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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-15-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-15-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-15-1916." (1916). abq_mj_news/1541

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION AjLBID QUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION rrKTV.hKVKXTll vi:n. Ol.. (.M IX. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXicOiSATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916. Dally bj Carrier or Mall, 60 h Month. Hlnl Ooplea, Ba TH1T I THE WEATHER out of Mexico arrived safely oil the VILLA HIS ONLY SOME ANXIETY American side of the herder. UKWilliLI I Mill i nil i (en Itoilrlituct Fvt utctl. WKATIIKlt FORECAST. Confirmation of report of exe- SEIZURE OF VON PAPEN'S Denver, tho Jan. 14. New Mexico: Sat- cution of Cell. Jose Rodriguez by Col. urday cloudy HAVE with locul snow in north McXlmo Martinez was received and ruin in south portion. Sunday F ORTY MEN WITH FOR AMERICANS coup!."! with e'oudy. the statement that his CIH body would be brought to Ju.iri. for by ac- CORRESPQNDENC I.OCAI, YVKATIIKH verification Americans of the E KKIOBT. tion of the government. For twenty-fou- r hours, cndlnfc at Ciiiran.a OPPORTUNITYTO fi p. ni. yc.itjrday: ACCORDING EN ROUTE FROM Mall advices from Torrcon brought Maximum tempera. ure, 46 degrees; III details of the occupation of !oliii7. minimum, 22 degrees; range, 24 de- Palaclo by the united commands of grees; temperature at 6 p. m., 45 Calexto Controras, Canuto KcytM and FURTHER ACTIVITIES OF RESTORE ORDER Houth wind; cloudy. redro Moreno and other advices were TO TREV1NQ CHIHUAHUA CITY that Ari umetlo had reacheil a point CITY HANK CI.KAIUXGS. lit roar p.crmijollo. This was not con- Yesterday firmed. The same source reporti d I In S7,12u.4."i. liKnia district in the hands of forces. GERMANS IN THIS COUNTRY First Chief Promises Through Mr, Watson, in Charge of .No Further Demonstrations inj tho republicans with Insincerity of An official report from (leu. ,1m in- - Ambassador That All Ban- purpose and necking to make a politi- Americans on Train, Refus- raso Against Mexicans, Ito Trevlno said hands of Villa bandit tl would be exterminated w hel ever Engaged in cal Issue. .Senator Stone after his dits Massacre conference with President Wilson, wild ed Escort of Soldiers, Com- Who Reappear Upon the found. While the Cniranza consul slaletl im Will Be Punished for Crime, intervention in .Mexico at this time mander Asserts, Without Molestation SENSATIONAL DISCLOSURES ARE would he monstrous In the face of Streets armed force would be permitted to the fact that the United States has enter Mexico to aid in the termina- it was 'Just recognized Carranza. He de- tion of Villa bandits, laid here i MADE OF MONEY USED FOR MORE RESOLUTIONS clared that to intervene would be IMPOSSIBLE TO FORESEE RODRIGUEZ EXECUTED that such a movement being organ- ! playing Into the hands of Villa and ized along l he bonier FOR INTERVENTION Zapata, who sought purposes RAID OF THE BANDITS BY CARRANZA COLONEL j for of CAUSE OF THE FATHERLAND revenge to make trouble between Car- WILL SEND CAVALRY ranza and the I'nited Slates. TO HUNT DOWN VILLA Senator Works Wants Presi .. , lcUll to tho Bat Attain. All Will Be Hunted Down and Body of Villa. General to Be j J i I I i.ewis insisted mat tno f InVade-publicans- ,' Consul at New Orleans Expects Time to Come When United dent tO despairing of any other Slain; Declares Escalon Has Brouoht tn ft order for Veri Ariz,, Jan. 14. I'erinis- - Mexico for Punishment of political issue, sought to make. Mexico Not Been WhoU.!.' States Will Be Called to Account; General von Bcrnhardi a paramount issue, but would fall. To Taken; Shows fication by Amciicans (0 send liOll cavalry troops through from Writes From Poscn Outrages on Americans, intervene in Mexico, he asserted, Confirmatory Telegram, Demanded His Death, American territory Headquarters of Propaganda Car- Amer-ic- a Catianea, Sonora, to Juarez, opposite would turn South and Central in F.f Car-ranz- ried on Newspapers of against the I'nited States and do- - Paso, has been requested by America, and Admits That ulr..,. v. .11, . I...... 1,. .r authorities, according to an V MORNINU JOURNAL IMCIAl L1U0 WIRf "'e "' I' iuinm n V MORNINU JOURNAL RRICIAL LKUO in West, Where Big Attempt to Break Through Is Be tonight at Agua Prie-tu- , to , Jan. 14. General ,no aaminlsiratlon with European hel Chihuahua City, Chihuahua, Mexico i announcement Mevican ligerents. Senator Fall, republican, Jan. 14 .it'll. the town opposite hele. Made, "We Have Serious and Difficult Times to Look Francisco Villa hits FIltST i assaneu tno administration and bitter- - ioTi(.i:r of The cavalrymen are to ho usetl in meat of Mexico are to be Civen ful hot fnrlv men (iuer-- iti:iT.i:i;s AKici vi:s littackPd Carranza, declaring with him in the i t ln campaign against Villa bandits Forward to"; In Other Letters Plans and Proposals Are opportunity, without intervention;1!' l,ullJ... - .1,...- -, , . . I' would be amazeu, mi.. uiNiiH-i- uecoruing 10 lien. Jacinto! In western Chihuahua, It was slated., ih. t.jeveii Senator liall Kl Paso, Tex., Jan. I t. Fifty-tw- o j Referred to Mysteriously; Money Is Shown to Have Been - ''"''Vino, - It was not when t lit? proposed .,,r,i, t!., Tmir,ier..i- ,.f ,,,..!. !at his recognition l,y this government! comniamler of the northcast- Americans, inchnliiig a num- y known fcJ or demon-!coul- Hl'u wU'H r,'om Hni?.ilian j ci n corps of troop movement would be begun izens at Santa Ysabcl, and to tl m' th'' the Carran.a army in a ber of women anil children, ar- Sent to Werner Horn, Who Tried to Blow Up Railway re- - :nt what point soldiers strut" ability to restore order and !"linitit,'r' formerly in Mexico City, ions Interview Riven here toduy rived here tonight at 7:15 o'clock the Carranza outrages. Senator! J would he brought across the border Bridge; Funds Forwarded to Consul at Be- protect foreign rights in the Carrana ; Colonel from Chlliuuhuii City. Their sufn Seattle Just southern ,.""". untenant Nevarres, a '1 into the fnitetl States, republic. j villa officer, who arrival from the reyjou where Explosion in Ilu-eli- was captured at' (Hflcers ni' Cotisoli-,- ! fore That City. This was the outstanding fact herei the war of April 21, I'.H4, against Villa bandits signalized a renewal j. the Catianea had been successfully terminated .Santa Ysabcl today and charged with dated Copper company here denied toniKht after a meeting of the cab-- 1 of warfare with the .slaughter of 'being concerned In any had been killed inet, a conference between President; ."inasmuch as Mr. Hu,rta had Just the massjicre at eighteen Americans last Monday that Americans jail." jtliat point gave recently in the Canaiioa district of (Uy Monti n Journal Special Leased Wire.) Wilson and Chairman Stone of the; difd in on Monday last, was bein a measure of relief from 11 ( r. m.y-Cop-- iea j for- - i'onura. Tiny said conditions l.ontloii. Jan. p. UaBlc,,lly. senate foreign relations committee, Senator Stone toniKht said the hrotiRht to the capital toniKht, ac the strain that, border residents that The luCMident this limn eiKn would not hav,. there were quiet. KulUorx of the of correspondence seized from lias u too and another day of stirring debate in relations committee ct i dinK to General Trovlun. undergone; but it was tem- talked bit big even for i Capt, rapen, 1 meet until next w eek, when President pered by tht fact that than murder of three Americans in that l'liiii, von recalled those who Mipport him. F.ut we are the senate. j No mote i expect Murders in Matlcia. were in 101 Paso. military attache at Washington, Position Is fwtliiieil. Wilson is eil to send informa. ISO Americans still remain in district received all of the opinion that the depiirturo j tion rogardinK recognition of the' There was no truth in report in Kl 7,0110. ttln'ti he rciichrtl I''aliiii.ulli ,m his you out-- the what is deemed the danger of and your collenRue Is n seri- Administration leaders firmly ! t way to arranza government, requested in, of turther killing of foreigners The latter, it was hoped, would REMOVAL OF CLARK TO C.eim my, have been tinned ous Ions for tin, Though majority lined in the senate today the posl-- j to a Senator Fall's resolution. Chairman in Madera, western Chihuahua reach American territory, aboard over the American embassy for of those present carrcy had tion of the government jn the fact:' nr.! 1 NO hod an Flood, of the house foreign affairs 'cording to a special train Monday CAUSE PROTEST transmission to the slate department. opportunity person- of denunciation from tht republican General Trevlno His! This train for knowing y0u Icommittee, his would ; V':1M s('nt f,'ei'i Kl lasl They show that Captain von Tapon ally, side directing said committee Carranza commander also declared) Paso night, a privilege which hn been a and another resolution res-- MOMNINI1 mailt, freipient payments to persons inot consider Mexican intervention j that the Americans slain M nday atj' and according tit advices received t' fr JOURNAL SPECIAL LtAC0 WlftV great pleasure, lo me, yet vour ef- - intervention proposed by Senator j ,s. Washington, 14. charged with responsibility wiuihiim to, nume ii .a leiini. ; nama v by Cnited Slate officials, arriv- Jan. Removal of the to always Works, of California. At the state isaoel naci reluseil a niililm forts have been especially i IVitni Past). i'i:f,ii-- t t ed 4. Albert Clark, a prlvato In the Cnited blow up munition works and bridge Intiislfiit , at Parral tonight. The refu- npoken of and nioro perhaps than department officials were nvaiting ,.,.,.,,, .,,,., ,.,, .., , , , in , . .. p. ... gees who arrived tonight said the .States army from the American tho fulled States. you official word from General Carranza uiiiii an nihiunniii anti i. oiurcras think, i think, then fore, I am i l ,i steamer Kunt.v at Jamaica, is one entry shows Captain von AmeriruiiH at Kl Paso to enter Mexico are not oocratinir between T.. ,n. special train through Ch- Maria that speaking In tho nanio of all when in reply to the demand lnadt UpOll f, miui-.r.- 1, . , ..... I'apcn gave j.i.i...... ,rij;,ni7.:iti(1n tAv their:. 1,.., i.t IV ihuahua City morning. not expected to result In a protest $700 to Werner Horn, 1 ...0. i'nu..i uir i.Ljuuti, nuiti vicoent ire-- ; this express to you the thanks of all of him to seek out and punish the bandit 1 department, who was of blowing up a own, apparently is not. taken serious-- vino. "They have taken to the hills1 from the stale officials convicted us for your faithful vlHllanoe ..uiu..i.,n. said today that as occur Canadian railway bridge and ,y bv tj(J sUl) department. Secretary of Durango the removal Pacific at unremitting labors under roost While, no direct communication red In ami St. Croix, Ale. tho LanslMK salu tlm in BUoh a the! "I shall leave next, week to pur- - Itrltish territorial waters The day before this l MOR Nl NO JOIIKNtL 0PECIA1. ! WIKI) difficult circumstances and to this I troni General Carrmua had reached responsibility was of the depart-su- e If Clark was release, later, tho Prltlsh check was Issued, the Herman y that them," he added. 1 add my own special your M Paso, Tex., Jan. 4. Three of j thanks for me suite uopanmeni lonigui, a mcs- - ont tlf jllBUce ttlui military, but he authorities apparently lind acted wlth- - paid $2,000 in to Captain von 11,500 Villains Yield. int. 01 &iex- - attention to my little vropoHiils. sage from him to Eliseo Arredondo, intiniated such a movement, since viciiins ine naina isaoel, hi their rights. Fapeii's uccotiul. that More than 11, .'(in Villa soldiers and;1"'0, massacre Thomas Kvans, M. 11.1 Ki'fors to Mysterious 1toPmiK the Mexican ambassador designate, jt W0H)rt be a violation of the neutral-announce- d The principle that any nntlon may Another stub check shows that forty-tw- o generals - Pomero and .1. 1 v.0011, were in- - "It's not surprising lji,vtw of the tho despatch of troops tOjitv ,,.. would be checked, and their subordi- for examination jiny tiUHjientntl about tWu weeks before, tun stbson i -- ftictitlotis nates have re- - terretl today without demonstration Urn.,, i 11. n, , , neutrality uj he i.renidciit capture the outlaws and his purpose; "charges by of Kl Paso surrendered and . j v. i,,.,.nn,.ii. , , . ... In Seattle on May ,10, 1015, Captain made citizens reived amnesty the part of that tho end should hiivfc been put to visit "punishment upon every par- against American Consul ICdwaids of at Chihuahua City)0" American whoso waters has long been established In von Fallen sent ,i()0 tn the Cerninn i within twenty against Mexicans led to to your work and yon must carry ticipant In the massacre." during the day. the last days anil given threats the lnlernatlonal law. It is pointed out consul at Meal tie. In February of Juarez were received j you know-ledg- j up their arms, horses and establishment virtually of martial law I B back with the that This message was regarded at tin Jlr. Lansing said he saw "ho necessity saddles. that such removals havo an entirely 91 he sent Jl.fiOO to the Cirmnn j "1 regret that a Ameri-jl- n the city last night. Only one you have done your duty according slate department an aft indication 01 of replying." number of different status from those occurring consulate In that elly. j of anxiety tonight ; to the best of your ability long the character of the formal reply to calls have decided to go out and l;solirco remained on the high seas. ,f Captain von l'apeii's check stubs, as as jhope they will soon regain con-l'h- e. safety of a party of It was possible. people never .Secretary lmslng'u representation? their Americans bank books and letters from his bank, Our 1 wno City forgot you. to- fidence and return. shall provide ,,ft Chihuahua early today Itiggs this of which is expected not later than I the National bank of Wash- WOULD BUILD TWO escorts for such 'on a special train. This train, accord- - 'I w ill Kindly comply your pro- morrow. movements. ington, showed about r.eii items, many with j "It was impossible to foresee the i ' advices received late today, was FO posal to a line from time to Pandit Hunt Is On. f of which had to do with routine ex- sudden appearance of those bandits. to arrive at Juarez tonight. 1EII line and It would, ho very pleasant !un penditures. Others, however, reveal- The Mexican embassy was without !bnt Mr. Watson, heading mining for you oc- the IntM'iidlar.v 1'osters In Juarez. ed pnymilit.s to 'various persons who; ine lo receive one from oilier advices regarding the bandit 'men on the train, probably thought he casionally, (.specially Jf by proposals BATTLESHIPS OF Heports were current that incen-- i have figured prominently In the ac- hunt. would be better oft without the mill-tar- y OUTRAG UPO you mean be dls- - diary posters were being circulated In ES tivities of Cieiniaii agents in such as could (ieiieral Obregon was said to be at escort which he America refused. Juarez, declaring that several Mexl- - In .1' spy iii.'heil with soiiit, gentlemen of the Queietaro, where he had been sum- .. .Campaign anil least one who com- Over in Chihuahua.... hml been killed in - Herman house of Columbia Cnlvt inns the brawls!I mitted suicide In a cell In an Fng- moned for a general conference, and I havo done everything possible to I eye on that attended last night's demonstra-hhel- d lish prison. am keeping an tho it was regarded as likely that ho CREATES T POWER friends get the over to mutter specially ment ioned. With bodies tlons here, but Mexican consular GREEKS IS ASKED In January. I HI,",, f'apialii von l'a-pe- would remain there, the work of run- best wishes, Yoiil's. the border. From a military point oficlals declared they could find none. gave a check payable In Abslck ning down the, Villa, fortes about - View J consider the campalg In Chi- Mexicans who for the sake of safe-- ! and company. New Vork. bin with "Dlt. .Ml'FLLKII." Chihuahua being left in t lie hands of iiahua. state are ty stay finished and there were remilrcd to within doors; the name K. Kuepfcrle in brackets oil Vou llcrnliardl Writvs. Onerals Oavlra and Trevlno. small aggregating Hid Mirny Hnnornl Rnnrrl PmnnRns'0"1 various bands lata night during deiiionstralloiiH . . , the ol uli. This in believed to have The third letter was written by Measures to removal I facilitate the iiuvjr ivuvvv 300 in all left. Pi pylr run nmpi tA lUrn-hard- uiimiui ulhiu about Iresnltinir fnun lh murrlei iif ilu. nut in 'in lefcrcnco to the man Kuep- ileneial Frederick A. J. von i. of where I I rti- "Tt.,,,.. !...