chancellor’s court of benefactors

2020– 21 chancellor’s foreword

Like the rest of the world, has passed through a year of tremendous upheaval. And as it has done throughout many centuries, the University has put itself to the service of others, to the betterment of a world that has been so hard hit by the pandemic. Colleagues have made enormous efforts to adapt to new ways of working, supporting one another and ensuring that, wherever they are in the world, our students continue to receive excellent teaching. The pandemic has shown the very best the University can do. Oxford’s contribution to the fight against COVID-19 has world-changing potential. Our distinctive research methods have led to the development of a that can be provided at minimal cost and stored at normal fridge temperatures. It is certain to be a mainstay of the global recovery, especially in less wealthy nations. It is a remarkable achievement, produced in record-breaking time. This success is thanks to national and global efforts from members of the public, international partnerships, governments and to the commitment and generosity of visionary supporters such as those represented in the Chancellor’s Court. So many people have made possible Oxford’s vigorous response to the coronavirus and also helped to continue the rest of the University’s vital research and teaching under new and challenging circumstances. Despite the global emergency, Oxford has remained steadfast in its mission of advancing knowledge for the greater common good and helping build a better world. For example, our benefactors are supporting the University’s new Academic Futures programme, a series of scholarship initiatives to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in our graduate student body. The Black Academic Despite the global emergency, Futures programme, which will provide up to 10 new scholarships to Black UK Oxford has remained steadfast in research students, is one of the linchpins of this continuing effort. its mission of advancing knowledge The last year has also seen the endowment of a new Oxford college, the first in 30 years, thanks to a transformational gift from the Reuben Foundation. Reuben for the greater common good and College will serve as a new base for interdisciplinary research into key issues of helping build a better world. our time, such as artificial intelligence, environmental change and cellular life. Furthermore, 2021 began with the announcement of an extraordinary gift from The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH —  Ineos. The new Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research will tackle Chancellor, arguably the greatest post-COVID economic and healthcare challenge we face – bacterial resistance, caused by overuse and misuse of antibiotics – carrying on the great legacy of those who discovered and developed penicillin in the last century at Oxford. You have honoured us with your friendship and wise counsel. I look forward to continuing our partnership as, together, we help move the world toward contents days of brighter hopes and opportunities for all.

Celebrating impact 2 Investing in the future 8 About the Court 12 Awards & honours 14 The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH Chancellor, University of Oxford

Images © University of Oxford/John Cairns Photography, except the following: p. 2 © The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory; p. 4 REUTERS/Christian Charisius; p. 5 Chang W. Lee/Pool via REUTERS; p. 8–9 vs148/; p. 11 © Oxford History of Science Museum

COURT MATTERS | CHANCELLOR’S FOREWORD 1 Celebrating Court members’ impact World-leading, innovative research and teaching discovering made possible by philanthropic support the unknown

For millennia humans have sought to A new view of the Milky unravel the mysteries of the universe, yet still only around 4% of what makes up Way’s centre the universe is known to modern physics. Hintze Fellow Dr Ian Heywood received The Oxford University Hintze Centre for global attention when, in collaboration Astrophysical Surveys (OHCAS), supported with staff at the South African Radio by Sir Michael and Lady Hintze, is at the Astronomy Observatory, he made this forefront of efforts to change this. The striking image of the centre of the Milky centre tackles some of the biggest questions Way galaxy, using the Observatory’s of modern astrophysics, such as: What is MeerKAT telescope. The image includes the universe made of? What is the origin of several supernova remnants, regions of galaxies? How do galaxies evolve? massive star formation, and filamentary structures that are signposts to the shocks The centre seeks to address these questions and magnetic fields in this active region by taking part in major international of the Milky Way. surveys such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the Vera Rubin Observatory and The image is two degrees across – 800 light the European Extremely Large Telescope years at the centre of the Milky Way – and (E-ELT). A thriving team of Hintze shows the large and small scale structures Postdoctoral Fellows and Hintze Graduate that surround the black hole in the centre Scholars, led by Professor Roger Davies, of the Milky Way. This black hole has works across three strands of activity: a mass four million times that of the sun, galaxy evolution, the dark universe and a measurement recognised by the award the transient universe. of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez, which The galaxies group has measured the masses was shared with Professor Roger Penrose of of the black holes that nestle in the cores of the Mathematical Institute for fundamental galaxies. The dark universe researchers have theoretical work on black holes. examined the impact of black hole ejecta from active galaxies on their evolution and Thanks to the support of Court members on the large-scale distribution of galaxies. Sir Michael and Lady Hintze, images like The transients team has made spectacular Dr Heywood’s can inform researchers at radio observations of high-energy plasma OHCAS and around the world about how being ejected from a black hole. black holes feed themselves and how they influence their environments.


