ExxonMobil Edition 23 | Winter 2015

Energizing education in Qatar

6 10 22 The Fourth Annual ExxonMobil Qatar Interview with and Qatar University Mohammed Fakhroo, ExxonMobil Teachers Sign Milestone Science Chief Executive Academy: Empowering and Technology Chair Officer, Teach For Teachers, Building Agreement Qatar a STEM Generation Insta Printed onr Qatar ExxonMobil Manager, and General President Routledge, Alistair Qatar Inc,Qatar All content ©[email protected]. copyright ExxonMobil email please share, to feedback or us for astory have you If to comes year the As development. development. State of educational Qatar: to commitment the Qatar’s component of ExxonMobil acritical on focusing we’re of Sila.edition In edition, this 2015 Winter the you with share to pleased I’m a close, 2013 ecycled paper .


shared by EMRQ and QU. and EMRQ by shared researchseveral collaborations of recent most -the Program Scholars Research ExxonMobil University Qatar the launch to thisyear earlier an agreement signed QU and EMRQ efforts, these To bolster facilities. art and state-of-the- technology in human innovative capital, investment through strategic promotingacademic excellence research and development, and to in andthrough Qatar technology commitment to advancing science a shared long have (QU) University Qatar and (EMRQ) Qatar Research ExxonMobil Relations Industry and Academic Bolster to Program New Launch University Qatar and Qatar Research ExxonMobil Technology Park. and Science Qatar the at housed EMRQ, at program training the for facilities new inaugurated recently Qatar environment, ExxonMobil learning state-of-the-art a provide and demand the with To up keep Nakilat. and such as Tasweeqorganizations asQatargas, well as and RasGas ventures joint and Petroleum Qatar partner for valuedopportunities personal development and professional provided years for has which program, than Tamayoz the training Qatar National Vision 2030 Development Pillar of the Human the for support ExxonMobil’s of example better no perhaps is There Tamayoz Customized Inaugurates Qatar ExxonMobil

collaboration. and through innovation ofeducation future the building and purposeful towardaction debate thinking, for creative is an international platform ofinitiative , an WISE, Growth.” Inclusive Education for Sustainable and Quality for Impact: “Investing under theparticipants, theme November for more than 2,000 in held was (WISE) Education Summit for Innovation the Qatar, from support ExxonMobil With Education to Approaches Creative Sparks Education for Summit World Innovation 2015 World World 2015 @

Energy Center. unveiled newly its and Houston in Campus of ExxonMobil the tour official an included visit the and Challenges Opportunities,” Issues: Policy Health and Energy “A Entitled Specialon Briefing Texas. Houston, in Policy Public University’s Baker Institute for States,organized by Rice United the to visit a in part (QLC)Leadership Centre took Qatar the from delegation In early October, a Campus Houston ExxonMobil the at Delegation Centre Leadership Qatar Welcomes ExxonMobil -40 person person Insta

Contents | 3 Welcome | 4 educationpartners: The valued our recognize to a galawe dinner held week, the of end the At generation (pageSTEM 6 inspire a them help will that professional development intensive to time their of a week dedicated Qatar independentschools in 50 than (SEC). More Council Education Supreme the with coordination in and with QatarUniversity (QU) Academy, in partnership TeachersExxonMobil University Qatar fourth this mission with the furthered we month, Last learn. to what just -not learn to how students educators who can teach empowered are teachers our that ensure to a priority it made we’ve potential, human to drive commitment our of part why,as That’s teacher. the of quality the than outcomes educational toimproving important classroom ismore factor single no that believe firmly Qatar, we ExxonMobil At well-trained in fields. STEM those particularly individuals, skilled highly upon relies global economic growth because We this do (STEM). mathematics and technology, engineering pursue careers in science, to students inspiring on focus that world the inprograms aroundinvest We issue for ExxonMobil. programs is a priority educational improving scale, global a On teachers from over over from teachers 40

). ). to ensure that human human that ensure to we’re working organization, own our Within Qatar.ExxonMobil TFQ between and partnership fruitful and the lie that ahead, challenges Qatar, the in gap education the close to efforts TFQ’s on thoughts his shares he this issue (page 22 FakhrooMohammed in Officer Executive Chief TFQ’s of interviewing privilege the We had system. Qatar’s independent school year teachingin placement atwo- through students toinspire opportunity the professionals young exceptional organization provides example. Thegrassroots a tremendous is TFQ children. forsustainableour future a build to tirelessly work who organizations these of each of support the have to (page Program Research Scholars ExxonMobil University Qatar the launch to one 10 (page education science and technology of chair in an academic - one forthe sponsorship QU with signed recently milestone agreements we two the as such issue, this in initiatives their of several Center. You can read about Fursan and Al Learning Foundation;Teach and Qatar Petroleum; Qatar SocialDevelopment Center; University; Qatar Qatar; INJAZ Qatar; Teach For Supreme Education Council; 12 ). We’re honored ). We’re honored ), and ), and ), and ), and the NewYear. in best the all you wish we Qatar, ExxonMobil of behalf progress- incredible and inits ambitions in its people, its –in country this in lives that energy the by continuously impressed you as 2016 with more sharing to forward look we Qatar,and ofin State potential the human drive to efforts our of afew just are These workforce. represent employees national having of target the toward progressing is steadily Qatar ExxonMobil committee, this to partly Thanks and universities. students awareness Qatari with and increasing our visibility by Qatar ExxonMobil to graduates high caliber attracting to dedicated 24 (page Committee Liaison our University You can also read about and Qatargas. RasGas ventures joint and Qatar partner Petroleum forour opportunities andpersonal development professional provided years program, which has for for the growingplatform have a training specialized 14 and Technology Park (page Science Qatar the at housed ResearchQatar, ExxonMobil Tamayozprogram at training for our facilities of-the-art state- inaugurated recently We classroom. the in stop development doesn’t ). We’re pleased to now now to ). We’re pleased 50 unfolds.I’m percent of its of its percent

