Submissions Speaking and Non Speaking Draft Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021 Mid Term Review From: John & Andrea Hickman <
[email protected]> Sent: Monday, 14 May 2018 7:33 a.m. To: RLTP Cc: 'Kevin Wilson' Subject: CM: Coastal Pacific Bike Trail Record Number: 2018099736 Hello I wish to make a submission on the Roading Long Term Plan. I wish to be heard at a hearing should one be available. I am concerned there appears to be no inclusion into the plan of the Coastal Pacific bike trail which would ultimately be an extension to the Picton‐Spring Creek plan. This proposal is significant for the development and progression of South Marlborough and should be recognised for the potential benefits this will have to the greater region and New Zealand should this progress. I urge this to be included within the plan and will expand on my thoughts should a hearing be available Kind Regards John Hickman P.O.Box 141 Ward 7248 This e-mail message has been scanned by SEG Cloud 1 Marlborough Kaikoura Trail Trust Submission on Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan Marlborough Kaikoura Trail Trust (MKTT) submission to the Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan is: 1. Koromiko Valley Pathway (KVP) project is prioritised and constructed in years 1 to 3. 2. Consideration is given to upgrading and designating Redwood Pass Road as the preferred cycling route as part of the State Highway 1 Weld Pass Realignment Project. 3. RLTP provision for safe cycling between Picton and Kaikoura along SH1, where there is no alternative route to SH1 for the proposed Marlborough Kaikoura Coastal Trail.