( V t II.. I it. J named Americans from districts IK mnh n.t..t..u urt, nl I...... 1.. in., t.... 11 ' being follows: endangered were V X fcrle, who, after arrested In their lives might be , , . has but forty men left with him. As day, reappea red on si today! sing Pl'CSCIlt Kcqucst tO ' I ," the reels Kngland on a charge of espionage, I'osen (Iciieial loaditu.irtcrs, discussed by department officials with UlinS, hlgneSt oPeeCl alia the law of Henlto Juarez permits any In numbers. Many of the nenibers! Mr. who advised Congress for Appropriation tin 111 it suicide, leaving a written Arredondo, later 1 "ffillal execute offenders caughtlof the "cientifico" element, showed) e mlU Prn!c!nrr RoHinC confession in his cell. "Dear Captain: General Carranza by W'ire that every lUUU-lli-fnn naUIUdjrC(j.hani.d without court-martial, the at bier r Vleto-- j themselves the Cen. of "As an example of "I beg lo thank you most sincerely assistance be given such Americans ibandits will soon be exterminated. 'riano of the size the , Muella, the former president of nplajn's financial operation, )n:(, for your kindness in sending ine a and escorts provided to accompany j j "This law was applied already to'tlmir country, who died last night, the! bank copy of the New York Sun containing' 1 wmimii m.'ii J,. Hodrii-Ue- book shows thai in J.inuarv of them int cities where strong garrl-- Iir wwL mcii imu K0.caiimi (leneriils ami oriMoii...- ,,t Hi.. Ameiicn.. r,.v..rm..,.i, ... I 1 ..... 1. .. T . m . ftt.ii.i u o 'V MIlftNINQ IUUHNAI. HPfcCIAt. IKACfiD my two articles. am glad to hear VWtMUIIS.U.I, It c.., A ' , Wlftfl IHlTi, he received appt'oxlmat iy Huns are miiint.ilneil. He went fur tll.eill:,. . U.l.iel. Iw. . I,, lie.l Washington, Jan. U. t'lvxiilciil 1(1, tht'iie ariiclcH will. In your opinion, j tno and paid out If" ..OOO, sug- - of ten guns, each and "Xh(. Villi , Hut than the state department teries report that the forces s iiotiv 111 aNliei congress ep- - have a good as far as that at luiceia ault. Wilson t,nb,v to lull-restin- effect nt !V Ooo j ICscalon lour l.eller-- . Bested, recommending that in cnscsa eruising radius of least have taken is untrue." Hueria's boil", garbed in the showy pinpi j, lie $11,0.10 for liidemiiition to jail poKilble in AlUTka. ""V w leaving, j Trevlno showed telcit:iamti ( Austria-Hungar- y The following tiere foreigners objected to mncs ar(. the general characteristics! Ceneral uiiiform of a. Alt xicaii general, was reet i', and Turliev four letter nv manner in which they publish thoy be forcibly removed to ,1,e commander there dated lo- - placed temporarily in a among Captain von I '.ipell' fleets tilings Is, of course, thoroughly Ameri- .. .. board vault here thisjon ai count of injuries to their sub-i- n forf" , points , might stating was quiet oil nt ' f t n i; A of salety. ... ,u that all there. afternoon. There was no ceremony, j jecls the South Omaha ,, are t.iisi.ltii the uiosl can. private communication of m'w ",n j Stick Safety He said he would provide an escori religious or otherwise. That, said L'l, pan of the corrt'spomlciief tinned mine has been printed without any Americans ' February liion He i,n, Kecrelai; the refugee special now en route j over to the embassy. The 1 now writ- That large of Amer.,.,. M,r' members of his family, would a wait Lansing joined in askliiK the appio- - Ainelieaii authority from me. have numbers M 1 V- - a - s fro" wnen uiey Irs is letter irom II. Von Aleveii- ten two series of articles fur are leaving northern Mexico-wa- re- - "n"'' tne tune couiti take the printhm "as ,.n net rf grao and wllh further , bur;; consul at New aus. wanted horted to it Is U W learned tonight that the casket of the. presltleill referei to the liability f lie lliliiian inh America. The foreign office the department, but nrnnnn of, to Papeii. r to proposes s w- ; I Mexico to the capital of his country. iptain von The bit have the first of these, entitled estimated thr.t not counting the mem-- i boaru inni me sou - r VV M 11 U U nLUUnU Ciiitetl .Stales." uu eacn, tllsplace 3fi,- - oeo ' ,,. follows: 'i iei iuany FugiaiHl,' distributed in hers of a Morr.-.o- colony at Casus :om ,otiu,u tan;iii.!i oiutaaiH iei. aniollnl.s rec,,oi,.i..,i,l,..l a re and FLEET' ii.-- j en- . tpeed BY AMERICAN wi n he, ( "New Ml lea iei I. inli'i. II,,' American press anil Ihe other (;r:iinle tlw.r mt 1.1 Pm-ral- 000 tons, and have the highest however, that lime might initio t,, lie niiverimient of ii ember e j ( ap- - arma-h- a d Austria-Hungar- III IT Papon: titled 'l'an-- lei iiia ('.') was to 1'uraiigo, attainable without sacrificing 'one replied: Not in llioiisan i$S00 to y and S.M0 'Dear voi! nlsm' Madera and other points, I , .Vt.'iirS. "I read with al egret, that, the pear In the Chicago Tribune. slloiilil control of which bv Carranza Is armor or tuel capacity, (tV MOHNINd JOUHNAL SPSCtAL LtASKO Wlft( Turkey. i! lei-al- h be very grateful If you could j represent a Washington, (iunners of) At same time was staled laic of indeed overcomo forward doubtful, It would have them Jan. H. tile thai Secretin' Lansing sav.s in his 0 more than 300. That the 11 power the Atlantic fleet during ill 5 no re'tpiest for permission to take the vou. 1 don't suppose 01 ymi are one copy of each of these articles. majority of mav remain per cent In gur. and made port that approximately I, Creeks these in," - his- - body City bail verv to be able to They will certainly have some sort of durance over any American battle- the highest averages of tin fleet's general's lo Mexico were driven 10m the city during the imhappv shake the of warnings, is feared. ( is I tory target upon V iin.,1 of iiiilrleiidly country from effect. This evident from the m...... , : shin afloat or authorized and carr. for practice In the (been made to nustiano 'arranna, riots, and (hat prior tins l ' to the riots there llrit-is- h 'o'fii L.ansiog was " on-- ; t govern- - '"table reyto with which the biggest guns ever placed ird sea. This became known today in i first chief of he recognized been a feeling 0 If vour feet. What cbiiflv otliiuls whether tho United Slates would pro-- ! the had of hostility against ess neetion with transmission to the .sen-'me- of Mexico, through any of his nie is that in alwavs giving way to and French pi have attacked tt' t circum-- I a ship by any power. the creek subjects resident in South its citizens muter such In-l- They in- art of report of agents here or nt Juarez. j tile government we have these two Sun article. have bailees, would do inilleiitiinifi however, are that ate the annual Admiral Omaha because of their lawlessness ll'ver he replied that it i 11. me in most lm redihle way. ,,,... 000-to- n I he Fletcher, commanding fleet, Draped in Mexican ITim loiind thai k (llsposerl sulted the .he shin of the of living 111 ihev at' "to best of Its ability," but jainl manner unsanitary I mili- the will be decid- In transmitting report. Secrc-jtar- y Tin., body of lluertu waH laid in toward us. Th n the ilim.ind lor the llivvever, a;rei with .Vou that 'hitt in government! California class finally fie nil poindings. such cases the ill hou.-a- on a side street, so be- tary success will be a decisive factor ed upon by Secretary Daniels. Daniels wrote a letter explaining state the The riots grew out of the sliooljmi recall has been sudden and would not be obliged "to use force by occupied by fam- Icjlit up for opinion In America. I think, how- ny .Mr. Daniels' ithat ci rtain matters touched which had boon his y lated throws an interesting where people indiscreet." Opinions differ aim of Foliecnmn Fdward t.owry,' ever, especially In we:.t are. Hej in-- j- a purely military ily while he was a prison- government May that the where as to the advisability "f Fb'lcher of and retinue 19. I nmi. by a on the here. theic fumpareil the situation in Mexico: advisers ... John Masuurl'les. expect there will be a big attempt - ...... i...a. i. have been omitted, as it Was er of the I'nited Stutis at Foil Whs, also tl.'i o reckoning come ; n, iil- ine size I.I ou Li nature i;ree, whom the alliid-led- . the anil ith that in Kuropc at the i.ri:K " , . a officer had f'i break through, we hav htrlousand '"'" .'.,l1. their publication would be on suspicion that he was planning our government find again that iimi 01- - i f nunv nil unions 01 uni The subjects of Ci.lllltl'e:i, ''1 Hit; war when Americans were new in vllis wits other difficult times to look forward to, but icilitlcs channel depth. j unwise, revolt Mvn'". casket Secretary Lanon;,' said, determination villi whi'h alone ohm dend out. and - ''suflereil onfidently believe thai we shall i eon- - ' It 'as learned at the navy depart- draped in the .'bxiean fl.igg, and an make an Imprei-sto- here. .,..r .l l.oarrl reached its Mioni the ol because 1 ' luiy the niob. S'li'C .sfiillv 0 come With Xo Intervention Now. t i upon j' wi led sword, tin torin-ct- Ilnm...... ,.n,. ,,t l.icuer nii'iit. that the admiral's report dwelt it lay his illirv prohably were "Hoping that our connection l brought out ' mistaken for b, si wishes. I'll'. From I'ehate in the senate ' shorty; ;e of ol fleers and men gold laced thapcau he had worn oil in great time will not come positive battleship after a study of events up..,) the Greeks." Some of the rioter;.' were this "HUKNHAItDl. declarations from Senator jon vessels of the fleet. Secretary slate occasions as president of Mexico, to an vour departure, I am. Hon,, 'abroad. The reasons lor raising the arrestetl but nobody was convicted. end with rase member me kindly to and Senator Lewis of Illinois ' to have gem-star- s and ordei-- that r H.OOO Daniels' letter is understood and the ' 1 "Yours sincerely, cruising radius from miles, as Ol iirkt rl ,13, .'.33 11 on that there would be no countenancing as heal for a indemnit. Y. 10 that this condition already had, decked his breast the Acsiria-lliiiiga- "l(. M." class, i",V"i j i v , s - 'f the of republican leaders in Ihe California II t j and Turin Dr. AllartV View, demands pr been overcome so far ns could he (brief time of the Mexican nation, The se. ' od letter is from Di lor charged' have not b. en disclosed, out 'it The fourth is a letter from Dr. Al-- It intervention, and both within the present authorized limits ofl Candles burned at the head of the l.M .'.If'Ser to Captain von Papeii .. -- Mc had to do with the great oil follows In part: 'strength of personnel. ; casket, behind two ot his lormor mill as folio w s iHin-- ot l ie oi cj... i ,. "Sun Francisco, (No date). rat ine itarv staff w ho acted as guard of lion 1,500 ARMENIANS ARE The board did not moninvn.l an ITrxIdciil Scored. Dear llerr von I'upcn: advising T The Day in Congress specific speed to be reached, NAVAL RESERVE BILL - MASSACRED BY TURKS 'New York, If', I let-- Ill bi "Well then how w ihh I wi re in 'women 111 bla. k. nnerelv that the gait of thej '', "Dear Captain: j.N.'W Vork and could l:ci:us th" in-- IN rak.s first-lin- e ships should be j PRtStNltlJ SLNAIU ", i.a'i, w vou SEX.VTK. tl'.resent Mayor . was Hueria's: MORNtNO JOURNAL fcRRCIAL LIAGKO WIRE "I lest ishes again oil lb. nation and be (?) Many Clanks possime Tom who Senator introduceil bill' creased as much as wimoin . Loud Jan. II, (10: 1" p. in.) f your departure. I had ti.ionilor the ttlcgrani. nut my hope Is Cummins .v mo. journal amo Jattoriiey, was one of the half dozen to na- - armament, armor or fuel nino nciM.Lf w,ii v v t l,i re-- : !;:, I mat-A- s reorganise and increase the reducing the cas-- 1 loin. MINRI.B est rtla to roughly discuss all. tor tins nnie suppose Washington, Jan. H. Kenatol j Americans who passed neiore tin. .tii'i' u..i.,i ai tienal guard. capacity. j l.i.00 Sasum who t ut events with some ( ici l i;t Us, will move m. re quickly than in i Tillman, chairman of the naval af- - ket for a last look at the man Armenians iters republican, intro-Uec- il lorced by cold lo was natural, although there was a Hie Duiuba case. wonder whether Senator Works, Senatorship. r.lru .....-- mil, I0.I1.1.. IntroHoceH i.ihM.le defiance to tile L'nit, States and famine a inter-voitio- n llerlick Stsks ...... , ...... general ui"iit on main poinds, our government will respond in suit- resolution for armed Myron T.l bill to create a Cnited States naval land forced the battle at vera i rut !,, u.... agif Cleveland. O.. Jan. H - ny was a. slight difference of able manner. 'patron' also tel- in Mexico. to reserve, officers of which would not which cost Ihe lives of twenty Amer- government amnesij, were Kllieu there The w..rriik former ambassador .Mush. ion, it could not been egraphed 1 was my - com- - lean marines. order of the governor of The indeed hive thiil to continue - annoum-e- camii- , be above the grade of lieutenant sailors and sT- toniBbt his wo- espei-lall- w (. join ne.v. HtU France. 11 men were massacred, the ola, rwlc, as are rath- So we shall not see each senator, sub- - manner. Enlistment would be open Plans for mass meeting lit re were and Alilitary eoniniit-toniinut- d .lsec for failed States in the tin- - present. In an.l naval affairs to any eligible American and for a cancelled today on the orders of men cid children drowned the er cut off from other side. The ollur for republican primaiies. I hearings. Ject to the if Mayor Lea. It being decided Fipbrates river. This news Was el Ausntaii note, is of course, a matter my opinion we 11" longer be need to 01110 13"" term of four years and in time of war Tom way and means committee held was governor of irom no would bo until iKraphe.l to Viscount Hryce by all lor geiieial quiet enjoyment and the take ublie opinion into considera- formerly .1 member of officers and men would receive the that meeting held hr-- hearing on to protect lifOfi ani also refuge wholo business scarcely be taken tion in spite, of IU being artificially. Hill bill committee. same pay as in the regular army. trains sent south to hrimr Americans Armenian worker. cuii American manufacturers of dyestuffs. the republican national f TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SATURDAY. iAmiiApy ir. iQIfi diplomatic rcprescntatlv'-i- against I'1) ClimmiNi Vnrt NO CLUE TO FAMILY. OF CATARRH LEADS ; f stite (!i imrlii ti( rh inncla in &Ulllinury Of If Ul PEACE WITHOUT forwarding hicouiiIm from the German News of Yesterday ONE VILLA VICTIM TO CONSUMPTION Two Complete Ranges in One jimhassy lu rn to Hit' fort-tu- office in 1 Iscrlln. The exact Turin taken ly ,mr Is an The fl.'ij; uoHiNa jouhnal tficiL Catarrh much a blood disease (iroli-M- i disclo.