), ), and on on and ExxonMobil Qatar ExxonMobil President and General Manager Routledge Alistair further research.further and stimulate and innovation, technology state-of-the-art topics, present industry timely on views their share and discuss will representatives government and leaders industry ministers, oil ,regional Conference Petroleum Technology 9 the At IPTC th International International th World Tour event of the year. the of Tour event World ATP first the in Doha in compete to players top world’s the together bring will tournament tennis circuit. international The the and calendar sports Qatar the of highlights major the of one Open, ExxonMobil Qatar the of sponsor title the be will Qatar 22 the For Open 2016 ExxonMobil Qatar nd year, ExxonMobil year, ExxonMobil nd supporting a healthy lifestyle. a healthy supporting to addition in persistence, and teamwork, communication nurture highlight how athletics activities Day Sport National The sport. of benefit the of recognition nation-wide Day celebrates and encourages Sport National Committee, Olympic Qatar the by Hosted Day Sport Qatar National National Research Strategy. National Qatar’s in defined pillars thematic four the to related sessions will various feature ARC’ Society,” for Innovating & Research in “Investing theme research agenda. Under the ambitious Qatar’s advance to efforts nationwide on conference,flagship builds Research and Development’s 16 ARC’ 2016 Conference Research Annual Foundation Qatar , Qatar Foundation Foundation , Qatar 16

Calendar | 5 Energy for Human Potential | 6 The Fourth Annual Qatar University ExxonMobil Teachers Academy: Empowering Teachers, Building a STEM Generation

By the year 2040, the world will need 35 percent more energy than it does today, according to the ExxonMobil Outlook for Energy. As a result, an increasing number of professionals will be needed to solve the toughest challenges of the energy sector - a fact that becomes ever more significant as fewer and fewer students are choosing careers that involve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Insta a sustainable future for our children.” future a sustainable of building goal common the share who partners local valued of our support the for grateful and We honored are societies. prosperous and capable strong, create to educationhelps citizens work together – andquality is destiny Education economic plays in the widerdevelopment of society. it role crucial ofthe because education improve and support to responsibility our is it believe “We Qatar. ExxonMobil for Manager General and President Routledge, Alistair strategy,”said national oneducational development through our programs outreach community its focused has Qatar ExxonMobil years, recent “In TeachersExxonMobil Academy. University Qatar flagship the as such training, that teacher support development and topursue careers in including STEM, those students motivating on focus that programs in education company The paths. invests career rewarding and important these on to take and students inspiring preparing to committed remains Qatar ExxonMobil 21 of the jobs the for prepared are students to today’s ensuring critical growth, and economic individual opportunity of blocks building are fundamental the skills STEM issue for ExxonMobil. priority a is skills STEM enhance to worldwide programs educational improving why That’s st century. century. st

Energy for Human Potential | 7 | 8 Executive Officer, Teach For Qatar; Sheikha Hanadi Nasser Bin Khaled Al Thani, Chairman, Qatar; INJAZ Fahad Saad Al-Qahtani, Executive Group Director,Administration Foundation Qatar around around from teachers school primary sixth-grade in November, 50 equipping Teachers Academy took place in Doha ExxonMobil University Qatar fourth The Academy Teachers ExxonMobil University Qatar 45 than More Medadi, Al Dr. Haya Institute; Development Education Manager,General Training Fursan Al Foundation Center. Qatar Director, Executive Thani, Al Ahmad Noof Sheikh Al-Khater, Council; Abdalaziz Education Supreme Fawziya Institute, University; Education of Qatar Director Education, of College of Dean Sadiq, Dr. Hissa Works; Social for Foundation Qatar Qatar Officer, Capital, -Human Executive Chief President Vice Al-Mannai, A. Executive Amal Petroleum; Al-Mannai, Abdulaziz University; Qatar President, Al-Derham, Rashid Dr.Hassan Development; Community and Science Chief Deputy Al-Jaber, Nasser dinner: gala the during partners education Qatar’s ExxonMobil recognized Qatar, ExxonMobil for Manager General and President Routledge, Alistair Energy for HumanPotential will inspire a STEM generation. generation. inspirewill a STEM that teaching techniques innovative with participate in Academy. the participate to and commitment qualifications their on based Council Education Supreme the and University Qatar by selected are Teachers science. and of math understanding their deepening and process learning the in students techniques, tailor-made for engaging and learning independent school teachers active- with The week-long Academy provides educators. teaching skills among science and math enhance to designed program an innovative professional development is Academy Qatar, the ExxonMobil and University Qatar Educator Development, Held jointly by the National Center for for Center National the by jointly Held 40 of Qatar’s independent schools inquiry-based teaching teaching inquiry-based teachersattend fourth third- to to third- scientists andscientists engineers.” the way for generation Qatar’s of next -paving math and science in involved actively more students their get to tools right have the teachers that ensuring by in human Qatar to potential drive commitment our emphasizes Academy Centerfor Educator The Development. National and the University Qatar with to thanks our collaboration initiatives, principal of our one is year, Academy the fourth its in “Now Qatar. ExxonMobil for Manager General and President Mr. Routledge, said Qatar,” in foreducators program training leading the into evolved proudly has Academy Teachers ExxonMobil University Qatar the years, three past the “Over mathteachers the Academy. to attend assigned also Al-Thani, Hamad bint Hind Sheikha Excellency Her by initiative an Maharaty, the skills and confidence they need to to need they confidence and skills the with them equip to and development, professional in educators engage to Teachers as a Academy serves platform ExxonMobil University Qatar “The 10 third-grade science and and science third-grade activities. style classroom- meaningful and fun creative, of series a using by classrooms their in learners active young, with dealing pedagogicalteachers toolswith for provide to States United the from Doha areas. Education travelled to experts subject inthese an interest to develop to students inspire them their helping aim of the with skills, teaching science and math innovative emphasized that professional developmentprogram underwentan intensive, week-long During the Academy,teachers strategies.” National Visionand human development the in outlined goals the advance to help will work whose educators and teachers of excellent a cadre shape to mission ongoing organization’s the reflects also It economy. a knowledge-based towards ambitions country’s of the pillar essential an is Qatar, in which sector education the as a force driving for of the development role QU’spivotal highlights “This Derham. Al- Dr. Hassan President University Qatar said science,” and math in careers pursue and learners active become to them and encouragemotivatetheir students build the brightest future forour children.” future brightest the build to able be we will then way. Only efficient in an to our impact maximize for ways search to continue must dinner. “We gala the at remarks delivered who Routledge, Mr. noted successes,” education these in and on order build to integrate government, academia and industry collaboration across drive effective to continue to is challenge “Our organizations. respective QatarExxonMobil andbetween the theevening captured the collaboration for created video A special event. the at guests honored as present all were Teach Furan Center and Al and Learning, Foundation, Qatar Petroleum, Qatar SocialUniversity, Development Center, Teach For Qatar, INJAZ Qatar, Qatar of Education, Council Supreme the 2015 ofthe conclusion the marked that in Education Qatar” “Energizing entitled dinner a gala during partners education local its for recognition special extended Qatar ExxonMobil in established Academy, TeachersMichelsonExxonMobil successful the from stem to program international first the is Academy The than more impacting TeachersAcademy since creation,its ExxonMobil University Qatar the in havewill in participated Qatar teachers of end the By than than Teachers The inauguralExxonMobil alumni University gatheringincluded more 40 Academy. of Representatives teachers. 2015 , more than than more , 17,000 2005 students. students. . 160