Every day provides a reminder of the Over the last 35 years, the RISJ has a member of the Court, as well as support power, perils and promise of professional hosted more than 600 journalists from from other funders who share the belief journalism. As the world and the media almost 100 countries through its fellowship that journalism matters, and that it can environment changes at a breakneck pace, programmes. Every year, its leadership matter even more if journalists learn from the fundamental ambition of journalism development programmes are attended one another and from leading research. – to seek truth and report it – remains as by dozens of editors and news media Professor Rasmus Nielsen, Director important as ever. executives. The institute analyses some of the RISJ, says: ‘We hope to expand our of the big issues facing journalists and The Reuters Institute for the Study work to, firstly, reach more journalists and news media and their role in our societies. of Journalism (RISJ) explores the future editors from the global south, not only to Through these programmes, the RISJ of journalism worldwide and connects benefit them but also their peers from more annually helps hundreds of journalists the practical challenges faced by reporters, privileged countries. Secondly, we aim to to develop their craft. The institute’s editors and media executives with research launch a new series of tailored programmes alumni go on to mentor their colleagues by Oxford academics. As people move from which will connect journalists with Oxford and often rise to lead their organisations. offline to online platforms, journalism often academics researching the big issues of our From Mark Landler’s rigorous reporting struggles to cut through the noise and reach time, from artificial intelligence to climate on Brexit and the COVID-19 crisis as beyond a relatively elite audience to a wider change to migration to public health. We London bureau chief of The New York public. The societal implications of this are look forward to working with like-minded Times to Supriya Sharma’s award-winning enormous. At its best, journalism historically people who believe we need – and can get – work as Executive Editor of has made public debate and politics more better journalism in the future than we India, they represent much of what is informed and inclusive. But progressively, had in the past.’ (Above) US President Joe Biden and First Lady best of journalism. the risk is that it will serve the few, while Jill Biden leave after the 59th Presidential examining america leaving the many increasingly disengaged The RISJ receives core funding from Inauguration, January 2021 and susceptible to misinformation. The Thomson Reuters Foundation, (Left) Journalists are silhouetted as they wait outside of a courtroom from the outside in In this turbulent moment for the United For Professor Smith, the new podcast is States, the Rothermere American Institute an effective way of making up-to-date (RAI) brings together Oxford’s expertise scholarly analysis as lively and engaging across a range of disciplines to offer calm as possible. He sees the podcast as being analysis of how America has reached the similar to a stimulating tutorial, bringing place it has, where it might be going and together academics and journalists to why it matters. discuss topics such as the country’s history of protests and insurrection, what can be Named after Court member the Rothermere learned from the aftermath of the Civil War Foundation, the RAI is Oxford’s centre today, and the prospects for Joe Biden’s for the study of the US and its place in the administration. world. Under the Directorship of Professor Adam Smith, the Edward Orsborn Professor Since its founding 20 years ago – thanks of US Politics and Political History, the RAI to the generosity of the Rothermere has expanded its public programming and Foundation and the Rhodes Trust – attracted global audiences. philanthropy has played an important role for the RAI. Over the years, the RAI’s The past year has seen the launch of the John G Winant Visiting Professorship of RAI’s podcast, The Last Best Hope?, which American Government has been funded examines America from the outside in. by Court member Joan Winant, her late The title of the podcast is a quote from husband, Rivington Winant, and his late Abraham Lincoln, who called the United brother, John. States ‘the last best hope of earth’, the classic Much has been achieved formulation of the powerful and enduring Mrs Winant says of supporting the RAI: over the last 20 years, and the idea that America matters because of what it ‘My husband Rivington and I felt there was stands for. It is a reminder of the importance a real opportunity to gain fresh insights RAI’s role in understanding the of knowing how the rest of the world has about the US from an outsider’s perspective. US is particularly important now seen America, as well as how America Oxford has a long-standing tradition of has seen the rest of the world, a task that stellar scholarship, and it’s been wonderful at a time of such uncertainty. is easier with the sense of perspective and to be involved with the RAI.’ — The Rothermere Foundation context that is possible from Oxford.

4 COURT MATTERS | CELEBRATING IMPACT COURT MATTERS | CELEBRATING IMPACT 5 (Left) Scientist prepares a ‘Flow Cytometer’ for viruses, and vision use. This machine can be used to study different immune cell populations following vaccination.

