t y r WOODBRIDGE, N..J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 wn Bl,, Wooitbriaia. M. J. Selection OfFinance CAairman to Replace Forrell 1941 RELIEF Thm May Be Other Woodbridge's DESMOND IS WARD TOPS mmittee In Country But Ours Is Best Known _ WOODBRIDGE-An am^lr. «.„,. LetterMailed Utfkioma And AddrerndToV/ood- r HirWl BrRanklB, of 0.. third!- aSTHERE th. RepublicsyoftortHtm,n ,nd mf ,Md. prewnt coBfrnlMlyBir »nd kail llfctHhsod will bridge,!!. H., Wxndt Up Here; Meant For Connecticut rti l» eipected to. Uke pl«e»,'longtime, n«xt . fontlnut in tht iamt capacity. Jiu'ti J. SiM- iHIERJIflTS week to decide wjut^ppointmonti i'tid Mtlon . Irkkit Ihi preitnt htid'of the public1 wurti }^,^rtale of a iriddirected: letter will be Uken when the Towmhlp B1CPRRY cuntil 9ommltt*i' an4 it > uii'dctriood hi wlU M«V ^ fact that WooabrWge, N.\f., •!& the besiknown hip Draft Board Only Fear Sute May Quit Hand- Woodbyj4fi;e in the Uhlted,3tatei^-at ieast>p the postal Petitiorw Urge aptfidrftjeg. , ••>.., One In County Without ling Problem ferries •' fiut* tdvstari ftf;thfe';befhvnittir-^it All 'started when ment'of A.D. Conscript Rejections Mrs* Gertrude B, Hump;'of Chicago, 111.,"hud a Wx.biJf majority to idled • fini'iie* cb«irm«n, » Mr.' WukoVett, ihe eomm!ttf«W*n-«l«ct, ttir Local Officials to 'pay to N! H. Street, tax coJ-' As Aiiiit. Proiecttt^ poll now hfld by Mr, forrell. ' ''•"'. *» lether with Cottlmllteemid John -B«ri«n and lectpr *t Wo^dbrldgo, CinjhM Mra. . Ju'lt Who Wip be given the ili«lrm»nihip ^t . Chtrlqt J, Alestniitr, Democratic fac'utpbtnh, HtimV evidently wa». in Claremont,-] Boosted For Post FOURXOCAL DRAFTEES ,the furnace' notknown, but;it will* .will undoubtedly be hpauid to (try* undlV •'; PRESENT- SETTLEMENT California when she decided to (Malt. LOCAL' COUNSEL Gim't be recalled that »t one. time Frederick A, Spen- Republican chtlrmtn, .•.'*•'• a check", but Instead of addrewlng ^SIGNED TO FORT DIX , ;cer, fir»t".w»r<) enmmitteenuri, held both the : There h» been §0me. |ofilp thkt one or ttoo TO END DECEMBER 31 tiie' envelope to Woodbrldgo, Conm, DEMOCRATIC SI tdm'inlitra'tlon itnd finance poillioni, Whether ,' chttif «i tre bt|n| .contemplated In the- office * she wrote Woodbridge, ,N, ,M. or net Mr, Spencer will «g«in double up mid perionnel *t the Meniorlal Municipal Build- Wliefl theletter.reached Olevc- ttk'e the retpoiiiibllitiei of two of the moii More Questionnaires Irij, but no definite «t«tement could be ab- land, Ohio, the post office officials, important comlhitteei it probl«m»tlc*l. Lack Of Information De- Desmond's Backers tnin«ifi 4rain oirtv !«*found a tax. bill and venue, Republican incu the record of the lowest costs of comparable school districts if! Bimnl No, 3, has*won the WOODBRIDGE —Funeral ser- ment comes to an end on Decem- check for the collector of taxes at whose appointment run? 01^ [j;.t .1..•: HITI of having all of its nine in Middlesex County for the school year ending last June vices for Steve Totacfc, 47, of Kins ber 31, Wo'odbridge, Conn. , i , . ; George's Road,'Ford8, who wan »uf- 'ebruary. . . • ,' ^f Township Treasurer 0. J. Mor- So the check 1B on its way t«| Mr, 30, bastd on.average enrollment'and average attendance, focated curly yesterday morning Petitions are being cli Tin Dujrhout the county 19 men ganson said yesterday to date he Street, together with an explnna according to a report submitted this week by County Super- when an oil heater caused a ftro in Jiroughout tho Township turned down. They had left as received no word from the tion as to why the fletter wai Andrew D. Desmond intendent of Schools M. L. Lowry. i the Vogel Distributing' Company opened. But even though a Chicag< if Andrew D, Desmond, liiciil district* under the as- itate and did not know whether torney. It was Iewne4>- i* it HI they were in the army The Townshi]) waa classified in building, will be held this after- resident, mailed a letter in Call noon in the Flyqn Funeral Parlors, ir'not the Legislature will pass ;hrough a very reliable sour< luititr passed by-civilian doc- communitiea wi,lh an enrollment fornia to New Hampshire intepdei Perth Amboy. Burial will be in riother bill giving State Director 500 names have already bee: There was no inkling; of the of 4,000 pupils or more, The com- 'flfdn 0/ The Year' for Connecticut it came to Wood SQUAD AMBULANCE tho Rosehill Cemetery, Linden. Charles R, Erdman supervision of bridge. New Jersey—tho bos ed to • the petition. |( for the great number of re- parison showed Ihe ftv capita coat ocal relief. If such a measure is Henry Berg Is said W be:;jji ins, hut army doctors at Trea based on iiverane enrollment was To tack" is survived by his mo- known of them all. • ther, Mrs. Julia 'Szabo, of North lot passed, the Township will be The moral of this story, after al PASSES 1000 MARK front'for tho nppointmortjtrj ;mi they were "sticking to the 197.01) in Wooribridfje Township lorced to appropriate a-largc sum Desmond's backert point out he* i of the Federal regulations." BruAswick Township and a br-othor is to road addresses over bcfori while the coat bused o'n the ave|;- Stephen Spbo, of South River, or relief in 1941. Last year, $16',- mailing your letters. ong been active In the De that the reason for Emergency JJnit's Appa ntfo attendance was $103.hi. The The victim was born in Keasbey 00 was allotted, most of which party and is entitled to the tiniil rejections was that the average enrollment was 5,078 and und lived for a number of years was used up when the State took ratus Carries 1,130 Pation- . I iluctors in the various commu-' the average daily attendance was on King George's Road, Fords, tver, • LOCAL FIREHOUSE tients In Less Than 3 Yean Tho fact' that Mr. 'Wight • did not have ex-ray cquip- 4,7fi2. . • Recently, Totack, who has been In. the meantime, it has been Woodbridge irian and comes '. at draft board headquarters Liit of Cbiti announced that New Jersey's'1941 WOODBRIDGE—In a little less this end of the county, e«btblilh§^ i ;i. is available at Trenton, working for the Vogel Distributing Compared with this cost was Company and has hecn in the em-relief requirenftnta will total ap- IS ONE BUSY PLACE than thrco yewn, the Woodbridge a precedent, they feel. They T-,^™™ Auign Four Dr>fte«> New Brunswick's per capita cost of ploy of the Vogel family for 22 proximately 85,800,000 and appar- Emergency Squad ambulance has also confident that Govornor-Elet|',%ir mil of the Woodbridge contin- $120,23 on average enrollment and years, made his home in a. small ently can be financed without new firemen, Aid Squad Mem* answered 1,130 calls to date. The Charles Edison will take Mr. i have already been assigned 1134.44 ,on average daily nttend- room in the rear of. the offices of taxation. Senate Majority Leader ambulancB went into service on mond's fine record Into accpun&fD i.iioly to the 44th division at beri Summoned Nine Copies of the petitions will be; i nnce. Now Brunswick's daily aver- that company which are in a frame 1. Qfant Scott, of Capo May an- February' 10, 1038 and since then mittod to- county and state 1 ! DiW. ( They are Michael .J, age attendance ik B.041 pupiln. 'nouncod Tuesday that next year's Times Wednesday hasheen in constant use. building. The place wa» heated' in the near future,'H is ilivdil, 38 Lorch Street, Port In the neighboring cily of Perth with an on bjurner which had relief problem has bean "torrta-1 WOODBRIDGE ^- "What's all The first year the squad answer, ling, 113th Infantry, Company ed 368 calls;- tho second year 1 stood, , Amboy the costpcr pupil based on small tank attftched to it. , • I tlvely solved," I the blowln' about?" This was tho Hominick Coppola, Fourth average enrollment was set at Accordlngjo Ca|Wn John •'•"-•• •••< took care of 415 and in 1940, to ,: Desmond was'born iff date the ambulance has gone out at, Port R&adinjr, ill.4tb,lnf*ft, 1 thi td iiS/$& an(f DclcctiviS Sefgewttfeori estimated fl.OOO.OOiO ;ln unihtici- Svhenfrlend met friend, York City and came to Woodbrlfj 347 times. , . Company A; David Aitkon, age daily attendance in that city lint, who investigated, it ia evident pftted gasoline ta* revenu* *nd The interrogation had reference when he was eight years old,, fiti-i'ii Avenue, Sewaren, lJ3th 1149.13. The average daily at- that the stove became overhcate f 1,300,000 of surplus funds from to the almost constant sounding of During the past month alone the attended tho Woodbridge gi pr.faiitiy, Company A, and Mlchao! tendance in Perth Amboy schools i> und the wood began, to Rmouliler, m6tor vehicle, license fees would the fire whistle at the School Street aquad answerod ,42 calls which schools and graduated from Wood .Vinos, 205 ' Grove Street, were divided ns follows: ti'anspor- bridge, High School. Ho attendef ft !j,729. | Ttrtack, according to the be availableavlae . Diversion of $1,, - fire headquartersq . iiiridge, 114th Infantry, Com In another releuae recently, Mr, i tors' report, must have'been in bee Uition cases, 34; accidents', B; in-Rutgerg a University for twoy 700,000 from highway, funds,[ It all began early Wednesday halator calls, I; industrial calls, 1. A. Lowery iinnounced that the cost because he was unclothed when h' could also be made, Senator Scott morning, At'7M8 A. M., head- and then went to Fordham UnlveT«t r i.'.uch no Tho ambulance covered 419 miles aity where ho received his law 4o« Dr. Fred H. Albeo, of Co- body was discovered. Awakening dded. quarters received a call for the • • • iiitc sent in November. gree. Ho then enteicd th» offlcV. by the Ionia, world-known lurgton, , ho evidently attempted to crawl out Some $3,000,000 of a $14,000,- Woodbridge Emergency Squad, am- ,.'' I he year, Eugene Bird, sec- Recent donations to the squad of Judge Thomas Brown, Uter Ui» State Department of Education, who will receive the "Man of | of the place but was overcome. Al- 00 appropriation for 1940 relief bulance. The apparatus returned y of the local, board, an- were as follows: Mrs. P. G. Adams, set up his own law pi notice on Main,, was $UeZ,Gft. Other communitiea the Year" award given by the though a fire did break out, Dr. to its quarters at 8:45. It was i(l that physical cxamina- iqukementa has been saved §>cwaren; Mrs. Closindo Lombardi, Street. His offices arc now lit were lrnifl ;is fftllajvs: Kappa Sigma fraternity. The Henry Belafsky, who -was called, through the ablo administration again summoned at,8:47 o'clock, u-ill he held weekly under the pronounced death due to suffoca- 1'ort Reading and the Middlesex Perth Amboy,' ' Carteret, ?1.0£,5S; Duncllcn, pretentation will be' mads in if State Director Erdman," Scott returning at 9:49, i vision of Dr. Joseph Mark, tion Ifis hair was tinged by the Royal Ramblers Motorcycjo Club On August '10, 1931, Mr. Degy'* $lSfi,n:i; Highland Park, SlKIS.pfi; Waihington, D. C, on Tuesday, rated. While out on the latter assign- I '!'. Spencer and Dr. Louis fh-D. ment, an emergency call came nt flf Perth Amboy, five dollars each; mond married Miss Mary O'Brien^- vfkrtr. Those exnmioed will ?10-l.liii! MetHi'hen, December' 10, Frank Raw, Woodbridge, four dol- of town. They huvc one daughter; •* New Brunswick, Junior Totack's body and the fire were 9:38. Firemen promptly called the discovered by Harold Vogel1, who ambulance of the Carteret First lars and Frederick Brause, of Mary six years old. They reside i\ \ arrived at the office at 8:30 e'clock. Aid Squad to handle the local ease, Ayenol, three dollars. the corner of Grove Strcot and Co* wick Senior'High School, Sf.ldl.44; 1 LAST DRAFT FORMS He sent in calls for Dr. Belafsky, The fourth morning call was lumbus Avenue. Perth Amboy, $K,n.72; Smith Am- Aliens Warned Mr. Desmond is an actjvo mem^ Clatiify ..Married Men the Woodbridge Emergency Squad recorded at 11:10, with the appa- 73 Building Permits Ate the meantime. th< and the fire department, Fordi MAILED THIS WEEK ratus returning at ,11:66. bcr.of St. James' Church, the Holy Name Society, of which he is coun-' . .'.insists of Walter Warr, Hopelawn arid Keasbey fire com- All was calm and serene at the Issued During November Failure To Register Be- ty president; Middlesex Council, ' niiin; Hampton Cutter ami WANT ROAD FIXED panies answered the alarm and put firehouse front until mid-afternoon HOPBLAWN—Repairs on Flo- fore December 26th out the blaze in u short Itimo No Further Questionnaires WOO»BRJ^G¥"--~ Building Knights of Columbus and the An*j! Oowlcy, .is continuing its when a jfiass fire alarm at 2:37 activities are still'on the up- uf classifying the registrants. rida Grove Routi between Smith, To Go Out Until Janu- cient Order of Hibernians. He has Will Cost $1,000 P. M. brought out the firemen, grade in the Township, the been attorney for the Woodbridge •;i'rried men, who have no chil- Street and New Brunswick Avenue GAS STATION SAFE IS ary, Bird States The machine returned at 2:50 Township Committee was in- Township Businessmen's i iiiul whose wives are working were soiiRht by the Hopelawn. En- olclock Activity swung back to WOODBRIDG&-AS the dead- LOOTED BY CUSTOMER formed Monday night in a regu- tion for a numbm of ycais. upablc of supporting them- gine Company No.vl, in n commu- ine for the registration and finger- WOODBRIDGE--The last fifty the Emergency Squad at 4:40. The nication read by the Township lar report from the building in-, . iire being placed in Class printing of all aliens approaches, a questionnaires, before the first ot ambulancmbul e returned at 5:20. clerk at a meeting of the Town- Thief Robs ClarksonsStw specter's office. |\ Mi. Bird said. This is accord decided increase in registrations tho year, were mailed by the Local Three field fires followed to keep liquor Dealers Invited Tp ship Committee Monday night. The Seventy-three permits were is-* '""the procedure laid out by' tionWhile Owner Works 'Bqardf No. 3, to prospective the firemen busy, . Alarms were sued during November and they mutter was referred to the public l been noted in the local post- V< 'U'l'al government, he declar- draftees this weekend! No fur- sounded at 4:45, 6:32 and 8:56, included 20 permits for new Attend PriceDebateT6&c collected $251.30 In fees. in the Grand Ball Room of th« Roto- VERY PERSISTENT Adjustment, Charles Klein was us the Christmas rush will be start- forms for 1940 were as follows: men and Emergency Squad mem- tie- tion at the corner of Amboy Ave ert Treat Hotel, Park PJace, Nw- \ HODBRIDGE — Another given perminsionto convert his one ini? soon at the postofflcu and ;t 701, Edward Michael Gocze, bers busy throughout the day— nue and James'Street Wednesda; wushing, washing and more wash-, SHOT GUN STOLEN ark. v • a traffic light at the inter- family home at 472 CHIT Road, Sc- will be difficult to take care, of n Remsen Ave. Avenql; 702, Albert MII of Oak Tree Road and Cor- afternoon and took $22 in bills ou ing of their respective apparatus,' ISEIJN—A shot gun and.two Tho hearing, according tc E. W.v waren, into a two family dwelling long stream of registrants at the Dalessio, 27 Turner St., Port Read- Avenuc was made by the Wo- same time. The deadline for regis- of, a safe inside H\e station. leathor jackets were stolen out of a Garrett, acting commissioneii r f" at a mooting of the Township Com- ing; 703, Clifford George Jaeger, <'; Club of Iselin to tho,Town- at a mog tration and finger-printing is Dc- According to David Clarkson car owned by Charley Tomasso, of the Department of Alcoholic " Club of Iselin t d iht 462 West Ave., Sewaren; 704, CRASH BRINGS CRUDE iht mittee Monday night, comber 20,' Aliens may be finger. proprietor of the station,, a ayount hii at Avenue, this' place, some time arage.Control, ia to provide Committee Monday night. the alcohol Thomas K. P. Currie, 189 .Green. channels 'for criticism of SUttn printed ut the postoftice any busi-1 Dman'ac, e around 19, AfAKENlNGTO MINSKY Viday night or Saturday morning, St., Woodbridge; 70a, Philip Jo- Regulation No. 34, concerning 4tar V, ness day from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.ihis casanr dchccked wante' dwhlle Clwlt90 he cur, Tomasso reported, was un> orked on the car, the strange seph Curatilo, 626 Ridgewood Ave. criminatory prices and dit^ A fine of $1,000 ami Imprison- Woodbridge; 70C, Louis Vasquez, \Parh Avenue Man Dozes eked and parked in front of his ent inside. After he left, the rob ome. and related problems, f Do Your ment of six months is the penalty orywaa discovereai 64 pulton St., Woodbridge; 107, And His Cap Rams prescribed by law for the failure of Clarkson described the man asPeter Joseph Incordone, 339 Valley Into A.Tree aii alien to register, for refusal to Boulevard, Woodbridge j 708, Wil- Postmaster Ut&\ b*»» ^f 1 eighlng about .145 pounds and WOODBBIDGE — Max Minsky, be finger-printed or for making eing of medium height. He wasliam. Joseph Hettiger, 371 Florida Some Don is For The Holidays Holiday Rush; Vote Increases About false statements knowingly. Grove Road, Hopelawn; 709, Clar- 3, of 72 Park Avenue, this place, Ircsscd in working clothes. PQHCO as seriously injured at 4:45 of strong paper and heavy twine, ay the safe was' unlocked at'the ence Bolton Bpwen, Ridgley Ave,, WOODBRIDGE-'-The annual (Continued on, Page H) clock Sunday morning when ha Make Christmas Safer By Being More Careful if Flip* Articles easily broken or crusiv Sewaren Teacher? Honor imo, ..•...• ell aaleep at the wheel of his car i'i|iii.'at to do your Christmas mail- d must be packed and crated or Hew Principal At Dinner nd crashed Into a tree in front of Chief James Mot's Appeal To local Rifatf B'i" iuL-ly was niade this week by boxed, Liberal quantities of cx- 09 Green Street* WOODBRIDGE—Chief James \ re dangerous. Use electric "'muster.W. Quy Weavej1. celsoi; or like material should bo SEWAREfo—Miss Stella Wright, Mlnslty was taken to the office of 1 Froclamation ardot, of Woodbridge Pire Gom- Don't uso cotton fc* used in, around and 'between arti- 1 "1'urir.g the holiday time," ho newly .appointed principal of the >r, ^Benjamin Wiesenfeld who any, No. 1, today issued an ap- lauB whiskers, They cles and the outside container. Sewaren school, was the guest of jrcatod him for a fracture of the viv "the volume of' mail in- WOODBRIDGE—In Answir to a' request by. the National seal to residents of Woodbridge ,o catch fire. Don't use odl^tofl Parcels may bo sent to foreign honor at ,a dinner, prepared and ftft arm,and a. possible fracture of ies approximately ,200 per-. Safety Council, Mayor August F. Greiner today issued a procla- take extreme care and caution ,ll. Use asbestos. l countries except to the following: erved by James Catano, building mation urging motorists and pedestrians to'take exceptional he jaw. He was then admitted to Don't leave tissue;.,,^. . '"t. It is a physical impossibility iuperintendent, Tuesday uoort, ,he Perth Amboy General Hos- o avoid firos during the holiday v British Morocco, Manchuria, Je- care during this month. The council pointed qut- that "Once . ither Chriatmas wrapjpi^; " kindle this gi'eat mass of mail Mia'p Wright was> presented with ital. leason. ^he chief called attention hol Province, Mongolia, Ria de ( again we aru entering the mosthazardoUs month of the year for around, Kcop them tied, up ""'lor efficient^' and promptly a corsage and each teacher and Mr, Officer Richard Levi, who inves ;o the extreme danger of fires in i iiiiin u few dikyfl. Therefore, to Oro, Tristan de Cunha and Ye- motorists and pedestrians—December 1, It is especially regret' churches, clubs, public buildingB bundle or box,' but: pi Aden, Albania, Anglo-Egyp- Catano 'had a few words of wel- table that so much tragedy aod suffering should, come at a time tlgated that tho car was badl; 2 K'lru delivery of.their Christmas come to greet the new principal and" residences occasioned By the itray sparks-of fire.' v. :-'; tian Sildan, Belgium, British Sp- when holiday rejoicing b at its height." damaged and was towed,to the i"«.nts, cards ;and letters- by Others present were: Miss Gene. Speedway Garage,. use of inf lamable holiday material, .Don't lose youi) heaxTJl Dato the public should maliland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Chan- . The proclamation, in full, reads a» follows;' • ' . ': dea blaze should ,stw$tf p|) p vive O'Brien, Miss Kathryn' Strut- He streaa&d tho fact that cottort' ' '• • "-your nel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Al- "WHEREAS, the national Safety Council, supported by 30 ber that ingtant actioiv :;fcL and mall early. on, Mrs. Dorothy Skarda, Miss TAKE IT EASY I paper scraps and othor represen- n 0U dgrney and Sark), Czechoslovak- other national organizations,'is conducting a nation-wide cam- WpODBRIDGF,—In a form, let aary and that a"; im^.tWi'; maB. shopping; so :that 77 Frances Ilynn.Miss Kathryn Hinkl tation^ of ailow constitute fti"e :l1 at ia,'Danzig, Denmark, Egypt, Ea- paign to reduo6 the heavy December' traffic toll, and tar sent to' the Township Commit quickly bo quenched or abiot ' mail your gifts and wr&* and Misa Elizabeth Trautwein, hazards. Chief Jardot also urged lank, Efhiouia, Finland, "WHEREAS, the needless loss of human llve.s oiv America's tee the Portnsylvaniu Railroad ask that householders do not use one t ten days before Christmas, •Somaliland; Germany, Greece, od tho municipality t6 exercise car ki! it ce«tain'that therare «' HOT! streuts and highways usually reaches,a peak in December, when outlet for an excessive number of Don't fail to have proper J Hungaiy,. Iran, Iraq, Italy' und WOODBRIDGK—Twelve hour: bad weather and more hours of darkness combine with the hurry in the use of snow and ice scraper strings of tree lights. , . fighting apparatus'cbnatiiiit^:, "vod before Christmas Day but Italian colonies, Latvia, Lithuania, over their tracks so that they,wi! a great aid to your postal after he reported hia car stole and excitement of. the holiday season .to transform Christmas joy Among the' "Don.'ts" ftdyoeat- hand in, »:cpijvenienianl,; """"" Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, from in front of the bowling all«yi v not become gutted with dirt, sno\ e mtd to postal employees into tragedy and Buffering: - , ', ed by Chief Jardot for a safe; and Ible place.!-, In' most..,.. Norway, Palestine, Poland, '""- in Fords, Charles Ressner, of 54! and Ice, With the elimination < fire'extinguisher, ft lurgV enable them to,spend the "THEREFORE, i,w Mayor, knowing that. «$)£ Teaident 1 merry Christmas were the foi nable them ,p Sweden, New Brunswick Avenue, FordJ the grado crossings, the on mania, Saiidi Arabia of this cityjis eager to join a campaign to prevent death^ and lowing: \ y water and u thick "'Minus hpllday wtthvthalhl r famf - Lebanon, was informed by iSergcant Qeorgi tracks now in U»ft at grade are th Syria, Republic of suffering, call upon every citizen to join this (Jriv^ tnji through pon't use candles for.the Christ. meet the emergency if usftd Turkey, Um« of Bnlmt tliat the car was fqund, bad freight el'dhiga at Main and G added caution in drjvlpg and walking to make, this Christmas nias tree. Open flames flf all kinds | q ly und promptly, b V ly damaged by fire, in North Svuflts- August F,1 (fr#er, Mfcyor. Streets, , , f wick Township., truly, a happy one."' ,f,K ,fjvasfy f&W*r*."f

