
brief overview THE FUTURE 02 spx Thermal Equipment & Services 04 spx Brands: The spx Thermal OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR Equipment & Services Family

what we build on 06 The Future of Concentrated POWER PLANTS Plants 08 The Key Challenges of Plants 10 Best-in-Class Technology 12 What We Build on

PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS spx selected solar references 14 Sunbelt 16 Solar One, USA 20 Andasol 1 + 2, Spain 21 Ain Beni-Mathar, Morocco 22 Solana, USA 23 Hassi R’ Mel, Algeria SPX Solar Products Concentrated Solar Power Reference Plant SOLAR ISLAND 1 spx Molten Salt Heat Exchanger – Maximum thermal effi ciency – Optimized integration into storage system

STEAM GENERATOR 2 spx Balcke-Dürr Preheater – Proven design options for both natural and forced evaporation, SYSTEM e. g. Once-Through Steam Generator

3 spx Balcke-Dürr Steam Generator – Signifi cant shortening of plant start-up time by allowing unrestricted turbine start

4 spx Balcke-Dürr Superheater – Least space requirements due to a reduced number of components and piping SPX Products in Grey SPX THERMAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICES IN THE WORLD 5 spx Balcke-Dürr Reheater – Minimum investment and operational cost with maximum lifetime and availability HEADQUARTERS spx corporation solar island steam generator system power island 6 spx Balcke-Dürr Moisture Separator – Unmatched effi ciency by Powervanes 13515 Ballantyne Corporate Place – Horizontal and vertical arrangements Charlotte, NC 28277 / United States tel +1 704 752 4400

7 spx Copes-Vulcan Feedwater Control Valve – Repeatable Tight Shut Off A – Characterized Performance Main Contacts per Region 13 – Quick Change Trims 6 AMERICAS – Anti-cavitation Trims spx cooling technologies E E F 7401 West 129th Street

POWER ISLAND 8 spx Balcke-Dürr High Pressure Feedwater – Most reliable and proven technology 5 Overland Park, Kansas 66213 / United States Heater – Cost-effi cient and compact designs tel +1 913 664 7400

spx Heat Transfer Inc. 9 spx Balcke-Dürr Deaerator B 2121 North 161st East Ave. 12 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 / United States 10 spx Balcke-Dürr Low Pressure Feedwater tel +1 918 234 6000 Heater 4

1 APAC spx asia pacific corporate services 11 11 spx Air-Cooled Condenser – Minimized water consumption 2F Treasury Building, 1568 Hua-Shan Road – Well-proven interaction with interconnecting systems 3 Shanghai, 200052 / China – Guaranteed maximum energy production output C tel +86 21 2208 5888 – Minimal land occupation per megawatt EMEA – Very low noise level achievable 10 spx cooling technologies / balcke-dürr 2 9 D Ernst-Dietrich-Platz 2 spx Evaporative Cooling Tower – Higher thermal cycle effi ciency 40882 Ratingen / Germany (Optional) – Dirty water application 7 8 tel +49 2102 1669 0 – Low operation cost at high performance

– Corrosion resistant spx Cooling Technologies (Dry Cooling) Avenue Marcel Thiry 81 B2 1200 Brussels / Belgium spx Balcke-Dürr Water-Cooled Condenser – Highly effi cient and reliable technology A Solar Field F Generator 5 Solar Reheater 10 Solar Low Pressure Feedwater Heater tel +32 (0)2 761 61 11 (Optional) – Cost-optimized and proven designs for all exhaust steam fl ows B Hot Salt Tank 1 Solar Molten Salt Heat Exchanger 6 Solar Moisture Separator 11 Solar Cooling System C Cold Salt Tank 2 Solar Preheater 7 Solar Feedwater Control Valve 12 Solar Turbine Bypass Valve D Expansion Vessel 3 Solar Steam Generator 8 Solar High Pressure Feedwater Heater 13 Solar Transformer [email protected] 12 spx Copes-Vulcan Turbine Bypass Valve – Repeatable class V tight shutoff E Steam Turbine 4 Solar Superheater 9 Solar Deaerator www.spx.com – High pressure balanced

– Full plug guiding with anti-rotation www.spxft.com – Steam atomisation of the cooling water www.WaukeshaElectric.com – Low coolant pressure required www.balcke-duerr.com – High water capacity for large cooling duties www.spxcooling.com – High turndown ratio for both steam and water

