INSIDER VOL. 16, NO. 7 “The Voice of the NYC Transportation Industry.” JULY 2015

Letters Start on Page 2 • EDITORIAL Insider News Page 5, 16 and 18 By David Pollack • Taxi Attorney Removing Taxi Stands Is By Michael Spevack Page 7 • Hardly Progressive Insider Puzzle There was once a time when a taxi industry drivers enough to give us a “heads up” anymore Page 7 representative cold go to the NYC Taxi when they decide to remove any Taxi • & Limousine Commission (TLC) and Stand, nor do they ask for our opinion. Commissioner’s Corner request the addition of a Taxi Stand at This is the typical DO WHAT I TELL YOU By Meera Joshi a specific location. The TLC in turn, TO DO BECAUSE I KNOW BETTER” Page 13 would send their request for an addi- syndrome. Or, the “WE DON’T CARE tional Taxi Stand location to the New ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY” • York City Department of Transporta- syndrome. New Transportation Directions tion (DOT) and the implementation The same syndrome was used by By Matthew Daus, Esq. was rarely challenged. Starting with Mayor Bloomberg, when ONE TLC Page 17 the Bloomberg administration, Taxi staff member decided not to engage any • Stands started disappearing in large commissioner, nor the taxi industry, and Madallion Agents numbers. (In the spirit of transparency, solely ordered the removal of the Rate Starts on Page 19 I was called ONCE to discuss removing 15 Taxi Of Fare information from the doors of yellow • parking places around Union Square. The result cabs. I believed and still do, that the public is Summer Season was replacing them on 3rd Avenue.) The biggest entitled to know the fare before they enter their Insurance Topics David Copperfield magic act, was the removal hailed cab, as opposed to hearing, “50 BUCKS By Alan Plafker of Taxi Stands along 8th Avenue north of 42nd TO PENN STATION” by non medallion drivers Page 20 Street on the west side. Those Taxi Stands held who negotiate. • about 15 taxis. Simply stated, the city does not respect us to Quotable Quotes As the letters sent to me below reflect, the City this degree: We are ignored if we have to take a Page 21 of New York DOT does not respect the rights of taxi (Continued on Page 8) • You Be The Judge Page 21 Golden Slumber • By Larry Fisher, Loan Department Supervisor NYC Economy MELROSE Credit Union Page 27 My mother used to a twelve hour work shift. Is it too late? Can we • have a saying, “They put the genie back in the bottle? Events and More woke up. The war is I have an idea that can solve some of the prob- Starts on Page 29 over.” Back then, it lems the city faces. First, let’s remember where we • referred to a family were a few short years ago. The licensed public Insider Directory member or friend who vehicular transportation industry consisted of a Page 32 belatedly called to see few classes. There were yellow cabs for street • how she was faring in hails, an exclusive right. There were black cars to World News her late stage bout with service the corporate clientele, and private clients Page 46 cancer. It could just as by pre-arrangement. Community car services pro- easily be said about the vided transportation to the local neighborhoods. NYC City Council’s Limousines dealt with high-end clients. There For news and information proposal to limit the growth of livery or black cars. was minimal cross-over, legally, at least. There regarding efforts to ensure Really? Now? It wasn’t so long ago that former were illegal street hails by gypsy cabs and airport Mayor Bloomberg proposed a congestion pricing hustlers, who occasionally would be ticketed or that all livery vehicles are plan for . Now that 20,000 ride-share impounded, usually when the TLC was in need vehicles are clogging the streets of Manhattan and of a headline. There were, for the most part, lines complying with the law, go to the airport terminals, the politicians have awoken of demarcation. This arrangement existed for from their slumber. 20,000 additional taxis are the over three decades, at least since the launching www.ourridenyc.com equivalent of 500,000 regular vehicles, assuming (Continued on Page 6) PAGE 2 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 JULY 2010 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 1 LETTERS INSIDER Phony Boloney TLC Drivers Rules - P.S. Publisher & Dear Taxi Dave, This is yet ANOTHER thing we can blame ‘Uber Editor-in-Chief et al’ for - ...their DISGUSTING ‘fl at rate’ with no tips OR David Pollack tolls being charged on top of their fl at rate !! The UBER-ians are fl at-rating around the City, then when they have to ‘lower’ themselves to take a yellow cab with TRAFFIC WAITING TIME, they get cranky !! ...I say - LEGALIZE SURGE PRICING FOR THE YELLOWS, TOO! ARGH! Columnists Abmit Matthew Daus, Esq. Photo by David Pollack Open The Lane FDR Tony Falese Another parked phony Boloney yellow car Drive North Bound At posing as a medallion cab minus one thing: a Larry Fisher medallion and any regulations. Houston St. Taxi Dave Dear Taxi Dave, Ira Goldstein, Esq. Hey DOT open your eyes and brain. There are heavy traffi c jams from the Brooklyn Bridge to Bob Mackle, Esq. Common Problem on the northbound FDR. If the DOT Abe Mittleman Dear Taxi Dave, will simply open one more lane (which is not occu- Here is a common problem that no politician pied now) at Houston street, everybody will see a Alan Plafker seems to care about. One of our drivers just got big difference in traffi c. For benefi t of only 10 cars two tickets at 14th Street & 2nd Avenue for dis- on Houston Street (East) getting onto FDR, there are Michael Spevack, Esq. charging a passenger. There are cars at the curb 500 cars are suffering on the FDR (North). Let’s open and the driver told the policeman, but didn’t care three lanes on the FDR (North) at Houston Street! and chose to avoid the obvious. The Ear, Eye Ali Layout & Graphics Hospital is there. Staten Island LB Dragonfl y Graphics LLC Taxi Drivers DiBlasio Worse than Hi Taxi Dave, Gov. Christy This is the fi rst time I listed to your show . One Taxi Insider Dear Taxi Dave, of the things I hope you talk about is the hardships 14 Alexander Drive Why would you shut down a tube of the Midtown a driver goes through both men & women. I’m so Tunnel at 10pm on a Friday & Sunday, especially on tired lately of all the negative talk about a yellow Washingtonville, NY 10992 a Sunday that’s the city is hosting the Tony awards cab driver lately. & 2 concerts as well as people traveling from their Christine A Phone: (718) 706-TAXI(8294) weekend. Bad for business for all of NYC! Wait till — midnight at the very least. Medallions Tommy Dear Taxi Dave, E-mail:[email protected] Are you a medallion owner? GPS Cromanous Dear Mr Pollack, Editor’s note: No In this last months taxi insider newspaper I see Copyright © 2015 by TAXI INSIDER. All that one of your readers is stating that police of- rights reserved. Neither this newspaper nor CITIBIKE ficers are ticketing yellow cab drivers for merely Dear Taxi Dave, any part therof may be reproduced, copied, having a GPS navigation device in their taxi. or transmitted in any form, electronic or How many Citi-Bikers are getting stopped by Please let me know if it is legal for the police NYPD and summonsed? Yellow cabdrivers are on mechanical including photocopying, mi- officers to issue a summons for this. crofi lming, recording or by any information the list every day! I’ve been told in the past that it was perfectly Steph retrieving system without the express written alright to have a GPS navigation device to assist permission of the publishers. The copyright us as along as we are legally standing. is extended to the design and text created As a matter of fact, I personally called the TLC MTA Charge for advertisements. This publication will law department 4yrs ago and they confirmed what I Hello David, not be responsible for errors in advertise- mentioned before. Has there been a change in TLC The way the MTA should charge the public is ment beyond the cost of the space occupied rules recently or is this just another shakedown according to a passenger’s yearly income. The more by the error. Bylined articles represent the by” New York Finest “? money a person makes, the more he should pay as sole opinion of the writer and are not neces- Sincerely, a fare. sarily in accordance with the views of TAXI Raymond Goolcharran Charbel INSIDER. Editor’s note: It is not against the law for any This Publication reserves the right to taxi drivers to have or use a GPS system. HOW- Bicycles limit or refuse advertising it deems objec- EVER, an officer could issue a summons for a GPS Hello David, tionable. system if it blocks your line of sight. For example, Thanks for the great weekly show. I would like TAXI INSIDER is published monthly at the GPS system is mounted on the dashboard and to say something about the bicycle cyclists; You see a subscription rate of $48.00 per year. blocks part of the windshield. them all over, between cars, buses, trucks, sidewalks, (Continued on Page 4) JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 3