FRIDAY, DBCEMBER, 6,1940 ., -. LEADER TEACHERS TO DONATE STATE THEATRE f/IX Woodbridge Personal; fEATVRE WOK NIGHT si; Communion Service At AvemlTo $75 TO 1STJ1D SQUAD Calendar Oi Coming Events AD.lM.rMM. tit I* !• PlayttowTo Gil* Away .The discussion group of the Elisabeth Alumnae at the NW,ii Contribution Made In Ap- Kadimah Council will Wed- In Be Conducted By Seminary Head tlMMM. Afchletitc Club, Sunday llftern J preciation Of Unit's Out- December 6: Senior Class play, "Honor Bright,"-at 24 Volamet Offamous esday, December 11, attht'home Mr8ndMt Ch * School auditoriom. of Miss Rosalie Choper on 'Main Kami, Min Irom Brookfielid l AVENKL.—-Communion service hemisphere. He wag appointed to standing Service Wonder Booh 1 December 6: Meeting of Friday Afternoon Bridgt Ohib at Street _ • •'' , •'. • iFreeman Street and Fran * will .be hi! WOODBSIDGE—Plani for "a fOODBRIDOE—A sensational —Chester TJllman, of Braintree, at eleven o c!o'ct at the First Pre*- tory of'Modern Philosophy in 1926, December 8 and 7: Annual Batttr of Combined Societies of the 1 Christmas tea to be held before the ork Giiints byterinn Church of AVenel and Will At thnt time he was regarded as Fint Church of Iselin, Presbyterian, new Idea combining the two most Mass., was the recent guest of his L'II •• •• i Y a holiday vacation were made' at a ' IK scrv.'d' by Dr Alexander M*c- the outstanding intellectual in December T: Dance ipontorea by Young P«oplt of Si Cece- fwwtrful forces in modern enter- parents, Mh and MM. Charles U!l- ball game at the Polo (Jro.J ; meeting of the executive board of man, of Grove Avenue. ; by. Litt. DW.D. D.. LL. D., Pjesi- Peru, " -' lia's Mistion at GoIonU Ubrajry. tainment and edoicatwn will be in- kew York, last Sunday. * dent o! the Prirtcctori Theqjogkal In" 1926 he joined the staff of the Woodbridge .Town^'P Teach- December 12: Christmas meeting of Woman's Club of Wood- troduced to Woodbwdge on Dec'am —Mr. and Mr*. Warren Carr, of .—The Jeffersohian Cluh ; irV AtsocU^ion held Monday ' •>t6ige at bone tof Mrs.' G|»oi«e Rhodes, Green Scmituirj',, - • .: . ' ' .;, ' • the Y.H, (E.A^m Uatih Aricrfc*,. ber }2, 13 and 14 When.'Uie man Freemsn Street,' annoutice the meettonlght at eight o'clock v Dr. MaVkliyi* agrsduaie of tht devoting, his.-tirho to lecturing arid iiightntSchdol No. Ji.. ' ' • ' ' Street, at 2:30 P. U. birth of « son Saturday, nigrjt tH sgement of; Uia-.&tatc Theatre pre- ho'm&ojf %s. James J,. DuV,, University nf Aberdeen, frfli •writing'Hte/flWt vis it to.MoXlc.o • Mfa». Mary' Mpllcn,;-^h«...'-pro*l- December iZrMeetpw'of Woodbridg* Snarfteney Squad,'Inc. the Rahway. Memorial-RospltaL '. ' ' Annual election o"f offiders «f Independent R«- sents Book Night to the people of Oreen Street. ' : Ursf hm'.i'H in/phrjlqs'i^phy. He City in 4ft2f.0' ciilminBted in « great 'den^,'^ named, the "Mtowihg/eom-. Mrs,'(Jnrr is; the fqrmeii Maty'..Bl- pubUean Club. ' , , this vicinity, sfudii'd ,at Princeton Theological oyifl;ion..In faip'onso. to'^a petition mittec: Mn. Helen, Slpbotia, Min December If: Press Club Christmas Party »t,Lonely Acres. en lOnley, ot Church S.traBt, , < '••donl*«|4ti>oweelt4n Irvm dgfoap 6,£ oiitsUmlinf.Me'si- Mary' Gundrum,' hi Th« UnNrsity. of itnowledge Se'nji'mny ajidr'at' the. instliuU o,f Mary Gundrum,coTchaitmcn; December" IS and U: Toy tale sponsored by Sewaren PTA in ' —Miss Dorothy HtinWf Dook;or Eleanor MetrHl, ot Mi ElikbH A Wondw Bofllts, i , fljstoi icsj! StydioSf Madrid,' Spain, ean inWjlectualB, ih'tluiUjig; the re<- Miis ElikebetH Andrew*,, Mri -Sdwaren School ' Pl«ee, attended the' AtfN fiue. tot. of t}ie Katiorio'KUniversity afld up-to-', ' . pti'of est Point Cadet J, .Rabway Aven\je,,wag thi for PBginfeeriftK. br.'Siae»aV'.«•• V guest of Mf. and. Mrita'A/ llsfled rijsidfairo in' SUxfco. City UTB, LeSteri.Tcary,.MJ^ Kathenne J ,' Club Mrs. G. C Valters, host^M! / ' • State Theqtrt ln> special irttroduc- •Miss .Victorio Pesce; VCburch bons, of South 'm* ,1830/to ctiri«m)W aft work^f' Brcohan, *JIrt. M. ,kaMHnpV'MisV December tf; Christmas ptorty.sponsored by,Woman's Mjssion- tojy 'offer t)i6ie" nl|hfs'at;-Miss Francen '' ary Society oT Methodist Church. Mr^-P, H. , tirpo- volume one ^Hrbe offere'd to' Collogi* wjriiclt? ffavc .sjre^ihl' otteii- (jjttlstfiiii, ihlerprctatidn."- 'np^- Mary ifefe, ih%. Marcus B..SkW- Wall;' of; Summit^.ntjcnd*a .the ton;Js vi-iitiii^ his son suul,, ,, inaitvert'itlicre unUl 1 g3.<5' *Heit-"h.c Lk ht ' ' patrons. Thercsfter, vobipes will . tioi) 'to hoys for the'•NaMoi Uiojrc, Miss Gcneirieve.'. O'firjen, h)eetii)p »nd tea of the Essex .Cou'h- tcr-ln-law, Mr. ar.d'Mrn.' .l',,:,,] •.vwsity of .that Country..;, received his preijynt apufrintipent, , December 20 "Meeting of •Sevwen fli^ory Club at home ef .Mrs. be availably'at thethgai're.-evefy 1 1 Miss Pansy MacCrOry and: Miss ty Chapter of, the College of St. Kregcr, of'Prbspect '* 4n it'l'3 hi».. receive'il the f' JBeforip tJie.f!f'i- of Letter.^ fl'di'jp' the ]M- there will be a p'r.oparatory service program SDd exchsni* of pff«. •.'•'- •• , .• -r night*. Itt this noyel plan one new It was voted Jto donate $75 to the '. Decembtt. 23 jChaTJUkah party Bpi" San Mti«o« in Ximft, the arid reception of numbers' by the % volume is offered to pa'trojis each Woodbridge. Emergency Squad, . ' at Recreation Boornof Maple Hill Dairy. ; 1 ofdert iwiu-rsity in-the wcsterii' session '•tonight at e'ifeht o'cloelf. . week uti'til,«ir 24 "volume*.have Inc., in appreciation of its out* ' •December 27: Eunice Bloomfteld'Chspttt, C. A. E., ChrUtmas been released.. ; ' • , standing servjteto th'c TownsMp. .• '' .•'. party. ' ' . ' ' • • •• ' • , January 7: Meeting of Tuesday Afternoon Study Club, Mrs, Colonia Ne^s ' . . Victor C. ilifcklat, hostess. ' , ' SQUAB TO MEET FUEL AND OH Cunningham .- Btoomall January 15: Meeting of ScWaren History Club at home of Mrs. WOOUBRroGE i- A Emil Kans, on'Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge. meeting of the Woodbridge Emer —The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Mrs. .Clinton Shoemaker, Mrs. Rites Perhmed Saturday Mrs. Mwy Mack and Mrs. J, F. Ryan, Sr., host- HIGHEST QUALITY FOfc IVERY Girl Scouts, Pino Tf«e Troop will James Taggart, Mrs. Charles Ofi- esses. Mrs. Thomas Humphrey, speaker. yency Squad, Inc., will be held next WOODBRIDGE—At a pretty Thursday night, December 12, at mec'.'viit the liomc of Mrs. Thomas phant, Mrs. Lawrence Sulf, Mrs. January •IB* Formal dance sponsored by Kadimah Council at MAKE OF BURNER home wedding Saturday night, Mrs, 7:30 o'clock. Roll will be called J. Ilynts Mornlny afternoon at William Wells, Mrs'. William Prit- Roger-Smith Hotel, New Brunswick. 1:30. Bemice Eyerkuss Cunningham, and first aid drill will be held. Af- zen, Mrs. Dame! Loizeatix, Mrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ter the butineu session there will and Mrs. J. H. Maas are William J. Barbour and Martha TRANSPORTATION BETROTHAL TOLD Prompt and Courteoui Service i:

All Week Grocery Specials •t® FISHDEPT. Sheffield Evap. Milk, 4 for ,_ _...... „ 25c Gulden's Mustard-, large jar ~ ...... 10c NEXT No. 1 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg _„ ...6c Canadian Smelts, lb. ..19c Ckmpb*tri4 Soupi, except chicken, 3 (or 25c YEAR Fresh cut , ' . ' Checker Tomato Ketchup, 14 o*. bottU ; 10c Mother'* O»U, Quick or IUg., 2 for \sc Fillet of Haddock, lb. 21c Hwktr'i FJour, 24H-lb. b»C... .'„...,, ™"fllc Blue Point Pure Egg Noodles, 1 lb. pkg : :„ 13c Frying Oysters, d

^'M 4" PMDAY, 6JCBWBM «, 1M0 Tailored TVimness f/oWcn's Oil hinting Wj^ f jrSf former local Man With BC KNIGHTS PLAN FOX WOSICAL mi(CAL friz« 4t AmficU 4r( Exhibit DINNER AND SOCIAL Mrs. P. H. locker U OngtW ' w DOOBRIDOB — tleweljm c. his photographs won New England Affair To Be it Futon Of 'OW ..ll,.,!, art Instructor 0f the Wood- the New ,,,,,, High School, was awarded 1 Held DtceatNr 14 At Night' Spomorcd By .! . ,,iuce In the oll-palntlng group I? "" *M ropio •,,, exhibit held, durlflg the pa»t * 8und«, rotogravure sec Chib the Bible" was the Mil that paper, He is an ac- cutMd at a regular ;"', weeks by the Plalflfleld Art -member .of the Woodbrldge — Middlesex nt rauiletl ,;„ ,,, . Mr. Holden'npainting;.to-. the Tuesday Aftrtn y tl b lMl: 0Bthlh| 1 Council, No, 857. flhlgMir of Col- progrum fsntureri th« "OM Home Glob' at n meeting hctd ' ,|!u.l' with scares of others, was mh«H?P. that club'. sS o umbus .has completed plans for n Night" spotooKKl by ihp «h«lr of1 J^i.ited 'at the Plftinflcld; Public Mt tho home of Mm Rt% *E?h:,a|t0 forhls Picliirc "River New finjrland dinner and social to the FWt h^W*J*^ VWt%f& tjpr nnUpptr Mu l And DiKtance,"Y : •. . "! • be held- at the Columbian Club on ihthty hldtht.'-'.Mjhldth..Mjw 'Cialre.',rfel%Cialre.,rfel%' Mra.'P. II. Locker '-iV prlEe«*, fLoVe'!. Qlrj ^Qy and .''.dancing T will ^;%(^Jtiss, fktathf ttftt- W.lllinm .Graus^b) tnd Nicholas gina hf K»!ii»«y slng"'thre«1 voca paper, 'tfocun.ted.'thrw ahV the mqfctuT iif. a Langan art Jn charge"-of ,,afrange Ann Mori'fu' ok^lcn'fot .her olos, pne ,'ih, the/JtalH»n ianpatr Sewaren mehts. './'.; • '•,', " ••.... /' otlthefn nfel6(l\c!i"su'n(j[' ; the AbuKnil. n devoted- wife «trl}ved luil it •' man': icI, 'the most wicked —Mr;., dird. Mrs.' Edward Pruyn put th* thfllli and etcltBittent jin Gang Buit^i dt-amitizatiani on ,Part two dp'eatM) with a song, the Blue network every Friday night at 9 o'clock. Left to right< Alfred, '.J, • Coliy, .all past grand "Littii' Loi'd JGSUR" ani ,;ition s'takeakn OcteOctoberr 6-am6ami and son Edward-, Jr.,. of Sharon "MacNamura'if Band," sung by. 1 are Clew Walter and Maurice C. Brachauien, two of the buiiitit krilghU, spoke briefly. • John B. Annual C Party/* sung by Mrs. Albert R. I,,, was Cfl^ressijin Charles Conn., were the guests of Mrs. William' Reid w'ith' chorus iiccom- men in .radio. Br«chaui«n, who rtiidei at 1083 Maurice Avenue, Dunn, a charter member of the accompanied by M«. K:IUIII'H F. Ballard, in .Cliff Road, last Arranged p Church Unit panimont by the choir. AU'o fea- prtnc1^»y nomination Rahway, • wai • advertiiing manager of the former Woodbrldge council, was- also* a speaker. A Week, P H tured w«ro a vocal due'tV'Juinnio Tfie memory cou.riir w«« J the Annapoli W. S, Naval Louder-Journal. Local and Perth Amboy merch»tttr often r*- musical program featuring com- t Locker, lil ink!hurch Street, will With the tight' Brown Hair," by Mrs, Harry J, Undo.' BruceG mradtfatomradu d from •Raymond Mullcr, student at <;all hit witty remarki, tor which he wai well known.__ munity singing, wits presented un- be hoatesi to t'jf 'Woman's Mission- sung: by Jeanne Hornsby and ing WRB closed with the. 'i the Admiral Billard Naval Acad. der the direction of Mr. Larigan. ary Society \ot the .Methodist Grace Mott; a medley of accordion of Christmas carols. emy,. New London, Conn,, spent Leon J. Gerity, retreat cap- Church at its* a'nnual Christmas selections by William It. Rowo; several days last week, with his" Iselin Personalities tain and William t>. Boyloh and party to be helO Tuesday night, De- choir numbers included. "Row, parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. W. Mull- Joseph Doolan attended the an- cember. 17. ! , Row," "Are You Sletiping?" and a -Miss Jean Clark, of Bloom- lardt, of Hlllcrest.Avenue, spent cr, of East Avenue, nual dinner of the San Alfonso. Gifts for Inmates of the Metho- group of old favorites, "Annie Free Buses Ti field, was the week-end, guest of Sunday afternoon in Perth Am- —Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Adnms of Retreat League at West End, re- dist Home) fori Om' Aged at Ocean Laurie," "Deck the Hall," "Stars of Misa Doris'Kane, of Cooper Ave- boy where they attended the West Avenue, were the weekend cently, The league was formed to are to bw brought to the the Summer Night," "Till We Moet nue. theatre. FRIENDSHIP PAN pests of Mr, and Mi's. J. K. Smith Foster retreats among the Knights party. Members are privileged to Again," and "Blest Bo the Tic —John Hassey, Jr., has return- —Mrs. Ida Shaw and son, Al- at Scott Hall, Elizali of New Hope, of Columbus councils in Now Jer That Binds." ed to Mount St. Cha»les Academy, len, of Springfield, were the din- sey, The local council has set i —Mrs. Maude Freeman, of As- at Woonsockct, Rhode Island, aft- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- quota of 25 to attend the nex EVERY WEDN! bury Park, visited her parents, er spending the weekend with his as Furze, of Kennedy Place, Sun- annual retreat. Any member who NEED and Mrs. Albert Dc Haven of parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Has- day, Wishes to' join the Retreat Club 10 DISCOUNT SALE AND FRIDAY Nl West Avenue, Mr. DcHaven has sey, ,of Correja Avenue. —Miss Dorothea Balevre, Emll K(MIKrtb Aiiiliuy .. IMS IM past three weeks. with Mr. Gerity. Amlinj Ati', nt XMIKIIIHK- • iselin Boulevard, spent tnc week- Furz'e spent Saturday evening in Ddl.l.S .Ol' Ala. LANDS ! Jrtim II,IW , , FOR John F. Sutliffi field agent fo (nn HI., I'rflh AniliU} (lilM) ! .'—Chester Ullman, of Braintieei end in New York. Newark at the home of Mr. and It AM Kit, AMHl'ms nml MO'ITORM (ram Mk" >limli'l|vnl lliillillilKi the Supreme Council, in this sec 1 Mass., was the guest of Mr. and —The Misses Florence Clifton, Mrs. Edward Toussaiht. WKSTRIIN nS'MTKHV nml Other Sm'eln OBr - it r«r »K,IH1 Wnndtirlilirr 7|<* ! CHRISTMAS? tion, attended the last meeting o frwn fllK1 I'rrnliliiK nml WmiltnK- ) • Mrs. W, Frank Burns of East Eleanor Burke, and Grace and —Mrs. Harry Qhioffe and chil- the council and outlined new TIH:M:\VI:ST IIOOKM - m\s AND OHKKTIMJ CAIIDS Km AVCH,, (nrlrrrl 9l45T COME IN AND FIND OUT Avenue, Saturday nijrht. Clara Slukj spent Saturday in dren, of Union, were the Tuesday forms of insurance being offcre' lirixlv l>ruiTn, iHr- r-Miss Elaine Magill, of Flush- imi ...... , OiMI HOW SIMPLE.IT IS TO GET Newark, v guests of Mrs. George Woods,, to the members. Further informa- CORNER LENDING LIBRARY BOOK SHOP ing, L. I., was the Sunday Jr. ({mill 1'rlnri ' „ —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmidt, tion along this line may be secur- :IOT STATK ST., IMOIITH AMItftV .lATIOSi.Ui DASiK tll.Oll, I'hc llf.i Knr The Lewf \ THE CASH YOU NEED of Mrs. Grndy Wood of, West of LaGuardia Avonue, announce —Mr, and Mrs, Conrad Flsss- ed from any officer of the coun- l)n

Gift Suggestions 7 Treat Yourself I IN HOLLY BOXES / "®A to one of these LUXURIOUS' for WOMEN: for MEN: Sweaters 1.48 up Skirts 2.68 Handkerchief -Ti« Sets 1.25 | Silk Hostess Coats 3.98 up ' Bathrobes 2.98 up FUR TRIMMED Fine lighting is the touch of Nightgowns 1.59 up Shirts 1.49 magic that will give many a , Pajamas 2.79 Ties 69c Mufflers i.00 up room the charm arid personal- Umbrellas 2.59 Slips 1.69 Fine Quality Hb» 29c ity it might otherwise lack. Warm, mellow light brings out House Dresses 1.29 / Sweaters2.98up Hats3,75 best the glowing values in rugs, Lovely Chiffon Hosiery 79c Zipper Jackets 4.98 up COATS drapes and furniture. " for CHILDREN: for the HOME: Blankets 6.98 up Girls'Coah 4.98 up ' i $22^° Bedspreads 6.98 up Boys' Mackihaws 7,98 up She»hU5 Olker. from- *10.95 to J69.B0 Baby Sets (3-piece) 6.98 I Pillow CM«S 30C BEAUTIFUL / -* * VELVET BU0H OtlE DRESSES nttounr Lightoliera have been Chosen *In Black and White to enhance the decorative scheme in outstanding tnodel COMPLETE OUTFITS homes throughout the land. f SMART They make a difference—as you can see for yotivBelf. A $ visit to .our lighting, strfdios * ., • INDIVIDUALS may give you. an, idea on how to decorate with 'light, COATS 14 * ONLY HtW Smart DRESSES, '2.98, *3.98 up Amboy Ughtm$CoJnc. AND OVERCOATS 285 McCIellan St. IS6 SMITH ST. a BOYS'ZIPPER $C98 . Children's Double ? I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, ld40 love Biro** With Boxing Glovet Romance, Laughter And Gay Tunes Featured At The Majestic Roach's Xaptaih Caution'Flaming Make'Tin Pan Alley' Great Film Adventure Romance, Action Filled Stirring with romance, laughter, .memories and With Victor Mature and Louise Platt sharing stellar melodies of. the unbelievable street that makes the nation honors and a strong supporting cast featuring Leo Carrillo. Bing, "Tin Pan Alley," which stars Alice Faye anil Betty Bruce Cabot, Vivienne Osborne, Robert Barrat and Miles • Grable, opens tonight at th'e Majestic Theatre. Mamie*, HalBoach's sweepiti&sea epili ''Captain Caution," '( Jack Oakie anl America's, great- jcerned., But the fact rematn»yfas romance and adventure \n the Jives' '«t popular so^B-wHtci'siof >:es- newest staning eomedjr - at the of Victor Mature*,'portraying the • lerday aijd today epntritutingt Oresent Theatre,, Columbia's "So title role,, and .Louise PJatt,, playing Uicir peat -Bhd;.*biggelt Wtfi, "tin Teamed for first Time' In +You. Vfqrrt Talk?", is funnier than :& kigfyspirited 'girl/ whp takes, her Pop 'Alley" surpiJww'h',f£r aty; lird Finger, Left Haind', 'ever!"-' ..; ' '!. .''..:.iJ ".'!y •• ,•''•.''; father's, • placevas ciptain »pf ••.'<**;}. musical S5iiite''Al(;xflridi'i-'«' Rafe- Prom the moment the title, casds O ifeilHd' To Open tomorrow. • v/live .ornuuii jtyuvii.^U' la.nmvu in u. •time Band," which s^ept th'o«hat are. flashed upon ths screery with' kea,,battle. 'As Goruhfta, ,B daunt-j i'tion. It tells hoK/Vbrtg ftik, .art (•.'•.••. th'ejr ingenious credits* and.caet ks's seafarer,, Miss. Elatt is seen f Se .'in •human >rms, of compos-j •Myrna Loy, -teamed for the first j • until" the final "Jndecmt, "$p Youin her flfat< starnrijf role,. a role 'fintt and,song'plu^K**'*.'-, *»'.', ''' 'time ikjth, Melv)'!. DoaplasV, abati'j •Won't talk?'! today will ,keep which , is 'intensely dramatic pand !• '. Briefly,.Rrk>flvV ' "Ti'!Tmn Tu'Pimn 'Alley""Alley"' wunar--i j dons herrolher'rolt a«s tiithee "perfect wife'.wife1:-1 ! Tin Pan Alley' it a great mu«ical ihow, itarring Alice Fay*, Crescent Theatre., audiences. in ghes her a fine opportunit-y to dis- ! .•Betty Grableand Jack-"Oakie. The film.opem' today" at the M»- jwhat practically will amount to Ates tlit experiences of two shoe- to keep the man .who made Garbo play her' ou&tanqinfc talents as »ri . jet tic,Theatre. continuous and hilarious, laughter. '; string ^ JftcfcOak"- laugh in.contijiflous, hot w&ter in \'-——— ----'-J ——— first "rate .theapian. Victor Mature, "ic and John Pstyhe, -whost songs That'it won't'-be strictly .c'ontinu; Well /known -as \ riew Hal-Roach- . . Myrna Loy and Melvyn .P'ouglai battle their way throuB|, "Third .Finger, LcA Hand," hilati-' ! ous is due' only t<}- the obvioiis ne- lome of the oddc»» *iid funnicil mnrital complicntion* ever i ("achieve prominence HER HERO! f «tar and seeri in isuchi prod'uctiQns Prn ou*! story of mix-un.' HOPKINS™ ATjcessity of seeing to,it tbat'no hudl- a>; "The Housekeeper's Daughter" on the icrecn in "Third Fingtt, Left Hand," whicK headi the pro. .1 S%yc sings them. Alice and crice "be allowed to laugh itself gram at the Ditrnat Theatre ,itarting - tomorrow. Tlie picturt vlill madly in love but a split comes coming tomorrow to the Ditmas and "Ohe Million B.q.(" prays the breathless. That wouldn't be male lead in the film, and for the mark* the firit appearance together of the twopopular iturj. !%thcn he pays more attention to Theatre. • STRAND PLAYHOUSE cricket. • • •, ••' tiia'B'ongs' thaji to'lovely Alice. Miss Loy plays a magazine editor first time is seen lit a romantic, , j ,„. ~T " ' ' ! Joe E, conies to the screen in a They are rejoined in London, who, because her boss' wife \sj rather than a' heavy, role. jealous, invents a mythical husband "Lady With Red Hnir,' 'story of^ual role, two strange new roles • j however, when war is declared. swift-paced stride the star's world- !, Paced at a rapid tempo and set in whom she's supposed to be trying the Dayton girl whose blazing red which at first promise no opportn- ni famous "ye-e-e-ow!" does pop up. a. background of those stirring to.find to get.a divorce. The decep- locks and ambitious green eyesj ty for Joe's especial^^ comedy gift tion is perfect Until Douglas, who fascinated a generation of theatre- that wide-mouthed yowl. Asa years of strife. "Tin Pan 'Alley" timid book critic, Joe E; is bearded Educator says teachers must re- smashes into a thrill-packed finale has learned about it and is in love goers in the Gay Nineties era has ner and be-spectacled; as an under- mold undisciplined youth. i which climaxes it-, sweeping drama.j with > blandly shows up and been produced as a motion picture world baron, Joe E. is tight-lipped i Marked by many outstanding f assumes the role of the missinj: by Warner Bros, with Miriam Hop- National Grange asks ban on 'I.highlights,"the spectacle of Alice spouse. Her family likes him. She ! Won't Talk?" really gets, into its competitive, farm products. and Betty Grnble doing a tor- doesn't—and pro^t-eds to keep him Claude Rains as Belasco. The pic- •' rid hula hula dance is really a sight. in all manner of trial and trfbul.i- ture has its first local showing ' to behold. Glamorous arid torchy, tions, She scandalizes Niagara Tuesday at the Strand. I these two beauties'top anything Falls on their "honeymoon." He Warner Bt'os,, who made "Zola" WEDNESDAY they've ever done on the screen, ' ! invites another couple to join them and "Pasteur," and "Dr Erlich's THRU STARTING WITH DECEMBER J1TH i "With the whole cast turning in|in a. "double honeymoon." Her Magic Bullet" and "Knute Rocknc TODAY ' grand performances, "Tin Pan Al-1 attorney plans ways and means of —All American" with-minute and l«y" is a not-to-be-missed screen I getting her a divorcee so that he can painstaking research, have delved | .'jtfeftt. Walter Lang directed and marry her himself. And all three Joe E. Brown it itarred at the into the champaf?ne-in-ah-actras'-| 1 Kenneth Macgowan was associate start towards Reno together. But Crcicont Theatre in Columbia'* slipper period, wnen gilt furniture The Street That PREVUE TONITE! ; producer. The screen play by after all the laugh-packed troubles "So You Won't Talk?", hilarioiu was smart, when the fluffy under-1 Makes. America Robert Ellis and Helen Logan waa they po through, Myrna and MoP new comedy hit at the Crescent things of "the Fioradora Girls ex-| yn find they've really been in love tited Broadwny, and when Maude' based on a story by Pamela Harris. Theatre.with lovely France! Rob THE STRANGEST TRIO with each other alt along. Adams was John Drew's leading! Sing! ... "Bitter Sweet." Robert i. Leonard, director of inton featured. The cavern- lady. . j THAT EVER SAILED A technicolor production of New Moon," "Pride and Preju- mouthed star play* a dual role, For the sake of accuracy in such. THE SEVEN SEASt Noel Coward's romantic qplretta, dice," "Maytime" and many other that' of timid book critic and a highly-spiced and theatrically! RED-BLODDED MEN WHO this film has Jeanette McDonald outstanding hits, directed. John M. underworld killer, and other* in emotional effort, the studio resort-1 and Nelson Eddy in the principal Constdine, Jr., producer of "Boys the cait aVe Vivienne Oiborne, ed to an unusual expedient. They; FOUGHT AND DARED roles. The manner in which it is Town" and "Edison, the Man," Bernard Nedell and Tom Dugan. hired as technical director the man! AND DIED FOR THE produced and the cxccllc-nt perfor- produced. who for 36 years was Mrs. Leslie Edward Sedgwxk directed the mance of the two leading charac- The cast includes Leo bowman, Carter's husband. I LOVE OF A ters—-Miss MacDonald as a high- latest discovery in leading men, as film, from an original by Rich- He is Lou Payne, second hus- HEADSTRONG SPITFIRE! born English girl nnd Teddy as an ard Flournoy. 1 the attorney. Raymond Walburn is tyl of the actress, and her com- impecunious Viennese musicirin seen as Miss Loy'.s father, Donald panion until her death. He not with whom she eloped—makes, this Meek, eccentric apiarist and detec- "The Letter." only watched Mriam Hopkins por-: a most enjoyable piece of enter- tive in the Nick Carter series, plays Based on Somerset Maugham's tray his own wife but coachedj tainment. an equally eccentric and comical play, this new movie version is ad- young Richard Ainlcy as himself, Felix Bressard, Curt Bois, art dealer, Felix Bressart, of mirably acted by Bfltte Davis who Cfeorge Sanders/Diana Lewis, Fay Ninotchkn" and "Shop Aroupd thi; has the unpleasant role. of Leslie "Tin Pan Alley." ffolden and others contribute to its Corner" fame, add? more laughs tn Crosbie. The film is saved from -Favorite jazz songs worked into! • excellence. the situations ns the art editor who being merely sensational by its a story yabout a genial and over-i] helps Myrna in her deceptions point of view, the construction of confident music publisher and'his! Bonita Granville, erstwhile child the stgi-y and the study, of motive partner^before and durinj: the pe-j actress, plays hur.first sub-deb role and background. riod of tho first World AVar make CREKEN as Miss Loy's very active younger Those supporting Miss Davis in- 'his rijeerful entertainment, PERTH AMJbOY sister. Ann Morris and other fea clude James Stephenson, Herbert Good performances are given byi tured players unite to keep the Marshall, Gale Sondergaard and Jack Oakie, in the amusing role of comedy pot boilii.'g at.tull stqam. Frieda. Inescort, the publisher, by Alice Faye, John Free Comic Books Payne, Betty Grable, Esther Ral- To Every Boy and Girl Nazi fsk is heuvy, with_,the Ital- Treasury reports revenue collec- ston, Nicholas Bi others, John Lo-1 f Saturday Matinee ians faltering. tions up 21 /f in October. dcr und others.