IMPRINT 13 spx Waukesha Transformer – State-of-the-art technology and education – Ratings up to 1200 MVA, 500kV Publisher – Built according to the latest IEEE, ANSI, NEMA and Balcke-Dürr for ISO 9001:2008 quality system standards spx Thermal Equipment & Services

Concept and design wirDesign Berlin Braunschweig

© 2013 spx Corporation Mai 2013 SPX Solar Products Concentrated Solar Power Reference Plant SOLAR ISLAND 1 spx Molten Salt Heat Exchanger – Maximum thermal effi ciency – Optimized integration into storage system

STEAM GENERATOR 2 spx Balcke-Dürr Preheater – Proven design options for both natural and forced evaporation, SYSTEM e. g. Once-Through Steam Generator

3 spx Balcke-Dürr Steam Generator – Signifi cant shortening of plant start-up time by allowing unrestricted turbine start

4 spx Balcke-Dürr Superheater – Least space requirements due to a reduced number of components and piping SPX Products in Grey SPX THERMAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICES IN THE WORLD 5 spx Balcke-Dürr Reheater – Minimum investment and operational cost with maximum lifetime and availability HEADQUARTERS spx corporation solar island steam generator system power island 6 spx Balcke-Dürr Moisture Separator – Unmatched effi ciency by Powervanes 13515 Ballantyne Corporate Place – Horizontal and vertical arrangements Charlotte, NC 28277 / United States tel +1 704 752 4400

7 spx Copes-Vulcan Feedwater Control Valve – Repeatable Tight Shut Off A – Characterized Performance Main Contacts per Region 13 – Quick Change Trims 6 AMERICAS – Anti-cavitation Trims spx cooling technologies E E F 7401 West 129th Street

POWER ISLAND 8 spx Balcke-Dürr High Pressure Feedwater – Most reliable and proven technology 5 Overland Park, Kansas 66213 / United States Heater – Cost-effi cient and compact designs tel +1 913 664 7400

spx Heat Transfer Inc. 9 spx Balcke-Dürr Deaerator B 2121 North 161st East Ave. 12 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 / United States 10 spx Balcke-Dürr Low Pressure Feedwater tel +1 918 234 6000 Heater 4

1 APAC spx asia pacific corporate services 11 11 spx Air-Cooled Condenser – Minimized water consumption 2F Treasury Building, 1568 Hua-Shan Road – Well-proven interaction with interconnecting systems 3 Shanghai, 200052 / China – Guaranteed maximum energy production output C tel +86 21 2208 5888 – Minimal land occupation per megawatt EMEA – Very low noise level achievable 10 spx cooling technologies / balcke-dürr 2 9 D Ernst-Dietrich-Platz 2 spx Evaporative Cooling Tower – Higher thermal cycle effi ciency 40882 Ratingen / Germany (Optional) – Dirty water application 7 8 tel +49 2102 1669 0 – Low operation cost at high performance

– Corrosion resistant spx Cooling Technologies (Dry Cooling) Avenue Marcel Thiry 81 B2 1200 Brussels / Belgium spx Balcke-Dürr Water-Cooled Condenser – Highly effi cient and reliable technology A Solar Field F Generator 5 Solar Reheater 10 Solar Low Pressure Feedwater Heater tel +32 (0)2 761 61 11 (Optional) – Cost-optimized and proven designs for all exhaust steam fl ows B Hot Salt Tank 1 Solar Molten Salt Heat Exchanger 6 Solar Moisture Separator 11 Solar Cooling System C Cold Salt Tank 2 Solar Preheater 7 Solar Feedwater Control Valve 12 Solar Turbine Bypass Valve D Expansion Vessel 3 Solar Steam Generator 8 Solar High Pressure Feedwater Heater 13 Solar Transformer [email protected] 12 spx Copes-Vulcan Turbine Bypass Valve – Repeatable class V tight shutoff E Steam Turbine 4 Solar Superheater 9 Solar Deaerator www.spx.com – High pressure balanced

– Full plug guiding with anti-rotation www.spxft.com – Steam atomisation of the cooling water www.WaukeshaElectric.com – Low coolant pressure required www.balcke-duerr.com – High water capacity for large cooling duties www.spxcooling.com – High turndown ratio for both steam and water

IMPRINT 13 spx Waukesha Transformer – State-of-the-art technology and education – Ratings up to 1200 MVA, 500kV Publisher – Built according to the latest IEEE, ANSI, NEMA and Balcke-Dürr for ISO 9001:2008 quality system standards spx Thermal Equipment & Services