deepen students’ understanding of understanding deepen math students’ and science. that will helpthem activities Teachers interactive learn Academy ExxonMobil of University Qatar the Participants lead to optimal learning and successful outcomes.” lead and learning to optimal successful and that practices and best global trends reflect that techniques and strategies learning andwith teaching widercommunity the to providing efforts ongoing College’s the highlights also “It University. Qatar at Education of College the of Dean Sadiq, Hissa said Dr. success,” future and their students impacts ultimately that education quality to promoting committed reform ineducation as a partner leading position College’s the event highlights “This in classroom. the approaches teaching and their classes their students, their in academy impacted the participation their how and learned in discuss Doha met toacademies share lessons Academy. 40 More than event 2015 following the of alumni a for its two-day gathering Teachers ExxonMobil Academy the University first Qatar hosted teachers who participated in previous in previous who participated teachers

Energy for Human Potential | 9 Energy for Human Potential | 10 ExxonMobil Qatar and Qatar University Sign Milestone Science and Technology Chair Agreement

ExxonMobil Qatar and Qatar University (QU) recently signed an agreement for the exclusive three-year sponsorship of an academic chair in science and technology education at the university. The ExxonMobil Chair in Science and Technology will work closely with QU’s College of Education to explore methods that provide teachers with an improved educational experience in the fields of science and technology, in addition to increasing the numbers and quality of science and technology teaching and learning resources.

Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, President of Qatar University; Alistair Routledge, President and General Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar; and other representatives of ExxonMobil Qatar and Qatar University attend the signing ceremony.

Insta said Alistair Routledge, Routledge, Alistair said years,” the over oped devel have we ship relation excellent the on build to and University, Qatar with partnership another yet begin to delighted are “We tomorrow. of innovators and engineers the become to needed education the get students ensuring and workforce a competitive key building to the is ages all at math and science in interest students’ ing energiz that believe QU and ExxonMobil century. 21 the in success to vital are that skills with solvers innovators, and problem thinkers, collaborators, are independentstudents STEM others. among pathways, career (STEM) math and gy, engineering technolo science, enter to of students number alarger encouraging in members faculty QU various with collaborate also Chair will The at education Qatar University. technology and science in chair academic an of sponsorship three-year exclusive the for agreement the of signing the University, commemorate Qatar of President Al-Derham, Rashid Dr.Hassan and Qatar, ExxonMobil for Manager General and President Routledge, Alistair - - - st st - President Dr. Hassan Dr. Hassan President QU and Mr. Routledge by signed was and organizations two the between collaborations of successful history long the in milestone asignificant represents agreementThe Qatar’s youth.” for education quality joint visionof providing our with line in neers, engi and of scientists generation next Qatar’s developing in university the support to honored We do. are subjects other as students in est of inter level greater not if same, the inspire subjects STEM that ing ensur is agreement this of heart the ultimately, but for development, opportunities identifying and strategizing involves that position acrucial is Education Technology and Science in Chair ExxonMobil Qatar. “The Manager for ExxonMobil General and President - - - both institutions’ advances and reflects Further, the agreement area. this in resources academic region’s the also but technology and science to approach interdisciplinary University’s Qatar only not enriching body, faculty our to expertise added value and bring will Education Technol and Science Chair in ExxonMobil “The Dr. Al-Derham. said sides,” both on ties and research opportuni academic many yielded has that organization the with relationship long our to attests which days recent in Qatar onMobil Exx with signed ments of agree anumber in initiative another is “This campus. QU the on held ceremony a at administrators university and members of faculty presence the in Al-Derham Rashid ogy - - - across the country. country. the across potential human drive to (Our Gas) competition- GASNA and Project, Engineering is Life Week, Adventure emy, STEM Acad Teachers Mobil Exxon University Qatar the as -such programs and of projects a variety on QU with partnered has Qatar ExxonMobil 2030 Vision National Qatar the supporting to ment commit ExxonMobil’s of forefront the at is ity human capac Building progress.” and ment develop country’s the importance of critical asnationals, an initiative young among math and technology, engineering science, promoting to commitment strategic . For many years, years, many . For - - - - -

