WORK IN PROGRESS 9th legislature

! Timetables subject to confirmation in view of new EP calendar !

Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast I. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS REQUIRING 1st READING

Capacity of EASA to act as Performance Boguslaw EPP: Marian-Jean Coords. 29/10/2020 RA/sbs Review Body of the Single European Sky LIBERADZKI (S&D) Marinescu 1st EX: 30-11- (amending regulation) Renew: Jan- 01/12/2020 Christoph Oetjen DD AM: 25/01/2021 EX TRAN/9/04207 ID: Marco AM: 24-25/02/2021 COM(2020)0577 Campomenosi AD PR + VOING: 2020/0264(COD) Greens/EFA: tbc 25/05/2021 ECR: Kosma PL: tbc Zlotowski The Left: Clare Daly Amending Directive (EU) 2017/2397 as regards Andris Ameriks EPP: Colm Markey Coords. 16/03/2021 HK/mj the transitional measures for the recognition of (S&D) Renew: EX PR: 14-5/04/2021 third countries certificates ID: DD AM: 19/04/2021 Greens/EFA: AD PR + VOING: TRAN/9/05427 ECR: 10/05/2021 COM(2021)0071 The Left: PL: tbc 2021/0039(COD)


Implementation of the Single European Sky Marian-Jean S&D: Bogusław Amending proposal MW/RA/em (recast) MARINESCU (EPP) Liberadzki adopted by Commission on 22/09/2020 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast TRAN/9/01271 Renew: Jan- COM(2020)0579 Christoph Oetjen 1st EX: 30-11- 2013/0186(COD) ID: Marco 01/12/2020 Campomenosi DD AM: 25/01/2021 Greens/EFA: EX AM: 24-25/02/2021 Karima Delli AD PR: 25/05/2021 ECR: Kosma PL: tbc Zlotowski The Left: João Ferreira Rail passengers’ rights and obligations (recast) Bogusław EPP: Brice Trilogues concluded HC/kvb LIBERADZKI (S&D) Hortefeux TRAN/9/01273 Renew: José Vote on provisional COM(2017)0548 Ramón Bauzà Díaz agreement 29/10/2020 2017/0237(COD) ID: Roman Haider Greens/EFA: Anna EX draft Deparnay- recommendation: 24- Grunenberg 25/02/2021 ECR: Tomasz DD AM: 02/03/2020 Poręba 12.00 The Left: João Early 2nd reading vote Ferreira in TRAN: 15-16/03/2021 PL: April 2021 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Marian-Jean S&D: Isabel Garcia Trilogues concluded MF/sbs/mj MARINESCU (EPP) / Muñoz CJ05/9/01732 Dominique RIQUET ID: Marco Vote on provisional COM(2018)0438 (Renew) Campomenosi agreement: 13 April 2018/0228(COD) Greens/EFA: 2021 Ciarán Cuffe PL: tbc ECR: Roberts Zīle The Left: Elena Kountoura Charging of heavy good vehicles for the use of Giuseppe EPP: Barbara EP 1st reading closed in road charging GO/HC/sbs certain infrastructures (Eurovignette) FERRANDINO (S&D) Thaler October 2018 without Renew: Dominique agreement with the Riquet Council. TRAN/9/01267 ID: Roman Haider COM(2017)0275 Greens/EFA: Anna Vote on decision to 2017/0114(COD) Deparnay- enter into negotiations Grunenberg 24/09/2019 2 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast ECR: Tomasz Poreba Trilogues ongoing The Left: João Ferreira III. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS ADOPTED BY PARLIAMENT IN 1st READING AND WAITING FOR A COUNCIL'S POSITION