TODAY THRU SUNDAY Australian wai' budget puts total U, S. big bombers are held vital New "many-vnhie" logic system taxes at 20% of income. to Britain to win the war. startles mathematicians."

Continuoui On State From 2 P. M. Street At The Five Phone P. A. 4-3388 i Corners SEVEN (7)DAYS STARTING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7TH. Tim Holt - Virginia Cilmore nw IN wi,h FRANCES ROBINSON Ordinal Scrtin PJil bi Richard FIournor-Dltecleit by Ed. SMlgvtch A Columbia Pktur* AND — PREVUE TONITE! THRILLS! PREVUE TIME TABLE <;i:.\K NTHATTON I'OKTKIt'S TWO COMPLETE SHOWS lirlnvrd novel t'omm In the THRILLS! 5:54 "YOUHB People" "k "ATTAT'A' "A" 7:17 "Third Finger - Left Hand" Last Show Starts At 8:53 P.M. 8:53 "Young People" Margaret 10:16 "Third Finger - Left Hand" R E A D E ' S STARTING WITH L0CKW00D ' Rex PREVUE TUESDAY NITE HARRISON SHE WASN'T REALLY MARRIED . . . MAJESTIC BUT HE MADE HER ad the part! CONTINUOUS PHONE P. A. 4-0108 T ALSO - MAT. & EVE. She dreamed up an imaginary husband... and then had to pro- duce him! But her troubles really start- ed... when he began Beautiful to take the job of Its A Mr." seriouily!. but Smart! Fistful TO THE LADIES Of Laughs! ... Save-- FREE CHINA $1.00 EVERY THURSDAY . — ALSO — WITH EVENING ADMISSION TICKET '•THE DEVIL'S PARTY" with Victor McLaglen Looking beautiful WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY nowaday! depsndt up- on a $3.50 on the . beauty ihop ON OUR STAGE—SUNDAY NITE hmhm -you chooiel Diicover *> fellM' OMUllNovil PERMANENT our high quality work with this Coupon, i — .AND ~ Bring jn this coupon! •*.•*•>.

EVERY PARTY NITE WED. NITE LaGrace Beauty Shoppe BANK NITE Shirley Tempts CASH PRIZES in ' . ' (Chdstensen Building;) ' CASH AWARDS "YOUNgPEOPLE" 97 MAIN STREET FREE ENAMELWARE WOODBRIDGJ3 .. For appointment, TO THE LADIES Wood, 8-2394 MONDAY & TUESDAY FRIDAY, DECEMBER '$, 1040 PA( .ft. vr Fords Notes Prominent Citizens ToParticipateh LtttU Girl OBSERVE CHRISTENING VALUABLEJEWELRT Fashions AT METHODIST CHVRCH jli-s. Joseph Huda tfnd daugh- Friends Honor local Wo- Lm.p of Liberty Street, spent GUEST ATSEWAREN Dedication Ofhelin Church Addition Bonnie "Alice Marti* Is THEFT IS REPORTEDf ,iay in He* York. man At Party H Tj,o Misses Anne and Margri- Baptized; Dinner Follows Here Recently Describes Methods Used Professor Of Princeton Theological Seminary To Deli 'olice Investigate Kl,la|)os( of Liberty Street, At ParenU' Home "'•(t . i,| relatives in Dobba Ferl'y rc- At Borgett Home In William In Criminal Courts By ver Dedicatory Message; Othet Offkialt To Attend W00DDR1DGE.-- The infint North Park Drive strcot e"->Iiss- Olg*- SPofh entertainer] honor - Modern Lawyers ISELIN—Members of the Township Committee and daughter of Mr. and Mm. Albert l stork 1'. (yiartln, of SchotTer Av«n«t, \]lfi ().. C. at JJier home In Llb- aEl!orba VavernS other prominent residents of the Township have been, in- Street lost night. 9 SEWARBN-The Sew.aren Hin- baptized Bonnlt Alice, Sunday lurching for the thieve* who I rty given by MrU.BorbM and Mw tory Club met Wednesday after- vited to attend the dedication "of" the hew addition to the morning at the Methodlit EpUco- [) , A. R. Nelson Kai),movod R k Into the home of J. L. Bor V f » »w». Dinner was.gerved noon at the home rf Mm, Georgj First' Church. of Iselin, Presbyterian, to be held at -tht pnl Church. H«v Rod(ter W. H»wn liis residence In 40 Ever- Stillwe,ll in Cliff Road. Judge Her 1 220 North Park Drive, early ! riini •, and dancing he|d. TK4 guest of offlclntcd nt the serviced. M«. Ml ^Avenue to 3fff iam Street. •bwior received many lovely gifts, man Htllenbttch of the.Eiftl Orang church Surtday" aftjernoon p four o'clock,: . • ; diy ritghtmid Hole «evor»l 1 ehupl Uynase', of Perth Araboy, and inoae (incsent wore: '•' •. Police TJourt irnyo an. interogtin's r According. tp an, announcement:made by>KeV.Adolph 1 W Wl«*We j«wchV. E»t 'thflfc' It .help* Irtfing Mirttn.Hirf. Millto^n, served N'y\ p discourse on; "Getting taay- with ; i the house WM (rained by fcft' ttnd;Mr8. .Gwge Leonard; J Bhbi'; st th erv spectiospectipn andd Wto reception.re4eJ>Hoi\wil. will bi AS 8pon8t)r8# * • * \ -' t d 1 d'" Ih JJ., Behrenbei'g, pastor,, the serv.- o- atudohttt to, get education . hnmlMr8FW,'bnkiMd murder,'". »&.» defen» held.' Ref rcahniontg' will .be served open •» front window. \- •:• -— r'-M.'«i«M(mi, ana lefcf will bo- moderated by E '.Alter the gCwlcfls^fllnnM W« M .Kuhick;Sr. 'M*..andMrs; plea; In the rriurdev-'triais of today by.a'cbmrhitjee wmjiitinft' of" Mrs. Held .nt the Mfti'tin home. Guett Mr. Borget told'Officer ; f drtbed ntid "iKe ':r'ipht ami Dr. W.G.Felraoth, pastor of C. tauble, .Mr. and Mra, j;.Koh- was ' Bennott,' clialrhiBir, Mrs, were:. • »"• ; ••'.•' , Pe^riwn' , ,whho !nvejitlnv, Mr,vliml,Mr.s..'Q..Paub)c, iipnaT .Missloufi/oTETE thh e SSynod, of Ijash, ;Mrs^Pjance8 Robinson «a'hi B.tisingof. 'Mr,' ^nd ,4f». 'GKariis one-Balf c»ra'tii» gdjd'rfhf with* . tlttcatfon'sof t?io",c1iib -tnpijij •fui>y,,tw'D high school Y W New Jetufl^. Dr'.,Johlt Kukenga, Mrs, George Woods.- . • lMr,h6r#a«d cHildtorii Mr. andMfii. .ofRediUnW.Mr.and jW the conclusion.of his tnlR., professor Mf* Theology 'at 'Prjhce-. Jiwtiu.'MKTtfn'atiil.tlnughtcr,-RaiJ; MmympdHt!«,,a»CKfl*tm« ;S«abo/-ot' Newark; IV^r. 'and . ' Prcald'ent M*s, Satnuei J.Henry ton ThdologlcAl Seminary,, $\U de- Ready for a 'day, in ictraol, Vir<> Mr..«mM 1d M^fBi11 f t«lnlnic .n'ocktfei." J Prank Bedi,. Michael Pocaai, Steve "ROCKORA" They are inexpensive and you'll find dozem of gorgeous Poos, Peter and Steven Mayti, 1, L, Kocsis, Mr. and Mrs. William fall year 'round^ gift idcai at our ttore to choose from. All attractively arranged. ccat Our IS Groenhouiei atiure you of frcili ftowen at all timei Fauble and daughter, Lillian, of Woodbridge, Our F. T, D, service enablei you to "Say it with floweri" It's by wire for Xmai. Place your order now and lave the extra telegraph charge. , • ELIGIBLE Professional men, including; law- ROYAL years, doctors and dentists, as well John R. Baumann as proprietors of one-man busi- For All nesses, are considered eligible for FLORIST military training, says C. A. Dyk- Eitablithcd 1858 tra, Director of Selec'ive Service, The 900 ST. GEORGE AVE. RAHWAY, N. J. even though officials-rewnize that TelsDhonet Rahwny 7-0711, 0712, 0713 the (reneral rule will work individ- Christmas ual hardships. BUY NOW! Credit Dress Well For H Bigpr FIXLER'S .HO" "MONEY DOWN You 139 SMITH STREET 343 GEOR .AFTER FEBRUARY 1st For The Christmas Bride! 11 '1 lie NIMINIMI'H Minnrt- and sure to be his favorite •»< I'lllll bU>, IlfldUKf I'M tmi i-ontH In one« II '1 IVII>H. On j iviirni iln>H »lp out I In- It in' tvunl lining 'Buy it where He would' , mi "'"lit ilayn *'P iRings In nnil lie HUUUlr

DRESS SHIRTS Matched Wedding Ring Beautifully Tailored and Engagement Ring of "ARROW BRAND" 14-K Yellow Gold, iet AND with a fine, fiery, genuine $2.00 to ^.3.50 Diamond, Great Value! "LION BRAND" 50c WEEKLY -t NEXT YEAR OVERCOATS $1.35 to $1.65 NECKWEAR All The Lstett Pattern!

?,.•/' $1.00 to $2.00 •Y Alio Beautiful Selection of Tiei • @ SSc « HOSIERY NEW! A Fine Selection Of Pattern! PINK DIAL Lateat Carnelt Hair Coiti , In Silk or Wool Real Diamonds all 'new colon and ihadei by "INTiiRWOVEN" Copied from a $50.00 watch. Very. 'Natural Gold color, with* SUITS pood looking - a good timekeeper' ityliih silk cord. Guaran- WORSTEDS • TWEEDS 35c to $1.00 too* teed. |, - CHEVIOTS - 25c Weekly . Next Year No Money Down — 25c Weekly Shorti, Stouti, Single and No charge for alterations PAJAMAS Double Breaited SHORTS - STOUTS - LONGS Smart New Colon By "FAULTLESS" and SENSATIONAL "LOYAL" BULOVA A STUDENT SUITS VALUE Large selection. 15.95 $1.65 to $3.95 "Patricia" REVERSIBLE. New styles. Siiei 30 to 36 Reg. $22.50 V SWEATERS 17 Jewels TOP COATS Some with 2 Pantt Slipover* or Zipper Stylet. Reg. $15.95, Value ALL WOOL Button Broaf», Pure Wool by Leading J.ianu'actureri. 9-45 & 1145 $9.95 AIL WOOL SLACKS $1.95 tO $10.00 Reg. $3.95 WE tNVITE YOU TO INSPECT THE "GREATEST MEN'S Alw ft New & Complete Selection of the Latest Style, MUFFLERS Bulovt'i newest and 3HOE VALUE" TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE ^)1 new Tweeds, Cheviots in Hat,, Suit., Topcoat. & Overcoat. (beltt to match) jipper fly» Soft Virgin Wool jreateit value. In . 25 STYUS - ALL. LEATHER % tha NEW PINK $1.00 to.S1.95 GOLD COLOR. Silk Reg. $3.95 -, $O.85Pr. $2.85 Get it at FIXLER'S Wool Scarf & Glove Set* cord bracelet. New & pifferent SEE OUR If you want to be sure that the #* NOTHING DOWN•— SOc WEEKLY All the be gratefully received . . : then you $1.95and$2.95 Quality latest Gift th.fR ta FIXLER'S, Needle... ta.ay-jj^. Suggestions , « complete... and if you know Fuel« • »^ « GLOVES Hats; The Quality Shop Meyer's Famou* Glove< in In Men's , «H, you'll know that our will fit your C LATEST OPEN EVENINGS Pigikin Mocha - Suede, Etc. FurnUhiQ)|t budget. Whether he', your • STYLES Between Oak and Prospect Sts. brother you'H find hi. favoMte gift herel •nit $1.95 to $5.00 SMITH STREET. PERTH AMBOY Accessor!*,! • SHOP EARLY >UVB TIME, MONEY AND 286 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. OW.T (IS) PRB SHQPPPC PAYS TIIX XMAS r PAGK SIX FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1040 INSTALLATION HELD RENEW CONTRACT Pidgeor HONORED AT PARtfES Ralph Morgan FOR BLANKENHORN Relaxes faculty Of helm And Se* In Crime Short BY CHURCH GROUP NEST wartn Schoolt Fttt INAVIGATCE Townihip Committte Vote* Township Principal Jane Wirr I* Inducted At To Contintie Tax Title here and Thau Schdol No, 11.. t And the annual -Mi* .S President Of Preiby- meetthe atid suppe,? of the Wood- Lien foreclosure* Wrijtlfi. fWt«llii() fact tJiv.t higi »Hor »in«s« . with Oeorff e Ruddy'y * Second Ward votinR "no" and SwUC&> t io jec Committeeman John -Berge'n of : -En- la On I'MiW '«)irlji,;tlw fivniil.v of llw'-flryt" Ptt'iibjrte'rhin side South 8|V.M; ', . .: U it her(fo.tothistopof, thkladder",, • First TVard ';pa.«(sing;' tm the mo- 3 J n 3Do« t forget tobuy Chtistmiw tion, , the TowniKip' Gommitteei ' •\tlir lii'liu sfhi'ijl iii'W- dinniKf '" MMiiiiwtn)l«Ur two; ; :' '•WllfrH'1!*. :'.SHM \V.r(il||t.;.\V(t* {')•!•• unit* of ,ih<5 lM»'tlan: fen- f*k Wd ehritt'"h teali•'* . . And don'/iorffet to at-, Monday night, .dtdlded to /give , nmh- i)» intoWsted plrC*yt j( tenj the;Senior" elai* plaj; nt the, Victor SaWttel, thelaw partner of '."A 0*pu- 1 high'school tohight... Rumor, hps ' .ln'^klitv-i' \V-t| li nialflJinji Rahwa»y AAvBmte I tiio J*fth'Court,Vani' f«iy haptiy over thb late Eugeui' Blankenhojrn,- the frihcftton tho' wrriva) pt the?iriion, and Heir, It that Bycon .Schwartr has mailed • , fi«fNhV.lM»'siivi-i>,•'•. •' ' Wd' vVfllUhtf foJ 'Toitt Btl«\- contract lo continue, foreclosures Se'mtuttvy « was ,i» a dhunond rJng for that -c'crUiin ^' ftiiti cojl*jf«<' FrantWj Jr.i'lnat Saturday . .j,Not Will lam • S!0i*/ vft-i> .that ^vtiitt Jo :}iut a d'ampor (vit!i,. ll^y»iW tell' 1 Ka ! bojl. javhind 1 officer* Ibhv bachelor, mtutfliitil last wepk died on O«toj>et 16; Ia?t. Mr, Sam- '.Mi** K,lw'!» ivUunriV, M the f«iv ' 1 n Nt j l ori-Grpfin Street-rand' Green od has airbed- to carry on the Work i at the same'termF and since he hat »J<( Ralph Morion'*. Streeet 1* a M slreet'. . . Nujjf Mfcyer all.-thc records in his office it was mjoyi « (ev , ''Front wn,' s\tis* Rvrtjin M h*. ' t\vlf in U wt* io wld Tuewlay •=ni|ht se'd. " • : 6H ffrtm' picture ..,.^ ., Mrs, 'M' Ki'm.iyiy \aiul 'Mli*'•**•' Iht p ,pi*ypr Willism that th«r* Wsi» n)«ny a froien ear deemed advisarto to allow him t;i Be»erljr Hills home. Badmi K "'' ' t j Phropta itnd Vine* Mink. on Main Street... ArHe C*rbett,' fulfill t\i.c contract, The new cdri- courlt and extemire Iiwni ' 0» .Tiic.Mirt.v., Mi** WriySht VtAK. Irr wont Bicplunc ridinv the other of Colonja, teacher at Woodbridge tract is dated'as of October 19, % it XwnMh Cfc .HI C. vide ideal tetrettion (an! it woJforti^ IU'OMW nt £t - , witihh WWinlioi d JJW'W h Hich School and foorge Nelson 1940. .'.••«•••'••. School. A full ivww «tni- Dipn, of town, will walk down the Township Attorney Leon E; Me- rocontly received hi pllut's li- Gall, of AN APPEAL n«>r Wai pvri!;\! i-i! i>> ,!rt!i\i'.«.r*tAt\o ; Board Makes Annual middle aisle on Saturday, Decem- Ejroy said this week that since the trwijuwr, Owtrmle Huberj h cjhse .. . Dftve Btaek and Nbmia N Bu »nd Mr. and Mr«. "Tuberculosis known \, „ aiuf scr'votl fc\ tl»' tcuvhm. l' fl D i* { ber 31, during th,« Christmas-re- Blan-kenhorn contract-went inti ef- D*Anjtekv are" seeihjf quite a bit Pankowich, of Carteret, welre the It claims iU victims in I>. is . . .The'post office depart' fect on Jai.jary 20, 1938, a large *«ns iftiswimtary, Kh)» Aiii of each other theie day? . . (. guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. and in Jttne. We appp.ti f • uatu aarion a Went is putting on a ctapAigit i nnuuint of cash was collected rii CUBA IUKTON. Thr annwn! ] rwrvallon. Itarbara B»»«K>. Jimmy W»l»h, formerly of t^w*n Loots SiecHi, of Grant Stvcol. all to support this Chri-i' sealed > enveldpes f«v Christmas through the vedentMion of tax title s^rtirtu of thv lwi and how of Kahway, ia caltihg on —Mr. and Mrs. William Bertram Campsitn so .that the y,,. cards this year ., , at the rate of and sons, John and George, anandd liens and t$, e salcs*of property... . «« pmWint, B an Albert Street young: lady th«so pro/ram may not lag," NOW TO SAT. y h.v "Lee't Oreiner and the two cents for local and 3 cents for Charlehl s WeiffeWiff r of Crows MlMilll ) "Records show," Mr. McElroy outside mail . .,. They point but ftoad, motored, to Fort Dix, re-1 Stated, "that since January of 1936 Rowd of WufMion Ann»WU> Baket; girl friend had a box seat at the tK4lMlwf% that a card sent with a i 1-8 cent cently. leash collected by the municipality 1440,778,69 as : KtWn; m«»K% Aud.wy White. • ter Saturday night, „ contract In three years." p an\{ ttu be handled, as circular mail... Smith Street. I throug hh h fforeclosurl e »mounted tto {Kw-u Umd Iht. ^*; yv»f- Wive*: swvwl in tho ehureh hsscpient with of th,- l Mi« Warr m chairman. After the Operator 13 Reports: Around: lit »Hnnw in-f supper tht rifp\it«ti\>n ttaro ton That Dot Hunt looked the tops The CTianey sisters, Helen and ftARFIELD s«ti«MV dwtf(t an «>p*n fotum on "Religion at the Army^'avy game where Ethel, of Milton Avenue, were the she wa» « (tuost of a West Point hflles of the ball at the firemen's dinner recently . . .Bill (Log "kay-det" . . . Mayor Greiner in- Cabin) Lang has Already adopted % .vited Township Coniraktevnwfr RAHWATf military manner . . . "Little Dub- Eletit. Francis Wukovets to sit Fti., to Sun,| by" Gerlty has been dtibbed with "»,gOO AIRMKN A EMPIRE with him at Township meeting the new nickname of "Powerhouse" 1 SISK; Monday r.i^ht. but Frank said he ... Tom and Barney had a double, ust wsuiteii to (sit bask in the date at the local movies the other HEY «CAT«tlKA»! udience and U'arn how it was night. . . And Bi]l Gerity Is sing- ll done . . .Too'bad Woodbridge Ine "Alabama, Here 1 Come" . . . »t*h;m!3 haven't, decorated The Army might decide to send him Main Stree; for Christmas ... to Alaska . . . The tire company But the attractive store •win- will hold its annual Christmas party CHAN »t the WAX MUSEUM"! Jaws are making up for the lack; fCr the kiddies of the members on of street decorations. ,jWednesday night, December 18 at!

HI uiiiiti irml t.itHl ill* ' .•!• MA! f GARY COOPER TNE WESTSR Imagine finding "did ja hear this under your -Christmas Tree! about

$33 X the NEW • SENSATIONAL Robrrl MoBljemtry in PATO' • •HAl'NTED HONEYMOON"

Mill)** »»Ml. R«»f« >* •THREE MEN FROM TEXAS ll DRIVE - IN LAUNDRY "UTl'lK BIC OK HK.AVKN" 2-THRIFTY SERVICE 3-BUDGET SERVICE ' 4-SWfeET SPECIAL Bed and Table Linen Ex- All Flat Pieces Faultless- A complete Machine F r ithed Service, W«:: -. pertly Ironed. Bed Towels ly Ironed, Handkerchiefs Fluff Dried, Handker- Ap>arel, As Well As Fli chiefs Ironed, Wearing Beautifully * Finished, work, Come* Back to Yo Apparel Returned Damp. Wearing Apparel Return* Beautifully Washed Ski! fuily Finuhed, and Cir PER IB. ed Dry. kUASjfullyr AFolded Mil . Eatir* biuile $c p«r PERLB. IK. Additioiiat for flat- Entire bus if '• work ptr Ik AAi.!!^- MIN. CHARGE 69c for vcuiBf «;p>- - 8 - 93' Muu Ouffe S. - Shirts II Desired Finlthcd w Shirts Fktthed If Desired Only 10c Each. Shirts Finished Only 10c Each. ONLY OC Eich Adversary a LESS LESS 20%^ LESS 20

THE NEW 1941 MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE AMERICAN WOMEN ASKED FOR GRAND OPENING SPECIAL • II • Arv vwram »\-uMar, 'it's just what I wanted"... cad tv area to take btf u»aib wtthoat SVws-«at broiler with sews^rte wxrnucj t Dtsifpctrag htck iteh«s that wit t* nd& latds of ott«r maaxr-tmhim. WITH 1* 0F lAUUWnr OR DRY Pius M»t«r Cbefi trams Bed Wbeei O*w Rejutotor, Hi* FOR 5Oc Oft OVER L» burden. s«e«dj «ve»4Mwt tuuhted ores. w^MMtir. Ft« THE E! 3 otrf o/4 Wbmtii Repiin, Re?!- BACHELOR DRTOIAKING! mg BsttiM a*d Jteve B«ttw. Replaced, Cettan Reversed and Ml Cifiart is a part Steb Darned ALL WE ASK •arrtfikr i AUoltttery IS A TRIAL YOU IE THE JUDGE SHIRT FREE! 5E*VK£ Drive In and SAVE 2Oe DRIVE HI RUN sTornx FOR AND SAVE YOUR SLK HOSHRY FREE! ITS