Concept and design wirDesign Berlin Braunschweig

© 2013 spx Corporation Mai 2013 WHERE IDEAS MEET INDUSTRY


brief overview THE FUTURE 02 spx Thermal Equipment & Services 04 spx Brands: The spx Thermal OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR Equipment & Services Family

what we build on 06 The Future of Concentrated POWER PLANTS Solar Power Plants 08 The Key Challenges of Concentrated Solar Power Plants 10 Best-in-Class Technology 12 What We Build on

PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS spx selected solar references 14 Sunbelt 16 Nevada Solar One, USA 20 Andasol 1 + 2, Spain 21 Ain Beni-Mathar, Morocco 22 Solana, USA 23 Hassi R’ Mel, Algeria Tomorrow’s concentrated solar power plants will become an important part of the world’s future energy mix. spx is working hard to deliver high- quality, innovative products and solutions that will make tomorrow’s plants even more effi cient, safe and fl exible. 2 Brief Overview

Global Performance at the Highest Level

SPX Thermal Equipment & Services

One of the world’s leading A global service and manufacturer of thermal aftermarket support with power plant components over 150 branches, offi ces and partners throughout Premium solutions the world for increased safety, effi ciency and fl exibility in More than 100 years’ power generation experience of innovation SPX Thermal Equipment & Services 3

SPX THERMAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES OFFICES: AMERICA 01 Overland Park usa (Evaporative Cooling Headquarters) | 02 Brea usa | 03 Olathe usa | 04 Tulsa usa | 05 Charlotte usa (spx Headquarters) | 06 Bethlehem usa | 07 Bridgewater usa | EUROPE 08 Worcester u.k. | 09 Brussels belgium (Dry Cooling Headquarters) | 10 Ratingen germany (Balcke-Dürr Headquarters) | 11 Wenden germany | 12 Neubeckum germany | 13 Leipzig germany | 14 Warsaw poland | 15 Moscow russia | 16 Gallarate italy | 17 Perugia italy | 18 Budapest hungary AFRICA 19 Johannesburg south africa | 20 Nigel south africa | ASIA 21 Pune india | 22 Ghuangzhou china | 23 Zhangjiakou china | 24 Beijing china | 25 Tianjin china | 26 Shanghai china | 27 Wuxi china

13 14 23 24

12 15

10 11

04 09

07 08 01

25 06 02 16 26 05 17 27

03 21 22 18



WE SUPPLY ENERGY FOR THE FUTURE A RELIABLE PARTNER FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR spx Thermal Equipment & Services is the spx Corporation’s center spx Thermal Equipment & Services offers comprehensive solutions of excellence for thermal power plant components and services. for industrial facilities and power plants of all types. Our focus is On a worldwide level, spx stands for high-end engineering and on the individual requirements of our customers – be it increased fi rst-class production quality. Thousands of power plants in over effi ciency, modernization, modifi cation or repairs. With over 100 60 countries use our components and technologies. With over 150 years of experience, spx, as a reliable partner, supports energy branches, offi ces and partners on all continents, spx ensures the companies and operators of complex industrial facilities. global reach and necessary on-site service to provide our custo- mers with individual solutions. Thanks to our global experience, We are fi rmly integrated into a strong group of companies: the spx we not only recognize the technical challenges of our customers, Corporation. This multi-national, multi-line group based in the U.S. but also understand their regional specifi cations and requirements. offers technical solutions for the energy market, and the automo- tive and food industries. 4 Brief Overview

Combined Expertise in Innovative Energy Technology

SPX Cooling Technologies and Marley are two of the leading manufacturers of cooling towers and air-cooled condensers

Balcke-Dürr the specialist in power plant components in the water-steam, heat-transfer fl uid or molten salt cycle and in the fl ue gas path

Total solutions from a single source we combine state-of-the-art expertise to create world-leading technology

Comprehensive systems expertise for the perfect interaction of all components

Combined, we hold numerous global patents in the fi elds of power generation and cooling technology The SPX Thermal Equipment & Services Family 5

