Personal Statements of 2018 Award Recipients
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Personal Statements of 2018 Award Recipients Contents: Introduction – page 2 Bronze Awards (152) – pages 3 - 163 Silver Awards (99) – pages 164 - 268 Gold Awards (41) – pages 269 - 310 Platinum Awards (8) – pages 311 - 318 1 Introduction: Clinical Excellence Awards’ (CEAs) are important to acknowledge the work of senior NHS consultants and academic GPs who make a substantial impact on patient care. The practice of medicine and dentistry is demanding and often requires working outside formal contracted arrangements. ACCEA recognises and rewards those clinicians who perform at the highest level, with national impact. These are the personal statements provided by successful new national award holders for the 2018 Awards Round (with the exception of any that have asked to be excluded from publication). For a list of all award recipients, please go to: successful-candidates-2018 2 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: UMESH CHAUHAN GMC/GDC Number: 3331846 Speciality: ACADEMIC GP I am an Academic GP with a sustained commitment to developing, delivering and leading high quality, equitable patient centred care for over 20 years with a bespoke career path leading work to generate the knowledge & understanding on how to tackle health inequality in primary care through delivering and evaluating change on the ground at a local, national and international level. 1.Leading the implementation of the Mackenzie Institute of Primary Care; a joint venture between UCLAN and local Health and Social Care Economy to increase research expertise and capacity to meet the challenges faced by health and social care. Early achievements include establishing 3 CCG funded academic fellowships for GP trainees/fellows with more planned. 2. Improving care of People with Learning Disability (LD): through patient partnership, influencing Policy reforms, development of NICE guidelines [12] and academic outputs [1,2,3,8,9]. 3. Delivering new models supporting research activity in primary care: under my Divisional Lead of the CRN, we have increased the number of patients recruited and research active practices in the North West. 4. Implementing a Quality Framework (QF) as CCG leading to improved patient centred care particularly in the management of cardiovascular disease (particularly atrial fibrillation and hypertension). 3 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: MARTIN MARSHALL GMC/GDC Number: 3243842 Speciality: ACADEMIC GP I held a silver award from 2003-06, reinstated in 2013 following a period working outside the NHS. A renewal application in 2017 was unsuccessful, hence this new application. • I am an international leader in Improvement Science, focusing on evaluating service improvement and redesign of health services. Since 2013 I have given 11 key note lectures at major international conferences, published 43 papers (40 in leading peer reviewed journals) and been awarded £7.2m in grant income • As Vice-Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) since 2016, I have led a successful case to policy makers to increase investment in general practice and I lead for the RCGP on the development of ‘at- scale’ models of practice • I have developed an innovative new method of increasing the impact of research evidence on practice, the Researcher-in-Residence model (2013- date). There are now at least 50 examples of the model having impact in the UK, for example in care homes implementation was associated with reduced resident falls by 12% and pressure ulcers by 25% • Since 2014 helped to establish an innovative general practice in a deprived inner-city community, adopting online technologies to improve access and promoting new models of social prescribing –innovations which are now spreading to other practices locally and nationally 4 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: JOANNA BUDD GMC/GDC Number: 2931465 Speciality: ANAESTHETICS Although I work full time in a small, busy DGH I am an internationally recognised expert in ophthalmic anaesthesia. I have produced national guidelines for the provision of ophthalmic anaesthesia services for the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA). I promote best practice in ophthalmic anaesthesia to benefit patient care through being a Council member and now Honorary Secretary of the British Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Society (BOAS). I am joint editor of the BOAS journal, Ophthalmic Anaesthesia. I am committed to teaching and training. Through holding the posts of Training Programme Director, Birmingham School of Anaesthesia 2008-2013, RCoA Regional Advisor Anaesthesia (RAA) 2013 to present, Lead RAA (from 2017), Educational Supervisor (current), Quality Assurance lead for anaesthesia training (Health Education England West Midlands) and RCoA examiner I continue to improve patient care nationally through the quality training and assessment of junior doctors. I have developed simulation models to aid with the teaching of peribulbar ophthalmic anaesthesia. These models have been used in teaching workshops at international and national meetings I am the lead clinician for intensive care in my Trust and have put in improvements that have seen us move from ‘requiring improvement’ to ‘good’ in the CQC rating. 