Common rules for the allocation of slots at EU Dominique RIQUET EPP: Tomasz EP first reading adopted RA/MW/em airports (recast) (Renew) Frankowski in plenary in December S&D: Andris 2012 TRAN/9/01270 Ameriks COM(2011)0827 ID: Roman Haider Vote on decision to 2011/0391(COD) Greens/EFA: enter into negotiations Ciarán Cuffe 24/09/2019 ECR: Carlo Fidanza The Left: Clare Daly Air transport: enforcement of passenger rights; Pablo ARIAS S&D: István UjhelyI EP first reading adopted Opinion by IMCO HC/sbs air carrier liability limits ECHEVERRÍA (EPP) Renew: Jan- in plenary in February Christoph Oetjen 2014 TRAN/9/01272 ID: Roman Haider COM(2013)0130 Greens/EFA: Anna Vote on decision to 2013/0072(COD) Deparnay- enter into negotiations Grunenberg 24/09/2019 ECR: Roberts Zīle The Left: Kateřina Konečná Combined transport of goods between Member Johan DANIELSSON EPP: Andrey EP 1st reading closed in New proposal HC/IV/sbs States (S&D) Novakov March 2019 plenary planned for 2nd Renew: Izaskun half of 2021 tbc TRAN/9/01266 Bilbao Barandica Vote on decision to COM(2017)0648 ID: Marco enter into negotiations 2017/0290(COD) Campomenosi 24/09/2019 Greens/EFA: Ciarán Cuffe ECR: Kosma Złotowski The Left: João Ferreira Use of vehicles hired without drivers for the Cláudia MONTEIRO S&D: Andris EP first reading adopted social/market IK/ik/kvb carriage of goods by road DE AGUIAR Ameriks in plenary in January (EPP) 2019 3 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast Renew: Izaskun Bilbao Barandica Vote on decision to TRAN/9/01268 ID: Roman Haider- enter into negotiations COM(2017)0282 Greens/EFA: 24/09/2019 2017/0113(COD) Ciarán Cuffe ECR: Kosma Złotowski The Left: João Ferreira Access to the international market for coach Roberts ZĪLE (ECR) EPP: Pablo Arias EP first reading adopted GO/ikl/sbs and bus services Echeverría in February 2019 S&D:Peter Vitanov TRAN/9/01269 Renew: Dominique Vote on decision to COM(2017)0647 Riquet enter into negotiations 2017/0288(COD) ID: 24/09/2019 Greens/EFA: Ciarán Cuffe The Left: João Ferreira Trans-European transport network: streamlining Dominique RIQUET EPP: Tom EP first reading adopted MF/sz/sbs measures for advancing the realisation (Renew) Berendsen in plenary in February S&D: Isabel Garcia 2019 TRAN/9/01275 Muñoz COM(2018)0277 ID: Paolo Borchia Vote on decision to 2018/0138(COD) Greens/EFA: Jakop enter into negotiations Dalunde 24/09/2019 ECR: Kosma Złotowski Vote on provisional The Left: Elena agreement: 13- Kountoura 14/07/2020 Awaiting Council 1st reading Seasonal changes of time Johan DANIELSSON EPP: Elżbieta EP first reading adopted GO/LR/bb/kvb (S&D) Łukacijewska in plenary in March 2019 TRAN/9/01276 Renew: Izaskun COM(2018)0639 Bilbao Barandica Vote on decision to 2018/0332(COD) ID: Roman Haider enter into negotiations Greens/EFA: tbc 24/09/2019 ECR: Kosma Złotowski 4 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast The Left: Elena Kountoura IV. NON-LEGISLATIVE REPORTS (OWN INITIATIVE REPORTS AND IMPLEMENTATION REPORTS)