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139-30 Queens Blvd., INSURANCE Briarwood, NY 11435 Phone: (718) 523-1300 Fax: (718) 526-1205 A Melrose Credit Union Service Organization www.memberbrokerage.com PAGE 4 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 hailed me in front of the hotel. I stopped and opened my trunk, but the doorman grabbed the luggage from the guests as another yellow cab honked his horn and appeared from no where. LETTERS I know that some drivers place money in their trunks for the doorman and that is how some yel- low cab drivers bribe doormen. They are hurting the rest of us. The doorman then rudely told me (Continued from Page 2) to “move” after loading their luggage in the other riding the wrong way, going though red lights etc. Why NYC, my opinion same with the green cabs. Men cab. I asked him why he was taking a bribe and doesn’t the police department give them tickets? & women who could be your neighbor drive their giving my fare away? He did not answer. Charbel cabs for a living. They have put their children to Gulam school with owning & driving a cab. Not too many Uber people in NYC know the hardships that these men Taxi Dave, & women go through to make a living. Driving I was the only taxi in sight on 58th Street when Hi Taxi Dave, so many hours a day, 24 hours a day 7 days a three middle-eastern men were heading to the air- How r u ? week. These cab drivers are human beings, general port. I opened the trunk and the doorman insisted Uber is trying to register as many yellow & green public who take cabs don’t realize this & sometimes on me giving him $10. I never give doormen any accessible cabs as they could. But my question; if a don’t pay their fare! Next time you hail a yellow money, but was told that if I don’t give him some- disabled person asks for a black cab service, what cab be nice, ask your driver how they are doing thing, I will not get this fare. I reluctantly had to option they got from uber ?!! Yellow & green ?!!! they do speak English! Some of them also drive give him $5 even though there were no other cabs. No black service!!!? cabs on the side to make a living because being a The customer asked me if he heard the doorman Thank you, NYC teacher, or college professor doesn’t pay all correctly asking me for money and I responded Mahabub Sujon the bills. Some men who were cab drivers their YES. All three men said that they “will never stay health is affected because they can’t take enough at this hotel Hotel again.” When I got to the airport, Appellate Court Decision breaks to use bathroom facilities & and it takes they gave me the fare and a tip with additional $5 a toll on their kidneys. I’ve know a few now that that I gave the doorman. Re: Six Cents their wives now drive to make a living & pay their Muhammed Dear Taxi Dave, children’s expenses for college & to take care of Now that the New York State Appellate Court has their homes. So the next time you hail a cab, al- rules AGAINST the Six-Cents-per-trip... ways hail a yellow cab & and ask them how they Port Authority & When do the drivers get OUR money back for all are doing! A lot of them are a lot smarter than you those ‘six cents’ trips? Bridges & Tunnels may think & cuter than you John Travolta! Hi Taxi Dave, WHERE IS IT ?!? Christine A. Mayor di Blasio has zero vision in running this There are MILLION$$ of dollars sitting SOME- city. 2 Sunday’s ago he caused major traffic jams WHERE! and is worse than governor christy. I understand WHERE IS IT ?!?! Bribery Epidemic bridges and tunnels have to be repaired and ser- Abmitt To Mr. Taxi Dave, My name is Rene Ternier. I am the owner- vices but when u have major events I the city u driver of NYC taxi medallion 5D14. I have been can postpone repairs by a few hours or a day. 2 MTA driving a taxi since 1982. Over the past few Sunday’s ago the city hosts the tony awards in radio Dear Taxi Dave, years, a disturbing trend has been taking place city not to mention 2 concerts one on Randall’s The MTA budget is high mostly bc of employee at hotels in Manhattan. The doormen of hotels island and another MetLife stadium. City would salaries & benefits and he MTA should look into like the Millenium, the W Hotel, The Algonquin be super busy at all bridges and tunnels as well tighten their belts. Especially the executives are requiring a ten dollar payoff in order to get as highway. So why would u shut down a tube at belts. a fare from the hotel. The doorman at the Jolly 10pm on every tunnel and have one lane each way What are their salaries? Madison Hotel required a $5 payoff to get a fare entering and leaving the city. All the roads bridges Retirement benefits? to JFK airport. Wherever you see black cars, or were contested and dangerous. I’m not sure if MTA employees, with how SUV’s parked near a hotel, they are the ones be- Tommy obamacare is , but before Obamacare the employees ing steered business that is legally and rightfully (Continued on Page 16) didn’t have to pay a copayment fee because MTA belonging to yellow taxis as we are the only ones paid it for them. MTA employees ask for better with the right to street hail. The City of NY and For news and information salaries but they too contribute to this crisis. They the regulatory body, the NYC Taxi and Limousine barely work or work 20 minutes and then take a Commission, need to crack down on this illegal regarding efforts to ensure 20 minute break. activity immediately. Thank you, (signed and notarized letter) that all livery vehicles are Tommy Dear Taxi Dave, complying with the law, The Yellow Way On Father’s Day I went t to work even though go to Hi Taxi Dave, I have three kids. At about 1:45 PM I was passing TLC should not have allowed UBER to come into the Omni Brickshire Hotel on between Madison and 5th when two women with luggage www.ourridenyc.com TAXI DAVE’S RADIO SHOW WOR-710AM 8:00 – 9:00 PM EVERY SUNDAY! JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 5 Insider News Human Service Division Report Chairwoman Wants to Limit Int. No. 842 FHV Licenses By Council Members Levin and to the nearest whole number. “Unlike other TLC regulated indus- 72% of pickups is taking place in the Rodriguez Section 5. If a base station, back tries, there is no real growth control Manhattan core, the most congested A LOCAL LAW car base station or luxury limousine mechanism in the FHV industry. For area of the city. The rapid ongoing In relation to temporarily limiting base station has 19 or fewer affi liated yellow taxis, the number of medallions growth, the number of vehicles and the issuance of new for-hire vehicle vehicles as of June 15, 2015, such base is set by state and local law. For green their concentration in Manhattan could licenses may affi liate with up to the number of taxis, the number of permits that can be causing unintended negative con- Be it enacted by the Council as vehicles newly licensed pursuant to this be issued is set by state law…. But for sequences. Between 2010 and 2014, follows: local law that is equal to 15 percent of FHV’s, TLC has currently no authority average Manhattan traffi c speeds have Section 1. The taxi and limousine the number of vehicles affi liated with to limit the number of licenses. They declined signifi cantly. The limitation commission shall only issue new for-hire such base as of June 15, 2015, rounded stand alone in the private For-Hire in growth while we study the issue and vehicle licenses in accordance with this to the nearest whole number, provided, world, as a sector without a mean- develop informed policy is so impor- local law through the completion of study however, that each such base may af- ingful growth oversight mechanism. tant because traffi c congestion is no on the impact of growth in the taxicab fi liate with at least two vehicles newly Since 2011 about 25,000 new FHV’s minor issue. Congestion itself can hurt and for-hire vehicle industries, or August licensed pursuant to this local law. have joined the fl eet. There are now drivers’ income because it hurts their 31, 2016, whichever comes fi rst. Section 6. For-hire vehicle licenses nearly 63,000 For-Hire vehicles, a 66% ability to get to the next fare.” Section 2. The commission shall existing on the effective date of this increase from just four years ago. In Above are excerpts from the tes- only issue new for-hire vehicle licenses local law shall continue to be renewed each month of 2015, the TLC issued timony of TLC Chairwoman, Meera if such vehicle will affi liate with a base pursuant to rules of the commission. approximately 2,000 new vehicle li- Joshi at city hall hearing on Intros station, black car base station, or luxury Section 7. No provision of this lo- censes….New FHV trip records show 847 and 842. limousine base station that has not yet cal law shall be deemed to apply to or reached the maximum number of such affect the issuance of renewal of street Industry Notice #15-25 newly licensed vehicles that may be hail livery vehicle licenses or street hail affi liated with such base pursuant to livery base licenses or to do the issu- For Immediate Release this local law. ance or renewal of new for-hire vehicle Required Decal And Sticker Changes Section 3. If a base station, back licenses to which the street hail livery car base station or luxury limousine vehicle licenses are affi liated. For TLC-Licensed Vehicles base station has 500 or more affi liated Section 8. Following the completion The Taxi and Lim- All Offi cial Taxicab Vehicles (OTVs, vehicles as of June 15, 2015, such base of study on the impact of growth in the ousine Commission (TLC) wishes to also known as the Taxi of Tomorrow) may affi liate with up to the number of taxicab and for-hire vehicle industries, inform its licensees about two new and other TLC- licensed vehicles with vehicles newly licensed pursuant to this the commission shall submit to the marking requirements for TLC-licensed Hearing Induction Loop capability section that is equal to one percent of speaker of the council and the mayor vehicles. These markings are now avail- will now be required to include Hear- the number of vehicles affi liated with recommendations for mitigating any able at TLC-approved print shops. A list ing Induction Loop Decals. Please see such base as of June 15, 2015, rounded impacts identifi ed, including but not of TLC-approved print shops can be below graphic for specifi c placement. to the nearest whole number. limited to, proposals to restrict the found at http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/ All OTVs and other TLC-licensed Section 4. If a base station, back issuance of for-hire vehicle licenses downloads/pdf/tlc_authorized_print- vehicles with Hearing Induction Loop car base station or luxury limousine and/or base station, black car base sta- ers.pdf. capability must be in compliance with base station has 499 to 20 affi liated tion, or luxury limousine base station All TLC-licensed vehicles (except this new requirement by September vehicles as of June 15, 2015, such base licenses. for black cars and luxury limousines) 30, 2015. may affi liate with up to the number of Section 9. This local law takes ef- will now be required to include a Driver Referenced Images: vehicles newly licensed pursuant to this fect on the same date as a local law in Protection sticker in the passenger Driver protection sticker section that is equal to fi ve percent of relation to the impact of growth in the compartment. Please see below graphic http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/imag- the number of vehicles affi liated with taxicab and for-hire vehicle industries for specifi c placement. This sticker es/photos/industry_notice_15_25_im- such base as of June 15, 2015, rounded takes effect. requirement is pursuant to Local Law age_01.jpg 55 of 2014, otherwise known as the Hearing induction loop decal Int. No. 847 Driver Protection Act. All TLC-licensed http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/imag- By Council Member Rodriguez eligible for renewal that were not vehicles must be in compliance with this es/photos/industry_notice_15_25_im- A LOCAL LAW renewed within the previous three requirement by September 30, 2015. age_02.jpg In relation to requiring a study on years; the impact of growth in the taxicab the number of vehicle licenses is- Industry Notice #15-24 and for-hire vehicle industries. sued and renewed within the previous For Immediate Release Be it enacted by the Council as three years; follows: the number of vehicle licenses TLC Announces Medallion Vehicle Section 1. The taxicab and lim- eligible for renewal that were not Retirement Extension ousine commission, in collaboration renewed within the previous three The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) would like to with other relevant city agencies years; inform its licensees that in light of ongoing litigation, which has postponed the including, but not limited to, the the number of base station li- Offi cial Taxicab Vehicle (OTV) Activation Date, we will extend the retirement department of transportation and the censes, black car base licenses, and dates on those vehicles scheduled to retire before August 31, 2015. department of environmental protec- luxury limousine base licenses issued All Taxicab vehicles with retirement dates scheduled June 30, 2015, to August tion, shall complete a study regarding and renewed within the revious three 30, 2015 will receive a new retirement date of August 31, 2015. Owners may the impact of growth in the taxicab, years; continue operating their existing vehicles until the fi rst scheduled inspection on street hail livery, for-hire vehicle, the number of base station li- or after August 31, 2015. black car and luxury limousine in- censes, black car licenses, and luxury All Taxicab vehicles must continue to appear for and pass all scheduled dustries on traffic, air quality, noise, limousine service in each borough inspections. and public health. Such study shall within the previous three years, to consider, at a minimum, the follow- the extent such information is avail- (Continued on Page 18) ing factors: able. No later than August 31, 2016, the number of driver’s licenses such study shall be submitted to the Taxi Cab Fact Book Available for Downoad! eligible for renewal that were not speaker of the council and posted on renewed within the previous three the commission’s official website. http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/down- years; Section 2. This local law takes loads/pdf/2014_taxicab_fact_book.pdf the number of driver’s licenses effect immediately. PAGE 6 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Uber’s ‘Illegal E-Hails’ Destroying TAXI AND FOR-HIRE VEHICLE Yellow Cab Industry RELIEF STANDS The value of the once-vaunted Only a fraction of Uber’s trips DOT is not responsible regulating taxis. Taxis are regulated by the New York New York City taxi medallion has go through its yellow-cab service, City Taxi and Limousine Commission. DOT does regulate taxi relief stands dropped by more than 40 percent in uberT. Most are done through its other Taxi relief stands allow drivers to park their vehicles for up to one hour. This recent months and will soon become services and use black cars — which affords drivers the opportunity to leave their vehicles and take care of personal “worthless” unless the city puts aren’t allowed to make street hails. needs. Taxi relief stands should not be confused with taxi stands, which are the brakes on Uber, a new lawsuit Taxi drivers and their supporters locations where drivers can wait, in their cars, to pick up passengers. charges. have long maintained that the Uber The type column indicates if the relief stand is for taxis alone, or both taxis Melrose Credit Union, a major model is nothing more than an elec- and For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs). Staten Island currently has no relief stands. medallion-financing agent, which tronic, modern-day street hail that’s BRONX filed the suit in Queens Supreme taking money out of their pockets. TYPE LOCATION CROSS STREET Court, claims that, as of May 31, Cabby Jaswinder Singh, 44, Taxi Jerome Ave. (E. Side) Eliot Pl. & E. 170th St. delinquencies across its medallion- says he is having trouble paying the Taxi Metropolitan Ave. (N. Side) Purdy St. & Red Oak Dr. loan portfolio totaled nearly $168 mortgage on his medallion despite million, with struggling taxi owners working 12 hours a day, seven days MANHATTAN EAST SIDE ABOVE 23RD STREET unable to pay. a week because he can’t find second- Taxis E.77th St.(N. Side) First & Second Aves. “Unless the TLC immediately shift drivers. Taxis E. 86th St. (N. Side) Henderson Pl. & York Ave. begins enforcing medallion owners’ “No drivers want to because they Taxis E. 78th Street (N. Side) Lexington & Third Ave. exclusive right to hails” and compels go to Uber,” he said after a Queens Taxis E. 78th St. (S. Side) Lexington & Third Ave. “companies like Uber to stop illegally court hearing Monday. Taxis & FHVs E. 29th St. (S. Side) Madison & Fifth Ave. accepting E-hails, the value of the Singh said the bank seized his Taxis E. 27th St. (N. Side) Park Ave. S. & Madison Ave. taxicab medallions will continue to medallion in April. Taxis & FHVs E.28th St. (N. Side) Park Av. S. & Lexington Ave. drop until it becomes worthless,” Last month, taxi king Gene Taxis & FHVs Madison Ave. (W. Side) E. 26th & 27th St. Melrose supervisor Lawrence Fisher Freidman — who controls 900 Taxis E. 26th Street (S. Side) Third & Second Aves. said in an affidavit. yellow-cab licenses — hatched an The value of the medallions steadi- 11th-hour deal with Citibank to pre- MANHATTAN WEST SIDE ABOVE 23RD STREET ly rose each year from 2011 through vent the seizure of his medallions. Taxis W. 55th St. (S. Side) Tenth & Eleventh Aves. 2014, topping out at $1.05 million last Citibank had sued Freidman in March Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W.Side) W. 55th & 56th Sts. year before plunging to $800,000 this to foreclose on 90 medallions to re- Taxis & FHVs Eighth Ave. (E. Side) W. 52nd & 53rd Sts. past January as Uber has lured drivers coup $31 million in overdue debt. Taxis (E. Side) W. 48th & 47th Sts. away, according to Taxi & Limousine Reprinted with permission from Taxis Eighth Ave. (W. Side) W. 46th & 47th Sts. Commission data. The New York Post. Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 39th & 40th Sts. Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 38th & 39th Sts. Golden Slumber is it not equivalent to a street hail? The traditional black car industry, Taxis Broadway (E. Side) W. 43rd & 42nd Sts. (Continued from Page 1) Taxis Ninth Ave. (E. Side) W. 42nd & 41st Sts. consisting of cooperatives and some Taxis West 39th St. (S. Side) Eighth & Ninth Aves. of the black car industry in the early proprietary organizations have al- Taxis Ninth Ave. (E. Side) W. 30th & 29th Sts. 1980’s. lowed their drivers to also have Uber Fast forward to the Bloomberg or Lyft to supplement their incomes MANHATTAN BELOW 23RD STREET plan to provide street hail service to when times are slow. The mud that Taxis E. 23rd St. First & Second Aves. the boroughs and upper Manhattan. Mr Bloomberg created in the for Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W. 22nd & 23rd Sts. Does anyone really believe that Mr hire taxi industry can have only one Taxis Third Ave. (W. Side) E. 14th & 15th Sts. Bloomberg was so concerned about resolution. Taxis & FHVs Third Ave. (W. Side) E. 15th & 14th Sts. the poor people of Brooklyn and We are living through a “wild Taxis & FHVs Sixth Ave. (W. Side) W.13th & 14th Sts. Queens that they needed to have west” period of chaos. Sooner or later Taxis Sixth Ave. (W. Side) Thompson & Grand Sts. street-hail taxis? One Brooklyn poli- there will be turf battles that will turn Taxis & FHVs Canal St. (N. Side) E. Broadway & Essex St. tician, who recognized this issue for violent and the politicians and regu- Taxis Park Row (SE. Side) Ann & Beekman Sts. what it was, claimed that this was a lators will have blood on their hands Taxis & FHVs Fulton St. (S. Side) Broadway & Church St. solution in search of a problem. The for failing to regulate. The obvious Taxis & FHVs South St. (N. Side) Old Slip & Broad St. borough populace typically called solution is that all for hire vehicles, Taxis & FHVs Water St. (W. Side) Whitehall & Broad Sts. their local community car service (yellow, green, black or community Taxis Whitehall St. (W. Side) South & State Sts, by telephone for their transportation based) must buy a medallion. If they needs. So what was the real deal? As want to have the right to pick up in the BROOKLYN it turns out, almost immediately after boroughs only, they can buy a green Taxis N. Sixth St. (N. Side) Berry St. & Wythe Ave. the roll-out of the green cabs, half of medallion. If they want to be free to Taxis Fourth Ave. (W. Side) Third & Sixth Sts. the green cabs had Uber. The green pick up anywhere in the fi ve boroughs, cab became the main immediate focal they can buy a yellow medallion. QUEENS point of distribution for Uber. Instead The police and the TLC will have an Taxis & FHVs 43rd Ave. (N. side) 11th & 12th Sts. of performing street hails, which was easier time identifying vehicles and Taxis 44th Rd. (N. Side) 21st & 11th Sts. their raison d’etre, the green cabs therefore enforcing traffi c laws and Taxis & FHVs Hunterspoint Ave. 27th & 30th Sts. were responding to Uber calls and illegal pick-ups. If the politicians Taxis 31st St. (W. Side) 34th & 35th Aves. propelling Uber’s marketing blitz. deem it necessary that more medal- Taxis & FHVs 43rd Ave. 36th & 37th Sts. With the proliferation of Uber lions will be needed to service the Taxis 34th St. (W. Side) 37th & 38th Aves. black cars, gas-guzzling, traffic- growing population of NYC, there Taxis Skillman Ave. 37th & 36th Sts. snarling Yukons, Escalades, and the are processes in place that will enable Taxis Queens Blvd. (S. Side) 50th & 51st Sts. like, the lines have been blurred be- it. The city must make a decision. Do Taxis Queens Blvd. 55th & 54th Sts. they want a viable medallion system Taxis & FHVs 45th Ave. (S. side) Jackson Ave. & 23rd St. tween black cars and street hails. If or not? Do they want chaos or not? Taxis & FHVs Pearson St. (W. Side) Jackson Ave. & dead end a rider can get a car in three minutes, Taxis 49th St. Newtown Rd & Northern Blvd. Taxis 55th St. Queens Blvd & Roosevelt Ave. NEED AN ACCOUNTANT? Taxis Van Dam St. Queens Blvd & Skillman Ave. Taxis & FHVs 36th St. Skillman & 43rd Aves. SEE THE TAXI INSIDER Don’t risk a summons trying to fi nd a Relief Stand on the list that the TLC web site provides. Texting or searching on-line DIRECTORY while in your cab is against the law. Keep this list in your taxi for future use! ON PAGE 32 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 7 The Taxi Attorney July Taxi Driver Puzzle I hope that you are making good not wait three years to take the DDC money. class that takes points off of your Do you know the stories behind each word? This month I want to NYS driver’s license. You would if you listened to Taxi Dave’s Radio talk about seven topics. Please take the course Show, Sunday’s at 8:00 PM on WOR710. Brought First, the TLC is sending every 18 months so if out settlement letters for TLC sends you a letter to to you by Melrose Credit Union. You will also red light camera tick- suspend or revoke your understand the puzzle better if you read our ets which, if not acted Hack or TLC license you articles. upon and accepted by will have taken the class a driver, will result in a before you get such TLC D G A F S E N S E 6 S L M summons being issued letter. If you take the R O R F C P E D S 3 E W A with 3 points and either class after you get the a $300 (if a driver plead TLC letter, even if oth- X A T I M I L C I 0 R S D guilty before a hearing) erwise eligible, TLC will I A L S B N T I E 0 A U I or $400 fine (guilty find- NOT reduce your points. ing after a hearing) and 3 This rule is changing but S T N S U E M Y N 0 F T S points. I am writing about this to urge it is a good idea to take the course E N V I S R D E O F G A O drivers to take the settlement offer every 18 months. Also, there is a from TLC because it is very difficult persistent violator course available M N O R L U V C R H A Y N if not impossible to beat these camera to reduce TLC points which are now tickets at a hearing at this time. If being combined with DMV points and T A L S T A N E S V I W A you have questions about this type can result in your losing your TLC V E O H P M D T Y T N A V of summons, I am glad to talk to you license very quickly if you speed or about it and you may contact me at talk on your cell phone while driving. I E N F C M E I U S E E E my office during business hours at Basically, any moving violation now S S E R G O R C T N R D N 212.754.1011 or 866.LAW.MIKE or puts you in jeopardy. 866.529.6453. There are now some instances N C Y M P R 4 L A M I A U Second, my office is now located at when it makes sense to take the class A N B G R I U S S N O F E 160 E. 56th Street, Floor 7, New York, more than every 18 months. This is NY 10022. The office is between especially true because TLC is count- R G O U O T M A N H A T T and ing DMV points against drivers under F O L K 7 2 % T C S O N A on the south side of the street. My the critical driver program starting phone number remains 212.754.1011 to count the points from the date of Find the following words/accronyms in the puzzle above or 866.LAW.MIKE or 866.529.6453. conviction. It often now makes sense • PROGRESSIVE • TAXI STANDS • There is a taxi stand on Lexington to take a DDC class AFTER being Avenue and 56th Street. It is a good convicted of a moving violation. • ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY • CMT • idea to call me before you come over Seventh, at this time when yellow to the office. I look forward to seeing cabs are under fire from Uber, Lyft • TRAFFIC SPEEDS • FRANCE • you at my office. and Green Cabs, it is imperative that • 72% MANHATTAN • LIMIT LICENSES • Third, if you are arrested and you yellow drivers act as their own best possess a TLC license, it is impera- ambassadors and advertisers. How • 63,000 FHVS • BUS LANE • DOT SURVEY • tive that you hire the best criminal can they do this? Simply by follow- • • MORITORIUM • attorney. This is so because TLC will ing TLC rules and being courteous to hold your license until the criminal passengers. I know how difficult it can • PHONEY BOLOGNA • NOT FADE AWAY • case is finished and the TLC will be to drive a cab. Lonely, stressful, take it permanently from you if the dangerous, alone in your own head • LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY • CREDIT UNIONS • criminal matters is NOT resolved to thinking about traffic etc., stressful • ENFORCEMENT • TERMINAL 4 • the TLC’s satisfaction. I work with passengers etc. The list can go on and a very high quality criminal attorney (Continued on Page 17) • CITY • MPG • TNC • FARES • who can speed up criminal matters and obtains excellent results, so please call me at 212.754.1011 if you get arrested. Fourth, please listen to the Taxi Dave radio show on 710 am WOR, on Sunday evenings between 8pm and 9pm. David Pollack is the host. He is smart, entertaining, informative and best of all, knows the truth about what is happening in your Industry. So, please tune in to listen. Fifth, remember to bring me your DMV and TLC tickets. It is important to fight all your DMV (is- sued by NYPD) and TLC tickets. Be careful. Please fight every yellow or pink ticket you receive from NYPD and every TLC ticket you receive. If you are uncertain whether to use an attorney for a particular ticket, please come see me and I will tell you, no charge, if the ticket has points and you do or do not need an attorney or representative for a particular summons. Sixth, please take the defensive driver course every 18 months. Do PAGE 8 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Removing Taxi Stands when Taxi Stands are removed with- with fares, Ms. Sadik Khan said, “It simply say, “We made a mistake.” out the knowledge of an affected ain’t happening.” No justification, But the city of New York can NEVER (Continued from Page 1) industry. If we are not to be asked no engaging in conversation, just the make a mistake. How PROGRES- break “when nature calls,” we are our opinion regarding the removal disrespect that is so evident everyday SIVE is that? ignored if we to need to rest for a of a Taxi Stand, then we are not part from some city employees. With record construction and de- few minutes, and ignored if we want of the process. This is just one sce- We are licensed and regulated by velopment on virtually every street to stop and eat a meal like a human. nario that is certainly an oxymoron New York City, and it is disgusting and avenue, Taxi Stands should be They do not realize the importance of Progressive values. that we are not respected. incorporated into the blueprints of of Taxi Stands for our health. We were not part of the Bus Lane When ABC-TV took ten surveys each building project. I wonder if the DOT even asks the process either. WHY is the Bus Lane of Columbus Avenue between 96th New Yorker’s are smart folks and TLC before they remove a Taxi Stand, on Madison Avenue off limits to yel- Street and 72nd Street, their statis- we cannot be lied to. We may close and if they do, is it rubber-stamped low cabs 24/7? Buses now compete tics showed driving times up to three our eyes to certain actions by our OK by the TLC? Does some new with yellow cabs for fares on Madison times the DOT survey. DOT stated government until it finally reaches college grad, working his first job Avenue. Is it really necessary at 1:00 they “proved” shortened drive times the point of disgust, and then we at DOT, just decide to change signs AM for taxis to avoid the Bus Lane? due to dedicated bike lanes. DOT speak and shout-out. So here I go: overnight after decades? Of course not! Why not open Bus lied. “We have to take another look Traffic in NYC disgusts me especially As much as some of us want to Lanes for yellow taxi use after 7:00 at this issue,” was the response of the when the NYCDOT lies about their believe things have changed with a PM? THAT would be a Progressive current DOT Commissioner Polly traffic surveys. All DOT surveys are Progressive administration for the transportation move. Instead, when Trottenberg on ABC-TV. now suspect. Appointed officials people, and elected by the people; I asked the former DOT Chairwoman I wish for once someone would who lie disgust me, especially when there is certainly a lack of justice if the Bus Lanes can be used by taxis have the balls to tell the truth and they do not have the “balls” to fess up the truth. The removal of Taxi MANHATTAN POLICE PRECINCTS Stands without taxi industry input Precinct Address Direct line 1 Precinct 16 Ericsson Place 1-212-334-0611 Police Precincts disgusts me, especially when I have been hearing this complaint for a few 5 Precinct 19 Elizabeth Street 1-212-334-0711 In New York City years and received two emails within 6 Precinct 233 West 10 Street 1-212-741-4811 24 hours. 7 Precinct 19 1/2 Pitt Street 1-212-477-7311 Taxi Insider Info Here are two emails I received 9 Precinct 130321 AvenueEast 5th C Street 1-212-477-7811 within 24 hours of each other concern- 10 Precinct 230 West 20th Street 1-212-741-8211 71 Precinct 421 Empire Boulevard 1-718-735-0511 ing the removal of Taxi Stands. 13 Precinct 230 East 21st Street 1-212-477-7411 72 Precinct 830 4th Avenue 1-718-965-6311 Hello Taxi Dave, Precinct I’ve been trying to find an answer 73 Precinct 1470 East New York Avenue 1-718-495-5411 MSP 357 West 35th Street 1-212-239-9811 to this and no one is responding to me. 75 Precinct 1000 Sutter Avenue 1-718-827-3511 17 Precinct 167 East 51st Street 1-212-826-3211 I’ve asked the TLC, the DOT and the 76 Precinct 191 Union Street 1-718-834-3211 Midtown North Precinct local Bay Ridge representative. 77 Precinct 127 Utica Avenue 1-718-735-0611 MNP 306 West 1-212-767-8400 What happened to the taxi stand at 78 Precinct 65 6th Avenue 1-718-636-6411 86th Street and 4th Avenue? It’s been 19 Precinct 153 East 67th Street 1-212-452-0600 79 Precinct 263 Tompkins Avenue 1-718-636-6611 there for over 40 years and suddenly 20 Precinct 120 West 82nd Street 1-212-580-6411 81 Precinct 30 Ralph Avenue 1-718-574-0411 it’s not there anymore!! Precinct 83 Precinct 480 Knickerbocker Avenue 1-718-574-1605 Why are there so very few taxi 86th St & Transverse Road 1-212-570-4820 84 Precinct 301 Gold Street 1-718-875-6811 stands in Brooklyn compared to 23 Precinct 162 East 102nd Street 1-212-860-6411 88 Precinct 298 Classon Avenue 1-718-636-6511 Manhattan and Queens? 24 Precinct 151 West 100th Street 1-212-678-1811 90 Precinct 211 Union Avenue 1-718-963-5311 Thank you in advance for your 25 Precinct 120 East 119th Street 1-212-860-6511 help. 94 Precinct 100 Meserole Avenue 1-718-383-3879 26 Precinct 520 West 126th Street 1-212-678-1311 -Lisa, a long time Bay Ridge resident. 28 Precinct 2271-89 8th Avenue 1-212-678-1611 QUEENS POLICE PRECINCTS 30 Precinct 451 West 151st Street 1-212-690-8811 Hi Taxi Dave, Precinct Address Direct line I’ve been taking lunch breaks on 32 Precinct 250 West 135th Street 1-212-690-6311 100 Precinct 92-24 Rockaway Beach Blvd. 1-718-318-4200 6th Avenue & 9th Street in Manhat- 33 Precinct 2207 Amsterdam Avenue 1-212-927-3200 101 Precinct 16-12 Mott Avenue 1-718-868-3400 tan for the last 34 Precinct 4295 Broadway 1-212-927-9711 102 Precinct 87-34 118th Street 1-718-805-3200 few years at a Taxi Relief Stand in front of Lenny’s or Lenwich Sand- BRONX POLICE PRECINCTS 103 Precinct 168-02 P.O. Edwaard Byrne Ave. 1-718-657-8181 104 Precinct 64-02 Catalpa Avenue 1-718-386-3004 wich shop. Precinct Address Direct line Today I see there’s a no standing sign 105 Precinct 92-08 222nd Street 1-718-776-9090 40 Precinct 257 Alexander Avenue 1-718-402-2270 where the relief stand used to be. 106 Precinct 103-53 101st Street 1-718-845-2211 41 Precinct 1035 Longwood Avenue 1-718-542-4771 They’ve added meter parking di- 107 Precinct 71-01 Parsons Boulevard 1-718-969-5100 42 Precinct 830 Washington Avenue 1-718-402-3887 rectly behind where the relief stand 108 Precinct 5-47 50th Avenue 1-718-784-5411 43 Precinct 900 Fteley Avenue 1-718-542-0888 used to be. 109 Precinct 37-05 Union Street 1-718-321-2250 44 Precinct 2 East 289th Street 1-718-590-5511 Larry 110 Precinct 94-41 43rd Avenue 1-718-476-9311 45 Precinct 2877 Barkley Avenue 1-718-822-5411 Apparently, Progressive values 111 Precinct 45-06 215th Street 1-718-279-5200 only count when you are either 46 Precinct 2120 Ryer Avenue 1-718-220-5211 112 Precinct 68-40 Austin Street 1-718-520-9311 helping the defenseless or courting 47 Precinct 4111 Laconia Avenue 1-718-920-1211 113 Precinct 167-02 Baisley Boulevard 1-718-712-7733 the voting public. Stealing our Taxi 48 Precinct 450 Cross Bronx Expressway 1-718-299-3900 114 Precinct 34-16 Astoria Boulevard 1-718-626-9311 Stands and manipulating surveys 49 Precinct 2121 Eastchester Road 1-718-918-2000 115 Precinct 92-15 Northern Boulevard 1-718-533-2002 leaves those who drive for a living, 50 Precinct 3450 Kingsbridge Avenue 1-718-543-5700 defenseless. Hungry? Need to pee? 52 Precinct 3016 Webster Avenue 1-718-220-5811 In a hurry? Good luck on the new STATEN ISLAND POLICE PRECINCTS slower streets of New York where BROOKLYN POLICE PRECINCTS Precinct Address Direct line taxis are no longer welcome. Precinct Address Direct line 120 Precinct 78 Richmond Terrace 1-718-876-8500 60 Precinct 2951 West 8th Street 1-718-946-3311 122 Precinct 2320 Hylan Boulevard 1-718-667-2211 61 Precinct 2575 Coney Island Avenue 1-718-627-6611 123 Precinct 116 Main Street 1-718-948-9311 62 Precinct 1925 Bath Avenue 1-718-236-2611 63 Precinct 1844 Brooklyn Avenue 1-718-258-4411 66 Precinct 5822 16th Avenue 1-718-851-5611 Questions? Comments? 67 Precinct 2820 Snyder Avenue 1-718-287-3211 E-Mail Taxi Insider at 68 Precinct 333 65th Street 1-718-439-4211 69 Precinct 9720 Foster Avenue 1-718-257-6211 [email protected] 70 Precinct 154 Lawrence Avenue 1-718-851-5511 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 9

Erhan Tuncel ext. 3110 Steven Bulatowicz ext. 3109 PAGE 10 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 NEW YORK STREET HAIL LIVERY . . . RIGHT OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE

Designed specifically to serve the disability community and built from the ground up, the MV-1 is the mobility solution that provides greater accessibility, comfort and unsurpassed durability. The MV-1 passes all FMVSS crash- worthiness tests without exemptions, as required for any new vehicle. • Purpose-built—not a conversion • Reduced maintenance and operating costs SPECIAL SHL PRICE • Increased safety, durability and reliability * • Meets ADA guidelines $39,500 • TLC approved INCLUDES TLC-APPROVED GREEN PAINT • Universal access for up to five passengers, including a wheelchair • Integrated side-entry ramp stores under the floor • Front-row wheelchair seating with Q’Straint securement system • Greater fuel savings with factory-installed CNG option • Produced by Mobility Ventures, a new wholly-owned subsidiary of AM General

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* Special offer for limited time. See dealer for details. All features subject to change. JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 11 PAGE 12 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 ALL BORO FUNDING, LLC FREEDOM OF FUNDING Take Advantage Of Our Low Interest Rates As Our Customer We’ll Ensure The Best Service

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Tired Of Driving For Someone Else? Change Your Life Now And Let Us Help You Climb The Ladder Of Success In The NYC Taxi Industry.