The spx Thermal Equipment & Services Family

STRONG BRANDS UNDER ONE ROOF COMBINED SYSTEM EXPERTISE FOR FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES Behind spx Thermal Equipment & Services there is a whole net- Using our comprehensive system expertise, we achieve an optimal work of renowned brand names: Marley, Balcke-Dürr, Waukesha, interaction of all thermal power plant components – for greater Rothemühle, Ecolaire, Yuba and many more. All of these brand pro- performance and higher economic effi ciency of the systems. We ducts are developed, built, sold and serviced by us. The core of the pursue this integrated approach right from the project develop- brand family is formed by the specialists in thermal power plant ment regarding the dimensions of our projects, up to the commis- components: Balcke-Dürr, spx Cooling Technologies and Marley. sioning and maintenance of existing facilities. Our segment has its own engineering departments, production facilities and installation spx Cooling Technologies and Marley are two of the leading personnel. In this way we can meet the individual needs of our suppliers for cool ing towers and air-cooled condensers. With a customers down to the smallest detail. base of over 100 years’ tradition, the companies own more than 250 global patents in power generation and climate technology We have long been global innovators and technology leaders in fi elds. our fi eld. The innovative strength of our international team of experts, along with rigorous research and development form the Balcke-Dürr produces power plant components for the water-steam foundation of our global strategy. cycle and the fl ue gas path. With over 100 years of experience, the company provides cutting edge solutions and services, ranging from the standard module to complete thermal systems. 6 What We Build on

The Future of Concentrated Solar Power Plants The Future of Concentrated Solar Power Plants 7

Only with effi cient and innovative technologies we will be able to successfully deploy the extra- ordinary potential of the sun. Our goal is to increase the reliability and availability of so- lar power and establish it as a competitive and rewarding energy source for every utility.

THE POWER OF THE SUN to using the sun as an energy source are concentrated solar power Without the sun, life on our planet would not be possible. The plants, which produce electricity and district heating on a grand central star of our solar system is the world’s largest energy scale. They concentrate sunlight with thousands of mirrors and, source. Solar energy is considered as one of the most sustainableble under high temperatures, convert water into steam. This steam and renewable methods of power generation and can provide drives turbines which generate electric power in the same way as inexhaustible amounts of energy without any emission. The keyy found in the water-steam cycle of a conventional power plant. 8 What We Build on

0,3 percent of the world’s desert would be suffi cient to cover the global demand for electric power.*

* According to studies of the German Aerospace Center The Key Challenges of Concentrated Solar Power Plants 9

The Key Challenges of Concentrated Solar Power Plants

Solar power offers a global solution for the shortage of energy sources. But how can production costs be reduced to a profi table amount?

Solar energy is completely emission-free and inexhaustible. But how can costs be minimized throughout the entire life cycle of the plant?

Solar energy has an excellent growth potential. But how can the challenge of fast changes between night and day be faced?

HIGH POTENTIAL FOR TOMORROW’S POWER SUPPLY costs of a plant. At the same time we reduce a second major cost In six hours the world’s deserts receive more energy than the factor: maintenance efforts – and implement new low-maintenance whole mankind consumes in one year. To cover the entire global concepts for our customers. demand for electric power of 18,000 TWh per year it would theo- re tically be suffi cient to equip three thousandths of the world’s SYSTEM COMPETENCY – THE KEY TO COST-EFFECTIVENESS deserts with collector fi elds for solar thermal power plants. Today, The degree of effi ciency and therefore the cost-effectiveness of a our experts already work on turning the attractive vision of using solar power plant is determined by the key components of the sys- solar energy on a big scale into reality. Solar energy has developed tem, two of them being the water-steam and cooling cycles. Here, a rising market tendency. Ideal conditions are mainly found in nine the overall performance depends directly on the perfect interac- countries along the world`s sun belt. This belt reaches around the tion of all components. The more we optimize system specifi ca- planet north and south of the equator – mainly through deserts. tions, the more effi cient will the overall system work. Exactly this Countries like Spain, the United States or China already are using system expertise brings us to the forefront of engineering in the solar energy for industrial electricity generation. energy market – worldwide.

MEETING CHALLENGES WITH INNOVATION WATER – PRESERVING A VALUABLE RESOURCE Storing energy that was generated during the daytime and making With our broad knowledge about thermal power plant systems we it usable during the nighttime is only one of the challenges for are also solving another problem in solar thermal power genera- which our experts are developing concepts today. At the same time tion – water consumption. Most solar power plants are located in production costs are about three times higher than compared to very arid desert regions. Especially there, water is a very important conventional power plants. In order to reach a higher share of so- and limited resource. For that reason our solar components have lar power on the energy mix in the long run more effi cient techno- been developed for minimum water consumption. logies – meaning optimized performance and reduced cost – will be required. At this point our spx solutions come into play: Through innovative engineering we can signifi cantly reduce the investment 10 What We Build on

