ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW SEVENTH EDITION ELSA Malta European Law Students’ Association ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW Published in 2020 by European Law Students’ Association Malta Students’ House University of Malta Tal-Qroqq MSD 2080, Malta mt.elsa.org Typeset and Cover by Sean Wismayer, Chris Grech, Gabriel DeBono and James Caruana Printed by Kite Group ISSN 2305-1949 ELSA Malta Law Review © Correspondence should be addressed to: Editor in Chief – ELSA Malta Law Review Email:
[email protected] All contributions published in the ELSA Malta Law Review are licensed by an Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivs 2.5 (MALTA) Creative Common License. Readers are allowed to copy, distribute, and transmit the articles in this Edition, but not for commercial purposes. This is subject to the terms and conditions therein. ELSA Malta Sponsors 2 ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW ABOUT The ELSA Malta Law Review is a student edited and peer reviewed law journal published by the European Law Students’ Association Malta. The review is independent of the University of Malta. The ELSA Malta Law Review is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. https://mt.elsa.org/emlr/ ELSA Malta Law Review – Edition VII 3 ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW EDITORIAL BOARD Editors in Chief Raoul Ciappara Chris Grech Sean Wismayer Quality Assurance Philip Ellul Content Generation Camille Pellicano Diane Cutajar Marketing Gabriel Debono Jeanelle Mercieca Grech OTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ELSA Malta President Yasmine Ellul Design James Caruana 4 ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW FOREWORD A few months ago I was approached by ELSA Malta’s Editorial Board in regard to its publication, the Elsa Malta Law Review (EMLR), which has been going strong for a number of years and indeed seems to go from strength to strength.