Prepare Now For The Medallion Auction Next Month And Let Us Prequalify You! Buy A Mini-Fleet Or Buy An Individual Medallion.

Need Help With Paperwork? We Do It For You & With You!

Need A Medallion Loan? We Help You Get It!

Need Insurance? We Get You The Industries Best!

WE WILL HELP YOU QUALIFY TO BID FOR ONE OF THE NEW MEDALLIONS THAT ARE GOING TO BE AUCTIONED BY THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Come In Now So You Can Become A Medallion Owner Too! One Stop Auction Shopping For All Your Auction Needs! Mystic Brokerage Inc. 330 McGuiness Blvd. • Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-349-7610 • Fax: 718-349-7615 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 13 Commissioner’s Corner By Meera Joshi Viverito and NYC Media, launched a public service announcement (PSA) to highlight the issue of service refusal by drivers of both yellow medallion taxicabs and Boro taxis. The goal of the PSA is to raise awareness of passengers’ rights with respect to service refusals by visually portraying examples of certain refusal types. After demonstrating several service refusal experiences, the PSA concludes with a description of the different methods for contacting 311 and the vital informa- tion necessary to fi le a complaint. I know the drivers reading these words take their responsibilities to heart, and would never be counted among those Hello again, everyone… I hope you who make the poor decision to refuse on driving for-hire. vehicle is retired – but they will have to are all doing well and making time to service to a passenger for any reason, so If you are inspired to join this impor- do so at the time of their next following enjoy the nice weather we’ve been having. let me say that this video PSA is as much tant public/private partnership, please visit retirement date. As usual, it’s been another busy month at for you as it is for the passengers who http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/in- The drawing will be open to the the TLC, so let’s get into it! will be seeing it. If passengers take the dustry/veh_safety_tech_pilot_program. public, though space is limited. For On May 28, the TLC held a public PSA’s message to heart, as we hope and shtml. There is no limit to the number those unable to attend, the event will be hearing on a set of proposed rules that expect they will, it will empower them of approved providers or vehicles that streamed in real-time at www.livestream. would comprise a new rule chapter gov- to help us take action against those few can participate! com/nyctaxi. erning the electronic dispatch of For-hire bad apples that spoil perceptions for the I’m pleased to report today that we After the drawing is complete, the Vehicles (FHV). As we anticipated, bunch. I’ve said it before, and I will say are making great progress in fulfi lling TLC will post the results within 24 hours. the hearing was an abundant source of it again – no one dislikes a bad cabbie our goal of 50% wheelchair accessible For more information about the draw- feedback and perspectives thanks to the more than a good cabbie! yellow taxis by 2020. On June 25, 2015, ing, please see Industry Notices 15-22 testimony of dozens of stakeholders, as The PSA can be seen and heard at 10 a.m., we will hold our fi rst yellow and 15-23. well as the reams of written comments. throughout the City’s fl eet of more than taxi medallion accessibility drawing on I’d like to take a moment to update Over the weeks following the hearing, 20,000 yellow and Boro taxis, and is also the 19th Floor of 33 Beaver Street, New all drivers on a policy change regarding we pored over every word, met and bans on applications for those who have spoke with many stakeholders, analyzed had a previous TLC license revoked. constructive recommendations, and ulti- Drivers whose prior TLC license was mately got to the heart of their concerns revoked under either the Critical Driver or and perspectives, and then set about the Persistent Violator programs may request task of solving as many people’s problems a reduced application ban if the driver’s as possible without sacrifi cing any of the state license lists no more than three DMV goals of the rules – safety, accountability, points for all violations within the last transparency and availability. three years and it has been at least one We believe the modest updates to year since you were issued a summons for the original rule package strike a fair violating the Critical Driver or Persistent balance between the TLC’s regula- Violator programs. For more information, tory responsibilities and the concerns of please see Industry Notice #15-21 (http:// those who would be most affected by its www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/downloads/pdf/ requirements. Most notably, the rules industry_notice_15_21.pdf). were clarifi ed to ensure that it is tech Before I sign off, I’d like to thank the agnostic, as we had always intended it Riverside Softball team for such a warm to be, while prudently regulating the available on the TLC’s website, www.nyc. York, NY 10004. In keeping with the welcome at their recent season opener. provision of for-hire service, regardless gov/taxi and on our YouTube channel, rules approved by the Commission on It was so wonderful to see so many driv- of the type of booking tools used. This http://youtu.be/NwNhZOEJRXY . April 30, 2014, this drawing will begin ers enjoying each other’s company, and tech-friendly approach to regulation al- In another important announcement the fl eet conversion process that will make truly celebrating the industry that brought lows dispatch technology providers to on June 2, Council Member/Technology it easier for mobility-impaired customers them and their families all together. The become licensees, rather than having Committee Chair James Vacca and I an- to get a taxi. camaraderie I saw that day was incredibly to get a base license, which is far more nounced the launch of the TLC’s Vehicle This drawing will be limited to those inspiring, and I was grateful to be a part diffi cult to get. Safety Technology (VST) Pilot Program, unrestricted independent medallions with of it, even if only for a few moments as Plain and simple -- the bottom line an extension of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vehicles that are scheduled for retirement I “burned” that fi rst pitch across home goals of the TLC are safety, account- Vision Zero action plan. The goal of the between January 1, 2016 and December plate! Of course, I know that Riverside ability, transparency, and availability, VST pilot is to explore the ways that in- 31, 2016. The medallions selected in is FAR from the only base out there that and to ensure that all necessary protec- vehicle technology may be employed to this drawing will be required to place takes their summer softball seriously, tions are in place regardless of whether improve driver safety. an accessible vehicle into service when so I’d like to wish everyone a safe and a passenger gets into a green, yellow, or The initial pilot participants, Ion- their current vehicle is retired. The wonderful season! PLAY BALL! FHV, and regardless of whether they’ve Fleets, Inc. and Mobileye, Inc. have medallions not selected in the drawing That’s all for this month……Until summoned it by hail, phone, app, or any installed their systems in a total of 18 are not required to place an accessible next time, stay cool and PLEASE, drive other means. That is the purpose of these TLC-licensed vehicles so far, including vehicle into service when their current safely! rules, plain and simple. yellow taxis, green taxis, and FHV’s. The Here’s a link to the fi nal rules: equipment in the participating vehicles http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/down- includes a combination of data recorders, loads/pdf/proposed_rules_fi nal_fhv_dis- driver alerts, in-vehicle camera systems, patch.pdf and related analytic software. By testing The TLC’s Board of Commissioners these types of technology in TLC-licensed is set to vote on the fi nal FHV dispatch- vehicles, it will enable us to evaluate their ing rules package at 10:30 a.m. on June practical application and effectiveness 22, 2015. in promoting safe driving practices. It Switching gears a bit, on June 9, the will also allow us to evaluate the unique TLC, with the invaluable assistance of driving conditions found in urban settings NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark- such as News York City and their effects PAGE 14 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 yp Hereford Insurance Company Established 1982 • Licensed by the New York State Insurance Department 36-01 43rd Avenue, LIC, NY 11101 • Tel: 718-361-9191 • Fax: 718-361-6243 Know The Signs DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE SCHEDULE Classes will be offered the following Saturday: August 29, 2015 October 31, 2015 December 19, 2015 All Hereford insured will receive the course at no cost: Classes will be held in the third floor event room at: HEREFORD INSURANCE COMPANY 36-01 43RD AVENUE, LIC, NEW YORK 11101 Our classes are recognized by: • Taxi and Limousine Commission for required license renewals. • Department of Motor Vehicles for the Point Reduction. • Insurance carriers for rate reduction. ALL CLASSES BEGIN AT 9:00A.M., AND END AT 3:00P.M. Reservations Are Necessary. All drivers must provide proof of Insurance. For additional information please contact: JULY 4th HOLIDAY BERTRAM MERLING Have a great holiday. Please use extra caution, as HOLIDAYS mean that there will Loss Control Coordinator be motorists going to and coming from Holiday Events and may be driving under the 718-361-9191 EXT. 7235 infl uence of alcohol, and or other illegal substances. Please note that if you attend a Holiday Event, get your rest before and after the event. Driving While Drowsy Places [email protected] Drivers at the Same Risk as Driving While Intoxicated. JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 15 increase by a maximum of 15% of ing problems of congestion parking NYC Council Proposes On The cars previously affiliated (maximum and negative environmental impacts increase of 3 cars to a base with 19 like poor air quality, we must ensure Future Of The For-Hire Industry vehicles) our city moves forward with the best Bases with 20-499 vehicles can plan that mitigates these negative Transportation Committee set to increase by a maximum of 5% of impacts. In order to achieve just hear legislation next week cars previously affiliated (maximum that we need to make sure our city is increase of 25 cars to a base with 499 armed with the information necessary New York – Today, NYC Council of drivers, vehicles, and bases. Agen- vehicles) to make lasting change that benefits Transportation Chairman Ydanis cies to work closely with the TLC on Bases larger than 500 vehicles every New Yorker, driver, pedestrian Rodriguez and Council Member Ste- this study include but are not limited can increase by a maximum of 1% of and resident alike” said Council phen Levin announced two pieces of to the Department of Transportation cars previously affiliated. (maximum Member Ydanis Rodriguez “This legislation that will allow the city to and Department of Environmental increase of 260 cars to a base with package of legislation will allow us better respond to the rapidly growing Protection. This study will be due 26,000 vehicles) to act from a place of knowledge and For-Hire sector. to the Council by August 31st 2016. According to data collected by the I am proud to sponsor these impor- The fi rst piece of legislation (in- The second piece of legisla- Taxi and Limousine Commission and tant measures with Council Member troduced by NYC Council Transpor- tion (introduced by Council Members the Department of Transportation, Steve Levin.” tation Committee Chairman Ydanis Levin and Rodriguez) will temporar- congestion in Manhattan is rapidly “The For-Hire sector has expe- Rodriguez) will require the Taxi and ily limit new vehicle licenses to a rate increasing. Business rienced explosive growth over the Limousine Commission (TLC) to of growth within historic norms to District saw a 9% decline in traffic past few years, putting many more work jointly with other city agencies allow for the study described above speeds over the last year-from 9.35 vehicles on the road and raising to determine the impact of the growth to provide data still relevant to the mph in 2014 to 8.51 mph in 2015. questions about potential negative of the for hire and black car indus- Council in 2016. According to the This decrease has had negative im- impacts. The city needs time to exam- tries in the following areas: traffi c, legislation bases can add new licenses pacts on bus speeds and ridership ine the effects of this unprecedented air quality, noise, and public health. at a rate based on their size as of June and has led to fresh frustrations for expansion in depth and determine The study will further consider the 15th, 2015: commuters. Since 2011, 25,000 new how it impacts congestion, public impact of the increase in the number Bases with 2-19 vehicles can FHV licenses have been issued- a 63% transportation, public health and increase overall. These new licenses quality of life for New Yorkers. This The City Gives Up On are currently issued at a rate of 2,000 package will temporarily limit new Policing Pedicab Sleaze per month. In order for the study to licenses to allow the city to conduct an produce valuable data, the rate of is- accurate analysis and ensure that we Team de Blasio has plainly given Now the city Department of Con- sue must be temporarily returned to can approach the challenge of curb- up the fi ght against an urban pest — sumer Affairs is hiding behind the fact the reasonable rates of growth seen ing potential negative impacts in the pedicabs. that two court rulings limit inspectors’ prior to 2011. most informed and responsible way. As The Post reported Wednes- rights to randomly stop pedicabs. The legislation will be heard by I thank Council Member Rodriguez day, the city has yet to ticket these Sorry: That’s no excuse for zero the Transportation Committee next for his partnership in sponsoring human-powered scourges of drivers enforcement. Use some imagination, Monday, June 29th at 10am in the this package of legislation and look and unlucky tourists even once this and send out undercover investiga- Council Chambers. Bills can be made forward to working with him on this year, as of May 15. tors. available upon request. important issue,” said Council Mem- Those same 4¹/ months in 2014 — Rip-offs are still going on: As one “Acknowledging the exist- ber Stephen Levin. Mayor de Blasio’s fi rst year — saw source told The Post, “One [driver] just four tickets issued. Yet it was 97 tried to charge a lady $200 to go from for the same period in 2013, under 59th and Sixth to the Sheraton on NYS DMV Point System Mayor Mike Bloomberg. 53rd.” The odds that that’s a one-time Such enforcement — and City scam? Slim to none. Speeding (mph over posted limit) Council action to require clearly Time for Consumer Affairs to put posted prices — prompted a quarter the pedal to the metal. 1to10...3points of drivers to quit the trade, and the Reprinted with permission from 11 to 20 . . 4 points rest to limit their predations. The New York Post. 21 to 30 . . 6 points Even Bill Bratton Doesn’t 31 to 40 . . 8 points Understand Pedicab Laws More than 40 . . 11 points Even the city’s top cop thinks this city has managed to create around Reckless Driving ....5points pedicabs are more trouble than they’re that issue. Failure to stop for a School Bus .5points worth. “I spent three hours with the city’s Police Commissioner Bill Bratton top attorney on this stuff and I came out Following too closely (tailgating) 4 points said the lack of regulation in the rick- of it totally confused. So how would you shaw business makes his head spin, expect a cop in the fi eld that doesn’t have Inadequate Brakes ..4points and he believes it’s even more chal- the hours to sit there and ask questions (while driving employer's vehicle)2 points lenging for cops who have to enforce to go out and enforce this Byzantine the murky laws. system of laws that we have?” Failing to Yield Right-Of-Way...3points Bratton opined on the three-wheeled Bratton’s comments follow an menaces Wednesday when AM 970 exclusive report in The Post last week Violation Involving Traffic Signal, radio host John Gambling asked about that the de Blasio administration has Stop Sign, or Yield Sign ...3points scammers who rip off tourists with $30 bailed on regulating pedicabs — with hot dogs and charge hundreds to ride not a single driver getting ticketed this Railroad Crossing Violation3 points the free Staten Island Ferry. year by the Department of Consumer “It’s New York,” Bratton said. “A Affairs as of May 15, the most recent Improper Passing or Lane Use ..3points good example of that is these charac- data available. Leaving scene of an incident involving property ters in those pedicabs. I took a good Bratton said politicians have to “Call Sunny& Save Money” look at that because they drive me fi gure out a way to streamline the law damage or injury to an animal .. 3points crazy. You could have not designed a so cops can enforce it. Safety restraint violation involving person more complex, more unworkable set Reprinted with permission from The of laws and rules and regulations than New York Post. under 16 .3points Kindly Patronize Our Advertisers Any other moving violation 2 points Note: Speeding when speed not indicated is 3 points PAGE 16 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Insider News TLC & Council Speaker Mark-Viverito and community in our great city given them and give them the mecha- has something unique to offer,” said nism to report violations. With more Join To Launch Video Message Council Speaker Mark Viverito, “and New Yorkers reporting violations, taxis should always be ready to help drivers will think twice before they Service Refusals Will Not Be Tolerated! take you there. We want to remind all refuse a passenger because of their Letting passengers know how they can make passengers that drivers cannot refuse race gender or ethnicity.” a difference! fares based destination - and if they After demonstrating several ser- do, to report the incident to 311. Taxis vice refusal experiences, the PSA The New York City Taxi and Lim- mandatory destinations. For yellow are one of the best ways to experience concludes with a description of the ousine Commission (TLC), with the cabs, that is within the five boroughs, the Big Apple, and I thank the Taxi different methods for contacting 311 invaluable assistance of NYC Council Nassau and Westchester Counties, or and Limousine Commission for its and the vital information necessary Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the three regional airports. For Boro efforts to ensure that New Yorkers to file a complaint. Once a refusal NYC Media, today launched a public Cabs, the areas in Manhattan south can rely on taxis for transport to any complaint is filed with 311, the TLC service announcement (PSA) to high- of East 96th Street and West 110th zip code in New York City.” investigates and, using data collected light the issue of service refusal by Street, or JFK or LGA airports, are “In order to ensure taxi and for- via the vehicle’s GPS-enabled tech- drivers of both yellow medallion taxi- excluded for street hail service, but hire drivers provide the services nology systems, determines if the cabs and Street Hail Liveries (green they, too, must transport passengers required, we must first make sure driver’s actions were in fact a service “Boro Cabs”, or SHLs). The PSA to all mandatory taxi destinations as that citizens know their rights,” said refusal. will be seen and heard throughout the described above. City Council Transportation Commit- To view the Passenger Refusal city’s fleet of more than 20,000 yel- “Taxi service is for all New York- tee Chair Ydanis Rodriguez. “With PSA, visit www.nyc.gov/taxi, or low and green cabs, and will also be ers,” said TLC Commissioner and this PSA, we will educate every New more directly at http://youtu.be/ available through the TLC’s web site Chair Meera Joshi. “There are few Yorker of the protections the City has NwNhZOEJRXY. and on the agency’s YouTube chan- violations more viscerally hurtful nel. Speaker Mark Viverito provided and offensive than service refusal. Letters responding to an Uber call - ..AND voiceover narration for the PSA. This PSA will highlight the issue by right after the Council Hearing - I saw (Continued from Page 4) The goal of the PSA is to raise showing what a refusal looks like MANY Black Cars & Uber Cars picking awareness of passengers’ rights with and encouraging people to report it What Is up with IMPUNITY off the streets!! respect to service refusal, and it vi- so that we can take action. I would TT sually portrays examples of certain like to thank NYC Council Speaker Going On? refusal types, while encouraging Melissa Mark-Viverito for giving Dear Taxi Dave, viewers to report any instances of voice to this important effort. Thanks I heard an ad on 1010 WINS for a service refusal they may experience. also to Council Member Jumaane RENT A CAR agency that wants UBER New York City law provides that Williams, for his strong advocacy drivers to WORK FOR THEM - on a medallion taxicabs and Boro Cabs on this issue.” DAILY BASIS !! must transport ALL passengers to any “Every borough, neighborhood, I saw a PENNSYLVANIA SUV

