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F!"#$%!& C'($3.& W'%() C$* USA W'%() C$* B!151.6 5 AIM with the AMU 22 +e largest Olympic-style shooting 24 +e USA Shooting Team’s Kim Easy Points: "e Mental Game event held on American soil, the Rhode and Rachael Heiden set ISSF World Cup USA drew over the standard for performance in 8 Coaches’ Corner 800 athletes and coaches. With . Both ladies posted medal- Simple Diagnostics the best of the best on the line, the winning performances despite 10 Paralympic USA Shooting Team performed to the high winds and di7cult "e ABC’s of the IPC the tune of two medals. conditions. 12 Pistol Li$, Aiming & Trigger Pull ELEY A#,(!#! '- #,! J$.1'% O(23*14 31 28 14 Ri0e M'.#, T%1$3*,& Hold & Hold Control Jamie Beyerle and Sarah Scherer Talented young men and women have both had fantastic spring from around the country were 20 Shotgun seasons. Scherer pulled in the invited to stay at the Olymipc Why Shoot Skeet? /rst Women’s 10m Air Ri0e quota Training Center and compete in and Beyerle made an astounding the 2011 National Junior Olympic 32 News & Performance come-from-behind 10.8 shot for Shooting Championships for Ri0e victory in Women’s 50m Ri0e and Pistol in April. Fear not, if these 35 Youth Programs What is a CTC? +ree Position. Keep an eye on high scores are any indication, the these two ladies as the competition future of the is in 36 Schedule of Events heats up for 2012 . very capable hands.

2I¿FLDO6SRQVRU 6XSSOLHU FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR USA SHOOTING 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Phone: 719-866-4670 Administration Fax: 719-866-2200 Competitions Fax: 719-866-4884

SPRING BOD REPORT LINDSAY BROOKE Competitions Manager By Robert Mitchell 719-866-4885 [email protected]

BUDDY DUVALL he spring meeting of the USAS Board of Conduct; amended selection procedures for Executive Director of USA Shooting Team Foundation of Directors was held April 16 at Olympic and Pan Am Team Leader and adopted 719-866-4880 [email protected] the Olympic Complex in Colorado separate codes of conduct for sta8 and volunteers BRET ERICKSON Springs. President Gary Anderson and directors. National Shotgun Coach 719-866-4682 Tpresided over the meeting. Anderson provided a detailed overview [email protected] +e following new directors (elected in of ISSF, our relationship with the international LISA ERICKSON Administrative Assistant to the National Coaches 2010) were seated for their /rst o7cial meeting: federation and important developments and 719-866-4682 Janet Raab, the Ri0e Representative; Joshua issues that impact USAS. Moreover, task [email protected] Richmond, the Shotgun Representative; Dr. Jim managers reported on the following strategic BOB FOTH National Paralympic Coach Lally (former USAS Team physician and current planning projects: building the USAS fan base, 719-866-4881 chair of the ISSF Medical Committee), At-Large growth of Olympic-style shooting facilities [email protected] TOM HARRIS Director; Kinsey Robinson (President of the and making available web-based instructional &KLHI'HYHORSPHQW2I¿FHU Roofers and Waterproofers Union), At-Large materials. A new website will be launched [email protected] DAVID JOHNSON Director and Cris Stone, a current director on this summer which will provide additional 1DWLRQDO5LÀH&RDFK the Civilian Marksmanship Program board was 0exibility and the capability to e8ectively 719-866-4630 [email protected] seated as an At-Large Director. Chris recently communicate with shooting fans. +e new NICOLE LEVINE retired as Chief Credit O7cer for Regions website will also contain a library of various Junior Olympic Program Coordinator 719-866-4882 Financial Corporation. technical and coaching articles. Additionally, [email protected]

+e Nominating Committee recognized another trap bunker will be constructed this SERGEY LUZOV National Pistol Coach that both President Gary Anderson and year at the International Shooting Park to 719-866-4615 Vice President Allen Harry have served the better accommodate the increasing number of [email protected] organization well. Both are eligible and competitors. ROBERT MITCHELL &KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHU expressed desire to continue in their current Buddy DuVall and Tom Harris discussed 719-866-4899 roles. Director Butch Eller has reached his details of the Foundation’s efundraising and [email protected] NICHOLE RAE term limits and will continue serving on the major gi9s program. +e new website will have Membership & Merchandise Manager 719-866-4743 Endowment Committee and as a director of an expanded and detailed area for gi9s and [email protected] the USA Shooting Team Foundation. Butch’s planned giving materials. +e next meeting of MICHAEL THEIMER replacement as the Financial Director will be the USAS Board of Directors will be in Colorado Youth Programs & Athlete Development Manager 719-866-4889 aforementioned Stone. Additionally, Robinson Springs on October 29. [email protected] will serve in the o7cer position of Secretary. +e Also, I would like to remind our members CORRIE WEST Director, Marketing & Communications Nominating Committee’s recommendations were that shooting events are spectator friendly— 719-866-4616 accepted and elected by acclimation. come watch the USAS Ri0e and Pistol Nationals [email protected] KARIE WRIGHT During the meeting, Anderson reported July 2 to 8 in Fort Benning, Ga., the National Controller on Executive Committee actions taken since Junior Olympic Championships for Shotgun July 719-866-4887 the last directors’ meeting that included: a 23 to 29 in Colorado Springs or the /rst leg of the KATIE YERGENSEN Media & Public Relations Manager monthly review of /nancial results; approval of U.S. Olympic Trials for Shotgun September 22 to 719-866-4896 a memorandum of understanding with SSSF for October 2 in Kerrville, Texas. Wishing everyone [email protected]

SCTP creating a shotgun sport developmental an enjoyable summer! Editor: Katie Yergensen Designer: Katie Yergensen relationship; approval of an updated athlete Code Printing: Spectrum Publishing

Cover Photo: Katie Yergensen

Contributors: Michael Theimer Katie Yergensen Vladimir Chichkov Marcus Raab Bob Foth Robert Mitchell Sergeant George Norton USA Shooting News is published six times a year. USA Shooting is the national governing body for Olympic Shooting sports Jaiden Grinnell Danielle Fong in the . USA Shooting News is produced as a service to international shooters, coaches, o7cials and media who Tom Wondrash cover Olympic-style shooting. Shooters featured in USA Shooting News magazine may be photographed without eye protec- Tom Harris tion. +ese are posed photographs using unloaded guns and do not represent actual competiton. USA Shooting encourages all shooters to use proper eye and ear protection when shooting. Inclusion of advertisements in USA Shooting does not constitiute endorsement of advertised products or services by USA Shooting, its sta8 or its sponsors.

4 USA Shooting News COLUMNS (Aim with AMU)

Easy Points: The Mental Game By Sergeant George Norton

Executive Director of USA Shooting Team Foundation

here are not many other sports where the mind is able to control the outcome of the event. +at is what makes competitive shooting so much harder than many Tother athletic events. Not only do we need to have a strong technical game, but we must have a peak mental game as well. Anyone that has attended a United States Army Marksmanship (USAMU) clinic knows one of the classes we teach is our “Easy Points” class. +is class helps beginning shooters correct mistakes and not lose easy points in competition. Some of these include cross /ring, shooting too many shots and correcting a ri0e zero. Another category where many easy points are lost is from a poor mental game. It is important to remember that the mental game is not something you have to wait to acquire until you are a collegiate shooter or a member of the USA Shooting National Development Team or even the USA Shooting (USAS) National Team. As a junior or beginning shooter, it is imperative that you start to solidify a strong mental game because it will be a tremendous asset later on to control it by using safe words that we will talk about later in in your shooting career. In this article, I will discuss three major the article. You can calm down, settle and move con/dently to areas of mental training to focus on. By beginning with these your /rst match bull and shoot a perfect ten. Now as we continue quick easy points you can create a strong foundation for your through our match, we might have some poor shots, but we can mental game. +ese areas include the match button blues where I react properly by going over the next step of react and reset. will talk about the rush of anxiety that comes when you are done with sighters and starting a match. Next, I will discuss reaction Everyone has been there—your and reset, where you might have a bad shot and need to settle back down. Finally, we will cover the use of safe words to help you shooting is going great and all of a concentrate. sudden there is a poor shot. Generally, Let’s begin with the match button blues where we push the match button or move from the sighter bull to our /rst match you react with a big loud “darn it” in your target. All of a sudden something changes. We have a pulse beat, maybe our positions don’t feel as solid, and we are not able to take mind, become very frustrated, slam the a shot as quickly as when we were shooting sighters. Welcome to ri0e bolt back and /nish by going straight the match button blues, which is as easy to describe as just getting nervous. Sometimes this nervousness results in our /rst shot not into the next shot. being as con/dent; and if it was a ten, then we reluctantly call it +is process usually results with another poor shot. Let’s face luck. it, no matter if you are a beginning shooter or nationally ranked, An easy way to earn a ten on the /rst record shot is to treat there will always be sub-par shots. Many things happen physically the last couple of sighters as match shots. While /nishing sighting in our bodies when we overreact to a poor shot. in, but before moving to the /rst match bull, put yourself in the Once upset, it increases adrenaline output, which in turn mindset that this next sighter shot is a match shot. +ere will increases the heartbeat and eventually the blood 0ow as well. probably be nerves creeping in, but that is when you will start Because of this increased blood 0ow our muscles are now tense,

WWW.USASHOOTING.ORG 5 our pulse is high and our hold is words silence the crowd and empty the awful. +is is where that second stadium in Costner’s mind. poor shot comes from. An easy All that is le9 is the catcher, himself point that a shooter can earn is and the silence so Costner can throw having the ability to reset the an amazing pitch. +ere is a lot of time process. A shooter can reset by in competitive shooting matches where dry /ring one or two shots a9er a our mind can wander and not focus on poor shot. An important thing to the shot at that moment. By using a safe remember while taking these dry word (or phrase), like Kevin Costner’s /re shots is to keep your proper character, we can get our mind back on execution just like there is a round track. Other examples include words in the chamber. +ese dry /re and phrases such as relax, focus, take shots allow our bodies to relax, it easy, etc. Using these words (in slow the heart beat and reset back addition to a focused mind) will help to our competitive form. Along you stay on track and keep mental with resetting our body, we can stability while in competition. also reset our mind by using safe words. We have discussed three speci/c areas Safe words are an amazing tool for where shooters can save points in the mental any shooter to have in their competitive game and increase their overall scores. Again toolbox. Safe words are anything that can be these areas include preparing yourself for the /rst said to get your mind back “in the game.” A match shot a9er sighters, resetting a9er a poor shot IURP great example of using a safe word is from the and using safe words or phrases to stay concentrated. movie For the Love of the Game. Kevin Costner We could go more in depth on each of these topics, but plays a Major League Baseball pitcher who by starting here, any beginning shooter will have a great attempts to pitch a perfect game. With everyone foundation for their mental game. So keep shooting tens, in the stands yelling and his mind wandering, he keep your mind in the match and stay ARMY Strong. pauses and says, “Clear the mechanism.” +ese safe

MentalMental TrainingTraining Dan Vitchoff's 33 Method Shotgun Mental Training and Performance Coaching ‡,PSURYH0HQWDO7RXJKQHVV


We will design an individualized mental training program that you can use throughout the year that will address pre- competition, competition and post-competition strategies. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Shooters Welcome Some of Dan’s clients include Josh Richmond, Glenn Eller, Vincent Hancock, Ryan Hadden and Jeff Holguin.












