Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930 Content, Agenda and Advertising Ethics: An Identification on Violation of ASCI codes in Promoting Patanjali Products in India Mohd Aleem Khan1 PhD Scholar, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Manipal University Jaipur, Dehmi Kalan, Ajmer Expressway, Jaipur (303007), Rajasthan, India Email:
[email protected] Dr. Subhash Kumar2 Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Manipal University Jaipur, Dehmi Kalan, Ajmer Expressway, Jaipur (303007), Rajasthan, India Email:
[email protected] Abstract- Media has been used as an effective tool to promote to UNESCO1 report [1] “It is widely believed that mass media has various products and ideas for desired socio-political and an Important role to play in achieving national goals and there are economic goals of the country. In contemporary world seven following functions of mass media: 1. Dissemination of technology is progressing rapidly and digital media is used as information; 2. Education; 3. Socialization; 4. Cultural a powerful medium by the advertisers for marketing of Promotion; 5 Motivation; 6. Entertainment; and 7. Integration”. products and services, it has the potential of reaching millions The above-mentioned functions of communication can also be of consumer. In such conditions many advertisements have achieved through advertisements, and therefore it has been been influencing the society through embedded misleading included in the basic self-regularity guidelines of Advertising content (dialogues, text and visual narratives). These practices Council of India. Today, commercials have become an important have also posed challenges for the regulatory bodies. Although social and economic force in the world [2].