Full Council Meeting Held on the 18Th January 2021

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Full Council Meeting Held on the 18Th January 2021 Killamarsh Parish Council Killamarsh Sports Centre, Killamarsh Community Campus Stanley Street. Killamarsh, S21 1EL - Tel: 0114 247 2260 Email: [email protected] Website: www.killamarsh-pc.gov.uk Draft Minutes Are Subject To Approval At The Next Council Meeting. Minutes of A Remote Meeting of Killamarsh Parish Council Held on Monday 25th January 2021 Via Zoom Video Conference Commenced: 7.00pm – Concluded: 9.42pm Councillors Present: Steve Clough [Chairman], Kevin Bone, Pat Bone, Nick Challenger, Chris Curzon, Barry Jones [to 9.35pm], Stuart Mullins, Mo Potts, Lillian Robinson, Eva Thompson, Nick Whitehead, John Windle Absent Councillors: Carol Lacey and Bill Rice District and County Councillors: County Councillor Diane Charles [to 8.58pm] Officers: Safia Kauser [Locum Parish Clerk, minute taker] Members of the Public: Twelve members of the public [to 8.58pm] (1) Item 1: Chairman’s Opening Remarks To receive the Chairman’s opening remarks. The Chairman will notify those present about the holding of virtual meetings. The Chairman informed those preset who had joined the meeting via video to use the ‘raise your hand’ facility to speak and those members who had joined by telephone were advised to state their name and be permitted to speak when asked to do so by the Chair. (2) Item 1: Apologies for Absence To receive and approve apologies for absence and reasons given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. RESOLVED: 1) That the apologies and reasons of absence are received and approved from Councillors Carol Lacey and Bill Rice due to illness. (3) Item 3: Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests Item 3.1 - To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI) and personal and prejudicial interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (section 30 to 33). Officers are required to make a formal declaration about council contracts where the employee has a financial interest in accordance with the LGA 1972, s117. Councillor Potts declared an interest in agenda item number 14 ‘Planning Applications’ due to her position held on the District Council planning committee. Item 3.2 - To receive, consider and record councillors requests for DPI dispensation (section 31 Localism Act 2011) in connection with items on this agenda. Applications for this must be made in writing to the Clerk prior to the meeting. None declared. Signed Chair: ……………..…..……………………… Dated:……………….…… Page | 1 (4) Item 4: Adjournment for Public Participation To adjourn the meeting for 15 minutes to allow members of the public to make representation on the business of the agenda for the meeting. No resolutions can made be under public participation. No members of the public requested to take part in public participation. (5) Item 5: Reports from Invited Guests and County / District Councillors To receive reports from County Councillors and District Councillors. No reports were recieved from parish councillors Clough, Kevin and Pat Bone, Potts and Whitehead in their capacity as district councillors. A verbal report was presented by County Councillor Diane Charles to the meeting: Support for residents and businesses affected by flooding: Derbyshire County Council has made £100,000 available to help residents and businesses affected by recent flooding. Residents that have been affected could claim up to £104. Affected businesses with fewer than 50 employees can apply for a one-off payment of £500. Further details on the DCC website. Council budget and council tax proposals for year ahead: Cabinet met on Thursday 21 January to consider how the Council will manage and spend the proposed £571.7 million budget for 2021-22, and the level of Council Tax required. Cabinet has been considering proposals to keep a rise in Council Tax as low as possible while protecting vital services and meeting significant budget pressures. Cabinet’s recommendations will now be considered by Full Council when it meets on Wednesday 3 February. The proposal put forward and agreed by Cabinet was for a 2.5% increase, half of the Government allowance of 5%. The increase is made up of 1% for Adult Social Care and 1.5% for General Council expenditure. Council Plan: The Council is asking Derbyshire residents for their views on the new Council Plan which outlines our key priorities for the next four years. The 2021-2025 plan sets out ambitions, values and overall aims, and pledges that the Council will work with local people and partners to achieve its’ priorities. The closing date for the consultation is 29 January 2021, so please encourage Derbyshire residents to have a say. Details on DCC website. Covid Update (Updated figures at 22nd January 2021): In Derbyshire the cases at the date above are 371 per 100 thousand, an 8% reduction; all