COLUMNS (Coaches’ Corner)

Simple Diagnostics By Bob Foth, National Paralympic Coach

everal great tools exist to help coaches and athletes shoulder or the hand and the grip can help the athlete get a visual diagnose shooting problems. +e Scatt system and other image to match what is felt. similar products are fairly popular for those that can One of my favorite strategies is to /nd a way to get really still a8ord them, but may be too expensive for many. +ese and watch the front sight with a clear visual reference behind it. Stools provide a wealth of information in various formats and may +at reference might be a spot on the wall, or occasionally even a also speed up analysis and problem solving. However, I think target. I o9en /nd a way to support my head so that I am sure I many coaches and athletes overlook the tools they have readily can pick out small movements of the gun. I’ll rest my chin on my available. hands or lean my head against a wall; anything to be sure I am not I would advise coaches to pay attention to the right things at moving much at all. Once you get good at this, I think you will be the right times. I o9en see coaches looking through a telescope amazed at how much you can see, even without the fancy tools. waiting for a hole to appear in the target. While it will eventually Details like size, shape and timing of the hold start to become be helpful to know where the shot hit, the timing is wrong to have relatively obvious. You may be able to determine the “sweet spot” the focus on the target. Instead, the coach should be watching in the hold pattern, the time period when it seems most steady the athlete—study how the position is set up, how the natural and usually when the best shots are produced. Keep watching point of aim (NPA) is intently and details of the recoil checked, how the gun is and follow through will become mounted or raised, where apparent. Did the shot seem to it settles, how consistent break cleanly? Is the recoil large the pattern is, etc. You or small? Is it vertical or does it might create references have a di8erent shape. Does it on the shooter also. For seem to settle back in the same ™ example, you could put a place? Does it stay constant over piece of tape on the stock a long course of /re? AFTER for hand placement or on watching all of this, then you the jacket of a standing can look through the scope or shooter to see if the at the monitor to see where the front elbow placement shot hit. is consistent. If these Now start interacting with items are not consistent, the shooter. What was the shot SOUND AMPLIFICATION EARMUFF the athlete may have call? Does the athlete have an Impact Sport problems with his or her estimation of the scoring ring shot plan or process or use a position that is not easily replicated. and direction? Any other information about how that shot felt or Amplifies Sound While Automatically It may also be useful to start counting the seconds to determine what it looked like? Does the athlete’s perception match yours? If the moment the gun is mounted in order to help establish patterns not, work together to try to /nd out was missed. Get the athlete Blocking Hazardous Noise in timing. to grade various speci/c aspects of the shot execution. +is (  "' !"   ! A9er the gun is in position, look for the athlete’s breathing usually works best with just one or two speci/c topics. Help your !#  "#  % pattern. Is it the same for every shot in that position? Do the athletes to become more self-aware and more analytical so they  # "!$   breaths appear to be deep relaxing belly breaths? Be sure to read can coach themselves and become more self reliant. +ey will Marcus Raab’s “Breath Control” in the May/June 2011 issue for an have to do this on match day! (  ""   '%  # ! in depth understanding of this critical process. If you don’t have a coach, /nd other ways to coach yourself. ( &" #%!'#"""' Depending on the questions you have about the athlete’s Use more than score to evaluate your performance. Focus on one #!# !#!   ! ! performance, you might pick di8erent vantage points for di8erent thing at a time. Honestly call shots BEFORE looking at the scope things. For example, move to the side to get a clearer view of the or monitor. You can also /nd appropriate ways to use score as a ( !#"" trigger /nger or the eyes or get behind the shooter to watch body tool to evaluate performance. Track things like center shots or (#"!#"&"!"" ' sway or other large movements. I /nd that a digital camera can be maybe 9.5s and better. Analyze targets a9er the shooting session. a great tool to help the athlete see his/her own position and start Were you zeroed in consistently? Were there patterns or shapes to to self-coach. Take shots from behind and both sides. If possible, the groups? What else can you learn from them? stand on a stable chair and take photos from above the athlete to Try applying these tips to your athletes or your own shooting view the orientation of the position. Sometimes close-up pictures and get on a training path of improvement, not just practicing the of a speci/c spot, like the contact patch between the butt-plate and status quo. Official Supplier 8 USA Shooting News ImpactSport_USA_0111_Layout 1 12/14/10 9:56 AM Page 1

By Bob Foth, National Paralympic Coach

ImpactSOUND AMPLIFICATION Sport EARMUFF Amplifies Sound While Automatically Blocking Hazardous Noise (  "' !"   ! !#  "#  %  # "!$   (  ""   '%  # ! ( &" #%!'#"""' #!# !#!   ! ! ( !#"" (#"!#"&"!"" '

Official Supplier The ABC’s of IPC International Paralympic Committee By Danielle Fong, 2008 Paralympian

very athlete has a story; Paralympic athletes o9en have two, one concerning his or her disability itself, and a secondE concerning how he or she came to the selected sport. +e Paralympics is an elite athletic event for athletes with a physical disability. +e Paralympic Games follow the same pattern as the : Opening Ceremonies, two weeks of amazing competition in various sports, and a Closing Ceremony. What’s more, they are also held every four years just like the Olympic Games in the same city and arenas, albeit two weeks later. +e Paralympic movement strives to emphasize the continued excellence of the athletes’ abilities in their respective sports instead of their disabilities. Perhaps no symbol is more apt in A demonstration of the variations of the standing position in the 2008 Beijing showing that continued excellence than Paralymic Games. "e shooter on the le$ is using a stool to support his weight (yet not the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing his elbows), Fong (center) illustrates the ISSF-regulation able-bodied standing and the Paralympics where the torch was lit by Hou shooter on the right is seated in her wheelchair. Notice that all three athletes do not Bin pulling himself hand over hand, while have any additional elbow support per regulations of the standing position. amazingly still sitting in his wheelchair, up a rope to the roof of the “Bird’s Nest Stadium” To understand the modi/cations made to the positions to light the torch. one must /rst understand the categories into which the Among the athletes are separated. +e categories are based on the ability sports contested at the to hold the ri0e and pull the trigger mechanism. Within those Paralympic Games is two categories the athletes are further divided based on an shooting. Paralympic athlete’s strength and balance. As a result there are four pistol shooting has /ve events and eight ri0e events across the categories contested disciplines: air ri0e, at the Paralympic Games. For example an athlete who cannot smallbore ri0e, air stand unaided, but has complete use of his or her upper body pistol, sport pistol, and would be classi/ed as an SH1. In contrast an athlete whose free pistol. Events are hands were less functional would be classi/ed as an SH2 and held for both men and would have additional equipment available, even if he or she is women individually able to stand unaided. and in many events the For seated shooters, the three positions are distinguished two genders compete as in able body shooting by the number of balance points together. +e course of allowed to the shooter. In prone an athlete may place both /re and positions are elbows on the table or mat while using a sling. In kneeling the same between able an athlete may only have one elbow resting while using a Hou Bin’s remarkable feat to light the body shooting and sling. In standing (while many athletes are in fact seated) an torch at the 2008 Paralympic Games. Paralympic shooting, athlete must support the weight of the ri0e with his or her but the manner in which the positions are implemented vary. upper body, thus without any elbows resting on any surfaces. All Paralympic shooting events follow the same rules as able +e seated shooters can /re from wheelchairs, or from stools, body shooting, but with added rules to allow for modi/cations or resting against higher platforms. Shooters who can stand within the positions to re0ect the di8erences in the athletes. without aid o9en shoot from stools, but can shoot able body PARALYMPIC

10 USA Shooting News positions if they so choose. Paralympic Shooting Events Paralympic shooting allows men and women to Event Number Event Gender Classi!cation PARALYMPIC shoot head to head in several R1 10m Air Ri"e Standing Men SH1 events, including smallbore prone and an event unique to R2 10m Air Ri"e Standing Women SH1 the Paralympic movement, air R3 10m Air Ri"e Prone Mixed SH1 ri0e prone. In smallbore, prone R4 10m Air Ri"e Standing Mixed SH2 shooters are allowed to shoot in the able body position on mats R5 10m Air Ri"e Prone Mixed SH2 on the 0oor with or without R6 50m Ri"e Prone Mixed SH1 their prosthesis or out of a chair o8 a table. In air ri0e prone, R7 50m Ri"e 3 Position Men SH1 because it is an event solely R8 50m Ri"e 3 Position Women SH1 in the Paralympic movement, P1 10m Air Pistol Men SH1 every athlete must shoot from a stool or chair o8 a table. +e P2 10m Air Pistol Women SH1 level of performance in air ri0e P3 25m Pistol Mixed SH1 prone is so high that to make a /nal at the Spain World Cup, P4 50m Pistol Mixed SH1 a 599 out of 600 was needed and three athletes shot perfect 600. Paralympic shooters compete locally against each other and against able body athletes. Internationally, in addition to the Paralympic Games, there are many matches, world cups, and once every four years World Championships. +e table is a list of events contested at the Paralympic Games. October 5th to October 9th the /rst Paralympic international shooting match to be held in the United States or even in the North or South America will be shot at Fort Benning. +is match will be ground breaking because it brings Paralympic shooters from all around the world to to try to win the one quota spot for the Paralympics given out in each event. +e entire Paralympic shooting community is very excited to bring this important international Paralympic shooting match to the United States. But not just the Paralympic community should USAS’ Tom Monto shoots the R4 Men’s 10m Air Ri!e Standing SH2 be excited about bringing this international match to the event. "e main di%erence between SH1 and SH2 athletes is the level of United States. +e entire shooting community should be support and adaptations. Monto’s spring stand featured in the middle excited because this match demonstrates how far United of his ri!e enables him to &re tens. States Paralympic Shooting has moved forward in the last eight years from being a country with only two national team members before with a part time Coach, to a country with a growing national team and a full time coach, Bob Foth, who is both dedicated and driven. Everyone tries to /nd a niche in life, and Paralympic shooting has become that niche for numerous Paralympic athletes as you will see in their bio articles in the future.

Right: 2008 Paralympian Mike Dickey demonstrates the position for R3 Mixed 10m Air Ri!e Prone. Notice how both of Dickey’s elbows are resting on his shooting table (just like both elbows rest on the !oor in able-body prone).

WWW.USASHOOTING.ORG 11 PISTOL green light (opening target the if +e reaction phase with starts the two phases: reaction and aiming. process ofing. li9 have to readjust aiming the inthe changeit will system the and you will sightthe ready inthe position since properbe to adjust again. not Do try shooting position, alignment the will is “locked” we when li9it back to the change; however, hand the because alignment ofvertical sights the will When lowering hand, the the position and wait for command. the your hand and assume ready the and wrist the lock elbow, the lower makes and li9easier the faster. Next, Having aclear picture of goal the “sights-target” surrounding. inthe on target the and situate system the alignment of sights, the position brain know what is— goal the at target. the is + toe idea letthe with li9starts li9.Every aimingthe adjustments done can be later. competition. If there is need,small for areference points for training/ position is found, mark it on the 0oor horizontal adjustments a9 hander the is raised. A9 er the is important to /nd proper the positioning to avoid major pistolthe with (/rst) the target hand the when is raised. It In Men’s Rapid Fire Pistol, is goal to the immediately align techniques necessary. We with start checking our position. depending of event) the to it determineand goal the is crucial shotthe (usually/rst the shot is done 1.40-2.70seconds it aiming inthe zone. Since we have limited for time very Before we aim and shoot, we have to li9our hand and put hand with pistol the no raised tomore be than 45degrees. Center Fire Pistol events, “Ready” the position requires the chronology. us simplify and separated the discuss elements intheir To better understand symbiotic this conglomerate, let executiontheir forms foundation the of shooting. successful synchronization of three elements these and quality the of 12 USA ShootingNews I Lift, AimingandTriggerPull +e li9itself is in divided Now we are ready to execute With exception the of Precision the stage inSport and recipe for success:9, Aiming Li and Trigger pull. +e dynamicthe 25mpistol disciplines, following the is a ensuring great shooting. Yet, it is safe to say that in t is hard an to set order of importance for elements the Figure 1:Alex Chichkov demonstrates the phases &focus for apistol li$ in adynamic event. the previousthe point to 90degrees as illustrated inFigure 1. degrees to 75degree and aiming the then from phase occurs example, picture that reaction 45 the phase between starts +e aiming phase on isperformed actually go. the For slows down and smoothly transition into aiming the phase. hebecause or she was preoccupied withlimit. time the as athlete the grows impatient and o 9 trigger the en jerks drawn out as well. delays + ese cause unsatisfactory shots bouncingthese movements. As aresult, aiming the phase is reaction phase. When you aim you have will to overcome point—the hand bounce up will and down and prolong the your hand moves fast it is very di7cultto stop at desired the prior to shot. the Iam not afan of technique this if because center of target, the aiming making then small adjustments that are + used. e/rst involves quickly raising gunto the the desired inthe them aiming area. +ere are two techniques +e aiming phase sights the iswe when align and position mechanical) and the goal is to raise the gun as fast as possible. position and locked. +is one focus green the light (or on In my practice, Iprefer ashorter reaction phase that How is it done inpractice?+e hand is lowered inready By Vladimir Chichkov, Assistant National Pistol Coach the target if mechanical). When the green light illuminates, a smaller screen for covering the central vision of the non-

