New Rose Cottage Chapel Lane Hillesley GL12 7RQ

Clerk Mary Leonard 01453 844659 [email protected]

Minutes of a Meeting of Kingswood Parish Council held on Monday 9th December 2013 commencing at 7.15 at the Village Hall Wickwar Road


Councillors: Chairman Cllr. David Rockey, Vice Chairman Paul Hemming, Cllr. Ken Wood, Cllr. Sue Evans, Cllr. Toby Phillips and Cllr. Norval Hawksworth.

Clerk Mary Leonard

Gloucestershire County Council: County Councillor John Cordwell was in attendance at this meeting.

Stroud District Council: District Councillor Paul Hemming was in attendance at this meeting.

Public There were no members of the public present. Press: There were no members of the press present. Police PCSO Ben Rolling was not in attendance at this meeting.

Neighbourhood Warden - The Neighbourhood Warden Peter Gleed was not in attendance at this meeting.

14632/13- T o receive and note apologies for absence. . Cllr. Jean Simmons sent her apologies as she she was unable to attend this meeting.

14633/13 - To receive and record declaration of personal and prejudicial interest from councillors in matters on the agenda

Cllr. Paul Hemming declared an interest in planning matters as he is a member of the Stroud District Council’s Development Control Committee.

Cllr. Sue Evans declared a prejudicial interest in the public convenience.

14634/13 -To take questions and concerns from the public. (This session is for information only and no decisions can be made on matters raised in this meeting unless the issue is already on the agenda. If not on 1701

the agenda the matter can be brought to the next meeting)

There were no members of the public present.

14635/13 - To approve the minutes held on Monday 11th November 2013 and the chairman to sign on behalf of the Council that they are an accurate record of the proceedings.

Cllr. Ken Wood proposed that the council accept the minutes as a true record of the proceedings of the meeting of the 11th November 2013. This was seconded by Cllr. Toby Phillips. All councillors were in favour and the matter was resolved.

14636/13 - To discuss District Council matter and receive a report from District Councillor Paul Hemming

Councillors noted the report that they received ahead of the meeting and had no further comment to make.

14637/13 - To discuss County Council matters and receive a report from County Councillor John Cordwell.

Councillors noted the report that they received ahead of the meeting and had no further comment to make.

14638/13 To discuss matters relating to policing and to receive a report from members of the police force if one

I. To discuss Community Speedwatch and take decisions as appropriate.

Councillors noted the information received from PC. Charlie Sallis. They welcomed the information that anyone recorded travelling at 37mph or over in a 30mph area by either the Watch or the Kingswood Watch would be sent a letter. They also agreed that anyone recorded doing 40mph should be written to immediately. Councillors wished for information on the scheme to be put in the Gazette to publicise the speed initiative within Kingswood.

14639/13 –. To receive a report in connection with the Playing field and to decide on any appropriate action which may need to be taken.

I. To discuss and take a decision on the cost of reinstalling the air skier.

Councillors discussed the quote received for the re installation of the air skier. It was proposed by Cllr. Ken Wood to accept the quote from Kilcott Valley Tree Maintenance. This was seconded by Cllr. Toby Phillips. All councillors were in agreement therefore the matter was resolved.

14640/13 – To discuss the Neighbourhood Wardens Report and take decisions as necessary.

The report was noted and the Councillors have no further comment to make.


14641/13 - To approve accounts for payment, sign cheques and Note Additional Payments Made in line with the Parish Council’s financial regulations. Those received at the time the agenda was issued are listed below. Payee Amount VAT Total Reason £ £ £ Mrs Evans 121.87 121.87 Contract Cleaning of toilets

Miss M Leonard 684.46 684.46 Delivery charge 50.00 Expenses 218.35 268.34 Prize 24.99 Post box 50.00 Scanner 49.99 952.80 Volunteers gifts 69.93 902.81 Travel 23.43 Total 268.34 SLCC 50.00 50.00 Branch Walkers 1575.00 315.00 1890.00 Removal of tree at churchyard and other works Wickstead 183.37 36.67 220.04 To replace previous cheque not received.