Railway safety and signalling: Assessing the Izaskun BILBAO EPP: Barbara Coords. 03/12/2019 LR/MCL/em/mj state of play of the European Rail Traffic BARANDICA (Renew) Thaler EX PR: 15-16/03/2021 Management System (ERTMS) deployment S&D: Andris DD AM: 26/03/2021 Ameriks AD PR: 25/05/2021 tbc ID: Roman Haider PL: June 2021 tbc TRAN/9/02082 Greens/EFA: Jakop 2019/2191(INI) Dalunde ECR: Carlo Fidanza The Left: Clare Daly Technical and operational measures for more Karima DELLI EPP: Magdalena Coords. 03/12/2019 ENVI (Rule 56) HC/bb/ikl efficient and cleaner maritime transport (Greens) Adamowicz EX PR: 28-29/10/2020 S&D: Vera Tax DD AM: 6/11/2020 Renew: Caroline EX AM : 11/01/2021 TRAN/9/02084 Nagtegaal AD PR: 24-25/02/2021 2019/2193(INI) ID: Julie PL: April 2021 Lechanteux ECR: The Left: Joao Ferreira Implementation report on the road safety Benoit LUTGEN (EPP) S&D: István Ujhelyi Coords. 03/12/2019 MCL/ikl aspects of the Roadworthiness Package Renew: Vlad EX PR: 30/11- Gheorghe 01/12/2020 ID: Marco DD AM: 07/12/2020 TRAN/9/02105 Campomenosi EX AM: 25-26/01/2021 2019/2205(INI) Greens/EFA: Tilly AD PR: 24-25/02/2021 Metz PL: April 2021 ECR: Kosma Złotowski The Left: Elena Kountoura Establishing an EU Strategy for Sustainable Cláudia MONTEIRO S&D: István Ujhelyi Coords. 19/02/2020 IM/IK/mj Tourism DE AGUIAR (EPP) Renew: Nicola EX PR: 28-29/10/2020 Danti DD AM: 09/11/2020 TRAN/9/02625 ID: Massimo EX AM: 25-26/01/2021 2020/2038(INI) Casanova AD PR: 24-25/02/2021 5 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast Greens/EFA: Tilly PL: March II 2021 Metz ECR: Carlo Fidanza The Left: Elena Kountoura Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy Ismail ERTUG (S&D) EPP: Barbara Coords. 26/01/2021 ME/ikl Thaler EX PR: tbc TRAN/9/05663 Renew: Soren DD AM: 30/04/2021 2021/xxxx(INI) Gade EX AM: 25/05/2021 ID: Roman Haider AD PR: 12/07/2021 (Awaiting official procedure number) Greens/EFA: PL: September 2021 tbc Ciarán Cuffe ECR: Roberts Zile The Left: Joao Ferreira EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 – Elena KOUNTOURA EPP: Elissavet Coords. 26/01/2021 MCL/ew Recommendations on next steps towards (The Left) Vozemberg EX PR: 14-15/04/2021 "Vision Zero S&D:Isabel Garcia DD AM: 19/04/2021 Munoz EX AM: 25/05/2021 TRAN/9/05505 Renew: Ilhan AD PR: 16-17/06/2021 2021/2014(INI) Kyuchyuk PL: September 2021 tbc ID: Greens/EFA:Tilly Metz ECR: Kosma Zlotwowski

Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Caroline NAGTEGAAL EPP: Tom Coords. 26/01/2021 HK/sbs Transport (IWT) in Europe (Renew) Berendsen EX PR: 14-15/04/2021 S&D:Vera Tax tbc TRAN/9/05506 ID: DD AM: 28/04/2021 2021/2015(INI) Greens/EFA: EX AM: 25/05/2021 ECR:Johan Van AD PR:16-17/06/2021 Overtveldt PL: September 2021

V. ONGOING CONSENT PROCEDURES AIR AGREEMENTS Agreement with Respect to Time Limitations on Maria GRAPINI (S&D) EPP: Marian-Jean Coords. 11/01/2021 RA/mj Arrangements for the Provision of Aircraft with Marinescu EX PR: 15-16/03/2021 6 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast Crew between the United States of America, Renew: Ilhan DD AM : 17/03/2021 the European Union, Iceland, and the Kingdom Kyuchyuk AD PR : 14-15/04/2021 of Norway ID: tbc PL : tbc Greens/EFA: tbc TRAN/9/00478 ECR: Tomasz Piotr COM(2019)0254 Poreba 2019/0126(NLE) The Left: Kateřina Konečná

LAND AGREEMENTS Conclusion of the Protocol to the Agreement on Maria GRAPINI (S&D) EPP: Elzbieta Coords. MW/em the international occasional carriage of Lukacijewska EX PR: passengers by coach and bus (Interbus Renew: DD AM : Agreement) regarding the international regular ID: AD PR : and special regular carriage of passengers by Greens/EFA: PL : coach and bus ECR: Roberts Zīle The Left: TRAN/9/04218 COM(2020)0567 2020/0258(NLE) VI. LEGISLATIVE OPINIONS REQUIRING 1st READING