-a-d- . ' of the dual monarchy fli''H not born Kl I'nso, Tex.. Jan. 14. Although ni eerofula or rheumatism. It nia over (Vltilljf, Anslm-Hun-Kalia- n Whether I he lirillsh embassy objected and tin' VICTORY NOT TO he wan known ulonic the border forty be relieved, but It cunnot be removed are timrch lu the net of thin k"V' ninont in ex- - corttlnuini; their yenrn, none uf the minliiK men here by simply local treatment. It cause, tin- - nor, headache and dizziness, impairs t. ndliiK to Count von Heri,slo,ff th" "'ulllwur towaru mriiiicti or in Arizona liad been able up to to- th m v in-- ny taste, gmell bearing, ( IiIm aeoountH Aniivnri. nr tierure tnem and affects the oiirtiiy df trattsmiitlnii ' night to dear the mystery concerninit deraneeg the digestion, THE COMBINATION , force uf miinhi'iH tin- soldiers of KioK voice, and STEWART to or whether it wuh ttuspected the identity of TIioiumk Johnson, on" j Mi holax. BE THOUGHT OF breaks down the Kineral health, it Iho account wore nut the ordinary i of eighteen AmetlcaiiH Mlnin by lung . the weakens the delicate tissues and routine mattera t ln-- purported to be, I Montenegro Im now e nt nmpassed n .Mexican baiiilitK Monday at Santa leads to consumption. nil Hi'li H. j In not known. except in the Kouth, by tlo YPabel. Ili.i body Hew here unclaim- Hood's Ha rsa pa HI lit goes to the invader, and scrnss iIm' southern bor-- 1 ed. ileHiiit- - everv effort that has been sent of the trouble, purifies the blood Kit. Ml M I I it der in Albania, should the forced eoncprmiis and is so successful that It is known I M ii;mi.s Czar, in Russian New Year t,urn H.methinK remedy or mom.y there, they will face foe.) in The sheriff ns the best for catarrh. isi; i family connections. iioc , Hood's Sarsaparllla strengthens and the Albanian tribesmen. to u-- where Order Troops, Says Slavs of cocm.. Arizona, tones the whole syptern. It builds up. (in , 14. r. t Atlanta, Jan. William The newly acquired positions o A to a of i n oi - JohnKon was supposed have Ask your ilrupBist for Hood's, and In- consul (it .i j MIU IU III Mueller, former German AuNlrinns :domlnatiiuf the Adriatic n. nWlldlll OUUggie daughter published an appeal today sist on bavins It. There is no real t:) v,X GAS Seattle ami now consul here, Kal'l have not Vtficed to keep from harm o r..i Information, without results. substitute. ' COAL ro .O A ii..i:i for today lie had leeched money their warnhlrn, of which, a eruis- - Ulllll OUUvJt'iilUli that tide The body of J. I'. McCoy, another to er of the type, him been sent j from time time from the UTrmm Novum Uls- -' -- one of the victims, was sent to mens, was sent to Danville, Iowa. For pry 7 if it For rmbntuty at WaMhinKlon 'and poHHi-M- y to the hot t uin , the Adriatic by a I.a. tiH mi MONIN JOLUNAL (PICIAL bee, tonight on that also car-- ' The funeral of C. It. Watson will i)e von Unpen," hot that ituch French underwater boat operating: WiI a train from London, Jan. 14. Keuter'HLl I'etro- - ri"d the bodv of Alexander Hall, held here Sunday under the auspice Winter Comfortable money wan lined to dermaim With tin, Italian fleet. crad correspondent savn thHt Kmneror whose wife and three children live in of the Khriners. Masonic lodges will from to New York, "on thn Another lmpoi position has tnl holas, in an Imperial order to the I ouglas. conduct services Monday for V. j. al-- 1 Heating they mlitht return to been taken, by of Hie I and Summer ihancc that olio Teutonic ;llSKil,n armv (in(I lmvy on Ule ()(.rn. Sim- - Ilcn-- A fourth body, that of It. II. Wallace. Ccimnny." the Turks u ordintT to u nof-- 1 j,,,, f U)p itUKslan Npw y ,.,. ,luyi Cooking Cooking "Any intimation that I was con- fidal reportrt from i:erbn. Kerman-- 1 proclaimed that there can bo no peace nected with any explosion at Henl-- I shall, the capital 'of Persia, without victory ! Ih he Maid. famous for Its runs it ml cornets, ,.. .,'... absolutely unfounded," and! "i '1'-- . utri run r, iiiiii U"'I "I do not recall that I received any surrounded by fertile wheat country, v,mr minds and consciences that there; has been by y Hieeife r. u n from von Unpen, hut entered the ottoman j(..,n b ,, liea, e wUhut victory. I ulteii ftirnlHlied money ti German t"v''i'- 'However creat the sufferincs and; 1 who wanted to n lo York on i.iuie iiKiiniik: is Koliii on aioiiK however numerous the victims the the ihnnie that thiy miKht reach any uf the vhHuuh fronts, except by :Ktriiitiile may cost us. we must hriiiK 9 TODAY'S SPECIALS t -- y All Cast Long Life Quick Change Germany. 1 wan reimbursed l.y the means of the big guns and sapping victory to our mother country. operations. Herman embassy." Latterly I have had occasion to y ir. Mueller was ronmil at Health' Th entente fleet again has bom- greet certain iegiments on the fleldsj S bars Waslit-- r Soap 25o 11115. y Maic y SIZE IT UP. AND SEE WHERE IT EXCELS firm Kel'iunry to June, barded Turkish positions on the evac- j of Molodechno and Vilelka (south of Larfjc package Goltl Dust 20 uate,! (jallipoli peninsula,. Vilna.) be-- 1 X which had become famous 2-- FIFTY MEMBERS OF Nothing has developed concerning cause of the battles fought there ln:j Swift's I'lTinium Hams, !l i y he, promised by Teutonic September Lust, I realized how 2 lbs attack the and Jhiik Mince --Meat, Home Made, 25 y BRITISHJREW LOST allies on H'tlotilki, but advices from warm was the heart, how high was, X .1.- - . , . . .. e.e 3 packages Golden Egg Macaroni 35 the Macedonia seaport are that tint uie spiru!.. anil now linn was me ue-- j j y & I'.ritish and Krcnei iitinue to land u-- 111 UO 3 Cream of Wheat RAABE MAUGER lav MoHNina jouhnai. ial hio wnl llllliaiioii Ull ill llieil Hill leu jiackaes 50? Luiiili n, Jan. 14, ; r. r. p. in. The I elnforcemeiilH tin-r- in largt iium-.iut- y in defense of the country. I en- - 3 iackao;es Kalstoii's J'.ieakl'ast Footl 50 f 115-11- 7 NORTH FIRST STREET .Mali, correspondent of Heater's Tel- beis. ter on the new year with firm confi- - y 1 gallon 1 '.est .Maple Syrup egram company sends the following Idence in the race of (lod. in the $1.35 y despatch: moral power. In the unshakable res- t I -- quart jutf llein's Vinegar 35 y members of the crew of the olution und fidelity f the whole Kus- - if l.arire jar of Date-Xu- t Uutter 25f spoiiileuce and aecoiiiils deHcrllieil In .McKarlane, sian in the martial valor Hrlllsh steamship Clan FRANCE REfUS E5 nation and Meadow CxM Dutter. lb 35 y AZTEC FUEL CO. the London dispiitihiH had been con- which waH torpedoed In the Mediter- jof my army and navy." nected witli him. ranean, Iiecemlier 30, are still miss- - "Krst assured, as I said at the be-- 1 Ouart can ImporU-- Olive Oil '..85 x PHONE given lip lost. I ID-l- 251 The Impression whlih was conveyed lug and have been as ginninn of the war, will not make! J b. can Pure I'rtiit Preserves, best quality. $1.45 of the; pence we have last to iiiest loners by officials In (lerinan Captain Swansloii, commander SENDING OF F before forced the can K. C. P.akinj,r Powder 20 GALLUP LUMP steamship, is Included nmmig the, of the enemy out of the limits of the! t diplomatic circles w us that they missing. mother country, and not otherwise J Good Scrubbing. Crush 15 y GALLUP STOVE thought It possible that Captain von "The mil vivors who have arrived than with the consent of our allies to Xew ovk Cream Cheese, lb UoC I'apen bad been led by paper, ? connci with the heie stated that the steamship wan j whom we are bound, not SUGARITE LUMP X GckkI Board published (locumcnlH by Krltii.h warning in T 0 TEUTON BABIES but by a sincere friendship and the Wash 25 ? torpedoed without ii( ; SUGARITE STOVr agents. Their argument was that it tough sea. tie of blood." Larjfc can Kippered Hcrrinif 35? ? eight Kmperor Nicholas in' these words wan Incredible that von I'apen know- "Tile crew in lifeboats battled Heinz Baked Beans, can, 3 for 25 y KOEHLER GRATl addressed to one of his armies on the, tblys against mountainous waves with' :av MOHNtsa journiw ing that Ills ihlp would be taken into irtciAL lkakd wimi pre-- t during the week j y the occupants on rations of half a! Washington, Jan. 14. France has; Russian front X Extra Large Baltimore Oysters, Smoked White O'MERA LUMP It Itrltluli port to be searihed, wiiiild ceding Russian Christmas, once, biscuit and a small i up of water declined "for military reasons" to per-- ! the have any corrcspundeiu e of more replied to the rumors of a sep-- , t I'ish and Finnen Haddock. Green Beans, Brussels Nnllve Chunk Wood, Native f.plli rallied twice daily. Six lifeboats bad been mlt shipments of condensed milk by 11 If be possessed it. pence in llussia, which have V vYimkI. (eJar ami Mill Klnilllnn. such nature, iled together, but three broke away charilabli' organizations In the United urate Sprouts, Mango Peppers. men In trenches., HiKIhIi j even reache. the the t They recalled that when the eforc help came and are believed' States to Germany and Austria-- 1 un- - V y emperor after visiting the offli IiiIh at I'alnioiith "searched yon lo have been lost " for the use of tin babies of those j The armies on the southern front, review- I'lipon's be countries. Ambassador Sharp, at r peihonal cffei Is protested ed of General AleXti Evert, REDUCE YOUR Paris, ami Ambarador rage, l.on- those y ito Ameiiciin AuibiiH'ador 1'iige In at commander of the forces in the wrest. BAKERY DEPARTMENT Tou. don, were authorized recently by Sec- - London. Tonight, (iernian official!-idechire- HAS Addressing the officers, he said: y nnnnrnu nnin the COLD Ictary Lai-sin- to impure If the gov-- j hK hK nil Nuiru. HE "1 speak to you, most heroic repre-- ; Whipped Cream Puffs that bad the captain carried ernments of France and Croat f'.ritain y veiitatives of our army, wishing deep-- ; Chocolate Marslimallow 1 x the papers described they thoimbt I! would permit ui h shipmenls, after y y ly sincerely to thank you for your l Buy frotn the larg-e- it Would the American lied Cross had agreed and Jvuni Slices Moca Cakes Ang-c- Food unlikely that he bake called mighty valor and heroic efforts In the market In New E to undertake ppervislon of the dis- - y y jfurlher ntlentlon to them .y protest- present campaign. I beg you to pass Puffer Cakes Sunshine Butter Creams Mexico And get IITIE.IT tribullon u the, milk to assure its use y fresh good at great- ing to an Amelielill official, lie. pro-le- to your men my words, thanking them for the purpose slated. 'Yr.sV; Bread and Hot Rolls livery Day at 11 o'Clock r ly reduced price. Ulili n.hrr at the limit was forwarded to also lor the heavy strain they man- - y y All shipment vent Ambassador Sharp's reply was re-- 1 fully endured, which all llussia and Count von liellintorff here, who Hetil celvetl today by y Don't overlook the fact that Bran Bread will y out Mntft day onli r O received. was IN FRIGID GRIP the stale department. l personally value." I I I ;it to the Klate department. There A AM, (.OODS 1I III It t'KI K. department paraphrase of it ful 1'ttili-i-u- ii liiu.'ttj- y life Volutin., -' lengthen and shorten no action, ami It was said that Hie tin fr:iv. your your troubles y Illuitruted ratJilog lihiinir over lows: . s aura nee that he would not u two hundred grocery jsafe louiliict which the allied noverii-meiit- make y y standard "The French government, nmUrl separate peace. .lgcnls for Chase and Sanborn's Coffe aueh are in every hud given Oapluin von I'apen January 13, date of reports receipt of Th,-- fo''flLing day he inspected y htme will lie Ncnt free on leiiuesl. merely giiitriiiiteed his passage liuine MARNINI JOURNAL PIDAt LUMD the X Wl: your intpiiiy. II states that on ac- - army ps i om; i 2 11 ik 11 y, a 4. I'rut coi commanded by General y ir voi' ou to r safe fi uin seizure as WashiiiK'oii, Jan. count uf military reasons, it is not from Albuiiueriiue you 'i n i ; t prisoner war and did not affect I'lilted Slates tonight was, the hero of the Japanese w (It- uf the entire willing to authorize .shipments of milk y to be ithout thin lit book. se- war. x or papers. in the Klip of the winter's most Austria-Hun-- Write today and be sure uf net- to either Germany or j y toliii-.h- JAFFA'S At mbasB.V It said vere co', wave. With the exception ting your ropy. Cut-Ho- now the wai gary eo n if the American lied Cross from to of I', every stale bail unseasoii-abl- v f)nly One "IlKOMO gi'lXIXE" Ii.OXK.S 31 and 3 221 WKST V ready for distribution. that the aiiilaiiador lime will supervise its distribution. j y CENTRAL lime bail paid mm h money to Captain low temperatures. To get the genuine, call for full name, CASTILIAN PRODUCTS CO. is Might, LAXATIVE IiitOMO QUININE, I.iok vmi I'aiien in the way of salary and No Immediate relief in the W'nnt a ti Ii; It Kruiln viai..yc? Or th signature W. GROVE. Cures Hoi MOH. .Mbiiiiieiipir, N, M. for of such work as lie K eriinient's forecasters predicting pnule ef Mulii upe of tile (for of E. the cpcn!oH ' as expected to conduct as a, military that extremely cool wcitiner wouiti limit uf tint Journal. a Cold In One Duv 2Rc attache. The embassy. It was mild. continue all over most of the country tm ktiowleitue of bis private bonk four or five days and pcrnnpx ioiiki r. and Intentionally iied by had ami the! account or uf how he illsbursen the In the dinrict from the Mlssippl river preM and legal eeilinss, so that r. not IllulleV. west to the Rocky mountains, how a aomewhat mtiffer a'tltude would be, - Embassy officials e.peell ally ilis-- t ier, temperaturi H were slightly high- neslruble, nuturallv ipic digni- and limned any know-ledg- of the report-le- d t r than last niKht. fied. 1 ther-mn- payment of $ 7 1 U to Werner Horn, liewl'-- i Ijtke. N. , where the "If you should I. u,. . v York j connected with the attempted to tell registered Z'i degrees below '1 before my v,,. nm t try to of a Canadian I'm Ifle brldne. zero, was tin,' coldest spot on the NOW IS THE TIME come to itome ago enieni about smne ''liny pointed out that all Gelman of- weallier map tonight, while Miami, pending v qtietilins will,o, ficials in this country had repealetll) with a rending of TI degrees, was the. You will Ive then In a reci Germany disclaimed ntiv connection with the wannest, long Intended rcporl ef t nses paid xpi 'in. ilecl.ireil tluil mo Ii a 1'ii.v-- j To Buy Lot my in and a and to Think throuuh account on jour behalf. iment. if made, would hardly have j In New Mexico weather is mild and I nhouM be very you If - unseasonably warm. While a thankful to ibeen by a die, k. Tln v further tils- 'o" of BUILDING A HOME. you would then nupport the question Iclalmed unv knowle.lge' of the explo- - '''' ' ,hl" of monetary advaiit e, w It you Hint., haveutfbeen here only wo hit '!,, .eferre.l to l.H Having ...cured in their Take Your Pick of I 1 . i ' r days of w might be called know of, although know Unit u r i in,,v .,.,1. lvn three hat ', O , 1l 'il I ' ' ' " j win inlotnkrn in my opinion that I ,man. who several''.' months ago wasi Wlntef weather. acted w your representative and ac- ii'iiught with an Ann ilcan passport " - cording to your wishes. and while on toil as siv ctiiumlt j The remainder of the Albeit let- (el oiicld in the Tower of 1 omlon. or - tl.-- ileep- CHOICE ter of Ins for consulted tows about wile in- cd m , 'I elcpnn nt ai .'ii the i 25 LOTS and othor private affairs of no pub- 'est mtelest l c c 111 offielalj lic Interest. Waihiugton, column as a sequel to me spondclieo eol- - Th cmrt seized front withdrawn! of voil 1'apt n and his O ASKED Situated in the von I'npen nnd turned over to the Captain Mu-L- the German S Fourth Ward American elnbasy, cumiiNtt'd of cop- - atlaclie. et the n i(Ut si of I'm- Itl naval lea of letters and a Hunuoaiy uf bank I'mted States. When Ho recall of the book und stub Lain, WuuhinKlou (u ,, ,,.,, Wllsl usUed, the German f"1'- - Will be ISUpplivJ Willi,iphc ., i( ((; was Inclined ti a bill 0! 0. S. CONSUL : lai-- Pay t"l'le- palll .mil Count inn litres $10 Down tolff, oil the instruction uf Ins for- - The name of K. v..n M. Sit l.all AND ii office, notified retail cut ' s, HUh-l- N. Is eor.s-,1,11- .i.-it- i :i iniiMNAl tPlClAl t WlMf 28 not ia '.he u.ti sing t hat Gt no. i ny w oul.l be lined Hilt. :i I'aHo. Tex . Jan. IU American A. fol'lnei- l liUMll ,t New to contest if the United Stale based I V7ce?ts ki . Consul Edwards, of Juarez, Orleuns, is at picsiiit ill the W Hhtil.twal-- .Ii lic Thomas St Its i ciiuesl for the - . in.ole i epi est nt, .1 Ions today to Gell- Colli n I'llxlOl Sa in that it i rl nix lit the l i cut it-.- of the t i of-'- ' lei 'l Gav at Juul'eit, I i Th Hie sei on. I sleaunbip In e mi. oiumaudalit 11 M a wilier of ll iniboi icali CusuH miii. Month colony uf $10 to the Mormon the V)t. F. V. .Meyer, is ii,,t :.enl.ii i .1 i.ils in New York for conspna AV . fn j SLATS The Plat Shows 111 '. . .1 no in ilesiied him to afford protection n the Location of the asuilable leeortls. ,i. United in 11 i i ' i i Lots Offered on the reive the to the Mot'nioo colom.-- of the Casus General Fiiedrith A J. voi :on I. corns oiiitei led with tin' ibar""' Easy Payment Plan. jCr.u.d' s l it i n t in otilhuuhua slate. Those in heavy black are for sale. Inn ill until last Sel'teiu; i wu com. ,,i- i.m,, viith siii.