Hardware Architectures for Software Security
Hardware Architectures for Software Security Joshua N. Edmison Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering Dr. Mark T. Jones, Chair Dr. Lynn Abbott Dr. Peter M. Athanas Dr. Ezra Brown Dr. Thomas L. Martin Dr. Cameron D. Patterson June 29, 2006 Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Blacksburg, Virginia Keywords: Security, architecture, FPGA, configurable, graph theory, information flow Copyright 2005 c , Joshua N. Edmison Hardware Architectures for Software Security Joshua N. Edmison (ABSTRACT) The need for hardware-based software protection stems primarily from the increasing value of software coupled with the inability to trust software that utilizes or manages shared resources. By correctly utilizing security functions in hardware, trust can be removed from software. Existing hardware-based software protection solutions generally suffer from utiliza- tion of trusted software, lack of implementation, and/or extreme measures such as processor redesign. In contrast, the research outlined in this document proposes that substantial, hardware-based software protection can be achieved, without trusting software or redesign- ing the processor, by augmenting existing processors with security management hardware placed outside of the processor boundary. Benefits of this approach include the ability to add security features to nearly any processor, update security features without redesigning the processor, and provide maximum transparency to the software development and distribution processes. The major contributions of this research include the the augmentation method- ology, design principles, and a graph-based method for analyzing hardware-based security systems.
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