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MAY 24, 2018 • HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS MAY 26, 2021 participate - compete - excel participate - compete - excel ABOUT SPORT PEI

Incorporated in 1975, Sport PEI is a non-profit, non government federation. Our members are made up of over 50 sport organizations, multi-sport organizations and other groups that share a mutual interest.


Sport PEI’s mission is to provide support and leadership to the Island sport community through strategic partnerships and the delivery of programs and services.


We believe that all Islanders should have the opportunity to participate, compete and excel in sport.


INCLUSIVENESS: We believe that all Islanders should have the opportunity to participate in amateur sport.

PARTICIPATION: We believe that all Islanders will enjoy greater personal and community health and well-being through increased participation in amateur sport.

EXCELLENCE: We believe that all Islanders should have opportunities to pursue and achieve excellence in amateur sport.

FUN: We believe that all Islanders should have the opportunity to have fun as part of their overall experience and enjoy participating in amateur sport.

SAFETY, INTEGRITY AND ETHICS: We believe that the sport system and its leaders have a responsibility to protect the integrity and ethics in sport and the safety of all participants on and off the field.

COLLABORATION: We believe in partnerships with member sport organizations and other stakeholders within the Canadian sport delivery system to advance and facilitate development of sport in PEI. President's Report Tom Crowell

Good evening everyone. The year 2020 has passed and with it another year of amateur sport on PEI. Even though sport has looked different this year, we should feel very fortunate to have had such a successful year. It is important to reflect on the achievements, successes, and efforts of our athletes, members, volunteers, and staff.

Our member organizations provide the opportunity for athletes on PEI to participate, compete and excel in a variety of sports. Everyone involved in a Provincial Sport Organization’s operations, from coaches and officials, to administrators and board members, each play a vital role in making the Island’s sport community what it is today. Whether it is creating a pathway for our next Olympian, or allowing a newcomer to connect with individuals who share a common passion, amateur sports importance to our community cannot be understated.

Despite a challenging year, our athletes rose to the occasion in 2020. Familiar athletes had continued success in 2020. Hannah Taylor claimed a Pan-Am bronze medal in wrestling and Brett Gallant captured his second career Brier championship. While more PEI athletes stepped up to prove what they could accomplish given the opportunity. Jenna Mae Ellsworth became the U-Sport basketball MVP and Jordan Spence represented Team at the World Junior Hockey Championships.

It is important to take note of the accomplishments and acknowledge that our athletes’ successes in 2020-2021 will inspire the next generation of PEI athletes. We have proven to be a force on the Canadian and World stage and I believe this is a true testament to the hard work of everyone involved in amateur sport in our province.

At Sport PEI, our staff works tirelessly to ensure our pillars of participation, competition, and excellence are at the forefront and that our members have the support needed to operate successfully. On behalf of the board, I would like to personally thank them for their professionalism, hard work and tireless dedication to supporting sport in this province. Steps have been taken towards increased female participation in every aspect of sport including athletes, coaches, and role models in general. We have enhanced the use of our online platforms in 2020. This has included offering online webinars, workshops, and training sessions, as well as online coaching courses to provide enhanced learning opportunities for our PEI coaches.

Progressive coaching opportunities are being held regularly along with She’s Good, and Future Elites events. These represent just a few examples of how we are attempting to make a difference ranging from youth sports to elite levels of competition.

Additionally, the KidSport PEI program continues to be facilitated by Sport PEI. This program aims to raise and distribute $100,000 annually to provide grants to families who are struggling with the financial burdens of sport. It is with great pleasure that I take this time to thank our staff, donors, volunteers, and sponsors for all of their efforts.

Lastly, I would like to thank our corporate partners of Sport PEI and the Province of PEI’s Department of Health and Wellness for believing in the value of amateur sport. Our operations would not be possible without their support. Thank you as well to Dr Morrison and her staff at the Chief Public Health Office for their continuing guidance this past year

We thank all those tireless sport heroes who have worked so diligently to make sport happen under difficult circumstances. And I believe we have been the envy of the country in many ways. With the support of the sport community, sport will continue to thrive on PEI, no matter what we are facing.