-nllt- tor c.i: ' ii.i attempts have been made tnairdcr the a; no otuiie-ic,- lib r.-- early m the War. if Fitilelii 'iirmn ni b to iniluce lu-- i p, Consul lalwsirils the Corps. General nli.u .li S.-- i Lansing plled that the voil i. laiy l. Mormons, consisting of lui) men und! well known as a. niilit.tiy wr,tei. for of the office! 4 o ti PHI From about women and children, to. Prices many of his has log I d solely on their mlllt.iiy and $225 to articles nppian wan Kim come to border, but avail. MP $275 the without III Aineliian niWsi.aitrs. h.r. ..! ,u ilies and that the United in 'At sent tln-r- ale said to be about The Albt wi n. r i f tin loll! lo stand on lt in' tr. rt. M,.i.n was I These lots are in one g ail Oai i soldiers at Cusas of the most healthful le of the letters, pi el v Is I 'I lie of expres-ln- i..n. and most .i.loni.tlii pierogalne G .in li s. h- , I to rich V. Albert, ail.o i. w that any official attache. residence locations in Albuquerque. Public and of the German emli.i."'V In W .in- , i., !.... was pi Isoiia lion grat.i. de- - i t n- I GREAT STORM private schools tor. tm been n. n o vaOlv i Md. nee the state RAGES; nearby; ten to fifteen minutes walk to -- .1 - ,o 111 Hies .f the at Xalioiisi tutu- hi.n i llo .r luiii p. .1 m- ll...- of the Hamburg business 111 Ii.' ecu is flooded: the section of town; New connectii n wil.i G. I .ulnt- !i. to IIIC. I! n.v.r York avenue car line tlctj ill hH eoulill.i and on on.- raw traverses the area in which p.i.--s W,HN!4I the lots fttiti'tn a. In- All. u- d utilise of Ann !T JHU.Ml t.tCI.L LltltO ll.l wMr are located. Gas, llaiohni n. via l.oii'lou, Jan. 11. 'It atatrment iji f. mliin; bl ... o i l n Its. t .itita in " 'aien's connection electric light, telephone, t. ... 1.. a 1 sewer and other public e- ,. II All si i I . in tiaffle utility it. i luriii; thti i ' o" mole i.hh-- ill lu on t...i.. ,,f In lmnil reel be'e .1 .1 ,ni-- Is ti- u I', i ilcnl.'it floods, limi in 'i-- i p.ip. r no. t.i- l- ll .,il. A nsM in amliHMstiior. uiioii connections easily accessible. 111 d '.. sii-ii- i . i a "I i iillllect Ion soiic- ...ii:.. .i n,..t lb wing water j.l'd k up tin- iu:rNfToitrr uk hm s a, .,f t .rl e.ull of fit als in llolll the n Kll.e liter, THINK IT OVER . M.ic.v CAREFULLY! THEN io in i i i i, i;t iHini 1 'Hill ol sU ik iiiiintt h.,ie b.,n filbsl With BUY A LOT! r .jinl tin III lower j pl lit? ol lo i Pl. lie streets the A CHANCE THAT WON'T . 14.-- - m COME AGAIN Jan. H b. ii ..not in it I v l.l. to 111 the de- -' tile peril. ..f fit illy life liot.ib'd to toil llrrtifct.'l ff. the C.lio.iU .in' i t i.,', (lt . In bat ., tile at-j- io pill oi 1; ii i no lies. The s'.oini; !or, was showtt ili:-p.- !.. s I.u b ti tl h it in n r a, in , its In o.lil at 1 1 o'clock tilling of the i I e r i it " it ii AilouiilMI all '111 Ulls n .ole n 1 Inns. lay nglit with tlie water in tin and acrunnls t.j . u f i on, i n i . ,,, Oil"." ill . 'I the llelelopn lit und ; .it othi-n- i t, three s- - P. Mli-ii- i F. IUlen, the foltoer l.ilitcic loilil...' Hi. i ni-- .. wi-i- .is to Ih. t tpr. McCanna , n I s I, l attache h.n his no nt led 111 Ule pill'iislleil letl Ito. ain, I'rt'lit Sole Agent, Ground Floor, State j National Bank Building don't believe it." w ill' . I,, l tplmti i .oi I '.ipt ti b S'.tni i liu .ii'ii, II -- Jacob . ! t I . I II ci.e-u- ls H w oi.l.l - Fullher thitii that. th. o.' ,,f II." r lull low r.c.ivci f..r Co- Chit an... JiilJiiJ L SIGNS ON i - THE ll.-- lilli d o he ill'Hi d f"t i'!.',iti,..i-H- al f.-- I Ol.- I tl I..II. thi- lot .V I'a.'I e Ijlllro.lil. filed his LOTS WITH PRICES did it plain, lo.wev.t, out, lit w it tallied in a 'Hst. mi ..n eiill-- i t '.i i ; let.oil wuh Knltiai TO MA i f b doubted thai uny mm m tu be .1 lilllt. Jli.lKc tit oIKe . Carpenter today I . u iucrlininatiliM nature bad i n t.,k Tile Hit l.iellt litltl Ml Veil to liV.lf i The ratms income was $,37i.-- ! "i r from Captain von 1'apen. ultln ivh b. littlest ill U plolil kd'd to h.tve been 4 S k 4 The expenses wen . VlvuniJ im thy'')' bov th. i.-o- It. b Ulll-- b Itt.'" '.'.1"f. I

7TT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15. 1916. THIlEE lite Celebration school report NEWS NOTES from lay of Vondcr Interest o COUNTY The nrrlval of a bnby In t!i fin, in MOVIELAND completely changes the entire aspect of me iinure. But In the 15 meantime, during the INTERESTING Williams, almoin period of ex- Anita Stewart nnd Karlc pectancy, there I a the Vitac.raph stars, are soon to be ;pleiull(l remedy known seen in a feature film of unusual beauty and interest. They are garb- I "1!lt tl0M 'onlt'"-- it I KJ ed in costumes of the Napoleonic 1 If tor Tternil use, re-- Only Two Women on Boards; r "A I llcTes pain of time with wigs and silken hose, IfTTTMliS.ti I Oiiwcle einimlnn per Capita Contribution for which becomes them both. The I Mm soothes and quiets the was made at the Rrlghiwaters studio nones, extends lt in. Education Amounts to Less I fluence to the Internal of the Vitagrnph by Ralph luce. 1 ont-m- s The story "My Lady's Slipper." tlIll I n'nl remove to Than Two Dollars, is I ft avlAnl tl,..( written by Rev. Cyrus TowumihI f coney the to worn' ntnl nr. Ready, who prehension. It Is natural treatment, has supplied numerous afo successes. Hie mother, has no drug effect whntsn-t-v- IPfCIAi. COftftt.SPONOtNCt to MONN1SO JOURNAL) serein In the story the and for this reason must exert a most Sunta Fe, Jan. 14. Mora county villain hoiies to compromise the he- I ft' ti.; Influenco upon thoso function di- has only women roine by stealing one of her slippers. J connected with motherhood, two on its school rectly in a The hero procures it him cry Interesting look the subject is freely boards. The total receipts for the from and wins gill's loye Row Soldiers Six nnd copy ex- the for himself. I&ep a will be mailed free to Sear were $32, SM.4S, the total 1I expectant mothers by Bradlleld Regulator penditures $37,943.47. The In the characters which the pic- Bdg., receipts "o., 40a Lamar Atlanta, da. Get a were following ture shows ale Renjamin Franklin, nottle of "Mother's Friend" today of any derived from the Preparedness against sickness portrayed splendid , is tl Iruntlst. Use as directed and you will then sources: Special levies, $1 r.,179.57: with a til lien licit know why mothers for nearly half a century poll tax, I2.03X.10; saloon licenses, by Charles Chapman: and Marie An- big, important thing to fighting soldiers. A sick soldier nave used nnd recommended this splendid aid $2, 334. CO; tuition, $20; state appor- toinette, who ruled over Frame at (i motuernooii, ineir letters are mcsKnre that period. The film is one of the cannot work with vigor any more than you can work jf cheer, thnt breathe comfort In every word. tionment, $10,7,"iii.n0; donation, $100; sale of property, $.&:). o3; refund, most elaborate costume productions with energy when you are weak, tired, almost sick. $30.10; state aid, $l.3!UiO: showing ever seen. that nude than one-thir- d of the One efficient warring government is giving each soldier AXM.TTI! Ki l l HIM school income came from the state far-reachi- S STILL ; l G vial of liver Pill nnd that the people of the county did IS A MI KM ll a cod oil every day because experi- not contribute as much as $2.00 per Annette Kelleiuuin, William ments show how wonderfully it increases the calories of capita for the schools, in fact, if the little Jane Leo and her sister, Dcshon, human energy gives them strength to CUTTLE railroad taxes are deducted, they did Florence and four score and prevent winter BIGGEST not contribute one dollar per capita bathing girls, picked from the flower sickness. Is this convincing proof for public schools. of New York's swimming beauties, not that you need it fif the expenditures, J2S.977.fi0 who will appear as met maids, and at this season to enliven your blood to prevent sickness? was aid out for teachers' salaries; some fifteen hundred others are. Anita Stewart. SHIPPING P Oil rem, $4X7.05; fuel, $1,0fi3.!6; Jani- working on what will be known as Cod liver oil is scarce and high-price- d this season and tors, $."94.20; scfinol supplies, "The Million Dollar Picture." The Although she won't Ik' 21 for ci. Anita of the VI-- j inferior grades be offered. But $1,181.80; books for needy children, scenes and action are being filmed week, Stewart many may remember that company hl-- u ido $1.55; repairs and improvements. at Kingston, Jamaica, P.rillsli West digraph has a woi Since entering films' $1,169.25; new buildings, grounds', liidins, under the direction of Her- popularity. the three year- - ngo she lm Leads All Other Towns in Col- -! etc., $2,871.97; collecting poll tux, bert Rrennon. inoro than Tf uppcand in h great number of lea- - .ftlOTM $297.1 ; miscellaneous, $129.13. Sr.OTTistheoneFMI ofl Is fax County in Number j lull's. In private life die the sis. Tenclicrs uiu Terms. actkrss ;i:ts of Ralph luce, the noted Mexi-- .j ; I'Altl.Y ST AIM' which guarantees pure cod liver oil free from alcohol and drugs. Animals Transported; The county had seventy-fou- r teach I Mm producer. ... i .. !...... , ...... Sold ers, three held three and five-ye- li.lO .1111 I 11(1, Willi IS MailUlg Ol If can Cows Fattened and professional, eighteen first grade, the William Fox production of you are subject to colds, throat or lung troubles; if you Mary being sixteen grade, thirty-fiv- e "Merely Anno," now Miss Rarriscale unusual opportuni- second are easily tired, run-dow- n or have thin blood, you should grade nnd one n filmed under the direction of John ties for tlie display of her artistry. (PICIAU CORRItPONHINCI TO MONNINC JOURNAL) third certificates one-ha- lf f!. Adolfi, began her stage career She will slippnifod by William take If back- r, N. M., Jan. 14. During permit. Heenuse of only of be Scott's Emulsion at once. your children are KliiiiK' when she was six years old, appear-in- g Desmond and Franklin Rllcbie. Miss the your 11)15 Springer in;iintaintd its the teachers being above tho third in growth, low, with Richard Man.sfleld In "Cy- Rarriscale is feelinn lit afler In r hol- ward frail or anaemic, nothing will do them so na being largest ship-- 1 grade, the salaries averaged very reputation the rano de nergerao." ping point for cattle in Colfax county.! running from $23 to $S,ri a month, iday and is ready for no re strenu- much good as Scott's Emulsion, and for girls and women During tho past twelve months there mid $135 to $7ti5 a year. The av- ous w ork . starring in home business it is strength-builde- r. have been l,2Sn of cattle ship-- ! erage annual salary was only $394.42, The fiisl vehicle for the or nature's great head - KG dol- Hessie on The most ovpensno ever or- pej from the local yards. A number! for men $360. or less than n of llarriscale her return umuis blood-foo- by appearance J Scott's is "secret" medicine. It is rich d (f carloads of Mexico cattle were pur-- ', lar n day, while, strange lo say, for from her rest is a domestic drama dered for motion pictures not a a re- to by Kitty chased by J. C. Kinney of Italantine, the women It averaged $00 a year James Montgomery, who has hut alone ore those be worn and a pure tonic; it contains nothing harmful and is Mont., in the border country ami higher, or $420. G2. Only one teacher cently joined the scenario staff at Cordon In the forthcoming World shipped to Springer, where they were received $7fi! n year or an average Inceville. The play is said to give Film feature "As in a Locking Class." pleasant to take. It is prescribed by physicians and liberally held for several weeks on the pasture of $2.00 a day, one teacher had $720, used m hospitals and schools. owned by Talle and Cunningham and throe $f.7r., one $640, one $505, one private later for shipment to the $540, three $520, r,ne $495, one $490, LIT Une bottle may prevent a sickness. buyer's pastures in Montana. three $480, one $455, three $450, one BELEIH GOES FOR ORGANIZATION During the year there were 03 $440, two $425, two $420, four $400, At any drug store Start it to-da- y. head of high grade yearling bulls one $390, one $377.50, twenty-fiv- e re. shipped from this point to cattlemen ceived $350, or less than a dollar u Imitations are sometimes offered but in various other localities in this; day; one $3S5, two $34 5, six $250, HIGH SCHOOL BY CLUBS IS URGED this Trade-Mar- k has stood for supreme state. All of these hulls were from! two $300, one $212.50, one $205, one - j quality for the past forty years. the herds of registered Hereford cat- $237.50, one $200, one $235, one $175, tie on the II. M. Porter ami Charles one $135, or an average of loss than ALWAYS INSIST ON SCOTT'S. Springer ranges. These cattlemen j forty cents a day. VOTE BY BCOTTS EMULSION IB MADE IN and a number of who hnve im-- j UNANIMOUS MERSFELDER others I'nrollniPiit, Attendance. SUNLIT LABORATORIES. proved the breeding of their range; Census, Scolt & Bowne, HloomfielcJ, N. J. cattle have made this county known Mora county's school census shows throughout lo- - 4,288 persons between the ages of the southwest as the WM e, 9 cge, but there are hundreds of boys testimony at the trial, in 1912, cality producing best of high five and twenty-on- of whom 3,24 the inten-b- y ellgi-- j was fixed are enrolled in the public schools, but Interest in Education Shown Newly Appointed Supei ;aml girls of the stale who are placed at $1,000, unit $350 grade Hereford herd sires. Prominent cou-- - IS n ' averages only 195 9. hie but have never .vet become Li as Hie sum in trying to dispose of of whose attendance Educa-Valenc- breeders from various sections the Enterprising People ofl dent of industrial ia with painting Damages purchased There are no pupils above the tenth netted this depart moil. for tho defendant. stale have herd bulls from' "I desire to know at Very ear- anguish fixed at $U,-ooo- . vicinity. grade, while in the grammar and in Man-- tion Makes Strong Appeal the for mental went the ranchmen in this The! County a i liest date possible the names of the I'nited government buyers have high school grades together there are States counties that will agree to provide a GIVEII The charge, to Jury occupied on also purchased large of! only 152 pupils. Ry grades, the en- ner Most Impressive, to Fair Committees, LIBERALLY the a number 'hoys' nnd girls' department in connec- ten minutes, In- follows: Kindergarten hour and young bulls for purposes on rollment is as - stock tion willi lo li- county fall dian I7; first 840, second fair this reservations from the Charles; and primary, I sup-- TO MOHNING and earnestly solicit the hearty i ; Springer company. 654, 4 28, fourth 263, fifth 151, eonniiFONocNcc to monnino joumnali fSPECIAL ronRe.PONOENCR JOUNAL TULAROSA TO VOTE ON third port of commercial clubs, women's Raton Is tho only other shipping sixth 1H, seventh S9, eighth 46, Rep ii, N. M., Jan. 14. Santa Fe. Jan. 11. L. C. Mersl'.