Black History Month in Elementary and High Schools
Winner of Four Collegiate Excellence in Journalism Awards fromo Our college. Our news. Our voice. Naugatuck Valley Community College February 1, 2016 Waterbury, Connecticut Vol. 60, Iss. 1 one month out of the year, the rich wealth of to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often African American history is taught only briefly neglected accomplishments of black Americans Black History Month in elementary and high schools. This is a fail- in every area of endeavor throughout our Nicole Hayes ure of public institutions in their duty to edu- history.” cate students with in-depth knowledge on More recently, each Black History Month It is now February, during which we celebrate profession.” These are just two examples of African American history, particularly the is themed, with 2016’s being Hallowed Grounds: the lives of important African Americans countless African American women who have contributions of African American women. In Sites of African American Memories. This theme and their achievements throughout history. made an impact within American history. hopes of delivering on Woodson’s aspiration, it focuses on landmarks in African American According to Dr. Lean’tin Bracks, scholar of history. Whether that be Kingsley Plantation African American Literature at Nashville’s in Florida, Harlem’s 125th Street, or countless Fisk University, Black History Month started spots along the Underground Railroad, these as a weeklong celebration in 1926. The week historic sites are sacred remembrance points was chosen to correlate with the February in American Black history. birthdates of Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Connecticut is steeped in African Washington, and Frederick Douglas.
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