By Appointment Only

* At Beaver Street ONLY! JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 17 ers has received signifi cant attention. such as in NYC and San Francisco. New Transportation Directions: The gap between media/investor hype (5) Wheelchair Accessible Service: Regulatory Resiliency, Renewal (“California technology dreaming”) Legislative, litigation, and other policy and the near and long-term realities developments will be explored in and Regeneration of such vehicle technology, will be terms of how the accessibility issue By Matthew W. Daus, Esq. addressed by experts in the fi eld. is or is not being addressed, includ- The last several years of technology 27th through the 30th. The conference Also, the work of the United States ing the perspectives of the disability disruption have placed a signifi cant theme will focus on not just the present Department of Transportation will be community, lawyers, regulators, new strain and taken a toll on regulators, situation, but will attempt to forecast highlighted on Connected Vehicles – and existing market entrants, and pro- the public, and many businesses (in- the future – which is fast approaching the use of V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle), viders/manufacturers/retrofi tters, and cluding ground transportation com- from a technology standpoint. The V2P (Vehicle to Passenger) and V2I the fi nal IATR Model Regulations for panies, airports, insurance sessions at this IATR confer- (Vehicle to Infrastructure) technology Wheelchair Accessible Service will be companies, elected offi cials, ence, described below, will where vehicles communicate with released and discussed. and others). Silicon Val- address every TNC-related one another, as well as with passen- (6) What Does The Future Hold ley and other investors are issue at the granular level, ger smartphones and traffi c lights, to for For-Hire Ground Transportation ostensibly making a fortune offering different points of warn against near collisions, prevent Services?: Stakeholders, academ- (at least on paper), and the view, but with every session crashes, and provide for more effi cient ics, regulators, economists, lawyers, media has had plenty to write looking behind and beyond and sustainable traffi c fl ow. The col- and others will engage in a vision- about. However, the luster the current state of affairs. lection of data from the On-Board Di- ing exercise to attempt to forecast of “irrational technology Some of the questions that agnostics system, black boxes and its our regulatory future, discussing of exuberance and disruption” may be answered by the application will be discussed as well. course, history potentially repeating may be fading slightly – just sessions described below Finally, the future of the vehicle will be itself on the deregulation and re-regu- as a fad, genre, or style does in the include: Is there a new best practice discussed with new forms of electric lation front, what a new future model music or fashion industries. Much that will emerge for driver background vehicle technology and other existing would look like, and the integration like other movements, many people checks?; is there a new and possibly alternative fuel option developments, of for-hire ground transportation with start to come to their senses and look better approach to more insurance such as compressed natural gas. public transit, aggregator services, and more closely at the realities and the coverage for all with less premium EVERYTHING YOU EVER logistics platforms. facts – not the hype. That appears to dollars?; will the accessibility move- WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT Breakouts for All! – Working now be happening as of late with the ment be accelerated as a result?; will TNCS – LEVELING Groups and Unique Regulatory Top- transportation smartphone app disrup- vehicle technology changes make all THE PLAYING FIELD! ics tion craze. These are still interesting of these issues moot?; will regulators Several panel discussions and Several concurrent breakout ses- times, with regulators bracing for fi nally get all of the trip and fare data presentations will be held to update sions will be held covering the fol- deregulation and/or self-regulation, that they crave and need?; and will we IATR members on the progression and lowing topics: the implementation of new untested have apps and platforms and services status of TNC legislation, litigation, (1) Smartphone app committee Transportation Network Company that connect freight with public and as well as the policy issues, facts, and meeting to revise IATR smartphone (TNC) regulations, as well as search- for-hire transit in one seamless inter- fi ction. The following sessions will app model regulations; ing for innovative solutions to help modal model? Only time will tell, feature multiple experts on: (2) Research Committee meeting enhance service and level the playing but our resilient regulators and our (1) Criminal Background Checks: to release and peer review the fi rst draft fi eld between the incumbents and the regulatory models will bounce back, Academics, criminalists, forensics, of the IATR’s International For-Hire disruptors for the public good. transmogrify, regenerate, and renew. and law enforcement offi cials will Vehicle Fact Book; and Transportation regulations have That we know for sure! share facts and information about (3) Canadian Regulators’ Summit evolved over almost a century for good To view the detailed program the difference between the accuracy to address unique issues north of the reason, yet of course, some may be information for our 28th Annual Con- of name checks versus biometric fi n- border. outdated or have not kept up with the ference in Montreal visit our newly re- gerprints for drivers, and explore best Merci! Bienvenue à Montréal times. Despite mostly local regula- vamped website, www.iatr.global, and practices for transportation regulators IATR! tions of taxicabs and for-hire vehicles, this link: http://www.utrc2.org/sites/ on this topic. many international commonalities default/fi les/Conference-Program_0. (2) Insurance: Experts will provide The Taxi Attorney exist in terms of safety and consumer pdf. Conference registration is also a primer on the insurance issue, includ- (Continued from Page 7) protection. Deregulation has been now open and early bird registration ing the basics and the impact of current on. But, it is up to the drivers to treat tried many times, and has mostly expires on July 27, 2015. To register TNC regulations on the longstanding each passenger with the respect and failed when it comes to the removal now, click here: http://www.iatr.mem- practices and regulations of the insur- courtesy they deserve. of licensing standards, especially in berlodge.org/event-1952619. Rooms ance industry, and the adaption to new Be kind. Be courteous. Be safe urban environments. Yet only time at the Montreal Marriott Chateau models. Topics will include liability, and drive responsibly. Yellows are will tell whether the new TNC form Champlain, have special discounted no-fault or personal injury protection, the finest drivers in the City. It is of self-regulation may simply be de- conference rates that will expire on supplemental lines policies, and work- imperative that yellow drivers also regulation in disguise. As quickly as September 4, 2015. Sponsorship op- ers’ compensation. be their own best advocates. Thank the TNC movement sped-up, it could portunities are now available, and the (3) TNC Legislative and Litigation you for reading this article. Call me now rebound in the opposite direc- deadline to sponsor is July 27, 2015. Update: With the swelling number at 212.754.1011 for all your legal tion and wind down, or branch out Click here for this year’s sponsorship of pending and recently passed laws needs. Until next month, be well into some new, and hopefully better menu: http://www.utrc2.org/sites/de- around the country, as well as the Mr. Spevack thanks you for read- direction. fault/fi les/Sponsorship-Menu.pdf, and growing pile of TNC related litigation, ing this article which is for enter- The term “resilience” is defi ned in to view this year’s sponsor contract updates by lawyers, legislators, and/ tainment purposes only and does Webster’s Dictionary as “the ability to click here: http://www.utrc2.org/sites/ or lobbyists and trade organizations not constitute legal advice. For legal become strong, healthy or successful default/files/Sponsorship-Contract. involved in the movement (for and advice, contact Mr. Spevack.http:// again after something bad happens” pdf. The following is an overview against) will provide information, as www.trafficticketnyc.com . and “the ability of something to return of the program and sessions that will well as perspectives and insight. See his advertisement on page 38 to its original shape after it has been held at the Montreal conference: (4) New Regulatory Approaches to of this issue. pulled, stretched, pressed or bent, THE FUTURE OF VEHICLE “Leveling the Playing Field:” Various etc…” There is no situation more apro- TECHNOLOGY regulators have undertaken new policy pos than the regulatory recovery from AUTONOMOUS, CONNECTED initiatives that will be explored, and and response to the market disruption & ALTERNATIVE FUELED they will share the details of these new and attempts to lighten or eliminate VEHICLES, BLACK BOXES & initiatives, including: for-hire regulation, to explore next OBD DATA POSSIBILITIES • The Universal Taxicab App steps for regulators, as we attempt to The constant chatter permeat- Projects in Chicago and the District rebuild and strengthen or modify our ing media, blogs, and the rooms of of Columbia; regulatory systems. transportation policymakers includes • Limitations on Surge Pricing, The 28th Annual Conference autonomous vehicles – or taxicabs such as the NYC Council’s pending of the International Association of and limousines that could drive them- legislation; Transportation Regulators (IATR) will selves. The notion that regulators will • Regulations of App Privacy, Secu- be held in Montreal from September someday no longer be regulating driv- rity and Data Collection and Sharing, PAGE 18 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Insider News Industry Notice #15-28 9B95 2C84 1F66 3F11 TLC Publishes List Of Medallions 3C32 5A24 4E47 6B10 Selected During June 25, 2015 5E72 7B57 Accessibility Drawing 7A29 8E27 8A40 9E52 The New York City Taxi and 8E19 4E27 9C47 2C85 Limousine Commission (TLC) 9F31 6A55 1G58 3T12 wishes to inform its licensees 1D44 8B82 3C53 5A33 that it has published the list 2E55 9C76 4E71 6B12 of independent unrestricted 3T30 2B45 5F31 7B68 medallions that were selected 5B33 3F35 7A62 8E46 during the accessibility draw- 7B43 4E74 8A61 9E56 ing on June 25, 2015. 8E66 6B82 9C85 2C90 The selected medallions, 8D34 1G95 3T44 each of which has a sched- 9F65 9D31 3C84 5A96 uled vehicle retirement date 1G59 DRAWING B 4F10 6B95 in 2016, will be required to 2T33 SELECTED 5F48 7B71 place an approved accessible 3T36 MEDALLIONS 7A71 8E93 vehicle into service when 5B72 1A11 8B68 9E69 their current vehicle is retired 7B56 2F46 9D28 2C97 (first retirement cycle). The 8Y15 4A83 2A50 4A51 medallions not selected in 9F91 5D46 3D72 5B11 the drawing are not required 1T18 6D84 4F26 6B98 to place an accessible vehicle 2T39 7C45 5F50 7B86 into service when their cur- 4A25 8F68 7A74 8E95 rent vehicle is retired. How- 5C74 1A75 8B96 9F60 ever, each medallion’s ac- 7B82 2T35 9D40 2D10 cessibility requirement will 8Y32 4B16 2C15 4A53 alternate during each subse- 9F92 5D71 3E18 5B34 quent retirement cycle. For 1T23 6D89 4F60 6C47 example, those medallions 2W14 7D93 6A10 7C11 not selected in this drawing 4A68 9A98 7A79 8F13 will be required to hack up an 5C92 1A77 8B98 9Y11 approved accessible vehicle 7C76 2T37 9D91 2E29 in the next (subsequent) re- 8Y35 4B39 2C43 4A58 tirement cycle. 1T28 5D96 3E46 5C27 All owners whose medal- 3A23 6E42 4F66 6C54 lions were entered into the 4B53 7D96 6A70 7C33 drawing will receive a letter 5C94 9B30 7B21 8F42 from the TLC detailing the re- 7D47 1B19 8C18 2E50 sults of the drawing and next 8Y67 2T73 9D96 4A67 steps. Please see below for 1T31 4B54 2C63 5C28 the complete list of selected 3A30 5E12 3E63 6C91 medallions. 4B77 6E43 5A20 7C39 DRAWING A 5D14 7F27 6A82 8F63 SELECTED 7D94 9B56 7B53 Visit Taxi and Limousine MEDALLIONS 8Y96 1B64 8C93 Commission Web site at: 1A28 1T41 3A35 9E19 2B52 3A99 4B74 http://www.nyc.gov/taxi 3F58 4B97 5E24 Photo by David Pollack 4F47 5D32 6E52 6C94 7E88 7F58 8D38 9A42 9B65 9D93 1T52 1B94 1B21 3B42 3A45 2C44 4C74 4B88 3F76 5E65 5E28 4F54 7E91 6F17 6E37 9B43 7F92 8D99 2A37 9B78 9D97 3B66 1C95 1B46 4D10 3B41 2C58 5F71 4B95 3F94 7F69 5E38 4F68 9B94 6F53 7A46 2A74 7Y93 8E14 3D66 9B82 9F22 4D32 1E83 1D20 6A13 3B75 2D31 8A18 4D33 3T25 9C19 5E48 4F78 2B10 7A28 7B42 3F24 8A24 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 19 A0255 A0293 Current Medallion Agents Kim Cab Leasing Corp. NYC Taxi Network Inc. A0002 A0202 3864a Flatlands Avenue 801 Metropolitan Avenue Ann Service Corp All Taxi Management Inc Brooklyn, NY 11234 Brooklyn, NY 11211 142 West 21 Street 41-25 36 Street (718) 252-8300 (718) 388-8800 NY, NY 10011 LIC, NY 11101 (212) 929-3676 (718) 361-0055 A0257 A0301 Argon Management Corp. Napasei Management Corp. A0003 A0204 13-20 Jackson Avenue 607 West 47 Street Cab Management Corp B. Taxi Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10036 27-34 Jackson Avenue 314 West 53 Street (718) 482-0715 (646) 641-8307 LIC, NY 11101 NY, NY 10019 (718) 937-8668 (212) 957-0033 A0259 A0307 Mc Guinness Management Corp Taxifl eet Management LLC A0011 A0206 330 Mc Guinness Boulevard 54-11 Queens Boulevard J & I Maintenance Corp. AJB Taxi Management Inc. Bklyn, NY 11222 Woodside, NY 11377 341 Bergen Street 662 10 Avenue (718) 389-4483 (718) 779-5000 Brooklyn, NY 11217 NY, NY 10036 (718) 858-3502 (212) 956-3177 A0263 A0308 Steinway Express Mgmt. Corp. Taxifl eet Management LLC. A0013 A0213 36-06 Steinway Street 34-14 31 Street Team Systems Corp. J T L Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11106 30-17 40 Avenue 36-16 Skillman Avenue (718) 361-1647 (718) 361-6363 LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 786-0643 (718) 392-7000 A0267 A0312 2000 Management Inc. Gotham Yellow LLC. A0014 A0217 1817 Coney Island Avenue 75 West Midtown Operating Corp. Medallion Maintenance Inc. Bklyn, NY 11230 Bronx, NY 10451 42-50 24 Street 11-38 44 Road (718) 336-6565 (718) 993-8100 LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 937-2080 (718) 472-9000 A0272 A0313 Malcolm Management Corp. Northwestern Management Corp. A0015 A0224 374 FourtH Avenue 35-11 43 Avenue 2nd Floor 55 Stan Operating Corp S & R Medallion Corp. Brooklyn, NY 11215 LIC, NY 11101 45-16 Vernon Boulevard 625 West 51 Street (718) 222-4040 (718) 482-8181 LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10019 (718) 786-5811 (212) 957-9200 A0275 A0314 Avenue M Management Corp. L.I.C. Taxi Management Inc. A0017 A0225 1500 Mcdonald Avenue 37-28 30 Street 521 West 21st St Management Corp. Style Management Co. Brooklyn, NY 11230 LIC, NY 11101 415 West 127 Street 514 West 44 Street (718) 627-7097 (718) 361-0063 New York, NY 10027 New York, NY 10036 (212) 665-4900 (212) 279-3166 A0280 A0319 Eddie’s Management Corp. The Bridge Group Of NYC Inc. A0020 A0232 40-08 24 Street 35-11 43 Avenue Downtown Taxi Management LLC Wailing Management Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11101 330 Butler Street 31-08 Northern Boulevard (718) 707-0072 (718) 786-6594 Brooklyn, NY 11217 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 435-0660 (718) 472-1800 A0281 A0320 Awesome Management Inc. Executive Owners Holding Corp. A0102 A0234 520 West 44 Street 21-03 44 Avenue Susan Maintenance Corp Woodside Management Inc. New York, NY 10036 LIC, NY 11101 374 4th Avenue 49-13 Roosevelt Avenue (212) 967-7577 (718) 784-9292 Bklyn, NY 11215 Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 222-4040 (718) 899-9369 A0282 A0322 Yellow Cab Sls Jet Managemen Corp. NYC Interboro Management Inc. A0105 A0236 22-05 43 Avenue 36-02 21 Street Utica Taxi Center Inc. D & J Management Of Queens Inc. LIC, NY 11101 LIC, NY 11106 465 Utica Avenue 34-14 64 Street (718) 752-9097 (718) 392-0250 Bklyn, NY 11203 Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 774-9767 (718) 458-6609 A0289 A0323 Boulevard Taxi Leasing Inc. Yellow Cab Crescent Mgmt. LLC A0110 A0246 32-56 49 Street 22-05 43 Avenue Winners Garage Inc. 28 Street Management, Inc. LIC, NY 11103 LIC, NY 11101 34-14 64 Street 313 10 Avenue (718) 932-3312 (718) 752-9097 Woodside, NY 11377 NY, NY 10001 (718) 458-7000 (212) 244-6553 A0290 A0324 United Taxi Mgmt. Group, Inc. AstoRia Taxi Leasing Corp. A0113 A0249 43-10 39 Street 32-56 49 Street Checker Management Corp. On Our Way Management Corp. LIC, NY 11104 LIC, NY 11103 22-10 Jackson Avenue 6814 5 Avenue (718) 392-4600 (718) 932-3312 LIC, NY 11101 Bklyn, NY 11220 (718) 361-6300 (718) 833-8125 A0292 A0325 City Transport Mgmt Arthur Cab Leasing Corp. A0201 A0253 54-18 Broadway 25-11 41 Avenue Green Apple Management Corp. Queens Medallion Leasing Inc. Woodside, NY 11377 LIC, NY 11101 34-20 31 Street 21-03 44 Avenue (718) 507-4840 (718) 392-3013 LIC, NY 11106 LIC, NY 11101 (718) 361-5555 (718) 784-9292 (Continued on Page 34) PAGE 20 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 to get from one place to another. The insurance policies will cover such a Summer Season Insurance Topics homeowners policy you have might scenario, but it is not a given. By Alan Plafker, PRESIDENT & CEO not cover all of medical expenses or Most everyone’s goal on vacation Member Brokerage Service LLC costs to repair damaged property if is to forget their worries for a while, A Melrose Credit Union Service Organization you get into an accident while using to kick back and enjoy themselves. Road trip! Map, snacks, insur- ing driver and the borrowing driver’s your off-road vehicle. However, to be truly carefree one ance? insurance also is providing coverage Not all auto insurance companies must be prepared. With the neces- Now that the nice weather is for the borrower. will offer policies that include recre- sary travel insurance policies, you finally here, many folks will pile in Your insurance policy covers ational vehicles or off-road vehicles. can spend your vacation time feeling their cars and hit the road to vaca- anyone who operates your car, as There are specific companies that justifiably liberated and refreshed. tion at the beach, in the mountains, long as they have permission. When sell insurance for either, so ask your Keep Your Home Safe amusement parks, with friends in someone steals the car, the insur- professional, independent insurance While You’re Away other cities and states … you name ance policy excludes coverage for agent; we will shop around to get you Vacations are a time to relax, eat it. Before you gas up and go, though, injuries and property damage caused the best coverage at the best price. too much and have a great time with here are some tips that could save you by that person. However, with the Travel Insurance your family and friends. It’s not some major headaches should your appropriate comprehensive (or other- Vacations represent a significant the time to worry about your home. trip take an unexpected detour. than-collision) coverage, there will investment both financially and emo- There are some things you can do to Proof of insurance. Everybody be coverage for damage to your car tionally. A disastrous getaway can sap give yourself peace of mind while carries their license and registration caused by the thief. your mood and your wallet severely. you’re away. in their car (or at least, they should!), You should know that there are Most vacationers forgo purchasing First, review your homeowners but do you also have proof of insur- some activities associated with any- coverage for their trips because they insurance policy to make sure any ance? Your road trip might take you one’s use of your car that are not are not familiar with the practice, or “big-ticket” items you may have through a state that requires motor- covered. There is no coverage for have the attitude that “It won’t hap- purchased since you bought your ists to carry it. Make sure you have someone using the car to transport pen to me.” policy are covered for theft and other it handy in the event you get pulled people or property for hire (taxi- However, unfortunate events are losses. Second, make a record of all over or go through a checkpoint. cab). Also, there is no coverage for anything but a rarity while abroad. the serial numbers of your electronic Roadside assistance. Should you someone using the car in a garage Bags get lost. Flights are canceled. devices and take photographs. This incur a flat tire or other mechanical business. For example, someone Work or family life can interfere. will aid the police and your insurance troubles on your journey, you might parking your car (parking garage or Serious illnesses can result from company if your property is stolen. require roadside assistance. Some valet service) is not covered. Neither something as simple as drinking the Finally, do you have a professionally car dealers include this as a compli- is there coverage for someone work- local water—as anyone who’s been installed burglar alarm system? An mentary perk after your purchase. ing at an auto mechanic shop (Jiffy to Mexico can tell you. alarm system may make a burglar It’s usually only for a limited time, Lube attendant). Most people have a few weeks think twice about breaking into your though, so check its status if you were If the person driving the car is a year to escape from the everyday home, and many insurance companies a recipient. You can buy roadside covered by the owner’s policy, this stresses of work and home life. To offer a discount on homeowners poli- assistance coverage on your own coverage will pay first. Once those let any of that time slip through your cies if your home is equipped with through companies like AAA, but you limits are exhausted, the borrowing grasp and with nothing for consola- an alarm. should know it also can be added to driver’s policy will begin to pay tion would be a shame. Travel insur- Other helpful tips to keep your some auto insurance policies, often damages up to its limits. However, ance can dramatically soften the blow home safe while you’re gone include: for less money. if the car is furnished or regularly of a getaway gone wrong. maintaining the shrubs in your yard Belongings. It’s helpful to know available to the borrower, there will The four main types of travel so they are less than 3 feet high in the coverage is available for your be- be no coverage on the borrower’s insurance include: trip cancellation; front and sides of your home; securing longings inside the car if they are policy. The limits on the owner’s lost baggage and personal effects; all your doors with deadbolt locks; stolen or damaged during your trip, policy will have to suffice. emergency medical aid; and acciden- setting a few lights in your home on but it’s usually through homeowners Since your policy covers people tal death. The first option is useful timers (make sure they are set to go or renters insurance, as opposed to driving your car with permission, when booking trips far in advance. Six on and off at different times); and auto insurance, which only covers such as, friends or family, you will months from now, a family member positioning your valuable possessions the vehicle itself. You might need to want to use some discretion before could become seriously ill, the of- (e.g.: televisions, stereos, etc.) so review more than your auto policy to giving your permission. Remember, fice might be in crisis, or the cruise they cannot be seen when a person ensure your protection. it will be your rates that are affected line or tour operator with whom you looks in the window. You also should Other drivers. When traveling in a by an accident. booked the trip could fold. Policies suspend the delivery of your mail group, many people take turns driv- When in doubt about coverage for the usually cost about 5-7 percent of the and newspapers (or have a trusted ing. Your auto policy still covers dam- use of your car, please give your agent a insured value. neighbor collect them for you), and age when someone else is behind the call. This kind of service they are trained As for lost baggage and stolen contact your local law enforcement wheel, but there’s more to consider: to provide. You don’t have to wonder belongings, some homeowners and agency to see if there is a “vacation- If the amount of damage exceeds whether you are covered or not. renters policies will cover the theft. home check” program—so a police your deductible, the insurance of the Recreational Vehicles Have For those who don’t already have such officer will check on your home while person driving might be applicable as Special Needs protection, items can be covered at you are out of town. secondary or supplementary insur- Did you know neither recreational reasonable rates. Should you have any questions ance to cover the remaining cost. If vehicles nor off-road vehicles are in- For vacationers who like to stay about your homeowners insurance your driver doesn’t have insurance, sured under normal car insurance? active and do some adventuring policy before you go on vacation, give you may be stuck covering the excess An RV can function as a vehicle during their trip, emergency medi- your agent a call. They are happy to yourself. So, choose wisely when and home at the same time. Therefore, cal assistance and accidental death answer your questions. Your vacation passing off driving duties. when you hit the road with your large coverage are prudent. Skiing, swim- is a time for relaxing and forgetting Contact us. There are other ins motor home, you need vehicle insur- ming in the ocean, hiking and other about the stresses of everyday life. and outs to consider when hitting the ance for your protection. common vacation activities can result However, should you become the open road. If you’re planning a trip, But, how about the smaller types in serious injury. Some health-care victim of theft, so contact your agent give us a call and we’ll make sure of recreational vehicles? Should they companies offer coverage while as soon as possible. you’re prepared. be insured too? abroad, but if it’s not included; an Did You Know… Lending Your Vehicle Snowmobiles; all-terrain vehicles; emergency medical assistance policy The horrible earthquakes through- On occasion, you may have al- fifth-wheel motor homes; personal can pay for time spent in a foreign out the world remind us about how lowed another person to drive your watercraft; and boats all should be hospital. The cost of flying home as vulnerable our own homes may be car. Did you ever give thought to covered by insurance. Accidents can a sick passenger can be pricey also, in the event of an earthquake. While whether that person was insured happen anytime, anywhere, and in- as some airlines required the infirmed we have the good fortune to be able while driving it? Maybe you were the surance can protect you. Also, there to fly on a stretcher while accompa- to buy earthquake insurance for one who borrowed a car and you are is specialty insurance coverage for nied by a doctor. Similarly, should our homes, there are some things wondering is you were insured while ATVs, dirt bikes and dune buggies. the unthinkable occur, an accidental you should know about this type of driving it. The good news is that, in Are you aware that golf carts death policy can keep financial con- coverage. most cases, the owner’s insurance is should have insurance, too? cerns from adding to your or your First and foremost, earthquakes providing coverage for the borrow- Certain communities use golf carts companions’ grief. Again, many life (Continued on Page 21) JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 21 Quoteable InsiderYou News Be The Judge ! —by ContinuedTONY from FALESE page 3 — • Authorized TLC Representative Here's how this works. We give you the facts exactly like they were given to a TLC Judge. We give you the defense that was made before the judge. You Quotes make up your mind whether he or she is guilty or not guilty. Once your vote is in, we'll give you the TLC Judge's decision. “This is just unacceptable. There are • • • • • over two million New Yorkers right now “It’s the most egregious decision Charges who woke up this morning not knowing ever placed before humanity in my Admin Code 19-506B2 what was going to happen to their future lifetime in New York City. … This is our because Albany is not acting.” modern day Trail of Tears.” Fines New York City Councilwoman Mayor Bill de Blasio commenting Seizure of Vehicle and $2,000 on Albany’s inaction on rent control Laurie Cumbo on the expiration of the legislation as protections for renters rent regulation laws. are set to elapse. • • • • • Facts • • • • • “If the landlord’s got violations An Uber driver coming from Princeton, NJ dropped a fare at JFK Airport. “Do I think anything tumultuous or against him dating back as far as 1989, An undercover T.L.C. inspector approached the driver after the drop-off and crazy is going to happen overnight? the rent would be reduced to 1989,” asked the driver for a ride to LaGuardia Airport. After initially refusing to take Absolutely not.” Jimmy McMillan, perennial stan- the plainclothes inspector the driver agreed to go to LGA for a price of $30.00. Senate Majority Leader John dard bearer of the Rent is Too Damn The T.L.C. immediately moved in to seize the vehicle and issue two $2,000 Flanagan on the Legislature’s failure High Party, said. summonses for the owner and driver. to pass rent regulations, which expired “They want to fi ght fi re with fi re? Monday. I’m not playing games.” Defense Summer Season giving you this information. In addi- After dropping off my Uber passenger a man came up to my window and tion, insurance agents are required by said he needed to go to LGA. He said he couldn’t fi nd a cab and he was run- (Continued from Page 20) law to complete a specific number of ning out of time to catch a fl ight. I still refused but he started to plead with me in the United States are not covered hours of continuing education each to give him a ride. When he said he would give me $30 I said okay and let him under standard homeowners policies. year to maintain their license. into my car. I thought I was helping somebody. You’ll have to buy a separate policy, Remember: Insurance agents are (Decision on Page 41) or add it to your current policy. educated by law! The potential cost of earthquakes Your Professional Insurance has been grown because of increasing Agent … TAXI DAVE’S RADIO SHOW urban development in seismically ac- We want you to know about the WOR-710AM tive areas and the vulnerability of older insurance you’re buying. buildings, which may not have been Alan Plafker, CPIA is President 8:00 – 9:00 PM built or upgraded to current building of Member Brokerage Service LLC, codes. In the United States about 5,000 a Melrose Credit Union Service Or- EVERY SUNDAY! earthquakes strike each year. Since ganization. He is a Certified Profes- 1900, earthquakes have occurred in sional Insurance Agent and licensed 39 states and caused damage in all Insurance Broker. AREN RIEDMAN 50. The potential damage and cost of He serves as Immediate Past K A. F ATTORNEYS earthquakes is increasing all the time President of the PIANY (Professional PRESIDENT ATTORNEY AT LAW IN OFFICE because there is simply more building Insurance Agents Association of NY), Association of WHO PRACTICE: and development in risky areas. is an active member of CIBGNY Motor Vehicle Trial (212) 213-2145 PERSONAL INJURY While the United States experi- (Council of Insurance Brokers of Attorneys MATRIMONIAL FLUENT IN ences only 2 percent of the world’s Greater NY), and serves as Trea- ALL MOVING VIOLATIONS REAL ESTATE LAW FRENCH earthquakes, some 90 percent of its surer for the New York Independent ALL MOVING COMMERCIAL population lives in seismically active Livery Driver Benefit Fund Board THROUGHOUT IMMIGRATION areas. Some of the most vulnerable of Directors. cities include: major metro areas in His Agency insures thousands of VIOLATIONS California, Seattle, Portland, New York polices for TLC Insurance as well NEW YORK STATE City, Salt Lake City and St. Louis. as many policies for all types of Speeding; Red Lights; Traffic Signs Call your agency with any ques- insurance. You can reach him in his tions on your insurance policies and Briarwood, Queens office at (718) SUSPENSIONS & WARRANTS LIFTED for information on earthquake cover- 523-1300 Ext. 1082, or visit the age. We will help make sure you have website at: www.MemberBroker- CRIMINALLY RELATED MATTERS the coverage you need at a price you age.com can afford. Driving While Intoxicated (DWI); Insurance Agents Go To School Insurance school is where insur- NEED Reckless Driving; ance agents go to get the proper education in order to obtain an insur- AN Aggravated Unlicensed Operation ance license. By law, all agents who sell or give insurance advice must ATTORNEY? be licensed in the type of insurance SAFETY HEARINGS they are selling or giving advice for. SEE RD Each state has its own licensing re- Throughout30 East New33 Street York State quirements, but generally insurance THE TAXI TH agents will be licensed in property/ 4 Floor casualty insurance and/or life and INSIDER 404New Park York, Avenue NY 10016 South health insurance. It is important to know how your EMAIL:New [email protected] York, NY 10016 agent obtained his or her insurance DIRECTORY license, how long he or she has had WEBSITE:between www.NewYorkTraffi 28th and 29th Streets cLawyer.com it, and if he or she get it renewed ON regularly. Any legally licensed insur- — We Accept Credit Cards — (718) 979-5360 ance agent would not have a problem PAGE 32 Fluent in French and Spanish PAGE 22 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Improving the Yellow Taxi Experience By: Billy Alexiadis Speed Decrease May Be Caused Since the introduction of Uber saults and robberies have dropped and other e-hail apps to the NYC more than 90 percent since the By For-Hire Vehicles market, pressure has grown on the 1990-2000 [decade],” said Fernando It’s not like driving south of 60th Street in Manhattan has ever been yellow taxi industry to act in order to Mateo, President of The New York speedy. But over the past few years, it’s gotten 9 percent slower. In 2010, retain its market share. It would be State Federation of Taxi Drivers to the average vehicle speed in Manhattan was 9.35 MPH. In 2014, it dropped in our best interest to begin improv- the New York Post in 2011. This is to 8.51 MPH. The MTA, which has GPS data from its buses, is reporting ing an outdated system or risk falling largely due to the fact that drivers a 5 percent decline in rush hour bus speeds. behind. Taxi medallion owners have carry less cash than they used to Meanwhile, car ownership has remained relatively flat, fewer drivers begun filing lawsuits against the city, since the introduction of credit card are using the Port Authority’s bridges and tunnels to get into the city, and who failed to keep its promise of machines to NYC taxis in 2008. transit usage is booming. leaving street hails exclusively for The city is also generally safer than So why the slowdown? NYC yellow taxis. While this is a it was when the partition rule was “Uber and the proliferation of for-hire vehicles might be a cause,” said good way to bring light to the injus- implemented in 1994. In my two city transportation commissioner Polly Trottenberg, who pointed out that tices endured by medallion owners, I years of driving, I am glad to say I 25,000 new black and livery car drivers — many of them employed by believe we must accomplish more in have never been physically threatened Uber — have entered the market since 2011. The city’s Taxi and Limou- terms of self-improvement to retain by a passenger. In the case where sine Commission issues 2,000 new for-hire vehicle licenses each month. our customers. someone does intend to inflict harm And 72 percent of those cars’ trips originate in Manhattan. It’s not just because of the high on a taxi driver, the partition does not “There are other things that cause congestion,” Trottenberg said, in- population in NYC that Uber has provide much of a safe haven. It is cluding economic activity and construction. But under new legislation thrived. One reason Uber is flour- not bulletproof, so someone can shoot proposed by the City Council, the TLC would temporarily curb the growth ishing here is because the yellow through it, and most drivers keep the of for-hire vehicle companies while at the same time studying the root taxi experience is lacking. I’ve been sliding window open, leaving them cause of the congestion. driving a yellow taxi cab for the last exposed to a physical attack anyway. A similar effort is happening in London, which is also seeking to limit two years and my father, a medallion It is not in our best interest to ruin Uber to combat rising traffic. owner, has been driving himself for the experience of over a hundred mil- Uber spokesman Matt Wing condemned the legislation, saying that it over 20 years. In my time as a NYC lion cab rides per year for the small benefits medallion owners at the expense of New Yorkers. “Three months taxi driver and as a child of the same, possibility that a partition may aid a ago, the taxi industry put forward a proposal to protect the status quo, and I’ve constantly heard about pas- driver in a risky situation. limit competition and innovation,” he said. “Today, the de Blasio admin- senger’s complaints. People mostly As it currently stands, TLC rules istration and City Councilmembers revived a nearly identical proposal. complain about the same things to state that only owner-operated medal- Unfortunately, this would reverse improvements made by Uber and others me: temperature, cramped conditions, lions have the right to drive a yellow to our transportation system and most notably, stand between New Yorkers unsanitary cars, odors, the annoying taxi without a partition. This rule looking for work and their opportunity to make a better living.” screen in their face, rude drivers and must change to allow the majority of But Bhairavi Desai, the head of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, drivers getting lost. As an expensive yellow taxis which are corporate to said she “strongly supports” the city’s move to curb growth of for-hire alternative to public transportation, remove their partitions as well. The vehicles. “For months, we have seen drivers in all sectors lose income passengers should not be subjected green “boro” taxis are not required to because of the saturation of vehicles,” she said. “You now have essentially to such conditions when riding in the have a partition and there has been no close to 40,000 taxis and black cars all competing in Manhattan during back of a taxi. widespread complaints coming from the same limited prime hours. No one can move around.” My customers are not complaining the drivers, owners or passengers of Reprinted with permission from Transportation Nation. to me because I ask them, they begin the green taxis since their introduc- speaking to me because they notice tion in 2012. Why would there be? yellow taxis have a similar feature that cab is simply washed and vacuumed a difference when they step into my Remove partitions and you will be allows you to pay the fare mid-trip once a week, I am hygienic and I am car. I cannot count how many times met with a roomy, temperate ride with via swiping a credit card or using an pleasant. There are no sweeping I’ve had someone enter my taxi and open communication, the way a car app. We should give them the option changes the TLC can make to help the first words out of their mouth is, was designed to be driven. as soon as they get in, so they may with odor, cleanliness or manners, “Wow, this car is like an Uber!” Another difference between my take advantage of this feature if they but trust me, passengers appreciate The biggest difference between my taxi and most others is that the screen choose to. Customers should also it and it is reflected in the tip. Many taxi and most other taxis is that there which passengers are forcefully have the option of receiving an email will argue that the “taxi of tomorrow” is no partition. The partition is argu- subjected to is virtually silent. I had with their receipt detailing the cost addresses the issues I have listed, but ably one of the largest downfalls of the Creative Mobile Technologies make and depicting the route of the cab the “taxi of tomorrow” has its own NYC taxi ride experience. Partitions it barely audible due to the fact that ride similar to Uber. After this, the problems, such as not being a hybrid, take away valuable legroom from both it’s a nuisance and having to listen screen should be completely off and having small wheels, and poorly driver and passenger and they make to it repeatedly is a great distraction. the passenger should have the option designed sliding windows. Remov- it diffi cult to control the temperature. If you drive a taxi, you know the first of turning it on rather than vice versa. ing the partition and adjusting the Additionally, they create a barrier of thing most people do when they sit As of now if the passenger presses screen features/capabilities will be communication, making it diffi cult down is mute the TV. The people of “off” the screen remains lit with the a beneficial improvement to service. to get sound from the front of the New York are constantly bombarded logo of whoever is sponsoring the ads, If changes are not made, Uber will car to the rear. Partitions also make with flashing lights and advertise- which is unsightly and annoying. remain a threat and the road ahead people feel claustrophobic, and they ments throughout their day, the last Beyond these differences, my may prove to be a difficult one. are a safety hazard in the case of an thing they need is more of the same accident. “This is a New York City when entering a cab in hopes of 15 tragedy and public health issue that minutes of peace and quiet. has not changed in almost two decades. The screens in the back of yellow We don’t have a good system to count cabs are the next area of change the them, but there isn’t a week that goes by TLC must address in order to keep the that we don’t see at least two patients yellow taxi competitive. To start, USB with these terrible injuries,” said Dr. ports with chargers should be stan- Lewis Goldfrank, chairman of emer- dard, allowing passengers to charge gency medicine at Bellevue Hospital their phone during their trip. When and NYU Langone Medical Center to the customer enters, they should see the Daily News in 2012. their bill of rights, followed by a The only purpose for a partition prompt to prepay for the cab. One of is safety, but how much do they re- the most convenient aspects of using ally protect drivers and how much e-hail apps is the ease of exit. You protection do drivers really need? arrive at your destination and get out For starters, taxi related crimes are of the car without the hassle of pay- down tremendously. “Murders, as- ing. Most people are not aware that JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 23