the hand is quickly raised and the focus moves to the sights dominant eye. For the same reason I would avoid the use of PISTOL when the hand is at approximately 75 degrees. At this moment, aperture installed on the shooting glasses when practicing the movement of the hand is slowed and the shooter begins any of the dynamic 25m pistol events. I recommend the use observation of the vertical alignment of the sights. As the hand of visors and other allowable devises to reduce the amount approaches the center of the target, the hand continues to slow of direct light entering the eyes so the pupils are as open as down. +e goal is that when the sight line reaches the center of possible. the target, the sights will be perfectly aligned. +is is the exact +e third element to consider is the trigger work. It is moment when the shot breaks. possible to write a book on how to pull the trigger correctly, O9en, I am asked if the gun actually stops in aiming but the abbreviated version is that any trigger pull that does position. No it does not because the movement is extremely not a8ect the alignment of the sights and delivers the shot slow at the end and the shot itself “cuts” the movement. as close as possible to the perfect moment, is considered the However there are shooters who stops and aim for the “duel” correct trigger pull. In this era, shooters can experiment with part of the Sport and Center Fire Pistol disciplines. Some both mechanical and electronic triggers and single and two shooters even pause and aim during the six and eight second stage triggers. A shooter can adjust the length of the trigger, series in the Rapid Fire event. I recommend to train without the weight of the stages, their travel, reset properties and shoe stopping and strive for building a good coordination between, position. I understand the di7culties coming out of having too li9, aiming and pulling the trigger. When shooting the Sport many choices, but I do not have a “golden” trigger set recipe. and Center Fire Pistol duel, a9er the shot is completed, follow One has to experiment and /nd his or her own preference. through and readjust aiming to prepare for the next shot. If the Just make sure to abide by the limits of the speci/c equipment athlete is shooting Rapid Fire or Standard Pistol, then continue you are using and competition regulations. Also, don’t forget with the four additional shots for that series. to periodically check your trigger weight—especially prior When executing the li9, remember that the movement to a competition. +e temperature and the weather can a8ect is from the shoulder only. +e torso is moving as is necessary the physical qualities of the trigger mechanism. Also travel, to compensate for the change in the center of gravity from the the vibrations can cause the screws to move and change the li9ed hand with the gun. +e horizontal transition between tension. the targets in the Rapid Fire event is a result of rotation from Developing proper techniques and habits in executing the hips, and does not involve movement from the shoulder. the li9, the aiming and pull of the trigger will make it easier to Remember that for Rapid Fire and the Duel events, shooters train and develop solid coordination between these elements. should aim at the center of the target; whereas, in precision Once mastered these fundamentals can help lead to a successful events the aiming point is sub-six o’clock. +is change requires shooting career. Good luck and shoot straight. adjustments between the precision and Rapid Fire stage in Sport and Center Fire Pistol events. +e aiming starts during the second phase of the li9. Pay attention to the horizontal alignment in the beginning, and if your hand is locked the horizontal alignment will be accurate when you are really close to the aiming point. When the green light turns on, quickly transfer your focus from the light to the sights of the pistol. +e goal is to keep a clear picture of the sights so your brain can subconsciously make the adjustments for the position of the sights. A reaction cycle includes seeing, analyzing, making a decision for muscle movement, executing the movement and the /nal result. +e entire process takes approximately .02-.25 seconds. If we try to consciously control of all of our movements (balance, hand li9, aiming etc.) we are only able to accomplish four to /ve reactions in a second. Whereas subconsciously, the brain and body can perform four to /ve times more tasks in the same amount of time. In order to be successful, the best option is to continuously provide the brain with a clear picture of our sights. Another important aspect to understand is the role of the peripheral vision. While the central vision is occupied with the sights, the peripheral is accounting for the surrounding and the position of the targets. +e more obstructed the peripheral vision is, the less able the central vision is to stay focused on Figure 1: Alex Chichkov demonstrates the phases & focus for a pistol li$ in a dynamic event. the sights. To increase the peripheral vision, I recommend

WWW.USASHOOTING.ORG 13 Hold & Hold Control By Marcus Raab, Assistant National Ri!e Coach

old is a deceptively simple the ri0e also masks some aspects of the features. fundamental to describe. hold, especially follow-through. +e use of these training systems It is easy to say a good +ough expensive, computer is almost essential for top-level hold is one that has a small training systems are available on the performance as they can show such Hmovement area oriented at the reference market; notably the Scatt, Rika, Noptel /ne detail and the tiny mistakes that point (i.e., center of the target) and is and others that can record the precise elude detection other than showing stable and durable enough to allow orientation of the ri0e in relation to up as nines on the target. Even for the smooth trigger control. It is much the target. What is so eye opening developing shooter, a visual depiction more di7cult to fully de/ne hold since about these systems is that they allow of how it should be done (with the it is so interrelated to all the other the coach (and shooter) to actually opportunity to emulate the top shooters fundamentals and aspects of position, see what is happening throughout around the world) can signi/cantly physical conditioning and mental skills. the whole shot process. You can not shorten the learning curve. And it is even more challenging to only see the result of a shot a9er it has On the next page, there are Scatt actually develop and maintain a high been taken but also what happened traces (Figures 2, 3 and 4) of three quality hold for the shooter to execute while aiming at the target, both before di8erent air ri0e shooters showing the the shot. and a9er. Graphs produced from the approach and hold up to the moment of Shown below in Figure 1 are mathematical analysis of the series of the shot. +e intermediate-level shooter hypothetical holds for prone and shots can help identify problems and has little control of his or her alignment standing. While some people can hold lead to the best course of action to take with the target, forcing the ri0e toward a sight picture that appears motionless, regarding improvement. +ese systems the center as well as a larger hold area. there is always some movement even work in either a dry /re mode or may +e advanced athlete shows better in the prone position. It is o9en quite be used live /re with pellets at 10 meters control over alignment and a smaller di7cult to see this movement without and even longer ranges depending on hold area, but the trace also indicates some kind of aid. A telescopic sight which magni/es the target, for example, can show how much movement there really is in the 100 6

shooters position. Athletes must % learn to accept this movement and re 75 7 Ring execute correct trigger control essu Pr 50 8 without disturbing or negatively Zo ne in0uencing the sight picture. Even igger

Tr 25 9 the shooter has trouble seeing the entirety of the movements, 0 10 perhaps remembering only the 9 last few instants before the shot is -12 -8 -4 04812 Time in seconds /red. +is, of course, is enough to 50 Meter Prone Ri!e Idealised Shot Process know where the shot should have Figure 1 hit the target, but insu7cient to really analyze the holding ability. Previously the only tool the coach had to evaluate the holding 100 6 ability of shooters was his or her %

own eyes. You can still do that by re 75 7 Ring

standing behind the athlete and essu

Pr 50 8

lining up the edge of the barrel or Zo ne

front sight tunnel with an object igger

Tr 25 9 (e.g., another target) downrange. +e challenging part is for the 0 10 observer to stay still enough so 9 that the only movement seen is -12 -8 -4 04812 that of the ri0e muzzle. Recoil of Time in seconds 10 Meter Air Ri!e Standing Idealised Shot Process RIFLE

14 USA Shooting News RIFLE 15 ORG . HOOTING USAS . When building a shooting position position a shooting building When the body seek position to We WWW Statics and Stability and Statics accomplished by placing the body placing by accomplished the ri0e position support parts that example, For vertical planes. into a strong creating is when a carpenter installs the walls she in or he structure, the forces best resist to a vertical fashion nitely be used/nitely inde almost may and the of the structuralas elements ri0e shooting, In position. shooting courses long and guns heavy with is support bone maximizing /re, of aspect developing of important an Without hold. a good and position muscle of minimal amount some be unable would we however, tension, in the same the skeleton maintain to orientation. consideration take into must coaches body other and muscles the bones, the Additionally, organs. and structures long body, the shooter’s of proportions or legs, long short or long arms, short or the 0exibility and neck and torso short in determining a role play the joints of a speci/c shooter. for the best position the bone of the support maximize to whilestructure also minimizing best is +is force. muscle the use of some point you could no longer hold hold longer no could you point some arm your the eventually object still and where the point /nally reach would no in position remain not could it tried. Muscles, you hard how matter and will fatigue muscles, even strong way in the predictable respond not control motor the/ne ultra- needed for precisely. necessary the shot execute to do the skeleton of the bones Whereas fatigue of problem er the same 8 su not t#BMBODF t-FHBMJUZ t$PNGPSU t$POTJTUFODZ to hold? to t#POF4VQQPSU Bone Support Bone Support You have, no doubt, tried to hold tried hold to doubt, no have, You e human skeleton consists consists skeleton e human + So how does a shooter progress to to progress doesSo a shooter how Skeletal Structure and and Structure Skeletal t/BUVSBM1PJOUPG"JN"MJHONFOU What factors contribute contribute factors What of both fused and individual bones bones both fused individual of and supplemented and supported connected, and muscles tendons, ligaments, by serves that the framework as It cartilage. and muscles anchors organs, supports the brain, as such critical organs protects ering di8 of heart. array An and lungs move to types the muscles allows joint the body perform tasks. to You length. arms stillsomething at at but /rst, successful at probably were that determines success in each position. success determines that its and position a sound of e elements + are: development an elite quality hold; one that is small, is that one hold; quality elite an e most + durable? and stable centered, ability holding of critical component position. sound a biomechanically is will vary in size and e movement + with pattern movement predominant or supported with each position, stable being relatively positions sling less is while standing durable, and own its presents Each position stable. some are there Nevertheless, challenges. It all to positions. apply that principles applied are these well principles how is 1'3!4,".14& B modeling, simulation and and simulation modeling, eld that applies the laws of of laws the applies that eld & As a comparison, this Scatt trace this Scatt a comparison, As e shooting. ! ri in a part play all measurement. It is necessary to to is necessary It measurement. human performance. It is used It performance. human to gain a greater understanding understanding a greater gain to of athletic performance through through performance athletic of mechanics and physics to that of of that to physics and mechanics Biomechanics is the sport science science sport is the Biomechanics application of physics to sport, as sport, to physics of application have a good understanding of the the of understanding a good have physical principles such as motion, as motion, such principles physical resistance, momentum and friction friction and momentum resistance, is is what we all would all we would what A deep is 10! +is of lots requires it again see, to but love practice. and training e toward the center (it is is (it the center the ri0e toward force looks almost hold +is there!). already e result? + the shooter. to motionless allows the hold to settle directly into settle into directly to the hold allows the in the middle of stop and the center illustrates area e small + hold target. need no to with muscles relaxed shooter up to the moment of the shot. the shot. of the moment to up shooter of control excellent has athlete +is which alignment, positional her or his Intermediate = 8; Advanced = 9. = 8; Advanced Intermediate ri0e air elite an of the hold shows occurs when the shooter sees that the seesoccurs when that the shooter nudges and centered quite not are sights Results: the center. the ri0e toward the possibility of tensed muscles. Notice Notice muscles. tensed of the possibility that in direction changes the sharp side—this the other to overcompensate of gravity. If the walls were built at an exceeds what is acceptable balance for less than prone. Even then, the kneeling angle and there is a large snowfall that the shooting position. position is balanced between the right weighs down the roof, it is likely that the Although standing per se is not foot, the kneeling roll and le9 foot. In building would either collapse or require dangerous, there are a few pathologies prone the ri0e is balanced on the le9 additional support (the use of muscles) associated with it. One short-term arm. to remain standing. condition is orthostatic hypotension, +e same is true for shooting or low blood pressure when standing, Nervous system positions. For the body to remain stable which is caused by gravity pulling the +e human center of mass is in in the shooting position, the legs and blood into the lower part of the body. front of the ankle, with a narrow base of arms that support the ri0e must form Because the brain does not get su7cient support, consisting of only two feet. A vertical planes. +is transmits the blood supply, it can result in dizziness, truly static pose would cause a human weight of both the ri0e and body directly lightheadedness, headache, blurred to fall forward onto his or her face. In into the ground without the need to use or dimmed vision and even fainting. addition, there are constant external muscle. While the sling plays a major Longer-term conditions are sore feet, stresses (such as breezes) and internal structural role in helping support the sti8 legs and low back pain. stresses (respiration, digestion, excess prone and kneeling positions, shooters While we have been focusing water temporarily stored in the bladder, still need the bones in the proper on standing, both kneeling and prone etc.). orientation to maximize support. A require balancing as well. Kneeling has a Maintaining an erect posture relies coach must thoroughly understand larger base of support than standing but on dynamic rather than static balance, this concept and be able to identify and which requires constant adjustment correct positional errors when observed. and correction. +e nervous system +e areas that you need to pay attention continually and unconsciously monitors to are speci/c for each of the positions. our movement direction and velocity as the body’s vertical axis alternates Balance between tilting forward and backward From a biomechanics perspective, and side to side. Before each tilt reaches human balance refers to the body’s the tip-over point, the nervous system ability to maintain an upright posture counters the imbalance with a signal to by keeping the center of mass (gravity) reverse direction. +e muscle exertion positioned over the base of support required to maintain an aligned with minimal postural sway. +is may standing posture is generally minimal involve a /xed base (for standing) or a but crucial, with the muscles of the feet moving base of support (for walking or and ankles are intimately involved in regaining balance a9er a slip). Balancing balancing. +e muscles of the calves, ability can be studied using ground hips and low back also play a small role. reactions (force patterns at the foot-0oor However, recent attention has been interface), body segment kinematics devoted to the core muscles, as they (motion of upper/lower extremities) and are critical in maintaining stability. +e electromyography (electrical signature transverse abdominals, or the internal of muscles when contracting). core muscles that lie close to the spine, When discussing balance, we will function as a compression corset and only address a /xed base (in addition to provide structural support and control. the weight of the ri0e and accessories) of Dysfunction or imbalance of the core support since shooting is a static sport. muscles is also associated with back Standing, for example, is a human pain. With ri0e shooting positions being position in which the body is held one-sided, the risk of developing an upright and supported only by the imbalance in strength and/or 0exibility feet, referred to as an orthostatic state is increased. It makes sense, therefore, to as shown in Figure 5. In the case of an improve overall core muscular strength, individual standing upright quietly, the along with the legs, to help stabilize the limit of stability is de/ned as the amount standing and kneeling positions. of postural sway when balance is lost and corrective action is required. +e Figure 5 shows the support area and center Balance control limit of stability may be described by of gravity. "e man on the right shows a Controlling this dynamic an irregular conical envelope above the loss of balance when the center of gravity balancing process requires simultaneous support base. +is limit of stability far moves outside the support base. processing of inputs from multiple RIFLE 16 USA Shooting News RIFLE 17 ORG . When alignment alignment When NPA should be should NPA HOOTING correctly, the shooter the shooter correctly, will see the ri0e sights the target approach exactly the same from then and direction, exactly stop and slow the of the center on can e shot + target. then be with /red /dence. con each position but the but each position thegoal same. is every as checked shot the part of integral an process. shot whole aligned is the NPA If is not correct, the correct, not is USAS Comfort . WWW All shooting positions should should positions All shooting “How do we check NPA?” (Note: (Note: NPA?” check do we “How Check-adjust, Check-adjust, be reasonably comfortable. Some Some comfortable. be reasonably especially inevitable, is discomfort er a long 9 a or beginner training during a few within but shooting, 8 from layo the position of out getting of minutes Early disappear. should discomfort temptation is to engage the muscles to to the muscles engage to is temptation results +is the center. to the sights push away the ri as 0e willin poor move shots /red. is the shot as the center from is if the NPA a moment, for Consider, released is the shot and exactly centered the ri 0e area, the hold of the outside on the center. toward move will to tend the is +is the result. is shot A better is it until alignment checking for reason perfect. (with minimal muscle tension) and the and tension) minimal muscle (with the center exactly at points ri0e naturally not is Alignment the speci /c target. of as down and up but right, le9 and just well. NPA. several check methods to are ere + such one only is below e suggestion + method.) t3FMBYXJUIIFBEPOUIFTUPDL t$MPTFUIFFZFTPSHMBODFBXBZ t$IFDLCBMBODFNVTDMFUFOTJPO t0QFOFZFTTFFXIFSFSJĘFJTQPJOUJOH t.BLFOFFEFEBEKVTUNFOUTUFTUBHBJO perfect. is it Check until Check-adjust, for erent di8 are mechanics Adjustment Alignment en a confusing point for for point en a confusing O9 e sense of balance usually balance usually e sense+ of e third component of balance of component e third + Natural Point of Aim and and Aim of Point Natural beginners and experienced shooters experiencedbeginners and shooters (NPA) Aim of Point Natural alike, is It the target. do with to nothing has when points the ri 0e naturally where to is e objective + the body relaxed. is the ri so0e points that the position adjust when the center the target at naturally the target to Alignment body relaxed. is when the body correct is in a relaxed is structure bone by supported position deteriorates in the aging process. process. in the aging deteriorates be can improved it However, specialized of the help with considerably training. control is proprioception. It is the third the third is It proprioception. is control distinct sensory provides mode that whether the indicates and feedback ort. e8 the required with body moving is detects proprioception Additionally, the body parts of the various where each other. to in relation located are the of the bottom on Proprioceptors as sense the pressure example, for feet, of 9 in the center the shi from changes it gravity. rather than eyes open. Another example example Another open. eyes than rather ri scope0e rest or spotting a swaying is peripheral seen in a shooter’s stand, the of swaying rhythmic creating vision, shooter. Figure 6 illustrates the inner elements of the ear that contribute to balance. balance. to contribute that ear the of elements inner the 6 illustrates Figure e balance control system system e balance control + e vestibule is the region of the of the region is e vestibule + e + vision. the eyes and also for but ear, balance for visual input of importance harder is it the fact that by illustrated is eyes closed with foot one on stand to systems. An erect head position is the is head erect position An systems. just Not balance. maintaining to key in the inner the balance apparatus for are processed by the brain and the and the brain by processed are reports to compared is information the skeletal and the vestibular from visual signals are sent to the brain the brain to sent visual signals are in relation position the body’s about ese + signals surroundings. its to turn sends signals to the sends signals brain. turn to maintain to also visual utilizes input example, For balance. and orientation changed with respect to respect with to changed the stones of the displacement gravity, which in bend, to cells the hair causes called otoconia. When called When otoconia. or the tilted head is the body is position blanketed with a jelly- with blanketed with studded layer like stones calcium tiny in a straight line. line. in a straight the of cells e hair + are organs otolithic ese are calledsaccule.ese + are organs the otolithic for responsible are and detecting movement organs that are part of part of are that organs system the vestibular and the utricle are the top portion of the hair cells that are are that cells the hair of portion the top embedded in the jelly- other Two cupula. like that contains hair cells. Rotation or or Rotation cells. hair contains that uid, 0 of a 0ow the head causes of tilting of displacement causes which in turn inner ear where the semicircular canals the semicircular canals where ear inner the cochlea close to (the converge, Each semicircular canal organ). hearing portion, enlarged or a bulbed end, has while the motor system controls muscle muscle controls system while the motor balance. maintain to actions (the body’s sense of where it is in is it where sense of (the body’s of e sensesspace). + detect changes the base respectbody with to position is includes equilibrioception equilibrioception senses. includes +is in located system the vestibular (from proprioception and vision ear), the inner training sessions should be intentionally on what constitutes a legal shooting a granite statue or leaning up against an short so that the shooter can build up a position, but it never hurts to keep up to imaginary wall to resting their elbows tolerance to the pressures of the sling and date on with the /ne points of the various on imaginary tables at just the perfect kneeling roll. Pain, however, is never a rules. It would make no sense to develop height or holding themselves in the good sign and may indicate an injury or and learn a position that would be in perfect position with an imaginary corset; other problem. If the shooter is in pain, violation of the rules. Yet we see these whatever the mental key, these shooters stop immediately and apply appropriate violations too frequently. exert their will to hold still. Essentially it /rst-aid. Before allowing the shooter to For example, in the prone position, is mind over matter.