Thank you and have a very successful 2021. Tom Crowell OUR PARTNERS

As an extension of our board and staff, partnerships are at the heart of everything we do, and a critical factor in our success.

The Department of Health and Wellness, in addition to being the largest contributor to our organizations, continues to be a partner in working together with us in so many areas, and we welcome their support.

We work very successfully with the Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy in ensuring that the Royalty Centre (House of Sport) continues to be an important community facility. We also work closely with the Department of Education Early Learning and Culture in delivery of the External Sport Credit and Scholarship Programs.

Corporately, we have great partnerships with local companies who support our programming and support the sport community overall.

Amalgamated Dairies Ltd. have been partners with Sport PEI for more than two decades with the ADL Recognition and Achievement Program.

D.P. Murphy Hotels is a supporter of Sport PEI and KidSport. With sport rates in their hotels across the Maritimes, they provide our members with many options for places to stay when travelling to competitions or events.

Event hosting is an important economic generator for the sport organizations and the tourism sector. SCORE! has been an important supporter to the sport community in their efforts to bid successfully for level events.

PEI Mutual Insurance Company Inc. has been a long-standing supporter of our amateur Sport Awards and continues to support sport across the province. Cox & Palmer and CBC PEI are two other great supporters of the awards and the sport community.

Synergy Fitness and Nutrition is also a supporter of our annual sport awards and offer training packages to our athletes and teams so they can prepare for success.

We are also grateful to Sports Centre Physioltherapy, AVIS Car Rental, the Connolly Group and KKP as partners to support our scholarship program. Treasurer's Report Lacey MacLauchlan

Given the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic created across the country and the province, the 2020-2021 fiscal year was a stable, which allowed Sport PEI to maintain or expand many programs and services. Financially, Sport PEI is in a very good position at the present time and is looking to maintain this trend into the future as funds have been invested to create stability within the organization.

We would like to thank all corporate and sponsor donations for the continued funding to KidSport PEI. Sport PEI administers this fund which plays a vital role in allowing children across the Island to participate in sport. Without it they may not have the opportunity. Hockey continues to be the largest beneficiary totaling $55,100, but other sports continue to access the funds with grants totaling $85,800.

The PEI Amateur Sport Fund received $23,420 during the year from general donations, which are eligible for charitable donation tax receipts, and these funds were allocated to each of the sport bodies to facilitate athlete development. The PEI Amateur Sport Fund also issued grants from the 2009 Legacy Trust, with Provincial Sport Organizations receiving $112,725 in funding. The Canada Games Legacy Trust was established as a permanent endowment for the development of athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and amateur sport organizations, and additionally, to support the programming of new venues constructed for the 2009 Canada Games

On behalf of the board of directors and staff, I would like to thank the Department of Health and Wellness, Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Division and our sponsors for the continued success in Sport PEI in meeting the goals and objectives of promoting and facilitating sport in the province.

Lacey MacLauchlan Executive Director Report Gemma Koughan

One year ago, I stated in my report that I never imagined that we would be holding our Annual General Meeting virtually or that sport would have come to halt across the country. Here we are again, holding the AGM virtually. However, because of the work of your organizations, sport did happen this year. While not in the way we are used to, staff and volunteers are to be commended for your efforts. The importance of sport, recreation and physical activity has never been more apparent for the health and wellness of all Islanders. Now more than ever the power of sport can have a tremendous positive effect for our Province. This belief has never waivered.

Our programs and services continue to be the backbone of what we do. From governance workshops to Future Elites to Sport Recognition, we endeavour to support the sport community in many different ways. Between our transitioning to virtual activities and timing, we were able to hold many events, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

We continually look for opportunities for professional development and learning for our provincial sport organizations. This past year, we held over 18 workshops covering topics such as governance, finance, LGBTQ2S+, diversity and inclusion and working from home.

