Wednesday 9 March 2005 Hull 53 Sheffield 39

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Wednesday 9 March 2005 Hull 53 Sheffield 39 Wednesday 9 March 2005 Hull 53 Sheffield 39 - Yorkshire Cup 1st Leg HULL Hu S Paul Thorp 3 3 3 0 9 0 Ht 1 Thorp, Sanchez, S.Wilson, B.Wilson, 66.3 5 1 Emiliano Sanchez 2 1 3 R 6 1 Ht 2 Cooper, Parsons, Branney, Legault, 69.4 8 4 Lee Dicken 1 0 0 1 2 1 Ht 3 Kramer, Ashworth, Dicken, Hall, 68.4 12 6 Emil Kramer 3 3 3 3 3 15 0 Ht 4 Stead, Branney, Compton, Legault, 68.1 17 7 Garry Stead 3 3 3 1 2 12 1 Ht 5 Kramer, S.Wilson, B.Wilson, Dicken, 68.3 20 10 Joel Parsons 2 0 X 2 0 Ht 6 Thorp, Compton, Sanchez, Cooper, 68.2 24 12 Craig Branney 1 2 1 2 1 7 2 Ht 7 Stead, Ashworth, Hall, Parsons, 67.6 27 15 SHEFFIELD Ht 8 Sanchez, Legault, Branney, B.Wilson, 69.3 31 17 Sean Wilson 1 2 2 3 8 0 Ht 9 Kramer, Compton (TR), Cooper, Dicken, 68.6 34 22 Ben Wilson 0 1 0 1 2 2 Ht 10 Thorp, Hall, Ashworth, Sanchez (ret), 69.0 37 25 Richard Hall 0 1 2 3 6 1 Ht 11 Stead, S.Wilson, B.Wilson, Parsons (exc, ret, caused fall), 68.7 40 28 Ricky Ashworth 2 2 1 2 R 7 1 Ht 12 Hall, Branney, Dicken, Cooper (TR), 70.4 43 31 Andre Compton 1 2 4 2 1 10 1 Ht 13 S.Wilson, Compton, Stead, Thorp, 70.0 44 36 Paul Cooper 3 0 1 0 4 1 Ht 14 Kramer, Ashworth, Branney, Legault (fell), 69.6 48 38 Kyle Legault 0 0 2 F 2 0 Ht 15 Kramer, Stead, Compton, Ashworth (ret), 70.3 53 39 Saturday 12 March 2005 Berwick 47 Hull 43 - Challenge BERWICK BH Adrian Rymel 3 3 3 R 3 12 0 Ht 1 Rymel, Thorp, Eriksson, Sanchez, 68.5 4 2 Freddie Eriksson (G) 1 1 2 1 5 0 Ht 2 C.Branney, Schramm, Parsons (T-15), J.Branney (ret), 70.6 6 6 Simon Cartwright 1 3 1 1 6 1 Ht 3 Makovsky, Kramer, Cartwright, Dicken, 68.5 10 8 Michal Makovsky 3 2 232 12 2 Ht 4 Stead, Dym, Parsons, J.Branney, 68.0 12 12 Piotr Dym 2 0 3 2 7 0 Ht 5 Cartwright, Makovsky, Sanchez, Thorp (fell exc), 69.2 17 13 Chris Schramm 2 1 0 0 2 5 1 Ht 6 Rymel, Stead, Eriksson, C.Branney, 68.3 21 15 John Branney (G) R 0 0 0 0 Ht 7 Kramer, Dicken, Schramm, Dym, 68.9 22 20 HULL Ht 8 Sanchez, Eriksson, Parsons, J.Branney, 68.6 24 24 Paul Thorp 2 X 2 1 5 0 Ht 9 Stead, Makovsky, Cartwright, C.Branney, 67.8 27 27 Emiliano Sanchez 0 1 3 T 4 0 Ht 10 Rymel, Dicken, Eriksson, Kramer, 69.2 31 29 Lee Dicken 0 2 2 3 7 1 Ht 11 Dym, Thorp, C.Branney, Schramm, Sanchez (exc tapes), 68.9 34 32 Emil Kramer 2 3 0 1 0 6 0 Ht 12 Dicken, C.Branney, Cartwright, Schramm, 70.3 35 37 Garry Stead 3 2 3 3 1 12 0 Ht 13 Stead, Dym, Thorp, Rymel (ret), 68.2 37 41 Craig Branney 3001 2 6 2 Ht 14 Makovsky, Schramm, Kramer, Parsons, 69.6 42 42 Joel Parsons 1 1 1 0 3 0 Ht 15 Rymel, Makovsky, Stead, Kramer, 69.1 47 43 Wednesday 16 March 2005 Hull 53 Stoke 42 - Premier Trophy Hu S HULL Ht 1 Thorp, Sanchez, Pickering, Clews, 68.2 5 1 Paul Thorp 331 1 8 1 Ht 2 Evans, Parsons, Branney, Grant, 69.8 8 4 Emiliano Sanchez 2 2 3 2 0 9 2 Ht 3 Dicken, Kramer, Kessler, Mogridge, 69.8 13 5 Lee Dicken 3 2 1 2 8 0 Ht 4 Stead, Staechmann, Branney, Evans, 67.0 17 7 Emil Kramer 2 0 0 3 5 1 Ht 5 Pickering, Dicken, Clews, Kramer, 70.3 19 11 Garry Stead 3 2 3 3 3 14 0 Ht 6 Thorp, Sanchez, Staechmann, Grant, 69.4 24 12 Joel Parsons 2 1 N 3 1 Ht 7 Mogridge, Stead, Parsons, Kessler, 70.2 27 15 Craig Branney 1 1 2 1 R 1 6 2 Ht 8 Sanchez, Branney, Clews, Evans, 69.6 32 16 STOKE Ht 9 Staechmann (TR), Grant, Dicken, Kramer, 71.0 33 24 Paul Pickering 1 3 X 4 0 Ht 10 Mogridge, Sanchez, Thorp, Kessler (ret), 69.9 36 27 Paul Clews 0 1 1 2 4 0 Ht 11 Stead, Clews, Branney, Parsons (fell injured), Pickering (fell exc), Robbie Kessler 1 0 R 3 4 0 70.4 40 29 Alan Mogridge 0 3 3 4 2 12 0 Ht 12 Kessler, Dicken, Grant, Branney (fell rem, ret), 71.3 42 33 Jan Staechmann 2 1 6 2 1 12 1 Ht 13 Stead, Staechmann, Thorp, Grant, 69.5 46 35 Rob Grant 0 0 2 1 0 3 1 Ht 14 Kramer, Mogridge (TR), Branney, Evans (fell), 70.9 50 39 Barrie Evans 3 0 0 F 3 0 Ht 15 Stead, Mogridge, Staechmann, Sanchez, 69.7 53 42 Thursday 17 March 2005 Sheffield 55 Hull 36 - Yorkshire Cup 2nd Leg (Aggregate - Sheffield 94 Hull 89) SHEFFIELD SH Sean Wilson 3 3 3 2 3 14 0 Ht 1 S.Wilson, B.Wilson, Thorp (ret), Sanchez (ret), awarded, no time 5 0 Ben Wilson 2 132 8 2 Ht 2 Cooper, Jaros, Legault, Branney, 65.4 9 2 Richard Hall 2 3 3 3 1 12 1 Ht 3 Ashworth, Hall, Kramer, Dicken (ret), awarded, no time 14 3 Ricky Ashworth 3 2 1 1 7 1 Ht 4 Compton, Jaros, Legault, Stead, 64.5 18 5 Andre Compton 3 X 2 1 6 1 Ht 5 Hall, Ashworth, Thorp, Sanchez, 63.7 23 6 Paul Cooper 3 X 0 3 6 0 Ht 6 S.Wilson, Stead, B.Wilson, Branney, 62.5 27 8 Kyle Legault 1 1 0 0 2 0 Ht 7 Kramer, Dicken, Cooper (fell exc), Compton (fell exc), 64.1 27 13 HULL Ht 8 B.Wilson, Jaros (TR), Sanchez, Legault, 63.0 30 18 Paul Thorp R 1 2 3 2 8 0 Ht 9 Hall, Stead, Ashworth, Branney, 62.8 34 20 Emiliano Sanchez R 0 1 3 4 1 Ht 10 S.Wilson, B.Wilson, Kramer, Dicken, 62.9 39 21 Lee Dicken R 2 0 1 3 2 Ht 11 Sanchez, Compton, Thorp (TR), Cooper, 62.9 41 26 Emil Kramer 1 3 1 2 0 7 0 Ht 12 Hall, Jaros, Dicken, Legault, 