2014 Hybrids Are Still Available! 2015 Available for Immediate Delivery

Ask for Carlos PAGE 24 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Mayor De Blasio Announces Major Sections Of Central Park And Prospect

Park Will Become Permanently Car-Free, Dedicated Solely To Recreation Central Park Drives north of 72nd Street will be permanently car-free starting June 29 Prospect Park West Drive will be permanently car-free starting July 6

Polly Trottenberg. “Thanks to Mayor ational opportunities this historic park de Blasio’s leadership, this expansion of provides. Today’s announcement that our Mayor Bill de Blasio today an- a century will make these great spaces car-free parks will create a greener, safer beloved park is moving one step closer nounced permanent improvements to safer, healthier and more accessible to and more serene experience for all.” to being completely car-free will provide Central Park and Prospect Park that the millions who fl ock to them,” said “Central Park Conservancy has sup- for a much safer, quieter and healthier will make the majority of each park car- Mayor Bill de Blasio. ported a car free park for many years and environment for all to enjoy. I applaud free, with park drives dedicated solely The Department of Transportation we think this is a fantastic step forward,” Mayor Bill de Blasio’s commitment to to recreation for the fi rst time in more conducted extensive traffi c analyses of said Doug Blonsky, President and CEO a greener and healthier New York City,” than a century. The changes will restore both parks’ loop drives and surrounding of Central Park Conservancy. “Fewer said State Senator José M. Serrano. major sections of two of the city’s crown streets prior to undertaking these im- cars in Central Park will not only make “Closing the Central Park Drive at jewel parks to their original vision as provements. Neither change is projected it safer for recreational use, it will also 72nd Street is in keeping with Vision recreational paths, making the parks to impact travel times or congestion in make it more of a natural retreat from Zero and will make the park safer for healthier, safer and more accessible to nearby neighborhoods. In Central Park, hectic the pace of city life which was the pedestrians and cyclists alike,” said millions of New Yorkers. this change is consistent with the seasonal original intent of its creators Frederick Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal. Central Park’s entire loop drive above car-free summer hours of the past two Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. They “I applaud this decisive step and look 72nd Street will be permanently car-free. years, which have proven to have had would be very happy today as are all of forward to continuing to work together Prospect Park’s West Drive between no adverse impacts. us at Central Park Conservancy.” toward making our City streets and parks Grand Army Plaza and Park Circle, pre- The four Central Park Transverse “Closing the Central Park loop to safe for all users.” viously open to motor vehicle traffi c for roads will remain open to motor vehicle cars would make a huge difference in “I commend the administration’s two hours during weekday afternoons, traffi c. Emergency and parks mainte- helping New Yorkers enjoy the greatest commitment to Vision Zero in Central will likewise be permanently reserved nance vehicles will continue to have public park in the world, while hav- Park, closing the loop north of 72nd solely for recreation. With these changes, access to the loop drives as necessary. To ing a minimal impact on traffi c,” said Street to vehicles and, last year, lower- more of each park will be car-free than further improve mobility in Manhattan Manhattan Borough President Gale A. ing its speed limit to 20mph and adding at any time since the fi rst automobiles communities adjacent to Central Park, Brewer. “Freeing these large parks from barricades to separate pedestrians from were introduced to them at the turn of the DOT will extend the the intrusion of traffi c is the right move cyclists. In 2014 two pedestrians lost the 20th century. Combined, more than bus lane north to 110th Street from 7-11 for the parks themselves and the New their lives while crossing the Central 45 million people visit Central Park and a.m. on weekdays. Fifth Avenue is one Yorkers who visit them, which is why Park Loop, and removing vehicles from Prospect Park each year. of the heaviest travelled bus routes in the I’ve been working toward this goal for the northern part of the loop will give “Prospect Park has always been my City, with over 74,000 local and express years.” pedestrians and cyclists room to coex- family’s backyard. That’s a sentiment bus riders each day. “Central Park is a beautiful, serene, ist safely on the path. I look forward New Yorkers in every borough feel about “This is great news for the millions and cultural oasis in the middle of the to working with the administration to their parks. Making the loop drives in of people who come to walk, bike, and greatest, and busiest, city in the world. extend this policy to the southern part of Central and Prospect Parks permanently enjoy Central Park and Prospect Park People from all over, including myself, the loop in the near future,” said Council car-free for the fi rst time in more than every year,” said DOT Commissioner enjoy the jogging, picnicking and recre- Member Helen Rosenthal. JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 25

54-11 Queens Blvd. Woodside, NY 11377 718-779-5000 Between 54th Street and Two taxi stands available

Free parking lot on the corner of 54th Street and Queens Blvd.

Attention medallion owners; we want to manage your medallion

Over 30 years of experience in the taxi industry Driver owned vehicles No double shifting Honest truthful and respectful Prompt payments We pay all expenses Member of the committee for taxi safety PAGE 26 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Your Medallion Headquarters ! LOMTO Generation Brokerage, Inc. TAXI and BLACK CAR INSURANCE SPECIALISTS ——And Medallion Transfer, Inc. Licensed TLC Broker #R0018 · Insuring the For Hire Industry - Taxi & Black Car · Providing You Service the Way It Should Be - FAST & COURTEOUS · Convenient Mid-Town Location - Hack Stand In Front of Office · Medallion Sales, Leasing, and Financing · Over 25 Years of Industry Experience

435 West 45th Street (Between 9th & 10 th Avenues) New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: 212 582-5721 Fax: 212 582-5722 Lou Bakalar Jon Goldbetter COME VISIT US ! MONTAUKMONTAUK CREDITCREDIT UNION UNION Because We Are The Best ! Free Parking For Our Taxi Borrowers Please Contact Us for ANY of Your Lending Needs ! 111 West 26th Street • Street Level • New York, NY 10001 CALL (212) 989-5200 EXT. 227 OR 226 Lou Jimenez, CEO JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 27 Average Gas Prices NYC ECONOMY As of July 2, 2015 New York Regular Mid Premium Diesel NYC Economy Current $3.076 $3.279 $3.435 $3.492 Transit Ridership Total ridership on MTA subways, trains, and buses in April Week Ago $3.083 $3.281 $3.436 $3.497 2015 was 231.1 million, an increase of 0.4% from April 2014. Subway ridership Month Ago $3.00 $3.194 $3.352 $3.507 in April 2015 was 150.3 million, up 1.6% from April 2014. Source: Metropolitan Transit Authority. Year Ago $4.064 $4.232 $4.372 $4.477 From 2000 to 2013, the share of foreign-born New York City migrants from Air Traffi c Latin America dropped 9.9 percentage points. Conversely, over the same period, In March 2015, 9.9 million passengers fl ew into and out of the region’s air- the percent of foreign-born New York City migrants arriving from Asia rose by ports, an increase of 3.7% from March 2014. Domestic air carriers accounted 7.4 percentage points1. Specifi cally, from 2000 to 2013, the foreign-born Chi- for 6.6 million passengers, a 3.9% increase from March 2014. 3.3 million pas- nese population in New York City rose from 261,600 to 377,800, an increase sengers traveled with international air carriers in March 2015, a 3.3% increase of more than 40%.2 from March 2014. Indians commute to work at the highest rate of any group, with 75,900 Indian Source: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. immigrants working in New York City, but just 40,400 Indian workers living in New York City. Broadway Ticket Sales Total Broadway attendance was approximately 1,359,900 during the fi ve weeks ending May 31, 2015, down 5.8% from the same period last year. Broadway revenues during this period were about $137.1 million, down 6.7% from last year. Note: Gross revenue and attendance fi gures may not include all shows. Source: The Broadway League. Hotel Occupancy In April 2015, the average daily hotel room rate was $285, a 5.4% decrease from April 2014. Hotel occupancy was 91.2% in April 2015, down from 92.4% in April 2014. The average daily hotel room rate decreased the most in hotels charging $245 or less per night.

Employment A disproportionate share (47.6%) of incorporated businesses in New York City Private sector jobs in New York City rose by 14,000 in May 2015 after a loss are owned and operated by foreign-born workers. Additionally, of employees of 1,200 jobs in April 2015. Government jobs in the city fell by 100 between working for family owned businesses or farms, 57.2% are foreign-born. April and May 2015. Since May 2014, private sector employment has risen by New York City residents born in Colombia appear to be the most entrepreneur- 94,600 jobs or 2.7% New York City’s unemployment rate was 6.4% in May ial foreign-born group; nearly 20% of all Colombian civilian employees living 2015, down from 6.5% one month prior. in New York City run their own business (both non-incorporated and incorpo- rated) as their primary job. New York City workers born in Korea are the most Immigrant Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial foreign-born group, as 18.0% of all Korean civilian employees Population Trends in New York City working in New York City own their business (see fi gure II). New York City has historically attracted job seekers from outside the United States. In 2013, foreign-born immigrants accounted for 42.7% of all New York City workers, 37.0% of all New York City residents, and 46.0% of the New York City labor force. As of 2013, over 1.9 million immigrants to the United States worked in New York City; of those, 1.6 million lived in New York City. In 2013, the greatest number of foreign-born workers in New York City hailed from the Dominican Republic (220,030), China—including Hong Kong and Taiwan—(200,820) and Mexico (124,160). Jamaican immigrants comprised the fourth largest population (99,060), followed by Ecuadorians (86,000) (see fi gure I for regional breakdown of civilian employment).