Viking 146.35 29.27 175.62 Stationary Jo Hornig 310.00 310.00 Work at the toilets Jo Hornig 50.00 50.00 To fit notice board 25.00 Removal of toilet door 25.00(if agreed) On Site 750.00 150. 00 900.00 CCTv and connectivity drainage survey Total 4069.53 530.94 4600.47

It was proposed by Cllr. Paul Hemming to accept the above list of payments. This was seconded by Cllr. Norval Hawksworth. All councillors were in favour and the matter was resolved.

14642/13 -To consider the monthly bank reconciliation for October 2013 as prepared by the Clerk and for the Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr. Paul Hemming to accept the bank reconciliation as a true record. This was seconded by Cllr. Ken Wood. All councillors were in favour and the matter was resolved.

14643/13 - To discuss the budget proposals that were discussed in the meeting of the budget working party on 2/12/13 and to make

Councillors reviewed the draft document discussed the changes to the Clerks line due to the proposed industry increase to the pay scales. Councillors noted the information and agreed that the line would need to be increased but doubted that the increase would be as much as requested. The budget and precept setting to be carried forward to January or possibly February for a resolution. This is as the council is waiting for clear information from the Government on the precept arrangements.

14643/13 - To review and comment on planning matters received at the date of issue of the agenda.


To review and comment on planning matters received at the date of issue of the agenda.


Cllr. Paul Hemming declared an interest in the planning items as he is a member of Stroud District Council’s the development Control Committee. He left the room during the discussions.


S.13/2331/COU Langford Mill Charfield Road, Change of use of joinery workshop to mixed B1/B8 use. Erection of a single Kingswood, Wotton-Under-Edge, storey extension. Gloucestershire, GL12 8RL

S.13/2337/HHOLD Knoll View Dye House Road, Kingswood, Erection of extensions and alterations and upgrading of existing dwelling. Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8RA Councillors commented on the reply from the agent as there are no beams on ground floor

S.13/2330/LBC Langford Mill House Charfield Road, Internal alterations, removal of freestanding brick wall, erection of new boundary Kingswood, Wotton-Under-Edge, fences, variation of condition 5 of S.02/1186 to allow use of existing access for Gloucestershire, GL12 8RL Offices and creation of overspill parking area

Councillors agreed to wait for the amended plans before commenting on either of the applications for Langford Mill. Councillors to meet on Monday 23rd December to review the plans

The Clerk to advise the planning Officer of this

S.13/2205/LBC Mounteneys Farm Chase Lane, Wickwar, Replacement windows to front, side and rear elevations. Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8JY Councillors reviewed this application. It was proposed by Cllr. Ken Wood to make no comment on this application. This was seconded by Cllr. Toby Phillips and all councillors agreed and the matter was resolved.

Gloucestershire County Council Applications

13/0042/STMAJW Land adjacent to Folly Farm Kingswood Wotton-Under-Edge GL12 7QX

This can be access via the following link

I. To note and comment on reports to date and to review the council’s decision on this application.

The Clerk advised that the earliest that this application will be reviewed by the Development Control Committee is the 23rd March 2014. Councillors asked the Clerk to put a notice advising the electorate of the application in the Grapevine.


Permission None

Enforcement None

Applications not yet determined

S11/2504/cou Park Mill Farm Proposed change of use of The Stables to a part time holiday cottage. Change of use of The Cow Byre.

The Clerk advised that the Planning Officer had resolved to grant permission, he is currently awaiting the legal agreement. The Clerk was surprised as no details on tis had been received. It would now just be a matter of monitoring this site to ensure that any conditions attached to the planning consent are adhered to.