64.5 44 29 Garry Stead 0 2 2 0 4 0 Ht 13 Thorp, S.Wilson, Compton, Stead, 62.5 47 32 Craig Branney 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 14 Cooper, Kramer, Ashworth, Jaros, 64.5 51 34 Jan Jaros (G) 2 2 4 2 0 10 0 Ht 15 S.Wilson, Thorp, Hall, Kramer, 63.5 55 36 Saturday 19 March 2005 Stoke 52 Hull 44 - Premier Trophy (Aggregate - Hull 97 Stoke 94) STOKE SH R/R Paul Pickering Ht 1 Kessler, Clews, Sanchez, Thorp, 64.6 5 1 Paul Clews 2 1 2 2 2 9 3 Ht 2 Evans, Simmons, Branney, Grant, 65.3 8 4 Robbie Kessler 3 2 1 3 2 11 1 Ht 3 Mogridge, Kessler, Dicken, Kramer, 64.7 13 5 Alan Mogridge 3322 3 0 13 1 Ht 4 Stead, Evans, Staechmann, Simmons, 64.0 16 8 Jan Staechmann 1 33 21 1 11 2 Ht 5 Mogridge, Sanchez, Kessler, Thorp, 64.5 20 10 Rob Grant 0 1 1 0 2 1 Ht 6 Stead (TR), Mogridge, Clews, Branney, 64.2 23 16 Barrie Evans 3 2 1 0 6 1 Ht 7 Staechmann, Kramer, Grant, Dicken, 65.6 27 18 HULL Ht 8 Sanchez (TR), Clews, Evans, Simmons, 65.4 30 24 Paul Thorp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 9 Kessler, Mogridge, Stead, Branney, 65.8 35 25 Emiliano Sanchez 1 2 6 3 3 15 0 Ht 10 Clews, Staechmann, Kramer, Dicken, 66.2 40 26 Lee Dicken 1 0 0 1 2 0 Ht 11 Sanchez, Staechmann, Grant, Thorp, 64.6 43 29 Emil Kramer 0 2 1 2 5 0 Ht 12 Branney, Kessler, Dicken, Evans, 65.4 45 33 Garry Stead 3 6 1 3 2 15 1 Ht 13 Stead, Clews, Staechmann, Thorp, 65.6 48 36 Craig Branney 1 00 31 5 2 Ht 14 Mogridge, Kramer, Branney, Grant, 65.7 51 39 Nick Simmons (G) 2 0 0 2 0 Ht 15 Sanchez, Stead, Staechmann, Mogridge (fell rem), 52 44 Wednesday 23 March 2005 Hull 59 Newcastle 36 - Premier Trophy Hu N HULL Ht 1 Thorp, Morris, Sanchez, Henry, 68.3 4 2 Paul Thorp 3302 2 10 2 Ht 2 Wilson, Branney, Robertson, Tomicek (fell exc), 70.1 9 3 Emiliano Sanchez 1 2 3 3 9 1 Ht 3 Kramer, Dicken, Kristensen, Franc, 69.6 14 4 Lee Dicken 2 2 1 2 7 2 Ht 4 Stead, Grieves, Branney, Robertson, 69.3 18 6 Emil Kramer 3 1 2 2 8 1 Ht 5 Morris (TR), Dicken, Kramer, Henry, 68.7 21 12 Garry Stead 3 3 3 3 3 15 0 Ht 6 Thorp, Sanchez, Robertson, Grieves (exc, ret caused fall), 69.5 26 13 Ben Wilson (G) 3 0 1 R 4 0 Ht 7 Stead, Franc, Kristensen, Wilson, 69.3 29 16 Craig Branney 2 1 2 1 6 3 Ht 8 Sanchez, Branney, Henry (fell exc), Robertson (ret), 70.0 34 16 NEWCASTLE Ht 9 Grieves (TR), Kramer, Dicken, Robertson, 69.8 37 22 Phil Morris 2 6 2 1 0 11 0 Ht 10 Sanchez, Kristensen, Franc, Thorp, 69.5 40 25 Christian Henry 0 0 X 0 0 0 Ht 11 Stead, Morris, Wilson, Henry, 68.9 44 