Energy for Human Potential | 11 | 12 Energy for Research, Safety, Health and Environment academic development of students. the encourage which publications, academic to lead to intended are projects research These re-use. water and monitoring and assessment risk of environmental fields the in projects research of post-graduate anumber support mutually also will EMRQ and QU economy. global changing and adynamic in success for students prepare to helping technology, of state-of-the-art use and development the facilitate and innovation foster will but relations, industry and academic promote only not will Program Scholars Research ExxonMobil The University. University. Research Qatar and Qatar ExxonMobil sign Research the Program between Scholars agreement officially Qatar University, Routledge,Alistair President andQatar, General Manager for ExxonMobil and Dr.Hassan Rashid President Al-Derham, of Dr. Jennifer M. Dupont, Research Director for ExxonMobil Research Qatar; Alistair Routledge, President and General Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar; and Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, Rashid andDr.Hassan Qatar; ExxonMobil for ceremony. Manager Qatar signing the and during General of representatives and by ExxonMobil joined are University President Qatar University of Qatar Routledge, President Alistair Qatar; Research ExxonMobil for Director Research Dupont, M. Dr. Jennifer staff. EMRQ and Qatar ExxonMobil and administrators, university members, of faculty presence the in QU at ceremony a during University, of Qatar President Al-Derham, Rashid Dr. and Hassan Mr. Routledge by signed was agreement The people.” its and country the for benefits more many deliver will Program Scholars Research the confident are we and years, the over Qatar in impact significant a made have university the with efforts research “Our Qatar. ExxonMobil for Manager General and President Routledge, Alistair said future,” a sustainable, prosperous into forward Qatar carry will that ones -the engineers and of scientists generation next commitment to developing the and avision share we because excellence educational promote to continue can we whom with partner ideal an is University Qatar Program. Scholars Research ExxonMobil University Qatar the on embark to thrilled are “We capacity in Qatar that will help help will that Qatar in capacity researchbuild and technology to of programs anumber on together working actively been have teams “Our EMRQ. for Director Research Dupont, Dr. said Jennifer University,” Qatar with partnership exciting another yet entering be to pleased extremely are “We industry.” the and researchers students, of our benefit the for re-use water and monitoring and risk environmental assessment, of areas the in notably output, research ofform outstanding the in collaboration of this fruits the reaping to forward look and initiative this on Qatar Research ExxonMobil with partnering about enthusiastic especially are “We Al-Derham. Dr.said Hassan University,” Qatar at research of culture avibrant promoting of goal our to considerably and contributed researchers and students our benefitted have that of projects number a facilitated has ExxonMobil with relationship “Our coastal geology. Along with with Along geology. coastal and safety LNG reuse, water environmental management, including ExxonMobil, and Qatar of State the to interest common of areas in research conduct to 2009 in established was EMRQ waters. coastal of Qatar State the in population dugong the preserve to those including initiatives, mammal marine and research environmental further to Galveston at A&M Texas with agreement tri-party a signed QU year, and EMRQ Last study. baseline ecological a comprehensive conducted jointly parties two the when 2010 since collaborating been have QU and EMRQ researchers.” and scientists future Qatar’s for environment research supportive and a stimulating providing by research based STEM- strengthen will and innovation, fostering in way along go will collaboration this that certain Iam country. the in academia and industry advance ,

Vision 2030 Vision National Qatar of the Pillars Environmental Development and Human the with line in and sustainable development, responsible support to energy the provides ExxonMobil how exemplifies manner. EMRQ responsibleenvironmentally and asafe in functions it that so world, the around and Qatar in industry gas and oil the benefit will that technologies key develop to needed research scientific the provide to work to continues EMRQ partners, international and local its .

Energy for Research, Safety, Health and Environment | 13 Energy for Human Potential 14 |

There is perhaps no better example of ExxonMobil’s support for the Human Development Pillar of the Qatar National Vision 2030 than the Tamayoz training program, which has for years provided professional and personal development opportunities for valued partner Qatar Petroleum and joint ventures RasGas and Qatargas, as well as organizations such as Tasweeq and Nakilat. To keep up with the demand and provide a state-of-the- art learning environment, ExxonMobil Qatar recently inaugurated new facilities for the training program at ExxonMobil Research Qatar (EMRQ), housed at the Qatar Science and Technology Park.

Abdulla Al-Tamimi, Corporate Training Manager, Qatar Petroleum; Sheikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al-Thani, Chief Operating Officer - Engineering & Ventures, Qatargas; and Alistair Routledge, President and General Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar, at the inauguration of the customized Tamayoz training program facilities at EMRQ. | 15 Energy for Human Potential for Energy

Alistair Routledge, President and General Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar, is joined by representatives of Qatar Petroleum, Qatargas, Rasgas, Tasweeq, Nakilat, Texas A&M Qatar and Qatar Science & Technology Park at the inauguration of the Tamayoz training program’s new facilities.

Tamayoz has ensured excellence; technical “The Tamayoz training ongoing support of local that we produce even (surface and subsurface); program has been so partners and the State stronger benefits for and safety, health well-received by our of Qatar,” added participants.” and the environment. industry partners that Mr. Routledge. ExxonMobil Qatar’s we felt it important to Launched in support of partners can continue not only expand the More than 30 His Highness the Father to expect long-term program, but house it representatives from of the Emir’s vision to gains from the Tamayoz at a well-recognized ExxonMobil Qatar’s increase participation of courses, the new location that best suits valued partner Qatar Qatari nationals in the facility and ExxonMobil its overall purpose as Petroleum and joint workforce, the Tamayoz Qatar’s commitment a specialized training ventures RasGas and training program allows to developing human platform,” said Alistair Qatargas attended the ExxonMobil Qatar potential across Qatar’s Routledge, President and inauguration ceremony to share experience, energy industry. General Manager for in October, in addition disseminate knowledge ExxonMobil Qatar. “Both to other community and instill best practices ExxonMobil Research partners from academia with partners and Qatar and Qatar Science and public sector participants in Qatar’s and Technology Park organizations. energy industry. offer a framework for Since its inception in advancing research that “We are extremely 2012, the program has is instrumental to Qatar’s pleased with where grown steadily with more economic development. the Tamayoz program than 120 courses offered In the same vein, is today,” said Anthony to ExxonMobil partners Tamayoz also supports Pryde, Joint Interest free of charge with Qatar’s economic Technical Manager for over 1,700 individuals growth through ExxonMobil Qatar. “The receiving training. knowledge transfer plans to inaugurate this that promotes national facility are based on the In 2016, the Tamayoz workforce development proven merits of the training program will with a particular focus on program since it was offer courses on a variety the energy sector.” established in 2012. of subject matters from Tailoring the training and each of the program’s “This milestone reflects support that is available six critical competency the success of our to our partner Qatar areas: leadership and industry collaboration, Petroleum and our personal effectiveness; and provides a purpose- joint ventures RasGas project management; built home for our and Qatargas through commercial; operations Energy for Human Potential 16 |

