Master of Science programme Sustainability Science and Policy

Master’s Open Day, March 18 th 2017 Ron Cörvers

ICIS – Research, Education and Learning for Sustainable Development

MUST – University Graduate School of Sustainability Science - Bachelor courses on Sustainable Development - Master program Sustainability Science and Policy - PhD program Sustainability Science and Policy

ICIS, Kapoenstraat 2, Maastricht (not all staff members are in the picture) Sustainable Development

“development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987)

=> development problem => environmental problem SD


Sustainable Development development Environment


SD Worldwide interdependencies

• ecological interdependencies (ecosystems, life support systems, nature, resources, etc.) • economic interdependencies (global markets, global trade, supply chains, value chains, etc.) • political interdependencies: (nation states, EU, UN, WTO, NATO, etc.) Sustainable Development => dimensions Sustainable Development => integrative approaches Aim Master SSP program

 learn to cope with sustainable development problems from an integrated perspective

 strong focus on Sustainability Assessment (SA) a structured process dealing with a sustainability issue, using knowledge from various scientific disciplines and/or stakeholders, such that integrated insights are made available to decision makers

 to become a ‘sustainability professional’, who: • has the competences to address sustainability challenges • can contribute to sustainability assessment for policymaking • is able to operate at the interface of science, policy and society Master program SSP

 integrated perspective on sustainability challenges  strong focus on Sustainability Assessment  in context of Innovation and Governance for SD  knowledge production for policymaking and society Master program SSP

 integrated perspective on sustainability challenges  strong focus on Sustainability Assessment  in context of Innovation and Governance for SD  knowledge production for policymaking and society

 1-year program fully taught in English  Problem-based Learning  international, multidisciplinary student group  thematic courses  small-scale tutorials  actual cases for real clients (SA project)  weekly: 10-12 hrs classes, 25-30 hrs group work and individual work  M.Sc. Diploma Sustainability Science and Policy (SSP) Year Total Other Non students NL European European

Sept 2011 10 3 6 1

Sept 2012 22 6 12 4

Sept 2013 18 1 11 6

Sept 2014 13 2 7 4 2011

Sept 2015 37 9 23 5

Sept 2016 45 8 28 9

2012 Total 145 29 (20%) 87 (60%) 29 (20%)

class 2016-2017

2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Total Other Non students NL European European

Sept 2011 10 3 6 1

Sept 2012 22 6 12 4

Sept 2013 18 1 11 6

Sept 2014 13 2 7 4

2011 Sept 2015 37 9 23 5

Total 100 29 87 29

Graduated Enrolled Stopped

Sept2016 82 16 2 2012

class 2016-2017

2013 2014 2015 2016

Understanding Sustainability

• Fundamentals of Sustainable Development – roots of sustainability thinking; environmental, social, and economic dimension; trade offs; key concepts and theories, etc.

• Global Dynamics of Sustainable Development – globalization; global dynamics and complexity; relations Earth system and social systems; systems thinking; etc.

Policy for Sustainability

• Governance for Sustainable Development – governance, government, governing; societal steering, collective action; state, market, civil society; partnerships; etc.

• Sustainability, Law and the Environment – regulatory approaches, including economic instruments; international environmental law/trade Law; corporate social responsibility; steering different actors; etc.

Assessing Sustainability • Knowledge Production for Sustainable Development – knowledge production and integration; problem structuring; science-policy interface; different roles of scientists; etc.

• Methodology for Sustainability Assessment – overview methods and tools of sustainability assessment; learning from SA examples; developing project plan SA project; etc.

• Sustainability Assessment Project – SA real-world problem; integrated analysis, exploring knowledge; teamwork; external partners; etc.

• Sustainability Assessment Skills – basic modelling, participatory methods, scenarios, policy analysis Sustainability Assessment Project TOPIC YEAR COMMISSIONED Energy efficiency of UM buildings 2012 Green Office (UM) Sustainable Housing in South Region 2012 Province of Limburg Moving towards Climate Neutrality in Maastricht 2013 Platform COOL Towards Sustainable Waste Management at UM 2013 Green Office (UM) Sustainable River Basin Management 2013 Deltares Philips: Roadmap for conflict-free minerals 2013 Philips NV Car use, parking, and air quality in Maastricht 2013 Q-Park Sustainable Tourism in Leudal 2014 Municipality Leudal Maastricht Accessible 2014 Maastricht Accessible Agglomeration Agriculture 2014 Province of Limburg Repurposing Tapijnkazerne 2014 Green Office (UM) Meat Alternatives 2015 Nutrition Centre Circular Economy 2015 City of Maastricht Biobased economy Leudal 2015 Municipality Leudal Sustainability Assessment Project TOPIC YEAR COMMISSIONED Genk Smart Grid 2016 VITO Energy agreements 2016 SER Award for accessibility 2016 Maastricht Bereikbaar Maastricht Smart City? 2016 City of Maastricht Urban Nature Vision 2016 IVN-Maastricht Sustainable river management 2016 City of Maastricht Sustainable degrowth 2016 Province of Limburg Biobased Economy 2016 Deltares/Rijkswaterstaat

World Environment Day 2013 1st Waste Management at Maastricht University 2nd Climate neutrality in Maastricht

Master’s Thesis

• Course Thesis Research Proposal (starts in December) • Thesis market (December) – expertise & interest ICIS staff – ICIS research projects • 1st and 2 nd supervisor • Thesis Research Proposal (before April 1 st ) • Research period and thesis writing (May-August) • Presenting thesis (begin July & late August) • Before August 31 st

Career prospects

• position at government, business, NGO, university • function as policy-maker, analyst of strategic policy and strategies, SD coordinator, sustainability consultant, sustainability researcher Career prospects

• position at government, business, NGO, university • function as policy-maker, analyst of strategic policy and strategies, SD coordinator, sustainability consultant, sustainability researcher

Alumni (N = 49 out of 82 | period 2012-2016)

- Private sector 53% - University 24 % - Public sector 10% -NGOs 7% - Others/looking for job 6% UM website – Master SSP QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS?

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