(Continued on Page 34) PAGE 28 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015

Carlyle Hotel 1568 Broadway 35 E 76th Street between 47th & 48th Streets TAXI INSIDER between Madison & 5th Avenues Drake Swissotel HOTEL LIST !!! Carnegie Suites Hotel 440 at 56th Street 229 W 58th Street between 7th & 8th Avenues Dream Hotel Dear Readers of TaxiInsider, 210 W 55th Street bet. Drivers always tell me that they cannot know the location of every hotel in Casablanca Hotel 7th & 8th Aves. Manhattan. A lot of work went into the list of Manhattan Hotels below. Drivers, 147 W 43rd Street please send Taxi Insider any corrections or additional hotels not mentioned. between 6th & 7th Avenues Dylan Hotel Also, when you are finished reading this issue of Taxi Insider, do not throw this 52 E 41st Street at Madison Ave. Chambers Hotel newspaper in the garbage, give it to another taxi driver ! Thank you ! 15 W 56th Street Eastgate Tower Suites Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 222 E 39th Street 60 Thompson Street 226 W 54th Street at Broadway Benjamin Hotel between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Between Broome and Spring Streets between 7th & 8th Avenues 125 E at York Avenue Hotel Chandler 12 E 31st Street off 5th Avenue Edison Hotel 70 Park Avenue Amsterdam Inn Hotel Bentley Hotel 228 W at 38th Street 340 Amsterdam Avenue 500 E 62nd Street at York Avenue Chelsea Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues at W 76th St. Best Western Convention Center 222 W 23rd Street 414 Inn Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Elysee Hotel 414 W. 46th Street Arlington Hotel 522 W 38th Street 60 E 54th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues 18 W 25th Street at 5th Avenue between 10th & 11th Avenues Chelsea Lodge Hotel between Park & Madison Avenues 318 W 20th Street Affi nia 50 Suites Avalon Hotel Best Western Hospitality between 8th & 9th Avenues Embassy Suites Hotel 155 E 50th Street at 3rd Avenue 16 E 32nd Street House Hotel 102 North End Ave. between Madison & 5th Avenues 145 E 49th Street Chelsea Savoy Hotel World Financial Center, Manhattan Affi nia Dumont between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 204 W 23rd Street 150 E 24th Street Beacon Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Fairfi eld Inn & Suites Chelsea- between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 2130 Broadway at 75th Street Best Western President Hotel 116 W. 28th St 234 W 48th Street Chelsea Star Hotel (near 6th Ave) Affi nia Manhattan Hotel Bedford Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues 300 W 30th Street at 8th Avenue (formerly the Southgate Tower Hotel) 118 E 40th Street Four Points Manhattan SoHo- 371 Seventh Avenue at 31st Street Best Western Seaport Inn Hotel City Club Hotel 66 Charlton St. Beekman Tower Hotel 33 Peck Slip at Front Street 55 W 44th Street (near Spring St) 3 Mitchell Place 49th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues 59 W 44th Street & 1st Ave. Blakely Hotel Fairfi eld Inn & Suites between 5th & 6th Avenues 136 W 55th Street Clarion Park Ave. Hotel 330 W. 40th St Belleclaire Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 429 Park Avenue South at (near 9th Ave) Allerton Hotel 250 W 77th Street at Broadway 29th Street 302 W 22nd Street Broadway Fairfi eld Inn & Suites Fifth Avenue Belnord Hotel 1155 Broadway at 27th Street Club Quarters Downtown Hotel 21 W. 37th St Americana Inn Hotel 207 W 87th Street 52 William Street 69 W 38th Street between Amsterdam & Bryant Park Hotel between Pine & Wall Streets 5th Avenue Club Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues West End Aves. 40 W 40th Street 3 W 51st Street at 5th Avenue between 5th & 6th Avenues Club Quarters Midtown Hotel Ameritania Hotel Belvedere Hotel 40 W 45th Street Fitzpatrick Grand Central Hotel 230 W 54th Street at Broadway 319 W 48th Street Carlton New York Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 141 E 44th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues 88 Madison Avenue at 29th Street between 3rd & Lexington Aves. Amsterdam Court Hotel Comfort Inn Central Park Hotel 31 W 71st Street Fitzpatrick Manhattan Hotel between 687 Lexington Avenue at 57th St. Central Park West & Columbus Ave. Four Points Sheraton Chelsea Hotel Comfort Inn Manhattan Hotel 160 W. 25th Street 42 W 35th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues between 5th & 6th Avenue Four Points Midtown Times Square Comfort Inn Midtown Hotel 326 W. 40th St (near 9th Ave) 129 W 46th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Four Seasons Hotel 57 E Comfort Inn New York Hotel between Park & Madison Aves. 442 W 36th Street between 10th & Dyer Avenues Flatotel International Hotel 135 W Cosmopolitan Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 125 Chambers Street at W Broadway Franklin Hotel Courtyard Manhattan 5th Avenue 164 E 87th Street 3 E 40th Street between 3rd & Lexington Avenues between Madison & 5th Avenues Gershwin Hotel Courtyard Midtown East Hotel 7 E 27th Street 866 3rd Avenue between Madison & 5th Avenues between 51st & 52nd Streets Giraffe Hotel Courtyard 365 Park Avenue South at 26th Street 114 W 40th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Gramercy Park Hotel 2 Lexington Avenue at 21st Street Crowne Plaza Times Square Hotel 1605 Broadway Hotel between 49th & 50th Streets Park Avenue &

Crowne Plaza UN Hotel Grand Union Hotel 304 E 42nd Street 34 E 32nd Street between 1st & 2nd Avenues between Park & Madison Avenues

DaVinci Hotel (Hampshire Hotel) 244 W 56th Street Quality Times Square Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues 157 W 47th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Deauville Hotel 103 E 29th Street Hampton Inn between Park & Lexington Avenues Times Square Hotel 851 8th Avenue at 51st Street Doubletree Times Square Hotel (Continued on Page 30) JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 29 EVENTS AND MORE IN THE BIG APPLE Recommendations to passengers always increase the opportunity for a big tip! Here is is a listing that will help keep all taxi drivers in the loop on what's going on NYCNYC in New York City! Mention these events & promotions and watch the tips grow ! The Best Museums In NYC The Museum of the City of New York is located at 1220 5th Ave in East Screw the Smithsonian, the Louvre, collection of modern and contemporary Harlem (212-534-1672, mcny.org) $10 the Prado and the Uffi zi Gallery. The art is nothing to sneeze at. suggested admission. best museums in the world are right And the last-but-not-least of these here in NYC, and there are about a most celebrated New York institutions million of them, boasting everything is the American Museum of Natural from 13th century folk art to curious History, where we presume gigantic sex positions and embalmed baby dinosaurs and the Ghost of Teddy kittens. It’s hard to suss out which of Roosevelt haunt the halls at night. You The Museum of The City of NY these are the best of the best, but we’ve don’t have to like science to appreciate MUSEUM OF THE CITY OF NEW sorted out some of our favorites for these adorable penguins, but this mu- YORK: The MCNY’s been culling art, you. Leave yours—and your preferred seum touches every aspect of biology, photos and objects out of New York’s mummifying techniques—in the com- ecology and geology imaginable, and history since it was housed in Gracie ments, and be sure to check out our you can even take a trip into space at Mansion in the 1920s. And now they’ve list of some of the city’s lesser-known the Hayden Planetarium next door. The Morgan Library & Museum got a collection of about 750,00 artifacts museums, too. The is MORGAN LIBRARY & MUSE- squirreled away in a landmarked man- located at 11 West in Mid- UM: J.P. Morgan may be better known sion at the northern tip of Museum Mile; town West (212- 708-9400, moma. for his fi nancial services empire, but it these include images made by 19th cen- org) $25 admission. The Metropolitan turns out he was a pretty prolifi c art and tury printmaking fi rm Currier and Ives, Museum of Art is located at 1000 5th manuscript collector, too. The Morgan classic Broadway theater scripts, and a Ave at Central Park (212) 535-7710, houses this collection, along with newer 12-room dollhouse that once belonged metmuseum.org) $25 recommended acquisitions, in its Midtown East space, to socialite Carrie Walter Stettheimer admission. The Whitney Museum of boasting everything from original Sir and features tiny doll-sized artworks by American Art is located at 945 Madison Walter Scott and Charles Dickens man- artists like Marcel Duchamp. MCNY Ave on the Upper East Side (212-570- uscripts, ancient Neo-Babylonian stone unleashes some of its collection through 3600, whitney.org) $20 admission. The cylinder seals, renowned Renaissance The Met ongoing and temporary exhibitions, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is artwork and Einstein’s “Fundamentals THE BIGGIES: MOMA, MET, like “Activist New York”, “City As A located at 1071 5th Ave on the Upper and Methods of the Theory of Relativ- WHITNEY, GUGGENHEIM & Canvas” and the erstwhile “The Greatest East Side (212-423-3500, guggenheim. ity.” Past and present exhibitions have AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATU- Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, org) $22 admission. And the American included a look at The Little Prince RAL HISTORY: These fi ve museums 1811-2011.” Museum of Natural History is located (Continued on Page 42) include four internationally-renowned at 79th Street and Central Park West on art institutions and arguably the best the Upper West Side (212-769-5100, science museum in the world, and amnh.org) $22 suggested admission. though each one warrants its own sprawling encomium, their virtues have been extolled so often we’re clumping them together to save space for some Dragonfl y of the city’s other worthy destinations. Even without a mind-blowing special exhibit, The Met’s permanent collection is worth a fi ve hour visit alone, boast- Graphics llc. ing everything from Greek sculpture to modern Pop art; the Cloisters, which •Design and Print is also under the Met’s jurisdiction, The Frick features some of the most spectacular FRICK COLLECTION: The Met media experts. medieval and religious art in the coun- might have the city’s most famous col- try. MoMA’s (and its Queens satellite lection of art, but the Frick may have •Over 25 years PS1) permanent collection of modern the most elegant. The museum, housed and contemporary art is unparalleled, in the former home of art collector experience in and the special shows that migrate and former Andrew Carnegie partner through its galleries are nothing short Henry Clay Frick, boasts an elegant Graphics. of breathtaking. Past exhibitions have collection of primarily European art, focused on Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, including works by Johannes Vermeer, •Certifi ed Union Vincent Van Gogh and Rene Magritte, Francisco Goya, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Printers. and ne’er forget recent Drudge Siren Rembrandt van Rijn and François blog events like The Clock, Sleeping Boucher. And though the art itself is Tilda and the Rain Room. certainly a draw, it’s the presentation 4 Court Square As for The Whitney, well, that that draws you in here; much of the Long Island City, NY 11101 Upper East Side standby and famed collection on view remains arranged (718) 392-3460 Biennial holder is on its way to a new as it was during Frick’s lifetime, spread Fax (718) 786-5931 out through the mansion’s rooms, halls, home in the Meatpacking District at www.dragonfl ygraphics.info vestibules and galleries. Be sure to save the end of the year. But for now, it’s e-mail: dragonfl [email protected] worth stopping by the bizarre Marcel time for a lengthy visit to the museum’s Breuer bunker to see the museum’s mas- spectacular Garden Court, check out sive Jeff Koons retrospective, on view all the amazing clocks, and note that a through October 19th. And then there’s secret bowling alley, billiards room and the Guggenheim, whose Frank Lloyd woodshop lurk beneath all that art. Wright building itself is perhaps more The Frick is located at 1 East 70th famous and beautiful than some of the Street between 5th and Madison Aves artwork inside, though its compelling on the Upper East Side (212-288-0700, frick.org) $20 admission. PAGE 30 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015

Moderne Hotel 161 Lexington Avenue at 30th Street Stanford Hotel Manhattan Hotel List 243 W 55th Street 43 W 32nd Street between 7th 7 8th Avenues Ramada New Yorker Hotel between 5th Avenue (Continued from Page 28) 481 8th Avenue at 34th Street & Broadway Hampton Inn SoHo between 2nd & 3rd Avenues’ Morgans Hotel Renaissance Hotel Super 8 Times Square Hotel 54 Watts St 237 Madison Avenue 714 7th Avenue at 48th Street 59 W 46th Street (near Varick St) La Quinta Manhattan Hotel between 37th & 38th Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues 17 W 32nd Street Regency Hotel Hayden Hall Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues Morningside Inn Hotel 540 Park Avenue at 61st Street Surrey Suites Hotel 117 West 79th Street 235 W 107th Street 20 E 76th Street Le Parker Meridien Hotel between Amsterdam Ave. & Broadway between Columbus & Amsterdam Aves. Rihga Royal Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenues 118 W 57th Street 151 W 54th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues Murray Hill East Suites Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues Thirty Thirty Hotel Helmsley Carlton House Hotel 149 E 39th Street 680 Madison Ave 30 E 30th Street Lombardy Hotel between 3rd & Lexington Avenues Riverside Terrace Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenues between 61st & 62nd Sts. 111 E 56th Street 350 W 88th Street between Lexington & Park Avenues Murray Hill Inn Hotel between West End Ave. & Riverside Drive Time Hotel 143 E 30th Street Helmsley Middletowne Hotel 224 W 49th Street between Lexington & Park Avenues 148 E 48th Street Lowell Hotel Riverside Inn Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues Muse Hotel between Lexington & Park Aves. 28 E 63rd Street 319 W 94th Street between Madison & 5th Avenues 130 W 46th Street between West End Ave. & Riverside Drive Travel Inn Hotel between 6th & 7th Aves. Helmsley Park Lane Hotel 515 W 42nd Street Lucerne Hotel 36 Central Park South Riverside Tower Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues 201 W 79th Street at Palace Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues 80 Riverside Drive at 81st Street Amsterdam Avenue 455 Madison Avenue TriBeCa Grand Hotel Herald Square Hotel between 50th & 51st Streets Affi nia Gardens Suite Hotel 2 6th Avenue 19 W 31st Street 501 Lexington Avenue at 47th Street between White & Walker Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues (formerly Lyden Gardens) Newton Hotel 215 E 64th Street 2528 Broadway at 95th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Roger Williams Hotel Trump International Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Time Square 131 Madison Avenue at 31st Street 1 Central Park West Novotel Hotel (formerly the Days Hotel New York) at Madison Hotel 226 W 52nd Street 790 8th Avenue Roosevelt Hotel 21 E 27th Street at Madison Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues between 48th & 49th Streets 45 E 45th Street at Madison Avenue W Court Hotel 130 E 39th Street Manhattan Broadway Hotel Off SoHo Suites Hotel Hilton New York Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues 273 W 38th Street 11 Rivington Street near Christy Street 1335 6th Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues 44 W 44th Street between 53rd & 54th Streets between 5th & 6th Avenues W New York Hotel Hotel Manhattan Seaport Suites Hotel 541 Lexington Avenue at 49th Street 21 E 52nd Street Hilton Times Square Hotel 219 Front Street Salisbury Hotel between Madison & 5th Avenue 234 W 42nd Street between Pine & Wall Streets 123 W 57th Street W Tuscany Hotel between 7th & 8th Avenues between 6th & 7th Avenues 120 E 39th Street On the Ave Hotel Mansfi eld Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues 2178 Broadway at 77th Street Holiday Inn 12 W 44th Street San Carlos Hotel Downtown Hotel between 5th & 6t Avenues 150 E 50th Street Waldorf Astoria Hotel 138 Lafayette Street between 3rd & Lexington Avenues 301 Park Avenue 235 W 46th Street between Howard & Canal Streets Marcel Hotel between 49th & 50th Streets 201 E 24th Street at 3rd Avenue between 7th & 8th Avenues Shelburne Murray Hill Hotel Holiday Inn Martinique Hotel 303 Lexington Avenue at 37th Street Wales Hotel Maritime Hotel Broadway & W 32nd Street 1295 Madison Avenue 363 W 16th Street at 9th Avenue 870 7th Avenue at 56th Street Sheraton Manhattan Hotel between 92nd & 93rd Streets Holiday Inn Midtown Hotel 790 Seventh Avenue Mark Hotel Park Savoy Hotel 440 W 57th Street between 51st & 52nd Streets Wall Street Inn Hotel 25 E 77th Street 158 E 58th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues 9 South William Street between Madison & 5th Avenues between 6th & 7th Avenues Sheraton New York Hotel between Broad Street & Old Slip Holiday Inn Wall Street Hotel 811 Seventh Avenue Marriott Financial Center Hotel Park South Hotel 15 Gold Street at Platt Street 85 West Street between 52nd & 53rd Streets Warwick Hotel 122 E 28th Street between Albany & Carlisle Streets 65 W 54th Street at 6th Avenue between Lexington & Park Avenues Hotel 17 225 E 17th Street Sheraton Russell Hotel Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Marriott East Side Hotel 45 Park Avenue at 37th Street Washington Jefferson Hotel Peninsula Hotel 525 Lexington Avenue 318 W 51st Street 700 5th Avenue at 55th Street Hotel 31 between 48th & 49th Street Sherry Netherland Hotel between 8th & 9th Avenues 120 E 31st Street 781 5th Avenue at Pennsylvania Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues Marriott Marquis Hotel Washington Square Hotel 401 7th Avenue 1535 Broadway at 44thStreet Shoreham Hotel 103 Waverly Place between 32nd & 33rd Streets Hotel 41 33 W 55th Street at MacDougal Street At Times Square 206 W 41st Street Mayfair Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues Pickwick Arms Hotel Between 7th & 8th Avenues 242 W 49th Street Wellington Hotel 230 E 51st Street between 7th & 8th Avenues Signature Suites 871 7th Avenue at 55th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Hotel 57 Greenwich Village Hotel 130 E 57th Street Mercer Hotel 160 Bleecker Street West End Studios Hotel Pierre Hotel Between Lexington & Park Avenues 99 Prince Street at Mercer Street between Thomson & Sullivan Sts. 850 West End Avenue 2 E 61st Street at 5th Avenue between 101st &102nd Streets Metro Hotel Hudson Hotel Skyline Hotel 45 W 35th Street Plaza Hotel 356 W 58th Street 725 Tenth Avenue at 49th Street Westin NEw York Grand Central between 5th & 6th Avenues 768 5th Avenue at Central Park South Between 8th & 9th Avenues 212 E 42nd Street Sofi tel Hotel Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel Plaza Athenee Hotel between 2nd & 3rd Avenues Inter-Continental Barclay Hotel 45 W 44th Street 569 Lexington Avenue at 51st Street 37 E 64th Street 111 E 48th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues West Park Hotel between Lexington & Park Avenues between Madison & 5th Avenues Michelangelo Hotel 308 W 58th Street 152 W 51st Street Portland Square Hotel between 8th & 9th Avenues Iroquois Hotel 310 W Broadway between 6th & 7th Avenues 132 W 47th Street 49 W 44th Street between Canal & Grand Streets West Side Inn Hotel between 5th & 6th Avenues between 6th & 7th Aves. Milburn Hotel 237 W 107th Street Solita SoHo Hotel 242 W 76th Street Premier Hotel between Amsterdam & West End Aves. Jolly Madison Towers Hotel 159 Grand St between Amsterdam & West End Aves. 133 W 44th Street 22 E 38th Street at Madison Avenue St. Regis Hotel between 6th & 7th Avenues Wolcott Hotel Milford Plaza Hotel 2 E 55th Street at 5th Avenue 4 W 31st Street JW Marriott Millennium 270 W 45th Street at 8th Avenue between 5th Avenue & Broadway 160 Central Park South Days Hotel Broadway 215 W 94th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues. Millenium Hilton Hotel between Amsterdam & West End Aves. 55 Church Street For news and information Kimberly Suites Hotel between Fulton & Day Streets 145 E 50th Street Radio City Suites Hotel regarding efforts to ensure that all between 3rd & Lexington Avenues Millennium Broadway Hotel 142 W 49th Street 145 W 44th Street btwn. 6th & 7th Aves between 6th & 7th Avenues livery vehicles are complying with Kitano Hotel 66 Park Avenue at 37th Street Millennium UN Plaza Hotel Radisson Lexington Hotel 1 United Nations Plaza 511 Lexington Avenue at 49th Street the law, go to Korman Communities at 1st Avenue & 44th Street 234 E 46th Street Ramada Inn Eastside Hotel www.ourridenyc.com JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 31 THE TAXI DAVE SHOW Brought To You by Melrose Credit Union ATTENTION TAXI DRIVERS! If you missed Taxi Dave’s Radio Shows, You’ve Missed; Senator Jeff Klein Councilman Eric Ulrich Assemblyman Pichardo Senator Avella Congressman Rangel DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, TLC Chairwoman Meera Joshi and more. WOR-710AM Sunday 8:00 – 9:00 PM PAGE 32 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015