Best-in-Class Technology for a Boundless Energy Source

Well-proven expertise More than 50 percent of the CSP base equipped with spx solutions

High longevity More than 10,800 cycles warm start capability

Maximum cost-effectiveness 4 times lower capex with spx components possible

Fast available Up to 15 Kelvin / minute ramping speed Best-in-Class Technology 11

PRECISE ENGINEERING FOR MAXIMUM POWER GENERATION which is particularly suitable for concentrated solar power plants: A successful solar project essentially depends on the enginee- The device integrates preheater, evaporator and superheater in ring quality. Without proper components the two most important one vessel, reducing piping costs and pressure loss. A once-through factors for an economically effi cient facility – availability and concept enables the main steam conditions to be increased, which reliability – will suffer. Under certain conditions the longevity will provides higher effi ciencies. The header-type design reduces also be signifi cantly reduced due to abrasion and stressing of com- the start-up times of the overall plant through high temperature ponents. All our solutions are adjusted to the individual conditions gradients. Compared to conventional units, these steam generators at hand. With our core competency within the water-steam cycle enable the power plant to be operated much more fl exibly and and our premium engineering, we can enhance the effi ciency of cost effectively. the whole plant. That applies to all solar thermal technologies on the market. POWER ISLAND The water-steam cycle routes the steam to the turbines for power SOLAR ISLAND generation. Afterwards, the steam condenses to water again – fi rst The Solar Island is the core of any . Solar refl ec- inside the spx Condenser and then into the spx Evaporative Cool- tors bundle sun rays onto special absorbers that will transform so- ing tower. Exactly within this special combination of components lar energy into heat and convey it to heat exchangers. These heat lies one of spx’s key competencies: the Cold End. The components exchangers are essential to effi ciency. To cover individual require- of this highly complex system determine the ultimate performance ments spx has one of the broadest product ranges on the market. of a power plant. For example, the slightest change in the specifi - For instance, the spx Molten Salt Heat Exchanger: For certain cations of the condenser has a large impact on the performance of technologies such as systems or Fresnel plants it the cooling tower and vice versa. The more fl exible to change the provides the interface between the heat piping and the salt silos basic parameters for each component we are, the more scope there used as energy storage. Designed for high heat transfer rates and is for the optimization of the entire Cold End. spx provides a va- maximum temperature operation, the device ensures maximum riety of components that are specifi cally designed for solar usage, thermal effi ciency and less material stressing. It can be integrated for dry cooling for example the spx Solar Air-Cooled Condenser. to solar storage systems for an improved overall performance. The This air-cooled condenser eliminates nearly totally water consump- whole plant profi ts from the spx Molten Salt Heat Exchanger with tion, which enables to locate solar power plants in arid areas as its optimized electricity load profi le. well.

STEAM GENERATOR SYSTEM WE MEASURE THE SUCCESS OF OUR SOLUTIONS The steam generator converts the collected heat from the solar BY FOUR FACTORS fi eld into thermal energy through several different stations. spx Our system expertise that enables us to fi t power plant compo- covers the whole process with perfectly interacting components nents exactly according to the individual needs of the utility. Our down to every detail. All components allow for fl exible design comprehensive range of services that covers the entire thermal options, quick start-up times and a high number of operating systems engineering of a solar power plant in-depth. Our well- cycles while keeping operational and investment costs at bay. One proven expertise and innovation that ensure future-proof quality, example is the spx Balcke-Dürr Once-Through Steam Generator, and not to forget our customer focus that fl ows through a global network with many local presences. 12 What We Build on

What We Build on

Our Strength Our Contribution Custom-made Construction Maximum Availability and a Perfect Interplay and a Long Uptime

Concentrated solar power plants (CSP) are only profi table in the Availability and reliability are the key points of every CSP plant long run when they work cost-effectively while reaching a maxi- on which its effi ciency is measured. Using the energy from sun mum degree of effi ciency. We achieve this aim by proven exper- rays in an optimal way requires solar power plants to be equip- tise in the water-steam and cooling cycles for years: Our optimized ped with systems that can be deployed fast and fl exible. Our solar systems ensure a perfect interplay of all components. On the one components are designed and allow for a quick start-up time, hand the best possible effi ciency and minimum abrasion can be high changes in temperature and many operating cycles. A solar reached and on the other hand less lines, components and inst- power plant’s long maintenance time and malfunctions can cause ruments are necessary – resulting in lower investment costs and high costs. Our systems are matched to the detail and low wear, reduced operation costs. enabling plants to reach a running time of 30 years or more. Un- necessarily long maintenance time can be avoided through special processes and tools. What We Build on 13