Opinion to ENVI Rovana PLUMB (S&D) EPP: Cláudia Coords. 29/10/2020 GO/LP/ikl Monteiro de Aguiar EX PA: 24-25/02/2021 General Union Environment Action Programme Renew: Pierre DD AM: 03/03/2021 to 2030 Karleskind AD PA: 14-15/04/2021 ID: Roman Haider tbc TRAN/9/04393 Greens/EFA: Jutta AD ENVI: 10/05/2021 COM(2020)0652 Paulus tbc 2020/0300(COD) ECR: Roberts Zile PL: June 2021 The Left: Clare Daly

Opinion to IMCO Ismail Ertug (S&D) EPP: Ludek Coords. 11/01/2021 RT/ME/sbs Niedermeyer EX PA: 16-17/06/2021 Regulation concerning batteries and waste Renew: Elsi DD AM: 21/06/2021 batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and Katainen EX AM: 12-13/07/2021 amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020 ID: Julie AD PA: 27/09/2021 Lechanteux AD IMCO: December TRAN/9/04960 Greens/EFA: 2021 2020/0353(COD) ECR: Carlo Fidanza PL: January 2022 tbc 7 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast COM(2020)0798 The Left: Katerina Konecna

Opinion to ITRE Jakop Dalunde EPP: Elzbieta Coords. 11/01/2021 TL/em (Greens/EFA) Lukacijewska EX PA:10/05/2021 Measures for a high common level of S&D: Peter Vitanov DD AM:11/05/2021 cybersecurity across the Union, repealing Renew: Petras AD PA: 16-17/06/2021 Directive (EU) 2016/1148 Auštrevičius AD ITRE: ID: PL: tbc TRAN/9/04966 ECR: Kosma 2020/0359(COD) Zlotowski The Left: Katerina Konecna

Opinion to ITRE Paolo BORCHIA (ID) EPP: Pablo Arias Coords. 11/01/2021 MF/kvb/sbs Echeverría EX PA: 14-15/04/2021 Guidelines for trans-European energy S&D: Marianne DD AM: 21/04/2021 infrastructure and repealing Regulation (EU) No Vind EX AM: 25/05/2021 tbc 347/2013 (TEN-E) Renew: Ilhan AD PA: 16-17/06/2021 Kyuchyuk AD ITRE: 15/07/2021 TRAN/9/04921 Greens/EFA: PL: tbc 2020/0360(COD) ECR: Roberts Zile COM(2020)0824 The Left: Elena Kountoura Opinion to IMCO Roman Haider (ID) EPP: Elżbieta Coords. 26/01/2021 MCL/lc/ikl Lukacijewska EX PA: 25/05/2021 Single Market For Digital Services (Digital S&D: Andris DD AM: 31/05/2021 Services Act) Ameriks EX CA: 1-2/09/2021 Renew: Jose AD PA: 27/09/2021 TRAN/9/05061 Ramon Bauza Diaz AD IMCO: 8/11/2021 2020/0361(COD) Greens/EFA: PL: tbc COM(2020)0825 ECR: Kosma Zlotwowski The Left: Katerina Konecna

8 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast Opinion to LIBE EPP: Tom Coords. 11/01/2021 LR/mj (ECR) Berendsen EX PA: 25/05/2021 Resilience of critical entities S&D: Isabel Garcia DD AM: 10/06/2021 Munoz AD PA: 1-2/09/2021 TRAN/9/04988 Renew: Ondřej AD LIBE: 2020/0365(COD) Kovařík PL: tbc COM(2020)0829 ID: Greens/EFA: The Left: Katerina Konecna Opinion to IMCO Markus FERBER(EPP) S&D: Coords: 16/03/2021 ME/MCL/kvb/bb Renew: EX PA: 25/05/2021 Contestable and fair markets in the digital ID: DD AM: 31/05/2021 sector (Digital Markets Act) Greens/EFA: EX CA: 1-2/09/2021 TRAN/9/05565 ECR: AD PA: 27/09/2021 2020/0374(COD) The Left: AD IMCO: 8/11/2021 COM(2020)0842 PL: tbc