South Gloucestershire Planning Application

PT13/4182/O - To discuss the application for outline planning permission for 140 houses in Charfield and comment accordingly

Councillors reviewed this application and were very unhappy that South Gloucestershire County Council has not consulted with either Stroud District Council or Kingswood Parish Council on this application.

Councillors had the following concerns on the application;

Lack of consultation on an application that would have significant impact on the area of the parish that borders the proposed development site.

Flooding issues the site is on a flood plain. The fields currently flood and the road still floods despite improvement being made to the drainage. Concerns also raised on more water going into the Little Avon and causing a backup and the potential to cause flooding in the village of Kingswood.

Highways issues -. The entrance on to site on to the already busy B4058 could cause congestion especially at peak commuting times

Public Transport - The buses mentioned in the application were mainly school buses and not normal public service buses.

Archaeology – A full assessment would need to be carried out as there appears to have been no consideration given to the potential for the site to contain remains of Kingswood .

The impact on the wildlife and on the settlement including Elbury Hill.

Finally it is outside of the Charfield Settlement Plan and the South Gloucestershire Local Plan.


It was proposed by Cllr. Toby Phillips to object to this application based on the reasons stated in the discussion. This was seconded by Cllr. Sue Evans and all Councillors were in agreement and the matter was resolved.

14644/13 - The Clerk to update the Council with a short report on the training course on Planning Legislation that she attended on Tuesday 3rd December.

The Clerk reported back on the training to the council. Councillors were pleased with the stand taken by Stroud District Council as regard to the NPPF.

14645/13 - To note the report from the Inspector on South Gloucestershire Local Plan

Councillors noted the report on the Local plan for South Gloucestershire

14646/13 – The Clerk to update the council on a meeting held with Taylor Wimpey on Monday 9th December.

The Clerk reported that the meeting was once again cancelled by Taylor Wimpey. Councillors asked the Clerk to write to Taylor Wimpey expressing their concern over this

14647/13 - The Council to review the Village Design Statement Consultation and to agree a course of action.

I. To allocate tasks to be completed to ensure the final consultation is on time for March.

Councillors agreed that a second consultation should be carried out and a date was set for Friday 7th February from 4pm until 7pm. A rota of available councillors to help with the event to be drawn up. Details to go in Grapevine.

The Clerk to step back from working on this item in December and January. This is so she can concentrate on achieving the CCTV provision and the work on the church railings in this current financial year.

14648/13 The Clerk to update the council on the progress on the work for the improvements to the footpaths at Chestnut Park. (if new information received)

The Clerk informed the council that The Rights Of Way Officer was going to arrange a meeting with the landowners.

14649/13 – The Council to review any proposals received for commemorating the commencement of the 1st Word War.

The Clerk advised that she had attended the Gloucestershire Charter meeting and had some information on running events. This she had passed to Cllr. Paul Hemming. It was discussed that the council would support the events but not run them and a possible budget of £250 was discussed. Cllr. Paul hemming and Cllr. Sue Evans to lead on discussions with other village organisations on this matter

14650/13 -. The Clerk to update council on the transfer of land at Tyndale View and Chestnut Park.

I. Councillors to agree on which firm of solicitors to appoint for the transfer of land.


The Clerk to continue to investigate the legal costs to check with the Planning consultant on what should be covered

14651/13- To note the meeting for all Councillors at Stroud. To discuss if councillors wish anything to be added to the agenda. (Originally sent 31/10/2013)

Councillors noted the date of the meeting. .

14652/13 – Cllr. Jean Simmons wishes the council to discuss the issue of parking on The Chipping and whether this represents a risk to pedestrians and to discuss any improvements that could be considered to improve the situation.

Councillors agreed that parking at this location was unsatisfactory. As the Highways Officers have not come up with a solution and the area in question belongs to Highways there was little more to be discussed, unless any councillor had a proposal to improve the situation.

14653/13 - To discuss the proposed changes to Kingswood Post Office. (originally sent 19/11/2013)

Councillors noted the consultation and had no comment to make.