! SXfftT i *t * »m» 222 Smith St. Perth Amboy

^ r^.^/t *. • \* f '' -'K'fwfiws FRIDAY, DE

Atgie Ferriro, who ha> btaa ter of potatoei" . . . taeldestry Iweping it quiet that he'i mUdU> to pay Farmer Mickey aiillag It tomorrow with a Po*| that $2.00 he owe* for Colonla News Reading lait.. . Moe L*ri wai MHrttet readered . . , Who'j tho By Mn. Albert G. Rehberg OK A Tuni certainly piehty intereited In » young lad from Hopelawn who 1 cote Rotelle number at lite ii being called "Cookie" by the1 —Mi .' and Mrr, Jack Condas and Church. Mlsx Margin* Jworf will & Bolts •on, Uuit, tin, John 311TH endbe in chart*, aatiaUd by the yoane U»hy wedding celebration Sat- girli in Jim Sckaffrick'i cigar BY tldayi nite .. . And Ometthetur, d iStnttt wtTfl weekend people of the coromutijty, WILLIAM "JUICY" FAUBLE Jr., won't forget the affair «o Yotinlft, N« Y. —The MIMC* JAM Pkttcraon, *eon .;. Wi'd like to know wko The debutantes from Keasbey -^Lindly Oodkoo, of Colonla Qtadyi Den BIeykor,Peg»y Knauer, that cute eyeful wa»' that Joe Gertrude Hynes attended a moet- MTrtrdlnir to Lairti Stlakoski, are very much interested In H, B. Boulevard, has returned to the •«y Sunday .nd Monday* „„, Moll eieorUd Io the F(remen'» nj of the Junior Woman's Club in IVWHIIII'MK* W111 hAve) %*he'1>eat foot- one tome of your waret on" the Fire from tftick No. 7 since his latest University of, Maine after spend- for the hooki ... How about it Home wlndewt, Johnny? ... banquet lait wwk ... . Good to publicity splash .... Wo know whp ing af«vr dtyi with his parents. Woodbrldge, Tuesday night. t,,,im in thf aUtt jtat as soon Beany" ... LPOU,,, „ pe, •ee Bit) F!tipatrie>' back in hi« ,,!< husky 9% .poipM-ion grow* Ramort have it that Frances the happiest man is In Forda sine* —Mist J3mm» l'itcalrn, of Brook- -Women's tit* Democratit £lub G«i| and Johnny Rue didn't mua), haunta again after being he was laid'o« his job ... Billy if Colonia elected the following of- ., The Frank Chaneyiiflf Jeah Wak... _.. | , jMtfkk (Avenel) JJraint and Gene Sonv lyn, N. Y., hu returned to Mt u? Mllt| ) latd up for a few weeki... :And Icara: ,Mr»v Adoiph Jaeger,' prcki- it were fllw nri&Mted.With -a et*t are veddy veddy mutual... Stark is carrying around a horns after a three.weeks' stay with filling.'em for-Pete now. ... The gang at the fire home, It we'r* Ato glad'lc *et ice Horn- tiir-4rid it's n'otfeom the World',4 lent't ' A. G. rUhbeti;, vice • VKHIIUI son »nd,1ieir;Sflturday 4 her,cousin, A«b>*y Wqodwwd.' ; wondering If "Monk11 Mmlck yai up, and around again-. .. , Kalr either,..". Thjs.flhalHO game? president j" Mh» Theresa" IorJo, ^jimat ilrt'P. At General Hoc,.' Mr, aiidiMrs. Joseph ( Billy Smrko wal««*n wielding a —Mr. and itrA. William J. Bar- ,Will" ever" change' the. record on of the 'niatch between Steve. Stan bour. of Wait Street, entertained treasurer; Miss,Anna lorla, »eore- ,i shew** "Ota former Rose Sr., celebrated their 29t9hh weddin? that Canada trip ha nufde, two bru'ih In the Blue Bar. on ,New kovlti and Otto Schleictfer will b< Ury, Pinna wwS completed' for ,!,, . ;. DW y'ou tttiow. thab Jim at W S^ touchli)g op the Mr. and. tym,' Albert Henae'l and anntvensary Wednesday at B,,party. year* ago. They icy ht; prob- rolled at..Pennlng'ion. • Stfinkovltch famfly, of Faterion, 'Sunday, ;he annual Chrt«fhe»-party to bi ;(l; ii, ,!im).Schaffrkk.makM the giyen'thenfi by their daughter,'Mi1!;, ably cesld tell Ike tlory back'. ipoti, i»yt,Blll, aj Chrlit- is leadifig% only two pins... .Jo ld the Gray'LOR Cablii, Thura- IhAi ' f,«iucikraut in the ii coming. .-,,''; •' • . -Mr. and Mr*. Charlqi Scott, yR : 1 Edward Springer -v.-; Eddie 'Vail wa^dby'iWi lime, \~\ .•fmy, Korniogkl.mpllo'spfehor man is ttey, DeeemWr.tB., ,1 y ? Ask Joe JjR^obyl, ;, Who „, the first thing''«'modern' 'toftcannpn and IJdha .Oberliet' out for, the season after breaking of-Enfteld Rq«d,>eTe guetts.of Mr. !„.„. the cute imVo'that Tommy ind,Mrs.:,Hjrry Sc'qtt,,*/ tinden, >eH Suit is confined to .his fffrj Mtyg.vr'han meeting'tot.-dhte in made the '/It" girl take a, back tnkipbW —'Through thfi thhao bortes iinhis .ankle. -<$e hop.c leme, wltV an ear infection^ ,m]v.i<\\ hiid.on'h.u) arm on upper "Lctlffhavc «;licBr", •;.-•..Who's'the for a speedy.reoove«y^-And ri(jh iunday.,.., .' .".'.V eRrlv •eat at. they'ifrolied Into the K ojt_ the •Ladies' Aid So ., —Parent - Teacher Association [Vim."Strt-et Monday, mofn* —Miss Agnot . Christopherson fijil Oil'V\k\ .sBleHm'fth-by"thbythee Pins't. banquet K«li at'the Fire-' el«ty 'trie e6Amitt«e viu' able W now we th'ink a collection fo^r J01 has camplefed pln'ni tor a dance to ,,';,• .. Joe Karmondy will besetjn mime of ljldwho'? taking a typing' m.en't tffalr. . i..' • ' aorta a buffet luncheon to All woul^ be in order . 1,' The return visited her brother, fleorge, fft ppa- j,],,: around "in a Do, Sato sedan ; be thejOoJonia Library, course ,; . ;The mystefy of 'th church' members and out-oMown match between the Playboys? am ticut irrMetlicfl| Center, Jersey Saturday, December. 14. the'De- ,v.l)«. banfftd u'p; the Cheyvte mlffllng; Kln'jr of spades' ia' a gueat* of 'Rev. A. "H. fiehyenberg Gus Georges' will be rolled Sunda Gjtyr : ,i,, |»i|i Kick bowling. •/. Head- Nlclc 'Larigah and his mluii» cember meeting* wilVbB htld Jii the ikl pinochig sams e in Borb.asBo ' is still un- Shoul'd go in for catering in u b°i|? af tor the church-dedication B&rvicoj ftfternponat the Forita Rec at !f :3C —Mr. .and Sits. Joseph -Corbett • . .iii^Ppapgr. Wc'd-ntsi|ay— school next Tuesdny at 3 o'clock; nl m {{Kjlvejl dd ' „ . . MayoMayo r AAURIC caugh,l last.Sunday of the First Presby- of HigMeld Road, were dinner ant: way sirtce'thcy 'put up; that swell 1 Miss Blanche Ribka. will be Rucat V ,;l;s h«nr for in.Keyjpovt'!—;• billi Ubk billie Urbaneki tryirnr tb faktfk e ft roast bocf dinnw. for ihi. ?ast terian Church of Iselin. In cfirry- The boyt at Walt Fee't are theatre guests in New Yerk, Sun speaker. ;••, •'•*•• the war was that clow wonderingyhen Marge Kutma It : broken arm while being inltlatcfil Grand Knight Dinner at the local ing- out the, plans, the very* effi- :ilay.' ' ."• '.' '"• ••' • .' N Dover Methpdist TDhurcrf In a ipeciap l corner at hit V*| , going to be behind the counter N h Mik R huhtt' ' into the Elks this week;—-and-they club house ..'. George Mifmk, Is in- cient- services of Mnr,'John Ben- —American Legion Post No. 248 will Mrvo'a roast perk supper next 'Nuyt jranch, Mickey Ro ..". The gang at it helping certainly gave him* the works terior-decorating'hiB home—but we nett and committee, deserve grate- nhd'fti Auxiliary were hosts at u Wednesday night; Reservations' ' placed thii xylophone w "Yoclc" Nagy .will try to make Mickey the bartender .collect Ex-Chief Eldon Raiaon didn't last do,n't think he'n doinf? 'the ntanttal ful recognition ... The Fire Com- meeting of the county exeeutivi b« muds with. Mrs. Phillip Den pretented: to him by Paul ,„„,? Xmat money telling trtet. touwniri—and tKey don't mind ong at tho Firetrtn's Banquet last labor ,.'. . L«o Grvriss is doing the missioners were • a little embar- board of th,? American Legion held Bleyker'or Mm, Haro|d Van-Bus- man when they worked t Hr will be located next to the Thursday rassed at the" meeting Tuesday it at all ... Since Joey Parti er in "Strike Up the Band." Kri (Silver) •Finn same thing, but; he'll have, to atop the Avene) schoolhouso. Fina' kirk. ' • ' •••, •• . COIII-RC Inn, to g'Ve him a break night. It didn't turn out 6s ex- joined that "left-hand" dub in *j tpend* tnare motneat renewed on that tlection bet with rolling, his cigarots if he expects mi for the Ohrlstmas party 'tc •u-Mrs. H. P. M««on .of Diver follu .• Rudy Yakota lott, a Tommy Dee. ... to be d,one,by Xinas .".. That new pected . . Fauxtfl (The Oil Man) P. A. he'i been going home e held at the Veterans' Hospital ( thing and It rapidly l, vy bet to hit brother "Hopi" h j minut plenty of niclclet .. . And Road, attended the funeral ot her adept at the art. ra 4-door dark blue Olds F. .was also there, but he Menlo Park were made. daughter's father-in-law, Mr. John ,n ihr Army and Navy game. It for more bowling action, don't The boyt are still talking should make Joe Molnar one of the "cosied" ardund ... The way Char- —Mr. and.Mrsi James Stauntoji Pat«vson, orTl!^ib«th,-on Mon ' Dry itentiment still sub , „„ it quart bottU of milk . . 4 about Mame Fenton and Joe Township "eliKihles.". Anil cash, ley Leary'e car squawks you'd mitt the match between Deak't if Inman Avenue, were jtuests 0 Kolbatteri and the American Le- in I. S. Sheriff Kara was teen In the (Porky) Campion dancing the too! We're rooting for a spe-edy re- think he had a couple of canarie;> honor* at the. home of Mrs^ J, gion Sunday nigh* at 8 P. M., . , mi t y of the Penntylvania Beer Barrel'Poilca at that recent hidden under the back seat .. . )unu, of New Brun«wtck, Saturday cover to both, Roy Litti and Fred Ben Jenteu It it 111 waiting for Rsilr'Snd ttation hunting rabbitt wedding on Albert Street . . . (Cashier) Buntcn.bach who hav^'Niggle" Frank caupht a cold and ight, In celebrsttbn of their sixth' _-si Icatt he had a gun and his is using the lamp treatment to try "thote other four bowlert" to eddinit anniversary and the lat- Johnny Prokop'i former profei- been unfortunate in^being bed-rid- aniwer Mi ttatement . . , The hunting tuit on ... That certain •ton WBI window decerattr at den the last few days,..;. to get rid of It. ... ' ( er's birthday, . ,,,,,nn that-happened to a eou> way Murphy Pnvlik it hanging —Robert Hull, of Kent Road, (EhriataH MeCormlck'i Hardware store In around a certain M. C. we're be- ,j,. of local twaint In South Jer. P, A.—How'i about diiplaying ' The cat'i out of the bag for Uelin needi a good Coffee iaa returned to Massachusetts af- ginning to believe that he wantt .er a week w;ith his family. Shop, ai it's getting cold tbeie to be one .'. . Joe Guydath hat nighti. ..How about stepping on —Mr. and Mra. Gus Praser, of a job—but we uhderttand that Lake Avenue, entertained Mr. and New Recruits for Uncle Sam's Army it Jim Dunlap . .,. Mike (the he'1 another Merty Virgillo . . . Sport) Oliver u politbing hit gun Mis. Wiliianl Wilson, of Orange, i'i Tbe Lund't are cortainly'getting Sunday. and red hat for deer »«a»on~ their thare of iollypopt, • • • Rcdnie likei deer mekt, Mike and —Mr, and Mri Adoiph Jaeger, hopei you don't hare to buy one if Columbia Avenue, were dinner th.ii year . . . Tony Aqaila ii The Kvoop Moat Center keglers cuests of Mr. and^rs, Louia Poll FOR MEN giving a ipaghetfi dinner to hit opened up on the Forda Sporting ;an, of Newark, Sunday. friendi next week. Perhapi Tony Club and blanked them for three —The Junior Club held its An- h getting in the ring again . . . games—The Kioops really mean nual Christmas party at the Co- What happened to the "Hot business as they took high single Ionia Co-operative Headquarters 'Sholi" lait Sunday? Maybe the and high three-fame set thus fai Thursday afternoon. ' BOX-BELTS-QLOVES Uelin Boyi' Club ii a little too •A public dance will be held ir> for this season—We think the boy: JEWELRY-SHIRTS-HATS •trong . . . Bull Piazza claimi would deserve new shirts for theii the Colonia Library tomorrow he hai a new halfback tigned up feat... The boy.1 at the Alamo ari niitht, benefit .of St. Cecelia's ' SHOEB-MUFFLERS and hat the rett of the boyi won- wrangling Steve (Counterman dering what he'i like . . . Howie Bodi for an introduction to th funeral Services For War Hitt didn't like the way things new waitress... Steve, by the way, ">;**, turned out at the Commiiiion- was seen dressed in his finest Tues fioth Tomorrow Morning WALLETS PAJAMAS ert' meeting. . . . day night and going out on a dati SILK AND FLANNEL1 RQBES 1 WOODBRIDG^Funeral serv .Dippy Kutcher, we hear, wa ices for Max Noth, 73, of 639' NECKWEAR - SWEATERS trying to pull a. waiter strike at th Rjdgednle Avenue, this place> who HA$JDKERCHI2FS - SUITS After an absence of some time, Alamo but he didn't use the rig' Darkie Tomasco returned' to his was.found dead in the kitchen 0: technique . . ..And the new M. his home early (Wednesday morn, old haunts $nd. renewed acquaint at the same place is realty the tops ances. Just couldn't stay away —hit imitation;; and, dialogue keeps "ng, will be held tomorrow morn- from the old "Boonjtown," eh, at 8:30 o'clock ut the Gretne: tjMBRElLAS UNDERWEAR the customers on;edBe-

Many ttylet ^to choote from in BulpVa Ladiot' ' Watchet. 17 Jewell.

Oar Christmas Club Now Open A beautiful lelection .of Birthttone Ring* and all Pay 2Bc a week for 50 weeks and receive .'..,'.,....,-.| U.B0 purpote ringt. Pay Mk a week for 60 weeks a^d receive ...... $ 2S.W) Pay $1.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive '. .'..: ,..,...$: 80.00 See bur Wlndowt For Gift Suggettiont—A Small Deposit •m Pay $2,00 a week fpr 50 weeks and receive ...,.'...... $100.00 * > WIU Hold Your Selection Pay $S.OO a week for 50 weeks and receive M*ft*« • ... . . t

Tile V. Q, 8- Swanson,' new do? itroyer, sliding down tbe way* at CARTEREf, N, J. JEWELERS Ettabliihed 1888 the Charleston, 8. C, navy yjud. Ii mtt christened by .Mr^. Claude Member federal Depoilt Imurwice Corporation Swanson, wife of the late secretary 127 SMITH SWEET PERTH of the !»»yy, •./ •... ••',-- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 PAGE EkiHT SENIOR CLASS PLAY Miss Arlene Janderup Lovely Bride LAST DRAFT FORMS SALESHOl MADE Sewaren (Continued from Page 1) tarson St., KeMbey; 711, Hans Hoi- AVENBL-^The annual election PROMISING RESUL1 ATSOCIALjIOKDAY IS WELLJECEIVED Of Rahway Man At Rites Saturday ger Clausen, 80 Fifth St., Fords; of officers of the —Mr. and Mi*. Harry Q'Con- 712, Benjamin Isadore Kahtor, 13 publican Club w|H W held next lampaip Comparable Ceremony Held At Nuptial High Mm In St. James' R.C. Grove Ave.,' Woodbridge) 713, Mr*. W. Robots, Of Newnor and daughter, Alice Mae, of To Be Prwented Again To- Thursday night, December 12, ac- John Michael Plrint, 23 Hansen cording to plans made at a recent Same Period Last Year, East Avenut, #6re the Sunday night In High School Chord; Bride, Groom Wooibridge High Gmdualet Ave., Fords; 714, Joseph Frank : Street, Win* Prize At session at the home of Mr. and irueata of Mrs, O'Connor's moth- 1 WojUnovskl.HolUsUr Place.Fords. Mrs. Rothfuss Says Auditorium WOODBRIDGfc—At a nuptial high mass in 5t. James Mrs. Herbert -Head on George , $1 Jame;' Party rt, Mrs. Mary Terry of P»»aic. 715, Andrew Kuchtyak, Fourth WOODBRIfXJB—Returns J R. G. Church at teTt o'clock Saturday morning, Miss Arlene Street t —Mr. and %t*. Georgd Urban, WOODBRIDGB—The first per- St., Port Reading; 716, John Jo- the first Week of 1040 CluistJ '' WOODBRIDGE-Mrs. .W. Hob- Mr,- and Mrs, Edmund Glendin- of West Avenue, fntertatned their formance of "Honor Bright" the 3ernice Janderup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Jand- seph Tafcacs, W«rtjAve., Port Read- Seal Campaign arc comparable j6rta, of New Street, town, was the ning and Mrs, Thomas Thompson son, Geofgtf Jr., who' 1* a senior senior class play, was presented ing; 717, Alfred Paul Mdretti, 39 thtf same period of lastj(. dinner of, a $288 prize at a rej^U" erijp, of S2-Freema'h Street* this place, becanjecthe bride were; taken .Into membership. Do- ai at Villariovi Ceilejre, P*., for «dy- fast night at the W.oodbfidge High Poplar St".,Ford«j 718, Albert W. Mrs.:C. Hi Ibihi;,, lar weekly (fame social tyohsored Eugene Josepli Leahy, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Leahy, Shara, 889 School St, Woodbrldgc; nations were',made": to tne Red eral days' last week, .'•'•- - .' School 'auditorium to. a pleased Woodbrtdge chairman. - 'Monday night by St. 'James' Pariah 719, MWyirtC. R. Shaffer, St. Cross, and the Middlesex County ' —Miss Naney Sloan hai return* audience which packed, the. halt/ A of.We«(t Ih'niah -Avenue,- Rahway(; The ceremony was'per- V"R*su]U. cannot be -judgci' In ,£t Janws' auditorium.' • Other, George Road, Avenel; 720; George Tuberculosis piidsHJalih League. jprizvo were'awarded as fbtiows: cd to her homti in West Avenue second nctf.orth.ance will be offer- fbrmed'by'Rev.'James A. Harding,' curately by the -first week," / after a visit with her (frandmother, ed tonight, and a lewjjickets will' Ludas, Erin Ave,, R, F, D. No. 1,' Sandwich grill, Mrsl Ayers, Rih; pastor of St. Mary's t. 0. Church, Perth Amooyj 7.2}, Pauf Cork*, R, ?eph Lomonico, 'Mts. Rothfuss, "but we are „!• Mrs. Charle* .S'lpan in Bloomftcld. be available at the ifpor.- ^ ~ ray; towel set, Michael Vah'aly, Perth Amboy,'/ r.ssirted ;by, Rev. P. D. No, 1 P. 0. 121, Rahway; britlge;-728,.'.S«injiel Rudolph No- hjelitg human wh«h we want tin r •ort feefldinf?; -'Jadi«s'., stockings, ^jAp. Helly Chadwlek of West The play luke{ S place in »'• CbarieaVG?- ^cCbwlstin, pisfor of vak, Bayview Ave^KeaabByj 729, turrts to equar,.|f ' ' 1 722, Joseph Buehkq, Pendc.rP,lace, ,'MIB8 Koiakowalii,, South "JU?er;> Aveirae,'' entertainedrtid h herth motherr , jiiftcent- nwinstcin somewhere ' ih. •St. James'Church. ••-, ' •> Domonlck A. Rotella,-9S LecjylUe previous record, 1 Fords;-723,', Joseph Raymond Pi-, blanket,. Elizabeth ' Kasraer,- .Wfldr. Mrs. J. J. Lou'(i?hrey and: brother, New Enfflartd.'TJte cast lead's the Mbr-6 tftan' 1QO[ tfueTsts- BtteVided. nelli, 02 New BiurtswicTc Ave;, 4,ve,,-Avene|) 7JB, LbW» Aloysiu* "W'oodbrli^o haa never "fail,,!, audience into a • rollicking, series : f wood' Avenue, Folds ;-spceiali Mrs, Robert Pj, of; Camdeh,' Mond»yv .rlg t"he• reception,hi ki af.afpnkpn Hills HopelawnY 724," Mclvin . L6Roy To£h, 23 Louis-Sf, Fords; 781,. raise 1U q ,in the "Chrisim< payers, Perth 'Amboy;, spread, Jo- MM. Charwick was luncheon host-; of •adventure" providing much, Manor,,MejjilchMi'. wh'ich Sidney Feijrht, St. George Ave., Box.,224, John Polyak; 173 Fulton'St.; Wotfd. Seal Campaitrn." Thw conies f, 1 p (l| seph Mchi-sy, H6.j>i'H»wnj ; ••smok'inf' ess, -Tuesdayto Mrs. Allan "B . and "hilarious QiQurrio's' ; orch'eatrKt n "phyed music fof Woodliridgc. ; bridge; 732, AhdrewM. Istyart, 238 fulflll realizatiolii n by pur stfind, J; ' SillU Rowley and Mrs. William R. Jones The plot' centers aroupd "a .book-, dancing. '•,'•'' ' , ' PeTshijig Avo.., Iselin; 733,'WalWt- Suyrevillc;,quUl, 2,5, William Bugen.Treldef, 40. the wo'rk dut local tuber MM. A. of who becomes Involved with "HWhite chrysanthemums' on the Joseph Gurney, Jr,',, 44 Mj»rionj . 8t; Coley, Grejiyilly e Street, Third Avp., Port Rending; 72f) p sociation Is trying to do, members.,- of \.a\ houiehdld . iii, a church aliii', and.' palms • banking Pt Rding; VR Rnym'ond-Ford town'; dishes.M.-Mjllerii Port Read- —HY. and Mrs'. 'Conrad"* Stern ISti-vefi.Bohncs, 40B,,Florida Gr.ovc Port Reading; ,Sayrevillc; of. Woodb'ridje, were1 t}je.'-guests wealthy New England family. A' the chancel made an'attractive set- St,« Isclln; '7S5 tog; special, X' Sill ; Road", Hopclawft; 72.7, Samuel Jo- Law'soti, Green i and pillow cases,' Johft Ram- 6; 'Mr. and Mrt.;AV C. Dodwell, chdrus"girl,: a,butler, a flat-footed for the ceranioijy at which P. Satvatore Caracaus, ,15 Campbelb l K,Perth Amboy..' ( CHIT iUad. Saturday night, .'.' niaid, a •gafdher, * hypochondriac H'.'Fcnton, church-organist, ployed, local Emergency Squad St., Woodbridge i 738, Mrtl« A,n- Here's why I Groceries, Mrs. J.J5tee'l, Rahway ^-Mrs. Henry Nickenift, of aunt and two* bishops are among the wedding music. The soloist, tonlo D'Alessio, 29 Ttfrner. St. Avenue, town; table and lamp, Jo- East Avenue, was the luncheon those who add to the general mer- Thomas Currie, snnjr Selections in-' Holds First Aid Classes Port Readrng; 737, Cjarence- N gephinc Strnka, Carteret; special, eluding "Ave Mfcria," "Mother At have rtiy best guest of Mrs. Frank E. Connors, riment. WOODBRIDGE—In answer to Wctzcl, Fiume St., Iselin; 738, B. tfodd, Rahway and Mrs. Ginter, Thy Feet is Kneeling," aftd "Just George A. Bryant, Oak Tree Road) of Rahway, Wednesday, "Honor Bright", which was 1 for Today, : • . an appeal 'by the Red Cross for South Amboy; bridge .lamp, Thorn- —Mrs. Montgomery Bslfour and written by Kenyon and Meredith Box321, Iselin: bride's- father gave her in ten thousand trained first ail TABLE LINENS R> Hooban, Grove Street, town; oc- Mrs. R. A. Lance of town attended Nicholson, is a change from the 739, Louis Steve Baumley, 91 casional chair, Mrs. Wadiak, Car- workers, the Woodbridge Emerg-. the annual "Book Tea" presented ^ualiype of play presented as a ™R*JZ f^JJS Lee St., Hopelawnj 740, Anthony tjjret; floor lamp, Mrs. J, Mylq, bridal satin had a sweetheart neck- ency Squad Inc., has inaugurated specially ule by high school dramatic Wonski, Smith Stt, Keasbey;'741 by the Literature Department o( line, bracelet length sleeves and several-first aid classes in the Carteret; special, Mis. UPenU, groups. Anthony Michael Vlrgillo, 381 Nevy Grove Street, Town. Mrs. Derrick, the Perth Amboy Woman's Club; hoop skirt extending. into a long Township, Members of the cast are: Mar- Brunswick. Ave, Fords; 742, laundered by Scwaren, Miss Rite Baumlin, town Tuesday afternoon. . An original train. 9he wore a veil of ice blue Robert Leison, of Grove Street, shal Hubbard, Ann Dilgcr, Bruce Charles Constance Courtot, P»os- and Mrs." Nordall, Carteret; ton of paper on "Mr. Miniver" written by tulle and carried lilies of the Valley' is instructing a class of Columbian. by Mrs, pect Ave.,. Avenel; 743,'Stepher coal, Mrs. Philip Render, South Mrs. Balfour was read Nelson, Barbara Briegs, George and gardenias. Cadets which are under the direc- Morey LaRue protrrarr Charles Thomas, 200 Emmet Ave., Amboy; radio, John Tubas, Fulton Fred Haney durinir the Grenda,' Ann Gulick,' Michael Rad- Miss Miriam Eunice Janderup as tion of William Boylan. which also featured a book review, er, Evelyn Gutwein, John Mascen- Hopelawn; 744, John Smith, 1 Street, town; studio couch, Irene maid of honor former sister, wore Another class is being attend- Tonlyn Place, Sewaren r 745, Robi (Jutick, Main Street, towiv special, on "Mrs. Miniw," ik, Ruth Orsak, Daniel Newman, romance blue faille taffeta made ed by the Boy Scout Troop 33, Mrs. Henry Nickenig, of East j n . charlotte erf Andrew McAra, Aborne Ave., Mrs. C. Furslaw, Sayrevilie; sec- Bck olsen( Joh Sci k0) with a sweetheart neckline, brace- of which Wesley Heiselberg is Woodbridge; 746,' Erich "loom . rotary, tyrs. Hosoniatz, Port Read- Avenue, was the luncheon guest of Flcssner and Leon Dochinger. let length sleeves and a Mary, scoutmaster. Richard Larscn is the Mrs. Frank Connors, of Rahway, Box 49C-K. F. D. No. 2, Rahway! In?; easy chair, Claire Dick, Car- Miss Margaret Morganson is the Queen of Scots bonnet to tone'. instructor of that group. 747, Mjchael Alexander Feher, 89 Wedensday. '*•'•'. Coach of the production. buret and bicycle, Ruth Farley, —Mrs. H. D. Clark, of Cliff Road Small white flowers formed, her In Sewaren, Gordon A, Hunt is Louis St., Fords; 748, Carl Victor {jfoyreville. bouquet. *nd Mrs. H, B: Ranking of East presiding over classes attended by Jorgensen, 737 St. George Ave., The four attendants, Mrs. Char- Woodbridge; 749, Joseph Lee Mnrray, named C. I. 0". head.! Avenue,-spent Wednesday 'n New- Boy Scout Troop 24, of which Wil- y TO les Farr, Jr., of Woodbridge, Miss Gross, 599 New Bruswick Ave., lark. son is scoutmaster. Alexander bqrs peace now with A. F. L. OFFICER NEXT FRIDAY Catherine Wells of Roselle Park, Hamilton, captain of the squad is Fords; 750, Stephen Panko, 48 Hoy Mrs, Alfred Anderson and Mrs. in charge of a first aid class at- Ave., Fords. Press Club To Fete Rosen- Cyril Arrundell of 'Perth Amboy, tended by members of the Wood- blum At Christmas wore gowns and bonnets made sim- >ridge Township Police Depart- ORDER YOUR ilar to the maid of honor's but in ment winter halttr blue faille taffeta. Party In Fords PUP GOES TO LAUNDRY Groups interested in forming .They also carried bouquets of smnil Roanoke, Va.—Missing her Chi- WOODBRIDGE—Final arrange- first aid classes are asked to get white flowers.J |huahua pup, Mrs, Gordon Henry and ments have been completed for the ih touch with Mr. Hamilton at the The flower firl.MarRicSorensen | bered that he had been, annual Christmas party to be held remem squad headquarters in the fire- of Perth Amboy, wore a Kate sleeping in the family laundry bag. HOLIDAY next Friday night, December 13, Greenaway styled dress in winter house. under the auspices of the Middlesex She called up* the laundry and the halter blue with matching bonnet pup was found Deneath a pile of ounty Press Club at Varady's nnd carried a colonial bouquet. collected laundry. He was return- COOKIES Lonely Axr6s, Ford Avenue, William P. Leahy was his broth- ed home, unharmed. Fords.- The affair will also be in er's best man. Ushers were Francis honor of Meyer Rosenblum, club O'Byrnc of Woodside, L. I., John Jobs as Army hostesses are treasurer, who is to be married on A. Dunigan, Donald Aaroe and ought by 7,000. December 22 to Miss Fay Katz, of BaiTon Levi of Woodbridge. 562 ST. GEORGE AVE. WOODBRIDGE Newark, The bride's mother wore grape Several games and a mock trial colored, crepe with matching acces- CLASSIFIED FREE DELIVERY PHONE 8-1210 have been planned. The usual ex-'.,^-^ anti corsage of gardenias, SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY change of gifts will-take p.lacc with I jirSi Leahy, the bridegroom's moth- FARMER "Santa Claus," as master of cere- er| was Arjjp&aA m blue crepe with MISCELLANEOUS JONES monies, standing near a gaily light- black accessories and similar cor- WoortliB. S-IS65 BUTTER mOIIHK\.« KI.IOtTUIC ed Christmas tree. Miss Berthn sage. I'liprc ^workmunahlp l« a rp.iponsi- Freth Creamery Butter 93 Score Ohlolt, club pianist, has arranged The newlyweds are on a wedding hlllty and sorvlce nn nhllpatlon, for a fine musical (program which JlMl'tcnttnl nml Onmmercial tj'ip through the southern states Llclitlnit1 unrt Wiring Fre.h Killed Freih Tender String will include the singing of Christ- and for traveling the bride wore a 3S7 School Si met 1 mas carols. Club members may in- blue crepe dress under a black fur WnnilhriiiKP, T.'. .1. 9-Kllf. Maryland • Q'T u : Beans 2 lbs. vite c ests, ' coat,' a black hat and accessorier Turkeys, lb. ^l C Miss Ruth Wolk is general and corsage of gardenias. They will FOR SALE chairman and she is being assisted be at home to friends after Dec. 12 ICNK1)OI.I> miUimutlc ivalur liGut Swift'i Premium X Large Florida NOW. by Lawrence F. Campion, Windsor f ('licitn t' J. Lakis and Elmer J. Vecsey, of West Seventh Avenue, ROSSIIR. Smoked Hams Ib. Oranges, doz. •lim j , Delightful lolution to every gift prob-. Shoiv Woodbridge; Peter Urban and The bride is a graduate of Wood- Help Wanted. hulf or whole «P well. lem—is a fruit cake, so good, so Philip KruRman. of Perth Amboy, bridge High 'School arid the New Snow .White .... | rv IVHJTK ('.IKl, for ReiierHl IIIIIIBC Genuine Spring and Clarence Schwartz, of Car- York Schoql of Fine and Applied wiirk. (I0111I liiimc, KUIH] iiiiy: Hlei' crammed with tempting fruits, mils teret. ' Art. The bridegroom graduated n »r (iiit. 1114 l'liTtmiit ,Sl.t Kiiliway 25c Mushrooms, lb. *.*'• ••11065. • 12- Legs Lamb, lb. from Woodbridge Hinh School, and apices, that it's a treat to get! loco- Production of oil-electric Villanova College and Newark Un- Fed , U. S, No; 1 motives rivals that of steam. rvnmuient pusltinn fin1 women ove: Can be, ordered in any size. iversity and is employed in the aud- ;ifi vim i-i'ii work al li'iist 2S liourp 19c $1,000,000 in machinery given iting department of, O'Maboney, weekly. Write Hox Numlii'i" i:. (IIv RumpsVeal, lb . Potatoes, 10 lbs. tli.'iiliifs. VI—«, 13, 2 Mince Pies - Pumokin Pies and Holiday Stollens by oil man to aid Greece in war. line. Elizabeth. BEHREN'S Give Youraelf the Gift That Will Make 1941 Gift Shopping Simple! Tel. Wo. 8-1965 387 School St.. Woodbridge BUY lulil"' ITALIAN FOOD STORE FURS 244 SMITH ST. 436 AMBOY AVE. TEL. P. A. 4-1361 TEL. P. A. 4-4591 Most Wonderful PERTH AMBOY, N. J, ' Friday and Saturday Specials Christmas Gift! thrill your wife, your mother, Diaz Peeled Tomato"* Calabria Tomatoes Large No. O Soz. O your daughter with furs... the 2jcan ^ cans can gift they'll, adore, wear prob- Pure Semolina ablyi* for years. See our superb URosa O Macaroni A collection of 1941's most faih* bulk .__... * lbs. Macaroni ** pkgs. itnable fur jackets and scarfs, Italian Imported QQ/» S. A. Roman most exciting coats. We'll help' Roman Cheese, lb. •'r*' Cheese Jj yg» select the one she wants Santa Claus is very busy distributing Christ- * Doppia Stella ~ Angela Mia most. 80% Vegetable OH mas cash to our Christmas Club depositors of B« pwp«w