Our Commitment Our Heritage Sustainable Quality and Certifi ed Safety – Proactive Services Anytime and Everywhere

A long-lasting and high degree of effi ciency will not only be de- Safety is one of the key issues in the construction and operation of termined by design and construction but also by the performance power plants. We have more than 100 years of experience in the in the following operational period. That is why we offer services production of thermal power plant components – a solid basis to for CSP plants throughout their entire life cycle: In the preparatory know exactly what potential dangers are posed by a power plant stage of a project we develop individual concepts for the most project. Our components do not only fulfi ll international standards, effective sizing of the thermal power plant system. Our proactive but are always in compliance with national regulations. At all sites, services ensure a long-lasting and smooth operation. On top of as well as for our projects, we are committed to comprehensive that we develop intelligent solutions to increase the effi ciency occupational health and safety. We make the highest demands in or operating time of our customer’s systems. Intelligent solutions plant safety and risk management. The same requirements are put require innovation: For this purpose we operate several research to our service providers and suppliers. and development centers all over the world. 14 SPX Selected Solar References

SPX Selected Solar References Sunbelt

USA Spain Boulder City Guadix

Morocco Ain Beni Mathar

USA Gila Bend sunbelt Sunbelt 15

Algeria Hassi’ R Mel 16 SPX Selected Solar References

Boulder City, USA Nevada Solar One

The nevada solar one plant employs the parabolic plant design like shown in this picture. SPX Selected Solar References 17

Nevada Solar One An Important Landmark for Renewable Energy

The fi rst new large-scale solar thermal power station worldwide since 17 years (at the time it was built)

One of the largest concentrated solar power plant in the world at present

Five different SPX components and their perfect interplay are the key factor to the effi ciency of the plant

From the very beginning spx participated with best-in-class technology 18 SPX Selected Solar References

Boulder City, USA Nevada Solar One

The units of a concentrated solar power plant: solar island, steam generator system, power island (spx Products in Grey)

solar island steam generator system power island






scope of supply spx solar preheater (2), spx solar steam generator (3), spx solar superheater (4), spx solar reheater (5), spx Cooling Tech- nologies evaporative cooling tower (11) owner Acciona operated by Acciona capacity 64 MW commissioning 2007 turbines Siemens SST-700 SPX Selected Solar References 19

A MILESTONE IN SOLAR THERMAL POWER GENERATION a generator to produce electricity. After changed conditions in the At the time it was built, nevada solar one was the fi rst new energy market it was worthwhile to build an improved type of large-scale solar thermal power station worldwide in 17 years. It parabolic trough solar thermal power plant for the fi rst time after is presumed to be an important milestone in the history of power many years. Therefore, this layout needed a customized solution generation with renewable energies. Leading experts regard ne- because of its prototype character. vada solar one as a main impulse for the restart of solar power generation in the south-west of the US. On a clear summer’s day spx met the challenge and produced the delivered components with the sun directly overhead, nevada solar one can convert according to the individual and specifi c demands of the owner about 21 percent of the sun’s rays into electricity. Acciona. We delivered the complete steam generator system and evaporative cooling tower for nevada solar one. The perfect CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS AND SUPPORT interplay of these particular components is the key factor to the FOR A PROTOTYPE APPLICATION effi ciency of the plant. The Nevada plant has 76 kilometers of parabolic cylinder concen- trators with almost 219,000 mirrors that concentrate the sun’s rays onto more than 19,000 receiver tubes located on their focal line. A fl uid that heats up to 400°C fl ows through these pipes and is used to produce steam and drive a conventional turbine connected to

Example of an spx Evaporative Cooling Tower The spx Evaporative Cooling Tower is one of the important components of the Cold End – one of spx’s key competencies. Every tower is tailored to the individual and specifi c demands of the customer. The more flexible the system specifi cations are designed here, the more optimizable the overall system will be. 20 SPX Selected Solar References

Guadix, Spain Andasol 1 + 2

challenge The world’s fi rst commercially dispatchable parabolic trough solar thermal power plant spx solution Supply of spx steam generator system, spx molten salt storage, spx Cooling Technologies evaporative cooling tower customer benefits Proven technology at overall evaluated lowest cost

scope of supply spx solar preheater (2), spx solar steam turbines Siemens SST-700 generator (3), spx solar superheater (4), spx solar reheater (5), spx molten salt general Andasol has a thermal storage system heat exchanger (1) spx Cooling Techno lo- information which absorbs part of the heat produced gies evaporative cooling tower (11) in the solar fi eld during the day. This heat is stored in a molten salt storage owner ACS Group system. A full thermal reservoir holds 1,010 mw·h of heat, enough to run the operated by Marquesado Solar SL turbine for about 7.5 hours at full-load. capacity 1 × 50 MW commissioning 2009