14654/13 –. The Clerk to update the council on the proposed meeting in connection with setting up outreach youth work for Kingswood

I. To discuss the proposal from SoSYP for outreach youth work

The Clerk advised that a meeting had been arranged with Simon Gilling CEO of Youth and Community. She would wish to pursue this before entering into discussions with SoSYP. Youth and Community are the preferred option of Wotton Youth Forum who we are hoping to work with on outreach work.

14655/13 - Councillors to note and take a decision on a memorial bench to be placed at the playing field.

The Councillors reviewed this request and are happy for the bench to be placed at the playing field.

14656/13 . Councillors to note the emails received from residents of Tyndale View in connection with the play equipment at this site.

Councillors noted the emails and would review the play equipment site at the same time as the rest of the land coming from the housing developments. Councillors would look at the usage of the site and if residents are willing to take on the weekly risk assessment of equipment.

14657/13 – Councillors to discuss the proposed protocol for a pre application protocol and to raise questions to be taken to the SDC forum on January 7th 2014

This item is to be covered at the Stroud District Council Forum on the 7th of January. Councillors to review this item again in January


14658/13 -. As there are no independent checks are being made on the Chestnut Park development to ensure it conforms to the plans and building regulations, Cllr. Toby Phillips wishes to propose that the parish council commission such a check.

Councillors were keen to pursue this proposal and asked the Clerk to find out the cost of such as investigation. The Clerk also to ask the question of Dave Corker Planning Enforcement Officer in writing if it is normal practice not to ensure that building conforms to the plans submittedand relevant building regulations. The question then to be raised in the Stroud District Council Forum by the Chairman on the 7th January 2014.

14659/13 - Councillors to note the request to hold a cycle event at the playing field and to set a fee if they feel this is appropriate.

It was proposed by Cllr. Sue Evans to give permission for this event and to set a fee of £250. This was seconded by Cllr. Toby Phillips. All Councillors were in agreement and the matter was resolved.

14660/13 - The Clerk to update councillors on the problems with street lighting in the village and the length of time it is taking to be fixed.

The Clerk updated the Council and County Councillor John Cordwell on the length of time that it was taking to get street lights repaired.

14661/13 - The Clerk to update the council on relevant items discussed at the Gloucester Charter meeting which was held on the 5th December.

The Clerk reported back on this meeting and advised that the presentation on the WW1 events was useful.

14662/13 - Cost to dispose of the toilet door is £25.00. Councillors to discuss and to take a decision on this cost.

It was proposed by the Chairman Cllr. David Rockey to pay £25.00 to dispose of the toilet door. All councillors agreed and the matter was resolved

14663/13 - The Clerk to feed- back outstanding administrative issues reported to her in the last month or at the end of the last meeting, such as the emptying of litter bins, street lighting, highways and the Cemetery and note any additional Items for Information or referral for a decision to another meeting

 Charfield Road Safety Audit – Nothing new to report  Parking on the Chestnut Park - Awaiting Sign to be erected  Increase of number of Councillors- Awaiting a change in legislation  Charfield Road leak- To Monitor  Footpath Awaiting details from Mrs Evans about Ramblers Association purchasing a new stile  The Clerk to start work on the Emergency Plan  The a provision of a street light on the Chipping  Neighbourhood Plan - On going  Glass in Telephone box – To follow up  The Parish Council to follow up to the complaint from members of the electorate on the following Highways issues Speeding on Hillesley Road and Lorries using Abbey Street and High Street.  Footpath at Chestnut Park on going  Footpath at Crow meadow on going  Safety issues concerning school buses  Drainage Survey in progress awaiting final report  Signage for playing Field started 1708

 Awaiting a date from the Highways agency for traffic calming Wickwar Road  Purchase of heart defibulater

Parish Council Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

Meeting ended at 8.45


David Rockey Chairman Kingswood Parish Council