RIFLE continue, make certain that any issue has the le9 arm must form a 30 degree angle All of these images, and more, have been resolved. with the supporting surface and the sling been used successfully. It is, of course, a A good position allows normal may not the gun or shooter except very personal choice and no one should 0ow of blood between the heart, head, at the attachment points. In standing, be forced into any speci/c trick described arms and legs while shooting. Some the ri0e may touch the upper chest and here, but rather given the idea and the restriction of blood 0ow and impinging shoulder area only on the dominant side freedom to test and develop their own on the nerves of the arm may occur when of the body. And in kneeling, the roll best solution to holding still. using a sling, but that can be somewhat may not be used if the dominant foot is Of all the fundamentals, holding alleviated by wearing thick sweatshirts at more than a 45 degree angle and the the ri0e con/dently on the center of the or undergarments and a shooting jacket point of the elbow must not be more than target is the most critical for shooting with a properly adjusted sling. 10 cm over or 15 cm behind the point of success. Everything else follows from +e kneeling position can also the other. that. But without being able to execute restrict blood 0ow to the leg and also Coaches must be ever vigilant that the shot, the best hold in the world is impinge on the nerves that pass behind changes to a shooter’s position do not useless. the knee. Comfort can be improved violate the competition rules. In many in the kneeling position by spending cases, subtle adjustments made over time time in position on the kneeling roll can suddenly result in a position that is while engaged in some other activity no longer legal. Don’t let this happen to O$#!% P'&1#1'. like reading or watching television. you. "e position of the body and all of its Building up the time that the shooter can parts along with the shooters clothing and comfortably stay in position will make it Psychological accessories constitute the outer position. easier to stay focused on shooting instead Interconnectedness For example, in the standing position, the of thinking how bad their foot and ankle Holding still or hold control is as coach can observe the orientation of the hips feels. Stretching and 0exibility exercises much about the mental e8orts used to in relation to the feet and legs, the angle can also help improve overall comfort. reduce or control body movement as it of the arms, back and torso, and how the Consistency is the physical positioning. Conscious shi$ing of weight toward the target tilts the thought about correcting the aim almost pelvis and provides a shelf to rest the elbow. In ri0e shooting, we are trying to "e coach can also see how the clothing &ts place one shot on top of the other in always results in over-correction of the error and a jerky response. Movement of and whether it helps or hinders the shooter the center of the target. +e only way in obtaining the correct body position. to accomplish that task is by having a the ri0e can be somewhat controlled by turning one’s attention inside the body Essentially, it is anything and everything an solid position that allows the shooter observer can see. to continually reproduce the same shot through the inner position. Ask yourself process. Without being consistent, the questions such as: “Muscle tension, chances of performing successfully are is it correct? Where is it too much?” Breathing, as we discussed earlier, helps I..!% P'&1#1'. low. While the outer position is what the Consistency is not just shot- control emotions, relaxing both the body and mind and reduces unneeded muscle position looks like from the outside, the to-shot, or even series-to-series, but inner position, is fairly invisible to the also day-to-day. A9er the basics are tension. A small change will stand out if the background tension is low. observer. Even the shooter is not necessarily learned, next to come is the introduction aware of what the right feeling should be. and development of the shot process +e mental control of the hold, however, is more about the focused What the coach cannot see is the feeling, or routine. As the athlete enters the muscle tension and the discomfort. A competitions, a setup routine is also thought or intention of “smaller,” “slower” or “center” and will likely be more biomechanically sound position, practiced needed. It all boils down to repetition in consistently, provides feedback to the brain thought and action as trained. productive than consciously trying to correct or adjust the hold while aiming. of the correct feeling of a solid position. Legality Top-level shooters from around Ultimately, however, the ability to precisely Of course any position used in the world describe this mental control of replicate the exact same position shot-to- competition must comply with the rules. their position, and thus their hold, in a shot and day-to-day is gained over several Rulebooks are generally quite consistent wide variety of ways. From that of being years of training.

18 USA Shooting News The Team Match II™ is chambered in .45 ACP & 9mm. Slide & frame are machined from stainless steel to exacting dimensions. "e position of the body and all of its parts along with the shooters clothing and accessories constitute the outer position. For example, in the standing position, the coach can observe the orientation of the hips in relation to the feet and legs, the angle of the arms, back and torso, and how the shi$ing of weight toward the target tilts the pelvis and provides a shelf to rest the elbow. Heavy Medal "e coach can also see how the clothing &ts and whether it helps or hinders the shooter Kimber. The Choice of the USA Shooting Team. in obtaining the correct body position. Essentially, it is anything and everything an The USA Shooting Pistol Team trains for Olympic and international competitions Team Match II pistols feature an adjustable sight with positive steel-on-steel clicks for match-winning accuracy, at action matches, going head-to-head against the world’s fastest guns. They shoot ambidextrous thumb safety & Premium Aluminum ® Trigger™ that breaks clean at 4-5 pounds. a Kimber Team Match II. A match grade barrel, chamber and trigger ensure accuracy, and dependability is guaranteed by machining the finest materials to While the outer position is what the unequaled tolerances. Equally important, all work is done in Kimber’s American position looks like from the outside, the inner position, is fairly invisible to the factory. The same Team Match II is offered to the public, and $100 from each sale observer. Even the shooter is not necessarily goes to the Team. Kimber. Shoot the gold standard. aware of what the right feeling should be. What the coach cannot see is the feeling, the muscle tension and the discomfort. A biomechanically sound position, practiced consistently, provides feedback to the brain of the correct feeling of a solid position. www.kimberamerica.com Ultimately, however, the ability to precisely For information on products and dealer replicate the exact same position shot-to- locations please send $2 to: shot and day-to-day is gained over several USA Shooting Team logo grips, 30 lines-per-inch front strap Kimber, Dept. XXX checkering, beavertail grip safety & extended magazine One Lawton Street, Yonkers, NY 10705 well give a striking appearance. Information is also available at (800) 880-2418 The Choice of America’s Best.