In terms of resources, we continue to have a strong partnership with the Sport Law & Strategy Group to ensure that our members have the best possible policies to work from. We have received updated policies that are available to members, including the Safe Sport suite.

Our ADL Sport Achievement Program, SCORE! of the Month, Scholarship Program, and our Annual Awards night are key pieces in recognizing the success of PEI’s athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers. Thanks to the Confederation Centre of the Arts and SCORE! for helping us hold our annual Awards in person this year. It was an amazing evening to celebrate 2020, and despite a pandemic, it was a fantastic night. It amazes our staff and board each year the quality of people we have in this small province. Shout out to those PSOs who did a great job recognizing their achievements via social media when they couldn’t get together to celebrate in person. Executive Director Report Gemma Koughan A key focus area for us is girls and women in sport, particularly in the area of leadership. We held three She Leads events, both in person and virtually. We also wanted to have the events give back to other women. As a result, from the donations received from the attendees, we were able to create a new She Leads grant. We were also fortunate to hold a She’s Good event this year with a group of fantastic young females.

As many organizations and charities were financially impacted by COVID-19, we made adjustments to the KidSport program so we could support more families across PEI. We were very grateful that we received support from the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Sport Organizations as well as from the Tim Hortons Cookie campaign.

I would like to express my gratitude to each and every volunteer and staff person of our member organizations. The work you do and the passion you bring to your sport creates opportunities for our athletes, coaches and officials. It is very much appreciated.

On the behalf of the board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff of the Chief Public Health Office, particularly Mark Demone, for being there with information and answering the many questions the sport community had over this past year.

Many thanks to the Department of Health and Wellness, formally Minister Aylward and now Minister Hudson for their support. Additionally, to the staff within the Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Division for all their work this past year to support the sport community, thank you John, Jo-anne, Francois and Margie.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of Royalty Centre, Daniel, Gary, Pam, Andrew, and Danny, thank you for keeping our facility safe for all of us.

And finally, thank you to the Board of Directors for the guidance and support they provide – it is invaluable. Thank you to our staff - Lynn, John, Bruce, Victoria, Tara, and Terry for all their hard work and dedication, particularly over this past year. They truly believe in the power of sport and want to make it the best it can be. Gemma Koughan LAUREN LORIE LENENTINE KANE Lt. Governor's and Award of Honour Junior Female




Senior Male and Female KEVIN ROB ELLIOT BINNS Inspiration Award Masters Athlete




Intercollegiate Female and Male UPEI BOB WOMEN'S BENTLEY BASKETBALL President's Award Team




Administrator and Official Sport Recognition - ADL Sport Achievement

The ADL / Sport PEI Sport Achievement Program offers member sport governing bodies of Sport PEI an opportunity to recognize the achievements and contributions of their particular sport. 120 athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers are being recognized through the program annually. Sport Recognition - Sport Scholarships

Sports Centre Physiotherapy, AVIS, the Connolly Group and KKP are all very proud to help support Island student athletes as they continue their education.

The Sport PEI’s scholarships recognize excellence and achievement in sport, academics and community involvement. The recipients for 2020 were:

Kristen Arsenault (Evangeline), Isaac Wolters (Bluefield), Isaac McCardle (Colonel Gray) and Devon Lawlor ( Rural). SCORE! of the Month

June - Michael Taylor, Cycling

July - Desrea Knockwood, Flag Football

August - Tanner MacLean, Baseball

September - 2021 Canada Games athletes

October - Molly Linehand & Caleb Drake, Golf

November - Carissa Zettle, Football

December - Jordan Spence, Hockey

January - Team MacLean & Team Schut, Curling

February - Ross Campbell, Hockey

March - Rustico Rush Ringette

Lynn Boudreau Sport Coordinator

Wow, what a crazy year!!!Lots of changes and learning happening everyday. So thankful for the leadership of our Sport PEI board and of course our Executive Director.