The competition is designed to private businesses. Our vision is “At ExxonMobil Qatar, we’re A number of ExxonMobil Qatar’s encourage young, creative and to transform Qatari business by committed to providing the sponsored students participated in business-minded individuals developing the entrepreneurial energy to drive human potential the competition and attended its to start their own businesses leaders of tomorrow, and celebrate by helping to build a workforce workshops. and to spread the culture of and support entrepreneurship and that can sustain Qatar’s future – a entrepreneurship in Qatar. By innovation.” feat which will only be achievable The Al-Fikra competition supports nurturing Qatari entrepreneurs’ through close collaboration with the Qatar National Vision 2030 talents and mentoring them as they The 2015 competition involved valued local partners such as and its Human Development Pillar develop their innovative businesses, training, submission of projects and Qatar Development Bank, and by promoting and facilitating the Qatar Development Bank is pitching sessions held in November initiatives like the Al-Fikra Business development of small and medium contributing to the economic by a committee of seven members Competition,” said ExxonMobil enterprises, with the goal of diversity of the state. of the academic and business Qatar Production and Joint Interest providing socioeconomic benefits community, including ExxonMobil Manger Simon Younger, who to the people of Qatar that will “The Al-Fikra competition is Research Qatar Technical Interface delivered remarks at the gala dinner. leave a lasting, positive impact on designed to attract the largest Coordinator Dr. Mohamad Al Qatar’s economy. possible number of entrepreneurs Sulaiti and representatives from “Qatar Development Bank is and small and medium enterprises Qatar Development Bank. The excelling at fostering Qatar’s to add value to Qatar’s economy,” five winning teams then received most pioneering young business said Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Nasser lucrative reward packages, minds, creating an environment Al Khalifa, Chief Executive announced at a gala awards dinner where they can express their Officer at Qatar Development held under the patronage of H.E. entrepreneurial talent and see Bank. “At Qatar Development The Minister of Economy and their creative concepts come to Bank, we support competitors Commerce Sheikh Ahmed bin fruition. We have been supporting in every possible way to speed Jassim Al Thani . the competition for the past three up the development process years, and are delighted to have a within the Qatari private sector role in its fourth edition this year as and ultimately establish new platinum sponsor.”

ExxonMobil Qatar Production and Joint Interest Manager Simon Younger shares his thoughts on the importance of innovation at the closing ceremony of the fourth annual Al-Fikra competition for business start-ups. ExxonMobil Qatar Vice President Nasser Al-Kawari delivers remarks at the opening ceremony of the fourth annual Al-Fikra competition for business start-ups. business for competition Al-Fikra annual fourth the of ceremony opening the at remarks delivers Al-Kawari Nasser President Vice Qatar ExxonMobil Executive Director of Executive Business Finance atQatar Development Bankat theopening ceremonyof for competition businessthe Al-Fikra start-ups. andBank; Mana, Al Khalid Abdulla at Manager Development Qatar Development Mannai, Ibrahim Al Qatar; Capability for Manager ExxonMobil JointInterest HeadSultan ofAl-Kuwari, Development at Qatar Development Bank; Vice Nasser Qatar; Simon Al-Kawari, President Younger, for ExxonMobil and Production First placeFirst winner of Fikra Al the business competition: Ahmad Salman Al-Meer - Blue marine -Blue Ahmad Salman farm project Al-Meer

Energy for Human Potential | 17 Energy for Human Potential 18 |

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, addresses the 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, Qatar.

Her Highness Sheikha Moza ExxonMobil has supported with key education partners bint Nasser, Chairperson WISE since 2009, as part of to help drive human of Qatar Foundation, its commitment to improving potential and advance inaugurated the 2015 summit educational programs education locally, particularly and delivered remarks on the worldwide to enhance STEM in the areas of science, global challenges facing the skills. technology, engineering education sector. The First and math (STEM). From Lady of the “WISE is an inspirational classroom to boardroom, also spoke initiative that addresses the from primary school level at the opening ceremony, most pressing challenges that to adult education, our providing her perspective on face global education today. collaborative programs the importance of educating It is also aligned with the help create comprehensive women across the world. national strategy ExxonMobil learning opportunities Qatar has been implementing for students and young | 19 Energy for Human Potential for Energy

His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, Qatar Minister of Foreign Affairs, Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, and The First Lady of the United States Lady Michelle Obama attend the opening ceremony of WISE.

professionals in Qatar,” said practices, and students and and advance educational approaches to education Alistair Routledge, President teachers were given the imperatives of the Qatar under the visionary leadership and General Manager for opportunity to experiment National Vision 2030 and of its Chairperson, Her ExxonMobil Qatar. with innovative approaches to add value in supporting Highness Sheikha Moza bint to education. Qatar’s educational policy Nasser and with the support “We are proud to have makers and practitioners in of corporate partners such as supported WISE since The Meet Qatar Zone schools. ExxonMobil Qatar and Qatar its inception in 2009, and of WISE 2015 targeted Petroleum. appreciate all of Qatar education stakeholders Since its inception in 2009, Foundation’s efforts towards in Qatar, providing WISE has positioned itself inspiring and leading creative organizations such as Teach as a global reference in new change in the world of for Qatar and INJAZ Qatar, education and scientific as well as the Qatar Science research and development,” and Technology Park, with added Mr. Routledge. dedicated meeting spaces and organized networking WISE connects innovators, sessions to familiarize offers a global platform international participants with for the development of their activities. new ideas, and supports innovative approaches WISE has rebalanced to education. The 2015 educational priorities in the summit featured several past year to better serve new elements designed to learning needs in Qatar, increase participation from placing special emphasis and engagement with the upon engaging with local local community. Learning education stakeholders. labs provided interactive A year-round leadership demonstrations of the program for school principals latest teaching and learning has been designed to support Children take part in an educational activity at the WISE Learning Lab. Energy for Human Potential | 20

ExxonMobil Qatar Business Services Manager Norman Kreutter with the winners and participants of the 2015 Mubadara competition.