California O Sliced Kn*-O Peache*, 2+ •' for apple, 7 01. »'caiu WOODBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK New White Kidney Greta Split „• WOODBRIDGE, N. J. •'••", •'"••' The House Of Better Fur Garments Bean. .,. lb. MEMBER FEDERAL OEPOSIT INSURANt^fe CORPORATION New Roman O New Lima O" 97*. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE #ANK SYSTEM 522 AMBOY AVENUE TEL WO. 8-0070 WOODBRIDCE N. Bean* •>! Bean* .„ O lbs. *»>C

jsej»j.'ii FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6,1940 PAGE Inijepentont- times found which might be "eliminated if civilians interested in the welfare of the COMBINING Army will lend their aid and encourage- Heads of U.S. Axis Powers Have Little Gains ment to theit local civic organizations who <»«• are trying to supply wholesome recreation Display For Their Recent Efforti for the men during their off-duty hours." PAtlstasd Every Fridaday by ththe(1M4) In any appraisal of the situation' that exiati m, puWlihUjmn^i CompanyCornr-" ,— Woodbridg- •• i u j The people of every community should Kelly, Pruraent; itumil LOMH as Great Britain, and Germany continue their«tnigti«i|| pl0Bi realize that the Army is their Army, com- S!??,. * ™"?B the end, it is useful, once In a while, to compare th« flffi posed of their sons and brothers, and that tive positions of the belligerents today\with their expectth it is \ the interest of the nation to co- PuWll(h ttons several months ago. • • •' ', '.;' ^/-I^Bf operate with the War Department in its Five months have elapsed since the sudden efforts' to "take care", of the soldiers. ' der of France isolated the British people Jeivto|'l*|S| alone to face the-onslaught of a foe that had not DJ Action On local Budgets « A.F*Qt JL Denifitncet Rackets checked'as Hitler tramped triumphant from Poland to -We fasten-to congratulate tjie Ameri- I, new. budget year tods the orgnn- Atlantic Ocenn and from'the mountalfia orNorwiy to can Federation 'of Labor on its'.action In ; v L| laxpwy'ers in a stronger ^position to Pyrenncg.--' ' '• .. • .••,';;•'••.••• " '''', ' •'•. • .'' "^"^m recognizing the; responsibilityof labor, or- .|; ,ui control Ijhe expend'ituTres of their Whin Hitler Danced With Joy ; WM |(;( a ganisations' to prevent.racKetS'and racket* | l governments- "Citizens in comma, - When hews reached per Fuehrer that Fr*n<».W ca eering fifom.'pfeying upon business and the y, Hitler,. o*i [PHblic.generally^•/•' ), .-. - ••'.'• ^ pf 'constructive action, by "taxpayers' ally-1 tactyrn; And •foVebodirtg^.perfoimeci a heaif^jf||| The labpr "umofo that • works for

[(directing their efforts toward accom- the American Federation of Labor is turn- spoils. -."•.. aavings right now, during pre- ing its attention to their nefarious schemes British Resistance A Surprise Imagine the task of directing in:iry preparation of the budget. speaks well for the Federation, which de- .6,300 people in southern New Jer There is little reason to beevbelievee tthat t either HitleHittefc|$r flt^| Quipped with the facta about the cost serves a vote" of thanks from the public ey to vote for Hendrlckson and Mussolini expected the British to continue the fltrugrgie. '&$? their government, taxpayers can place at large. not to vote lor Willkie, Certainly doubted their ability to quickly finish the fight and constfc Of All Things- quite a job of organizing »ecrecy inqnisibrVe finger upon expenditures and propaganda would be involved. lidate their positions in Europe. Since the F i arc non-essential, wasteful or dishon- Why Not Build Our Own? By Harold G, Hoffman —Someriet Meti«nfer-G»ieUo. rendered, the Axis has been jutterly unable to presa the, Thcycan insist upon placing the pub- tie against their island ffte'jand both dictators knoiii? tftjW It's probably time to call attention to Highway Commission their task has grown tremendously as victory eluded tH™ s business upon a basis just as efficient the Christmas shopping season that is TRENTON.—The fact that sticks quest'bug has talked himself into New Jersey got rid of its old hi] economical as a well-directed private out in the news is that the shoVt power, All the clothes and houses highway commission because it was grasp. about to begin here, with a view to remind- a rotten mess, It was believed.thnt pirn ss, knowing that efficiency cuts down end of life goes to the little 'fellow and education and plumbing which When France ceaSed to fight there were intimfttldlti ,.-4 ing readers to patronize local places of even more in war than it docs in we call civilization blow away when a single commissioner would do the that a final settlement and the "New Order" in Swatyl&^ [ie rust of government without sacrificing business as far as possible. peace, •••*•' • • ; • the bugle sounds. ob bettor, withoutlogroll ing, with- Whether he.drowns before he ., All'the treatit? ever signed, all out graft, with contraltzed respon- would await the conclusion of peace. Since that1 initial services. This advice is not based upon enmity can reach a lifeboat, is drilled l)y tho resolutions,ever adopted, all sibility and with greater efficiency. however, the'impatient Hitler has gone to France to^ They know, for exampfe, that govern- of .other trading areas. It is founded upon a bullet as ho charges with his the religion ever taught, added to- Under Commissioner Sterner the new setup' has worked well. It is Vichy's cooperation, to the border of Spain to win Franejl^l mentantal spending can be reduced.Jf_.nur the common-sense fact that the business of company, is blasted fijom his bed gether into one snield, cannot stop : all the way to St. Peter's gate by a single bullet. not perfect, but it is a big improve- support, to Italy to coordinate Mussolini's efforts arid tht '

asos are jnade systematically and with any community depends very largely up,on » • » _ * ment over the. old system, " a night flying bomber or is forced diplomatic representatives of various nations, inclu^iilg/ 1 knowledge of price conditions—and if the people in its trading area. If they by high taxes to dine on meat from And that is that Whatever To restore the commission would diseased dogs, the little man. payB progress we make is made between be a tragic step backward, The Russia, have been invited to Berlin for fateful conferenc^!'- kiitimious inventories of supplies, materi- make a practice of buying elsewhere, the proposed change is not intended to time'wili'^e'when'the^'wiirbe'feweri^ price ^something he doe^t ware and much of it is lost during Axis Gains Small Since France Quit •-. 'P& IK equipment ,and tools are kept. wars. We are like the legendary benefit the public, Its only pur- Taxpayers know, too, that payroll and jobs for people who work and live here. That something he doesn't get is frog in the well. In the sunlight pose is to spread patronage and What has been the net result? .The adherence of; jany form of advantage vHiritever. of- peace *e crawl upward our few make the state highway mnchinc Hungary and Slovakia to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo pactaridy rsonnel figures should be checked close- Our own idea is that the people of safe for the Republicans before He is exhorted, lectured, taxed, grudging inches; in the dark night the protective occupation of Rumania represent the ad- in an effort to eliminate needless "tasks, every community should give their mer- starved and lrillod—but- lie gets of war we slip backward toward the inauguration of Governor Edi- son.—Newark Sunday Call. vances, although the possibility exists that some prOgrefiS; -o that:work is planned carefully and chants and places of business an oppor- nothing out of it but'loss anil heart- the bottom'of the well, losing most tunity to fill their .wants. We think that ache for himself and his. of our gains. ' has been made toward a better "understanding" wi|h |istri!mted in the propfrr departments, and * * * There is the formula under TWO FAMOUS HORSES good 'citizens of a community o^e that Soviet Russia. This is negatived, to a'degree, by the,f&«U diminatq unnecessary jobholders. I am not thinking so much of the which we must work, All of us, big BELIEVED EATEN much to the place where they make their nations and little, strong nations admission that Bulgaria is not expected to adhere t6 In a few words,, it i& important for tax- j(plain people who take all this in de Paris. — Two of France's most the treaty arid by increasing1 evidence that the Turks, ^ll; living. The dollar that leaves this com- i of their countries as I anvof and weak ones, kindly nations and famous stallions, Mon Talisman to find out where their tax money greedy, are ruled by this equation resist any advance through Thrace toward Istanbul, : munity rarely conies back and the more of the plain people in the countries and Clairvoyant, which belonged been spent and where it is now being which do the attacking. Everything we do is subject to it to a wealthy Argentine, Eduardo whether made by Bulgars or German 'soldiers. them that depart the quicker business life If here, in the United States, )tnt, in order to have more to, say con- Glory is a thin niDhu for the man Martinez dc HHZ, arc listed . ns The Axis treaty with Japan, plainly designed1 tip weakens and expires, •>. who has only so many years to live have progressed further toward es "missing in action" since June and eniing where it will be spent. No group anil who must deduct from these cape form the well of human mis- are believed to iiavc been killed frighten the United:States and thus re'duce the ahipntenjt' in do this as well as the taxpayers them- We do not tell our readers to pay ex- years the periods in which his na- ery it is because we have been most und eaten during the big exodus of war supplies to Britain and China, has obviously. pr,0-v orbitant prices for what they wish to buy. tion is at war. In the years of con- 'free fvom major wars during the 'rom Paris. es. Capable, honest public officials period of our greatest growth. duced the opposite result. Spain demonstrates little en*'- It is up to local merchants to meet competi- flict, everything in his personal life realize this will welcome the coopera- must wait "until the war is over.'.' (If we have slipped back during thusiasm for participation in the battle for the "New Qt-'" 14 lon of taxpayer representatives at bud- tion and to give customers the same serv- He is lucky to come out of'the the past decade or two, that is tie der" and French forces in Africa give increasing evidences cause we allowed an alien war to ice-that they can get for their money else- struggle atlive and with the Joss of; Years jet-making time. nothing more than his hopes of be imported into our lives—and of hostility to any policy of cooperation with GermAttyj where. To build up the commercial life of once the way has been opened an- regardless of the Vichy government. • V happiness. Ten Years Ago a community it is necessary to have alert, + + • a. other war may follow the route so established. BRrDE IS INJURED Italian Campaign On Debit Side To 'Astonish The World?' progressive and up-to-date business men Why Do They Do It? A-S.QARS COLLIDE .as wjilLaSjio enjoy the loyal patronage of One naturally wonders why the The Italian campaign against Egypt and Mtt88O;llni^ Imlfrey Haggard, British consular ofli- Our Future At Stdlce Just three weeks after sh« muvcil people who pny for wars of con- nto her pew home on 20 Grove eifort to "absorb" Greece ard still on the debit side. /T|i|ei those who spend their money. Altbougn we are 'talking as in this country, believes that the peo- quest do SQ. Akin to that wonder Avenue, Mrs. Harold Johnson, the though our entry-into the present Mediterranean is nearer an English sea than an Italjafl is the puizlement over why the former' Madeleine dc Russy, was uf the countries occupied by Germany tragic war-is a thing- as. inevitable lake and the fighting,performance of the Italian navy aitd • same people-back up governments badly injured in aii automobile nc- 1 as death, a thing to which we ob- building up, their strength and thai 30 Seconds Ahead! and leaders who bring to them no- cident Saturday night. With her air force do not promise decisive results. The invasion$* ject but which' we must accept. • will, same day, emerge an armed The astronomers insist upon prompt- thing but toss, disaster* and husband, she wiis drivini? to New: Greece, so far at least, lends no encouragement to theiilt^' It is of little point to say that ship. ai'k to sec a-show about 8 o'clock Haiice that will "astonish the world, in- ness on the part of the heavenly bodies as we should stay out of the war. To of a giant pincer movement upon Turkey and the NSftt 6 course, there is the .'merital when the accident occurred. iiling Hitler." they make their appointed rounds' and satisfaction of rejoicing in the pre- discuss lhat. obvious axiom is to East. . ' . . . , ';:r% waste time; we know we should sumably greater loss and hardship TOWNSHIP RELIEF GROUPS We trust the gentleman is correct. Cer- hence there is some consternation over the sba'y out. We make no effort to pretend that food arid oil suj)-" of the fellow awoss the border "who SPEED UP WORK !:!y, there is no. reason why the peoples fact that the planet Mercury, passing What is important is this ciues- plies represent grave problems for the Axis nations b)6- ;0 what has been coming to him, With $045 raised to date, contri- 'he conquered nations should be s'atis- across the face of the sun this month, was He dirty so-and-so!'That is scanty tion—are 'we sufficiently civilized do not know* the facts. Neither do we attempt to ftay out, in spite of all the urge butions are coming . in daily to custt half-a-minute ahead of schedule. iet for a man who miss»e his vicr 1 •I with their lot under theTFTTerman mas- to get in? ' : swell the Township fund for the to set-up the liability of millions of sullen people in iia* uals, .' • i relief of the unemployed and their '••<. The.will to strike a blow for their Immediately, the students of the stars i * ,* * Much of our future depends up- tions conquered by Germany. There 58 no way for us ttf on the answer to that question. fiiiiiilies and oil the Township dr- :: liberation undoubtedly exists but just seek the cause of this aberration in the But in every age, civilization has n ::jtions are mobilizing to,aid in tell whether the acquisition of industrial plants, ship-bull$?*^| v »nd where and when, is a mystery to skies. The reason is that a tiny miscalcu- lad to duck its hi'tid and seek shel- the relief 'drive. Guided by the cen- ing facilities, ores, fuels and other raw materials hivf^ ;cr whenever a man.with the con. iition might "mean an irregularity in the Other Ecjitors Say tral organization consisting -of the solved some; if not all, of the shortages that made Hittei aiibjjor and township committee- : ! rankly, we would not advise the peo- turning of the earth upon its axis; or in men, three citizens' groups recent- and his experts anxious to avoid a long war. •' ' ' ): : • i»f the British empire to count too hea- the movements of Mercury. Both would Christian Post Election Accusations ly organized arc.Roing ahead'with British Posfrion Improved i -y: y upon anyurmed uprising in the con- equire explanation, The charge by George C, War- plans which htive already shown ren Jr., Republican state commit material results, Last week we called attention to the serious threat^ Heil lands. A rebellion'against a Ger- The United States Naval Observatory, Science Chutek Ueeman from Union County, tha that involve the British and space is^ not available noiw ;^: ui army of occupation, just now, would which announced the time.when the con- Willkie was traded off for Hen- WORK BEGUN ON NEW drickson votes in southern New HOME FOR VETERANS speculate upon the undoubted improvement in British vi- little chance of'success in any nation, tact was scheduled, will be asked to de- ; Calendar i'sey is scarcely the stuff &f-which Axes swung In the underbrush of prospects .for eventual victory since June. •;.; - the British are able to inflict a decisive cide the question and to determine, also, p*arty harmony is made.: Accord- he site of the new Soldiers und Important factor include the failure of Germany tpil f'-at upon Germany, the rebellions will whether the clocks of the nation should Chriitian Science—-First Church mg. to Mr. Warren, Hondrickson Sailors Home Wednesday, as work 1 launch an invasion, the spirited suffering of the p,eo||fl|1 of Christ, Scientist, Sewaren, is a ran 56,300 ahead of-Mr. Willkie in was begun for the new $3,000,- iv-up, repidly enough, on.the heels ot be set back thirty, seconds. 00 home built on the 125 under aerial attacks, the amazing courage of 1 branch of the Mother Church, The six southern counties and; this rep- ^treating-Teutons, whose position will First Church of Christ Scientist, resents a ''monumental disgrace to ere tract on the borders of the and Raritan Township precarious./ n Boston, Mass, Sunday services a certain faction in our Republi- "6 to 20 Per Cent Profit" t 11 A.-M., Sunday School, 9:30 A. can party." ,ines. Readers of this newspaper may be in- M,, Wednesday Testimonial meet- A person who simply cannot be- unlimited suppli. ... ing 8 P. M.' Thursday, reading lieve that Mr. Willkie could have Five Years Ago checked by Hitler, will guarantee British victo'ry'if terested in. a plan to make from 6 to 20 STATE BARS GAS Protect The Morals Oijoldiers room 3 to 5 P;. M-. 'been beaten in New Jersey by or- empire holds the fighting front. • , per cent profit. "GOD, THE OtJLY CAUSE AND djnary political means necessarily RATE BOOST , Father* and mothers of men called into there have been similar CREATOR":is the tesson-Sermon must look for some extraordinary The State Board of Public Util- Of course, nations today at the State*} I'vice under the Selective Service Act iubjeet for Sunday, December explanation. For it seems extraor- ity Commissionei'b will, prohibit the TORCH PLOT QUINTET plans thai;'have resulted in riches for pro- Training'School at Wilburtl$! echo the appeal of the War Depart- in all Christian Science Churches dinary to us that 50,300 individuals 'erth Amboy Gas Light Company WAITS PRISON TERM moters and losses for investors but the pub- ft^l sey counties could from putting into effect on Janu- Three men and two women who frit, made to civic organizations,' asking and Societies throughout the wo'rld., REV. FUCCI-ASSIGNED, •f;;.:fe;;5fJ The Golden Text is; "Every be manipulated to this extent. Peo- ary 1, its proposed new rate sched- conceived, plotted and executed a ; lic is slaw to learn./ TO TOWNSHIP CHURCH;; .,; ; ^|^ to protect the morals of soldiers when house is builrfed by sftmo man; but ple aren't that easy to manipulate. ule.- The decision was reached by* bungling job of arson aro on their : ; Police are looking for an 'investment Word was received here t^fea are off duty by eliminating areas oj he that built all things is God." The' Ha^ue machine is the most the Board on Tuesday. A hearing way to the • penitentiary today. week of the assignment ofv;Rpf counselor" near Philadelphia who, it is (Hebrews 3:4), • " '„''• powerful.iii New Jersey and wo will be held on January 30. Pour or tho five defendant—Vin- and intemperance near Army posts. Vincent Fiicci, who was; t alleged, got hojd of more than $2,500,000 Among the Lesson-Sermon cita- doubt if Hfgue could manipulate eeiuo Piscatelli, of South Amboy; pastor in Red Bank, as The Army will take care of the morals tions is the following from the Bi- tha.tmany votes. There aren't that MERCHANTS WIDEN Mrs) Frank GenWIo and' Mr. and 'by virtue of his promise of "profits of 6 to St. Anthony's Roman the. men when* they are,, on military ble:, "0 Lord, how manifplpaid for here been extended to include the pur- GET TESTS TODA^ examinations are afford " and wholesome entertainment^ is that offer less than 20 per cent. is Father, eternal, seM-emted, in- and there on election day, but we chase of tickets to th|e various sor Twenty-nine app1icants"for m the Middlesex County Tub hod at the-posts and camps-... finite, 1?he great I AM made ^U Beyond.the militoy nervation, doubt if there are enough to mat cial functions sponsored by the vacancies in the Woodbridge Town League and will be made in Don't worry about the weather; Win- 'that was made,'. Hence man and ten, , No one has ever proved thai large Variety of interest around ship Police Department, will sub-|c. H. Rothfuss and Dr. Henry* the spiritual, urwyerge coWist with there have boon any. jfilian »rtWiwin«i/« hmi one tlio wt»« M Lambert or lew to a Btuk«: thenco (4) along Mill "find", 'Anil whlih nrnp«iriy. M runnltiK Nurth 47 dsgroea and Ii • enth "f mi nrre or Mnn, Hi* tne nnrn* you,, or ftttyy if yyouo , , mlnuli1? Knit aloiiB mild IUKI mon- I|i6 MM South 8" ilouroes'Writ tn, FtFnterwHH In 011- cmuml LEGAL NOTICES by xiirvey fhofeef inntlfr hy.Mnfon B feet io a spike on Willow more or les*. . • . w PmHlt, clfttl 'iKartntrr*, Septomher tl'onni liintl 77H.81 feet to a utone in And yu, .Innol) Ciirtnon, Ilin «ntd laniln and preml tli« lltw- nr Ifimls of.Colonl* Country Trse; thence (5) South 84 degrees rEqulred to ihnwer th< Isefln Pfcrsonalltles 3nl, !90ft, i« more-fully i1et«rlticil n* ,l HIKI Aiina T. iice.l,, yoi)r Club, fn'rrtiiTly Adums; tlienre (2) #*it »« fret to « Mnke; thence («) ne0 not othorwlie. 1S0/W fotlonp: ftlung Ilio HIM- of fwkl lant mentioned Booth «« d«jr»e* Weet 70.83 feet to eaeli of 5'tnir lielrs. dovlnee's anil per- DATEU, Noremher m 1 By Lorttta Grogta IlKCtlMNINO »t nn Imn Imr nn lli« Mill To twr Ol.^n ; Willlnm 8. Rowson Intid* Hoiitli 40 ileKreoD nnd 36 mln-ViplltJMMrtvnioW Street; th«notit»nc?f i mdd and Mm, 'William 8. norit«n,.hl. Mi «3 degree* 60 minute" sprinl rci)ri'senn«lvps are men Entt 2SD foet'to tlip center of feniliinis lieiniiiie ';;nu jippear ftol'r. fi, ^"(V IViK Jl^mmp.o^andllr.. on Sunday In honor of the tenth frfroom HoUfthttinvlllr tti ,lnnr»' Mill, it. limnk; tlwiuA ( V. CrnnitWn, formerly North 3t degree. <6 minutes'W Ml 13, 90, 27, ' Those prtttnt were: Helen Free- now or ftfrtnrrlv »r the Mutiml lionit Htltif/ Jttlll property, 385 fe»t tnorc «S rafefe trt llrt'BEOINN1NG " rleremliint •beciiucn • you >ir« flldo *>!»>»• J'^«k^!£-iftlmrther. of ftttn* «t their hon,« init lUnllv (.'iiiniiiiny: tlivnce (I) man, Alberta O'Dell, Betty Jane Kin nf John TholfiPijo] LEGAL NOTICES De Mont, Lllltbn. and Iaabelle Caroium Ms VltVatid Rendtrton, Klmtr Gretn. William her imtiiRnil; And• theli o| iftld on li-rnw. b*l", Bennett) Jo»«ph. Mohaghan, thi'lf ftsp.wt ,,B,n,,f,i ( It's rsprl.tntaUvM, Gear** Schultx, Jennnette, Bar- " •", grant' ban, Blanche, and Elizabeth Mar- or ,.,._ ^,. vlteVin* providedfor in ^mct of titl1 ve vi .pi," and Marjrarot, Dorothy, Lil- r.,. Jfi R««r ittUf. Bjafle;"^, rnrlKerVflWItt tjt»tt *t «al« lian, Ruth i&ra, and Stove Olnh. h iy of i!i«^»'t '*reof,;h> a:|,jev or ahyitfiity'to, whMh —Jphn $td, .Sammy .Tufarro, and tkt.ariim Marieii t«n <* ihV«W^«r Nt*s'Writ|rWUrttioii tSiWdw-t »•&«"? •g^'lf ^lUn.*. "attended n then- " wuiimnt. umi J'ovfiw* Whef^.re Vnd to s«H *«M :l«Mi» »W .»' and «|i|u«np« in Rnhway Sivt- *A OWNED AND OPERATED $Y TtjE AMERICAN bSTORE lUKLSa COMPANyuwr^«Y,

tndUr*. .piarence arfd iMniijr, of.Jtlitelcy Avenue, •poll MCtpdiqfet-nY (b* minimum *IJ*. •pent flutldftjj Jn Jersey. Cily.