This reference project has been executed by LOINTEK S.L. under cooperation and license agreement with spx Heat Transfer Inc. (formerly Yuba Heat Transfer Inc.) based on spx Heat Transfer technology, design and know-how. SPX Selected Solar References 21

Ain Beni Mathar, Morocco Ain Beni Mathar

challenge Integrated solar combined cycle power station comprising a parabolic trough concentrating solar power array and a combined cycle gas turbine plant, for a total power output of 472 MW (including 20 MW solar) spx solution Minimal water consuming spx air-cooled condensers customer benefits Lowest investment cost, minimum water and power consumption and maximum availability

scope of supply spx Cooling Technologies air-cooled general Covering an area of 1,600,000 m2 of condensers (11) information which 880,000 m2 for solar fi eld. Currently the largest integrated solar owner l’Offi ce National de l’Electricité (ONE) combined cycle plant in the world. It operates 470 MW and produces more operated by Abengoa than 3,800 GW/h of electricity annu- ally. The main novelty of the project is capacity 172 MW steam turbine, 2 × 150 MW gas the hybrid technology. It consists of a turbine / 20 MW solar cycle solar fi eld of parabolic trough collectors of which the useful refl ective area is commissioning 2010 over 183,000 m2. It has the capacity to generate 20 MW. The rest comes from turbines Alstom GT13 E2 the combined cycle technology, made up of two gas turbines, 150 MW each, a 170 MW steam turbine (150 MW come from the combined cycle with the 20 MW already mentioned from the solar fi eld), recovery boilers and an aero-condenser operate as the main equipment. 22 SPX Selected Solar References

Gila Bend, USA Solana

challenge Currently largest parabolic trough plant with 280 MW spx solution High performance spx turbine condenser and spx Cooling Technologies evaporative cooling tower customer benefits Proven technology and lowest investment cost

scope of supply spx water-cooled condenser (11), turbines 2 × 140 MW steam turbines spx Cooling Technologies evaporative cooling tower (11) general Enough capacity to power 70,000 homes, information avoiding 475,000 tons of carbon dioxide. owner Arizona Solar One, LLC operated by ASI Operations, Inc. capacity 280 MW commissioning 2013 SPX Selected Solar References 23

Hassi R’ Mel, Algeria Hassi R’ Mel

challenge Integrated solar combined cycle power station com- prising a parabolic trough concentrating solar power array and a combined cycle gas turbine plant, for a total power output of 150 MW spx solution Minimal water consuming spx air-cooled condenser and spx copes-vulcan turbine bypass valve customer benefits Lowest investment cost, minimum water and power consumption and maximum availability

scope of supply spx Cooling Technologies air-cooled commissioning 2011 condensers (11), spx copes-vulcan turbine bypass valve (12) turbines Siemens SST-900 / 2 × SGT-800 owner Solar Plant 1 (JV Abener/Sonatrach) general Covering an area of 180,000 m2 information the hybrid power station is the fi rst operated by NEAL of its kind. capacity 81 MW steam turbine / 2 × 47 MW gas turbine 24 SPX Company

Where Ideas Meet Industry The SPX Corporation

We develop new ideas and powerful solutions to help our customers overcome their challenges and be success in the long term in what is an increasingly complex market.

With more than 15,500 employees, we operate globally in over 35 countries from our headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.


As a multi-national, multi-line group and a Fortune 500 company, we produce highly specialized technical solutions for the energy market, the food industry, automotive, construction and indust- rial process technology. Our products help to meet the globally growing needs of modern societies. They play an important role in the expansion of global infrastructure and help to meet increasing energy requirements. spx technologies not only support conventi- onal energy production but also renewable energy such as biogas, solar energy and geothermal energy. SPX Solar Products Concentrated Solar Power Reference Plant SOLAR ISLAND 1 spx Molten Salt Heat Exchanger – Maximum thermal effi ciency – Optimized integration into storage system

STEAM GENERATOR 2 spx Balcke-Dürr Preheater – Proven design options for both natural and forced evaporation, SYSTEM e. g. Once-Through Steam Generator