Opinion to EMPL Marianne VIND (S&D) EPP: Gheorghe Coords 03/12/2019 Opinion to TL/bb/sbs Falca EX PA: 25/01/2021 EMPL/9/01674 Fair working conditions, rights and social Renew: José DD AM: 11/02/2021 protection for platform workers - New forms of Ramón AD PA: 14-15/04/2021 employment linked to digital development Bauza Diaz tbc ID: tbc AD EMPL: June 2021 TRAN/9/02073 Greens/EFA: Tilly PL: tbc 2019/2186(INI) Metz ECR: Roberts Zīle The Left: Leila Chaibi Opinion to REGI Gheorghe FALCĂ S&D: Vera Tax Coords. 20/04/2020 ME/MF/kvb (EPP) Renew: Elsi EX PA: 23/09/2020 Cohesion Policy and regional environment Katainen DD AM: 30/09/2020 strategies in the fight against climate change ID: tbc AD PA: 25-26/01/2021 AD REGI: 24/02/2021 TRAN/9/02937 PL: March II 2021

9 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast 2020/2074(INI) Greens/EFA: Anna Deparnay- Grunenberg ECR: Tomasz Poręba The Left: Anne- Sophie Pelletier Opinion to ENVI Carlo FIDANZA (ECR) EPP: Gheorghe Coords. 20/04/2020 GO/ikl Falca EX PA: 11/01/2021 Implementation of the Ambient Air quality S&D: Marianne DD AM: 18/01/2021 directives Vind AD PA: 24-25/02/2021 TRAN/9/03114 Renew: Vlad AD ENVI: 04/03/2021 2020/2091(INI) Gheorghe PL: March II 2021/ ID: tbc Greens/EFA: Pär Holmgren The Left: Leila Chaibi Opinion to IMCO Kosma ZŁOTOWSKI EPP: Sven Schulze Coords. 20/04/2020 Rule 57 Cop TL/LR/ikl/kvb (ECR) S&D: Josianne DD AM: 10/12/2020 decision Shaping the digital future of Europe Cutajar AD PA: 24-25/02/2021 15/10/2020 Renew: Nicola AD IMCO: 14/04/2021 TRAN/9/03135 Danti PL: tbc 2020/2216(INI) ID: tbc Greens/EFA: Tilly Metz THE LEFT: Kateřina Konečná Opinion to ITRE Roman HAIDER (ID) EPP: Jörgen Coords. 20/04/2020 Rule 57 Cop IK/RA/sbs Warborn DD AM: 11/11/2020 decision A European strategy for data S&D: Josianne EX AM: 01/12/2020 15/10/2020 Cutajar AD PA: 25-26/01/2021 TRAN/9/03137 Renew: Pierre AD ITRE: 23/02/2021 2020/2217(INI) Karleskind PL: March II 2021 Greens/EFA: Jakop Dalunde ECR: Kosma Złotowski The Left: Anne- Sophie Pelletier 10 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast Opinion to ITRE Elena KOUNTOURA EPP: Gheorge Coords. 24/09/2020 ME/ikl (The Left) Falca EX PA: 30/11- A European Strategy for Energy System S&D: Petar Vitanov 01/12/2020 Integration Renew: Jose DD AM: 04/12/2020 Ramon Bauzá Díaz AD PA: 24-25/02/2021 TRAN/9/04539 ID: tbc AD ITRE: 18/03/2021 2020/2241(INI) Greens/EFA: Jakup PL: April 2021 Dalunde ECR: Kosma Zlotowski