©2010 Kimber Mfg., Inc. All rights reserved. Kimber names, logos and other trademarks may not be used without permission. Names of other companies, products and services may be the property of their respective owners. Kimber firearms are shipped with an instructional manual and California-approved cable lock. Copy of instruction manual available by request. Why Shoot Skeet? By Jaiden Grinnell

y name is Jaiden Grinnell and I’m a skeet shooter dive team during the winter season, too much time was taken on the Women’s National Shotgun Team. My job from shooting practice and I eventually gave up school sports here is to tell you why you should shoot skeet too. to focus on shooting. In order to go to matches, I missed school In order to tell functions and time with friends. youM that, let me tell you why I +at doesn’t make shooting shoot. sound like too much fun but I have been shooting don’t give up on me yet! Yes, skeet on either a USA sacri/ce is a requirement of Shooting Development Team being a successful shooter, but or USAS National Team sacri/ce is a requirement of for about six years now, so being successful in anything my career is fairly young in you set your sights on. Before comparison to some of the you say that you’re not willing other shooters on the world to give up prom or that football stage. By the time I made my game, let’s delve into what has /rst team I was just starting kept me going. high school and not quite 14 +e hard work and years old. I had tried several sacri/ce that I put into shooting school sports in the past and has helped me develop strength found that shooting was my Grinnell’s love of the game and dedication to her training propelled her of character and life experience true calling. I will be the /rst to the USA Shooting National Shotgun Team at only 19 years old. than cannot be measured. SHOTGUN to tell you that there were Traveling overseas with my many sacri/ces along my journey. Every day a9er school, I went teammates taught me responsibility, time management and self- to the to practice. Although I was on my school discipline. It was up to me to be awake and ready on time because CanterburyAutoTrench CanterburyCanterbury Trap Trap have have developed developed another another world world first, first, a a fully fully automated automated Bunker system that only requires one shooter to set up and operate. The Canterbury Auto Trench replicates a traditional 15 trap ISSF layout with simple push button controls for set up and changing between ISSF programs. The system comes complete with Voice release and control console. Additional features include multi positional practice modes and ABT/Continental/Wobble trap facility.

Canterbury Trap International www.canterburytrap.co.nz Phone: +64 3 3844524 Fax: +64 3 3844501 sometimes you and the National Coach have to be on the range targets 0y in about the same place everywhere in the world you SHOTGUN at di8erent times while overseas. +ere was a lot of growth even go, with the exception of a sti8 wind. However, this makes the a9er my /rst trip overseas, where all of these life skills came game quite a challenge because high and consistent scores are into play. the scores that win. A strong mind and quick Talking to people from di8erent eyes are necessary to shoot those kinds of states and countries is another aspect scores. A strong mind is a disciplined mind, of shooting that I would never trade. and a disciplined mind comes with practice, Some of my close friends come from coaching, and the conscious decision to the shooting world, and even before I make it that way. +e intensity of the game moved out of my parents’ house, I kept drew me to skeet because of the scores in better touch with shooters than I did necessary to win. I like a challenge and, for with friends at home. +e people I have me, skeet was the way to go. had the amazing opportunity to meet +is is not to say trap or have turned out to be my best friends will not gain you the strength of character and the best part is that we all have a and life experience discussed above. My common love for the best sport on journey has been in skeet and so that is earth. simply what I know best. Specialists in your Now, I don’t know about you, but favorite event can tell you what they gained I’m all for instant grati/cation. What from it and why they chose the event they could be better than seeing that pu8 did. As for me, I chose skeet. +e life skills of smoke as the target shatters? How and experience I have gained from shooting about the pride of hearing your national Grinnell on the podium at the 2010 World sports completely and totally vanquish any anthem play and your 0ag raised as you Shooting Championships where she won the regret for the hard work and sacri/ce I have win the gold? Or the joy of walking onto bronze medal for Junior Women’s Skeet. put in to my career. It can be summed up the /eld with USA on your back? +at’s like this: Shooting is what I do, it’s who I am, the real kicker. You represent the talent of your country. Seeing and it’s what I love. My job was to tell you why you should shoot as we happen to live in the best country ever, I must say, that’s a skeet. All I can say is as long as you’re still pulling the trigger I’ll pretty cool feeling. be happy, but I’d love to see more people be as happy as I am in So why do I shoot skeet? Seems pretty boring that the the sport I love. targets 0y in the same place every time, right? Wrong. Yes, the

CanterburyCanterbury Trap Trap have have developed developed another another world world first, first, a a fully fully automated automated U.S.A distributor Mr Bob Schultz Target Shotguns, Inc Tel: 1-800-684-6329 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.targetshotguns.com

International patent number 569677 Right: Eva Friedel (L), Jamie Beyerle (C), Li Peijing (C) and Gary Anderson (R) capture the moment a$er Beyerle’s momentus victory in Women’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position. Below: A$er astounding the crowd with a solid 10.8 &nal shot, Beyerle raises her hand in victory in surprise as she ascended from fourth place to bring home the gold medal. the athletes to Fort Benning and declared the event open for competition. +e /rst contested event was Men’s 10m Air Ri0e. +e USA Shooting Team’s Bryant Wallizer (Little Orleans, Md.) /red 596 quali/cation points to tie with seven other shooters. Wallizer entered a shoot-o8 for only three spots in the /nal. As the fourth place /nisher in the shoot-o8 with 51.1 points, Wallizer narrowly missed the opportunity to compete in the /nal. Corporal Matt Rawlings (Wharton, Texas) and Jonathan Hall :RUOG&XS (Carrollton, Ga.) both /nished with 594 quali/cation points. In Women’s 10m Air Pistol, Teresa Meyer (Dearborn, Mich.) was the highest placing American in twenty-second place with 381 points. UFor the second time in6 two years, an InternationalA Shooting Petty O7cer First Class Sandra Uptagra: (Los Angeles, Calif.) Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup made a stop on U.S. soil. In /nished with 377 quali/cation points and teammate Brenda Silva the largest ever Olympic shooting event in the United States, USA (Riverside, Calif.) shot 374 points. Shooting was the proud host to the 2011 ISSF Ri0e and Pistol World +e highlight of the event was the USA Shooting Team’s Cup USA from May 15 to 22. +e event was held at the Phillips, Jamie Beyerle (Lebanon, Pa.) and her performance in Women’s Pool and Parks Ranges of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit in Fort 50m Ri0e +ree Position. Situated in the middle of the /nal with Benning, Ga. With over 800 athletes and coaches in attendance 585 quali/cation points, Beyerle refused to accept defeat. She beat from over 70 international federations, culture and language barriers Eva Friedel of and Li Peijing of in an outstanding were challenged in pursuit of not only an ISSF World Cup medal, come-from-behind victory. Despite a three point gap from the leader but 2012 Olympic quotas as well. +ere were 24 quotas awarded (Annik Marguet of ), Beyerle forged ahead in the /nal to the top /nishers in each event. +e festivities kicked o8 at the to bury a deep ten—10.8 to be exact—for the win by just one-tenth prestigious National Infantry Museum. Attendees heard from of a point. National Ri0e Coach Major Dave Johnson said, “Jamie USA Shooting’s Board of Directors President and Vice President of has continued to build her resume and experience. She was patient the ISSF Gary in what could have been a very frustrating day in challenging wind Anderson, and that discipline paid o8 on the last shot for a dramatic gold Chief of the medal.” Beyerle /nished with 98.2 points in the /nal for 683.2 total Organizing points. +is win makes it her second ISSF World Cup medal in Committee Women’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position this year. Teammates Amanda Lindsay Brooke, Furrer (Spokane, Wash.) /nished in seventeenth place with 580 Brigadier quali/cation points and Sarah Beard (Danville, Ind.) shot 571 points. General Following Beyerle’s gold, (Selby, S.D.) climbed +eodore the podium for the USA in Men’s 10m Air Pistol. Beaman, the 2010 Martin of the Championship of the Americas gold medalist (and quota winner) in U.S. Army and this event, entered the /nal with 586 quali/cation points and shot ISSF President 100.6 points in the /nal for 686.6 total points and the bronze medal. Olegario When asked about his victory, Beaman said, “I feel like I was /nally Above: Sergeant Joe Hein shot 1175 quali&cation Vazquéz Raña as able to overcome a lot of the adversity in this sport and I now have points in Men’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position. they welcomed a solid inner con/dence that allowed me to excel today.” Teammate Right: Eva Friedel (L), Jamie Beyerle (C), Li Peijing (C) Anthony Lutz (Tonganoxie, Kan.) /nished with 571 points and Gary Anderson (R) capture the moment a$er Beyerle’s and teammate Sergeant First Class +omas Rose shot 570 momentus victory in Women’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position. points. Below: A$er astounding the crowd with a solid 10.8 &nal In Women’s 25m Sport Pistol, Petty O7cer First shot, Beyerle raises her hand in victory in surprise as she Class Sandra Uptagra: (Los Angeles, Calif.) was the ascended from fourth place to bring home the gold medal. highest placing American in thirty-eighth place with 573 points. Teammate Brenda Silva (Riverside, Calif.) /nished with 290 points and Teresa Meyer (Dearborn, Mich.) shot for 289 points. +e Men’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position event produced some of the highest scores of the competition. A9er 1172 quali/cation points, Matt Emmons (Browns Mills, N.J.) shot 50.7 points in a shoot-o8 to earn the seventh position in the /nal. Emmons shot the highest /nal of the match with 101.2 points to /nish in /9h place with a total of 1273.2 points. Teammate Sergeant Joe Hein (Mason, Mich., pictured) /red 1175 quali/cation points and 96.4 points in the /nal to /nish seventh with 1271.4 total points. Sergeant First Class Jason Above: Joao Costa (L), the USA Shooting Team’s Brian Beaman Parker (Columbus, Ga.) /nished (C) and Leonid Ekimov (R) celebrate their Men’s 10m Air with 1170 points. Pistol podium performances with American eagles and smiles. +e USA Shooting Team’s Le$: Beaman waves to the crowd in the new &nals format. Sarah Scherer (Fort Worth, Below: Matt Emmons played it cool in the Men’s 50m Ri!e Texas) narrowly missed the "ree Position &nal with the highest score of 101.2 points that /nals with 396 quali/cation bumped him up to &$h place overall. points. Scherer, who was the gold medalist (and quota winner) at the last ISSF World Cup in Changwon, /nished in ninth place. Teammate Meghann K. Morrill (Boerne, Texas) /nished in twel9h place with 396 points and Amy Sowash (Richmond, Ky.) shot 394 quali/cation points. +e action continued as the Men’s Rapid Fire Pistol /nal continued to excite the crowd on the ISSF World Cup circuit. +e USA Shooting Team’s Sergeant First Class Keith Sanderson (Colorado Springs, Colo.) of the U.S. Army’s World Class Athlete Program /nished in fourteenth place with 578 points. Teammate Emil Milev (Tampa, Fla.) /nished with 573 points and Sergeant Brad Balsley (Uniontown, Pa.) /nished with 569 points. In the Men’s 50m Ri0e Prone, the USA Shooting Team’s Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagra: (Phenix City, Ala., pictured) shot 598 quali/cation points and 101.9 points in the /nal for 699.9 total points. Uptagra: /nished in /9h place overall. Teammate Sergeant Michael McPhail (Darlington, Wisc.) shot 596 quali/cation points but missed the /nal by four- tenths of a point in a four person shoot-o8. He /red 51.4 points in the shoot-o8. Matt Emmons (Browns Mills, N.J.) shot 594 points to /nish in twentieth place. +e ISSF World Cup USA wrapped up with the Men’s 50m Free Pistol /nal. Sergeant First Class Daryl Szarenski (Saginaw, Mich.) /nished in ninth place with 559 points. Szarenski narrowly missed a shot at the /nal with 44.8 points in the shoot-o8. Teammate Jason Turner (Rochester, N.Y.) shot for 549 points. +e USA Shooting Team /nished this third leg of Ri0e and Pistol ISSF World Cup competition with appearances in four /nals and two medals. Several Above: Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagra' battled the heat in Men’s 50m Ri!e Prone. of the National Development and National Junior THE WOMEN SHINE IN BEIJING

Right: Rhode graciously accepts her silver medal and a handshake from the ISSF’s Secretary General, Franz Schreiber.

Below: Rhode &nished with a total of 96 out of 100 targets.