Each year, INJAZ Qatar and ExxonMobil Qatar work to harness the mentorship of Qatari business leaders to inspire entrepreneurialism from Qatari youth. The annual Mubadara Young Enterprise of the Year competition, which concluded in October, represents INJAZ Qatar’s annual celebration of the achievements of its students and participating companies. and confidence.” confidence.” and witness their motivation to and entrepreneurs, aspiring Qatar’s meet to opportunity the have we competition, the through year, Year after workforce. the in nationals of Qatari participation increased the and VisionNational 2030 Qatar the to commitment 2007 in launched was it since programs Qatar’s INJAZ of apart been have “We Qatar.for ExxonMobil and General Manager President Routledge, Alistair said Competition,” Year of the Enterprise Young Mubadara Annual 8 Qatar’s of INJAZ asupporter be to pleased is Qatar “ExxonMobil businesses across Qatar. leading from professionals of guidance the with months, four over business areal run and establish to universities and schools independent secondary Qatar’s teams from allows competition student Mubadara Qatar, the by ExxonMobil Supported o “Ptactica” from Qatar University (female) won the Best Marketing Plan Award, sponsored by QF by sponsored Award, Plan Marketing Best (female) the won University Qatar from o “Ptactica” Award Impact Social Best the also and Holding Group Regency by sponsored Award, Product/Service Innovative Most the (male) awards: two won University Qatar from o “Q-Cycle” ExxonMobil by Year of sponsored the Award, Company Best (female) the won University Qatar from o “Qaho” Level Winners: University Award Display Booth Best the won Boys for School Independent Omer Bin Mosab from Service” Detection o “Gas Award Report Annual Best the won Boys for School Wakra Independent Al from Echo” o “The Award Presentation Public Best the won Girls for School Independent Kawthar Al from Different” Something o “Do Award Impact Social Best the won Boys for School Independent Tareq Ziad from Bin o “Re-glass” (Qatar Financial Center) QFC by sponsored Award, Plan Marketing Best the won Girls for School Independent Shaimaa Al from Recycle” o “Smart Holding Group Regency by sponsored Award, Service or Product Innovative Most the won Boys for School Independent Al-Thani Mohamed Bin Ahmed from o “E-Order” Year of the Company Best the won ExxonMobil by Girls for Award, sponsored School Independent Resala Al from Yourself” o “Save High School Level Winners: , in line with our our with line , in th th Innovative Product or or Product Innovative Most Impact, Social Best four including categories, in recognized then are panel interview. Winners a and presentation; public and interviews; stand fair trade report; company competition: of the stages occursEvaluation over four program. Mubadara rigorous the in part taken of having result a as skills, other among self-growth and spirit team show and did, it as performed company the howunderstand and why they that demonstrate also must competitors case, each In service. or product innovative of an creation the or company successful a financially running winners demonstrated competition Mubadara The Mr. Routledge. added future,” economic Qatar’s to contribute can who tomorrow for of entrepreneurs pipeline astrong build can we more the ecosystem, startup the into get can students that more “The economy.” tomorrow’s of bedrock the are entrepreneurs today’s because way along go will services and products their sure Iam and luck, of best the winners the wish “I economy. the in real needs establish to concept business each into gone had that of research amount and of ideas breadth the and competitors year’s this with impressed so was “I Mr.said Kreutter. Year Competition,” of the YoungEnterprise Mubadara 8 Qatar’s of INJAZ winners the congratulate to like would “I the winners. honoring ceremony awards the at spoke Kreutter Norman Manager Services Business Qatar ExxonMobil and competition, year’s this for ajudge as served Manager Nasser Al-Kawari Asset Terminals Venture Joint and President Vice Qatar ExxonMobil Year. of the Company Best and Campaign Marketing Best Service, th Annual Annual th inception in 2007 in inception its since programs Qatar’s INJAZ from graduated have schools, local from 19,000 than More readiness. work and literacy financial entrepreneurship, address that courses including for students, opportunities wide range of development a provides Qatar INJAZ tomorrow. of businesses successful the for driver the be will that set skill aunique implement and learn entrepreneurs of generation coming up-and- which Qatar’s from pad alaunch as serves competition The professional mentoring. and funding seed provides which Program, Start-Up™ Qatar INJAZ the in part take to businesses their for given opportunity the are competition Mubadara of the runners-up and winners university-level The students, primarily students, .

Energy for Human Potential | 21 Energy for Human Potential | 22 | 23 In 2014, ExxonMobil Qatar signed an agreement with Teach For Qatar, a local grassroots organization that is working to be a part of the solution to Qatar’s education challenges. Under the patronage of Her Excellency Sheikha Hind, the organization provides exceptional, talented graduates and young professionals - whether nationals or residents - the opportunity to inspire students through Human Potential for Energy a two-year teaching placement in Qatar’s independent school system.