.ThT t 4Ch|MnjCh|M n *' MnryM" So- dality otit.iTttsday .evenine st JY AMERICAN! the Pariah HalL MIH Ann ReilK- TakTSSW ii. sale ft and,purchasnd; purchase American Products at urimatchiiblj e was tlMtad. Sergeant at > Aimi; advanWof *!. *.„• .nd;purchas1 e 2™ ^J^ SfitSI 1. S HIIII"•»• 111 Wwk «&1{ l.itti" „ ...„ ,. srs in an effort to increase bmployment and bring rr- second vfot-ptwWcnt, Dorjs Mohr; duoer3 ftnd Manufacturers in an effort to increase bmployment and bring, more f ?m^ you. ,1 ii> •Vindiislw.j arM !«• lit. Block I: :j i! L »o »-i;itf ^ w nrnsnflrtv What helps America, 617 iiiul I.uia 3 ,U•'I,1 Itldmlvei In Clfrlc; Marie Kaltandrtu,. .treasurer; "Check your heeds now and join the "Byiy American" parade for prosperity. r Bl«< |t I.'-', or.. the AMfeMnttint Map r « sn Coun«a* "'. Ami vinl, the .»l)b#e- n»«iW ttr* Carweila AquiU, and Meat on the March for Health! cans rnaili; liki'iiilnntii, beratl« ,jrouh»y« BettyVflMWi Initiation CoihnflVj or nun claim tn have a Hen or Urns, WAX BEANS tee, Harie Kane, Lorctta Grogan,- No. 2 Katbrjue "Ellla, and Patricia O^eiU. The maettogs will be held ACME CORN Golden Sugar 2 cans on the.fittt Md *'td Turtdays of M 191 fre8h-from-the-cob flavor. each »ronft.-fhe>wfc'e»h>nent com FAVORITE! Grade A. Whole kernel. With all that "fresh-from- mitte* for the msrt meeting will ^6-02 J,I. ll"-15.S.',:?.12-8 i«V*Bln«J. iwrmm'r join. Township Committee will be; Mabel Monaghan, chairman; *SmaU can 1 I ilrfrr Toi W-3W, M». Ti> STI I P. M. tEST) in the L...... Jean Dulf, Grace Sink and Elean- IW Pitted Pie Cherries Chamber., Memorial Muhleipal : ) NOTICE Of PUBLIC tAMJ , or 'BorWi " 9 *o Whom It May Conetrn: Binding, Wootlbrulge, New Jersey, ^kr Smoked J" Atarcltular meetinf of thefOWBj and expnM and tell at public jjaf* * »hl|) Committee of, the TOWBinlp.M and to the highest bidder sujcordlni TEGAL NOTICES "held Monday, December|to terms ttf cale on file with tne ^Tendered Tomato Juice •'nil I'M" I wa« directed to adyer- Township Clerk open to Inspection NOTICB Zfl-nz ti"o' ,1,, f.ict'that on Monday eve-1»Bd to be publicly read prior to .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Phillips Tomato Juice ran nine l'p tml>er II, 1W», the Town-j sale. Lot* U to IT* In Block l}o followlrit ordinance was Intro. shin Committee wi>l m««t at 7i«t> Woodbrldge Township Ai"- 1 and pasted on first rending liy S p M (EST) In the CqnMnlCWe jewment Map. .he Township Committee of tlu- C'WUUIRH, Memorial auniclpal Take furmer notice that the Township of •woodbrldge,'New Jer- ijnlWinj- WcoJbridge, New Jertey, Toiroililp Comnlltee has, by TMO-sey/at a recnlar meeting held on arl "vvose and sail at public sale lutlon »nd pursuant to law, flxe.d a mcember i, 1140, nt the Metnortnl Superb blcnjfl of the ' minimum price at which tald lots In Campbell Pork & Beans 4 V! unrt to the hlghett bld««r accpra- MuAloipal Building. world's finest coffee*. Ing io terms of sale on file with said blocks will be fold together TAKE FimTHER NOTICE that p Ground 1'TIESH to your | the TWMMP Clerk op«open to In.pecp ^ with all other details pertinent, «a|d he Township Committee will meet :;; te minimum price Wnr (625.00 plui HAMS T order, Enjoy Its follcr. be publicly r**4 r»r|nr in December H, IMO, at the Memo- tlon an:ed. Lots fT and !S, !»l ahHd «S 8 »n]costtn » off prepartnpreparing d»e• any taxpayer of the Town«hl|>. Objector, may file a written ob- jection with the Township Clerk prior to that date. Save 25% on Your Bread Bill] b blJ- l w 1 large titinp this «aie. Said lot. m nld "a » ••" •* '"I"" "'? V^*.'AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACA- tlock if Mid on terrat. will require «••"«" Wdder is it may .efecl, da. TION OF AND THE KELEASk. sliced a;-down payment, of HW.0»,'tli« bal-!']f«*rt h*" ' ""*" ln «•">••«* rawlne AND EXTINOUlSHireKT OF THE BREAD ahes of purciasa^price to be pald[ PUBLIC HIOHT8 IN OR ARISINCS Legs or Rump loaves !n equal monthjh ImtillmmtB of, 'FROM THE. DEDICATION OP A , Supreme Milk or .JliV'i'i j.lus InterSf and other terms: __.. r of the minimum PORTION Of JOHN STREET LY- 15 provided for In contract of sale. Soft Twist r f bid, or bid above minimum.' by tbe ING BETWEEN LBESVIU-i: * NNoo atsigTim^iit off IntreIntereitt In annyyTownship Committee ana the1 pay- AVENUE . AND THE DIVIDING at the lots Included hi this a&IIe or ment thereof by the a«" LINE BETWEEN THE TOWN- Yon* contract for any one or all of »ald cordlnr to the manner of purchas. SHIPOP WOODBniDOK IN THK 25< Bullet Fraits Choice lots slui'.l be made by the purchaser In accordance with terrat of .ale on COUNTS OP MIDDLESEX ANU Eviporated Milk rs , HereunJer unless It be to a' party fOT ale, the Township will deliver a THE CITY bF RAHWAY IN' THfc I whom a home shall be built within barf aln and sale deed -for laid prem- COUNTY OP tNION. Veal 19 forty day.. ises. ' > .WHEH6A8, It appear, that the Gold Seal Oats 2 K 15* a$eo Birllclt Pears Provided the purchaser contlhue* DATED: December 3, 1940. public interestf) will be bettor serv- Serve veal for a change ! Easily prepared. » to pay. promptly the monthly pay- B. J. DUNIOAM, ed by (releasing the Ifinils within t!it> Motlicr'a ments fixed In the contract of sale Fartcy, milk-fed. Township Clerk. UMft Df,that part of Julm Street a« or.QnaUcr 17* Hone-Such Mince Meat . on all of the lots Included In the sale: To be aJvortlHcJ December 6 andhereinafter described; A I and there be np default whatever In December 13, 1940, In the Independ- ; BE IT OMDA1NED- by'the1 Town- I such payments, or any Part thereof, ent-leader. . to tlio date of request for a deed, the Ship Committee of the Township ot Cereal 2Pur»19< Kre-melDesserts ,;;X 0 ; purchaser shall be entitled to re- Woodbrldge In the County of Mid- Refer Tqi W.KW Docket 121/4M dlesex that: 8-oz 1 | e'eive a bargain .and sale, deed for Rooki 11M PhKr 17.1 1 4SC0 9 :8< NBC Ginger SnapSiviH ,, any one lot to be selected upon the Section 1. The public r|Kl»tB nrl»- pk«s 19 KOTICH OK PIIBMC^ Ii5g from1 the dedication of that pan Oritp lonstfd * viiayinent of nn additional 1100.00 To "Whom It May Concern: {..Her lot, togethef with a rca«onftb)« of John Street described us folluwtt: At a regular meotlng-Df the Town 1 BEGINNING nt n point formeil by 'fee for the preparation of the deed. •hip Commltteo of the Township o Rellogg'sCornFlikcs^^:^^ G$CO Buekwtieat Floiir Si ; " Take further notice that nt iisld the'Intersection of the center lint- Woodbrldffe held Moiidny, Decembo! of John Street and the northwest- • idle, or any date to which It may2,1940, f wnn directed In advertise th .' bo adjourned, the Township Com* trly line of* Leenvlllc Avenue, as "69 1 fact Uiat*on Monduy evening, Decem- said streetlT nre itliown on a map Gelatine Desserts 3^10* Italian Cook Oil mitleo reserves the right In IU i[t- ber 10, 1940, the Township Commit- , bretlon to reject any One or all tee will meet at S P. M. (EST) In the entitled "Mup No. 12, Map of Prop- bids and to sell said lots In snld Commutes Chambers, Memorial Mu- erty,. Realty and Commerciul Com- block to such bidder aa It may' Be- nicipal Building, Woodbrldge, New pany, Middlesex County, Stnte of loot, due regard being given to term) Jersey, and expose and sell at pu6-New Jersey, nnd from snld begin ning point running northwesterly Luscious Sliced Peaches 2 15 and manner'df"peiyment^jn «w ontjiie'Valo and" tb'Vhe."highest bidder or more minimum bid. .hall be -*«' according to term's of sale on file along the center linlie ooff John Street, celvM, , • with the Township Clerk open to,| 634 feet more or less to the divid Upon acceptance of the minimum Inspection and to bo pnhlloly rend ing JUnje between the Township or Octagon Octagon hjd, or bid above minimum, by the prior to 'pale, Lota 32 and 83 WoodbrTag. In the County or Mid- Naturally tender and juicy. Octago" Township Committee and the pay-In Block ISA, Woodbrldge Tovn- dlesex and the City of Italtway In KLEK Soap Toilet ment thereof by the purchaser ac- shlp Assessment Map, the County of Union. . It's a vitamin value. Soap cording- to the manner of purchase Take further- notice that , .the (It being the Intention «f this Powder In accordance with terms of tale on Township Committee has. by resb- Committee to vacate nil that J»>r ' Everyone loves beef! flle. the Township will deliver a| lutlon and pursuant to law, fixed a tion of John Street lying between Lecsville Avenue and the dividing Ic bargain and sale deed for said prem-i minimum price at which said lots In cilI;cs 11( , e,^V , ^ » „.„ '""'d blocks will be sold' together line bettreen the T^wn.ihiii uf small pkg 8c with "• DATED: Decomber 3 1940. ; with all other details pertinent, eald W'ondbrldge and the City or-Kaliway B. J. DUM1GAN, •• 'minimum price'being $1,652.00 plus as siilcl John Street in shown on a . • Township Clerk. jco,t» of preparing deed and adver- tnap entitled "Map No. 12, Map ol To he ailvertUed December 6, tlslnr this sale ,8aid lflts In sBld Property, Pealty and Loin Veal Chops ana December 13, 1940, in the lrtde- block. If sold on terms, will require pbmpany, Middlesex County, State pemlent'Leaiier. a down payment of 9165.-0, the bal-of New Jeruey". Said John Street Is ance of purchase price to be paid forty-five feet In' width and the de- Veal Cutlets SPAM Itrfrr To: W-10.1 Docket 121/324 In equal monthly Installments bf •criptlon of the center line of the ltouk 11110 I'one 4Vtt- . J- 120.00 plus interest and other terms portion,to be vacated is set forth in 12-02 C vivriCE or prftLic SALE : provided for In contract of sale; . the above' paragraph.* Sliced Dried Beef A Hormel TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take furthe.r. notic.._ e that at said be an/1-the same Is hereby vacated Product can At a regular meeting of the Town-j sale, or any dale to which It may and all rights of the.public therein 2O ship Committee of the Township •the adjourned, the Township Com- and thereto are hereby released tind Phili. Scnpple -\Vbodifrldge held'Monday. December!mittee reservas the rlght'in Hg dl»J extlngulehed. / 12-oz 2, 191b, I was directed to advertiteicretlon to reject any one or all bldt Section i, Aa consideration ion SwiH't PREM can the fact that on Monday, evening De-! and to .ell said lots in said block, to the vacation of-the above described CeoterSlices Smoked Him timber 16, 1940, the Township Com-)such bidder as It may select, due portion of John Street, H. & A. lleal- mlttee will meet at 8 P. M. (EST) Iniregard being given to terms'and ty Corp, Inc., agrees to pas' for I/he Wihoo't Bed Stew 25* V-8Cocktail ^ -the. Committee Chambers, Memo-1 manner of payment, In case one or cost of preparing this ordinance Cottage Cheese rial • Municipal Building, Wood- more minimum bid. .hall be re- and the cosU Incident to the adver- Fancy brlilgc, Kew Jersey, and expose and celved. ' tising thereof aa required by law. Alaska sell.nt public sale ahd to the high-! Upon acceptance of the minimum g q y Etkin R«i Silnoi 0SCO Best Fiw Catsup est bidder uccordlng to terms of salejDld, or lid above minimum, hy the SectioSi n 3. ThThlil« ordinancdi e h take effect Immediately upon pnsx- Fancy | c Oil or ' on file with the Township ClerkiTownahlp Committee and thPpay- open to Inspection and to be publicly ment thereof by the purchaser ac- age and publlcatldn tn accordance Soieilie Sirdiui Mustard Standard Quality Catsup read prior to sale. Lots 17 and 18 fording to the manner of •purcpaw with law, c rdan w l AUGUST F. OREINElt, ln Block 1079-0, Woodbrldge Town- '" « ?9 " L ) ••"P.". ^fi.'K?* °2 Mackerel l io shin Ac(iAu«m»nt Mnn ' "le, the Township will deliver a Comuiitleemun-At-Lnrge. rt!&kAe 5Stn5i notice ;h« th. | bjurpdn and sale deed, for .aid prem- Attest: Township Committee has, by reso-i!??^,,,-. n . . , ,0J. B. J. DUNIOAN, DATED C •lutlon and pursuant to law/flied a| - December 3, 19«. Township. Clerk. minimum price aUwhich said lotai B- J_-. UDSunsfiaAM»! , To b« advertUed In Independent- tb iri said block."wllfoe sold together! TownshiTonship ClerkCler,. Leader on December 6 and Decem- with all other in,, To be advertisedd DecembeDb r t ini d ber 13, 1910 with notice of hearing Sea Scallops 25 in n for final adoption on December 16, said minimum price being $200.-00 TmT*i\Ani1 Plus oosts of preparing deed and, , ' 1940. advertising this sale. Said lot. In* 1V *-mvrpnv nt.-KPU? JR»«ICY Fresh Fruits and Vegetables said blook if sold on terms, will re-} '" CHASCEBVjj^nBW JEIWEY 1JS/SM quire a down payment of 120.91), the: NOTICE balance of purchase price to be paid: teller and IN CHANCEHY OF NEW JERSRY— ln equal monthly Installments »f| TO: JACOB CANNON, LAMBERT Majestic Steak Sizzlers * I i enrol $l0,0o,pius Interest .and other termin REED and" ANNA T. REED, his Wjfe, their and each of their heirs, provided• for in contract of aale. r Kt u,- A beautiful, lifetime gift! Also broiler and server I Ask to see It'. I Take further notice that at said j ™s *'-'•: and devisee, and personal represen- sale, or any date to which it mayi . ... his . tatives. be adjourned, th» Township Convj ceseo Del Tufo and Marie G. Del By virtue of an Order of the Court GUnwood Fancy "A" mlttee reserves the right In It. dis- Tufo,, his wife:: Louis J. Cartlueer of Chancery of New Jersey, made Oranges cretion to reject any one or all and Mrs. Louis J. Carllmer, his. On the,day of the date hereof. In d01 bids and to sell said lots in said wife; George H. V*ndenr*w and a cause'-wbereln Fred H, Atbee is JumBo Florida Orangti 25c block to such bidder as It may se- Mrs. George. H. Vanderveer/ hla Complainant and you are defend- lect, due regard being given to term. , tttd their or any of-their t4- ants; XOK ar« required to appear and C Apple Sauce Octagon Laundry and manner of payment, in case one apective unknown heirs, devlieet, answer the bill of said complainant or more minimum bids shall be r«> pepersonal l representativesuitlv , c on or befOM the twenty-seventh day erineii i2 25 . celvcd. tors, administrators, grantees, as- of'Januarya'next, or the said bill pon acceptance o.f the minimum] signs or *nceef«on In right, tlU» will be taken is confessed against Crisp bid, or bid above minimum, by th» or interest.1 you. Green 1b 5C Township Committee and ths pay-' By virtue of an Ord#r of the Court The BUI of Complaint filed herein 4 nient thereof by the purchaser a«- of Chancery of Kew Jersey, made la tiled to Dnlet the Utlt of the Com- New Crop bunch . oozing to the manner of purehate* day of the date hereof.-ln* plainant, Fred H. Albee. tn and to Biets Real homc-atiic. in accocdance with terms of tale on;cause wberetn Ui« Township Qf certain land, and- premise, more Vender nie, the Township wlll'dellrer * Woodoridrt, a monielpal corpora* particularly described as follows: ' sale deed tor said prenv jtlon at t*e 9*at«f of M«» Jersey, 1s 1 All those certain tots, tracts or Yellow DAIRY DEPARTMENT IMOBT complainant, and you and others are parcel, of land and premUea, here- DATED: December 1, 1M*. th* defendant., you are rwulrtd to inafter parllcuUrly described, situ- •LeiB Sliced Bicon B. J. DCXJOAH, app*ar and aiwver the Wll of, said ate, lying and being tn, the Town- Sw..t Potalp« To«luU« Clerk. f ship of Wooobrldge. County of Mid- To be advertised December «. dlesex and State of'New Jersey: Vellow Turnipi 4 "HOc Ib December V3, 19H, In the ' " i^ ^ h? Id •Baby Gouda Cheese 33V 0 ent-Leader. BEGINNING at a- stone planted by yon. iri;: ; •••••• •, • the edge of the road called the Perry Grap.fruit ^ 3'«IOc The said bill irJled to absolutely nefer Toi VV-M3 bwfcrt 13»/M Tawn Road -and from thence run" Kraft Velveeta Cheese {debar aad foreclose roa from all nlng South 44 degrees and 20 min- D CHAMPION! To -"-ht and equity of redemption of, utes Ea»t 27 chain, and to link* to •* Kraft KKhite American 49* At a and tMthe premises described In a stake in' a Spring RUn; thence D c nter ship Committee: i dated jHjto, South II and 10 minutes er West 5 chain, and 58 lialta to ft WoodbrUge l>eld l»5l, October 16.mi ana FlMy$wi.s Cheese *Cuta Mil, '' ""' ~ atone In the -corner of a lot of land how Valla; thence North U degrees lVi-oz nod Ml mhiatea Ylm{ 28 chain, and "Italian Grated Cheese can 41 Iraki to a (taXe j vl15,iC 44J >llMPancrea*, . ka'^hibe'thAe „anni_ A to« with thihe TwnshTown.blpp Clerk open tai'» «"*"••:SS^ft^Sa&S- ^ WASHINGTON & COOKE AVENUES Bii waa etawai wtanw a of lh« Township of Woodbrldge. or leaa., Now or formerly • bounded ln*pection lid to be p Dfniwat Margarine Annual CcnventKm of Jh* X prior to »tuk Lou 34 And you, the abov* named, are on th«-North by Freeman Force, on Block 83), -Woodbridge made defendant., becau.e you have the Eaat 0/ J»n»ea jkonh land, on Purely Creamerr OpifratoM Wid MawK*" IT may claim to have « lien or Hen*. the South by land now Vslls, and on CidHEBEUJ. Assessment Map. Ul« West by Perry- Town 'Road; ' D^O) Mir&irine carton Take , furt«»r notle* or Mine right, title. Interest; eltat* aoclallon at Bt, Paol, Ww- tte claim in or to tbe premla*» dejorHjnq AlflO all those Certain lota, tracts Township Cotamlttee haj, by reso- 1 oww MTB fktSA-r AND sAfrJiftbAT inorrw Ib In said bill of cooipialilalntn . or parceU of land aud. premiu., lution and pursuant to law, 8»ed a situate, lying and being Itr the uahl. taw FH«. KAMMTC to «*<<., Ut*. II. Otlien Is«•!„««, T. Qtood Lick Margarine carton Winner at Over 600 minimum price at vhlch wM lota Eugene Blank*lennorn) , BallelUrfor the sal* iu said blotk. will be .old together 'anofof Counsel with Complainant, County . America', Or«t«lt *WM* with m Other details pertlneS, asM 14 Commerce Street, and 4Uta a(ona«|d land* mlnlrnuin wloe being UM-«* ~" Newark, New Jersey, ^ , uoorfrfrtfirfSTfiVfrfrtfrfST r B/Iiattflp on cost* of preparlnr deed and "«f»f, tila.l• "f »b«r 1*VM«. tba West side ot Chain <)>Hllls Road AHEA'D WltH ACME AND" BETTER FOCtt 1 w*. tll this iale. Bald lot* Jn afi«I.Ml-Wl naar Olfl J«u» aM near tbe Old :— ' MytiiiniAnnimmrftkf Viwm }oy Scout Mtment 30 Years Lew Ayres Wfrts New Role MM B$ Georxe Vrbent] Engaged To Milton 8EWAREN — Mr. ond Mw. »nd Mi* to Flewner, of Oak Tre'o —Janice Rnnfe) infant daughter light and Mid t ChrUtma* patty Getiret Urbin, of West Av«nua, the «nesBcmtii> The proficiency that Boy Scout* show when they are <>f MMr . end Mr*M . *Wllli»Wlll m KunieKi , off with »n »xcn«n(>6 of gifts between were tJi» flretU of honor »t» p»ny Cornell Avonu*, hit rsturnod home dmghtcr, Vlrjriniii, tft illv(, Upon unexpectedly to save, lives, deliver Thanks- hcldjit the home of Mr. and Mit. after being; ft lurrlcil ftttant «t I^oos, Jr., son of Mr. $tU, •TJi» Afl(fr1«n Rome Depart- Morrlton'A baskets, direct traffic, hunt for lost children or the Perth Araboy Oen«r*l Hospital. n«nt of tht Wom»B'» Club v\\\ H«M, Sr., of Brtnc long the line of march in parades is not accidental Mr. »t^ Mr*, Charlu Klein, of t«t )ft tfce q»-efc*irfn*n,,llrii, 8*turd»y ni»4it The occasion sm»ll gafhcrinK held at their] Sewnren, formerly of Avon*l, an- fftft)\A MbWon/of HmhatUn Avc- mtYjtA th« "twonty-thlrd d on fyednwdty,. November'" ll( vouting prOBWM'is designed specifically to make bet- nounce the recent marriage of their iur«ur«, Mond«j afternoon.n. ' y of *ha Urbanswho Mia Flewner is « gT»dq s of ortflnfiry boys and. leaders believe tftat the daughterghter. Florence, to Joseph PcPc- Woodbridm Mleh School I. J.L-1 I. I. .. ..il_. • ' *"»i, bill. —The L«4l«' Auxiliary of Ftro were presented with a cocktail set l.o do that Is to practlcfl rint, Jr., ion of f MMr , and MMr* .J Jo,< Member of the doss of 11 Co, NiOUl t TaosdATd y nijfhifht by thalr. nolU, A buffet ivppvr t motto, J!3o" Prepare^" Scouts, and to acquire such .equip- tPi f M'f. t MMr.un dd h« fttM wfli nerved and bridrfe enjoyed': New Jwney College' for part ofVthte boys' ment as ropes, bandages, axes and Mrs, Parint, Jr.', ke nd^ the Ave/I'el PuWlc Mbrnry Otharn prqwnp'rqwntt vnt& Mr«.. Ollvo Nfew Brunswick: Mr. Hoflt'j lanterns/lor use In 'aa. smergency.' in Metuchfln. AHwetatidn wilwil l ho|hd| If*, annua Van IdcTitlmi, of Uoeky Kill; Mr. (rrsduste of Khtir Academy niatter^of -ftrst aid .ftttcl plans, for quick ntobilizatlon— -William Kutmltk Mi Cird party tonight At the school and Mrs, Samuol J.' Henry hd Mr. now hold*, a position in ;, for Instance, training. both with and1 without the aid of d to his itudta fit AtoWn; Pa,, hi' " und Mrs, A. D. Scheldt, 6f town. BranchviUe Rank. " an so.on as the ISf-telephone*—are being* worked out fter iipfindint three 0>ys with his parents, Mr, andMH,,W.HHam Kui unr^lled. To advanjpe atnl 'practiced. Individually and in •miak, of Aveiwl Street. ViHliii'footi . rank lie .taunt •.'Patrols'!, the Scouts are.alrjvmj? f ,. ruilimeiiU .of bftndagfn« to. become intimately Acquainted ,' Mtofite" (KraleK. of Ja, i''*. •jilinunt; by, the 'tirtie he witn, their Ijome convnunities! I,n maica, L. 1,,'WBS {he w««kond Kuest J ,i \fun-flflirgc^ First Clans many plates;,1 EmerROflqy Service of her Hroth'ei'-ln-Ww»»nd sitter, I,, roiisonably expert-'in Mr. nnd Mrs. £ liifivcil to Oakwoed for wh'ioh younger, boya'ure .not ,,I,.TS- hi' •ifdvuneed ..first aid? Mnnor, Parkway Drive^Rahway. ' miiife Hwimminfc, and more yet cqirippdd, • ' •The Pnt'cnt-Teachcr Associa- tion will'hold, its DecemW mcotintc i,M|'iithei;equally useful sub- The ittttional program has an and Christmas party at the school- COATS .international aspect, "too, Among Lcvt Ayre»/who n under contract to Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer Mid house next Wednesday afternoon. recent arrivals from beleaguered ,-iiiisp..'of this emphasis on ii noted (or hit role of Pr. Kildare in the "Dr. KIId»re" medico ReV, Thomas Carney, of St. An- Make the Mo»t Practical and Appreciated European nations have be'en!many ,,,.. the community in.every •eriei, hai been aiiifncd the maitulipe lead in "Maltia W»< a drew's H>C, Church, will ba the Boy Scouts.'These lads airport in- ,„ ^ililc, the Boy Scout move- Lady," Harrlng Ann Sottarn. * • guest speaker. There will be nn variably want to' become associ- it; i hi; 30 ytars of its history exchange of inexpcnBivo gifts, • ated with American Troops, and ,nl>urad some 9,000,000 boys arrangements have been made to SOVTH AMERICA TOPIC Sasso Is Named Head Of The choral group of tlje Woman's nun for emergency service. welcome them. OF TALKJT_MEflNG Club will meet at the homip of Mrs. •uM is far broader than first Francis Fitzgerald' Club Earl TuMay after- : •(|iicnt camping »nd hilt- International Relations De- AVENEL—-Michael Sasso wa

llNDSHIHD W1PIHS 195 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY KD SHOCK ABSQBBERS LOW OVERHEAD — - - LOW PRICES tlvc Your Car in NOWJ ALBREN, INC. Credit Jewelori SYSTEM 133 Smith St. Perth Amboy SR1KE SERVICE INC. GARBHTE FURNITURE CO. Mft'lAHOKT SAFfrV SPfCIALISrS Ui N. J, 57 New Brunswick Ave. 252 Amboy Avenue . (at Elm St.) Perth Amboy, N. J. Woodbridge, N. J. Inches: Nowark »nd ietuj City ONE BLOCK BELOW ST. Jl^MES' CHURCH P. A. 4.1ZW ' Optn 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.