Photo, the ISSF © 2011

embers of the USA Shooting Team took the stage at this year’s third International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF)M World Cup in Beijing, China. +e USA’s (El Monte, Calif.) set the tone of the event with a breakout silver medal. Rhode, who had /nished with the Photo, the ISSF © 2011 gold medal at the prior ISSF World Cup in , didn’t let the wind alter her Above: Heiden sets her aim on accomplishing a new junior quali&cation world record in course for the podium. At the site of her Women’s Trap. She &nished with with 73 out of 75 targets a$er three rounds of shooting. 2008 Olympic Games silver medal victory, Below: Heiden (L) celebrates her silver medal &nish with Jessica Rossi (C) & Yi Chun (R). Rhode nailed 72 targets in the quali/cation match. In the /nal, she only dropped Athletes Frank +omspon In Men’s Double Trap, 18-year-old the high house target of the /nal pair on (Alliance, Neb.), BJ Blanchard (Vidor, Billy Crawford (Johnstown, Ohio) was station four to score 96 total targets. +e Texas) and Mark Weeks (Phenix City, the highest placing USA Shooting Team USA’s Caitlin Connor (Winn/eld, La.) Ala.) represented the stars and stripes member in sixteenth place. Crawford /nished in sixth place with 89 total targets. in the Men’s Skeet event. With tough quali/ed for the ISSF World Cup Beijing Connor shot 72 quali/cation targets, yet competition, the men didn’t qualify for a with a terri/c performance at the 2011 had di7culty with 17 targets in the /nal. spot in the /nals. +ompson /nished in USAS Spring Selection match. He USA Shooting (USAS) National Shotgun the middle of the /eld with 119 targets in /nished with 135 out of 150 targets in Teammate Jaiden Grinnell (Port Angeles, quali/cation. Blanchard and Weeks both quali/cation. Teammates Sergeant Glenn Wash.) /nished with 69 total targets. shot 117 targets overall. Eller (Katy, Texas) of the U.S. Army 24 USA Shooting News Unit shot 133 targets and Brian and to shoot a world record,” said Heiden World Cup. Sta8 Sergeant Ryan Hadden Maher (San Antonio, Texas) shot 113 in an interview with the ISSF. Teammates (Pendleton, Ore.) shot 113 targets to /nish targets. Janessa Beaman (Colorado Springs, Colo.) in the middle of the /eld. Teammate Lance Rachael Heiden (Clinton, Mich.) /nished sixteenth with 63 targets and Bade (Vancouver, Wash.) /nished with 106 put another medal on the board for the Corey Cogdell (Eagle River, Ala.) shot 60 targets. USA in the Women’s Trap competition. targets. +e USA Shooting Team le9 Beijing Heiden started things o8 by equaling the +e competition wrapped up with with a total of two medals and three junior world record in quali/cation with Collin Wietfeldt (Hemlock, Mich.) ready appearances in the /nals. +e last ISSF 73 out of 75 targets. A9er three rounds of for another shot at ISSF World Cup glory World Cup of the season will be held in shooting in strong winds, she shot 16 out in Men’s Trap. Wietfeldt /nished just one Maribor, from July 7 to 17. +e of 25 targets for a total score of 89 targets. target shy of the podium at the /rst ISSF team will also be traveling to , Heiden was tied with ’s Jessica Rossi at World Cup in Chile, and he was hungry for the 2011 ISSF World Clay Target 89 targets, which put the two in a sudden- for success. In a tough /eld, he shot 118 Championships. Don’t miss the action as death duel for the gold medal. Rossi targets—just one target shy of entering a your USA Shooting Team shotgun athletes topped Heiden a9er two targets to win the shoot-o8 for the /nals. He /nished twel9h /ght for Olympic quota places and glory on gold medal. “It feels great to win a medal, overall with his sights set on the next ISSF the international stage. “+e USA Shooting Team le9 Beijing with a total of two medals and three appearances in the /nals.”

Right: Rhode graciously accepts her silver medal and a handshake from the ISSF’s Secretary General, Franz Schreiber.

Below: Rhode &nished with a total of 96 out of 100 targets.

Photo, the ISSF © 2011

Photo, the ISSF © 2011 CHANGWON ISSF WORLD CUP Photo, the ISSF © 2011 Above: 2008 Olympian Keith Sanderson remained focused and calm for a &nal of 28 hits to win the silver medal and 2012 Olympic quota.

+e USA Shooting Team’s brought both youth and experience to the /ring lines in Changwon, Korea, for the second International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup of the season.

+e USA Shooting Team’s brought both youth and experience machine. I was impressed with her control and determination to to the /ring lines in Changwon, Korea, for the second International stay with the things she knew she had to focus on to be successful. Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup of the season. +e Congratulations to her and TCU Coach Karen Monez!” event began with the Men’s 10m Air Ri0e /nal. +e Americans Not only is this a tremendous accomplishment for Scherer, just missed a shot—or ten shots—in the /nals by only one point. but a victory for the USA as she also brought home a much- Corporal Matt Rawlings (Wharton, Texas) /nished with 594 needed 2012 Olympic quota for Women’s 10m Air Ri0e. In an ISSF quali/cation points. Teammates Bryant Wallizer (Little Orleans, interview, Scherer said, “It has been my /rst time in a /nal, and Md.) shot 593 points and Matt Wallace (Fairbanks, Alaska) scored it was a bit intimidating to shoot shoulder to shoulder with these 586 points. experienced athletes. But I have been training hard to get here, A9er wrapping up her sophomore year at Texas Christian so I was quite con/dent. It feels great to win a quota place for my University (TCU) in May, 20-year-old Sarah Scherer (Fort Worth, country.” Teammate Meghann K. Morrill (Boerne, Texas) shot 396 Texas) won the /rst Women’s 10m Air Ri0e quota for the USA. In quali/cation points and entered an eight-way shoot-o8 for one of a near-perfect performance, Scherer shot 398 quali/cation points. three spots in the /nal. In /ve shots, Morrill tallied 50.1 points to Only ’s Agnieska Nagay marked a score that high. Against /nish in tenth place. (Fair/eld, Conn.) /nished in the the 30-year-old and two-time Olympian, Scherer’s con/dence middle of the /eld with 393 points. and hold didn’t falter. She shot the highest /nal of 103.5 points Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagra: (Phenix City, Ala.) won in her /rst ISSF World Cup /nals competition. Scherer /nished his second ISSF World Cup medal of the season in Men’s 50m the match with 501.5 total points, winning by one point. National Ri0e Prone. Earlier this year, he secured an Olympic quota for the Ri0e Coach Major Dave Johnson said, “Sarah was a focused USA at the /rst ISSF World Cup leg in Sydney in late March with

26 USA Shooting News his /rst silver of the season. Firing a solid 596 points in quali/cation in Changwon, Uptagra: entered the /nal in second place and didn’t give an inch as he shot 103.6 points in the /nal for another silver medal. As the number two ranked Men’s 50m Ri0e Prone shooter in the world, Uptagra: delivered a terri/c performance in Changwon. Teammate Sergeant Joseph Hein (Mason, Mich.) /nished with 592 quali/cation points and missed the /nal by one point. Sergeant Michael McPhail (Darlington, Wisc.) also shot for 592 points. Sergeant First Class Keith Sanderson (Colorado Springs, Above: Agnieska Nagay (L), Sarah Scherer (C) and Colo.) of the U.S. Army’s World Ivana Maksimovic (R) pose for a victory shot a$er their Class Athlete Program continued terri&c performances in Women’s 10m Air Ri!e. to add to the medal count for the Right: Scherer found success in her &rst ISSF &nal. USA with a silver medal in Men’s Below: Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagra' signals a Rapid Fire Pistol. Sanderson shot thumbs-up performance. He &nished with his second 581 quali/cation points to earn silver medal of the 2011 ISSF World Cup season in a spot in the /nal. Outlasting the Men’s 50m Ri!e Prone. competition, Sanderson entered the /nal with 1168 quali/cation and the Czech Republic’s points and shot for 98.2 points in the /nal for seventh HANGWON Martin Podhrasky were place at 1266.2 total points. Fellow American Matt C le9 in a duel for the gold Wallace (Fairbanks, Alaska) /nished in the middle of medal in the new Men’s the /eld with 1153 quali/cation points. Rapid Fire Pistol /nal With over 500 athletes from 58 di8erent format. Athletes qualify federations, the ISSF World Cup Changwon provided ISSF WORLD CUP for the /nal, and then sti8 competition from powerhouses such as China and enter the /nal with zero Serbia. At the second leg of international ri0e/pistol points. +ey earn points competition, the USA Shooting Athletes performed through a series of hit— to pick up two very important quotas—Women’s shots that score 9.7 points 10m Air Ri0e and Men’s Rapid Fire Pistol. +e Team or better-and advance /nished second in overall medal standings, behind with the highest number China, with two silver medals and one gold medal. of hits. Podhrasky scored 32 hits to Sanderson’s 28 hits for the gold. Sanderson, however, not only won the silver medal but the /rst Men’s Rapid Fire Pistol quota for the USA. Teammate Emil Milev (Temple Terrace, Fla.) /nished in eighteenth place with 575 quali/cation points. In Women’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position, Sandy Fong (New York, N.Y.) /nished in twenty-/rst place with a quali/cation score of 574 points. Olympic Training Center Resident Athlete, Amy Sowash (Richmond, Ky.) shot 572 quali/cation points. In Men’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position, Sergeant Joseph Hein (Mason, Mich.) T,! Y'$.6 T"(!.# '- #,! ;<== NJOSC

of Kentucky freshman Emily Holsopple (Wilcox, Pa.) took home top honors with national titles in both events. In Women’s 10m Air Ri0e, Holsopple entered the /nal with 791 quali/cation points undreds of junior shooters 0ocked to the U.S. Olympic a9er the two day competition. She shot 103.1 points in the /nal Training Center from March 30 to April 16 for the for a total of 894.1 points to win by /ve-tenths of a point. +e National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships silver medalist was Texas Christian University’s (TCU) Sarah (NJOSC). Athletes were invited to participate based on Beard (Danville, Ind.) with 789 quali/cation points. Beard shot Hperformance at State Junior Olympic events. All Olympic ri0e and the highest /nal—an impressive 104.6 points—for a total of 893.6 pistol events were contested over three separate week-long phases points. Beard’s TCU teammate Sarah Scherer (Fort Worth, Texas) of men’s ri0e, women’s ri0e and pistol competition. USA Shooting’s brought home the bronze medal with 790 quali/cation points and National Junior Olympic Program Coordinator, Nicole Levine, said, 103 points in the /nal for 893 total points. Both Holsopple and “It is nice to see the level of competition increase year a9er year. Beard rea7rmed their positions on the National Junior Ri0e Team Our young shooters’ talent continuously amazes me every Junior (Scherer is a member of the National Ri0e Team). Olympic match we run. With each new national junior record Holsopple continued her terri/c performance in the Women’s shot, the outstanding achievements and the growth of our sport are 50m Ri0e +ree Position event. She entered the /nal with a two exciting and impressive.” +e event was held at the famed Olympic point lead at 1170 points and sealed the deal with 98.5 points in Shooting Center located on the Olympic Training Complex—the the /nal. She /nished with 1268.5 total points and the gold medal. home of many ri0e and pistol champions. Scherer scored the silver medal with 1168 quali/cation points and +e match kicked o8 with sti8 competition in Women’s 99.7 points in the /nal for 1267.7 total points. She edged out bronze 10m Air Ri0e and Women’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position. University medalist Libby Tallberg (Stratford, Conn.) by just eight-tenths of Opposite Page L: Gold medalist Emily Holsopple rests between shots in Women’s 10m Air Ri!e. C: Men’s 10m Air Pistol Champion Will Brown R: Gold medalist Connor Davis focuses on the o%-hand &nal in Men’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position. Bottom: Silver medalist (L) Alexander Rivera & gold medalist (R) Samuel Muegge prepare for the Men’s 50m Ri!e Prone &nal. a point. Tallberg, a J2 competitor, shot an outstanding 1167 points in quali/cation and the highest /nal of 99.9 points for a total of 1266.9 points. In Men’s 10m Air Ri0e, Samuel Muegge (Boling, Texas) entered his /rst air ri0e /nal ever and earned the gold medal. Muegge, a freshman at Jacksonville State University, /red 1180 match points and 100 points in the /nal only did he bring home the gold medal, but a new national junior for the win by two-tenths of a point. Hot on his heels was Micahel record as well. Muegge shot an impressive 1191 quali/cation points Matthews (, Ga.) with 1279.8 total points. Matthews, a and 104.2 points in the /nal for 1295.2 points. Alexander Rivera freshman at the United States Military Academy, shot for the silver (Kendall Park, N.J.) was the silver medalist with 1193 quali/cation with 1178 points and a solid /nal of 101.8 points. Max Burkhardt, a points and 101.3 points in the /nal for a total of 1294.3 points. +e senior at Denver East High School, /nished with the bronze medal bronze medalist was Brad Driscoll (Hudson, N.H.), a sophomore at and 1274.8 total points (1173+101.8). the University of the Science Assistant National Ri0e Coach Marcus in Philadelphia, Pa. Driscoll Raab awarded Muegge and Matthews /red 1188 quali/cation points spots on the National Junior Ri0e and 101 points in the /nal for Team. a total of 1289 points. Connor Davis (Shelbyville, Ky.) +e high-scores took a six point lead headed into continued as Olympic Men’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position. He Training Center Resident followed it up with 99.8 points in the Athlete Will Brown (Twins /nal for the gold medal and national Falls, Idaho) created some title with 2428.8 points. Davis, a separation in the /eld. Brown junior at Shelby County High School, shot 1149 quali/cation points was also named to the National Junior and 100.4 points in the /nal Ri0e Team. +e silver medalist was to win the Men’s 10m Air the Men’s 10m Air Ri0e Champion, Pistol event with 1249.4 Samuel Muegge, with 2422 total points points. Marshall Matters of (2323+99). Cody Enders (Dauphin, Above: "e athletes of the Women’s 25m Pistol &nal pose with USAS Rapid City, S.D., made his Pa.) shot up two points in the /nal President Gary Anderson. "e &nalists had a special surprise as the /rst NJOSC performance a to claim the bronze medal with 2311 entire USAS Board of Directors took a meeting break to catch the action. medal-worthy one with the quali/cation points and 96.5 points in silver medal. Matters shot the /nal for 2407.5 total points. Middle: "e Junior Men’s 25m Sport Pistol medalists (L) Marshall Matters, (C) Joseph Totts and (R) Alexander Chichkov. 1110 quali/cation points Muegge also shot his way into and 96.4 points in the /nal the Men’s 50m Ri0e Prone /nal. Not Below: "e Women’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position All-Star Team. for 1206.4 points. Matters was named to the National Junior Pistol Team for his terri/c performance. +e bronze medalist was Grant Adams of Manhattan, Kan., with an even 1200 total points (1109+91). In an exciting /nish, Shelby Cammack (Sturgis, S.D.) overtook Kylie Gagnon (Bozeman, trap 4.187x10.875 advert:Layout 1 19/4/11 09:51 Page 2