In the last twelve months we hosted over 45 NCCP Workshops with more than 480 coaches which was a 30% increase from the year before. We also upped our professional development opportunities to 24 events seeing just over 400 participants, which was 50% higher than previous years.

In the middle of a pandemic we were able to host events such as Made in PEI, She’s Good, She Leads and Future Elites Combine. Made in PEI’s attendance was higher than the year before and we had an amazing lineup of athletes and experts: Lauren Lenentine, Bailey Smith, Megan Ferguson, Ava Boutilier, Colin Moore, Nancy Fong, Kevin Elliott, Kristin Noonan, Cole MacLaren, Kameron Kielly and Ryan MacKinnon. Future Elites Combine showcased the athletic skills of over 30 participants who showed that the pandemic has not slowed them down. Carter Bruce and Maiya Chaudhary let the gender groups to the top and all results will be considered in the RBC Training Ground selections.

Our partnership with Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic exploded as we hosted three Podium Performance Sessions with Randy Goodman, Dr. David Whitty and Nancy Fong as our experts. In the fall during National Coaches week the four PTCR’s worked together to host four nights of learning, with 3 to 4 guests each night from across Atlantic Canada.

We started Coffee and Coaches with CSCA, we meet the first Thursday of each month with Canada Games Coaches and talk about different topics each month. Attendance has been low but the conversations have been exceptional. CSCA also hosted monthly meetings with the PTCR’s and it has been a great way to stay connected. CAC hosted Sport Leadership in November virtually, with up to as many as 400 coaches in some sessions, and it was well done. It was long day online but with some of the guests we could never have had in a in person setting due to costs and travel. This coming fall, they will be virtual again but looking to do some in person in each province.

We are currently working with the government on the Home Team PEI project which is funding for the 2023 Canada Games Coaches, with the flexibility to also aid the 2021 coaches. This helps to pay for multi-sport and sport specific workshops required for their certification and some professional development for those coaches already certified.

Thanks again to our staff and board for their support during the year. Lynn Boudreau John McIntosh Sport Coordinator

Another incredible year with the Sport PEI team! Even though a lot has changed in the past 12 months, I feel very fortunate to be here on PEI. I am very grateful to be able to work with Sport PEI and KidSport PEI to support the Island sport community. The ADL Volunteer Recognition program, Sport PEI Awards, and the Sport PEI scholarship program were just a few of my personal highlights from this past year. 2020 was a rewarding year at Sport PEI and I am excited to continue serving the PEI sport community!

For almost 40 years ADL has partnered with Sport PEI to recognize Islander’s athletic achievements. PEI’s best athletes, coaches, volunteers, administrators, and teams were honoured throughout 2020. Over 3000 individuals have been recognized through the sport achievement program, and I would like to thank ADL for all of their support. ADL is a community driven and dedicated organization that believes in the power of sport. In 2020, over 100 ADL Awards were provided for Provincial Sport Organizations. I would also like to thank Heather Howatt from Results Marketing for designing the awards and Ray Carmichael from Chucker’s Trophies & Awards for creating the plaques. It has been an honour to be a part of this program and to play a small part in recognizing the hard work of those in the PEI sport community. I look forward to continuing this tradition throughout 2021.

Volunteers are an important part of our amateur sport community on PEI. In the past, we have gathered volunteers with 25 years of experience to recognize them for their longstanding contributions to PEI sport. Due to gathering restrictions we were forced to modify our ADL Volunteer Recognition program in 2020. During July, with help from ADL, we were able to visit 18 volunteers across PEI delivering commemorative 25-year volunteer pins and a complementary ADL care package. Having the opportunity to speak with these volunteers was an incredibly rewarding experience. We’re looking forward to continuing this program and recognizing more of PEI’s 25+ year volunteers in the future.