-ld-cr- TO MISS WADDELL seems to be the keynote of si hool ac- clubs, county fair associations, city SCHOOL BOND ISSUtt point in this county whieh has loaded ninth 14, tenth 3. supervisor of vocational training county superintendents nearly ninny school term averages 7.1 tivities at Helen. At the recent bond ami nnd others out as cattle as have The in New Mexico, today addressed an 1st ill tills matter. If there to be no ain-.,AI- . been shipped from the local yards. Of; twelve schools had nine election for the new county high CURRMFONDtNCt to MOUND. JOUflKAt months, appeal to county fair committees and 'county fair, it is hoped the f, school building an unusually large then that N. M., 14. An elec- the number shipped from the Catoj two eight and one-hal- one Tularosa, Jan. months, managements, ial wom- 'county superintendent will due thirty-si- x vote was polled. To surprise of coinmen and make been by tho board f "'ily during the past-yea- there were' seven and r, sev- the Jury Decides Taos Man lias tion has culled - every one not a dissenting ballot was en's clubs, as well as county superin- arrangements for a i lilb contest. Will bo February 1,50(1 head of .Mexico cattle loaded for en, nine five, one four and three- school directors to held cast. As election was held at the tendents, urging someone speak for your county'.'" Damaged Plaintiff to S to vote upon question iHSiilhtf shipment by Charles "Wall of Denver. fourths months. the them to organle and fair tho of school building people took ad- encourage boys' girls' clubs for bonds. $30,000, th9 The total number of cattle shipped j Values. the ami Includ- to the amount of Districts and vantage of the occasion to visit the industrial work, to compete at the To Arouse Interest In (iuanl. Extent of $16,700, money to be used for the purpose "f during the, past year Springer is; j from n in 14. are forty-seve- districts ex- Fast Las Vegas, N. M., Jan. about 3,ono head less than in 1314, There schools and see for themselves the fairs and to join in the college ing Pi ice of Trousseau, building a new school house. county, of which three have Just V. The Commercial club held a mass! t buildings during which time there were (,06"! tho rapid advancement being made in all tension work headed by Prof. T. present there arn two been created. Two have three build- departments. The crowded condition Conway of Las Cruccs. lie makes meeting here Friday evening for Ihej in Tularosa, used for school purpos, head loaded out. in Hie ings each, eight have two each and many so purpose of arousing Interest a two-roo- de- of rooms was forcefully the theme of the circular: "Does New isccciAL Dispatch to monnino journal cue building near the thirty-fou- r one each. organization of a successor for Com- mall) Xow Reform School Soon. the remaining brought to their attention that a Mexico Feed Herself.' If Not, Then Santa Fe, N. M., Jan. 14. A ver- pot, and half a mile; from the rooms, two pany II of he national guard, which nix-roo- m Springer, X. M., Jan. 14. Advertise- One building had seven strong sentiment is already nroused Why Not'.'" lb- say: dict for the plaintiff and awarding building. The hitter 1h a one has three in- soon Is to be mustered out. A num- bi'ltig ment for contract bids for the con- had six rooms each, to better existing conditions. The Produce for Home .Markets. 10,700 (I. images was reached earlV structure, three of the rooms rooms each; ber of Normal unlv I'sity students new school rooms, twelve have two. dustrial department, a building erect- tonight by a In $.ri(),00o over an old adobe school building, The. struction of the reform "Statistics show that in 19 13 the agreed to Join the company. Adju- jury the breach twenty-eigh- one room each. by Wad-de- only means of reaching uptdnlr building to be erected in this city has t had ed schoolboy labor, waH a special of promise suit of Miss Margaret ll th build- state of Arkansas received $(i:!,000,no0 tant (leueral Herring was present to ' in- were fifty-eig- ht school point, of interest. All afternoon it rooms is by an outside, stairway. been made by the directors of the There crop $IJ,-000,0- of Los Angeles against A. R. be- for her cotton and then put urge upon the business men the im- ,tu stitution. specifications for ings valued at $37,805, the sites was crowded with parents and visit- Mnnhy, a man of Taos, N. M. The manual training rooms ure Plans and furnishings more with this amount and portance of with the of- business (in ing worth $3,685; the ors who interestedly watched , large an old adobe- house acroi'x the street 'lie building arc file in the offices sent it to outside stales for food prod- ficers of the proposed new company The verdict its returned answers I. valued at $6,634. There are five classes in woodwork or at the forges. from this building. of the architect, K. Rapp, at Santa were ucts, the most of which might have it nine specific ipiestioiis contained in with 203 volumes. The Men who havft lived all their lives In In making an efficient organization. Fe and at Trinidad, Colo. school libraries been raised at home. Alabama spent It was stated that if u of the the charge made by Federal Judge value was $48,1 24 for all school Pt len and w ho have never visited the unit Another Woman .Mady Huppy. -- i j.j total for outside food products $100,000,-000- . guard Is not maintained here the arm- W. II. Pope, who heard the case. The only about $3.00 per cap- schools before were nnmzed at what It Is women who have most nnJ of property or One day tlie thinking people of ory Will lie closed both lo the public verdict fixes the value of the plain- fifty-on- e buildings with they saw, and did not know that such Mrs. Kllifl ita There are these states realized the that u tiff's trousseau at $700; decides that Chamberlain's Tablets. two rooms, things were be- fact and to tbe Normal university, which, .Vine N. Y., three with practical and useful H0O Raker, Speneerport, wrllc. F DUND HEALTH one room each; cam-paigu- s Miss W'addcll spent on transpor- with four ing taught lher-j- change had I" be made. Active now uses the building for Its physical "Chainlperlaln'rf Tablets have tlon rooms, two j one with three tation incident to the courtship, and 1 rooms. Among the visitors was a boy who were inaugurated, farmers .training work. more for tn' than ever dared to hop room and one with six Mnnhy a total of $l,S.riO bil- last year was a student in the night were encouraged to raise less cotton that secured for. They not only cured nie of and more foodstuff. Crop diversifi- Menioa Conditionally Pardoned. from her. Kxpoiisc-- Incidental to lons attacks and slok headache, ljut HAS school woodworking and mechanical wed- 'MAGDALENA BANK sit- Santa Fe, Jan. he re- awaiting' Manby's arrival for the up my whole Obtain- fj CARDUI drawing classes, and who now be- cation is the secret of the whole II. That toned sstem." the use ho- ding had been set, according to able everywhere. OF OFFICERS cause training is receiving a uation. Later we hope, to publish New frain from of Intoxicating which ELECTION of that one year splendid wage us a carpenter's helper. Mexico statistics on this point. nors for a. least and behave agricul- himself in an orderly manner, are Hie j TO MO.NIN. """"""-I In the evening the visitors went away "The members .of our stale (Ptclt CO.MSPONOCNCl conditions Imposed by Covernor Mc- 14. The with a far different opinion of the tural college together Willi many M.'igdalcna, N..M., Jan. Donald for a an, complete par- Oklahoma Lady Says She Vis- Mitgdulena public school and its power for good others have be n doing untold untold lull First National bank of don to (lahricl Mendozu, who was meeting of the board in this community. The domestic good for tin- state of New Mexico, held its annual on i III of year ited Four States Seeking building on science department likewise, under its along this line. The boys' sentenced letoher last jof directors in the bank to serve I JO days in lie county jail al week, artd elected the able inslriu lor, gave a reception to the and girls' encampment held at Health, But Did Not Find Tuesday of this Socorro, The pardon It year: A. K Helen Ladies' club who have shown so state fair the past fall under tlie carries with following officers for the tic a remission of costs. It Until She Took Kerr, president; F. O. Rartbtt, vice much interest and activity of lat- supervision of .Mr. J. 11. Toulouse was president: Jose Y. Aragon, vice prcsi-iden- t, in school affairs. The reception was one of the greatest Inspirational Cardui. well attended by the Helen ladies and boosts given the boys and girls '"' 111111 Cocmail Allen Falconer, cashier. cer and a TW 'iM.r. fl.. intuitu of the bank show showed admirably the close of the slate along this line. A Million Mothers behind existing le tween parents and healthy increase of $40,000 over that the "If eafli i nty fair association of the purest, cleanest, most nu- irenryetta, Okln. Mrs. Anna line- of nearly 100 the school. would provision for of 1914 and an increase this stale make foods-Shre- i' man, of place, says she suf- 1, 1913. The growth of the school may be tritious of all cereal dded this that of January and hold a boys' nnd gills' department ' 'M per over that 6M i nrisv fered for 8 years with headache, back- cut by following l iHMiri n hi t I'ar.k is a member of the federal shown the data: The ist in eonnei Hon with the county fair Wheat. They have mm ache, and other complaints caused The 11, census shows are 713 pu- from troubles, that she reserve bank system, District No. that there next fall, a gnat impetus would be wornanlv and pils ages of 21 in tested it and found it best had been to Colorado, Dakota, .Mi- with a capital stock of $50,000 and between the and given the industrial work of tins ssouri, and Kansas seeking health and resources amounting to $378,700. The tlie lleb n district. ut of that num- state. If such announcements were for youngsters, best for schools C';7, never found it until she took Cardui. j of diretors is made up of ber the hnve enrolled made within the next few weeks, hun- grown-up- s Ball was board , a food to work She says she was given up and stockmen and capitalists of which is tin unusually high percent-- dreds of boys would soon be prepar- confined bed three months. prominent to her for Magdalena and under the able man- age. The Valencia county high school ing their ' round for the various farm on, to play on, to think on. She further says: "We" then moved Allen has an enrollment of forty and that drug- agement of the cashier, Mr. products, selecting good seed, securing Contains the life of the wheat IiPre and after moving here, the rec- number will be more than doubled by gist In Okla., told my Falconer, Is making an enviable a high grade of pigs, chickens, ducks, hero llonryetta, the opening of next year. in a digestible form puts husband about Cardui and gave him a ord in the state for fair dealing and tc. Tin- in addition to taking H.u k of all lids growth and en- , juj Rit thday Almanac, and I read the ten. kind tiealmcnt of its customers. tin active part in the poultry businc-s- gimp and ginger into the r progress is a II timonials and began tafiing it, and thusiasm and definite would better ai uuaint themselves with second j jaded body. Delicious for could see after I had taken the organization that is pulling 'all the cooking de- 1 1 REPRIEVE IS the Hewing, and canning bottle R was doing mo good, an so, SECOND latent, forces together in a splendid breakfast or for any meal with do with, part nu nts. I A i I 1 I f- s- have kept it up. I would net GRANTED TO KINNEY system for the cause of education. out it in the house. When I feel tired Plans for VI Fall. milk or cream. Made at day's! nnd nervous after doing hard Commission Secures Refund, "tt is understood that the state fair Niagara Falls, N. Y. This fine old Kentucky Bourbon is best for work it seems to me and make me! TO MOPNIKO JOURNAL) ret MCIAL COUHK'ONDlNCt cor- will again next year Me-- . Santa Fe, Jan. 14. The state association cafe-anywh- feel fresh 14. Governor ere ... 1 Santa Fe, Jan. a entertain free of charge ten boys and family, club, everywhere. Today I am a well woman nnd a second re- poration commission has obtained today granted H (In- . . me Donald :i . f ten girls from each county in know that Cardui . has cured' Kinney of Colfax refund of for Hud Williams of I can do all my own work and prieve to Austin Hachita, (irant county, on a car of state during tin- state fair week. The ... with, otherwise would have washing and house cleaning now county who fence posts shipped from Mountainair boys and girls who represent tbe giving- t several on January 23. He was THE MEYERS1C0., Inc. out ever out. have been hanged Deming, from to Conti- counti'S at this meeting should friends right in town who have hanged on Christ- to and there here first sentenced to be so a . ompetit ive standpoint, hfcen unubl" to do their work for nental. do from mas eve, last year. snme depending on their exhibit at the Wholesale Distributors years but are now up, since taking n reprieve extends the couple of bottles of Cardui. I weigh This second Tonight. county fair if possible. ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO January 28, so as to give the . J4 pounds, and am alwayg well . . . time to If you feel dull, bilious and consti- "The boys' and girls' ciub work of it one year for an investigation of When I commenced taking additional time pated take a dose of Chamherlain'H Is being very miccessf ull attending the w the state "So, I only weighed 100 pounds." all the circumstances Tabids just after supper and you ill management AU druggists fell Cardui, the wom- negro Dawson, for alright tomorrow rooming. Try carried on unib r the of murder of a nt feci col- - i you a remedy V. T. Conway of the Htute J an's tonic. Try if need which Kinney had been sentenced. it. Obtainable everywhere. Prf. of this kind. Ciet a bottle today. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916.



TIiti- - nr HM'Toxliuately 70. 000. Off Prm in In k.n of it hanian bod v. t ..enni'i t with lh tiloort Ths chnn!f. e to From F, Y, Adds His l.y menus of liitli enal. Tiifc Game Protective Association Superintendent Montoya Boosters 60 Schmalmaack nala ie '.n:eliii! Iiiled with poitoim i and the tkln nd blimarii, tiv to Be on Lookout for Nim-ro- ds Done Splendidly With Ma- -, Here January 25 for Con Identification of Romero r.i and raw ami like o mucn r fire. liioit Who Shoot After Time vention of National Live- and Rodriguez to That of: halves io not rtarh th tource of lli terial at Hand, but More; tnuhl. To make the blood pine in the unlv iiiti,1r inethud of relif. Set by Federal Law, Liberal Expenddines Needed! stock Association, Nelson and Bartender. S" .S. In the greatest blood purifier t.taii It is a naturU one. There ia no mniral of ar.y I'jrt In it. It ia pur. y vtgrtabltt . i'Vi-.l- i f'ffli-- of the I 111 ITlC CAIflft'ONDlMCt TO : l un. h of lii.iistrrs roirosi'iil - Anoilu-- link in thi' rlmin of ?o great l the fame of S. 8. that Aluiittiiriu' rXvilk onic JOu1i; .. In , many trail virlm.s 1'nbli' fii"'l i ii ro'.n- ;iiw Ni'W .Moxii-- t J:iiiii IJonii ro ami Mat. aabntltulea I'rotet live association aniioimr Ihiil Jan. H nit il.ii will no' iiitair.f aoon-- r !', l.y gecuoni of the country. Tiiav all open season on under i ;iiim'U- In Hiimloval ounly ix :i iu ! ; ivit r:l on J.iuiiiiry o atti-n.- l KodrienrK Wii. Kaiiii'd ycstordiiy S. S. S. the waterfowl t l'an or lattr, die a natural death. - nmal-inlvt'rtis- c or thiin 11 a hf;i'l. Hi- t i a l.iv.-sio- i k j thi- polii o whon . hi up weak and aeidy blood. th federal migratory bird Iaw t loses :il onlv fft.t.K Irss tin National build every iu . , . n prompt relief to almoist case of In 1", ' vv j,.. . - vhil,. t ii.'il x rt'l it 11 rrs Isjsi am) niaark iil. nlif ii'.l as the two nu New Mexico on January anl JV ihf .H'l.'M In thif t them eirr.a, winter tetter and other akin that ihiir nrgiir.ination art well oh all! Al ii- IT.', or ! than $.' Ii i'' malariin Von owe youraelf the dut" . s. S. game protective ions ; head, the of i flinty i "n-- li id in Mnrcli. Ten l'he f.ui that i.rartiially the samel ,,f irvlnf a l.ettl of Take n.i the othir luminal l:ii.iyiT tin' here have for our book at-- rofo-- j aalnitlt ite Write free the1 in ilin-r- s only $9.."9I'.."' I e ii, i th. iU were employed In the n in the stale, being pledged lo 'riMitinif las i.iv their intention of on skin disease. Confidential ltt-r- principle of ihe fedctnl In, In go- - ' lor pnrpoK-H- . or al.oiit Jl l" i" and it if hop. d to M rure hety of i.oth Si llmalinaai k and John; replied to Xiv our Medical expert. Writ ' j department 33. At- iriy In jiU .orfh Mfrj1 effort In see 'iatita, in n.l.lilion l I ,2u.'."i p"!' noimh t.. chut tor a fpeeial ear. Kve s"ii and also the fart that Anmist Swift .pecinc Co.. j.! - Ga I lanta t ti law enforced, 'lax. saloon li.innVn. II. Tiles'.; state m inh. r of the exPeiilive i.inimitt.e f oinmori. I.arien.ler at the Monte- - i)I.H, Mi, i Hid. I . Iii. ( hunt, is nil over ihe conriiiy. j ; .:ii.rtiotuiii t.r, i:. it the 'oinniei ' in rlnl.'s om ent ion ilium said aiol Kiuirmne. i j I '! ; were followed tin j' sav, iri acknowledging I h 1 tin ! ,'i'ifi..l rniB. clInMi'.iioi, f.'i.H''. ;f"ie has promised to attend, and the men who I - : Ti-a- i -' Mc- - i federal law Ii.ik alr'iidy brought about w liili- Ihi- i Xii'!ulitui.