the waterfront at Stop F. July through September 2 there will be one more shuttle on the north/south loop and continue the concierge service.  “Complete Market to MOHAI” has advanced to the next stage of the SDOT Neighborhood Street Fund Grant. Public voting will begin at the end of April.  Mary will be meeting with Ron Judd from WSDOT on the progress. Crews are working six days a week with Sunday’s off. They are still aiming for June 1st completion of the central waterfront and starting in front of the Market at the end of May. She will receive an update on April 10th on the work over the train tracks and the roads around the north end will open at the end of April.  Modifications to the Market garage to accommodate the new will not start until 2020. Mary is working on the MOU with the City. The garage entrance will be closed for three months for the work but a total of nine months overall. Mary is pushing for the work to take place from September to May.

Lastly, Mary Bacarella noted that included in the packet is a summary of the projects identified in the strategic plan that will be reviewed at the Market Connections Committee. Those projects are:

ACTION RESPONSIBLE START END NOTES Overlook Walk and integration Ongoing discussion, planning, Mary 1/1/18 12/31/23 into new Waterfront Park and negotiations Development of wayfinding Includes updating business and access plan directories, signature signage at * Western Avenue connections entry to MarketFront, Pike Street Mary/John/Amy 1/1/19 7/8/19 and DownUnder plan in Hillclimb, interpretive signage, conjunction with Market iconic signage, downtown Programs wayfinding directories Projects include connections with Ensure appropriate and Overlook Walk, Pike/Pine supportive access provided to Mary 1/1/18 12/31/24 improvements, streetcar, the Market during surrounding aquarium addition, Victor construction Steinbrueck Park

Mary Bacarella reviewed the priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan and identified the committee for which each topic will be discussed. This will be further reviewed at the April full council meeting.

Colleen Bowman asked what the next step is for voting on the Market to MOHAI grant. Karin Moughamer responded she will send around the link from SDOT once it is released.

Colleen Bowman asked when Angela Brady will next present to the Committee. Mary Bacarella responded she will follow-up with Angela Brady and that presentation, along with the MOU, will most likely be presented at full council.

Mark Brady asked what the completion date is for viaduct demolition. Mary Bacarella responded she will look into it.

B. Victor Steinbrueck Park Update David Graves with Seattle Parks and Recreation began by noting today’s presentation will focus on the south end where the park connects with the MarketFront but began with an overview of the park design. The totem poles are not shown in the rendering and stated there is a larger conversation regarding all totem poles and native artworks in Seattle Parks. The plinths will remain in the park. The totem poles have to be removed as part of the construction and the conversation will be had with the Market Historical Commission as to whether the totem poles are brought back. David will be seeking approval to remove the totem poles for construction.

Mary Bacarella asked if he will be seeking approval from the Market Historical Commission (MHC) to remove the totem poles for construction. David Graves responded he needs approval from the MHC to begin construction and removal of the totem poles is part of that proposal. So far the MHC is on board with the plans they have received.

David Graves continued by noting the large London Plane tree will be removed and replaced with a new tree. It is really hard to remove a tree of this size and bring it back in nine months and ensure it survives. Trees will be planted along the north end of the park and there will be a new table also at the north end along with some kid play features and rocks. The overall goal of the park is to keep the current design and feel with some modern updates. The lighting will be updated so the LED lights focus light down and will reduce the glow from the park during the night. The membrane will be replaced under the park and there will be a small change in the grade due to the work required for the membrane.

David Graves showed a rendering with an aerial view of the south room, which is closest to the MarketFront connection. David Graves and Mary Bacarella still need to discuss what the opening will look like between the park and MarketFront. There is a slight slope to the MarketFront but will be ADA compliant.

Mary Bacarella asked when conversations should begin between her and David with regards to the VSP/MarketFront connection. David Graves responded 100% design drawings will be ready to submit to MHC by June and is hoping to have MHC approval by end of summer so the project can go do bid in the fall with construction starting late fall and be completed by next spring. So, conversations regarding the opening should begin soon.

David Graves continued by showing a rendering of the seating and tables in the south room. The toadstool seats currently out there are replaced with a seat that is more comfortable and canted so people can tuck their feet under. The tables will be ADA accessible and there are moveable tables and chairs. The pergola will need to be replaced with one that looks similar to the current design. It will have lighting and seating under it with ample room for people to move around. A rendering looking from the middle of the park looking south towards the MarketFront shows the

fixed benches with room for companion seating. The wood tops will be easier for Parks staff to replace. A rendering showing the view from MarketFront to VSP was shared and includes the words “Welcome” in both English and Coast Salish on the cement walls dividing the spaces.

Someone asked what the cost of the project is. David Graves responded there is $1.6 million in levy funds and an additional $5 million was secured for the membrane replacement. That is the budget and they will make all this work within that amount.

Mark Brady asked if the railing is still included along the western edge. David Graves responded yes, the railing is included along with the latte ledge. Mark Brady noted his concern for the latte ledge and feels it’s a safety risk for people placing children along the ledge.

Ali Mowry asked if Parks has observed how many people in wheelchairs use the park. David Graves responded specific counts of wheelchairs has not been conducted but they have heard from the mobility community that the current design is not adequate.

Ali Mowry asked how old the tree is that is being removed. David Graves responded it was planted when the park was built in 1984-1985. Parks has done research to determine if it can be removed and replaced once construction is complete but it’s hard to find a spot to store that large of a tree for nine-months without certainty it will survive.