•TH€ (H6RRV flllKRICBn CKRISTmflS suggestions .. ••-v.../ GIVE HER A "RING" ON CHRISTMAS witli The Jingle-Bell Box OF MYTH STOCKINGS

1 AN EiECTRIC COFFEEMAKER, drip type or tirdl percolator style, will please the homemakcr who doesn't have one. It is a wonderful con- venience on the breakfast table every morning. Hele'i the gay gift you saw in this t;^ ! !i Makes delicious coffee! Many sizes; sec them "Mademoiselle." A charming blne-antl-8ily«:6, -^1| box; with jihgte-beli liapdle, holding tl»re« '')>| ryl at a Public Service store, pairs of lovely Myth stockings. These,^- l$ thread, all-silk stocktogs are ex(|ui«|j(k ^'" enough' to have been made by your' ^ AN ELECTRIC TOASTER/ automatically time • imagination! A cherished gift tradition* come as a Christmas surprise in their, 2 controlled,,is an ideal gift for 'most anybody.. box-^-\v)iich way be used later to hold Who doesn't like goldenbrown, buttered toast? treasures. The wjiole gift costs only Here is the toaiter to supply it - without j you'd usually pay for the stockings. watching! See the various models, Reason- to ably priced. $ 3 for 3 pain AN ELECTRIC CLOCK, may find one or more 9 places oh your Christmas gift list,, It is in accurate timepiece. It is a year around asset. ,ylon Unlimited 1 There u an excellent selection, covering a iw v«bave ever 4,509 ptlra at wide^ice range, to be see^ at your nearest Hqw,ready lor gilt seeders,,• . ' Public Service store. t§ guny pain M you like . y,.' «IU find all colors . , , all slew vA \ IBTO I 'y,k,.±jt£.. ^m^§at Pkmt i Santo Clans h Paymaster Playing At The Rahway Theatre STA11STICS REVEAL Colonia News STANKOWO LEADS By Mrs. Albert G. Rehberg $lfmtfca£her Gm for Red Crown Towtney SEWrHEN^The^.,,,^,,^. RUTGERy_POWER Mrs. Joseph Grassi, is confined to er. Association oiSewaren wi;; •„! I CHICAGO-^Santa Clans, who BY ONIYTWO PINS •Mr.'and Mrs. Aubrey^ Wood- ii's home with a cold. , i toy aale n?xt F^tday nft( ,'," Was pressed into son-ice th» fail [wartl, of Fairview Avenue, were 1940 Footballers Gained Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnjon, and Saturday morning in tta K^ ; iy officials of the ?50,00Q Red guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bowleri Conclude Series of Montrose Avenue, entcrtolned bateinent. Ahyoije who hi,, u , Crown Open Play Bowlinjt Carni- 2,076 Yards To Oppo- Woodward, of Hliisdale, N. 7., over Tonight; High Stakes the irtlttnd. the Misses Evelyn.Maurice, L»w« donations aai wottW like t., |ia' fat, made another lightning trip sition^) 91 them collected, ^ill please <:•.]] .> -Mr."inf Mik.'U if; Knauer\ bf ohnson, of New York, and John §o all parts of Uic country today Go To The Winner «hl^rm«n,;'ttw£:W. Fr^k iw, jo distribute prizes for the .fifth KEW BRUNSWIOK — Vincent Fairview Avenue, entertained' Mr, pavis, rf Yonlters over tho week- probably the and Mm. 'WUliafii Arnold, of West «K,the, iwWlSwil, Mrs. SmJ sjteekiy contest dffthe coait-tO; UU, Bridgeport, Connecticut; jnn- ! end. ,. ;! i exciting and liotfy contested high- Englewood, 8tt tio'ns, and h« awai-dtd 2,164 other was: Stankowici, V§o£ Schliktr. points Rutgers'' rolled up. in Its - —Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Lovell, hofTi'r. of Princeton Avenue,•are grades. ' 'prison to 'men and ••women, keg- 1186fcv •ched" and Lou Bauer with 18 and 12 his JiomCwith ftc'oldj pert. !,''and Ben P,c Francisco; Chi- jled to begin 'U «ng«ienlent «t the R»hw»'y The»tre,on Sunday. —Joe Spano, son of "Mr. and • , jago, stars. , ;'••:.> . ; tng will witness the finals tonight points were the only other mpn to at Pennington. • - score more than once. _^Frtrfericli Schwenzer Kadimah Council To, Hold Junior Steve Capostro of Tows Reiver, place ' kicking expert for Hibernian Gronp Attends EostesfTo Sunshine Class Formal Dance January 18Coach Harvey Herman's eleven, JACK'S TOYLAND! tied for sixth in the scoring rate Hoboken Reception Sunday W00bBRIDGB-Mr». Prcder- WOODBRIDGfc—The Kadimah Council of Adath Israel Synagogue by successfully converting- 12 t/o-da/uii bka&u/re id tfo ick Schwenzer,' of Linden Avenue, WOODBRIDGE—A group of will bold a formal dance on Satur- points after, touchdowns. 'the newly-formed, division of the was hostess to, the Sunshine Class day night, January 18, at the Tho ^statistical review of , the i Auxiliary to the Ancient Order at 1940 season reveals that Rutgers / / at' a meeting held Monday night Roger Smith Hotel in New Bruns- \ Hibernians attended ' the degree,: ran up 118 first downs as against at her home. Mrs. William Rowe wick, according to an announce- reception and dinner given by the j ment made this week. , S4for its combined opposition, arid Hudson County division at HoW' conducted the, opening devotion- Nathan Bernsteinj. has been gained 2076 yards compared'to the I ^ ken, Sunday. • al services. .. t named chairman of the affair and opposition's 891. ' :'- The local party included: Mrs. Plans were furthered for the he will be assisted by Miss Hilda William Golden, Mrs. Michael De- South_ is called -greatest unde- (he Btf ','!ii{li!5 u( T»y Christjnas charitable work done Dornyak., as co-chairman. Joy, Mrs. ChHstfipher Martin, veloped market in the world. K.iin Prfi-^s. •• • . annually by the group. The next Poll Cdaotim. But Horseman Mrs. Edward J. Coley, Jr., M^s. meeting will be held Monday WITH NAVY BOSS 1 tolls, 1'iCfkH, liirfff am! small Hav- '.Anna Herron, Mrs. Pred Withe- retard-*. TiiMi- SI-ID, Automobile?, WOODBRIDGE—Mr. and Mrs. ; ridge, Mrs, Harry Van Tassel, Hiss night, December 16, a,t the home Hlgli .Ctimrg, t.'ribn, Lioneli Ktcc- J. Alfred Compton and daughter^ THEATRE METUCHEN lr!c Trains, Having Pitlure Ma- Helen Van Tassel and Miss Mar,- of Mrs. Willfam." Donovan in Car- chines am) All Other lleum m Gwendolyn, o£ Green Street; Miss | MUSIC Van Tassel. . ' teret. TOJB. . Rosemary Mora, of New York,' 405 State Street REPAIRS WRONG BUILDING '• Dr. Conant says U. S. must de- formerly of Perth Amboy, and Mr. BOXES EXQUISITELY BEST CONVENIENT Cor. Broad Perth Amboy cide" stand on entering war. Rochester, N.'Y.—Given a con-and Mrs. William A. Compton, of tract to repair a length of river Summit, were the guests of As- Arailable for All Occmiio wall behind a red-brick building, sistant Secretary of the Navy RE-MODELLED FILMS PARKIN6 a contractor went to work, com- Lewis Compton and Mrs. Compton pleted a $400 job, and to his dis- at the Army-Navy football game in CALL P. A. 4-018J may, found that'the contract cov- Philadelphia, Saturday. ered the building next door. The FORDS VENDING CO. { 7im6 2.i5. buildings looked alike from the Ford blames "greedy financial 573 New Bruniwick Ay*. SOHMER fear. I groups" for the war. FORDS I I AS 4 S

Other ICTO FOR ALL Makes IT 10 OCCASIONS G AT JERSEY TIRE, • • from Roberts & Lieberman $189. 50 up 5.88 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY^, 3. D. Phone P. A. 4-126S. ANDES RANGE 261 MADISON AVE. PERTH AMBOY OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Hnuth of Majnitlir Thrntrr Open Fri. unit S««. fVfnlngii until "'' ' DUALCVEN GAS • CIL - CCAL

Let Santa play cupid this year ... be sure that FREE! the man or men on your gift list receive gifts of luxury ... a gift from Doyle's! See our ' 500 Lbs. Cod i gift selection now! HOSE Silk, Lisle- and Wool Mixture or SHIRTS 25c to 75c .50 Gals.Oil SUEDE JACKETS FRI. and SAT. ONLY patterns Newert Stylea — Warmly Uned *i.35 $5.95 to $15.00 m 65 , SILK ROBES % Most Luxurious Gift iWl •<•%• FREE! $4.95to$9.95 • , Ke Needi Ties! — He Want. Ties! • If they're from Doyle & Cunneen fe, S ' 55c to $1.50 $0095 5| WOOL SWEATERS , : For the nan who wants «m»rt comfort '^K ' J^m and up iSt*- Crtw neck and Coat ttylei I : v $1.95to$4;95 ! PAJAMAS Definitely new with appreciated style and comfort Nothing To Pay Till 1941 1 % $L35t«$2.95 . m mm--:.r GLOVES : . • Knockout Styles—and practical NO DOWN PAYMENT l! «$1.00 to $3.95 Sit (fipQi AND SBJt MUFFLERS _ iiiiiv ai vn-iss Smarter than ever diitinctive Weaves and Colors 0 FLANNEL ROBES FOUR BIG STORES - PERTH AMBOY - NEW BRUNSWICK - PLA1NFIELD - ASBURY PARK Light weight warmth. Choice style and color $53510 $9.95 HANDKERCHIEFS JEWELRY - BELT and I, / BUCKLE SETS 3 in box Large variety . Ajlways welcome 50c to SI.50 box 50c to $5.00 DOUBLE S. & H, STAMPS ON SATURDAY i Radio* - Pianof - Washers - Frigid aire - Ranges - Oil Burnera • Tirei DOYLE &CUNNEEN 147 New Bnihswick Ave. M Perth Amboy 4-1775- 177ft* 163 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY, ft J. « QFEN EVENINGS VNTIL 9 O'ttOCK ' mmm.

f. ,.! 41. K • Hobbies of the I OR «M« tiitt tfo», FASHION PREVIEW .* and tvery mornlnt, biifoNJ Stars" j Obituaries News from The Screen World lion can get miderway, a , 11 ,.1,1HOLD IM EVENT By Emily EnrigEt ptlntorshas lc» get bust wfth j AlWt Numbm , Hans to "paint" the gold and] Formal Affair Arranged WOODBRIDGE-Albert Num- Jackit CMJWt is buck at Musi TOO. H«V the first son of a Wat. son I«v«* a freih gtmi-i"' For December 27 At bers, of 1423 Pennington Road, place he tttfid •«- working with em itar to befrome a Wwttrn star Iiutead of tlw oroal Trenton, formerly of Woodorldfe mU ,wMp ltam>« in "The!>himsel' "f anldl he' ' s *ls"o th"e" youngest which Dorothy Liiriouri Craftiraenj Club ind well known here, died Satur- Champ," with Wallace Beefy. In how-operator in the butliten. . . . her pletarei, she wean'a day morning of a heart" attack. hi* recent piettrt, "Gallant Sons,*' hag« tlephant^ar 1««VM In W00DBRIDGE-M1,. Je.nM He is survived bj his widow, The Une tist«rg a*a no longer HornBby has been nafied chair- in whteh h« WU iterred With Bo-featured as * team. As s matter mouht'i "Road to Zamlbtt^S Wlllan Walker Numbers, of TMII* ntta OvtnviU*. Jackie sprouted a man for the Junior Woman's ton; his mother, Mrs, Llllie Num- of fact, Prlscllls Is the only on« Coblnt Wrlifht, Jr., mouiUelte to.iaake Kin look older loft at Warner*. The other two and tafe «ferrtd to ai "smellleims" were Street,, Plans for th'c affair were pear in their picture, "How toFriend.," snd got s ntw art 1 ffftilo nt 11 meeting Tuesday night John Richards recently tried out In a theatre In Mc"et.Mt a itt||":-«iiM" ft .«p"' > singei rb butt it term-contract, She may j nt the home of Miss Dorothy Klein ., The fetbhyrt ar< p^rfumeii a«» straight Icadiiig man, much to In "Rlje and Shine." . WOODBfotbGE — tyneral. «fer- to -suit- the nctfon- depicted 'on the on ESmwood 'Avenue. vices for-Jfthn Richard*, of 717 VuHee's ft^isimeitt...', Jn cent pietyrf; "Scajt " :! Iho pupils of thc.Kchgbey'Nursery! w t Hannuin Devanijy, of tli In "Brondwaj Melodyv '*:he,aule< to fame Tla-ttie Majo;v School and- to pirticipate in th,e Presbyterian ,Ghi|,"herc Became therft are »o ;. jnany [ for prodkicBort, In. February, oi Amateur Hour, has bt«n Art-convention ifi the early;/spring, ed.' Burial ^a» in the CloVerlea notWn'-piciiir/(o\\c irt' the H; contract b>" Paramount " After.'the' business meeting, e Memorial'PaTk Cemetery..Beareri Marine ,' : '' year-old vessels. It is said that ifrean triumphs in the good old the United States has more than U.S. A.,.;,. •••••' ..''•' see ,'iixty- freighters in its laid-up fleet TIrt Holt,-ton of Jack Halt, vet- 100 JTie British ar< also acquiring bran movie actor, is in films on his For In* toy whirl o/ Chflitmai partkt, young girli will rot* our tht Scores of vessels from individual own those days, "Along the Rio nUttion t of mintof drum In lh« Dtttmbtr -GoodGood HouuhMpnt.HouuhMplnt. T T»M American owner* with the approval Grande" Is Tim's third Western St. Jamei' Auditorium A Gift That Will Be if Ihm or* ihoMh htn, tint it on* of glinenlri("iirip«i t»«leh epm«i la ttf the Maritime Commlsflitfn. in! a'contracted series.of six for AppretiatedYearstoCome nol. Tht othtr U pal* 6lu* ana fls tb&tn+iUnj FEDERAL EMPLOYES Largest ihcreasetjr,Were; shown in Executive en:p:uycs pf the Fed-the tfayy'. Department, with' 9,0^7 ;• eral Government reached a newWar Department, 6,38fli'"TyA,!il,. high m September, when 1,058,596 685; Postoflflce Department,' Ifitfi persons were oh the payroll of the and the Panama Cbnal, ;V<12. . poverijmcnt. This is on increase . Fnvorable balance of trade at of 19,720 over the August figures. highest peak since 1921. ' . 'fOft&iWtm. STATE THEATRE WOODBRIDGE, N, J. TODAY .TOMORROW — DEC. 5-7 ('BOOMTOWN" • with CLARK GABLE, CLAUDETTE COLBERt, SPENCER TRACY, HEDY LAMARR, plui Brands Marshall . Jeffrey Lynn in ' ' "MONEY AND THE WOMAN" NO INCREASE IN PRICES • •""'"'— SUNDAY ANOTHER BIG STAGE SHOW OF BROADWAY VAUDEVILLE CLOTHES Self ^^W^^^^i^!piii0\ plut 2 Bis Featurei "BILL 6F "RIDE, TENDERFOOT, DIVORCEMENT" RIDE" why we are satisfied to h|ye dilr tet0rd»l BOSTON SHOE CO. '. — .WIT*'..— — WITH — H AMERICA "Alwayi'a Little More For Your Money—Our Pricei Are Always Adolphe Menjou - Fajr Bajnter GENE AUTRY •: Lower Than Eliewliere—Compare" speak for itself. 182 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY

More men wear Bond Clothes in America than any other

PARAMOUNT brand. That statement men, was not invented by us —that1

SPECIALTY SHOP statement was given by the thousands of Bond customers who 196 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY Select your jewelry gifU The Leading Christmas Gift Shop from one of the lapgeit have made it possible for us to tell you that MORE MEN aiiortmentt in the city. for Dainty and Useful Presents Be allured of quality merch&ndiie, reaionably WEAR BOND CLOTHES IN AMERICA THAN ANY priced and purchased from a reliable dealer. A •mall deposit will hold • yoflr selection —- why not OTHER BRAND. Surely such confidence must be de-. SUGGESTIONS FOR shop early and avoid dis- appointment. EARLY GIFT BUYERS 1 served, And now, we will give you the secret of how this state* We are prepared to care for your require- ment was made possible. Simply this, WE NEVER MAKE • ments with a large stock of excellent mer- chandise. We mention a few items and A SALE-WE MAKE A CUSTOMER. t ' .] •} \ suggest that you come in and look around.

IHIIIIKIIMI l'!iinnif.'iii"it' II CHENILLE, FLANNEL "BARBIZON" i Wile wlilto illamnnilH In UK i md "SEAMPRUFF" [yollnw nr whlui gulil I l>lll!|iotlil WiiMlliH llllIKH and QUILTED SATIN JHoiiiitirul rlntcN l« mntrh uny Untdipi'mrni rlriK, Flm'sl por- SUITS-2145 UP OXOATS.pu| SLIPS, GOWNS and ' fci't

Unt w««rinf, y "kAYSER" . smart in »tyl*. ' Reliable Jewelry Shop, Inc. $139 ". $1.69 $1 At Special 1)90 SMITH St. PERTH AMBOYJ $2,49 $2.95 Open Evening" I OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS ] Gift Boxes Free :^:-:,nm McD0WELL3ATTLES In Highland Park Match 4 -t' ; ROBINSONjMlGHT Feature All-Star Program , At Highland Park; Texas f Boxer Again Favored 1 HIGHLAND PARK -1 "Wild Bill" McDowell of Swekwitter, 'i Texas, will-face Gus Robinson, '«' Philadelphia'--Jscgro,-ifj the feature ;• six-rounder of an •all-Jtar'boxihft pvonrnmnt Masonic Half he ic to- night..- •• ;• •''-'. . . , • McDowell, the only man to de-