LICENSED All Taxi Management Chelsea Taxi Brokers LOMTO REPRESENTATIVES 41-25 36th Street 287 10th Avenue Federal Credit Union AND ATTORNEYS Long Island City, NY 11101 NY, NY 50-24 Queens Boulevard Tony Falese, Industry Rep. (718) 361-0055 (212) 947-9833 Woodside, New York 11377 TIXFIX TLC#202 (212) 695-0601 (212) 947-3380 (718) 361-3081 TLC#R0004 D&J Management of Queens Montauk Credit Union Michael Spevak, Esq. 34-14 64th Street Jericho Taxi Brokers 111 West 26th Street 160 E. 56TH Street • 7TH Floor Woodside, NY 11377 36-16 Skillman Avenue (Street Level) New York, NY 10022 (718) 458-6609 Long Island City, NY 11101 New York, NY 10001 (212) 754-1011 TLC#236 (718) 392-7000 (212) 989-5200 TLC#R0001 Karen Friedman, Esq. Eddie’s Management Melrose Credit Union 30 East 33rd Street • 4th Floor 40-08 24th Street LOMTO Generation Brokerage 139-30 Queens Boulevard New York, NY 10016 LIC, NY 11101 435 West 45th Street Briarwood, NY 11435 (212) 213-2145 (718) 707-0072 New York, NY 10036 (718) 658-9800 TLC#A0280 (212) 582-5721 NYCDAC TLC#R0018 Rapid Funding 34-11 Queens Blvd. JTL Management 657 Tenth Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 36-16 Skillman Avenue Mystic Brokerage Inc. NY, NY 10036 (718) 729-4700 Long Island City, NY 11101 330 McGuinness Blvd. (212) 977-4083 (718) 392-7000 Brooklyn, NY 11222 Colette Katz, Esq. TLC#213 (718) 349-7610 TLC FACILITIES Law • DMV • Criminal TLC TLC#R0050 TLC Headquarters [email protected] McGuinness Management 33 Beaver Street, (917) 548-9907 330 McGuinness Blvd. Pearland Transfer Corp. NY, NY 10006 Brooklyn, NY 11222 36-01 43rd Avenue (212) 676-10003 ACCOUNTANTS (718) 349-8448 LIC, NY 11101 Bretz & Coven, LLP TLC#A0259 (718) 361-0033 Licensing and Adjudications Bob Mackle TLC#R0020 32-02 Queens Boulevard 305 Broadway, Suite 100 On Our Way Management Corp. LIC, NY 11101 New York, NY 10007-1109 6814 5th Avenue Westway Medallion Sales (212) 852-4636 (212) 267-2555 Brooklyn, NY 11220 657 Tenth Avenue (718) 833-8125 NY, NY 10036 Uniformed Services Bureau FOR MEDALLION OWNERS TLC# A0249 (212) 977-4590 24-55 BQE West Action Tax Services TLC#R0039 Woodside, NY 11377 21-03 44th Avenue S & R Medallion (718) 267-4555 LIC, NY 11101 625 West 51st Street Friendly Group Ltd. (718) 932-3737 New York, NY 10019 287 10th Avenue TAXI TECHNOLOGY (212) 957-9200 New York, NY 10001 VeriFone Transportation Systems TOW TRUCK TLC# A0224 (212) 947-9833 (d/b/a Taxitronic) Mastermind Towing 37-01 21st Street 24-Hour Towing Service Taxifl eet Management LLC INSURANCE LIC, NY 11106 Reasonable Rates for TAXIS 54-11 Queens Boulevard COMPANIES FOR (718) 752-1656 Call 718-926-0616 Woodside, NY 11377 WORKER’S COMPENSATION: (888) SEND-1-TOW (718) 779-5000 Hereford Insurance Company CMT TLC#307 36-01 43rd Avenue (Creative Mobile Technologies) BUY A TAXI CAB Long Island City, NY 11101 11-51 47th Avenue Koeppel Nissan Taxifl eet Management LLC (718) 361-9191 Long Island City, NY 11101 74-15 Norther Blvd. 34-14 31st Street (718) 349-7700 Flushing, NY 11372 LIC, NY 11101 LOANS/FINANCING (718) 898-7800 (718) 361-6363 All Boro Funding, LLC PRINT & GRAPHICS TLC#A0308 330 McGuinness Blvd. SERVICES Hudson Toyota Brooklyn, NY 11222 Dragonfl y Graphics LLC 599 Route 440 Winners Garage (718) 349-8448 4 Court Square Jersey City, NY 34-14 64th Street 2nd Floor (877) 422-0289 Woodside, NY 11377 Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 458-7000 1750 86th Street (718) 392-7042 Manhattan Toyota TLC#110 Brooklyn, NY 11214 645 11th Avenue (corner of 47th St.) (718) 680-2121 New York, NY 10036 LICENSED BROKERS TO (866) 462-3333 BUY MEDALLIONS For news and information Briarwood Transfer Services LLC LEASE A TAXI @Melrose Credit Union Center regarding efforts to ensure that all Yellow Cab SLS JET Management 139-30 queens Blvd. 22-05 43rd Avenue Briarwood, NY 11435 livery vehicles are complying with Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 658-9800 ext. 1019 (718) 707-9667 TLC# R0057 the law, go to TLC# A0282 www.ourridenyc.com JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 33 Intro 556 Meet The Newest TLC Commissioner Intro 556 (Greenfield), which places restrictions on abusive price gouging in the for-hire-vehicle industry and instills important consumer protections Jacques Jiha in the rapidly growing and under-regulated app-based transportation sector, ald McDonald House of New York, you are ensuring that all passengers, no matter where they live or how they a board member of Public Health prefer to travel, should be protected. Solutions and a trustee of the Public We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your advocacy on Health Solutions Retirement Trust, a behalf of millions of passengers and the regulated industries with garages, member of the Investment Advisory bases and drivers in every borough and every neighborhood, that work hard Committee of the New York Common to play by the rules. Retirement Fund, and he was also the We are a coalition of all sectors of the ground transportation industry in Secretary of the board of the New York New York City - yellow taxis, green taxis, livery cars and black cars - that State Dormitory Authority – one the believe in responsible regulation that protect consumer rights and public largest issuers of municipal debt in the safety. Unfortunately, there are companies who feel that passengers are there country on behalf of public and private to be ripped off and should have little, if any, consumer protections at all. universities and medical institutions, Today, Uber charges up to 900% of the fare during the most vulnerable and the State of New York. times for New Yorkers – heavy rains, traffic disruptions, special events, snow- Previously, Mr. Jiha served as storms, etc… - and often charge 300%, 400%, 500%, 600% of the fare. Deputy Comptroller for Pension The opportunity to price gouge customers through surge pricing has Investment and Public Finance in attracted many drivers which has, in turn, depleted neighborhood car ser- the Office of the New York State vices of their drivers and shifted needed service away from low and middle Comptroller. As the state’s chief income neighborhoods and towards more lucrative fares in more affluent investment officer, he managed the areas. This is particularly hurting senior citizens who rely heavily on their Jacques Jiha was appointed Com- assets of the New York State Com- local neighborhood car services. missioner of New York City’s Depart- mon Retirement Fund (CRF) – then Surge pricing is a nasty high-tech form of price gouging disguised as a ment of Finance by Mayor Bill de the nation’s second-largest pension service enhancement. Even capping surge pricing at 100%, as this bill does, Blasio on April 8, 2014. Commis- fund valued at $120 billion. He also would be a cap four times higher than traditional black cars and neighbor- sioner Jiha was nominated by Mayor oversaw New York’s College Savings hood liveries (see chart). Perhaps even more relevant, metered yellow and Bill de Blasio to the TLC’s Board Program, with assets of $2 billion, and green taxis which, like Uber, provide on-demand service, are prohibited and subsequently confi rmed by the the state’s short-term investment pool by law from ever surge pricing. The closest thing yellow cabbies have to a NYC Council on August 21, 2014. of $5 billion. He was also in charge surge is a fixed $1 per fare surcharge during rush hour, which amounts to Prior to becoming Commissioner, of all activities related to the issuance only 6.5% of an average taxi ride. Mr. Jiha was the Executive Vice of New York State general obligation We have publicly testified that this cap should come down to 20% which President / Chief Operating Offi cer bonds, bond anticipation notes, tax has elicited a lot of support including from Transportation Chairman Ydanis & Chief Financial Offi cer of Earl G. and revenue anticipation notes, and Rodriguez who publicly called for such a reduction and has stated his strong Graves, Ltd., a multi-media company certificates of participation. Mr. Jiha support for a surge price cap. with properties in print, digital media, was also the Co-Executive Director Thank you again for your advocacy on behalf of millions of taxi, livery television, events and the internet. A of the New York State Local Govern- and black car passengers and the thousands of drivers who play by the rules staunch advocate of public service, ment Assistance Corporation (LGAC) and respect their passengers and their City. Mr. Jiha served on a number of gov- in charge of the sale of refunding Sincerely, ernment and not-for-profi t boards. bonds, the ratification of swap agree- Black Car Assistance Corporation He was a board member of the Ron- (Continued on Page 41) Committee for Taxi Safety Livery Base Owners Association Fleet Livery Owners Association Dan Ackman League of Mutual Taxi Owners Melrose Credit Union Attorney-at-Law Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade Taxicab Service Association Specializing in License Revocations or Suspensions Global Transportation Network Consultants Article 78s and Federal Litigation

www.danackmanlaw.com Tel: 917-282-8178 222 Broadway, NYC NY 10038 PAGE 34 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 Credit Unions Boost Lending “Credit Unions are continuing decline of 4.4 percent. The decline is to make the loans needed to grow consistent with longstanding trends in NYC ECONOMY local economies,” Federal Regula- the financial services industry. tor NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Credit Unions Post 21 Matz said. “As a result, credit unions Consecutive Quarters of Positive (Continued from Page 27) members are buying houses and cars, Net Income While Native-born workers comprise 49.9% of the self-employed worker and they’re paying for college to give Year-to-date net income for feder- population, they account for 65.8% of personal income for self-employed work- young people a better start in life.” ally insured credit unions in the first ers. Foreign-born workers account for just 34.2% of the personal income for Credit unions are also making more quarter of 2015 increased 5.7 percent self-employed workers but make up 50.1% of the population. loans for auto lending which was a from the first quarter of 2014. As a For both Native-born and foreign-born New York City residents, educational, major factor in the overall loan growth whole, federally insured credit unions health, and social services is the primary sector of employment, with 27.0% during the first quarter of 2015. have recorded positive net income for and 25.5% employment rates respectively (see Figure III). 1 U.S. Census Credit Union membership, assets, 21 straight quarters. Bureau, 2000 Decennial Census; 2013 American Community Survey, 1-Year deposits and net worth all continued to Credit Unions Remain Estimates 2 Ibid rise. NCUA released the new figures Well-Capitalized based on data compiled by the U.S. The vast majority of federally government agency for the quarter insured credit unions remain well- Manhattan Offi ce Market ending March 31, 2015. capitalized, with 97.5 percent report- In May 2015, the Manhattan Class A direct vacancy rate held steady at 8.6%, Loan Balances Rise Nearly 11 ing a net worth ratio at or above the the same as one-month prior, while the average rental rate increased slightly Percent From First Quarter 2014 statutorily required 7.0 percent. to $77 PSF. Direct vacancy rates fell to 8.0% for Midtown and to 3.8% for Total loans at federally insured Assets And Shares Grow For Midtown South Class A offi ce space. Direct rental rates for Midtown South and credit unions reached $721.9 billion The Quarter Downtown went unchanged between April and May 2015. The Midtown South in the first quarter of 2015, an increase Total assets in federally insured Class A sublease rental rate was $73 PSF in May 2015—up substantially from of 10.6 percent from the first quarter credit unions grew to $1.16 trillion at $19 PSF one-month prior. of 2014. the end of the first quarter of 2015, an Over the year ending in the first increase of $60.6 billion, or 5.5 per- Construction quarter of 2015, loans grew in every cent, from the end of the first quarter For the twelve months ending in May 2015: Building projects (including major category, including: of 2014. Overall, share and deposit new, additions, and alterations) that started construction in New York City fell • Personal loans at federal credit accounts at federally insured credit by 3.7% while infrastructure (non-building) project starts were up 6.8% from unions are up 29.9 percent from the unions rose $41.3 billion from the end the twelve months ending May 2014. Planned space for building project starts first quarter of 2014. of the first quarter of 2014 to $984.4 rose by 50.8% from the same period in 2014. The value associated with these • New auto loans grew 21.5 percent billion. For more information about projects was up an equivalent amount over the period. 3,090 residential building from the first quarter of 2014. the performance of federally insured projects began construction, a 0.6% decrease from the twelve months ending • Used auto loans are up 13.2 per- credit unions, NCUA provides the in May 2014. These starts contained 35,100 units, an increase of 46.2% from cent from the first quarter of 2014. complete details of the March 2015 last year. • Total first mortgage loans are Call Report online. A summary of up 8.9 percent from the first quarter first-quarter performance is available, WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE...... of 2014. as well as financial trends data for all • Home Equity loans were up federally insured credit unions. • Weekly Traffi c Advisories 2.5 percent from the first quarter of NCUA is the federal agency cre- • Important Messages from The TLC 2014. ated by the U.S. Congress to regulate, • Member business loans grew charter and supervise federal credit • Important Industry Notices 11.6 percent from the first quarter unions. NCUA operates and man- E-mail: [email protected] of 2014. ages the National Credit Union Share • Non-federally guaranteed stu- Insurance Fund, insuring the deposits And we will place you on our dent loans are up 15.2 percent from of nearly 100 million account hold- Industy E-Mail List. the first quarter of 2014. ers in all federal credit union and the Delinquencies, Charge-Offs At overwhelming majority of the state Medallions (718) 222-4040 Lowest Levels Since 2007 chartered credit unions. Savings are A0332 (Continued from Page 19) Delinquency and charge-offs insured to at least $250,000 per ac- Manhattan Checker Mgmt. Corp. for federally insured credit unions count with the backing of the full faith A0326 528 West 39 Street declined to their lowest levels in and credit of the United States. Gotham Yellow LLC. New York, NY 10018 eight years. “We are proud to be Brooklyn’s 134-02 33 Avenue (212) 868-0795 The percentage of loan charge-offs first federal credit union, chartered Flushing, NY 11354 due to bankruptcy at the end of the fi rst in 1934, operating successfully for (718) 993-8100 A0333 quarter of 2015 was signifi cantly below over 80 years, and still growing” P & I Leasing Corp. the end of the fi rst quarter of 2014. said Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union A0327 558 West 44 Street Credit Union Membership Nears Executive Vice President, Anthony White And Blue Group Corp. New York, NY 10036 100 Million As Consolidation Grigos. This local credit union of- 35-11 43 Avenue (212) 695-1112 Trend Continues fers Home Mortgages, Home Equity LIC, NY 11101 Membership in federally insured Lines of Credit, Commercial Real (718) 786-6594 A0334 credit unions grew to 99,969,794 at Estate Mortgages, and a full range Yellow Dog Leasing Corp. the end of the first quarter of 2015, of Personal Loans. A0329 31-08 Northern Boulevard an increase of more than 2.8 million Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union NYC Taxi Group Inc. LIC, NY11101 from the end of the first quarter of is located at 1750 86th Street, Brook- 876 Mcdonald Avenue (718) 472-1800 2014. The number of federal insured lyn, NY 11214, and 1609 Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11218 credit unions fell to 6,206 at the end Z, Brooklyn, NY 11235. For more (718) 253-3501 A0335 of the first quarter, 285 fewer than at information about them, visit their Sufi Medallion Inc. the end of the first quarter of 2014, a website at www.brfcu.org. A0330 13-11 44 Avenue Gn Taxi Fleet Corp. LIC, NY 11101 1500 Mcdonald Avenue (718) 392-2230 Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 627-7097 A0336 Taxi World Inc. A0331 627 West 51 Street F & L Leasing Corp. New York, NY 10019 374 Fourth Avenue (212) 265-4022 Brooklyn, NY 11215 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 35


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2721 Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11210 Visit us online for more information www.PlazaToyota.com S12326cs PAGE 36 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 37 PAGE 38 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DMV & TLC Summonses Michael Spevack Attorney-At-Law You Can Receive the Finest Representation At Reasonable Fees ! All TLC & DMV Problems G Customer Complaints• Moving Violations•• Wills House Closings Buying Or Selling A Business• Personal Injury Cases & Other Legal Work 212-754-1011Call For An Appointment: TH If you have been arrested, 160 E. 56 Street I can help you with TLC TH (212) 754-1011and in Criminal Court. 7 Floor DON’T DELAY! New York, NY 10022 th Call me now for the best representation. 160 East 56 Street, Floor 7I work • with NY, a top NY notch 10022Criminal Law Firm www.traffi c-summons.com to help you get out of trouble.


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NEW 2015 TOYOTA CAMRY LE JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 41 Museums along Museum Mile July Book Signings El Museo del Barrio at 104th Street Museum of the City of New York at 103rd Street Jewish Museum at 92nd Street Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design at 91st Street National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts at 89th Street Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum at 88th Street Metropolitan Museum of Art from 82nd to 86th Streets Goethe House German Cultural Center at 82nd Street Other Museums Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex expert The Museum of American Finance, the nation’s only independent public ... signing copies of The Doctor Is in Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall Street 7/6/15 6:00 PM at Barnes & Noble African Burial Ground - corners of Duane and Elk Streets American Folk Art Museum 45 W. 53rd St. Warren Street. New York, NY. American Museum of Natural History 77th St Central Park West Children’s Museum of the Arts 250 Lafayette St # A, Corey Taylor, lead singer of Slipknot Children’s Museum of the Arts signing copies of You’re Making Me Hate You Free Art Island Outpost Program at Governors Island 7/6/15 6:00 PM at BookEnds Harbor Defense Museum - 230 Sheridan Loop, Brooklyn East Ridgewood Avenue. Ridgewood, NJ. Italian American Museum-155 Mulberry St 7/8/15 12:30 PM at The Bryant Park Reading Room Kehila Kedosha Jania Museum-280 Broome St Between 5th & 6th Avenue. New York, NY. Luxce Project 53 Stanton St 7/9/15 7:00 PM at Book Revue The Morgan Library and Museum-225 Madison Ave. New York Avenue. Huntington, NY. Museum of Chinese In America-211 Centre St Museum of Jewish Heritage- Holocaust Jimmy Carter, former US President Edmond J. Safra Plaza - 36 Battery Place signing copies of A Full Life Museum at FIT-Seventh Ave. 7/7/15 Noon at Barnes & Noble Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 11 W 53rd St Fifth Avenue. New York, NY. Museum of Modern Art Design-81 Spring St # A 7/8/15 7:00 PM at the Ridgewood YMCA National Museum of the American Indian Oak Street. Ridgewood, NJ. Books sold by BookEnds. Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, 1 Bowling Green New Museum of Contemporary Art-235 Chris Colfer, star of “Glee” New World Art Ctr-250 Lafayette St # 5 signing copies of Beyond the Kingdom New York City Police Museum-100 Old Slip 7/7/15 6:00 PM at Barnes & Noble Poets House - Ten River Terrace Union Square. New York, NY. Queens Museum of Art-49th Ave. and 111th St. 7/8/15 6:00 PM at BookEnds Rubin Museum of Art-150 West 17th Street East Ridgewood Avenue. Ridgewood, NJ. Skyscraper Museum - 39 Battery Place South Street Seaport Museum - 12 Fulton Street The Tenement Museum-108 Orchard St Keegan Allen, star of “Pretty Little Liars” Whitney Museum of American Art-945 Madison Ave signing copies of life.love.beauty 7/11/15 Noon at Bookstar Ventura Blvd. New York, NY. InsiderYou News Be The Judge ! (Continued fromCi Page df 21) 3 Randy Blythe, singer for Lamb of God signing copies of Dark Days Decision 7/13/15 7:00 PM at The Strand Bookstore The administrative code prohibits any operator from operating for hire without Broadway & 12th. New York, NY. fi rst obtaining a T.L.C. license. Guilty 7/14/15 6:00 PM at BookEnds East Ridgewood Avenue. Ridgewood, NJ. Meet The Newest as Deputy Comptroller for Budget. Earlier, Mr. Jiha served as Executive 7/19/15 4:00 PM at Book Soup (Continued from Page33) West Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA. Director of the New York State Legis- ments, and the selection of financial lative Tax Study Commission and as Ed Kranepool, fi rst baseman for the Miracle mets advisors and underwriters. Prior Principal Economist for the New York signing copies of Game of My Life thereto, Mr. Jiha was Nassau County State Assembly Committee on Ways 7/13/15 7:00 PM at Book Revue Deputy Comptroller for Audits and and Means. He holds a Ph.D. and a New York Avenue. Huntington, NY. Finances. He also worked for the New Master’s degree in Economics from York City Office of the Comptroller the New School for Social Research Rob Gronkowski, New England Patriots’ star in increasingly responsible positions: and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics signing copies of It’s Good To Be the Gronk first as Chief Economist and later from Fordham University. 7/17/15 12:30 PM at Barnes & Noble East 54th Street. New York, NY.

Daniel Bryan, WWE superstar signing copies of Yes! 7/22/15 Noon at Barnes & Noble East 54th Street. New York, NY. 7/22/15 6:00 PM at BookEnds East Ridgewood Avenue. Ridgewood, NJ.

Colin Quinn, former SNL comedian signing copies of The Coloring Book 7/29/15 12:30 PM at The Bryant Park Reading Room Between 5th & 6th Avenue. New York, NY. Kindly Patronize Our Advertisers PAGE 42 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 The Best Museums In NYC commissioned subway station, and you crisis. You can marvel at a portion of can peek into a functional control room Keith Haring’s Pop Shop ceiling at (Continued from Page 29) to see the whole system at work. the admissions desk, or snap photos author Antoine Saint-Expurey, J.D. special stuff, though, this second largest The is of the statues of Abraham Lincoln and Salinger’s love letters, and fi rst edition museum in NYC has a massive perma- located at Boerum Place and Schermer- Frederick Douglass perched outside the works by modern masters like William nent collection, with noteworthy works horn Street in Brooklyn Heights, museum’s two entrances. Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Allen including Judy Chicago’s celebrated Brooklyn (718-694-1600, mta.info/ The New York Historical Society Ginsberg; book nerds will also appreci- feminist installation The Dinner Party, mta/museum). $7 admission. is located at 170 Central Park West ate Pierpont Morgan’s sublime library, Gilbert Stuart’s 1796 portrait of George at 77th Street on the Upper West Side which was restored to its 1906 glory a Washington (used on the $1 bill!) and (212-873-3400, nyhistory.org). few years ago. many, many mummies, which once gave The Morgan is located at 225 an acquaintance of my grandmother’s Madison Ave between 36th and 37th a rash back in the 1940s. Street in Midtown East (212-685-0008, The Brooklyn Museum is located at themorgan.org) $18 admission. 200 East Parkway at Washington Ave in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. (718- 638-5000, brooklynmuseum.org) $12 suggested admission.