-- ni-ro- h- 'eii.ijh other nen of the eily to k from that place led Chief ?WfT an Inert in the dink supply. Ninrtj . IV Kilai i.s. JIJ.92.f.n; n ut. t.'T.'. a hoostcr ilel.K.-iiiut- i from tliis Millin to conclude that the men were w . , nhh-'ries- Sehmal-ma-ark'- out i.f ten sportsmen realise anil ail- - ' It fi. I, $i"n.S.T. Hiipiilii-s- JJ'm.rS; si.te'il. All New Mexi.o li itoek iruilty of h.-i- i lull thst the docks cannot stand six, 'i.ool.i for ni'fd; children, 1 ' 4 i;r"Wei'rt whii expei to attend the ass'reon when he saw them I!-- new j yesterday they were month open season any more thanj and improvements, ": meeting in ;l J'nfio are renuesied to at the jail that 'jVV-- f: I d- who him i an it 11 y other kind of Thtre-- j " itMililiiics. crnuntlK furniture.! j.uii the AlhUiiiiernue I. t'.H ion for i the Pandits attacked I eas- - fore, nine nut of ten sportsmen are j i'oil.t.'. rolleetinit poll '.it. t! journey and to li tif the Com - streiilh. nin ief heartly in favor of the federal la". i mis. i llaneo1in, iKt.T.ii'i. It Is il"appar-- J menial .lllll nt once .f their inteii - ; aaini them. t' . 1 1,,. ,. thiit lun for the I j In the face of their identification ' , and punctiliously observe. II, they say., M" ih refoi s'at.'j 'Zt-2- U.7 - hy Ke hv ar.d Si hmalmaai k, the two The tenth one, hitvever, ? llv",e .ml and the taxes pniil the Santa Advenixin Sliinl I'laiim il. " , V Id not victims, and also hv I.oinmoli, the watch lnif. ; L.-L- .UntS tit. t tailro'id, Sandoval iminty wot. The New Mexi. o ileleKation will lie 1 Ai - K'h.n.1 he- - men persist. d in t hi-i- t statement that 'Here I where our pmuciiic .w Ik..- have much of bsleti), met with a hand and will do some of l.i.-- proper ial sup-- . they wei not guilty. nations mmf In." any Wester-- J iaiise of finan. strenuous advertising while in the ss; ,S. - They were Justice! mm Of- - - j County hoot Sui.ei- City. taken before feld. president of the A 1liif or- ukh'uiRii i I'nss Unite hauliers will he ! a Ceorjr- - 11. Craiij of Tweiitj'-.sixl- h jj the K.'iiiItaiIoii. "Fvco one of otir lnm-- j intemlent Honifa lo Montoya innkeH trtinc; In nil the hotels and in the mat'Mil'ircnt shwjnK of work h.lie to preelm t court yesteidav mot nint? and drcdr mcmlcr In to nhwrve J convention hall atiention - : on a complaint sworn to the law ami te report vpiv violator) with ihe mi itnx (ivailaide and th" Alhiniu'iTijlii- and the iittlemen's atraimied a ho-ll- at 111 rnUlill.l all'l SeVer.'s I ther In l.y Nelson. They were bound over to f'tr tn. f in Ion " j meetlnir held here next March. were prize wini.eri at the elu- - ialdltloii. n me tin will he held of all await the action o the i,'i.nol Jury. Tht- tin' day l mfam tlii nfor ihej I I n-- , I . al convention last NoM lnher New Mexl, o . itifens nltcnilimz Ihe Kl ' bei, hum) was IiXcil i't duck Mason U hundred men .. , 1 - j p.-- , Hi w ii tm in I twenty Ibre,. school din- - j ' furnish that amount ii if ii tmr tkM will have their cvii polled for Itifru - There an and eommil!eos nppcint oi n V I , uhi-.- - jail. j 3NTi..J-'- rirts ill tin utility. .f six have.,.i ,( (l ln,. Alhuotieriiue conven i''" ".uintv turn of Ihe law. Thnt thisv hundred CLAUDE 'scene i - STF.RN-SCHl.OS- . & CO. eooPKL. wo ea-li- il. I ! huildiriKH Hue strict has lion in lh.- various livestock centers! men, wall ft manri.ii aw to inn General Claude Co..f.'i itai ..uui.-:d.- of V itii til. lii. ills and sliowed some four rooms, five districts two of th- - si ne DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC I Ditrihuton Ka.mii wariW-i- In ticrins the l.iw hae 3 Albuquerque. N. M, I ! I I promise. With lh Te Ii he rooms two hull. links have two A j In ubVinun the llrooklyn rn league iluh an. rals while Joint of ihe executive i f I ii NOW UNDER CONTROL, IS k . r woinli ally and now sever;' roniiiH ea h. Of the structures "(ipn ariiMin on du-- hunU'P afn-- Mild to he Hie xrentist mi field--- in and fiiiaii.e committees win held at M ilul.- - ih-- ' , of the li aie hiddiiiK for his are owned by district, five are luh huil liilH nikht the ! J.tnu.iry II, unil no limn," L thp rdernl iiK.inlAilii.n. ma the last for DR. SPARGO'S OPINION aervn v !! Iut wi ll, Is :ih fast as usei) fre,. of rent, eifiht pay t'i to ' pin p ise of arraucin;r for the trip and (filni? rmimlH ' i humoroun ulican tb Ihe New Votk Le-- revert lo sn ma. i id has few per Ihe rental ! ways-- month rent. total to discuss and means of raisim; i unioiig local tinnm jirntvtnri. Cl Wii a That tin- - epidemic of diphtheria. - filunl. op'T law li .Utt! i'i.i:i!s in inp $10 a month for ikht huildinns. the money necessary to entertain the Alilo Lpfp'ild, mrrMnry of ih- whi n in , Six of the IniildinKH are in excellent in March. Hie first has rak'rd Alameda ami uoclcUiin, hew lh'- convention lotli-- 1 rolnts li iRnl! i places in the county outside of Hudson Signs - onditioti. ten K""d five fair days on of money for jnimi1 have! f n i on. id. i,l v ;l! i o l.c e. of work the raisin uiociutlini twenty-si- x lAll.ii.juer'iue is now under control and I . line.!, adobe, one ok, one he two committ" en will combine their I intuit ikifl of iigfnrlm In b ar ed ptildica lion, Il was said, m ih othiT C I j .that there is no danger of a spread of; T BASKETBALL L fran, !. one stone and adobe. if the ( ( f ani .,((,,- .t of the city fff)rn law thiK yi nr. J l nl.l the abile assoeiatli il has a j,nion rnforfinu thi pr.iicrty title of $9,457 the value of ,s 'the disease to the city is the opinion; M rvict' imutk4 rr-- i t tia m e I o It t in The c.invassid. the finar,.,. committee The forxt hi ..c - is :.".n, htilldin;,'s furni-- j ief Ir. W. U". Sparo, county physi-- ' Wall Paper . . sif t i.0ili. complete the job. The bndpet tn u II lla ranirt-ri- i krrp nil n p. tin i t f"i-.l- minrtir lo tnj ad 1, ci..n. ! . I7j0. he February whil Miiii peti-os- l i I. - lire imu.'t laisid before pj'o ut violation, tho this lh inu Il U...I.,.,-- ii,l,,i.-- ...... b.,.l il.,nfln..ini,.1, ea.-oi- i, i fr T.'Ui'licrs mid Terms. j since the expenses hav e already start- - J. ," fn j jra.mii huii Inntrinipd nil LEACUE OPENS AT .1 ills. epidemic HUDSON for Picture wr1n hij lass than one-ha- lf of the teachers ,.( slice the first broke out, and; iiloiiB 'h l!io Orantlp to r . I hi hlatllllK iili;tl.. Will I..- 1. 1. evn ' has made visits every day out i ithov-- Seven are men to the riut, v r.a , ate third tfruiV. linilai.oiis sent Hnnidm-- l. port InfruPtlonn of th fi ilpral liiw to ;! 'el.. i k l.vinar to give Frames and twenty-fou- r women, two having j ,.rs,.nal invitations from the Cm-iife- . sections the cases his! tho t'nliil titr liloloKlcnl mirvty for ' personal attention. He has employed, I . five first rade. eight second m'ercial club continue to j;o out to nil jirowi'iitlnn. Ma ;ce 'i ,niike-- , St. Copper ARMORY TONIGHT Ktade and fifteen third cra lo certifi-- country in at- - ; mi.. ids and nurse? to see that the' Fourth and Atc. New V.. ik, Jan. I I. N uarter.s of the solicit ties. line permit nas neen issueo. tendance lit the ,tu ion. O. minis- - jMUui'.tntine was rigidly enforced, audi V..rk Amen. 'nil leimue club oiiiht i A. H. S. BASKETEERS av er monthly salary is lit. s;, ,n otherwise has taken every precaution j li.'-l'.- The rR.' $6. m. n. bankers. brokers and i l a deal with Sinclair, llaliv $ 4 average annual salary 1.09. men m(.n i other lines i business ar jpiisMHe in prevent the spread of the, TODAY who ch.-r-- i f in.i.iy of I'd-ela- l .WILL JOURNEY has the 1 4 2 (disease. In on- -' i. ll'JO.43, women Z'.' , t,. by this work, he has ',,r MaK-'"- . inn tire. attend the thousands. orest Service W Meet Com battue phiVe,,, lee $7 . ovv Tfi DcicM rno nAMPcir The iiviratte leim is 7. months, j ,nsw,i to these Invitations have countered difficulty LUMBER ULV.LII I VIII Vjn Ifl k. .'.tat pl.icir ,ca. tnaiiai-o- i IU J fcinerlv it s. hoolH havinir 10 inuiitbs, one bi I., the tendency of the people to Paints, Oils, Clnss. laltholil pany G Basketeeis ; ,'ind Ihe HiooklMi club reailv k'un to arrive at the ciuh lideial le.iie I. one x, sixtet-- 7, one '..--, three , fj,..,, ,rr,m , ,oit. s.' diphtheria mscs and fuse to 'Ins and Iluililin lapr. Ctiificietil of Ihe result of Ihe alu ,10 ntsof the let. Tan-Cl- e :. and on-- - months of school j r, .;.elvetl (all in ;i pliyuiciiin until tv-- i late. , Albu-tiUtni- Business College Will otie'i'i it is believed that men C. invam-iti- Hip i J. BALDRIDGE LUMBER miilHern i MEMBERS OF P. P. U. Six ti .ichi'i s (rot $750 a .tr, one $S7. f.,r as New York and Chicano Wlorft ,.f .'tlj'e has rn, biyt-- ' ja eftst bit h b.isketei M-- , . y With I'nivfrsily, one $M'(i, two II5J, one 0, one 'iiilscd th. prevalence of diihtheria COMPANY I mm Alhuooeriine for the bin nd Kill terxni". leave his nmrniiirf AN - 1 GET AWFUL SHOCK Mini, nm- - 1140. one t3'M inn- $1 5, j ill Cm rales, junt across the border in when- they play tvt'n event. for Helen the nine l,;:,ii, one 12s:,, onei Sicit'ea! county. Quarantine regula- ai;tfga-lions- , lia, Another committee was out i u'intj h jih liool $.10-1- . - Valencia i Ft woemg one l.v.O, J .'7 7.'.V j tions an- icily t:. ill e.,,ila'r, :'aL comieONDtNct to joutu 175, one one ,lny with tikets for the supp-- r i be Hole not sti enforced, (he t,'!ils this cftei noun, blul thi ,M - nthnsi-asti- e i w Cb'Vis, N. Jan. It An i and there have been fifteen in n ill opi n III Hie II ''lie $;x. he'd tn xt Thursday. Today the last deaths DUKE CITY toys toiiijht of I1. ('. oth- a iloiibb 1'i.leSt M r- - riieeiniK the c. The county has a s. h.u.1 census committee mil conclude that community Criahs is just 1'linperotied hy Mrs. l.n I ar, hi 'a wi'h header. h" the ninvass lee ij erwise known as Hie poker I'lavcis I.'.';, the enrollment 1,:i:s, the at- - an, disp.ise of the remainmt; U . ru.rth of Alameda, and il was i litis Cleaners-Hatte- rs j opposiiiK Ihe Ci.mi.iiis t.'ani, asu ntiint principal, the rls II, suddenly I c - , i - vv , i rhit lllll llnsltUKs l.,l uiilo was an. iincei mom l. n.lara e so:, The enrollment by "Kkeryboily come and bo,.M." is the that a ni l at manv a s e trans- W.I le.iVe . 'he ..i.'e lllu III" talllad this nioriiicj. at oilslV (111" I rilpleil .It Tl All o Sun. 1. is following: , mitted to this county. I'.eing power- 220 West Gold Plume 411 I'nikersiiy of. New t. i .' the Kinueritarten rc, nt veiimst th . i . . , ... - ..... , ' by tram, nuunm sboitiy afur when .Move swoopi-- l .111,1 ii i r. i . i ' .n.i less to ' . nixbt sheriff handle the situation in anoth- in It U proh ;!.! Here is Ihe teams ill lllie. Came ihe afleinoon. down on and nabbed si yen member-..- f J'.t: third, liii; f.uirlii. 7;'. fifth. 7", er county r. Spargo could only do j S. !". S. i c . boys' (.. Hun w, uo by itilo. I'. aplaiu I. th-- - ASSIGNMENT MADE - THE WM. COMPANY that the In i Ian - x'.li, i.l; scvcntli. 14; elKntn, n i h:s best to grapple with tin- disease FARR ; i M.l! i llfCompatued hy lit pp at blenhei I!.' beits. v.. aft--- r It developed at the irial that one Sandoval is one of the few counties j il bad been brought in ih-- ' Miiiil-r-r- , r I , . . . u BY OWNER OF FRUIT Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In .r Audi rson. ls' conch. Scolleld - J'r..fess mi '(' men, Per of tlb' pativ hud meielv ill il without :l hu;h school. county line. PI I KM I AM) SALT IP-T-S iroWell HUl- -i !'he illie-l'- The f.illowinj; plaveri wa'l make tor Scvitns, ef n Ihe crowd ovii in his car and be STORE TO CLAYTON Snusncf. a SHH'laIty j Company i '., which will K trip uiumat vva.-- (utiKd The other .ix win SENATOR FALL'S COOK Wire nests are strongly mail" fioin; For Cattln and lfogs Hio'uisi;et H I he si.-- i wan m.l ,i , i i ii ii .,.1 A II in use Swi;a Fun i, t ca.-- and ti m ed lo llurly coppcricd wire and will iu-- for Market Prices Are Paid I'll A deed of assignment from H. C (cdptaini. Iinr.t llobiri". Helen llrv c. Inst lliwb'. s j.,: I MIND years. They I" the hi ,a.h nave CHANGES HIS i t are intended to fasten In I jPrcMo-- for the In of all his cred- fiirwrd; Ve'i.ui lloiiKla. Car lluslness Colh-- Chamber, A I le.nd ici!dlni, an npp-.- to the the wall Willi screws. There is no; , itors pi W. Moore ('lav tot, was filed LEATHER AND I'-di- t. h. I'.l!a K I , I, j , FINDINGS Irene I'a i. I'll. ; Wilson, U e s o f. , Hi. o jout-ii- , room Hu m for lodgement ctrtit teiriAL TO th-- - mi of lice uiir-N- . comtticotHct ivestiilay in office of Histiict, lay, Helen Mc'iiinr, (. lain I, Heikviith, su i I., d m v or mill are siiM-i-io- r ells ai. f. The hois il thi wt'ic Alamog.irdo N. M.. Judg Mud-lison- Miiiiin, far to! Harness, Saddles, llcvoc Paints, Roof Jan. H. (Clerk Thomas K. 1. . 1'res-- j II - -d A. II. R f:. Mann. I!.m.... The il sitv .tin is to s"b ii'eielv ha viit t a of pilch. I,. Judge of : iiiisIitii Isixi.. l'rice 13 ii'iiis; six Paints, Ftc. s'lia: cam,' Kdward Medicr, presiding t"ii had a frmt store at .".01 Illakem-ir- .1. M f- - J North; lfapt,iinl, Kni.nild an, from this sua id i' ihu.-- ap t ill'H'hli'. It' , for a li no til hot ai hi district, was for HO cfnis; twelve for $1.15. THOS. F. KELEHER the Third J'ldi. here First street. j til.-oi- - I - ' J'arklmrst. Ch;ier, lulu), i: Mi inn a. i hi , l.ap- lot of poker hips and a small nnn-iin- t Wednesday and a term ofi i:. w. f lnl.1 short Mrs. Theodora Scdido - i Hero was! in:. rnoxn 410 I 2li-2ll-- 4m : link. n lav, W.".b', IJt.ui iu, e.,ihi"f m.-i- v which Hie ofla ei- - .uf's-- l eoiirt ii II. Hamilton, distri. t at-- ! Phoiic lfi. il W. Lead. central -. granted a divorce rce. The - j Albiuiiierquc. Kbiisb- , . ' d''. fines- Nctbrusk Ikrfcal4 er, Th.ukl-v- n hi ipe- - jeataot m-- i nied jurv .1 l:, II, I in i.iuse the torney, and nson New. court j 1 1 of alimony ard party rights were; t.meoii, Ni h , Jan. l"n tv Swell. M- l. I r. ii jt. t.':a! Mit- iiiii. think point was reporter, wi re lo re also. It had been Itl- - d by j ' I js. stipulation. In her cm-- ,f Ni'blask.i, Kansas I'lun The -r the , a .'An Well Hint it scliediile hat taken. li presented to Judge Minller .plaint she asked for a reasonable sum en-- j there noiild be a pica of "guil'v" las alimony. Th- - decree was granted' Class-Pai- nt leled by Mitchell Jefferson, the ni gro I on the gioiind of abandonment. ; Is charge, IinIRPR Cement-Plaste- SCHOOL AT M0G0LLON who with having slmi and Mrs I t also was granted a de-- , r I lilod ills wile, at Scnat'-- r A. I'., Fall's, DESTROYED BY 'iree of divorce from I', C l.ippitt. FIRE; ranch home at Three Kivels on last j Albuquerque Lumber Company CHILDREN ALL SAVED ' "rul. tv iifiernnon. Jefferson iitcrcd j 411 NORTTI FIRST STREET a pb-- of guilty at the preliminary.; DEATHS AND FUNERALS. bearing and was remanded to jail w I - e joiiesftt. ' iefi'ik. ra cf without bad to await the action of the; nf C. J. Frank. M.-- "li"ti. V. M . Jan 1 4 Fire. next gran I Jury After the prelimi Funeral sen ici s for C. J. Frank willj Ma! I,. Ho in .i .bficiive Hue. oaiiMil It. nary tel- ! Sun-la- Better hearing Jefferson reo"'lle1 it held at J:2.1 i.'elo. k after-- ) the - lnpb'.i. ill m r in i a n ,,f new I the egram from his sisier in San Antonio n i at t'. T. Fn n. h s chapel. I'.urial! The. public a.'hocd Inoldinn here. - that counsel had been i m- will be in i'airiii'iv cemetery. With the a n.a.-- s of flu mis, the: TWINS. T a ,oM I" .1.1, v i'l veil lor him. He has since decided- a i Cheaper 1"0 pupils in ihe iaiil.tinn loan hi d out j II Co! as .sssutlieit Ihe 111 it to enter a pica not guilty and let I'lcads (.ullty to Forgcrv. j Ruud In perfi 'i order, th- - t,. i,. sein-- ; "Maaekall aa4 null," .! Via beiiu: lain i V lute Hal In go j Fas Vegas, N. M.. j I ho:e case to trial at the spring term Fast Jan. 14 bianco of a pace, dc- la iHale4. are apurla." lllll- Mi I l .! r I ,.i tiu cMrin.e Inla public eiunioic .f whiih will be convened here Ship m.l n was arraigned in Judgel liiii bir.'iMn .,f ma i ! Ikp Ikal vie. and ihe lr lu tail Ikrr m A i i i I. lat,. T'liirsulay j IS jPavid J. lahy's court Quicker vth.o had euri'iully ilriil--- pi-il!