(Right) Doctor taking a blood sample prior Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking to vaccination, at one of the portable clinics set that other people will do it for you is a sure way to fail. up to support the COVID-19 vaccine studies at the University of Oxford. — Educator Marva Collins: a quote often cited by Professor , Saïd Professor of Vaccinology and lead researcher on the vaccine programme

Prior to 2020, it would have been A vaccine for the world COVID-19 will not be the last disease to challenge our way of life. inconceivable that life could change Prerequisites for a vaccine capable so drastically in just a few short months. The next Disease X is coming, it is imperative that we are ready for it. of controlling a pandemic include the Over a year has passed since the new strain Sir John Bell ability to ship, store and produce it at —  of coronavirus and the highly contagious, low cost. By January 2020, Oxford’s Regius Professor of Medicine and member of the UK government’s coronavirus vaccine and sometimes fatal, disease that it causes – team already knew that the viral vector, task force COVID-19 – was first discovered. ChAdOx1, which had been tested in Oxford’s response to the pandemic has clinical trials for many diseases, including already delivered better treatments, more influenza and tuberculosis, fitted the bill. understanding and a range of tools to This vector was used to create Oxford’s Funding the science started to assess the future and the need help to control the spread of the virus. COVID-19 vaccine, ChAdOx1 n-Cov-19. COVID-19 moved fast and so did Oxford’s for a sustainable infrastructure to enable Population-level vaccination programmes By April, it was in human trials. scientists. Creating and testing a vaccine humanity to respond to the next global of Oxford’s vaccine have been underway A vaccine is only useful if it is accessible, is expensive, as is running large-scale drug pandemic. since January, promising a return to so working with a production and trials, but thanks to the pivotal support a semblance of normal life. Oxford’s vision is to develop a ‘Centre deployment partner was vital. Oxford of generous donors, the team was able for Emerging and Pandemic found that partner in AstraZeneca, to deliver results without delay. Preparedness’ to accelerate and expand which began manufacturing large amounts Perfectly positioned to The University is indebted to all 2,000 its capacity to develop vaccines, therapies of the vaccine ‘at risk’ – before the vaccine individuals, trusts and companies who and technologies for existing and emerging respond was proven to be effective – to compress gave their support. Particular thanks go diseases. This initiative will integrate COVID-19 is not the first disease to pose the timeline. The partnership agreement to CCB Fellows Stephen and Caroline Butt, disciplines from across the University, a global threat: globalisation and increasing includes guarantees that distribution who donated a considerable sum early encompassing international partnerships, population have amplified risks of rapid would be equitable and affordable, and in the pandemic to Oxford’s Coronavirus buildings, research programmes and transmission of pathogens. that neither Oxford nor AstraZeneca Research Fund, and to the Saïd family scholarships to produce a globally focused would make a profit from the vaccine Decades of world-leading research for endowing the post of Saïd Professorship pandemic response platform. during the pandemic. have given Oxford’s researchers a keen of Vaccinology, held by Professor 2020 is a catalyst for change, and by awareness of the risk posed by ‘Disease X’. In addition to its vaccine, Oxford Sarah Gilbert. investing in innovative and sound science This awareness has been embedded into also produced the first evidence of an we can ensure resilience, economic stability high-threat research programmes effective treatment through its ongoing and global health security now and for in Oxford and across the world through drug trial, RECOVERY. In June 2020, Pandemic preparedness future generations. Together, we have its partnerships in Southeast Asia, Africa the low-cost drug dexamethasone was Throughout the pandemic, the University a unique opportunity to shape the future and Latin America. found to reduce death by up to one third has proven its exceptional scientific capacity of our global society. in hospitalised patients with severe to make life-saving discoveries. Oxford The University’s team had the foresight, respiratory complications of COVID-19. is an innovator, and the team has already Written February 2021 the innovative technology and the experience to understand and respond immediately to the risk that the new coronavirus presented.

