Parish Council Killamarsh Sports Centre, Killamarsh Community Campus

Stanley Street. Killamarsh, S21 1EL

- Tel: 0114 247 2260 Email: [email protected] Website:

Draft Minutes Are Subject To Approval At The Next Council Meeting.

Minutes of A Remote Meeting of Killamarsh Parish Council Held on Monday 25th January 2021 Via Zoom Video Conference

Commenced: 7.00pm – Concluded: 9.42pm

Councillors Present: Steve Clough [Chairman], Kevin Bone, Pat Bone, Nick Challenger, Chris Curzon, Barry Jones [to 9.35pm], Stuart Mullins, Mo Potts, Lillian Robinson, Eva Thompson, Nick Whitehead, John Windle

Absent Councillors: Carol Lacey and Bill Rice

District and County Councillors: County Councillor Diane Charles [to 8.58pm]

Officers: Safia Kauser [Locum Parish Clerk, minute taker]

Members of the Public: Twelve members of the public [to 8.58pm] (1) Item 1: Chairman’s Opening Remarks To receive the Chairman’s opening remarks. The Chairman will notify those present about the holding of virtual meetings.

The Chairman informed those preset who had joined the meeting via video to use the ‘raise your hand’ facility to speak and those members who had joined by telephone were advised to state their name and be permitted to speak when asked to do so by the Chair.

(2) Item 1: Apologies for Absence To receive and approve apologies for absence and reasons given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

RESOLVED: 1) That the apologies and reasons of absence are received and approved from Councillors Carol Lacey and Bill Rice due to illness.

(3) Item 3: Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests Item 3.1 - To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI) and personal and prejudicial interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (section 30 to 33). Officers are required to make a formal declaration about council contracts where the employee has a financial interest in accordance with the LGA 1972, s117.

Councillor Potts declared an interest in agenda item number 14 ‘Planning Applications’ due to her position held on the District Council planning committee.

Item 3.2 - To receive, consider and record councillors requests for DPI dispensation (section 31 Localism Act 2011) in connection with items on this agenda. Applications for this must be made in writing to the Clerk prior to the meeting. None declared.

Signed Chair: ……………..…..……………………… Dated:……………….…… Page | 1

(4) Item 4: Adjournment for Public Participation To adjourn the meeting for 15 minutes to allow members of the public to make representation on the business of the agenda for the meeting. No resolutions can made be under public participation.

No members of the public requested to take part in public participation.

(5) Item 5: Reports from Invited Guests and County / District Councillors To receive reports from County Councillors and District Councillors.

No reports were recieved from parish councillors Clough, Kevin and Pat Bone, Potts and Whitehead in their capacity as district councillors.