3 spx Balcke-Dürr Steam Generator – Signifi cant shortening of plant start-up time by allowing unrestricted turbine start

4 spx Balcke-Dürr Superheater – Least space requirements due to a reduced number of components and piping SPX Products in Grey SPX THERMAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICES IN THE WORLD 5 spx Balcke-Dürr Reheater – Minimum investment and operational cost with maximum lifetime and availability HEADQUARTERS spx corporation solar island steam generator system power island 6 spx Balcke-Dürr Moisture Separator – Unmatched effi ciency by Powervanes 13515 Ballantyne Corporate Place – Horizontal and vertical arrangements Charlotte, NC 28277 / United States tel +1 704 752 4400

7 spx Copes-Vulcan Feedwater Control Valve – Repeatable Tight Shut Off A – Characterized Performance Main Contacts per Region 13 – Quick Change Trims 6 AMERICAS – Anti-cavitation Trims spx cooling technologies E E F 7401 West 129th Street

POWER ISLAND 8 spx Balcke-Dürr High Pressure Feedwater – Most reliable and proven technology 5 Overland Park, Kansas 66213 / United States Heater – Cost-effi cient and compact designs tel +1 913 664 7400

spx Heat Transfer Inc. 9 spx Balcke-Dürr Deaerator B 2121 North 161st East Ave. 12 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 / United States 10 spx Balcke-Dürr Low Pressure Feedwater tel +1 918 234 6000 Heater 4

1 APAC spx asia pacific corporate services 11 11 spx Air-Cooled Condenser – Minimized water consumption 2F Treasury Building, 1568 Hua-Shan Road – Well-proven interaction with interconnecting systems 3 Shanghai, 200052 / China – Guaranteed maximum energy production output C tel +86 21 2208 5888 – Minimal land occupation per megawatt EMEA – Very low noise level achievable 10 spx cooling technologies / balcke-dürr 2 9 D Ernst-Dietrich-Platz 2 spx Evaporative Cooling Tower – Higher thermal cycle effi ciency 40882 Ratingen / Germany (Optional) – Dirty water application 7 8 tel +49 2102 1669 0 – Low operation cost at high performance

– Corrosion resistant spx Cooling Technologies (Dry Cooling) Avenue Marcel Thiry 81 B2 1200 Brussels / Belgium spx Balcke-Dürr Water-Cooled Condenser – Highly effi cient and reliable technology A Solar Field F Generator 5 Solar Reheater 10 Solar Low Pressure Feedwater Heater tel +32 (0)2 761 61 11 (Optional) – Cost-optimized and proven designs for all exhaust steam fl ows B Hot Salt Tank 1 Solar Molten Salt Heat Exchanger 6 Solar Moisture Separator 11 Solar Cooling System C Cold Salt Tank 2 Solar Preheater 7 Solar Feedwater Control Valve 12 Solar Turbine Bypass Valve D Expansion Vessel 3 Solar Steam Generator 8 Solar High Pressure Feedwater Heater 13 Solar Transformer [email protected] 12 spx Copes-Vulcan Turbine Bypass Valve – Repeatable class V tight shutoff E Steam Turbine 4 Solar Superheater 9 Solar Deaerator www.spx.com – High pressure balanced

– Full plug guiding with anti-rotation www.spxft.com – Steam atomisation of the cooling water www.WaukeshaElectric.com – Low coolant pressure required www.balcke-duerr.com – High water capacity for large cooling duties www.spxcooling.com – High turndown ratio for both steam and water

IMPRINT 13 spx Waukesha Transformer – State-of-the-art technology and education – Ratings up to 1200 MVA, 500kV Publisher – Built according to the latest IEEE, ANSI, NEMA and Balcke-Dürr for ISO 9001:2008 quality system standards spx Thermal Equipment & Services

Concept and design wirDesign Berlin Braunschweig

© 2013 spx Corporation Mai 2013 WHERE IDEAS MEET INDUSTRY


brief overview THE FUTURE 02 spx Thermal Equipment & Services 04 spx Brands: The spx Thermal OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR Equipment & Services Family

what we build on 06 The Future of Concentrated POWER PLANTS Solar Power Plants 08 The Key Challenges of Concentrated Solar Power Plants 10 Best-in-Class Technology 12 What We Build on

PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS spx selected solar references 14 Sunbelt 16 Nevada Solar One, USA 20 Andasol 1 + 2, Spain 21 Ain Beni-Mathar, Morocco 22 Solana, USA 23 Hassi R’ Mel, Algeria