• -feat Joe "Btitch">Ly'nch'bf:Plain:. fieid hqr'c "in the fti'ts two pars. wiH;| .hive on tylpe •iTf-thv :W#jjftt«,' but [ > will' be'"•Yacinir,'. ?•»• &<>*}•• .tc.rfjftt' | w '• puncher fever f » tff.the M-ns'.'iR ( • -arena, RobSnson"knoc,)?e(l out Irish ] Bobby" Carroll,'focriier Canadian'i •wehfr'w)i(tht.i;hawpi<»n. in thu j?cc- • on(1 round four, wcufcs ago. : The ''.'PlaiilfieUW 'hoflvyweiuhl-i "Benns"1 Palrritf, Ketjt TriisVchance for reVcnge against Ernjo Retritti, • •;ii "Gflprteid, in the H-mi-fmnl. , rVtristi Onr Creditors demand immediate Cafk Eyerythittg must lie Sacrificed wgardleu ai fail Harry an is the only man to turn back Pftlmer and the Union County negro is out taiie.advaDtaReof thislremeiidofli Price Sacrifice! Th^unds of dollars' worth of fine Furniture, Bed for an early kayo. The first six'pits the New Bruns- ding, Floor-covering, and many other Household items are placed for public Liquidation. wick Boxing Ci,ub's newest'gehsa- tion, Frankic Archie, apninft Scranton's Joe Costa' in the first six-rounder. Archie, who belted .Jimmy SnaMer all over the line on the last card of Promoter Benny Rubin, is a .lightweight with the' punching- power of a middleweight. Cornell Bowlers ^Defeat Firemen; Pldy Tomorrow Peter the Great, who will be one of the preitling itars appear- FORDS—The Reginald Par- ing on the opening ihow of the icason at Masonic Hall, High- inelt bowlers handed the Fords land Park, Monday night, December 9. Fire Company No. 1 keglers a 2-1 setback this week at the Fords LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Praetkod! Plmsrna! BOOKCASES with double Recreation alleys, but the two in tin- fiilii. hill «f a inunli:ii'«l i-nrjioratjon of Gifts that endure for years and provide happiness and comfort for all the quintets will play a return game sint imrtii.ularly lU.-suribtd iht Slntt "II Ni-w .k-i-seyy. la com MIRRORS with golden glati door. Regularly $19,50. tomorrow to decide the match t ffirth.wfhnt Is trt my: Hiiinant. nnil you iind others are jFrainei. Regularly $8.9$. iamily—and considering the lifetime of service, the cost is trifling. ,\!l IM. .V . '. , i>:in'> <>f New .Icrsef. >-o«. •••.'• -, ; •• All or Lou,its. and i«o. In Block ; saidlilH I? lili'd to nhsolutely . shutout. • • C on a timn'df lot* o#iiod by St'wi»r "' and foreclose you from nil en tiealty and Investment Company, Reginuld Parnell right anil *uuity of redcmpilol n or, !f>c;H"il it! Kewarwi'. In ill.' Township In and to the premises dosorlneil in Elvin 165 208 187 n1 WooObridRi'. County of AllcliUoseX ertitlrntos ot tas sales dnted De- nnil S'.ute of .Vow Jfrst-y, ss.Urvi'vey gens ...:..< 130 156 163 '.•rnber lOtli, IfliM, 'Jnnuary 20Ui, Vu"h :3,191V, by Mason & Smitl), I»S1, OMolii-r fill), 1832, October loth, Bacskay '. 1«9 131 1.51 C K...... , .--....- 1986, and June 1st, 1937, covering Stoeffer .'. 172 151 ,16,4 KKGIXNING at a point of the In- Lot 76 In Block S1S-A, Lota 41! anil. !fr»wH*n of Hi*- 8iuuhcr|y llhe of 113 In Block 56S-A; Lota 50S, S18 Korn 191 169 180 WwlcyPlat* n-ltli the'radterly1 line ml 517 In Mock 563-C: Lots 5J5 to of Central' AvemSc; iheni'i? ('' W.Weslei y Plow, line Hundred (l'JO) And you, the above named, are i i Matusj 159 135153 feet to Ihe" point or plnue. of btgin- made defemlnnts, because you have nlnjr. r may claim to Imve a lion Or Hens, Jogan ...:.:. 165 140 Il thi> « iomm>inl\ or soiv.e right, title interest, estate, un'l diH n iled is Nu 1'3 claim in or to the premised de- (intril A\ nut >•• «iinn A\ >o 1 si'rlhed In s;ild lillt of-complaint. Totals 780 1U 857 To *nniil| \ « li i s« \ F!utren« Blankenhorn,"Solicitor TJii ai>|i'\"miti uiic ui t r •• nu i/f I i ur TluMi mi 1 iJ Commerce Street, 100 |b. capacity, regular fi , Itnidif I I" <,! [}-l tf' t Ijjll HtlKlttPF'S. SALE Newark, N. .1. IKSi i i> ttKil , i n.t] i i ujsls nmed November .7th, l(l|fi. , IN CHANCKltV OF NEW JBltSEY— A THREE-PIECE MODERN BEDROOM . S.PIECE KITCHRN SET. Solid maple, Between THK PKliTH AMUOl 2' (tainleit porcelain top, beautifully deiign- . IIK r w m ,1 .nul "Inpul ir tin HAVINGS INSTITUTION. It corpor- SUITE,, walnut, waterfall front. Regular ation «f Xt-w Jersey. Complulnam fnuiit,i« In '.i)n mi nth ii | SHKItlKF'S SAI.fe ed. ' Regular price, $49.50—Our special tri HI o l«'ofijing and ARNOLD' J. OHUISTEXSKN price, $98.50—Our ipecia.1 price price :.':. ..-- ol- m lut llnlrtK IXTH&NCBHY'OK XKW .lEnSEY- $49.95 find EDNA L. CHIilSTRNSES, hi-- i,1 Pnir I Benveen NORTH AM HOY' IUMLD wife, Defendants, R Fa, Tar the TNG •& LOAN ASSOCIATION,,, a tule 'of mortgaged premises da.tetl SlunfT V n's 'Lliiiitdatlng' Corpoiv.tiwi, Com- November U, 1&40. i lilalnnnt, anil MA1SY TURK, By virtue of the above Mated Writ iftIK tor widow. .rOHN TURK, .11'.., ft nls., to me directed' and delivered,- I will 11 -- .9 U CIS 1'cfendaniJi, Fi. Til. f'T. till* salt' expose to >ale at publl" "if-mtirtfcaRMl premises Uuteil-No-. •'WEDNESDAY, THE'El *i >>vir yiirnher-'l, 1SMD. DAY OF DECF.MBElr, A. D., In 4 nrerj nf \rn .lir NINETEEN HUNDliED IN ri }'. •! ML. I! ill i. I-iy yirtuftinf the above staled Writ. I ' in AIM-JI lam ti i "li.I I .'til ui ft rhe tllvtfiHl and-ilellvei-L'd, I will at two o'clock standard Time- In the M - U , d ! ' n II u ii' 11 i-s|»isf to pule at nubile Vftiilue on afiernoon of ll.e said day. at tht Ii l.t r ti i rf ' WKhNKShA V. ' THK ELEVKNTH Siierllt's Offii-fc in the City of Ne« m i'ii.ige 1 i ri mliii 6 d tied imlir I-'A'Y OK nKCEMBETl. A. !>:. NINE- Brunswick. N. J ' . . H ISC' : TBBN HUSDItKD FOUTY . All ijiose certain lots, tract* or Hy ^'rtue ff jlif ,110V si iif 1 it 'two'o'clock Standard T-ljrie In the parcels of Innd.and premises, here- Will Hi mi; d'rett"! .!>• t ililiinl ifternoi'in of the wilil day, at the inafter particularly described, nit 1 \ ! ] . T|1|(KP I >. ||, ,1 I Ul, \, . -!l!«T(fT'ii Ofll<-s In the City of New , itruniiWick, N. S, , . uute, lyins and being in the Town- <';; . 'n HKIAWj:i\I -S»A.\ ^ Till: f v •hip ot Karltan, In the County or KBMH IMYOp IH-VI Mill 1 t 411 tli"S> i prtnlii ,lot«, tracts or Middlesex, and State of N'ew Jer I*A at iw II '" >k k sinmlnril Ihnllm r parcels of land andprtmlses, here- ley. i'iin »''lni,l d.ii ,i iM aft,,r .pnrtit/ulhriy dwcrlbed, slt- BEING knoivn and designated a» <>«[ •• i II i C ii . f \^ i -lKtt£,, ij.|llK i,n,3 |,einB in the Town- Lota Xo«. thirty-*iglH <3S>. thins? *• J islii|> of Wosjill'ii(l(tf, In the County nine (33), forty u(/> and fortyoai- Ail tht tru t »r i i-.-*' (V Middlesex and State of New Jer- W), In Block SSi-I.'orj map entitled of land aid In nlin'i.r 8O., "Map of Fairrnouni Park, Section Being Known and designated as No. 4, situated in the Township ot and in llit T »• ntl ip >( rtarlmn, Middlesex County, ' New Iff f'ouni) ot Jersey, John Jlanion. Onrntr" *ur- of NVA Un»\ veyed by Larson & Kox, IJti-*mb«r. 1B22, and field for record In ire l" W»odivr|dBe, County of Clerk's offlvc of MMtlH-acs Count). , j.. o M v ol"HaKimi't New Jersey. 1910 by Mason & Smith, BGOIN.N1XG at » potni.'m , the BKOIVMM, At i point ! -Weaterly side of Klmwuol Avenue. '' inirTHiitn of tie •• uilier1) ! nt ' Ho'h urni nil t'i WVsttrh .._ at a point In the <|IHItfkit Huullit-rly, two .liuntiud flf(>- jiHUherly line of Calvin .Street, dis- twu and severity-nix humlreslth* lire of Mar "n Mrttl ,mii runnlnt; BREAK-FRONT SECRETARY, (212 70 feet» from ,the inttrsectioi' K\-er west- tant - 'tlireoF hundred .(JUO) feet east- -rt> lit,*- <>t r erly from the corner formed '>>' ibe walnut. Regular price, $69.50 of the Westerly fide of Klmwood flfl\ l ,ui i'Tii&rnectlon of the souiheply line of At emit- and the Southerly side of f'+l fiefi'. ruinlrp <. i »t»terh FELT BASE RUGS of itandard 3-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE, dura ' — Our ip«eial price js U't i IA\\ fti\ 1 M Calvin Street with' the Kiisterly line Woodljridge Avenue an/1 runciBg of jot gii of Central An-«nle; thence (1) run- quality. Sizet 9 by 12 and 9 t i nH bate tagleti construction, covered with tliente (II Westerly, along the an 'ilDi lite Ka«l*rl> I'r,- <-' lot s on v line f < i, t run- V>'n'*-'h t\ori?n\i\ south- Northerly line of lots Son. 109s und (4J). (3)) Easterly and imral- 1#98, flfly • the sum of Three Thousand Kin* Hundred Elglity-one Dollars- (|J,- %%\ 00) together with the costs of ift !!-« tint this sale. ' art )«4 - . to do Together with all and tingular the JULIUS C. ENGEL, n«lnc tame premfw3 conve>AVeniif. Jersey City, qy « Hundred Fifty Dollar* HVtW/b) to New JerseY. Hoom -111 Between Perth Amboy Building ,'i iher with this coat* of Uiln sale ' BOAKU OK TltUSTEES, atid Loan Association, a corporation T»j;eih«r wltli all and ifln« Ihe Per square yard of New Jerjey, in voluntary ilquKia- rlt;ht>. prlvlletfeN, h*rtditi(raent« and 7 tlon and disaolutlon, by-Charles 11. .. :<•« thereunto, belonglD? NOTICE TO ALL CnEDITORS OF Peterson, Jacob Greenspan und Maxor In Juiywlne aiiperialnlnx, $19.75 $17.50 THK FAIRFIELD BUILDING AND : Wurtiol, TruBteei, complainant, and Jullu* C. Engel, LOAJi ASBOCIATION: Stanlty 8. RyiHswuki and Agnea Ity- Sheriff OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK . dt«wikj, his wif% defendants FI. Fa ik L«vinion, ' ,, Pnratiant to the statute In »uch \ttor the «ale of mortgaged premises Spllcitom. ' IJ2.76 lite made and provided, notice is dltUn) November I,,MO. hereby given to the creditors of iBy virtue of th§ above 'gtated laid ABSQiilatlon to hrljig In under Writ, to mo directed und delivered, IK tHAKCERV OF MKW oith their ilebtit, demandu fttid I will expose to sale- at public Ven- clims againsgn t saalii l Aesoclatioi n 134/M within tl\ree months from the date du« on WEDNESDAT,i5KE EIOHT- TO: J.-«<,b W. Wilbur and MM. Jacob aBNTH DAY OF »BCWWB«iR A, O, W. Wilbur, his wife; Annie Ch>r- nereof, and in default thereof they 1140, all two o'clock 8lf-K 3f • . birthday ' for Coach Nick. Paul "Chink" KoitinUvntz, Carteret high tchool't ono-man p»ninjj 'and running attack, to see the,games, it has .come .to. 1'untn .,,.,.,i ;„ ... ,w;, ,;.:.i Saturday afternoon as he couldn't |«t golnj Saturday agaitiit the hard chargirig and impired B»rroni at Carteret high FROM S. I CLOWNS 'AveraiM dlnlftnt!*, punM,.,,' W« attention thut even mombcra of liiinbRck n f pun I» j :,'i:cd his Woodbridge High the ichool (tadium. In photo above KoitinkavaU it ihown being itopped momoijlurily by Johnny :i team didn'did't want the game CENtRALJROil bubay (on ground clutching the runner't right leg), but it wsi Johnny Cipo, ihown ruihing in, YurilK lout, [lenaltltn i.^,1 ,: ui] Hnrrons hold amlghty Car continued. Gloff Quintet Nabi Early •Krorn llnu of 'i " Only New Brunswick And who itopptd Koitinkareti cold. Alio in photo are Stan Malazewiki (28), Melocco (.29), Cipo, !,• EMjfh School eleven to a Basketball at the local school the John Timko (18),, Bob Calbraith (72), Koittnkaveti, Ahdy Vahaly (93), Mike Sawchak (U), Lead And MainUim It iWOOpBRIDOE—The •,,irl(':i« tie before 5,000. frozen past few years has been on the de- Chlit.C«HM (26), and Al Skiba (33). j _^ ' ^_ bridge Alumni Association j cline, The teams never came close Asbury Park Elevens ;i! : i antic funs at tho hitter's sea Despite Threats climaxed an Almost i i;j>id sUidium, It was the first to a .500 recoro and the crowds Rate Over Locals here Sunday afternoon by I dwindled at times to less than 25, .in. ihis season that the Ramblers Ing the Nmrk-Essex Cl) Tht games always have been a los- BIG FIVE ANNEXES VAN SYCKLE HIGH MAN B34, before 600 frost-bitten ,!• stopped and brought their ing proposition, financially, but inBAMNSWIN STATE , mi's total to eight wins and a FORDS — With Handethan »nd totors kt Legion Stadia ;i recent years it has bocomu.uven WQODBIUDGB -i-1 Woodbridge STH STRAIGHT TILT Van Syeklein rare form, the Pords j,.. I'm- Woodbridge it was a •more ao, If the students want the eluded In the. Golden Bears' High School's giid Bartons wen Dig Five inaugurated the 194(M Up were tbtte Barron ;M,",I1 victory, their best eflfprt oi game back next, year, they can ranked the eighth best team in the basketball season over the weekend Concluded tlflr high school have it. Meanwhile, nil scheduled state, according to the final g Top South Amboy Clowns, by trouncing the South Amboy —BY ELMER "STEVE" VECSET-" the day before in a scoreU All through the contest it waagames have been cancelled. tics released thia week by the N«w 37-21, In Benefit Game; Clowns to. the tuna of 40-35 at tho lh, iriilliunt out-of-bounds punting According to tne present plans, Jersey'State Intei'scholasflc Ath- With Gtorgt Molnar Pinch-Hitting Fords No. 14 School jcourt. with Carteret, Wilt Kurnas, _ about 20 teams will be entered in ny Dubay and Nick D'Aprlle^j \V:ili Karnas and the superb letic Association. The locals were McLaughlin Stars Coach Art Gloff's nulntct, play- The Alumni's seasonal tuii-:iiii; of Nick Seitmk that kept tho inter-mural leagues and games also ranked the third bast eleven The WoesOl Tht Experts ing as a unit for the first time, MK'arthymen deep in their Will be played onch school night n Group 4 of,Central Jirsey with WOODB^LIDGJB — The Wood- This writer never Ms had anything but the deepest is a glorious one, eon bridge Field Club Big Five, off breezed' through the opening sesT ii territory. Their best drive of from 5:30 to 0 P. M, The schedule » total of 511 points, the rating sion witjh an 18-4 lead and led at ;hat It wag their first. The 1 to a quick seasonal start, won its sympathy for that brave band of sports writers which con- i:iy, sparked by Kostinkavetz's has been arranged so,that players compiled by the Colliton system. the half,r26to ]5.; Van Sycklo is as follows; AJiimni fi5, W. 1 .-inK, brought them to the Bar-will not mills tlicir buses but once AsburyPark was first in this sec- fifth straight game this week by gregates . annually to select an All-County or All-State and Hank Jaglowski- were the bigvarsity 0; Alumni 26, Kain V4 ;' 15 yard stripe. Here they a week. There wll be a league tion, followed by New Brunswick. whipping .the South Amboy football team. True, they gather around a beautiful ma-guns in the opening half as they Club 0; Alumni 6, Bloomfield'" for rjrcshnien and Sophomores and Clowns,- 87 21, iri a bensftt game sossings 0;. Alumni 28, O r<- stopped by'fin ever-surging Last.season the Barront were : hogany table and rehash the wonders of the past season, showed the full house some fancy •,'nne that allowed only 4.1. another for Juniors and Seniors tied for Central Jersey honors and /or the latter, city's first aid squad, hooping. • C. 0;-Alumni 20, South Arab I; rushing. und the winners of each league will the year before were ranked first, Larry McLaughlin took, scoring stress ,the prowess of individual athletes nnd iflwardly The locals bogged down a bit in(ters 0; Alumni 14,\Hop»lawn ( Hiirrons, on the other hand, meet at the end of the season for but this year the Priscomon won honors by sinking six fiejd goals hope they can nominate as many local boys as is possible, the third quarter when the South hounds 0; Alumni 0, South the school championship. 1 Eagles 0;'Alumni 33, N« I !u» .scoring chances, In the only four of their eight games, not and a pair of foul shots. Fritz But there's no beauty in the thought that the day the best Amboy five bounced back to take >!ul period Nick DaPrile inter- including their lo*s to the Alumni. Lefrler, in addition to a fine de- the decision, 17-8, Sprogue i sex Clippers 0. In, all, tho Alttn scored. 149 points to tho -.IMI Chink KostinkavcU's pass Carteret won Group 3 honors for fensive exhibition, was runner-up eleven and their a ternates are published thousand^'of Marks were hot for the^vlsitors, but 'tion's 6.... • ;iu' Ciirteret 20 and ran to the Central Jersey, with South River in with ten points, all on field goals. faithful followers will yell "fake," "politics," fpreji$ik" the locals still had a one-point le»d RECREAWLOOPS Alby Lafflor was \V'< in'fore he was downed. Kjirnas second place. ancr'hom.e town loyalty." Thats not for us. '. as they made way for the final ii'il his way through the heaviei Nutley High School took the The locals got off to a close 6-4 quarter. Handerhan, V«n Syckle hero of Sunday's finale againsti lead in the first quarter but Clippers. The former All-CJouj net line to the seven-yard ARE SMJACANT state championship with a total of First of all, we and they (the sportswriters) and Toth played the Clowns of! the and Nick Semak picked up two GC7 points tfnd .Garfield came close stretched it 20r8 at the intermis- floor with u 16-point barrage while end played 'ft end for tho third touchdownj Marks, f ftir the long jaunt. heavy ^onior league panics will elle Park, 355 and Pompton Lakes, went on to win by six points, L,evi on any gridiron, regardless of size and w.eight. He made Willie Gadek piilled the unex- • 1 Sprague, e .". 5 1 11 irtcrot, finding that the Wooil- be played at the High School and 338;' Cranfordfi 40a,_(lo»t four was best for the locals with 10 lactod in the wuninc moments of i the third team and failed to get even an honorable men-Read, gg 1.0 2 •• line was stopping every run- here play wiH begin on \V"ednes games); Central Jersey, Leonardo points. he fourth period when he pawed > tion in the state drawings. . Woods, g : .3 P 6 L- iilay, took to the air in tht day, Dec, 11. 325; Manrisquan, 260; Rymson, Woodbridge Big Five (37) Norm Kilby whn was all alone uvo periods. They started Henry, g 0 0 0 The schedule is not complote 255; South Jersey, .Mt.-Holly, 220; G p T And lest we forget," Johnny Cipo, the Barron's the end zone, nine yaidi away; .:• •KOHlwBi'd trek in the third imith set up the plav by jjassintt to but managers can find out when Ocean City, 328 (beaten by ;Mt. L. McLaughlin, f *'6 2'14 hard-charging fullback, received honorable mention 10 3 85 • I from their own 30 when their teams play by calling the Holly); Riverside, 242 (lost1 three 'ochek from the Newark SO. Bob * Knight, t - -4 ° 8 in the AlJ-State division. All this after Johnny missed Score by periods: 'inkavctz flipped to Ginda for Parish House. |. Ichwenzer playctl biilliantly u a i games), Leffler, c 6 0 10 % Five .... 18 7 aids, Shymanski added three If there are any teams which GROUP II PAROCHIAL a few games as a result of an injury sustained in the ilocklnp; back, but added to the McLaughlin, g. 2 0 4 S. A. Clowns 4 11 glory by intercepting a fourth pe- |> iu'h center and the Ramblers wish to enter the league, contact North Jersey, St. ,,Cecelia'» iMayer, g ••••• 0 11 Opener 'at Paterson East Side. However^ we'll never . riod pass which resulted in an ;iv found themselves in Wood- he Parish House immediately. (ringlewood), .293; Good Counsel 1 Lattanzio, g 0 0 0 forget the splendid work of Walt Karna* and Nick Alumni touchdown Smith and/-" '•<• territory. Al.Skiba haul?- (Newark), 149; Montilair Im- the next pass for 20 yariu D'Aprile, the boft who never let us down, win lose inacher .also waylaid Newark nmculate", 126;.Central and Sftuth , V - • 17 3 37 passes to set two move _ A'uknnif lirst down, but the Hflme play Jersey, St. Peter's (New, Bruns- S. A. Clowm (21) or draw. ' • . touchdowns. Jimmy I^o," besides, incomplete and on the next JAMES6URG WINS 3 wick), 240;-Camden Catholic, 157; G F T ' What A team aparklinftioffcnsive name, blo^dtt * Nick DaiPrile ended the threat St. Mary's (Perth Amboy), 144 pobrynski, f :.. 0 11 Nehls' kicH in the third portal— Mircepting his second pass of As a unit, the Barrons never, looked. better than FROM FORDS LIONS (No awards are made for Group Winnegar, f 0 0 0 Brennans l)iftno.recovered—to p«ve the way' 'lay. . I high, Group III prep and Group Marks, f 3 2 8 against a highly-favored Carteret High School eleven last for teller's touchdown, , . "* ; ii', Barrons held the ball the IV prep schools). 2 Locals Entrants; High Henry, f '• 1 0 Saturday. No doubt about it; they should have won by two As a unit, "the Alumni 'Were 'tf the third period and Car-Locals Hold On To Sixth Soccer awards wer«: Sprague, c •• 0 0 0 touchdowns, but we're satisfied that the "unknowns" won Score To smooth and took advantage^ pi, •'. didn't have another chance GROUP, IV , every break. Their running i '. the middle of the fourth nuar- Place Iri County Loop; halU, c - 0 0.0 North Jersey, Kearny and Memf a moral victory and were not defeated 34-0 as predicted FORDS—Tb«, Fords entrants In picked up 276 yaids, the beat this', ••vhen Kostinkavetj completed iRead, g ,. -2 0 4 the.County Major Bowling i Jensen High Man orial (West New Yoji'k) (tie) Mewupmbi S 10 2- by Frank McCarthy, Carteret. coach, and th^ Scoreboard. season^ and .they also gained' 6$ , • passeB lor a total of 47 yards, received another 2-1 «5 - M tp niany of uijnw will reipam the "TOPS." - 4...... uinui* •o : Totals Geiek, Kmitli, Gudek, w"'"T"Z:. "ianttnkav«t» , , p. g,—We're'sure they'll be the Wood- Subutittutloiif]; Woo^lbrl Hemiik klb Has High Game B. Mwuroski, c 0,1 Anacher D'Aiirtle, Kunl«i .:. ;.... '. Beecg h? bridge Alumni Association next fajl at face value, with Smith Puttep, " i flnn Derek m»l iCurntw ,i,u.(,....;, FORDS—According t^o the latest ^ g ">'Jf by periods: averages released this week ky$e 1 l or%ithoui titles. Ne Gutkowski, g \ Honefwta, Middlesex County Lidns Bowpng Lett*, Qorj '"•mtitu't'ionSi Cartefet. f Leape, Seylei, local postmaster, is 17 2 86 '"ii'iuu: Neuseiiater "fcfK QWIB ended their grid season Sun- HOT IRON" FOILS umpire, feiisrlfll fldl^ J in-, aecojid place',' a echnt .seven lai hSl[gniaii points behind.the leader Nlofc &«' I All oi which fcnnfti u» down to the Alumni Gold- day afternoon at FbrfhvParXb^jX yy Chicago, T When fa% ?anp,of,South JUvet. BtfWHw'i defeotiner ^ Perth Amboy Phft.n holdup men s»vntier/|d, PET RETURN^ Gol4ehdaje,| en Bearsra team which:In to fir«t year did a ntarveJ- toma, 13-7. ihV Chinese laundry and d «»ow Hill, average ior 2Tvgames. playfp .thus tlw vin wven a far is 1S8 andSeyleri8is'l76, jan Ed Barn •& saww a ftol job. M 0y $fi »y •>"•• f * *V that the pwjjuw uWM*»t^ with p k The averages of other Fords keg- riding on top of a bo*-cavcinhli fQW wing and a scorelBM tl% Iron be h« !;>i'»; absence,' Paul Smack, seven, , for an airooit perfect record, but th^ a» now a lers are as fbllpwa: Sulvajily, 172; wiftil 8|nd qear-irewtog weather, Ba]int stated tha ificftU #Jf right aUfCf. ovci'joyed, L,ong thoughl lU' part of Dunham, 162; Sandraf, 167 ha took pity on him and invited in t;hh « fl rtl »optli)R With R roar of p»t», , the «at walked -into 'the Lund, 141; sb»M his warm eabooae. Mpy can go ^K ground rigM end, for ^ y«|d8 ttdehftued ouo t / p»™ of Mr, an 1,2,5 149 . * , , — VpiVow^l .. 182,- 144 188 Etohorn 1,81, 15.6 135 P6 PEA4MUT LEAC'VE A' Bak /. 208 178/. t4fe ganizatipn which, official al least, twirierettea and cheer lender ' 141 i "Total* ' M* *8,1 MowK , m 182* 154 Ho}etn.,. 193 207 106 Sipot ...... :,.. H}1', 1*5' ' ., C» t. I) ,! B.Ruskai., 160 ' .102 161 functioned apart from the respec- flcials of til, N, Jf.Sta fe^ H-" ' Deuticti'i T»T«m P le '.I,- /•' Frciman • ; 183 T. Bufoek -Ifi6 .146 263 ts e national committees, will atsojqnate thei ,155. totals"..'•'•••'••• &18 tU 800 . Totals 878' 8.46 79i l-J'-J. Jago .. W 20$ !''• S. Barbo 109 • J. Koctin T98 167 "17i • Ho p.-Tttrnko ,.U6 -1&1 Kocian !.. M. Nienstro 12« 143 1. tomko . 173 "157 l&p .Totals . . .' .885 Totals !...' ••• -83J SOT751 L'TuiKuj- 178 142' ,|J? F. Sturck' , . 2J1 116 141 Hilltop (1) , A. H.Mw>r« D.C. 13) . .Blind , i '125 125 l2i> C. .Jekosa . .. 165 251 12Q Q?Har« J52- < ,-- »-- Koper*hat&.....v 178 JG3 ~" M. Tacksics ... 185 159" 195 Hultgrcii Pry .,..•...•.•. ' U5 V>b 139, Totals .. 7fi9 W8, 137 ' - • Martin 154 160 - | Totals 796 ^00 ' "781O*Hara ... Jugan ...'. • 17-1 175200 ~~ Blll'i Diner , i , If. of C. (2) Biirkownki Marhevka 211 154 182,M. Gladys .. 208 235 s5 .„-, Houseman .. 1HG 200 03 Hatrak ., Podoltki 111 HO ; ,i,E. Gerity 197 185 153 Hultgren Totals 'BC2 807 8H Lorch ' 210 177. o :;: i L. Gcrity 199 105 167 Szurko . . Stamjo 170, iSfi ,;,lPnlko .. ..» 137 175 167 • Pelerion't Brakci (1) Eyorkuw 21P 193 •M. Schubert . . 171 185 186 Tota)«... Kantor '- 109 177 Benish K2 2H 960 !M7 Totals iU"8' Totals 890 930 771 Mayer's (3) Batia 187 152 170 Ceorfe'i Service 209 109 Ltrto .: 109 135 158 W. Romer '210 200160 P. Malkus 171 Holy Name (2) . 142 " 203 Peterson 180 164 181 Pemberton 212 145 157 Curran 214 S. Ruruei ...... ; *143 203156 F, Charncy 160 '194 Sthauje ...'.; 167 209-176 totals 837 839 J. Rowan ....: 161 1,75 200 So. Second Coal (2) Pavlich ..: 196, 206 225 200 205 179 j •• 192 15° 183 Totals .:.. S46 933 91S CacdOla :..;. 151 164 • 183 M«dg«r 163 181 162 Hanten'i , Baeijtay 140 135 201 Jj. Bales ..' 105 190 , i$ Kubiak' 224 221 167! 846 825 908 )\v, Fischer 159 149 ITS I BHIFHTHS — ••'-, Ic.Weinip .: 179. 210 ISO'S Ford. Coil (3) » ,C, Flusi 193 233 1S3 Stanley 133 _— __ Najy 167 145 Totals...: ..: •••' 920 1003905 Sab* -.• US' ; •••, Lund.' 1. Galp 173 140 V.'Benish,: U- 171 163 161 • Baolca;. Jr. 1(13 134 l56^. Jacobs , ' :.. 208 1S9 and Marln«ak 165 172 »5:T, Lund .... • 192 100 15$ G. Galya , 1C9 nT J, Rogers 16fl 20rt 191 .COMBINE GOOD TASTE WITH GOOD MUSICAL QUALITIES H. Chomicki 184 220 17S; ,.. 786 816 Purse! Corner T»rern (0) tottls ....'-.' 924 938 911 I. Mackay ... 161 i W, O. W. Camp 65 Thistle 129 104 M.lJayduck: 190 18S 192 -Thomson :,.~'~. 150 183 101 y S. Daroti 202 172 IGS; Whatney >12b 149 K Kuzma l7£j m Looking beautiful nowadays depends upon One of several recently designed Steinway vertical pianos Jofyn Mackay &5 lSS.- Faltisco . 154 231 147 !• Of slender size and proportions to fit into the living room Jankovich ..,.'. 207 141 190 tl\e beauty shop you choose'! Discover our C. Kuzma"..:..,... 236 201 of today's smaller house and apartment It embodies all 137 164 159' 1791 high quality work. Three hundredf Middle- the Steinway exclusive features such as diaphragmatic Totals 961 982 soundboard and accelerated action. It has the true Stein- Totals ,....• 718 .718 T60 sex County women can't be wrong! ( RariUn Bay Boys 878 i way tone and other qualities which asBure Steinway leader- FORDS COMMERCIAL Stratton 17,0 153 ,144 ship. Model shown here is a SHERATON priced at 1495. Hannyk' .' J30 201 141 eTbonized. Steinway Verticals also come in other attractive Fordi C. O. P, Sign'or 130 138 16") designs such ai Colonial, Queen Anne, LouU XV, Chip* P, Schicker ...... 174 192 190 Lucov 114 141) Christmas Special! pendale and a fascinating modem case in several woods. V. Lund 148 Hall.' 125 H. Kahrce 173 221 Steiner 193 173 181 Patrick.' • 167 152 170 $5 PERMANENT-ONLY $3.50 T. Cacciola 147 181 160 Totals 767 810-7,69 A. Colombctti.... 143 147 140 Slcroclti Ait'n , Si Ferraro.... 212 212 193 December &, 10, 11 and 12 Ait extruisitely designed Chickering spinet-type piano. A ' T.otels 779 84&890 J.'Doycsak 170 189 131 splendid example of Chickering craftsmanship combining . Beef • Bar and Grill J. Szurko : 180 .195213 TEL. WOOD. 8-2394 FOR APPOINTMENT excellent taste with Chickering reputation for tone and J. Ragula 165 204 14!) Blind 125 125 125 skilled workmanship. The MAR1BOR0UGH, shown R. Anderson *. 194 208 193 Blind i. '125 125 12!) ALL'lTEJis Q £c O FOR $-1 AT ALL TIMES.- here, is priced at 9475. and, with the Blenheim and Jf. Matuss •• 171 14S S^ndtf ngham models authentically reflect^the best design. E. Lynch 192 Totals ..... 812 84C 781 iPa'ub'le 221 104 198 • Woglom'i ing of English 18th Century and Regency periods. The t. Larson 174 173 202 Leonard ..'. ..! 191 237 230 Blenheim costs only $395. Other Chickering spinet-type 'Heenan '. 170 190 157 designs reflect the French influence. , Tptals 925 928 940jKamin8ky 104 170 152 LA GRACE BEAUTY SHOPPE iLaeonia ;..:...., 182 ISO IRS Hollo'* Tailor* Joe Romer 204 203 196 (CHRISTENSEN BUILDING) ...'. 168 ISO156 i — 97 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE 191 200 145' Totals 941 909 900 "• ' ' <• \~> _ . ji TheWURUTZER spinet-type pianos are famous for their appropriate modemness and versatilityof design combined with their very reasonableness in price. Model shown here is priced at $275. Other models 8245. up, depenuinf; upon the covering, which can be a combination of wood Goes to Washington, veneers, a Kordevon leather-like fabric or colored textiles with matching woods. ' ^ Pittsburgh, Buffalo The STEINWAY GRAND piano is the most famous mu- sical instrument in the'eutue world. Ninety five percent Am OTHER PL-iCES-oflen — without leaving his desk. It is a better piano than ever before, made so by constant. Steinway improvements. Steinway grands cost 9985. up; "Get me So-and-so iq Washing- The one shown below, in the new Steinway modern case ton", he says—and a few seconds of smooth slender lines is priced at $1060. later,he's talkingacrossth e miles as across a table— - —placing orders, checking shipments, making appoint- ments, settling things quickly and easily—•and gaining time to do more each day.

Did you know, you can talk front Newark to Washington or Boston for 80c; to Buffalo for 11.05; Pittsburgh $1.10; St. LouU 12.10,

In JV«io Jeaey 12,000 trained tele- phone men and (eonwn are ready to itrve you $wiflly and eourttomity whtntver. you call EUeKhtt* in ifcf Bell Syttem 300,000 olhtn ucrh wii- formly tritk our people to meet yemr urvice need* at tony Mm* •

]SEW JEB0EY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY "The Music Center of New Jeney"