A verbal report was presented by County Councillor Diane Charles to the meeting:  Support for residents and businesses affected by flooding:  County Council has made £100,000 available to help residents and businesses affected by recent flooding. Residents that have been affected could claim up to £104. Affected businesses with fewer than 50 employees can apply for a one-off payment of £500. Further details on the DCC website.  Council budget and council tax proposals for year ahead:  Cabinet met on Thursday 21 January to consider how the Council will manage and spend the proposed £571.7 million budget for 2021-22, and the level of Council Tax required. Cabinet has been considering proposals to keep a rise in Council Tax as low as possible while protecting vital services and meeting significant budget pressures. Cabinet’s recommendations will now be considered by Full Council when it meets on Wednesday 3 February. The proposal put forward and agreed by Cabinet was for a 2.5% increase, half of the Government allowance of 5%. The increase is made up of 1% for Adult Social Care and 1.5% for General Council expenditure.  Council Plan:  The Council is asking Derbyshire residents for their views on the new Council Plan which outlines our key priorities for the next four years. The 2021-2025 plan sets out ambitions, values and overall aims, and pledges that the Council will work with local people and partners to achieve its’ priorities. The closing date for the consultation is 29 January 2021, so please encourage Derbyshire residents to have a say. Details on DCC website.  Covid Update (Updated figures at 22nd January 2021):  In Derbyshire the cases at the date above are 371 per 100 thousand, an 8% reduction; all areas are reducing apart from Chesterfield where there is a 13% increase and Erewash with a 14% increase. At 14th January, the figure was still increasing by a 20% increase in the preceding 7 days, but that was a decrease from the 70% rise in the 7 days before that. The rates currently are: Chesterfield 410 per 100k; Erewash 441 per 100k; 433 per 100k; 418 per 100k; 224 per 100k; High Peak 300 per 100k; North East 316 per 100k; 369 per 100k. In the over 60’s there is a rate increase in Derbyshire Dales 50% and Erewash 30%. City the overall Covid Infection rate is 666 per 100k (the rate is slowing). The Derbyshire NHS reported 56% of over 80’s vaccinations are complete. Care Home residents and staff will all be vaccinated by the end of this week.  Care Homes - The Pathway 2 beds used for hospital discharges – there is capacity and beds available.  Testing Sites - The figures for testing sites are: South Derbyshire awaiting figures; Post Mill Centre Bolsover 234, 2 positive; awaiting figures; Amber Valley 324, 6 positive; Cotes Park Amber Valley 157, non positive  Schools Attendance School attendance on the 12 January: Primary 28%; Secondary 5%; Special Schools 41%/ Across all schools only 4% of vulnerable children are attending’ the authority is working with the schools on this.  Traffic Order: Proposed Road Closure of Bridge Street for Gas installation. Dates 29th March - 2nd April. Diversion will be Sheepcote Road and Walford Road. The Traffic Order can be viewed on the link:

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 2

 Defibrillator  Following a complaint about the Defibrillator sited at the Library, it is confirmed that this was installed by Derbyshire County Council and is the responsibility of the Ambulance Service, which keeps a log of usage and maintains the equipment in working order. After the incident reported it was confirmed that the equipment had been used shortly before, but records not updated as to the battery recharge. An inspector visited subsequently to ensure the equipment was in working order. All enquiries as to the availability of a Defibrillator should go through to the Ambulance Service, as a 999 call if necessary. The Parish Council was advised that if it considered that an additional Defibrillator was required in Killamarsh, there could be assistance with the purchase via the Elected Member. (Members Community Leadership Fund).

Members were invited to ask any questions. The Chairman thanked County Cllr Charles for her informative report provided to council.

(6) Item 6: Exclusion of Press and Public - Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960 To consider and resolve any agenda items that require the exclusion of the Press and Public in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for matters appertaining to confidential or exempt information.

RESOLVED: 1) In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960; that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily part excluded from agenda item 12 due to the commercially sensitive information relating to the future viability of the sports centre that would prejudice the ongoing negotiations with District Council. (All in favour)

(7) Item 7: Minutes To approve the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Full Parish Council meetings held on the 11th January 2021 and the 18th January 2021.

It was pointed out that there was a typo in the agenda item relating to the minutes from the 11th January 2021 which should read as 13th January 2021.

RESOLVED: 1) That the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 13th January 2021 are approved as a true and accurate record of proceedings subject to the amendment to page 4, discussion points by members, figures, the word ‘All’ to be removed and replaced with ‘The majority’. 2) That the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on the 18th January 2021 are approved as a true and accurate record of proceedings.

(8) Item 8: Committee Minutes To confirm the receipt of committee minutes previously circulated:  Environment Committee 08 October 2020 (no meeting held on 20/10)  Sports Centre Committee 26 November 2020  Bar and Catering Committee 01 December 2020 (to note minutes unavailable)  EO Finance Committee 07 December 2020  EO Environment Committee 10 December 2020  EO Finance Committee 04 January 2021  EO Sports Centre Committee 06 January 2021 Note: Minutes are available on the Parish Council website. Members are required to confirm the receipt of committee minutes. Any amendments to the draft committee minutes can only be made at the next relevant committee meeting where the meeting will be required to confirm the accuracy of the minutes and approve as a true record of proceedings.

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 3

Bar and Catering Committee Councillor Challenger informed members that a meeting was held on the 01 December 2020 and in the absence of a minute taker, notes were taken which will be forwarded to the Locum Clerk.

Sports Centre Committee Councillor Thompson informed members that the draft minutes of the Sports Centre committee from the 22nd October 2020 had not been presented to full council.

Councillor Potts raised concerns about the Astroturf that was being used during lockdown. The Chairman replied stating that it should not be in use and the matter will be referred to the Sports Centre Supervisor for further investigation.

RESOLVED: 1) That all of the above itemised parish council committee meeting minutes be received by the Parish Council. 2) That the draft minutes of the Sports Centre committee meeting held on the 22 October 2020 and the Bar and Catering committee meeting held on the 01 December 2020 are presented to full council next month.

(9) Item 9: To Consider Committee Recommendations Brought Forward EO Environment Committee meeting held on the 10 December 2020: Metal Detecting Policy  RECOMMENDED: That the Environment committee recommends that the full parish council adopts the draft Metal Detecting policy (copy enclosed).

Members briefly discussed the benefits of having the policy and a discussion about who would be responsible for enforcing it. The Locum Clerk confirmed that once the policy is adopted then the parish council office would be responsible for responding to metal detecting requests from parishioners.

RESOLVED: 1) That the recommendation from the Environment Committee meeting held on the 10 December 2020 ‘That the Environment committee recommends that the full parish council adopts the draft Metal Detecting policy’ is ratified by full Council and that the Metal Detecting Policy be adopted. (10 in favour; 1 against; 1 abstention)

(10) Item 10: Environmental Committee Business At the request of Councillor Pat Bone, Chair of the Environmental committee; full council is requested consider and resolve outstanding business that was discussed by the committee at the meeting held on the 10 December 2020:  Request from a resident for permission to Metal Detect on Parish land  Defibrillators in the village  Issues with Parking at the Bridge Street end of the Precinct.

Request from a resident for permission to Metal Detect on Parish land Members had received a copy of the request from a parishioner. The request was for Birchlands grounds which is recreational. All members agreed that the request did not comply with the Metal Detecting Policy.

Defibrillators in the village Councillor Pat Bone informed members about the requests from residents for additional defibrillators in the village and asked for comments. The meeting was informed about the management and weekly checks on the equipment and who would be responsible for this.

Issues with Parking at the Bridge Street end of the Precinct. Councillor Pat Bone informed members about the issues with the parking at the precinct and what

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 4

action the parish council could consider as the land does not belong to them. A suggestion was made to move the planters around to restrict parking and another suggestion was made to install a barrier.

RESOLVED: 1) That the request from the member of the public to metal detect on council land be refused as it does not comply with the Metal Detecting Policy to metal detect on recreational land. (10 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)

2) That the Environment Committee obtains professional advice on the installation, management and locations of new defibrillators in the village and to explore potential grant funding towards this.

3) That the Environment Committee is tasked to investigate further the parking issues at the precinct with the possibility of moving the existing planters subject to any permissions received in writing by the owners. The committee is tasked to bring this issue back to full council if any prevention measures have a cost implication exceeding £1,000.

(11) Item 11: Budget 2021/22 To consider the budget (option 2) and the level of precept to be levied for 2021/22. The budget option 2 document has been previously circulated to members at the full council meeting held on the 18th January 2021. The Chairman will provide a verbal update to members on the advice and comments received from the RFO.

There were no comments submitted by the RFO on budget version two. The Locum Clerk informed members that although the RFO is legally the responsible officer for dealing with financial matters in law, the budget did meet all requirements for the council over the next financial year and the Locum Clerk had provided some officer input into the budget process and was happy to recommend to council to approve budget option two. The precept demand was based on a council tax base of 2535.53 which was equivalent to £195.74 per band Band D property, the same as last year.


Killamarsh 2873.91 294.15 2.25 46.48 2535.53

RESOLVED: 1) That the council approves the budget (option 2) showing a 0% increase to the precept demand for the 2021/2022 financial year. (All in Favour)

(12) Item 12: Working Group Update: Subsidy Reduction Plan To receive a progress update from the working group members and resolve any further actions required. The working group members comprise of Cllrs Clough, Challenger, Whitehead and Windle.

The working group members had met on Friday 22nd January and produced a list of all areas that needed to be negotiated. The group had appointed Councillor Clough as the main point of contact to liaise with NEDDC. Cllr Clough had spoken to their officer whom had confirmed that NEDDC are happy to work towards the best resolution in the interests of Killamarsh Parish Council. The Locum Clerk had contacted the solicitors earlier today to request revised quotations and a solicitor would be appointed by the end of the week.

Members discussed the finer details of the proposals in the confidential session which commenced at the end of the meeting.

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 5

1) Business Rates on the Parish Suite - This has to be legally paid by the parish council. A re- evaluation cannot be carried out immediately. The figure has been based on 10% of the total rates payable. 2) Utilities – A separate meter will be installed for the supply of gas and electricity. Costs are unknown at this stage. 3) Beer Cellar – different proposals were discussed. To be investigated further. 4) Outside bench area – use of this area to be investigated further. 5) Alternative parish council offices – A meeting to be arranged to view the old housing office. 6) Network IT and Wifi – Cllr Whitehead to investigate and report back. 7) Security – alarm panels will be zoned off accordingly. 8) Handyman container – agreed for this to remain on site. 9) Youth Centre Building – Not a concern for the PC at this moment in time. 10) Rent Reviews – to be investigated further.

The Chair reported that the draft terms of heads were draft only and everything was open to discussion and agreement.

RESOLVED: 1) That all councillors submit any further comments to the Subsidy Reduction Plan Working Group within 24 hours to enable the working group to consider prior to commencing discussions with the parish council’s solicitor.

(13) Item 13: Purchase of a Memorial Bench To consider the purchase of a memorial bench for the former parish councillor Bernard Dye. Councillor Lacey to report on this item.

The Locum Clerk informed members that Councillor Lacey had requested for this item to be deferred in her absence. Members briefly discussed the need to have a formal scheme in place for recognition and it was agreed to defer this matter to the Environmental Committee for further discussions.

RESOLVED: 1) That the purchase of a memorial bench for the former parish councilor Bernard Dye is referred to the Environmental Committee for further discussions.

(14) Item 14: Planning Applications To receive the planning applications list circulated by NEDDC (list enclosed). Week Ending 04 December 2020 Application No: NED 20/01050/FLH. Parish: Killamarsh Parish. Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg. Double-storey side extension with dormers, single-storey front extension and rear conservatory at 7Juniper Rise Killamarsh for Mr & Mrs Atha

Application No: NED 20/01087/FLH. Parish: Killamarsh Parish.Ward: Killamarsh West Ward.Officer: Mr Kevin Figg. Construction of 2 storey side extension including extension over existing attached garage at 18 Lime Tree Avenue Killamarsh Sheffield for Mr & Mrs Patterson

Application No: NED 20/01100/AMEND. Parish: Killamarsh Parish. Ward: Killamarsh East Ward Officer: Mr Philip Slater. Application for non material amendment to planning approval 17/00509/FL for Plot 8 to be handed to allow level access at S And A Parsons Building Contractors Ltd Road Killamarsh for Fenwood Estates Ltd

Application No: NED 20/01107/FL. Parish: Killamarsh Parish. Ward: Killamarsh East Ward. Officer: Mr Colin Wilson. Change of Use of Church / Gym (D1 and D2) to Dwelling House (C3) including extension and external alterations at 71 High Street Killamarsh Sheffield for Mr Rai

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 6

Application No: NED 20/01139/FLHPD. Parish: Killamarsh Parish. Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg. Notification under householder neighbour consultation scheme for single storey rear extension at 3 Manor Farm Court Rose Way Killamarsh for Ms Sarah Fletcher.

Week Ending 11 December 2020 Application No: NED 20/01099/FL Parish: Killamarsh Parish Ward: Killamarsh East Ward Officer: Mr Philip Slater Application to vary condition 2 (Permitted plans) of application 17/00509/FL (Major Development/Departure from Development Plan) at S And A Parsons Building Contractors Ltd Mansfield Road Killamarsh for Fenwood Estates Ltd.

Application No: NED 20/01156/AMEND Parish: Killamarsh Parish Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg Non-material amendment to planning application 20/00817/FLH for Change of size of window, change of material to infill below window from UPVC timber effect cladding to brick to match existing to the Front (South) Elevation and Change of gable infill material from brick to UPVC timber effect cladding to tie in with existing context to the To Side (East) Elevation at 29 Bay Court Killamarsh Sheffield for Mr Ryan Davis.

Application No: NED 20/01174/LDC. Parish: Killamarsh Parish. Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg. Application for Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of new single-storey extension to rear at 44 Birch Close Killamarsh Sheffield for Andrew Dodds.

Week Ending 08 January 2021 Application No: NED 20/01276/FLH Parish: Killamarsh Parish Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg New front porch, two storey rear extension with Juliet balcony and alterations to openings at 5 Green Lane Killamarsh Sheffield for Mr Lee Grocutt.

Application No: NED 20/01223/TPO Parish: North Wingfield Parish Ward: North Wingfield Central Ward Officer: Mrs Alice Lockett Application to crown raise by 1-2m 1No Oak tree covered by NEDDC Tree Preservation Order 224 at High Bank 102A St Lawrence Road North Wingfield for Mrs Lynda Skinner. Week Ending 16 January 2021 Application No: NED 20/01085/FLH Parish: Killamarsh Parish Ward: Killamarsh East Ward Officer: Mr Kevin Figg Proposed extension to rear of existing garage, conversion of garage to living accommodation at ground floor level with 1st floor extension over at 41 Peacock Close Killamarsh Sheffield for Mr Russell Nicholas And Miss Leanne Downs. Application No: NED 20/01314/FLH Parish: Killamarsh Parish Ward: Killamarsh West Ward Officer: Aspbury Planning Construction of a garage, tack room, and a stable building at The Old Stable Boiley Lane Killamarsh for Mr and Mrs Samantha and Alex Gregory.

Members were informed to submit comments as individual councillors should they have any concerns about any planning applications.

RESOLVED: 1) That the planning applications list be received and noted.

(15) Item 15: Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy To approve the draft Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy (copy enclosed).

RESOLVED: 1) That the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy be adopted by full Council. (All in Favour)

(16) Item 16: External Audit Update: Financial Year Ending 31 March 2020 To receive an update on external audit matters and the response provided to the external auditor on matters relating to the ‘Bread Charity’ (briefing report enclosed).

A briefing note had been provided to members with a copy of the responses submitted to the external

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 7

auditors. The Locum Clerk had contacted Wellers Headley Solictors to seek confirmation if the council was a sole managing trustee of the bread charity and a copy of the constitution had been provided. The solicitors had thanked the Clerk for confirming that one of the three individuals registered as trustee with charity commission is a councillor and the other two are not. The solicitors confirmed that the council are not the sole managing trustees of the charity. They have a right to appoint a trustee but are not a corporate or sole trustee of the trust. The external audit completion certificate was due to be received by February at the very latest.

(17) Item 17: Internal Audit Item 17.1 - To consider adopting the policy ‘Reviewing the Effectiveness of Internal Audit’. This policy has been drafted by the Locum Parish Clerk (copy enclosed).

A member had questioned the competency requirements of the internal auditor. The Locum Clerk confirmed that the criteria had been extracted from the Governance and Accountability Practitioners Guide and although there were was no requirement for the auditor to be professionally qualified, the essential competencies to be considered were listed in the policy.

RESOLVED: 1) That the Internal Audit Policy: Reviewing the Effectiveness of Internal Audit is adopted by full council. (All in favour)

Item 17.2 - To receive an update from the Locum Parish Clerk following the resignation of the internal auditor from Auditing Solutions Ltd and to consider the procurement of the internal audit for 2020/21 financial year (briefing report enclosed).

The internal auditor from Auditing Solutions had resigned as they had felt that the records, controls and accounts would currently not be in an order that would allow them to undertake a meaningful and constructive 'limited assurance' review. The Chairman informed members that the council had concerns about the audit service as some audit issues had been completely left out of the report instead of being tackled.

A list of internal auditors was obtained from DALC and the Clerk had informed members that an internal audit service could be provided by the district or county council. A member had felt that the council should not consider district or county council audit services and that the auditor should be completely independent of the council. Members were informed that the typical rate for an audit varies from £300 to £350 per audit visit across councils in Yorkshire. The council were currently paying £1,600 to Auditing Solutions, and although two audit visits were carried out, the council only received one written report after the year end visit.

RESOLVED: 1) That the Locum Clerk obtains three or four quotations for an internal audit service, comprising of two audit visits, to be considered at the February meeting. (All in favour)

(18) Item 18: Review of the Financial Framework: Draft Report To receive the draft report issued by the Locum Clerk following a review of the Financial Framework. Members are requested to confirm the receipt of the draft report, agree if any further amendments are required for accuracy purposes and to consider an action plan for addressing the recommendations. (Draft report enclosed).

Members had been provided with the draft document which had been reviewed by members of the Finance committee. A discussion was held about the active working parties and the Christmas working party was disputed, if it was a working party of the council or one made up of residents. The Locum Clerk was thanked for carrying out a comprehensive financial framework review which had identified compliance issues, including matters relating to procurement which some members had

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 8

previously raised in the last 18 months. Cllr Potts was concerned that her name had not been removed as a signatory to the accounts despite submitting the requesting to the previous locum clerk in July 2020. The Locum Clerk agreed to follow this up with the accountants who were due to come into the office tomorrow. Councillor Clough confirmed that all previous officers’ details had been removed from the bank account.

RESOLVED: 1) That the report ‘Review of the Financial Framework Incorporating the Parish Council and Sports Centre Activities’ is received by full council. 2) That the Locum Clerk assigns the recommendations in the action plan to officers and committees as required and brings back to full council next month for approval and implementation.

Action: Locum Clerk and Cllr Clough to request the bank to remove Cllr Potts from the bank account.

(19) Item 19: Reports from Parish Councillors To receive reports from Parish Councillors who have attended recent meetings or events on behalf of the Parish Council including representation on external bodies:  KCT (a)  Veolia Norwood  Trust  Bread Charity  NEDDC/Parish Liaison

KCT (a) Express of interest has been submitted to rent out offices which will take some time to set-up.

Veolia Norwood No meetings have been scheduled due to the lockdown. A meeting may be arranged for March.

Chesterfield Canal Trust No updates to report.

Bread Charity The accounts have been submitted for the year ending March 2020 and an annual report will be issued in due course.

Action: Cllr Clough to forward the bread charity bank statements to Cllr Whitehead.

NEDDC/Parish Liaison It was noted that these meetings that were normally held quarterly are now held twice a year. No meetings have taken place to date and no meetings had been scheduled.

(20) Item 20: Locum Parish Clerk Correspondence To consider any correspondence or communication brought forward by the Locum Clerk not otherwise specifically relating to items being discussed by the Parish Council committees (report enclosed).

