Connecticut Daily Campus

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Connecticut Daily Campus Connecticut Daily Campus ServingCanJiM StorrsC(«« SinceCIM<»/» 1896I QQA ' VOL. LXVIII, NO. 74 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1964 Four Fraternities Put On The Line McKinnon In Presidential Race By 40-Man Count Moves Up One Logical Sequence Is To Fill Vacancy Revoked Facilities Four fraternities were described Created By Bolig as being in questionable status by university officials Friday, as the Leaves D'Andrea annual membership census was completed. Uncontested The four houses, which were not named, are said to be below The forthcoming campus elec- the 40 man count which is neces- tions took on yet another look sary to remain as a recognized yesterday afternoon as Anne Mc- fraternity by the University. Kinnon announced her candidacy Dean of Men John Dunlop said for president of the Associated that no official announcement of Student Government. She fills the extinction of a fraternity the vacancy that was created last would be made until a recount Thursday when John Bolig, the has been made and all parties party's original nominee, was de- concerned have been informed. clared ineligible by Dean of Stu- Two Actions Necessary dents, Arwood Northby. If a fraternity is below the 40 McKinnon was originally man count, and has been for two the ISO choice for the vice pres- years, two actions are necessary idential post. Her move creates before its official withdrawal: one a vacancy in this nomination slot. by the university, and the other Charlene D'Andrea, running as an by the Interfraternity Council. independent with the endorse- A fraternity which has not met ment of the USA Party, is now the 40 man count for two years the only vice presidential candi- by university policy is no longer WITH STUD l-'NTS: When the itudent team reappeared on the floor during the date. recognized as a social organiza- half the Student-Faculty game, a Beatie record was heard on the PA tyatem, and the Miss McKinnon is opposed by tion, and loss of any university Babbidge danced with the cheerieadar*. The oooteat ended with the faculty facility will result. The dormi- the USA's Bill Hait. When asked (Caaaane Photo—Coony) tory where the fraternity was whether the ISO would back Miss housed would then be used as the D'Andrea also, or if they would university best saw fit. nominate another candidate of The second action necessary be- their own, she said that both mat- fore the death of a fraternity is Carroll Pledges Enforcement ters had been discussed. through the IFC. Jim Tomchick, She added that she had heard president, said that the first ac- that there was a distinct possibil- tion would be initiated by the ex- Of New IFC Hazing Policy ity that there would be another ecutive board of the IFC, com- vice presidential candidate. posed of the officers and two ap- Bob Carroll, newly appointed members of the IFC, the Council pledges to excessive physical ex- One reliable source stated that pointed member. Upon their rec- Chairman of the Interfraternity has adopted specific penalty meas- ertion to the point of exhaustion this possibility rests in the candi- ommendation, and following dis- Council Judiciary Board, has ures for the guarantee of the or severe fatigue, or threatened dacy of either Michael Ambrose cussion, a vote would be taken by made definite committments to elimination of "harmful hazing pledges physically or otherwise for or Louis Steadwell filling the slot. all members of the IFC, with a enforcing the recently adopted practices" in the fraternity sys- the purpose of cajoling them into Neither of these men could be three-quarter majority necessary IFC Hazing Policy for which he tem. secrecy in regard to breaches of contacted yesterday afternoon be- for continued recognition. If a and Daag Haltgreen were prima- A house will be subject to the the IFC. Hazing Code. fore press time. fraternity did not get the % vote, rily responsible. loss of rushing privileges for the It would no longer exist, Tom- The policy, which is the first of following "harmful hazing prac- chick said. its kind at the University, states tices": the practice of involuntary The question of these four that: 'The Interfraternity Coun- rides for the purpose of abandon- Former Governor Lodge houses is expected to arise at to- cil at the University of Connecti- ment, conducted either by the night's IFC meeting, although no cut, believing that true fraternal- brothers or the pledges; direct official action is expected to take ism is nurtured in an atmosphere physical paddling; demoralizing Speaks JVednesday Night place. Tomchick said that he has and immoral practices, involving of social and moral responsibility, John D. Lodge, past governor of St&tees House of Representatives had no official word from Dean feels that hazing is inconsistent loss of self-respect, injury to per- Connecticut, former United States Dunlop, and therefore the ques- sonal