Question for written answer E-007024/2020 to the Commission Rule 138 (ECR), (ECR), (ECR), (ECR), (ECR), (ECR)

Subject: WHO report on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in

According to reconstructions by authoritative media sources, on 13 May 2020 a team of researchers from the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a report with the aim of warning countries not yet affected by the COVID-19 epidemic about possible mistakes in managing the emergency, based on the experience acquired by Italy, the first European country to be stricken by the virus.

According to those same sources, that document was immediately withdrawn at the request of the organisation's Assistant-Director General.

The main point of the report in question was the failure to implement Italy’s pandemic plan. The fact that this plan was supposed to have been updated on the initiative of the current WHO Assistant- Director General, under his previous role as director of the Italian Ministry of Health, suggests there may be a possible conflict of interest.

This situation is being exacerbated by the probable involvement of the current Italian Minister for Health, who is said to feel 'bitter’ about the content of a report 'that would have put the country's government in a bad light'.

Given that the publication of the WHO document, which was subsequently withdrawn, would have helped to save lives, not least in EU Member States, does the Commission intend to consult the WHO and the Italian Government with a view to clarifying this matter?