The partnership between ExxonMobil Qatar campaign. Additionally, over the next year we What has been the most rewarding aspect of and Teach For Qatar is a result of a shared hope to increase the number of our fellows your role as CEO of Teach For Qatar so far? commitment to closing the education gap in and partners, as well as sign with more partner Qatar. ExxonMobil Qatar strongly believes that independent schools. I find this type of work extremely rewarding human capacity is the cornerstone to building since navigating the challenges of the NGO a successful future for any nation, and as such, In your experience, what are the current sector can be quite fulfilling. At the end of the provides the energy to drive human potential challenges facing the education industry in day you can see tangible change. When we through its support of local initiatives like Teach Qatar? first launched our initiative, school principals For Qatar. were reluctant to support us, but now they are I think the main challenge faced by Qatar’s actually some of our biggest advocates. I was Mohammed Fakhroo serves as the Chief education industry is that teaching is not equally as surprised to find that some of Qatar’s Executive Officer for Teach For Qatar, which currently considered as a top career choice. It is largest organizations such as ExxonMobil Qatar receives support from the Supreme Education undervalued by society as a profession, which partnered with us, as part of their CSR initiatives, Council, Qatar Foundation and Qatar means low reinvestment of top graduates with deep conviction. Petroleum, in addition to ExxonMobil Qatar. into the education system. However, this is Sila discusses with Mr. Fakhroo the tremendous something that Teach For Qatar is actively Our first cohort of fellows only began teaching growth of his organization over the past year, seeking to address by reinvesting top local at our partner schools last year. However, their the challenges facing the Qatar education graduates and professionals into the education achievements and the positive change they are industry, and ExxonMobil Qatar and Teach system through our fellowship, which also enacting have been visible from day one. Some For Qatar’s joint mission to tackle the nation’s aims to promote the value of teaching of our fellows have already received positive education challenges. and its importance in realizing the Human feedback from their students’ parents, while Development Pillar of the Qatar National Vision others have been officially recognized with What have been Teach For Qatar’s milestones 2030. awards. It is all these achievements combined since its inception? that bring me not only great professional How would you describe Teach For Qatar satisfaction, but personal fulfillment as well. The most significant milestone for Teach For and ExxonMobil Qatar’s partnership? Where Qatar is when we went out to recruit our first would you like to see this partnership go in the What is your vision for Teach For Qatar over cohort and when we had the opportunity to put future? the next 10 years? our business plan to action. Now we have a total of 32 fellows, one-third (14) of which are Qatari. It is a win-win partnership between both our Over the next 10 years, we aim to have a Our first cohort of fellows has now successfully organizations, and it addresses some of the significant impact on changing society’s completed the first year of fellowship and is now most challenging issues that affect learning in perception of teaching as a career choice. We in the second year. We are already receiving our children’s classrooms today. ExxonMobil aim to see more fresh graduates considering positive feedback from principals, parents and Qatar is among the first organizations that teaching as one of their top career choices, students. Currently, Teach for Qatar fellows believed and supported our mission and as well as a significant increase in the number have an impact on the lives of approximately vision. They go above and beyond our official of Qatari men and women going into this 1,600 students. partnership and they act as thought partners. profession. We aim for our fellows to graduate And they take what we do extremely seriously from the program with the mission to enact Another milestone was signing Memorandum and personally invest in helping us overcome long-term change in the education sector in of Understandings with 18 independent schools challenges. Qatar. where we place our fellows. We at Teach For Qatar would like to extend our What are Teach For Qatar’s major plans or gratitude to ExxonMobil Qatar for its continued initiatives for 2016? support of Teach For Qatar’s mission to be part of the solution to our nation’s educational Our recruitment campaign for the new cohort challenges, and we look forward to the of fellows kicks off in November and continues continuantion of our fruitful partnership for until April. We have some very exciting and years to come. engaging events planned as part of the Energy for Human Potential | 24

Based on the simple premise that making connections brings people together, ExxonMobil Qatar is building its Qatari workforce one person at a time, ensuring that each new addition to its team is one of Qatar’s best and brightest future stars.

To aid in this, ExxonMobil Committee since 2010 also responsible for the Qatar built an internal when he also joined the career development of taskforce several years ago organization. “Developing Qatari nationals hired – the University Liaison the capacity of Qatari at ExxonMobil Qatar; Committee – to achieve nationals is an intrinsic this involves fulfilling more effective student value for our organization. their training needs outreach and increase This priority is woven and overseeing their Qatarization efforts throughout every progress and growth in within the company. The aspect of our business the company, in addition committee is dedicated and is reflected in our to monitoring their to attracting high caliber commitment to educating, career planning and skills graduates for careers training and developing development. with ExxonMobil Qatar by Qatari employees. We are increasing the company’s committed to attracting, ExxonMobil Qatar visibility and awareness developing and retaining participates in several with Qatari students, the best people in support activities throughout the university faculty and of the local industry, year to strengthen its staff members. Due in which in turn helps us to outreach efforts, guided part to the committee’s meet our business needs by the University Liaison efforts, ExxonMobil Qatar worldwide.” Committee. Earlier this is steadily progressing year, ExxonMobil Qatar toward the target of Mr. Al-Naemi regularly hosted a luncheon for having national employees engages with Qatari a group of more than represent 50 percent of its students who are 40 female university workforce. interested in internships students from various and sponsorships, and with local universities, including Abdullatif Al Naemi, motivated, talented and Qatar University, Carnegie National Development qualified Qatari graduates Mellon University in Qatar, Manager for ExxonMobil who are interested in Georgetown University Qatar, has chaired employment opportunities School of Foreign Service the University Liaison with the company. He is in Qatar and Community Abdullatif Al Nuaimi, Qatar National Development Managerfor ExxonMobil activities. organization’s education the about a presentation with welcome the followed national partners, education key Qatar’s ExxonMobil of Teach Qatar, one For for Officer Development Chief Darwish, Anoud Al initiatives. development national education support programs company’s that the which highlighted Qatar,for ExxonMobil Advisor Resources Human Al-Qahtani, Noora by brief and welcome a with luncheonThe began as graduatestudents. aswell sponsored students group comprised diverse of Qatar. The College previous academic year. academic previous the from increase percent 10 a represents which sponsored Qatar year, ExxonMobil Vision National the achieve to economy and efforts inQatar’s plays industry the importance the given developed, are resources natural country’s their ofunderstanding how gain a better youth Qatar’s programsThese help universities. international from local and students to opportunities sponsorship and internship provides Qatar year,ExxonMobil Every 2015 - 2030 2014 45 . Duringthe academic students, students,

future. Qatar’s can sustain that skills and math engineering science,strong technology, workforcewith productive and of askilled support in potential, human drive to by providingthe energy Vision 2030 National Qatar the to contributing is Qatar ExxonMobil Committee, Liaison University the as such of initiatives anumber Through