areas are reducing apart from Chesterfield where there is a 13% increase and Erewash with a 14% increase. At 14th January, the figure was still increasing by a 20% increase in the preceding 7 days, but that was a decrease from the 70% rise in the 7 days before that. The rates currently are: Chesterfield 410 per 100k; Erewash 441 per 100k; Amber Valley 433 per 100k; Bolsover 418 per 100k; Derbyshire Dales 224 per 100k; High Peak 300 per 100k; North East 316 per 100k; South Derbyshire 369 per 100k. In the over 60’s there is a rate increase in Derbyshire Dales 50% and Erewash 30%. Derby City the overall Covid Infection rate is 666 per 100k (the rate is slowing). The Derbyshire NHS reported 56% of over 80’s vaccinations are complete. Care Home residents and staff will all be vaccinated by the end of this week. Care Homes - The Pathway 2 beds used for hospital discharges – there is capacity and beds available. Testing Sites - The figures for testing sites are: Swadlincote South Derbyshire awaiting figures; Post Mill Centre Bolsover 234, 2 positive; Shirebrook awaiting figures; Heanor Amber Valley 324, 6 positive; Cotes Park Amber Valley 157, non positive Schools Attendance School attendance on the 12 January: Primary 28%; Secondary 5%; Special Schools 41%/ Across all schools only 4% of vulnerable children are attending’ the authority is working with the schools on this. Traffic Order: Proposed Road Closure of Bridge Street for Gas installation. Dates 29th March - 2nd April. Diversion will be Sheepcote Road and Walford Road. The Traffic Order can be viewed on the link: https://one.network/?tm=120455188 Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 2 Defibrillator Following a complaint about the Defibrillator sited at the Library, it is confirmed that this was installed by Derbyshire County Council and is the responsibility of the East Midlands Ambulance Service, which keeps a log of usage and maintains the equipment in working order. After the incident reported it was confirmed that the equipment had been used shortly before, but records not updated as to the battery recharge. An inspector visited subsequently to ensure the equipment was in working order. All enquiries as to the availability of a Defibrillator should go through to the Ambulance Service, as a 999 call if necessary. The Parish Council was advised that if it considered that an additional Defibrillator was required in Killamarsh, there could be assistance with the purchase via the Elected Member. (Members Community Leadership Fund). Members were invited to ask any questions. The Chairman thanked County Cllr Charles for her informative report provided to council. (6) Item 6: Exclusion of Press and Public - Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960 To consider and resolve any agenda items that require the exclusion of the Press and Public in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for matters appertaining to confidential or exempt information. RESOLVED: 1) In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960; that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily part excluded from agenda item 12 due to the commercially sensitive information relating to the future viability of the sports centre that would prejudice the ongoing negotiations with North East Derbyshire District Council. (All in favour) (7) Item 7: Minutes To approve the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Full Parish Council meetings held on the 11th January 2021 and the 18th January 2021. It was pointed out that there was a typo in the agenda item relating to the minutes from the 11th January 2021 which should read as 13th January 2021. RESOLVED: 1) That the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 13th January 2021 are approved as a true and accurate record of proceedings subject to the amendment to page 4, discussion points by members, figures, the word ‘All’ to be removed and replaced with ‘The majority’. 2) That the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 18th January 2021 are approved as a true and accurate record of proceedings. (8) Item 8: Committee Minutes To confirm the receipt of committee minutes previously circulated: Environment Committee 08 October 2020 (no meeting held on 20/10) Sports Centre Committee 26 November 2020 Bar and Catering Committee 01 December 2020 (to note minutes unavailable) EO Finance Committee 07 December 2020 EO Environment Committee 10 December 2020 EO Finance Committee 04 January 2021 EO Sports Centre Committee 06 January 2021 Note: Minutes are available on the Parish Council website. Members are required to confirm the receipt of committee minutes. Any amendments to the draft committee minutes can only be made at the next relevant committee meeting where the meeting will be required to confirm the accuracy of the minutes and approve as a true record of proceedings.
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