Mary Bacarella asked if anything is changing operationally with security with the new park. David Graves responded he doesn’t have a firm answer but believes things will change once the Overlook Walk is completed and the same security used for the waterfront and Overlook Walk may extend into the Park.

David Ghoddousi asked if there is a budget for maintenance and security once the park is complete. David Graves responded there currently exists a budget for maintenance and security and if it’s built right, the maintenance costs goes down.

Devin McComb asked how the lighting will change. David Graves responded the lighting will be replaced in-kind but with a modern technology that allows the light to be directed down. In addition the lighting will be more even-feeling with less glare through the neighborhood.

Devin McComb asked if there will be onsite storage for the moveable tables and chairs. David Graves responded there is a storage locker built on site into the wall near the south end of the park.

Colleen Bowman asked what the lifespan is of the new membrane. David Graves responded the typical membrane lifespan is 30 years and there are two ways of protecting it. The first is to intern it in concrete as it currently is or put pavers over the membrane like at Union Station, which break. Parks will do all they can to protect the garage underneath but the garage is open to the elements. There is drainage built into the current and new design to the park to pick up additional runoff.

Colleen Bowman asked who else is in the conversation regarding the totem poles in the park. David Graves responded it’s a larger conversation taking place city-wide. There may be a call-to-

artists if new artwork is installed. The plinths currently in the park will not be removed in the event the poles are replaced.

IV. Public Comment Howard Aller noted he did not hear in the presentation discussion of the barrier between MarketFront and Victor Steinbrueck Park. David Graves responded that is part of the conversation that needs to take place between him and Mary Bacarella. The conversation will include what the closure looks like between the two spaces.

Joan Paulson noted the park originally opened in 1981 as Market Park. The original tables only lasted a year as people were sleeping on and under them. She feels that if they didn’t work in 1981 the will not work in 2019. Joan also feels that when the totem poles are removed the base will be removed during construction and there will be no place for the totem poles to go back to. If Parks wants to honor the original design they need to determine if the totem poles will go back or not.

Wendy Paul noted the doggy waste bag station was removed in Victor Steinbrueck Park and she would like to see them return. A lot of people use those bags and now there is a lot of additional dog waste in the park.

V. Concerns of Committee Members Ali Mowry noted that the conversation around the totem poles moving forward should not be about protecting the intention of Victor Steinbrueck but instead protecting and honoring the Coast Salish and Duwamish people that are here. Seattle has done very little as a city to honor those peoples. It’s really important moving forward that Coast Salish and Duwamish peoples as well as community leaders are at the table during the conversation.

VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:51 p.m. by Colleen Bowman, Chair

Meeting minutes submitted by: Karin Moughamer, Executive Administrator

Telling the Story of the Soul of Seattle: Updating & Expanding Heritage Displays in Pike Place Market Historic District MARKET CONNECTIONS MAY 13, 2019 The Team

Rand and Associates A little history The goal

Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase 1 Next steps

Viaduct Demolition + PPM Garage Update Market Connections Committee Meeting May 13, 2019

Signage  Need to create map of the garages to indicate specific places to post signage. To be worked out during site walk through on May 15th.  Working to develop simple messaging: follow the yellow brick road and/or paint a path on garage floor and combine that with signage.  Signs need to provide direction for both going to and from the market to the waterfront.  Amy to coordinate with graphic designer and Alex Prentiss on printing deadlines and due date.

ADA ramp  Ramp to be constructed approximately June 5th. o This will give a few days of usage to get market regulars accustomed to using the new path.  Ramp surface will be asphalt and will have handrails if the grade is 5% or more. Also, checking on fencing along the ramp.  A few signs indicating that “Bikes MUST yield to pedestrians” and “NO Pedi-cabs” will be posted at each end.  Kiewit will send concepts/drafts of the ramp and the Market will have a version made of graphics to put on PDA and waterfront businesses websites, etc.  WSDOT, Kiewit and PDA need to determine how to deal with security, trespassing and hazmat issues.

Shuttle – Tentative start date June 20th  Only needed during Phase 3 (when the ramp is not accessible) and should last 7-14 days.  Western Avenue near Bound by Sky and Heritage House proposed as pick up/drop off location.  Alaskan Way (in-between University and Seneca and at the Aquarium) location for waterfront pick up/drop (coincides with current waterfront shuttle stops).  Proposed loop schedule to be approximately 20 minutes and double capacity on Friday – Sundays.  Shuttle schedule needs to take into consideration Aquarium event schedule. (Aquarium Party is June 27th from 6:30 – 9:30, Splash is June 7th at 5pm.)  Hydraulic elevator foot traffic observed on Friday – Sunday. The elevator was occupied 30-60 per hour. Very common with scooters and strollers.

Parking Garage  Per Kiewit and Ferma, only the westernmost stalls on the upper surface lot will be effected. During demolition closest to the building, ½ of the stalls to be blocked at a time.  Kiewit will attempt to work around the three vehicles that need electricity 24/7, allowing them to remain in their current parking stalls. Kiewit will look into various ways to protect those vehicles.  Dust & debris protection will be hung from a skid cat and should protect as far down as level 2 of the garage. Hoses will work from upper lot to keep dust at a minimum.  Ferma will pay for use of the parking stalls.

Media  Instructions on the best way to get into the market and garage will be added to the WSDOT weekly updates during times leading up to and during the impact on the garage.  PDA marketing is working on ways to capitalize on viewing the demolition from the MarketFront and will reach out Market businesses and see how they would like to participate.

Next Update  WSDOT and Kiewit to attend May 30th PDA Council meeting