Opinion to ITRE Georg MAYER (ID) EPP: Massimiliano Coords. 24/09/2020 LR/mj Salini EX PA: 30/11- A European Strategy for Hydrogen S&D: Kathleen Van 01/12/2020 Brempt DD AM: 03/12/2020 TRAN/9/04538 Renew: Caroline AD PA: 24-25/02/2021 2020/2242(INI) Nagtegaal AD ITRE: 18/03/2021 Greens/EFA: Jutta PL: April 2021 Paulus ECR: Kosma Zlotowski The Left: Clare Daly Opinion to REGI Izaskun BILBAO EPP: Marian-Jean Coords: 30/11/2020 LP/IK/sbs BARANDICA (Renew) Marinescu EX PA: 15-16/03/2021 A new approach to the Atlantic maritime S&D: Sara Cerdas DD AM: 22/03/2021 strategy ID: tbc AD PA: 25/05/2021 Greens/EFA: Jutta AD REGI: 13/07/2021 TRAN/9/04952 Paulus PL: September 2021 2020/2276(INI) ECR: Peter Lundgren The Left: Leila Chaibi

Opinion to ITRE S&D: Coords: 24/02/2021 IM/ikl (EPP) Renew: EX PA: 10/05/2021 ID: DD AM: 17/05/2021 at A European strategy for offshore renewable Greens/EFA: 14.00 energy ECR: AD PA: 16/06/2021 tbc The Left: AD ITRE: July 2021 tbc PL: September 2021 tbc 11 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast TRAN/9/05497 2020/2012(INI)

2019 Discharge

European Commission Elżbieta Katarzyna S&D: Maria Grapini Coords. 24/09/2020 TL/em ŁUKACIJEWSKA Renew: Pierre EX PA: 30/11- TRAN/9/03699 (EPP) Karleskind 01/12/2020 2020/2140(DEC) ID: DD AM: 15/12/2020 COM(2020)0288[01] Greens/EFA: Daniel AD PA: 25-26/01/2021 Freund AD CONT: March 2021 ECR: Carlo Fidanza PL: April 2021 tbc The Left: Clare Daly

EMSA Maria GRAPINI (S&D) EPP: Magdalena Coords. 24/09/2020 TL/sbs TRAN/9/03879 Adamowicz EX PA: 30/11- 2020/2160(DEC) Renew: Dominique 01/12/2020 COM(2020)0288[21] Riquet DD AM: 15/12/2020 EASA ID: AD PA: 25-26/01/2021 TL/lc TRAN/9/03881 Greens/EFA: Daniel AD CONT: March 2021 2020/2161(DEC) Freund PL: April 2021 COM(2020)0288[22] ECR: Carlo Fidanza ERA The Left: Clare Daly TL/ikl TRAN/9/03889 2020/2165(DEC) COM(2020)0288[26]

SESAR Maria GRAPINI (S&D) EPP: Henna Coords. 24/09/2020 TL/mj TRAN/9/03929 Virkkunen EX PA: 30/11- 2020/2183(DEC) Renew: Elsi 01/12/2020 COM(2020)0288[44] Katainen DD AM: 15/12/2020 ID: AD PA: 25-26/01/2021 Greens/EFA: Daniel AD CONT: March 2021 Freund PL: April 2021 ECR: Carlo Fidanza THE LEFT: Clare Daly

12 Last update 29/03/2021 Title Rapporteur Shadow Calendar Remarks Responsible rapporteurs AD/ast

Clean Sky EPP: Henna TL/ew TRAN/9/03933 Virkkunen 2020/2184(DEC) Renew: Elsi COM(2020)0288[45] Katainen ID: Greens/EFA: Daniel Freund ECR: Carlo Fidanza The Left: Clare Daly

Shift2Rail EPP: Henna TL/kvb TRAN/9/03944 Virkkunen 2020/2188(DEC) Renew: Elsi COM(2020)0288[49] Katainen ID: Greens/EFA: Daniel Freund ECR: Carlo Fidanza The Left: Anne- Sophie Pelletier

Guidelines for the 2022 Budget - Section III Isabel Garcia Munoz EPP: Gheorghe Coords. 11/01/2021 Procedure in EN TL/lc/lp (S&D) Falca DD AM: 08/02/2021 only TRAN/9/04884 Renew: Vlad AD PA: 24/25/02/2021 2020/2265(BUI) Gheorghe AD BUDG: 17/03/2021 ID: PL: March II 2021 Greens/EFA: Daniel Freund ECR: Roberts Zile The Left: Joao Ferreira

13 Last update 29/03/2021 Abbreviations: