Yeats, Bloom, and the Dialectics of Theory, Criticism, and Poetry
Yeats, Bloom, and the Dialectics of Theory, Criticism, and Poetry by Steven J. Skelley, MA ~:~.:.; .. "<f./ -, '\ .> t.(r{"ri'"'1 I ... <.. II- -. ' Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1992 Acknowledgments To my supervisors, Dr. Bernard McGuirk (Hispanic Studies and Critical Theory) and Dr. David Murray (American Studies and Head of Postgraduate School of Critical Theory), lowe a great debt of gratitude for their enthusiasm for this proj ect. Their intellectual and practical support was priceless, and their cooperation with each other and with me never failed as a model of supervisorial expertise. All PhD candidates ought to be blessed with such supervision. I also wish to thank Dr. Douglas Tallack (American Studies and former Head of the School of Cri tical Theory) for his encouragement both intellectual and administrative towards the successful completion of this project. To the PhD students and to the supervisorial staff who attended work-in-progress seminars in the School of Critical Theory, and who offered so many helpful comments, suggestions, and opinions, I also give thanks. The staff of the Hallward Library must not go unmentioned, for their fine and courteous assistance throughout these four years. Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my epipsyche and muse, Hala Darwish, whose inspirational presence in my heart was, it may be said, the magic within these evasions, these wanderings . Until one day I met a star that burned Bright in the heart of my heavenly breast, And then I knew why I was who I was, And why my soul would be forever lost In the folds of her voice raging in my veins SJS, August 1992 ABSTRACT This thesis begins by showing how a strong and subtle challenge to poetry and theories of poetry has been recently argued by writers like Paul de Man and J.
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