dignity, compromise of per- in 1946 from Connecticut's fourth with the responsibility to uphold Ambassador, and holder of many Congressional District h and was tion of any specific fraternity constructive pledge education . ." sonal values; extreme physical other distinctions, will be the should not come up. harrassment in which physical re-elected in 1948. During his To assure the compliance of the speaker in the HUB at 8:00 p.m. four years in the House, Lodge harm may result; severe psycho- Wednesday. February- 26, 1964. logical harrassment. served with effectiveness and dis- Mr. Lodge's topic, entitled "No tinction on the Foreign Affairs The interpretation of the last Place to Hide," deals with eco- Committee. He was elected as Senate's Faculty Awards three infractions, demoralizing nomic illiteracy. the first four year term Governor and immoral practices, extreme Lodge was graduated from Mid- of Connecticut in 1950. Governor physical harrassment, and severe Lodge served two terms as Chair- Go To S/owinski, Kort psychological harrassment, is left dlesex School, Concord, Massachu- setts, received a B.A. degree from man of the New England Gover- "Delighted, pleased, surprised" ficates were awarded to Lewis to the discretion of the Judiciary Harvard; studied at the Ecole de nor's Conference and two terms was the reaction of one of the Liptsitz of the political science Board. as a member of the Executive winners of the Distinguished Fac- The IFC will recommend that Droit in Paris; and received his department, Robert Stallman of LL.B. degree from Harvard Law Committee of the National Gov- ulty Awards, Dr. Emil Slowinski, Administration place any house ernor's Conference. of the chemistry department, who the English department, Walter en social probation which has School. He holds an honorary was contacted immediately after Kaess of the psychology depart- been found to have: forced the Doctor of Science degree from He was President Eisenhower's being notified of his selection yes- ment and Albert Van Dusen of pledges to eat or drink anything Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Special Ambassador on Presiden- terday. the history department. against their will, subjugated Lodge was elected to the United tial Missions to Panama. Costa The other winner of the award, In the past there had been ten Rica, and Puerto Rico. He also which is a certificate and $125 is winners in this category but the served as United States Ambassa- Dr. Fred Kort of the political committee this year decided that A.P.O. Rush Meeting Tonight dor in Madrid, Spain, from March science department. The Daily it was able to pick only four 1955 to April. 1961, the longest Campus was unable to speak to winners. Nancy Case, a member Delta Sigma chapter of the na- requested to fill out one of the term of any VS. Ambassador to him. of the committee explained that tional service fraternity Alpha cards placed at the Alpha Phi Spain. Honorable Mention the other names submitted were Phi Omega will hold the second Omega display in the Union Aside from his political devo- Four honorable mention certi- grouped so closely that it was im- in a series of three open, rush lounge. tions, Mr Lodge is also very much possible to make a selection. meetings Monday night, February Of the 300 APO chapters in the interested in American youth. He She noted that the voting turn- 24th, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose United States, Delta Sigma has is President of Junior Achieve- Tutorial Project out was high and the recommen- of the meeting is to acquaint long held one of the most distin- ment. Inc., a national program of prospective brothers with the pur- guished records of service to the The Hartford Tutorial Pro- dations were extremely well writ- economic education which teaches ten. posses and oragnization of the student body, faculty and admin- children about the American pri- ject will hold its second meet fraternity and will be followed by Banquet istration, and community at large. vate enterprise system by giving ing for new members tonight an informal coffee in the Nat- Top priority this semester will be at 7:00 in HUB 302. Speakers, All winners will be honored at them the opportunity to actually chaug room in the Commons given to the Campus Community organize and operate miniature tutors, and techniques will be a banquet this Wednesday night building. Carnival which last year raised featured on the program. firms of their own with the guid- at which they will be presented Any interested men who will be almost $4000.00 for distribution to their awards. ance of adult businessmen from unable to attend the meeting are state and local charities. prominent local firms. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1964 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Connecticut Student Government halls, fraternities, and even the limited to our own state, but should Jungle halls.
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