Mont.) for the gold medal. Gagnon entered the /nal with a six point lead, but Cammack shot an outstanding 96.7 point /nal to JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2011 JOURNAL 11 tie Gagnon with 827.7 points. Cammack sealed the victory with a 9.6 point shot in the sudden death shoot-o8. Gagnon /nished with the silver medal and 827.7+8.2 points. Cammack was awarded a USA Shooting Team jacket and named to the National Junior Pistol Team. Taylor Gallegos (Prosper, Texas) /nished with MARCH - APRIL 2011 JOURNAL 12 822.5 points (730+92.5) for the bronze medal. +e 2011 NJOSC concluded with men’s and women’s .22 caliber pistol competition. In Junior Men’s Sport Pistol, Joseph Totts of Randolph, Ohio, won the gold medal with 755.3 total points. Totts, a freshman at Ohio State University, shot 560 match points and the highest /nal of 195.3 points. +e silver medalist was Matters, who /red 749 total points (558+191). Alexander Photo, the ISSF © 2011 Chichkov (Temple Terrace, Fla.), son of Assistant National Pistol Coach Vladimir Chichkov, won the bronze medal with 746.3 total points (557+189.3). In the Women’s Sport Pistol event, Starlin Shi (Potomac, Md.) won top honors with 551 quali/cation points and the highest /nal of 194.5 points for a total of 745.5 points. +e silver medalist was Kimberly Hullings of Matawan, N.J. with 545 quali/cation points and 193.6 points in the /nal for 738.6 total

MAY - JUNE 2011 JOURNAL 13 points. Both Shi and Hullings were named to the National Junior Pistol Team as a result of their top performances. Cammack, the Women’s 10m Air Pistol Champion, took the bronze medal in Women’s Sport Pistol with 721 total points (541+180).

Above: (L) Kylie Gagnon, (C) Shelby Cammack and (R) Taylor Gallegos celebrate their excellent matches in Women’s 10m Air Pistol. Below: (L) Samuel Muegge, (C) Connor Davis and (R) Cody Enders treated the crowd to an exciting Men’s 50m Ri!e "ree Position &nal.

ORDER YOUR REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY www.trapshootingusa.com May: Sarah Scherer

USA Shooting would like to recognize Sarah Scherer (Fort Worth, Texas) as the ELEY Athlete of the Month. Scherer recently topped the podium at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup in Changwon, Korea. She shot an outstanding 398 points in her /rst international ISSF World Cup and followed it up with a strong 103.5 /nal. In addition to her gold medal performance, Scherer also won a 2012 Olympic quota spot in Women’s 10m Air Ri0e for the USA. Prior to Korea, Scherer competed at the National Junior Olympic Championships in Colorado Springs where she /nished with two silver medals in Women’s 10m Air Ri0e and Women’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position. She 0ew back to Fort Worth, Texas, for one day to take a history exam (which she passed with 0ying colors) and then departed for Korea. “Winning a quota for our country is the greatest honor. I am thankful to God for giving me that performance and my families, coaches and friends for supporting me. What a fun experience!” said Scherer when asked about the ISSF World Cup in Korea. Scherer is a member of the National Ri0e Team and the Texas Christian University (TCU) Horned Frogs Ri0e Team and also recently completed her sophomore year at TCU. USAS congratulates Scherer on a terri/c April.


June: Jamie Beyerle

It should come as no surprise that the ELEY Athlete of the Month for June is recent International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup USA gold medalist Jamie Beyerle (Lebanon, Pa.). As the top ranked Women’s 50m Ri0e +ree Position shooter in the world, Beyerle took the lead with an astounding 10.8 /nal shot that put her on top of the podium in Georgia. When asked about her ELEY Athlete of the Month nod, Beyerle said, “+e ISSF World Cup in Fort Benning is always an exciting one since it is home to me and nothing is better than winning on your home soil.” Beyerle shot 585 quali/cation points to enter the /nal as the fourth ranked shooter. Beyerle surged ahead of the competition with a strong /nal of 98.2 points. National Ri0e Coach Major Dave Johnson said, “Jamie has been putting the world on notice that she will be a top contender in London. She has won the gold in four out of the last /ve ISSF World Cups and World Cup Finals; her long term hard work and perseverance continues to pay o8.” USA Shooting would like to congratulate Jamie Beyerle for her hard work and wish her continued success. Beyerle is pictured above with ELEY’s Dan Olley. USAS & The Bluffs Team up For Family Shoot By Tom Harris

ow about 18 holes with the reigning Masters champion? A tennis match against the Wimbledon winner? Or a round of clays with World Cup-medalist shotgun shooters? Some Hmight consider it futile. But Wendel Crowe thought it sounded like fun. Crowe, a Wild Sheep Foundation member from Covington, Ga., purchased the unusual opportunity at a Wild Sheep Show auction. A three-day hunting and shooting outing was fully donated by +e Blu8s, a premier wing-shooting club near Byers, Colo. +e Blu8s o8ers pheasant and upland game hunting as well as /ve-stand clay shooting. +e USA Shooting Team sweetened the pot by o8ering the winning bidder a chance to shoot with some of the best international shotgunners in the U.S. In April, Mr. and Mrs. Crowe, along with their son and grandson, joined World Cup medalists and USA Shooting Team members Caitlin Connor, Jaiden Grinnell and Frank +ompson. +e elite shooters are Resident Athletes at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in nearby Colorado Springs. Were the Crowes hopelessly overmatched? Delightfully, no. Competitiveness aside, the Crowe family— especially grandson Brelan—and the Team members shared an unforgettable day of clay shooting, hunting and instruction. USA Shooting would like to thank the Wendel Crowe family and +e Blu8s for being part of an enjoyable event.

Above: Resident Athletes Jaiden Grinnell, Caitlin Connor and Frank "ompson o%er shooting tips to young Brelan Crowe. Below: A$er a fun day hunting, the USAS, Blu%s and Crowe group poses for a commemorative shot. USAS & The Bluffs Team up ARE YOU A NATURALLY TALENTED SHOOTER WANTING TO IMPROVE? With hard work and professional guidance I can help you reach your peak performance...... Silvino Lyra is a 1999 USA/NRA International Advanced Shooting Coach who has coached gold and silver medalists at the Pan American Games and 5 Olympians in the 2000 & 2004 Olympic Games in the 10m air pistol element of Modern Pentathlon......

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USAS Announces Assistant National Coaches

USA Shooting is pleased to announce the new Assistant Doucette, Steve Faught and Eric Pueppke, a trio of hard-workers National Coaches. +e Assistant National Coaches work alongside from Nouth Dakota. +ey are working to establish the pipeline of the National Coaches to help develop junior talent, support National junior shooters. Team members and promote the shooting sports. +e Assistant National Ri0e Coaches are Marcus Raab, +omas +e Assistant National Shotgun Coaches are Joe Bernolfo, Tamas and Ernie Vande Zande. Raab, the National Coach Training Tommy Browning, Todd Graves and Dwayne Weger. Bernolfo was for Ri0e and Pistol for the National Ri0e Association, has been a the /rst Level 4 Certi/ed Coach in the nation and is a long-time key developer and instructor in the National Coach Development established coach. He primarily works with the Resident Athletes Sta8 program that has led to a tremendous increase in coaching at the Olympic Training Center. Tommy Browning is a National knowledge and skills from the grass roots level on up. Raab also has Sporting Clays champion. He has been instructing sporting clays and a long competitive background in multiple events. National Ri0e international events for over 10 years. Todd Graves is a four-time Coach Major Dave Johnson credits Raab for much of the junior Olympian and the 2000 Olympic bronze medalist in Men’s Skeet. team’s success over several years, which culminated in the 2010 gold He has won world cup medals in all Men’s shotgun events—trap, medal World Championship performance by the junior women’s double trap and skeet. Graves is a retired Sergeant First Class from smallbore team. Tamas was one of the top ri0e shooters in the USA the U.S. Army and is now coaching full-time. Dwayne Weger was a in Men’s Prone. He was a world champion, world cup medalist competitive shooter for many years and was the 2008 U.S. Olympic and multiple-time world record holder. He is a tireless teacher and Team Leader. Weger coaches shooting at USAS Certi/ed Training mentor for the USAMU International Ri0e Team. Vande Zande Center Willawalla Creek Shooting Center. has been a long time coach, competitor, manager and promoter of +e Assistant National Pistol Coaches are Ray Arrendondo Olympic style shooting sports. He challenges athletes to think and and Vladimir Chichkov. Arrendondo was an 1988 Olympian in learn, and most importantly, follow through on tasks and skills. Men’s Rapid Fire Pistol and is currently the head Pistol Coach at the Vande Zande was also a world record holder in men’s prone. U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit in Fort Benning, Ga. Arredondo is +e Assistant National Paralympic Coach is Tom Monto, a very responsible and organized—he helps with training, planning Level 4 Certi/ed Coach for both ri0e and pistol. Monto has been and coordination for the elite USAMU athletes. Chichkov is very the head coach at Riverside Shooting Club for 25 years where he has passionate about the shooting sports. He is a long-time pistol coach helped develop some of the top juniors in the country. He has been and gi9ed in the technical aspects of training. Chichkov is currently involved in shooting for over 50 years and with disabled shooting for working to enhance the USA’s sport pistol and rapid /re pistol events. the last seven years where he still competes at a high level. He also helps supervise the National Junior Assistant Coaches—Russ NEWS & PERFORMANCE REPORTS

Lindsay Brooke Steps Down as USA Shooting Competition Manager USA Shooting would like to thank Lindsay Brooke for her many years of service to the shooting sports. Brooke has been with USA Shooting since 2005, /rst as an intern, then Competitions Assistant and currently as the Competitions Manager. She will be moving on to pursue higher education with a specialization in Sports Administration. Brooke oversaw the coordination and execution of countless events—including two ISSF Ri0e and Pistol World Cups, U.S. Olympic Trials, National Championships, Winter Airgun Championships and Selection Matches. USA Shooting would like to wish Lindsay continued success for the future. Nicole Levine, current Junior Olympic Program Coordinator, will assume duties as Competitions Director upon Lindsay’s August departure.

Ruger Continues to Support the USA Shooting Team An online auction of nine collectible Ruger /rearms has netted an $18,250 gi9 from the /rearm company to the USA Shooting Team. Ruger execs presented a check to the team during the recent NRA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh. “Some of the /rearms were consecutively numbered pairs le9over from government contracts and stored in foil wrap for more than 30 years. Others were low serial number guns from popular Ruger lines. All were rare enough to generate considerable interest from buyers,” said Buddy DuVall, executive director of the USA Shooting Team Foundation. +e guns were auctioned at GunBroker.com. DuVall said Ruger is a longtime and generous supporter of the USA Shooting Team. Pictured from L to R: Ruger’s Vice President of Sales & Marketing Chris Killoy, BJ Blanchard, Kelsey Zauhar, Caitlin Connor, Garrett Walters, Jaiden Grinnell, Jake Turner and Ruger’s CEO Michael Fifer.