Grit Issues The issues surrounding grit replenishment was raised. The refill of grit bins were normally carried out by the handypersons once the grit was picked up from the depot and dropped off at the Sports Centre by a contractor arranged by the office. Due to health and safety and logistical issues, it was no longer practical to request the handyperson to refill the grit bins which needed refilling urgently. The council was requested to consider two options. Option one was to request a contractor to pick up the free allocation of grit from Stonegravels Highways Depot and refill the village grit bins. This was a similar

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 9

operation being carried out by the neighboring parish council, Eckington. The other option was to use a company to provide an 8 ton skip, take it to collect the grit and deliver to an appointed site, for example the Sports Centre. A tarpaulin would be needed to cover it from the rain. The handyperson would then be required to bag it up and refill the grit bins using the council van. This was an operation being run by Town Council. It was noted that the parish council had approximately 30 bins in the village which included county council bins. The Clerk informed members that long term, a grit bin policy and procedure would need to be adopted by the council.

Corporate Governance Review It was reported that this would commence in February and it was anticipated that it could take up to 6-8 weeks for the review to be undertaken and for the report to be prepared and submitted to council, subject to existing workloads and priority areas. The Locum Clerk informed members that they would be invited to provide some input into the review and any information received from members would be treated confidentially. It was important that each individual member contributed towards the review as it would help identify the issues and help members work towards a common goal in the interests of the council.

Website and Councillor Mailboxes – Update The council was paying an annual cost of £400 to 2commune for the website maintenance. The domain and hosting fees were part of the IT service charges with Affinity IT and included the provision of mailboxes. The Locum Clerk had requested a breakdown of service charges and a copy of the contract from Affinity IT. 2commune had quoted £700.00 as a ball park figure for a new website but had stated they would need the domain management and hosting fees to be transferred to them. Additional website quotes could not be obtained until the current costs had been clarified and the governance review had been completed which would identify which information would need to be included in the website development brief to ensure it complied with the Data Transparency Code.

Workload for the Locum Clerk The Locum Clerk had inherited a mailbox with over 800 emails and had informed members that tasks will be prioritised on a daily basis and that there wasn’t always an opportunity to respond to all enquires received from councillors and the public due to insufficient staffing levels and limited working hours. If and when there was an opportunity to do so, all enquires will be answered. Members were requested to mark emails as urgent for any matters that needed the Locum Clerks immediate attention.

Members briefly discussed the interim support that could be given to the Locum Clerk and it was confirmed that the Personnel Committee were due to advertise the Deputy Clerk position.

Councillor Potts informed members that NEDDC were seeking to appoint members to their standards board. It was noted that the office had not received any information in respect of this matter.

RESOLVED: 1) That the correspondence report received from the Locum Clerk be received and noted. 2) That the Locum Clerk is authorized to arrange a contractor to collect the free allocation of grit from Stonegravels Highways Depot and to replenish all the village grit bins until further consideration is given to the long term arrangements. 3) That the Standing Order 3x is suspended to allow the council to continue conducting council meeting exceeding 2 hours.

*County Cllr Charles and members of the public left the meeting to enable councillors to move into the closed session of the meeting to discuss the Subsidy Reduction Plan.

(21) Item 21: Any items for discussion for a future agenda To notify the Clerk of any matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 10

The following items of business were raised to be included on next month’s agenda.  Progress update on the land at High Moor  Progress update on the car park barriers

(22) Item 22: Date of the Next Council Meeting To agree the date of the next full parish council meeting to take place remotely on Monday 22nd February 2021 via Zoom Video Conference.

RESOLVED: 1) That the next ordinary full parish council meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday 22nd February 2021 at 7.00pm via Zoom Video Conference.

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.42pm.

Signed Chair: …………………………………… Dated:……………………...… Page | 11