- WINTER SOMETHING ELSE. ! J rr. the iter ta Many yeara npail ikal Judge Aledh r granted a hearing in afternoon and pleaded guilty to forg- - Tank ini--iv- ) .,.. at in ,,f Ikev aa ftilt Itutk aat a bum In the Summer: - ling; Iftrr'al. He the case of John Wohlenhcrg. arrest a check for $27.50 on the peoples! HU-'- i. n i n- ' lk oat lha benvh ntlere lie aal. mi re, t,if - i - Ihf ball film IU d at Tularosa last Friday, on a coin- Hank and Trust company and ashing , tV vt ei e isr i rr much of a math- t.rlbfa. ahen tkrlr The laiiidiiij; foi I In i; Hot inun w t. pi.unt charging that it was unsafe for! it at I'.osenwald s store. Shipman 1. ,J . , I it !i,n, e h ive fikiui ril that St Water It Was plv ml f The Left llliam utftntniinneJ anj flat. I"!,, 111 said 1 'fie a tit r lie of IM. h .1 b lag him lo le at liberty. Tin complaint! that while he was intoxicated a ib-.t- ru' n vv : m-- He t.nilJn't make Ka..J In tilt ttekllntf. in of the in vi.u ' v r-- I - 1 w 1,. li w H tir... He iHtiUn't make foej allh hla bal. was mule immediately ali- i Wohli-n-- man named Gorman wrote th,- - check Verell U, v I cripple M'h"ol (.oilitus hile II lull as b Hal akrn h aai IraileJ In Winter erg had had an unusually seer, ut- - and gave it to him to cash. He de- h.-- I Water the of ih urm Th hr gave hint a tuluiriii lur thai. tack of epilepsy. The court received clared that Gorman received $7 of the Heater t read Ikp aiurp l trils'le Mil! n eel ill.lCe l.lti pll" ier; tliur , de-- 1 mun y. !' nf I be reports from two hysiciaiis. who Sentence was ostponed until ;, ,tls-- . a Hiatck Millie I tunc 4 'kite 10 tluUi ill 'lie tumor for new tuiidit:, .Hid fot th. klnrrn ,l i Ke). aaada p a rr Ikal il .hut lilltnote will be jcl.ticil the prisoner was tibsohilcly Shipman's story ran bp investigated. acci nirno.J n.-o- i i t t! It pup' II. t. it ,.f s w k ell.. I'prll la iuk. at lit th ,iiioiiul Col ii in vine, and ruled that us lh, re is no tPnip.'iary r'tv- toon Hill ,M M . ten .Iilt about that lime l n i t ii his sanity, it would FilCsl k ( tiiiuny nxirSHTtlc--- j 1 !.. If - M l a i 1,1 I't.- a 'Im i John oi T!t to tel. as,, him .us-- ; Santa Fe, Jan. 14. Incorporation j F S iiccesarv from ' I.lrl a Mavrr ll'l.l. Hi. f a 1,1 ef., pli, !aa prc.K . , t.di. pap. is were tiled today by the Chi- X M e. lit H i S'Imi Civ cago I I li 1. a Tv Ciibli I't-- a .. u Livestock company of Fast is Monies. . i d w n r. in 'ir. slaw. bn- - all i'iav tia e or it Vcg.iN ith A. T. Rogers, as sta- th- Santa Fe Personals. Jr.. .ii' ' ' !.ISt In-- ' , 111 ti.e " ed aw l.'i siiiuiti.rl tutory agent. The capitalization is i;- - i a p II- - p !sy of ti,tr,it I r i' u .1 t'...t jele. li'f eat. ut $110 n.,r. . l.'aMini with stock at The year-ol- d , a . s - l.n.e tO Slue ti Fe, J.,n, 14. Stale I'ng'ineer if. ' paid up capital in'"or-- , , kaeke ia rpetiaimeaded ; Jaitit-- is $S,.ifl. The I Here's a little heater ,i ., Ire tut A. Fi cn. h tailay Kl i with long heat illl; u to lh. left for porat.-r- a t kvt tkrrp ' I and directors are John W. .1 I RESTRAINT. ktisaai. laa'l as,, ,.n a irrand Jn:; r It file F'.f lotsine. trip. quick-actin- g, In rak I Fowler, copper coil and a aiaaiaaakier tka aid trnii aaett ' i haafco, shares; Hufust high is. s, . vit "I I A istsm Came u arden Camilla Pa i . ' . . I died id wh is atti kete oinift lime mketi feel like - ki-- i l'rice. sliares; K. Cor- j t i 1,1 wt wild a ad Was Kl today lour cnarles J years o' i ti i a.atirr laaraalt rierla katr liriiia ta Jdil'ii bound f..r Faso .t power burner that will supply all the an. other-in- - belt, five shares; Albert T. j lalk al i I t r 11. W.IIV I'd (laare wfcw villi mla la 191a, ttkllr siti nd the fun. nil of his bl j l!.t no Wket. .luka r. Ilradi, nllk kaapkall Jr , one share ! hot water need I,, i d ataaaatea a fl,arlaB law M..niiol It KoiiH IO, who was one you without vexatious en.inon ti.oii .irr.iiK.i The aukllute. remark. tierr'a i . : i al la l"IS. lh-- r i .ai t.,: nit of ' Americans slain near Chihua- motive the tr igrdj Mere " j Our new crop satsds an- - Brriiing delay or worry, and tl d i at a surprisingly i : f brother-in-- huvr been t);e r. .oi. i f M.oii-- itfi'l-l. e hua The wax s!. a in daj. Vegetables field an, flow- -' Mi. ,r..r Vii la.urlilitl, P 11 II eje r- - law l.u- - :eicr - prop'Val ,,f man iKe I i I s i tiiii thear- Hoi - Or a a n Mo of the lute Mrs. Antonio I low cost for gas. This- is 'ittH. a a lirt-- t ,er stitK F, w, I KJ', heater iv. i.tii. inahl Air tliafcse.l fi ti 11 oiet- ero, w ife of New Mexico's secret. n y fei r.- - w.iPin lo let t o illume 212-2- 1 . Ki'fatrt Fib .1. f stale. 1. Iai strongly constructed and neatly de- Itcvlrr' t..ta that ,t,i beat itiih Ktane U In it 1 4 Jon lelfev John Uvtrt Fe. Jan. H.ilph t , Santi 'et l..t. Jaw lie ncu'tt be i nii,j;-- of lh T l.xTK TO signed and finished. f", Kly f Si h C. r.irul MITIIi: l SKM KIIOl i;v the Mrvioi woi l.l. Jo! i f ifct ll i . li-- lllll. j A.x ll,l nip. tent Hallway company ixta fib I tu re. It I:..' us ltiil llrentian th.-t-l nalwh e,i.i i,,t wull a ma - MllllMi. A visit to sliow-riton-i will -- our give st , Mi.,i m mi's g- -i me Phone immediately, I.' you complete infor- In court c.,i-rit,- wot arftea is chine run Notiie ' given that thp( port the distrai eay e batupt Ttia fana are an mation and an inspect iou of ptem-iii-- r Fill; KKN'T Nice. the heater in operation. from July 1, 115, lo S ab.-u- liieetinat of the nan. modern fiuae Ittiiiertt.c l Ilia luket rv-- t THE BALL SCRIBE COMPLAINS i f a j furnished room, hi, it, no l?ll. The tlisburaemenis ape. ulat.-r- t!vt the) haven t jttiy rs Ihe SI. ektnen Guaranty ALBUQUERQUE I M.t I sick, GAS. ceded the receipts, the t 'tal disbars. Mm for tha umpire. be Loan tompfinv will tc held in the of-- j to gentl. rni ii ,.r ladns. ref- ELECTRIC LIGHT & I like ta get eat bax-k.l- l erences. ? fiionla beinn $J7,7k3 and Ihe r dafsr herteath fi.-- the cotnpiiny at number II j s.oiih Third Ph- he ir.T. ti. vwk aaatmar gka .f POWER COMPANY f Ykere are ikaae $3,:. (':'. 7. from thlak ikal Vt aett land ursss sioutb Mreet In A .N TV.H A t p! ivi r. jfipU dericl kaa a the kail and kit piano PHONE OS. 1 KvPtaaalia Hraaa ikaaer tug tar. M- - e (.Jen Is and condui'lols J7,;u !, m.n avataal Itarrpa la all at Ikp It and V. w vi.(i, or scttitreftiy, the ;?nd able ,i iiamtle any kind of at - - fart I kai. any aaarkalt dape amid , compnnita indi- (rl tlx l.ty of January, r omn.-tniment- tinea- $S.n7S.S. and Ikal aaaarra i art axe kaa aaaata alrrl and A. ifX'jU. at ll.e siiiht icinler. Call balafiep atepl ka W I h- - ,.f lao-ihtriy- i h.-i- . viduals ?I.t, traffic aat timl krlatna am aaa.l taaaa ike atagnatet aa the ur . o. - r. in s. New l. h. twe. ii : n, g ait tr--m . Vaalaat baaakartlaaaait. It kai la har. W. . I'FSTF.KICII. Prcsi-l.-m- this iilieinoen. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916. ' FIVE 1 CASES ME STATE MUSEUM NOTES DR. IKED TEUS SUGAR UNEEDED CONTRADICTORY NAT1A L BOARD RANDRETlti ItPICUl COMIIPONMNCI TO MONNIN JOUNhALl , 100 Ytart Santa Kr, Jun. H. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. OH 1'. Miller of Volley Hunch today PILLS BY HOW B E BY III OF An EfTtctlv Laxativ UDED DM churier member of tin-- New EUROPE STORIES OLD FILIfl CENSORS IR Purtly VegeUbU Mexico Society of the ArchueoloRlctil It Inptlmte E J. K. (Hi', vice inesiilent of tho Constipation, SUPRENI COURT Central Trust Company of Illinois, BRQUGHT TD END BIG QUANTITIES B! THE WITNESS IS ADVOCATED ChicnKO, writes the museum: "I Vint Indigestion, Biliousness, tic. in the Yalmnru Industrial Inteitrd Night sawi tritium, loiiited lit Wntrnus. X. M.,' Q OR Q Q.t and havlnw used the s:imitorlnm rj until reltewj fr Testi-BrouR- Irwin, From Chaves ' ht d Dow vs. the benefit of our emi'loy s who hiivc reace Pat tv Ends Excursion Necessities of War Have' Former Striking Miner inch People Claim Present Uk. Ohooolnt-Coat- or Plnln the piirtiiutnr kind of treat- County, Reversed and Re- mcdid in Europe; All Ex- About Sit-- in Trial of Method of Maudlin?; ment and care that toctor Mrown Members, Unusual I fies for. State "MovJ manded; Murry vs, Belmore, Kives his patient, I requested Doc- cept Those on Permanent uation; Two Million Tons! Men Accused of Murdering ics" Is Net Ncaily Ri.'id' tor lirown to come to ('lili'nao and From Quay, Affirmed, talk lo the employes of the Central Board, Sail Homeward', Must Be Shipped Overseas. Major P, P, Lester, Enough for Public Good, Trust company of Illinois, taking for his ,snb.iiHt the wonders of Now Mex- - CONftCaPONOf NCI TO MON,N tCCIAk. JOUftNAll The. on Thurs-(Uu- y T MONIN& ( Pr ( orrrtpumtrm .) MDNNINH JOURNAL WiBR) f MnhNINa JOU1,,!. IHCIAI WIRft MALOY'S jico. meeting was luld JOUNk ClL ItlCCO Axovl.itnl l lttl0 ,tlltU 14. su-i'..- lf jsiiila ie, Jan. The sta,te night last, and he accompanied Hie lluuuc, ( Joudoii), .Inn. 15, Th Hague, Netherlands. Dev. 2R. t'liKtlo Itock, I'ohv, Jan. 14. Wil- Washington, Jan. e nation-- ; court today reversed and re- - (1:1.1 p. -- Imrope needs in the coming year llulsey, striking miner, censors was alternately f his tnlk with nearly a mi ml red pie- m.) On ih eve of the dis- - liam former al board of (oiui of sugar from oversea, prosecution, was the being by mo- - maiided Ihe case of Hiram M. Dow, jtures projected on a screen. It was bumlinu (lie Ford neace exnedi- - testifying for the hailed us influenced I on- - according to an address delivered only today In the case of four de- - DAY SPECIALS llee. vs. W. Irwin, . vcr' IntcrestinK and depicted the witness lion picture manufacturers and PAY ..nni J. annellant. , lifii and lin departure on Sat ' nil ... in a way ur'i tho Indlnn society of The Hague former strikers i hinged w ith the mur- fended ns u valuable Independent county, It 1m an iini.,.l "" ."..m" i f a majority .1 lYnn Chaves i" of the Americans mem- H. 1 - WhImxIicc iVas 25 uiwi-lli'- ill minds by Dr. f. frlnson Curlings. The der of Major l Lester, of the hos- agency at the hearing tonight on ram :llltl uie nirii uie bers f New Dr. the' frmn a garnishment proceed ins, the York. C'virles P. In el'fi w i llughes-Smlt- Mt-xzoii- of many of the men that New Mexi- sjieukers explained detail the ct pltal corps, ho was kilb d during h film censorship bill A Salsa il" AUed, n behalf of the fans appellee sarnisheeing the amount due co was a land of and desert. ivemhers of of the war on the sugar position In battle between strikers and militia In lore the house education commit- rocks perm-til- ' 3 Mi'Mitc Tomato the nt peace (.,, r, which re- Walseii-bur- fans Del fur the construction of u bridge. The Doctor Jlrown, in my opinion, is a val- the different Kuropean countries, men on the "hog back" near tee. Friends nnd opponents of the in - mains F.urop,. ton.ghi gave out the i JIM 4. money was ordered paid Into court uable asset to the Ntate of Xew Mex- pointing out that Fiance has been the In The defendants are measure agreed that the board re- - Sana- 2.V details cf what it is hoped will he chief sufferer, since almost the whole Knoeh Mulr, Fred Gar- appel-,.,- ., ico. J also want to lake this oppor- Charles Qnlnn. ccived linnncial aid from mamifact-- j I'na Anrioits or fur ihe use and benefit of the accomplished, lie said: sugar Salvage. fans tunity to coiiKratulate yon upon the of the producing parts of that cia and Mickle liters, but disagreed as to wheth-e- r The syllabus says: "In Ihe ab- "As soon as 'illi.,m thev Chcrrirs 50 very Intereslint: journal which is pub J. Hi.van. country are In the hands of the Her- llulsey wan permitted to testify, the this money Influenced the Miss Jane Addains, Henry consequence was sence of legislative authorization, pub lished by the museum." The slides and loud mans; the of which court overruling the objection of the sors in their decisions. fans l,anitu'i 'rninatocs y arrive at The Hague, wlijrh vre have that large shipments had to be made defense, based on the ground that - lic polic forbids the garnishment of UH(,,j t:y pr. Hrown were furnished by Dr. Cranston, Urentoii. of Nov, ft n- 55 will seventy-tw- o moneys a tho Ihe Ke rail- - rens.'ii tu believe he soon, active from the I'nited States and Cuba. In llulsey was one of men cine the creditors of rnun. museum and Santa York, president of the Ik ird, told I i WOlk looking to peace will be begun. both Germany and Austria the pro. Indicted for Lester's murder. S la White lier S'laj) iy, whether the remedy by which 11 Is road. the committee that thu board acted going ml,-- itlnetlons in past year been cross ex- . Waldo Twltchell, in charge of ,nC,l After thoroughly all phases the had On direct testimony and for . 25f sought to reach such funds is denom- NV:,r ex- - mdepend) ntly and pointed out that tl'" "ml lii'nif normal. In peace time (lei many by defense, which was I New Mexico building Kan Diego,'"' of each amination the salal-l- . 2 t. jars Swi't't ifKles at ap- uo:,e of Its member received or inated legal or equitable." i n'l,io" i,f,p' considering the potted about a million tons annually: begun late today, contradictious which has been turned over bv tho Dr. W'.lbur WashltiH-ton- , I sibilities peace We shall but H''e now uses up all her surplus pear. Ivariy today he testified he was Cidts, if dish 2S Murray vs. IMmuro. New for make a g museum for lHltt to the advi-catln- the proposed bill, in- ' - production home, largely as food he The stijireme court ufflrmed the commission, is preparing lists of the 'mutative campaign. Then two inein- at with a party of strikers, hut thut IV! Monic reserves in j sisted so long ob- Ders oi trie board will vls:t each for cattle and us raw material for the saw none of the d lemlitnts on the that as the board district court for yuuy county In the names of the 0,000 and more inquirer ; ,t;lass . . . of yeast and spirits. More- - day tho buttle. tained money troin mnnul'actu'er it 2()f case of O. U Murray, etc, appellee, opportuni- i,ailon and Invite t'te most extraction iioij tack" on the of v. for New Mexico lands and scide-l'- c not helng influence, I by prominent men of ap- - over the llelgian yield had been j Two divN previous. April 27, he wld, old nvud D. A. nl., that nation tu 11 Iiellmort', Jr., et appellants. ties, to be sent chambers of commerce the te lci-- r, IVlle 1, utter, 2 pear beloic the board una give for the use of the German armies, and he saw, at a distance, Charles Qulnn, cent: ilmors, lfe said the priiis is. The. action was Instituted by U. L. and others who can make use of their - New cw for the civilian population of the oc- today on cross examination U'd churches of Vi rk wit bit r. a- Murray an Kuardian of the minor them. Ideas of now peace can lie brought Later 7.V w eupled parts of northern France. said was with .Mickie, SalvBit fr mi tho oil'anliSatioti because of ihe heirs of Xellln H. Held, deceased, The followln registered at the mu-- : about. We ill Invite the thinkers, he he On the whole, during the past y,nr, on hill.' A tntlltlaniHh's cap win manner i,. which II was tun, iK.iinst appellant, Uelmoro, one seum: Myrtle P. long Denver' L. nireauy nave nenieveu promi tho Ceiitry's l'rcsli and sugar prices In the producing foun- - rnlseil on a stick, from the railroad Mr. Ilrenton said that more than Us. W. Dickey, not a party to thin ap- H. Booth. Aztec; Mrs. l.eHoy H. Hen- - nence m lienau ot peace. urn J tries of Kurope have not advanced cut below, whei'' tnllUlainen were r,00,000 worth of films colidemneQ peal, to recover damafies for the nett, 11. nradley Pish, Albert K. Pair, means that we will have literary men, materially, exoept in the cases of! thought to hive been. by the board were destroyed last year wrongful removal of fixturee Denver; Desmond PlUgcrald, New lto-- : warriors uiid even Mtalcsmen tmrn certain France, 'of Oreat lirltaln, whose u he testified, "and 1 that not mere than one per cent loyal coun-C'srne- 'r, and "t fired shot." J MAL0Y ami Improvements from a tract of chelle, N. Y.; W. O. Woolworth, O. O. who, though to their own - A overnrncnt, immediately after fJer- j Salvage tut id 'you're shooting too high; of the films now made were Im- land which said heirs Inherited from Hiversldo, Calif.; John J. lfol-lir- nrr still anxious for the war to ' many had prohibited the exportation m kill.' proper. 