#e USA Shooting Team wrapped up the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Shooting World Cup in Alicante, Spain, with an appearance in the /nals and multiple athletes achieving a minimum qualifying score (MQS). Sergeant First Class Josh Olson (Spokane, Wash.) /nished in seventh place in R6 Mixed 50m Ri0e Prone. Olson shot 586 qualifying points and 100.1 points in the /nal for 686.1 total points. Olson also captured a MQS for the R6 event. Teammate Kisha Makerney (Fort Townson, Okla.) /red 583 points in quali/cation and accomplished her /rst MQS for the R6 event. Mike Dickey (Tra8ord, Ala.) shot 570 points to achieve his second R6 MQS, which makes Dickey eligible for the London 2012 Paralympic Games if a quota is won or awarded. USA Shooting Nationals and the IPC Shooting World Cup USA (October 3 to 9) are both IPC sanctioned events. Eric Hollen (Colorado Springs, Colo.) /nished in twenty-fourth place in the P1 Men’s 10m Air Pistol event with 552 points.

At last February’s PTO Match, the Sill Lyra Air Pistol Shooting Academy located in Boise Idaho, had the privilege to receive a unique family, totally dedicated to the shooting sports: the Brown family. Coach Dan Brown, his wife and amazing shooter Susan, the skilled Wyatt, medalist at the Junior Olympics, and Will Brown, member of the USAS Development Team all came to compete. Driving a round trip distance of 300 miles, this dedicated family demonstrated that they have no limits to succeed and improve in our sport. Traveling to Boise, Blackfoot (Idaho), Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and very soon to the Nationals in Fort Benning, this family is a shining example of dedication and participation to all our community of shooters. It was an honor to have them here at the Academy.” FROM YOUTH PROGRAMS & ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT Visit your local CTC for Elite facilities, What is a CTC? coaching and more! By Michael "eimer

SA Shooting (USAS) has +e CTCs are good for S,'#6$. established a program beginners, too. +e CTCs run Willawalla Creek Shooting Center that identi/es clubs various programs that help introduce Saint Jo, Texas with excellent facilities, Olympic and non-Olympic shooting Email: [email protected] Ucoaches and training programs sports. Not all junior shooters want for both the training of aspiring to commit to an Olympic dream. We Olympic athletes and development want all junior shooters to learn gun Ben Avery Shooting Facility/Clay Target Ctr. of certi/ed coaches. safety and enjoy the shooting sport Phoenix, Ariz. We have designated these of their choice—whether it is for Website: http://www.azgfd.gov/outdoor_recreation/ special clubs as Certi/ed Training recreation or competition. ben_avery.shtml Centers (CTC). Originally we called CTCs have access to them Regional Training Centers grants from USA Shooting that Youth Int’l Shotgun Training Coalition, Inc., (RTC), but we want to expand these support Olympic athlete and Muncy Valley, Pa. CTCs across the country and not coach development. +is is a new Contact Les Greey at [email protected] just limit them to arbitrary regions. opportunity for our CTCs that began +e CTCs receive various bene/ts in 2011. We encourage our CTCs to from USA Shooting to include grants host Junior Olympic Development Buckeye International Junior Shooting Sports, Inc., to help train Olympic athletes and Camps (JODCs), coach certi/cation Cardinal Shooting Center coaches. courses, assist with travel for selected Marengo, Ohio Currently, we have ten CTCs high potential Olympic athletes to Website: www.buckeyeinternational.org across the country; there are three competitions and JODCs, assist with that are focused on ri0e and pistol coach travel to competitions and our Gator Trap and Skeet Club and seven that are focused on the bi-annual Coach Conference here Gainsville, Fla. shotgun sports. +ough we don’t at the Olympic Training Center in Website: www.gatorskeetandtrap.com have a CTC in every state or multiple Colorado Springs. locations in the larger states, we are Because of where you reside, South Georgia Youth Shooting and Bridge Creek working toward identifying more you may not be able to train at one CTCs that will support aspiring of our CTCs every day, but you Clays Olympic athletes across the country. should consider traveling to a CTC Harts/eld, Ga. Our CTCs not only provide for access to one of their certi/ed Email: [email protected] training for athletes and run coaches, training camps or USAS sanctioned competitions to test their sanctioned matches. +is will keep Tucson Trap and Skeet Club learning and skills, but they are also your travel expenses down and Tucson, Ariz. committed to developing coaches begin to give you visibility with the Website: www.tucsontrapandskeet.com for our Olympic level athletes. For CTC coaches and USA Shooting. parents and volunteers who want As your skills and success increase, to learn more about the Olympic you may be invited to JODCs and R1-(!/P1&#'( shooting sports and/or elevate their national competitions at the Olympic Los Angeles Ri"e & Revolver Club coaching skills, please contact one Training Center. Anaheim, Calif. of the CTCs to learn more about If you are one of the few that Website: www.larrclub.org a coach certi/cation course. You want to pursue the Olympic dream, can also go to the National Ri0e and are willing to work hard, train Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association Association (NRA) Training & hard and compete with the best, the Palmyra, Pa. Education web site (http://www. CTCs can help you get there. nrahq.org/education/training/ Website: www.palmyrasportsmens.com coaching/coach_training_schools. asp) to /nd other locations around Ole Mill Range Complex the country that host coach Gri7n, Ga. certi/cation courses. Website: www.olemillrangectc.com P!"#"$%"& B':

Competitions are listed in order by date. For speci"c information on a particular event, please visit ww.usashooting.org >>competitions>>interactive calendar and browse our upcoming events or call the event organizer listed. 07/23/2011- USAS National Junior Olympic Colorado Springs, Colo. Shotgun Nicole Levine 719.866.4882 07/29/2011 Shooting Championships for Shotgun 08/04/2011- 2011 USA Shooting Northwest Blackfoot, Idaho Pistol Randy Shikashio 208.785.4860 08/07/2011 Regional 08/06/2011- Coyote Point United States Air & Free Enrique Marchetti 650.799.5521 08/06/2011 Pistol 08/07/2011- Purple Heart 100- Buckeye Marengo, Ohio Trap Hal Hare 614.501.8535 08/07/2011 International 08/07/2011- August Moose Air Pistol Richmond, Va. Air Pistol Owen Peters 804.920.2795 08/07/2011 League 08/16/2011- August 600/400 PTO AR/AP Oklahoma City, Okla. Air Pistol, Air Charles Meloy 405.834.3020 08/16/2011 Ri!e 08/16/2011- Sill Lyra Shooting Academy Boise, Idaho Air Pistol, PPP Silvino Lyra 719.440.6159 08/18/2011 September PTO 08/19/2011- Sill Lyra Shooting Academy Boise, Idaho Air Pistol, PPP Silvino Lyra 719.440.6159 08/21/2011 August PTO 08/20/2011- Liberty Cup International Cortlandt Manor, N.Y. Skeet Ed Gruetzner 914.747.4463 08/21/2011 08/20/2011- August Machias International Machias, Maine Air Pistol Margaret Slack 207.255.0701 08/20/2011 Air Pistol Indoor PTO 08/21/2011- August International Pistol Arcadia, Okla. Free Pistol Charles Meloy 405.834.3020 08/21/2011 Match 08/21/2011- Chabot Air Pistol and Free Anthony Regional Park Pistol Rodolfo Soncuya 707.290.6142 08/21/2011 Pistol 08/27/2011- USA Shooting PTO LAR&R CTC, South El Ri!e- 3P and Kevin Sui 626.400.8228 08/27/2011 Monte, Calif. Prone 08/27/2011- USAS Zone 2 Championships Keystone Shooting Park Trap Allen Chubb, Jr. 717.903.9009 08/28/2011 & PA State Championships 08/27/2011- USA Shooting Northeast Richmond, Va. Air Pistol Owen Peters 804.920.2795 08/28/2011 Regional Championships 09/04/2011- September Moose Air Pistol Richmond, Va. Air Pistol Owen Peters 804.920.2795 09/04/2011 League 09/09/2011- Ohio State International Trap Fair!eld Sportsmen’s Trap Russ Verkamp 513.738.8020 09/11/2011 Championships Association 09/10/2011- Northeast Regional Skeet Cortlandt Manor, N.Y. Skeet Ed Gruetzner 914.747.4463 09/11/2011 Championships 09/17/2011- September International Pistol Phoenix, Ariz. Pistol Donald Plante 480.855.0002 09/17/2011 09/17/2011- PTO Registered Outdoor Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Pistol Patricia Zidek 845.226.8823 09/17/2011 International Match 09/17/2011- September Machias Machias, Maine Air Pistol Margaret Slack 207.255.0701 09/17/2011 International Air Pistol Indoor PTO 09/18/2011- September International Pistol Arcadia, Okla. Free Pistol Charles Meloy 405.834.3020 09/18/2011 Match 09/20/2011- September 600/400 PTO AR/ Oklahoma City, Okla. Air Pistol, Air Charles Meloy 405.834.3020 09/20/2011 AP Ri"e 09/22/2011- USA Shooting Shotgun Fall Kerrville, Texas Shotgun Jack Burch II 830.995.5118 10/02/2011 Selection Match: First Leg of the U.S. Olympic Trials 09/23/2011- UPMS September Pistol and Salt Lake City, Utah Pistol Brian Obert 801.867.8158 09/25/2011 Ri"e PTO 09/24/2011- Champion of Champions Fort Benning, Ga. Pistol and Ri"e Nicole Allaire 706.545.2343 09/30/2011 09/24/2011- Oktoberfest Classic & Donald Keystone Shooting Park Trap Allen Chubb, Jr. 717.903.9009 09/25/2011 S. Haldeman Memorial


Hundreds of Olympic and Paralympic Hopefuls are training to represent the United States on the world stage at the London Like us on Facebook 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. These athletes are focused on reaching their highest potential. And they need Facebook.com/USOlympicTeam YOUR support to get there. Facebook.com/USParalympics Simply join the U.S. Olympic Team on Facebook. You can donate to Team USA directly on Facebook, chat with elite

athletes, learn about Olympic Sports and more. corporation United States Olympic Committee, a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit © 2011

Like USA Shooting on Facebook or visit usashooting.org to learn more about the USA Shooting athletes training for London 2012. (from left to right: Jamie Beyerle, Matt Emmons, Kim Rhode and the 2010 World Champion Men’s Prone Rifle Team) 2011 SCTP JODC By Tom Wondrash

“Oh my gosh . . . I’m going Championships held July 2010 at the to the Olympic Training Center World Recreation & Shooting Facility in (OTC) in Colorado Springs!” +ose Sparta, Ill. +ey were the top athletes in were the words spoken by 22 of the their respective disciplines. Scholastic Clay Target Program’s +e Junior Olympic Development (SCTP) top trap and skeet shooters Camp (JODC) was put together by the from around the country. SCTP national training team’s leader, +ose athletes consisted Chuck Peterson. Attending and leading of: Logan Voyles (Co8een, Ill.), the coaching and training clinics were Hunter Rich (Dandridge, Tenn.), Craig Hancock, Tom Wondrash and Ryan Gallagher (Lamoille, Nev.), Mike Borg. Also assisting in the training Grant Baldwin (Simi Valley, Calif.), was Jim Dickerson and John Oglivy. Luke Beardsley (Glen Rock, Pa.), All attendees stayed at the Logan Napoli (House Springs, residence halls at the OTC. +ey also Mo.), Andrew Simpson (Piasa, had the opportunity to meet Resident Ill.), Andrew Schwab (Carlinville, "e SCTP JODC group poses in front of the Olympic Athletes and members of the USA Ill.), Jared James (Elko, Nev.), rings at the U.S. Olympic Training Center (OTC). "e aspiring Shooting Team Corey Cogdell, Collin Ethan Kerr (Burlington, Wisc.), Olympians experienced the life of a Resident Athlete at the OTC. Wietfeldt and Jon Michael McGrath. +e Jon Di/lippo (California, Pa.), JODC was a great weekend. +e kids Hughston Hodges (Hamilton, Ga.), Ryan Smithart (Oskaloosa, Ia.), shot well and learned about the path to become an Olympic athlete. Cody Bentley (Hamilton, Ga.), Holden Hu8 (Scottsdale, Ariz.), +e athletes will be talking about this opportunity until the JODC Robert King (Brownsville, Tenn.), Joshua Crankshaw (North Platte, next year. +anks to all who made this a memorable and successful Neb.), Print Zutavern (Broken Bow, Neb.), Steven Grant (Ansley, event. +e SCTP is a national youth development program and the Neb.), Robert Kline (Edinburg, Va.), William +omas (West Des o7cial Youth Clay target Shooting and Development Program of Moines, Ia.) and James Barnard (Ballwin, Mo.). USA Shooting. To learn more about youth clay target shooting you +ese athletes were chosen from the SCTP’s National can visit the SCTP website at www.sssfonline.org.


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AA_generic_USAshooting.indd 1 5/25/11 1:16:05 PM USA Shooting 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 www.usashooting.org USA Shooting wishes to thank its sponsors and supporting partners. To learn how these sponsors support USA Shooting. Visit our website at www.usashooting.org.