Fundraising is an important aspect for sports teams, clubs, and associations. An exciting new fundraising program was launched in 2020, the Support Your Sport online 50/50. Sport organizations, clubs, and teams across PEI are now able to fundraise online and receive much needed funds from their supporters. With a total of 28 organizations now part of the 50/50, supporting your sport has never been easier! To date, the 50/50 has been able to raise over $8500 to support PEI sports. With new groups continuing to join, I am excited for the growth of this program and am thankful for all of the sport supporters across PEI. John McIntosh Sport Coordinator

KidSport, now more than ever, is an important program for families that are faced with the financial barriers of sport. Because of the increased financial pressures faced by families, KidSport PEI increased our maximum grant amount from $300 to $400 and changed the minimum household income threshold in order to help more families during these difficult times. Our goal is to raise $100,000 annually, without the help of the community and our partners this would not be possible:

1: DP Murphy Hotels entered its fifth year as a major partner of KidSport. They ensured approximately 50 Island youth had the opportunity to participate in sport.

2: Government's of Canada and PEI supported to program by providing $50,000 so that we could help more families in 2020. Their support meant that more than 125 children were able to play a season of sport.

3: The Tim Hortons Smile Cookie campaign raised $47,172.83 for KidSport, we can’t thank DP Murphy Hotels and the Island Community enough for supporting our program! Because of this generosity, over 100 PEI kids will be able to play a season of sport!

4: We welcomed 3 new KidSport ambassadors in 2020 – Ava Boutilier, Lauren Lenentine, and Ryan MacKinnon. Our KidSport ambassadors continue to advocate for the KidSport program to help grow KidSport on PEI. Thank you, Brett, Emily, Jeff, Kameron, Katie, Kristen, Lorie, Mark, Morgan, Noah, Shannon, Ava, Lauren, and Ryan!

5: We welcomed new Community Ambassadors to the KidSport team including – Tracey Gairns-Brioux, Shayne Connolly, Valerie Vuillemot, Bob Andrews, Jessica Shepard, and Saul Hood. Thank you for supporting the KidSport program on PEI!

6: KidSport continues to receive contributions from community fundraisers, charity of choice events, and online donations, which all make a significant impact on our program. Including, but not limited to: Daryl K Seaman Fund, Glen Edison Memorial Golf Tournament, PEI Indoor Soccer League, Chevy Good Deeds Cup and the Southside Wildcats, Maritime Electric, and the Charlottetown Rotary.

2021-22 will be a busy year, we have a lot planned to further the KidSport program on PEI and we can’t wait to share it with you! I am very proud of the work we are doing at Sport PEI and KidSport PEI and am excited for the future!



25 60

20 40 15

10 20 5

0 0

2020-2021 2019-2020 2020-2021 2019-2020

2020-2021 2020-2021

Male 34.6%

Male Female 50.1% 49.9%

Female 65.4%


1,000 40 Female 750 30 29% 20 500 10 250 0 Male

0 2020-2021 2019-2020 71%

2020-2021 2019-2020 The mandate of the Nominating Committee is to identify and recruit officers and directors for Sport PEI. The following individuals have been nominated to the Executive for 2021-2022.

TOM CROWELL (President) Physiotherapist and Owner of Charlottetown Physiotherapy Board member PEI College of Physiotherapists 1992-1994 President Ch’town Bluephins 2004-07, 2010-2011 & Swim PEI Board 2004-09, 2010-11 Co-Sport Director for Swimming 2009 Canada Games Vice-President PEI Youth Scholastic Chess Association 2009-11 Participates and enjoys running, cycling and swimming Resides in Charlottetown with wife Edith & children Paige, Iain & Madeleine

JANET CLARK (Vice-President) Partner at the law firm Stewart McKelvey Member of the Law Society of PEI, the Canadian Bar Association and Canadian Defence Lawyers; active with ongoing education in the areas of civil litigation and labour/employment Played and coached ringette at the provincial level, including as Assistant Coach for PEI’s 2007 Canada Games team Born and raised in Morell, Janet now lives in Charlottetown with her husband Sean, their daughter Julia and puppy Max