6 COURT MATTERS | CELEBRATING IMPACT COURT MATTERS | CELEBRATING IMPACT 7 Investing in the future Oxford’s strategic priorities aim to improve ethics in artificial intelligence: society through ambitious and ground-breaking a necessity, not a luxury research and initiatives, and philanthropic support plays a vital role in their success. Science can tell us the More examples of the ethical challenges Professor John Tasioulas, Director posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the institute, says: consequences of our actions arise every day; from face recognition to ‘AI is here to stay, so we must raise voter profiling, brain machine interfaces but it does not tell us which the level of debate around AI ethics and to weaponised drones, and the ongoing feed into the wider democratic process goals we should pursue discussion about how AI will impact among citizens and legislators… AI ethics employment on a global scale. or what sacrifices are justified is a way to become clearer about the value to achieve them. AI has transformative potential for judgements involved and to encourage many parts of life, but it also raises deep a more rigorous and inclusive debate. AI Professor John Tasioulas —  ethical questions that inevitably have ethics is not an optional extra or a luxury, Director of the Institute for Ethics in AI to be confronted, on an individual and it is absolutely necessary if AI is to advance a societal level. human flourishing.’ Oxford’s Institute for Ethics in AI Professor Tasioulas’s vision is to bring was established in June 2019 with the highest standards of academic rigour the announcement of Stephen A. to the discussion of AI ethics, while also Schwarzman’s gift to create a new centre channelling this intellectual discussion into for the humanities, which will provide a democratic and collaborative space that a home for the institute. Almost overnight, all can participate in. the institute became a leading research Promoting AI ethics globally as a field hub in this important emerging field. comparable to medical ethics is a critical The global COVID-19 pandemic has part of the institute’s ambition. There are shown that it is no longer enough just to numerous opportunities for philanthropists follow the science. Value judgements often who wish to be involved in enhancing this have to be made; for example, striking exciting and emerging field at the Institute a compromise between prosperity and for Ethics in AI. health. The institute is a radical attempt to bridge the divide between science and humanities, a challenge Oxford is uniquely placed to take on. The University has the largest philosophy department in the English-speaking world, and the study of philosophy at undergraduate level is also pursued in tandem with other subjects, in degrees such as PPE, computer science and mathematics.

8 COURT MATTERS | INVESTING IN THE FUTURE COURT MATTERS | INVESTING IN THE FUTURE 9 I am enormously proud to be collaborating with the History telling the stories of Science Museum, which is so uniquely placed to share the of oxford science stories of Oxford science and Never before has the impact and potential heritage and personal stories of Oxford’s to shine greater light on our of science been so relevant, nor has the COVID-19 response, from test kits to University’s research been so closely prototype ventilators and endeavours to make the world followed. Over the past 12 months, Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine-related items. a better place. academics from across the University have been engaged in an urgent response Professor Andrew Pollard FMedSci — to the coronavirus pandemic. The world Looking to the future Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group has looked to Oxford for treatments and Ahead of its centenary in 2024, the HSM and Chief Investigator of the Oxford a vaccine to protect communities globally. is embarking on an ambitious strategy COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials to redisplay and reinterpret its world- class collection, providing a platform History in the making for engagement with science in Oxford. For almost a century, the History of The museum is creating the dedicated Science Museum (HSM) has been collecting role of Curator of Modern Science to help and sharing the stories of Oxford’s ground- achieve these ambitions and to lead breaking scientific discoveries. Exhibitions a strategy for its contemporary collections. such as Back from the Dead: Demystifying The Curator of Modern Science will Antibiotics (November 2016–May 2017), work closely with colleagues across the which told the stories of the Oxford wider University to gather the stories and researchers responsible for penicillin’s objects which represent the research and transformation from early promise to achievements of its scholars. Not just the success, help to bring scientific achievements best-known discoveries, but also hidden and the stories of researchers to the public. gems from an array of material and stories The global pandemic is history in the across departments. Exhibitions at the making and the HSM is playing a critical museum, in situ in the departments where role in capturing and preserving it. the research took place, and online will (Main) Model of the structure of penicillin, ensure that these stories are accessible Since the beginning of the pandemic, by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Oxford, to all. Dr Silke Ackermann, the Director of the c.1945 (HSM Collection, Inv. 17631) Museum, in partnership with the Bodleian The coronavirus pandemic has brought (Inset, top) HSM’s Back from the Dead Libraries, has been collaborating with sharply into focus the relevance of science exhibition, which showcased the Oxford colleagues across the University on a rapid- to society. The HSM illustrates the impact researchers responsible for penicillin’s success response project, Collecting COVID. of contemporary science on everyday lives This project aims to preserve the material and Oxford’s contribution to the world. (Inset, bottom) Sir Martin Wood viewing the HSM display celebrating 60 years of Oxford Instruments, the company he founded with his wife, Lady Audrey Wood


While we were sorry not to be able to physically welcome our Chancellor’s Court members to Oxford this year, we were delighted to be able to deliver instead an online series of engaging and stimulating talks. We remain enormously grateful to our supporters in helping to ensure the University remains at the forefront of teaching and research in these challenging times. — The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH Chancellor, University of Oxford

The Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors Keep connected Engaging events for members recognises and celebrates the most Regular communications ensure that It is always enjoyable meeting members outstanding friends and supporters of the Court members are at the forefront of of the Court at special events – whether University and colleges. Membership of the University’s latest developments and in the UK or in countries around the world. the Court is conferred by the Chancellor, research. Throughout 2020 and 2021 Adapting to the challenges of the pandemic The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH, the latest news about Oxford’s research meant bringing members together online and gives members an exceptional into COVID-19, and invitations to in 2020, with the Chancellor’s Court relationship with the University. exclusive online events, have been shared Annual Meeting being held virtually in with Court members. Additionally, the October for the first time. regular e-newsletter Oxford Perspectives Enhance your experience Although disappointing not to see treasured shines a spotlight onto some of Oxford’s Court members’ participation in life friends in person, it was wonderful that world-leading research and shares at the University is warmly welcomed, so many members from around the world important news from across the University. and members are encouraged to be as could join and participate: one of the in touch and as involved as they wish If you are currently not receiving these benefits of offering an online programme to be. Membership of the Court should email communications but would like to, which will continue beyond the pandemic. enhance your experience of Oxford, or if you have ideas for content you would We hope that you will be able to attend bringing you closer to the research, like to see in the future, please contact future gatherings of the Court in the academics and students. CONTACT FOR COURT MEMBERS Andrea and Miranda. coming year, either online or in person. Andrea Roger and Miranda Chalk, Andrea Roger & Miranda Chalk Senior Donor Relations Executives in Senior Donor Relations Executives Dates for the diary the University’s Development Office, University of Oxford Development Office Chancellor’s Court Online: act as the liaison point for Court E [email protected] Can AI be ethical? members. Andrea and Miranda can T +44 (0) 1865 611525 Thursday 6 May 2021 help by answering questions, making introductions or organising visits. Please contact Andrea and Miranda to find They also welcome suggestions out more. from members. Chancellor’s Court Autumn Meeting Online Monday 4 – Friday 8 October 2021 Programme will be available in early summer.


Throughout the centuries, extraordinary Fellowship of the Court philanthropists have made gifts that The CCB Fellowship recognises have contributed significantly to the life members of the Court who have provided and work of the University of Oxford. exceptional philanthropic benefactions The remarkable generosity of supporters to Oxford. Known as CCB Fellows, continues to transform lives and society members of this distinguished group around the world today. To acknowledge are making a long-lasting difference to this invaluable support, the University a multitude of academic priorities. is delighted to honour and recognise its donors in a variety of ways, which includes New Fellows 2020–21 membership of the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors. • Mr Stephen Butt and Mrs Caroline Butt • Alexander Mosley Charitable Trust, The Clarendon Arch represented by Mr Max Mosley • Mr David Reuben The names of some of the University’s • Mr Simon Reuben most outstanding philanthropists are • Mr Stephen A. Schwarzman engraved on the slate tablets under the Clarendon Arch, near the . These include important historical figures, such as Henry VIII Sheldon Medal and Elizabeth I, and some closely The Sheldon Medal is the University’s associated with Oxford’s history: highest mark of distinction which Sir Thomas Bodley and John Radcliffe. recognises individual benefactors whose contributions have made a transformative, These sit alongside individuals and strategic difference to the University. organisations that have supported the The medal is named after one of Oxford’s University in more recent times. Today, early benefactors, Gilbert Sheldon, who this honour is made on the recommendation graduated from Trinity College in 1620. of the University Council. During his tenure as Chancellor of Oxford (1667–9), his benefaction supported the New inscriptions 2021 construction of the Sheldonian Theatre. • Mr Nigel Blackwell • The Goldman Sachs Foundation Holders of the Sheldon Medal • Hill Foundation • The late Lord Wolfson, • The Inamori Foundation Chairman of the Wolfson Foundation • Khazanah Nasional Berhad • Mr Wafic Rida Saïd • Alfred Landecker Foundation • The late Dr James Martin • Alexander Mosley Charitable Trust • Sir Michael Moritz and • The Tetsuya Nakamura Memorial Ms Harriet Heyman Foundation • Lord and Lady Sainsbury of Preston • Oak Foundation Candover • Dr Leonard S. Polonsky • Sir Leonard Blavatnik • Simon, Joyce, David, Debra Reuben • Mrs Mica Ertegun and family • The Trustees of the Garfield Weston • Mr Chris Rokos Foundation • Mr Stephen A. Schwarzman • Mr John McCall MacBain O.C.

14 COURT MATTERS | AWARDS & HONOURS COURT MATTERS | AWARDS & HONOURS 15 If you have any comments or questions about the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors, or are a member requiring assistance, please get in touch with: Andrea Roger & Miranda Chalk, Senior Donor Relations Executives University of Oxford Development Office University Offices Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JD United Kingdom E [email protected] T +44 (0) 1865 611525