Atiy Fair and Milder ' '' the Emma Nettletoh Group' Klwanls Club of Manchester,' Man Asks Town 15,104 Morraar,' Ugh M-M
w \ ■ MONDAY, NOVEilfiER 14, 1966 Areragg Dafly Ngt Preui Run The Weaflier ^ ' PAGE TWENTY For tfw Week Snded lEsfnittg Hfralb NovsmiMr IM I Fair sad eoo| toniiht, kwr lu 80a; moatiy fair and milder ' '' The Emma Nettletoh Group' Klwanls Club of Manchester,' Man Asks Town 15,104 morraar,' Ugh M-M. About Town of Center Congregational Church Inc., wUl meet tomorrow noon M anehester^A City of Village Charm will meet tomorrow at 8 In at the li|ancbeBter Country Club, To Pay Damage M1b4 Dorothy Jacobson, the Robbins Room of the church. Fred Sbabel, basketball coach of (ClaadfM Adverttafaig on Pngo ITOCE SEVEN CKNTK daughter o£ Dr. and Ikbut Mrs. Doris Swallow will epeak the University of Connecticut, Stuart Welaa of 442 Spring VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 39 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMRER 15, 1966 VI) ChuNea HS. Jaobbaon of 45 on her trip to Russia. will speak. S t has aMced the Town of Man WyUya St, has been selected chester to relffiburee him in the a member o t the chx^ and St Bridget Church will spon- Rotary Club qf Manchester sum of fl5.<M, for alleged dam-, chorus at fas tryouts at the sor a Turkey Bingo tomorrow will meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. ages to his VoUcawageh. Sunned Willard School, Troy, N. at 7:30 p.m. In the school cafe- at the Manchester Counti^Club. In a letter filed today. In the T. teria. There will be 20 turkeys Joseph Savard of Boston, Mass., town clerk’s office, Weiss given aWay.
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