Energy for Human Potential | 25 Energy for Human Potential | 26

The -40member delegation from the Qatar Leadership Centre during the visit to the ExxonMobil Houston Campus. of the world’s largest LNG ships, three receiving receiving three ships, LNG largest world’s of the 12 includes partnership / ExxonMobil QP the that explained He field. gas natural non-associated largest world’s the Field, North the develop to Qatargas and RasGas ventures joint (QP) and Petroleum Qatar partner its with activities company’s ofthe outline an with group the provided Qatar. He in enjoys aboutlongthe and ExxonMobil unique history group the to length more at spoke Mr. Lidisky Qatar.” and education partnershipswith the Stateof our many through today training not but only support, to proud are we something is and prosperity, continued Qatar’s to vital is leaders of generation next ofthe development The delegation. Centre Leadership Qatar the to host is “It a realfor ExxonMobil privilege than more for partner a dedicated as society, thriving Qatar’s nurture to and environment; the and health safety, research, support to potential; human drive to energy the with country the providing to commitment company’s the highlighted of Qatar. She State the with relationship term long- ExxonMobil’s on reflected and campus the to group the welcomed Pepper Mrs. Manager. Marketing CompanyGlobal Market Development Power and Gas ExxonMobil Lidisky, Steve and Corporation’s Manger for Economics and Energy, Mobil Gardner, Exxon Rob by joined was and host executive senior delegation’s the as served Russia, and East Middle for President Vice Kathy Pepper, Production Company ExxonMobil HoustonEnergy Campus. Center at the ExxonMobil ofRepresentatives the Qatar Leadership newly opened Centre tour ExxonMobil’s 22 years. of the 14 ofthe LNG trains, 27 trains, LNG

Qatar Stock Exchange. Exchange. Stock Qatar Al-Zamil Al-Kuwari, Internal AuditDirector at Majid Mr. Qatar,” Ali in said does ExxonMobil work of the aware us of making objectives their meeting in effective extremely and comprehensive were through sat we presentations the All Campus. Houston ExxonMobil the to visit today’s with impressed so was “I arrival. on received Houston Campus andfor the warm welcome they the at them hosting for ExxonMobil to thanks their expressed delegates the visit, of the end the At 2040 by percent 35 about by grow will globally demand energy that forecasts Outlook The East. Middle the across demand America, and trendsNorth in electricity surge in unconventional resourcein production impact of thegrowing global middle class, the energy the including of topics, a range covered discussion The supply. and demand ofenergy view global long-term company’s the Energy, for Outlook ExxonMobil’s group the presented Mr. remarks, Mr.Following Gardner Lidisky’s employees. ExxonMobil ofCompany Ltd. (Nakilat) through secondments Transport Gas Qatar and QP support directly to expertise and management technical provides it that – and Gas Barzan and Gas Khaleej Al – gas projects domestic in two the participates also ExxonMobil that noted Qatar, Mr.Lidisky in activities important other company’s the Of refinery. condensate largest Qatar’s and States, United the and Europe in terminals . Leadership Centre and Rice University’s Baker Institute forPublic Policy. Baker Institute and Centre Rice Leadership University’s Qatar the both of representatives included which arrival, upon delegation the greet Manager, GasSteve and Lidisky, Power ExxonMobil MarketingCompany Global Market Development KathyPepper, Company Production Vice President ExxonMobil forMiddle Eastand Russia,and

leaders in year’s this leaders 34 are There professionals. Qatari programs for select toorganizations deliver and Qatari leading institutions international prominentQLC with worksclosely in partnership excellence, leadership for platform national a As 2030 Vision National of Qatar progressnational toward accomplishing goals the ofpromising and support capabilities Qataris leadership the develop of Qatar,further to Tamim bin Thani, Emir HamadAl of State the Sheikh Highness His by established was QLC knowledge withQatar. tothe expertise ofother countries that share professionallearning experience, as well as access a first-hand with individuals these provides visit The group. their with in part take must leaders executive that Journey Learning overseas year,Each QLC’s one curriculum includes States,” he added. United the to visit of our purpose the to relevant extremely also but successful, only not was that experience an it making into put they effort and time the for ExxonMobil at team the thank to like would and visit, our enjoyed thoroughly “I and real estate sectors. sectors. estate real and transportation financial, health, communications, backgrounds, energy, the various including from -12 month program who hail hail program who month . executive executive

Energy for Human Potential | 27 Events & Celebrations | 28 is joined by Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation isMobil Corporation joined by Senior Vice President of Exxon Al Thani, Chairperson of Qatar Museums Board of Trustees, Trustees, of Board Museums Qatar of Chairperson Thani, Al Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa bin Hamad bint Mayassa Al Sheikha Excellency Her Qatar Museums and for their valuable valuable their To for Out Asia Reach and Museums Qatar of ExxonMobil Qatar Alistair Routledge, for a gala dinner dinner agala for Routledge, Alistair Qatar ExxonMobil of Andrew P. Swiger and President and General Manager Manager General and President P. and Andrew Swiger hosted by Her Excellency to celebrate the sponsors of of sponsors the celebrate to Excellency Her by hosted ّ ّ ّ c o n t r i b ّ u t i o ً n s

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for female sponsored students and graduate students. andstudents. graduate students sponsored female for Qatar ExxonMobil by hosted a luncheon attend -- Qatar of College andCommunity in Qatar ofService School Foreign inQatar, University Georgetown University Mellon Carnegie University, Qatar including -- universities local various than more of group A Celebrations Events & 40 female university students from from students university female ٤٠ ّ ّ

| 29

His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Father , and His Excellency Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah inaugurate the Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development.

Alistair Routledge, President and General Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar, attends the inauguration of the Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development.