New York Historical Society NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCI- ETY: When I was a child, there was an Lower East Side Tenement Museum exhibit in the basement of the New York LOWER EAST SIDE TENEMENT Historical Society dubbed “Kid City,” MUSEUM: This is another one for in which the museum had transformed the time travelers. This 19th century The Queens Museum West 82nd Street and Broadway into a fi ve-story tenement building housed QUEENS MUSEUM: The Queens tot-friendly version of its 1901 self. I around 7,000 immigrants from the Museum never gets enough love, and The Museum of Moving Image spent many hours there commandeering 1860s to the 1930s, and the Tene- that’s a real shame. The four-decade old a turn-of-the-century grocer’s market ment Museum’s restored the rooms art institution is a cultural gem, located THE MUSEUM OF MOVING IM- and forcing other children to make de- to mirror what they looked like from in a pavilion building built specifi cally AGE: You don’t have to be a fi lm buff to liveries to the neighboring horse goods the 1860s to the 1930s. Museum staff for the 1939 World’s Fair and used enjoy MoMI’s expansive special exhibi- store, and though “Kid City” has since provide guided tours of the rooms and briefl y as headquarters for the United tions on, say, The Muppets, or Breaking been replaced with a larger children’s businesses, which include a garment Nations General Assembly. Now, the Bad. But if you do love movies, this exhibition, I like to think it taught me workshop and a German saloon; there Queens Museum harbors a hefty col- Astoria museum is stuffed with all sorts a lot about New York’s history—what are even costumed staff members who lection of fi ne arts, Tiffany glass, and of memorabilia, interactive exhibitions nine-year-old knew Central Park didn’t take on the characters of the building’s collections stemming from the 1939 and and special programming that’ll tickle simply sprout fully-formed out of the former residents. Beyond the Orchard 1964 Worlds Fairs, the latter of which is your inner cinephile. MoMI’s ongoing ground? The NYHS underwent a major Street building, the museum provides currently on view as part of temporary exhibition, “Behind The Screen,” runs renovation a few years ago, and it’s walking tours of the neighborhood to exhibition Behind the Curtain: Collect- through the history of cinema, tackling since returned with some excellent remind you of what the LES was like ing the New York Fairs. everything from the earliest moving programming. before Max Fish moved in (and then But the museum’s best and most picture camera to makeup from Sex And There is, for instance, a show featur- out, and then back in again). famous offering is its Panorama of the The City. They also hold frequent fi lm ing 90 artworks by Madeline creator The Tenement Museum is located City of New York, a 9,335-square-foot screenings—all summer long, they’ve Ludwig Bemelmans; through the end at 103 Orchard Street between Broome model of the city’s fi ve boroughs that been continuously showing fi lms from of the month, the museum is showing and Delancey Streets on the Lower East was originally commissioned by Rob- the 1939 and 1964 Worlds Fairs, and re- work by street style photographer Bill Side (212) 982-8420, tenement.org). ert Moses for the 1964 World’s Fair. cent screening offerings have included Cunningham, and past exhibitions have $25 admission. Though the panorama hasn’t under- The Searchers, 2001: A Space Odyssey included works from the 1913 Armory Reprinted with permission from The gone a full-throttle update since 1992, and the original Godzilla. Stay tuned for Show and a look at the city’s AIDS Gothamist and Rebecca Fishbein. developments like Brooklyn Bridge their upcoming permanent Jim Henson Park and Citi Field have slowly gotten installation, planned for 2015. The 10 Best Art Galleries In NYC added over time thanks to the museum’s The Museum of the Moving Image “Adopt A Building” program, though it is located at 3601 35th Ave in Astoria, New York may have some of the fi n- rooms were on display here last year, seems Williamsburg’s condos have yet Queens (718-777-6888, movingimage. est museums in the world, but not all of and Doug Wheeler’s hypnotizing, white- the city’s best art is hidden behind a $20 to receive treatment in miniature. us). $12 admission. light saturated “infi nity environment” The Queens Museum is located at entrance fee. Works by renowned artists took center stage in 2012. The gallery’s the New York City Building in Flushing and lesser-known locals line the walls and also hosted work by mainstream names hang from the ceilings of galleries small Meadows Corona Park (718-592-9700, like Jeff Koons and Richard Serra. Up and large, and visitors can often peruse queensmuseum.org) $8 suggested next, look for works by Diana Thater, them for no fee, often with a glass of wine admission. Mamma Andersson, Al Taylor and Jan in hand (if it’s a Thursday or sometimes Schoonhoven. Friday). Here are a few of our favorite David Zwirner is located at 525 West galleries around town; as always, leave 19th Street in Chelsea (212-727-2070, yours in the comments. davidzwirner.com). They have a second New York Transit Museum DAVID ZWIRNER GALLERY NEWYORK TRANSIT MUSEUM: gallery at 537 West 20th Street between Visiting the New York Transit Museum 10th and 11th Avenue. is a bit like traveling back in time. GAGOSIAN GALLERY The nation’s only museum dedicated to public transportation, the NYTM boasts an astonishing collection of MTA The Brooklyn Museum memorabilia, not the least of which is BROOKLYN MUSEUM: The its collection of antique subway cars, Brooklyn Museum has really been on a complete with antique ads that predate roll this century with a series of block- Dr. Zizmor. You can also peruse an buster exhibits, including 2008’s stellar extensive collection of subway tokens German ex-pat David Zwirner opened Takashi Murakami show, 2012’s Keith (ah, memories of watching my bus fare up his gallery in 1993, relocating from Haring exhibition, last year’s innovative roll under a car...) and fare collectors, SoHo to Chelsea in 2002. The exhibitions Jean Paul Gaultier show, “Ai Weiwei: and for the young and young at heart, hosted at his current large space are often Gagosian’s a major name in the global gallery scene, with locations in According to What?” which is on view there’s a child-sized taxi cab, trolley car wildly popular, as the long lines attest. Los Angeles (where the fi rst Gagosian until August 10th, and a site-specifi c and bus to play on. It’s also noteworthy Infi nity seems like something of a theme piece by street artist Swoon. Beyond the that the museum is located inside a de- here— Yayoi Kusama’s popular infi nity (Continued on Page 44) JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 43 Events For You and Your Passengers in The Big Apple Broadway Shows Off Broadway Shows

A GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO 256 West 47th Street 39 STEPS Theatre 80 LOVE AND MURDER Union Square Theatre 80 St. Marks Place JERSEY BOYS 100 East 17th Street 218 West 48th Street August Wilson Theater NEWSical 245 West 52nd Street AVENUE Q Kirk Theatre ALADDIN New World Stages 410 West 42nd Street KINKY BOOTS 340 West 50th Street 214 West 42nd Street Al Hirshfi eld Theater PERFECT CRIME 203 West 45th Street BLACK ANGELS OVER Snapple Theatre Center AN ACT OF GOD TUSKEGEE 210 West 50th Street LES MISERABLES Actors Temple Theatre 254 West 54th Street 339 West 47th Street SAM EATON’S 249 West 45th Street THE QUANTUM EYE AN AMERICAN IN PARIS BLUE MAN GROUP MENTALISM & MAGIC SHOW Palace Theatre MAMMA MIA Astor Plae Theatre Theatre 80 1564 Broadway Winter Garden Theatre 424 Lafayette Street 80 St. Marks Place 1634 Broadway BEAUTIFUL CHURCHILL SEX TIPS FOR STRAIGHT THE CAROLE KING MUSICAL MATILDA THE MUSICAL New World Stages WOMEN FROM A GAY MAN Shubert Theater 340 West 50th Street The 777 Theatre 124 West 43rd Street 225 West 44th Street 777 Eighth Avenue FUERZA BRUTA CHICAGO ON THE TOWN The Daryl Roth Theatre SIGNIFICANT OTHER Ambassador Theatre Lyric Theatre 101 East 15th Street The Roundabout 219 West 49th Street 214 West 43rd Street Theatre Company, Inc. GAZILLION BUBBLE SHOW 231 West 39th Street CHINA DOLL ON THE TWENTIETH New World Stages Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre CENTURY 340 West 55th Street SISTAS: 236 West 45th Street American Airlines Theatre THE MUSICAL 227 West 42nd Street GOING ONCE! St. Lukes Theatre DAMES AT SEA LAUGHING TWICE!! 308 West 46th Street Helen Hayes Theatre ON YOUR FEET! St. Luke’s Theatre 240 West 44th Street THE STORY OF EMILIO AND 308 West 46th Street SKIPPYJON JONES SNOW GLORIA ESTEFAN WHAT (& THE 7 CHIHUAHUAS) FIDDLER ON THE ROOF HEREAFTER Lucille Lortel Theatre Broadway Theatre 1535 Broadway Snapple Theater Center 121 Christopher Street 1681 Broadway 210 West 50th Street PENN & TELLER STOMP FINDING NEVERLAND ON BROADWAY IT’S JUST SEX Orpheum Theatre Lunt-Fontanne Theatre Marquis Theatre Actors Temple Theatre 126 Second Avenue 205 West 46th Street 1535 Broadway 339 West 47th Street THAT BACHELORETTE SHOW FISH IN THE DARK SOMETHING ROTTEN MONDAY NIGHT 42 West St. James Theatre MAGIC 514 West 42nd Street 138 West 48th Street 246 West 44th Street Theatre 80 80 Saint Marks Place THE BERENSTAIN BEARS FUN HOME THE BOOK OF MORMON The Marjorie S. Deane Little Theatre Circle in the Square Theatre Eugene O’Neil Theatre MY BIG GAY 5 West 63rd Street West 50th Street 230 West 49th Street ITALIAN FUNERAL St. Luke’s Theatre THE FANTASTICKS GIGI THE CURIOUS INCIDENT 308 West 46th Street Snapple Theater Center Neil Simon Theatre OF THE DOG IN THE 210 West 50th Street 250 West 52nd Street NIGHT-TIME MY BIG GAY ITALIAN WEDDING THE JACKIE MASON MUSICAL HAMILTON 243 West 47th Street St. Luke’s Theatre St. Luke’s Theatre 308 West 46th Street 308 West 46th Street 226 West 46th Stret THE KING AND I Lincoln Center MY SON THE WAITER: THE LION, THE WITCH AND HAND TO GOD 70 Lincoln Center Plaza A JEWISH TRAGEDY THE WARDROBE Stage 72 at The Triad Theatre St. Lukes Theatre 222 West 45th Street THE LION KING 158 West 72nd Street 308 West 46th Street HEDWIG AND THE 200 West 45th Street NAKED BOYS SINGING THE WONDERFUL WIZARD ANGRY INCH Kirk Theatre OF SONG: THE MUSIC OF THE PHANTOM OF 410 West 42nd Street HAROLD ARLEN 111 West 44th Street THE OPERA St. Luke’s Theatre Majestic Theatre NATIONAL LAMPOON 308 West 46th Street IT SHOULDA BEEN YOU 242 West 45th Street PRESENTS (Continued on Page 44) BAYSIDE! THE MUSICAL! PAGE 44 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 10 Best Galleries FISHER LANDAU CENTER Broadway FOR ART (Continued from Page 42) Shows gallery opened in 1979), London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Athens and Geneva, (Continued from Page 43) in addition to the several famed spaces in New York. All of the city’s galleries have WICKED featured works by the biggest names in Gershwin Theater modern and contemporary art—Julian 222 West 51st Street Schnabel, Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, Richard Serra, Cy Twombly, Francis Ba- WOLF HALL PART ONE This spacious 6,000 square foot gallery con, etc.—with old masters occasionally Winter Garden Theatre on display as well. Exhibitions currently helmed by John Cheim and Howard Read 1634 Broadway on display include a show focusing on This LIC gallery, housed in an erst- boasts a heavy-hitting list of represented Pablo Picasso’s photography at the West while parachute harness factory, of all artists, with names like Diane Arbus, 21st Street gallery and an exhibition of places, contains hundreds of works be- William Eggleston, Louise Bourgeois and WOLF HALL PART TWO Takashi Murakami’s painting and sculp- longing to 94-year-old collector Emily Joan Mitchell on their list. Upcoming exhi- Winter Garden Theatre ture on West 24th Street. Fisher Landau. Landau’s got quite an bitions include shows by Danish artist Tal 1634 Broadway There are a number of Gagosian Gal- eye for art, having amassed works by the R and Ireland’s Sean Scully; you can see lery locations in Manhattan. Visit their likes of Robert Rauschenberg, Ellsworth Louse Bourgeois’s fascinating Suspension Cortney Love’s website for more information. Kelly and Andy Warhol over the past half- exhibition through mid-January. LUHRING AUGUSTINE century. You can peruse the permanent Cheim & Read is located at 547 Cab Smashed works in addition to intermittent tem- West 25th Street between 10th and 11th French taxi strike protesters smash porary exhibitions highlighting specifi c Avenues in Chelsea (212-242-7727, up rocker Courtney Love’s cab ‘and pieces from Landau’s collection. cheimread.com). take her driver hostage’ as she is driven The Fisher Landau Center for Art ON STELLAR RAYS through Paris during industrial action is located at 38-27 30th Street in Long over Uber . Island City, Queens (718-937-0727, Terrifi ed rock star Courtney Love fl cart.org). today told how her car was smashed SEAN KELLY GALLERY up and her driver ‘taken hostage’ after getting caught up in violent demonstra- Luhring Augustine, founded in Chel- tions in Paris. sea in 1985, is one of the city’s most The 50-year-old tweeted a picture reputable galleries, exhibiting and rep- taken from inside of her taxi after it was resenting works by the likes of Gerhard attacked by cabbies protesting against Richter, Larry Clark, Pablo Picasso and rival fi rm Uber. David Musgrave. And Luhring Augustine Candice Madey’s LES gallery was She said: ‘They’ve ambushed our was also one of the fi rst major art galleries one of the fi rst to hit the Bowery back in car and are holding our driver hos- to expand beyond Manhattan’s enclave, 2008, opening just one day before Leh- tage. They’re beating the cars with making headlines when it opened a Once a SoHo stalwart, Sean Kelly’s man Brothers brought the United States metal bats. This is France?? I’m safer Bushwick outpost off the Morgan Ave L 23-year-old gallery represents some economy tumbling down. But On Stellar in Baghdad.’ stop in 2012. That location boasts a stellar of contemporary art’s biggest names, Rays, named after a 9th century text by Her car was attacked shortly after she exhibition space for installations. including Robert Mapplethorpe, Marina Arab philosopher Al-Kindi, is a survivor, landed at Charles de Gaulle airport this Luhring Augustine has two locations Abramovi and Mariko Mori. The gallery and continues hawking and displaying morning as mobs of taxi drivers block- in the city: 531 West 24th Street between relocated to a two-story spot in Midtown unique works by new and emerging artists. aded roads and targeted Uber drivers, 10th and 11th Avenues in Chelsea (212- a few years ago, and continues to host Current represented artists include Zipora even fl ipping some of their cars over. 206,9100, luhringaugustine.com) and unconventional exhibitions, with upcom- Fried, Alix Pearlstein and JJ PEET; the The widow of Nirvana frontman ing shows including work by Chinese at 25 Knickerbocker Avenue between gallery is about to close a breathtaking Kurt Cobain tweeted rapper Kanye artist Sun Xun. Johnson Avenue and Ingraham Street exhibition of Queens-based artist Tommy West saying: ‘We may turn back to the in Bushwick, Brooklyn (718-386-276, Sean Kelly Gallery is located at 475 Hartung’s work. airport and hide out with you.’ luhringaugustine.com.com). Tenth Avenue between 36th and 37th On Stellar Rays is located at 133 Love said she eventually managed PIEROGI Streets in Midtown West (212-239-1181, Orchard Street between Delancey and to escape by catching a lift with two skny.com). Rivington Streets on the Lower East Side JACK SHAINMAN GALLERY motorcyclists, but not before being (212-598-3012, onstellarrays.com). attacked with rocks. She posted this STOREFRONT FOR picture with the message: ‘We got out ART & ARCHITECTURE after being held hostage for an hour thanks to these two guys. I’m scared out of my wits’ Love then launched a furious attack on the French president over the lack of a police response. She tweeted: ‘François Hollande This Williamsburg gallery may most where are the f****** police??? Is it This DC transplant focuses on inter- recently be known for providing greater legal for your people to attack visitors? North Brooklyn with a lifetime supply national work, with represented artists including the Ghanian El Anatsui, Malian Get your a** to the airport. Wtf???’ of rock salt and human hamster wheels. Last but not least on this list is the artist Malick Sidibé and the Israeli Adi The former Hole frontwoman later But the 20-year-old space is one of Wil- Storefront for Art & Architecture, a Nes. Not that the gallery shuns Americans: posted a video on Instagram showing liamsburg’s pioneering art hubs, boasting 32-year-old triangular slice located in native Missourian Nick Cave is also repre- several intimidating men surrounding both exhibitions and the famed fl at fi les that SoHo/Little Italy no-man’s land. sented by Jack Shainman, and the gallery her vehicle at a petrol station. showcasing hundreds of works by local Storefront’s an all-around art “institu- just wrapped up a spectacular exhibition She wrote: ‘How on earth are these artists that are up for sale (you can also tion,” a non-profi t dedicated to supporting of his new work last month. Up next, the people allowed to do this? The fi rst car view them online). Pierogi’s also opened emerging and local art. But the gallery’s gallery will host work by Michigan native was destroyed, all tires slashed and beat a second space, The Boiler, on North 14th one of the city’s most treasured exhibition Titus Kaphar. with bats. Street, where they host larger installations spots, displaying works by hundreds of Jack Shainman has two locations in ‘These guys trying to open the and sculpture shows. artists, including Peter Cook, Yves Klein Manhattan: 513 West 20th Street between doors and the cops are doing nothing?? Pierogi is located at 177 North 9th and David Molander. Right now, visitors West Street and 10th Avenue in Chelsea Street between Bedford and Driggs Av- can experience Jana Winderen and Marc French Taliban? Civil reform needed in (212-645-1701, jackshainman.com) and enues in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (718- Fornes’s interactive installation Situation France?? I want to go home.’ at 524 West 24th Street between 10th and 599-2144, pierogi2000.com). They’ve NY, on display through December 20th. Love said she eventually managed 11th Avenues, also in Chelsea (212-337- also got a secondary space at 191 North Storefront for Art & Architecture is to escape by catching a lift with some 3372, jackshainman.com). 14th Street between Nassau and Wythe located at 97 Kenmare Street in motorcyclists, but not before being at- CHEIM & READ Avenues in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. (212-431-5794, storefrontnews.org). tacked once again. JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 45

Call Lee Komitor or Alex Chaoush 74-15 NORTHERN BLVD. QUEENS, NEW YORK

KOEPPELNISSAN.COM 1-718-898-7800 *Tax & MV Fees are additional Fax (718) 476-8207 NYSDMV7068638. NYSDCA0997779 Lee Komitor PAGE 46 • TAXI INSIDER • JULY 2015 ice cream, but the next time you hail a cab larly to his appointments so he is familiar in Rome, you may want to considering with the fare. taxi news dieting fi rst. But during the trip, one of tires went An Italian taxi driver has been accused fl at, forcing the taxi driver to get out and of charging an overweight passenger more put on the spare. The passenger says he from around than double the usual fare and blaming waited patiently for the driver to fi x the him for a fl at a tire. tire but knew something was amiss when The customer, who reportedly weighs he returned. the world 336 pounds, spoke to Rome’s daily news- “When he came back in the car, I paper Il Messaggero on the condition heard [the driver] muttering and talking EUROPE of anonymity-- only being identifi ed as to himself,” the passenger told Il Messag- “M.O.” gero. “I didn’t understand what he was Travelling to a health care clinic just saying, I thought he was annoyed about Italy outside the city last Friday, he said the the inconvenience.” Italian Taxi Driver Charges taxi driver picked him up from Rome’s But when he arrived at the clinic, the Termini Train Station, usually a fare of passenger received a big shock when the Overweight Passenger Extra Fee about 30 ($33). The passenger told the driver tacked on an additional 50 ($56) We know that Italy has a reputation for charging tourists exorbitant prices for newspaper that he traveled by taxi regu- to his fare. According to The Local, the taxi driver blamed his passenger for the incident. “I felt humiliated. It wasn’t fair,” the man recounted. “This is also a kind of discrimination. It was obvious that he was mocking me because I am obese.” After returning to his hometown in Lecco, Italy, the passenger says he fi led a formal discrimination complaint against the taxi driver with an association for obese people. Catching a taxi in Rome can sometimes be tricky. The majority of complaints from passengers who say they’ve been ripped off come from rides in unoffi cial taxis that are not licensed by the City of Rome. (The offi cial taxis are white, with a ‘taxi’ sign on the roof and a SPQR crest on the doors.) But if you’re thinking about a trip to Rome this summer, there’s silver lining. Due to a strong U.S. dollar, you’re taxi money --and for other things --will go a lot further. A European vacation is now about 25 percent cheaper than it was last year. BRAZIL Sao Paulo Uber Hits Roadblocks In Brazil’s Biggest City And Capital The Sao Paulo city council voted 48-1 late Tuesday to prohibit the use of smartphone-based ride-sharing ap- plications like Uber in the city of 12 million. And the city council of the capital city of Brasilia also approved such a ban. The Sao Paulo measure still needs another vote and then the approval of Mayor Fernando Haddad before taking Choose Your Car effect. In Brasilia, the measure goes straight to federal district Governor Rodrigo Rollemberg for his approval. On its Facebook page, Uber said the company ‘‘defends the right of users to choose the way they want to move about the city,’’ and that since the ban has not yet been enacted, it will continue ‘‘to operate normally in Sao Paulo.’’ It said that Uber users had sent more Defensive Driving Class than 200,000 e-mails to Sao Paulo city legislators urging them to vote against the ban and ‘‘expressing their desire to Available Free use the service.’’ JULY 2015 • TAXI INSIDER • PAGE 47

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