5 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: JUDITH DINSMORE GMC/GDC Number: 3135222 Speciality: ANAESTHETICS Since my last award I have contributed to: NHS Policy and standards My work was used by NHS England to inform policy towards the national implementation of a 24 hr thrombectomy service for acute ischaemic stroke & the required service standards National leadership President Neuroanaesthesia Critical Care Society (NACCSGBI): • Quality improvement –member of 2 national working groups producing UK guidance & setting standards of care • Education –published national training review, academic meetings, on-line learning. In 2017, I organised our largest & most successful ASM with delegates from 22 countries • Research –NIAA funding partner, undergraduate grants & travel awards Medical education • Examiner for Royal College of Anaesthesia (RCOA) final FRCA exam (> 1000 candidates annually) & Intercollegiate Speciality Board in Neurosurgery. I have excellent appraisal feedback for both • Co-editor of the iconic Lees‘s Synopsis of Anaesthesia (2017), 7 chapters, 5 original articles since 2013 National / International profile • Invited speaker at >20 national & international meetings since 2013. Regularly ranked as one of the top speakers by feedback • Invited to contribute to high impact journals including Lancet Neurology & foreword for an international textbook of Neuroanaesthesia • Judge of the 2017 BMJ Anaesthesia awards 6 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: SIMON GARDNER GMC/GDC Number: 4104881 Speciality: ANAESTHETICS Program Director of James Cook Hospital Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP) Program. I researched, designed, implemented & administered this MSc program since its inception in 2008/9 (1st in UK). I recruited, trained & employed 16 ACCPs, producing drastic improvements in quality, safety & timeliness of care delivery within ITU. Appointed as National Clinical Lead for ACCPs via the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM). Co-authored National ACCP training Curriculum & Portfolio then CPD & Appraisal Pathway. Overseen exponential expansion in ACCP training across the UK. I organised & lectured at 4 National ACCP Conferences. Appointed to HEE Workforce Transformation Project. Elected to governing committee of Association for Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia & Critical Care (ACTACC) in 2014 & 2017 and became National Lead for Critical Care, Training and Workforce matters. Conducted the National Workforce survey 2016, the most comprehensive and far-reaching workforce study is our specialty’s history. Authored ACTACC Cardiac Fellowship Training Curriculum. I remain amongst the most productive & efficient cardiac anaesthetists in the UK, maintaining exemplary mortality & morbidity figures. As anaesthetic lead for Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), we have produced UK leading morbidity & mortality figures. 7 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018 Name: BENJAMIN O'BRIEN GMC/GDC Number: 6030380 Speciality: ANAESTHETICS The patient at the heart of everything I do I relentlessly pursue optimal patient outcomes and innovate to improve patient safety and experience. I developed two innovations (x-ray free heart ablations, airway management), published, presented, and adopted into clinical practice internationally. Patient feedback for >4 years: 97% very satisfied, 0% dissatisfied Creation of Bart’s Heart Centre 2011-2015, I co-led developing the case for, planning and delivering this complex project, a service redesign with NHS-wide implications and system-wide improvements I led consultations with patient groups, NHS bodies and answered to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Measurable improvements to date: 340 fewer deaths pa than expected Cancellations down by >40% >£45m savings to NHS (5yrs) CQC May 2017: OUTSTANDING in 'Well Led', GOOD overall Clinical Director Proud to lead my Department of Perioperative Medicine (novel integrated services along the patient pathway) Largest cardiac POM in UK 400% increase in Consultant numbers, even bigger growth in services offered Top scores in Picker Staff Satisfaction Survey Professor of Perioperative Medicine Chief Investigator 4 major projects, including BHF-funded multi centre RCT Co-Investigator 4 major grants >£12m funding, >55 published items EACTA Council NIHR HTA Panel US/European Practice Advisory Group 8 ACCEA BRONZE AWARD 2018