27 Claus Kristensen 1 1 2 3 1 8 1 Ht 12 Kristensen, Dicken, Branney, Franc (TS, fell exc), awarded, no Josef Franc 0 2 1 X 3 6 1 time 47 30 James Grieves 2 X 6 0 8 0 Ht 13 Stead, Thorp, Morris, Grieves, 69.8 52 31 Lubos Tomicek X 0 0 Ht 14 Franc, Kramer, Robertson, Wilson (ret), 70.0 54 35 Jamie Robertson 1 0 1 R 0 1 3 0 Ht 15 Stead, Thorp (tapes-15), Kristensen, Morris, 71.1 59 36 Wednesday 30 March 2005 Hull 53 Edinburgh 42 - Premier Trophy HULL Hu E Paul Thorp 1332 3 12 1 Ht 1 Sanchez, Nermark, Thorp, Pijper, 66.6 4 2 Emiliano Sanchez 3 2 3 2 2 12 3 Ht 2 Ksiezak, Branney, Evans, Lawson, 69.3 7 5 Lee Dicken 1 1 R 1 3 0 Ht 3 Kramer, Harrison, Dicken, Woodward, 68.2 11 7 Emil Kramer 3 3 2 3 11 0 Ht 4 Stead, Brady, Branney, Ksiezak (fell), 68.2 15 9 Garry Stead 3 3 1 3 10 0 Ht 5 Kramer, Nermark, Dicken, Pijper, 68.1 19 11 Barrie Evans (G) 1 0 0 1 1 Ht 6 Thorp, Sanchez, Brady, Lawson, 68.6 24 12 Craig Branney 2 1 1 R 0 4 0 Ht 7 Stead, Harrison (TR), Woodward, Evans, 68.1 27 17 EDINBURGH Ht 8 Sanchez, Pijper, Branney, Ksiezak, 68.5 31 19 Daniel Nermark 2 2 6 1 1 12 0 Ht 9 Brady, Kramer, Lawson, Dicken (ret), 69.0 33 23 Theo Pijper 0022 4 1 Ht 10 Thorp, Sanchez, Woodward, Harrison (ret), 69.1 38 24 Rusty Harrison 2 4 R 3 M 9 0 Ht 11 Nermark (TR), Pijper, Stead, Evans, 69.1 39 32 Cameron Woodward 0 1 1 1 3 2 Ht 12 Harrison, Lawson, Dicken, Branney (ret), 69.7 40 37 Ross Brady 2 1 3 X 6 0 Ht 13 Stead, Thorp, Nermark, Brady (fell exc), 68.7 45 38 William Lawson 0 0 1 2 3 1 Ht 14 Kramer, Ksiezak, Woodward, Branney, 69.5 48 41 Robert Ksiezak 3 F 0 2 0 5 0 Ht 15 Thorp, Sanchez, Nermark, Ksiezak, Harrison (exc 2 mins), 69.4 53 42 Sunday 3 April 2005 Glasgow 52 Hull 40 - Premier Trophy GLASGOW GHu George Stancl 3 2 3 2 2 12 2 Ht 1 Stancl, Thorp, Sanchez, Wethers, 59.3 3 3 Matthew Wethers 0 11 1 3 2 Ht 2 Leverington, Ksiezak, Branney, Beaton, 60.9 6 6 James Birkinshaw 2 11 R 4 2 Ht 3 Kramer, Birkinshaw, Bentley, Dicken, 60.5 9 9 Paul Bentley 1 2 2 2 7 1 Ht 4 Parker, Leverington, Stead, Ksiezak, 60.4 14 10 Shane Parker 3 3 3 3 3 15 0 Ht 5 Thorp, Bentley, Birkinshaw, Sanchez, 61.5 17 13 Gary Beaton 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 6 Stead, Stancl, Wethers, Branney, 61.2 20 16 Trent Leverington 3 2 231 11 2 Ht 7 Parker, Kramer, Dicken, Beaton, 61.2 23 19 HULL Ht 8 Sanchez, Leverington, Wethers, Ksiezak, 60.6 26 22 Paul Thorp 2 3 2 R 7 0 Ht 9 Stead, Bentley, Birkinshaw, Branney,
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