KAYE KELLY (Secretary) Regional Sales Coach, RBC Bank, Eastern NB, Northern NB and PEI Twice recipient of the City of Charlottetown Volunteer of the Month Award Numerous administrative and team manager duties in soccer, baseball, volleyball, hockey and basketball Team manager 2009 Canada Games Women’s Soccer Extensive involvement with organizations such as the PEI Lung Association, Children’s Wish, and events Ride for Research and Relay For Life Resides in West Royalty with husband Alan and three children

LACEY MACLAUCHLAN (Treasurer) Manager with Grant Thornton LLP Member of Chartered Professional Accountants UPEI field hockey assistant coach Member of UPEI field hockey team – 2008-2012 Charlottetown Rural field hockey coach – 2010-2013 Enjoys hockey, soccer, golf and running RYAN INNIS (Past President) Senior manager with Grant Thornton LLP Chartered Accountants Member of the Prince Edward Island Institute of Chartered Accountants Member of the 2001 Canada Games Men’s Volleyball Team PEI Basketball official – 2001-2006 Queen Charlotte Intermediate boys volleyball coach – 2001-2006 Other interests – golf, basketball, baseball Resides in Charlottetown

The following individuals were nominated to the Board in 2020-2021 for a two year term.

ROB CAMERON (Director at Large) Winner of the George Butch Brown Pownal Minor Hockey Volunteer of the Year award. Chair of the Female Bantam AA Provincial hockey tournament. Winner of the Pownal Minor Hockey Manager of the Year award. Chair and member of the organizing committee of the Pownal Minor Hockey Memorial tournament. Director of Operations for 2015 PEI Canada Games Women's hockey team. Currently - Chair of the development of a Pownal Minor Hockey Female Wall of Fame.

BRIAN CHAMBERS (Director at Large)

Served on the Sport P.E.I. Board since 1999. Graduated with Law Degree from UNB. A member of the UPEI Women’s Basketball coaching staff 1988-1993, & 2005- 2011. Presently Vice-President of Basketball PEI. Served as Chair and executive member of the UPEI Basketball Booster Club and was honoured with “Outstanding Booster” award in 1988. Retired Chair, Veterans Review and Appeals Board. Resides in Charlottetown with wife Ann. The following individuals have been nominated to the Board by the Nominations Committee for a two year term 2021-2023.

ALEXA ELLIS (Prince County Director) Manager with Grant Thornton LLP Member of Chartered Professional Accountants Prince Edward Island Bachelor Business administration UPEI Played a variety of sports at a high school (Westisle) or provincial level, including soccer, hockey, track and field, and rugby. currently works and lives in Summerside, PEI

Charlotte Jenkins (Director at Large) Born and raised in PEI (currently living in Stratford) Currently practicing law in Charlottetown Graduate of Dalhousie University (JD) and UPEI (BBA) Involved in many sports, including hockey, soccer, golf, rugby, field hockey, and most recently, cycling. Have built many lifelong friendships and relationships through sport and is eager to give back to the sporting community in PEI

PAUL JENKINS (Queens County Director) Health care professional and consultant pharmacist, former owner of the Friendly Pharmacy. Owner of The Mount Long-time biking enthusiast who has developed own mountain-bike and hiking trail (the Beck trail) Active volunteer in the community including Charlottetown Rotary, Easter Seals, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy & Former Director of Island Trails Has one daughter who is a graduate of UPEI

Robyn MacDonald (Kings County Director) Teacher for 23 years, currently serving as Principal at Montague Regional High School. Involved with sports for years, playing and coaching at various levels. Head Coach of the 2011 Canada Games women's hockey team Was a master coach conductor through the National Coaching Certification program Currently living in Three Rivers with her husband, Phil.