172-17- Upon Fitzgerald, of ' ase. The greatest minds Hint e, shoot Tlionri 3 their mother. issue Joined and lem, Ignnclo, Colo. Mr. of sugar, had bought 1, '.'00,000 tons of "Then ."'alvage himself fired, and evidence Jury a was in large ; rope and Asia pessess shall appear WEST CENTRAL heard, the returned Inti rcsled the prices. " y 216 the commodity ut high wild, '1 got one 'f the .' Vlci-rn- .Named. erdict defendants, fa- Sleet .Storm," before us. The world then w ill think, of India asainst both in painting: "After the j Kstlnmio of Product iu. They started down the trad; later 111.1--- U vor plaintiff in sum of by In assembly of p( ace us' never bel'c re. London, Jan. 14 (7.4.', p. Is of the the Sheldon Tursoai, the . As regards the coming year the. and came to a pool of blood, bo said. j:!To. The- e, "Kvcty expense will be borne by ifficlally aliiiounceil tonight that li court received the verdict room, as the picture shows Xew sugar production In France, the ,. ,.. . ,,,.uk ,.v Lion governor of and discharged the jury. On the his homo town, in tho back- the board. It probably will be some speaker said, Is estimated at only 130,- - ' "' Chelmsford, former Long Ills, lit p,mi Queensland and of New South Wales, morniiiK' of the next day, the court ground, across an arm of Island weeks before the machinery can be lOOO tons, or less than of there Salvage picked up an army can Relieve; CATARRH of gc "I hits been appointed viceroy and gov- - railed the jury into the box and stat- Sound. The original by Mr. Parsons t tito action." the normal consumption. Germany, teen. tho i vei general or India, in succession ed that he had been advised by prac- hangs in the palatial home of tho late Al! of the members of the expedi- even with the use of the llelglan crop, to having set fir,, to the nor BLADDER avenue, He testified lo Huron iHardlngc. tically all the members of the Jury K. H. llarriman, on Fifth tion who left New York six weeks cannot produce more than barely suf-- ' Walsen mine and boarding house, the and all that they did not intend to return a New York. ago, except the members of the per- flcient to cover her people's needs; day. In company Charles same with Norwegian Senium tvi'ish. Discharges In verdict Dickey for any Miss lleatrico llenson, the Deming manent board and a sufficient office hence the persistent enquiries for cat- O'Neill, another striker, O'Neill, also Thirteen uinount, but Intended to award only a artist, has decided to join the art col- force, will return on the steamer, tle fodder containing sugar. Germany indicted, was granted a continuance Cromer, F.ngland, Jan. I I (10:30 p. 24HOURS recovery against Belmore. The'coult ony ut tho museum, and will make her Rotterdam, on Saturday night. can, however, also draw upon Austria, recently because of Illness. in.) Thirteen members of the crew fh'h rpiijr bttvt U per- thereupon asked each juror if such in one of the series of studios Trans-Atlanti- c tickets are issued whose production Is estimated tit u Miller, of the Norwegian stenmer llnfran studio O'Neill himself and Garfield Rnarfot MID' was t.'pon ad- - of avail-- ished when the vessel broke In two his intention, beinjf placed at the disposal of artists to each member of the party apply- million tons, of which nothins Is j another of the s venty-tw- o Indicted, COUHttlftt stranding, ol V tl rt vised in the affirmative he stated that standing who are doing meritorious ing for theip and it is estimated that able for export, except, perhaps, to j Hi,t into a house where they offer only one member PH rut till I lim- ship's personnel was saved. the verdict would be corrected by work. about 150 are preparing to return to Germany. Kussia will have poor crop thought, a non-unio- n miner nveo. the iting the recovery against belmore America. Oaston l'lantiff, personal and will therefore have nothing for Later, he said, a union man was found ahme, which was done and JudKment 'representative of Henry Ford, aii-- i exportation. dead there. entered, from which this appeal is PERSHING KEEPS nounced tonight that all memhers ot fin balance, Groat Mritain alone llulsey denied be had received Im- taken. The opinion in both cases s by the peace party must b'ave on the will need to Import 1,800,000 tons, and munity. Chief Justice ltohelts. 'steamship Hotterdam on Saturday ! France over 600,000 tons. All Par It was brought out that he was Tile syllabus 111 the latter says: I night pr pay their own return pas- Fan-ite- countries show a steadily placed In Jail for seven days, but re- Saddle SyllahuM by tin Court. sage. This caused much disappoint- - sugar consumption, and ac- leased on bond furnished by two cording Geerllngs be - Where an officer levies a .writ of! EL PASO QUIET; ment as some members of the party to Dr. there will members of the grand Jury which in a ror attachment on the property of a! expected to return when they pleas-- t hare half million tons avullnWe dieted him , third bondsman, he Sale export from all countries east of Suck. stranfror, attachment plaintiff is lia-- j ed. Mr. l'lantiff estimated the ex- -' 1,1,1 was a man Who owed his father ' Europe, look - AT hie to the claimant of the ownership! pense of the expedition since leav-- ! therelore, bus to lor her oti. main supplies to the I'nited Slates, j , and rUht of possession thereof, not j MORE RIOTING ing Xew York, including the return Cuba the' Antilles; but even tak- - ( Made. only when he directs the wrongful trip, at $375,000. The Cost of keep- - and Cuttle Stealing lunge Ing Into account the exportable stir- - Wednes-plus 20 Discount levy, but also when he subsequently ing the permanent peace board, with Springer, N. M., Jan. 14. I from both North and South M. G. state "mm juv afternoon Keenan. adopts or ratil'iei the officer's acts, j the expenses of the representatives of America, there will still be a deficit sanitary board Inspector, arrested ON H. H. HEI-SER- 'S independently of any bond and jointly I 'other countries, It Is expected, will Cn of roughly 500,000 tons. Should the John !'.. Goodnight and Emery E. with the attaching officer. Mexican Part Ot Oliy IS i6--j ,.Piu.1 a t .t;,l of $1,000,000. war drag on for a long time, the I0u- - Coursey, employes of the Mills FAMOUS A question, not jurisdictional, can- former roprun sugar production Is certain to Kesort company of this not be raised for the first lime on ouestered and Inhabitants' FOKI I'F.ACK PAKTV lunch and SADDLES be reduced considerably, to the grea1 city on the charge of cattle stealing. appeal, .MFS itO.VHD IKMHi;HS ; Are Prevented From Cross- benefit of the cahe sugar producing Iloth men were taken to Wagon Alter a verdict has been received I.AHGKST STOCK countries overseas. Mound Thursday by Inspector Keenan V IV anil entered upon the minute,. and the ing the Danger Line, The Haifue, Jan. ,14 (via lxnidou. AXI WtlETV i before Justice of the Iter AMU T. the Jury has been dismissed, they have not 10:,",0 p. m.) Tho Ford peace expe- and tiid hi H MAN MUCH WANTED BY peace of that city, as the offense Is the power to reassemble and alter dition today completed, the meinber-- i mm peace by alleged to have been committed their erdiet. , mohnikh jounmi. Ptcim wimi ship of the American board Liso I POLICE IS ARRESTED in Mora county near the town Where, from the record, it appears Kl I'aso, Tex., Jan. 14. While there the election of alternates who will act Hauser's of Mills, ltoth of the accused men that attorney for appellant purposely were no signs of a disposition to renew j in case the other members of the MOHNIN JOURNAL tPVCIAl WIKffl were over to the grand Jury apparent here j board are unable to serve. The Amer fV IIA8I0 bound and designedly permitted the court to the rioting of last night -- ' Montreal, Quebec, Jan. 14. Dr. bail was fixed for Goodnight at Saddlery reassemble General John J. l'ershing, ican pence board consists of William and the jury and correct the loniuht ltob-er- t Jlir.O. I re-- Jules Waterbury. also known us $500 and for Coursey at The (U AV. verdict, objecting to such commanding the American troops, j J. Dryan, Henry Ford, Dr. Aked, Miss JF2 COl'I'l ll. without H. Johnson, for whom Ihe police charges against the men were made action, and thereafter sought to take establish dead lines similar to those j Jane Addams, Mrs. Fe.'s, Dr. George known as Kirchway of New York, Miss Emily of two continents have been scan-hint- by M. W. Mills, owner of the Mills advantage of the same, the appellate last night. The district years, was here to company, who city, where a Greene Halch of Wtdloslcy university, for three arrested Hunch and Hesort court will not consider spch alleged Chihitahualta, in this day. to in New a Lloyd of Chl-wn- s He Is said be wanted claimed that they had butchered error. large number of Mexicans reside, the Itev. Jenkln Jones - j York, Chicago and belonging to him author- rest of the city, "ago, and Judge Hen It. Lindsey of San Francisco, alf without cut off from tho several other cities of the United Ity or permission. Yegg ArrrsU'd, No were allowed to come uenver. I SiisM''t Mexicans Status, as well as in South America. Tularosa, N. M Jan. 14. Officers out of the district and no Americans A Genuine January "f the sheriff's department have ar- were permitted to enter. TURKS CONTRADICT attend- - ArcTsrn of indmng rested here a man who is suspected of Fifty American race horse OI'KKATION.S IN Fit I SCO the dynamiting of the safe In the local ants stationed tit the Juarez track; BRITISH STATEMENT TEA KEEPS bridge,' Shoe Clearance Sale pestoff je, on Monday morning. The were held at the international Sun Francisco, Jan. 14. The San IE man who has been arrested has been tonight. They had hem visiting in tr honin niinii, rteiit. Francisco police hold a warrant fo' in Tularosa since the night of Decern-he- r El Paso nnd found the bridge cloned Herlin, Jan. 14 (by Wireless to Say-ville- .) the arrest of Dr. Jules Waterbury, OF to tliei Con- NOW ON AT THE STORE -- 4, nnd, so the officers declare, when they started lo return An official report from who was known here um E. H. Stevetm. YOUR HAIR DARK has used the names of C. A. Eaton, race course, but later were permitted. stantinople on the Oritish evacuation Waterbury is charged her(. with Iiuatoii, Ilurton and C. 1!. Hurton. It in cross. 'of Seddul Ilahr contradicts the Hrit- - swindling a man out of $1,500 about g the. Is ilafmod that up lo Monday even-hi- Army provost guards patrolled jsn report. on the same operations. The two years ago. The police traced him William Chaplin he had had no money whatever, city to prevent any repetition or uie statement gays the Turks discovered to Kingston, N. Y., where after being 1'iit Monday Tuesday ho fighting In which soldiers on liberty the enemy retreat and launched a vig- that on and taken Into custody, ho secured his When Mixed With Sulphur It AVE hid money to remain fairly well In- engaged with Mexicans here last orous attack simultaneously bombard- liberty under a writ of habeas corpus 121 WEST CENTRAL toxicated days. He night. i ing the landing stages. The Hrltlsh Back both of these has on cash hall of $1,000 and, according Brings Its Lustre Men, Women and '"en taken to the county Jail at losses were heavy. to the Sana Francisco police, fled tu KVKRY SHOK IX Til!' IIOUSK ' and is being held on n EIGHTH EXPLOSION The Turkish report Is compatible Canada. and Abundance. Chil'lrcn inclvidcd in this Real Shoe Clearance Sale. Not (hunk and disorderly charge, pending with tho account only on the be PLANTS re- a single pair reserved every shoe for sale and ran the arrival of a special representative AT DU PONT supposition that General Monro's OFFER HIGHER WAGES of the postoft'iee department. When port of one dead soldier represents Oray hair, however linndsonio, de- purchased al searched nt the time of his arrest, lie only the loss In actual embarkation TO COPPER MINERS notes advancing age. Wo all know advantages youthful nppeur-anc- e. had on his person only a drink check Fhlladelphia, Fa., Jan. 14. An acid and ignores the casualties sustained the of a plant Du Font In the retreat to the beaches. Your hair Is your charm. It n:id a few pennies. house at the of the tvr MONMNe ouHNAt. teeciAL Lt to wirii It 20 Per Cent Discount Gibbstown, N. J., niakes or mars tho face. When fades, Powder company at Clifton, Ariz., Jan. 14. The mana- gray find dry, wispy and I make work- - Boston Wool. turns looks My stock will total $20,000 and am compelled to Insurance- - Case Appealed. hlew up tonight, Injuring five gers of the Arizona, Hhannon und De- scraggly, a few application of UoBtoii, Mass., Jan. 14. Com- Just will soon Santa Fe, Jan. 14. In the case of men, two of them probably fatally. It The troit copper companies, whose strik- SS.'ige Tea and Sulphur enhance its ap- room for my Sprint;' and Summer stock, which lUilletin will say tomorrow: elim-inat- hundred-fold- . Elias Ciark vs. a number of insurance was the eighth explosion at tho Du mercial ing employe recently docldcd to o pearance a be arriving direct from the wholesale shoe centers of the to-- "The wool con- companies, ,u, wiu allowed 'i Font plants in this section in the last demand for has the Western Federation of Min- Don't stay gray! Look young! .M-l'- 1 u prepare tonic or iv by Judge E. C. it months with a total of thirty-- tinued steudy again this week, and ers us u In the camps of Either the ut home east. District Court three , factor get any drug store a bot- injury to twenty per-- fairly good volume of business has y from to ihe state supreme court. nine deaths and districts, offered tle of "Wyeth Sage and Hulphur sons. The building In which tonlgnt s been done. Kales .have been diver- a scale of wages running from 18 greater Compound." Thousands of folk rec- was of brick and sified, but the part of the 24 on price ready-tn-us- accident occurred to cents bused the present ommend this e preparation, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO Iron construction and was known as business appears to have been for of copper, as an inducement to re- because It oarkens the hair beauti- the nitrate of ammonia crystallizing fine foreign wools to arrive. Prices sume work. fully and removes dandruff, stops GET YOUR WINTER FOOTWEAR was that nitrate was are very firm and in some wools was in a letter given scalp Itching and falling hair; besides, MADJREATII house. It here The offer made LP, AX1 THK transformed from the crytal to liquid more especially medium grades. to the citizens' mediation committed no one can possibly tell, a It. darkens Will T1IK O.KTTJXG IS CIIKAP so naturally evenly. Yoti mois- be. used In manufacture of there have been fractional advances. of printed by for and RKUAP.LK AXI) l.K.N I.'IXK. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get form to the Clifton, and them ten tpongo or It, SHOKS ARK wus com-- j embargo in England Is rigid on herp today. a soft brush with at Cause and Remove it dynamite. The structure The distribution drawing this through thn hair, taking the pletelcy demolished al an estimated (,n classes this week, In the letter the managers said that one small strand at a time. Ity morn- uppar- - man- end put mibstl-'ut- 'loss of "The situation at tho mills if thf men returned to work tho ing tho gray hair disappears; Come to my store you will ii"t see odds and Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the e after the very healthy y, agers willing- two, for calomel, act gently on the bowels C. B. Landis, representing ntly is and demand vould be to meet the another application or Its natural on the counters and marked "Clearance Sale," hut you Joirt careful-- 1 re- commute,, griev- color Is and it become thick, positively do the work. stated the plant is tinues very g'Od, notwithstanding of them nnd discuss restored of Fcople afflicted with bad breath lind aild Is no reason to'r(.nt In prices." ances, giving assurance that fin ef- glossy and lustrous, and you appear will sec the genuine articles taken right out the boxes I'dek through Edwards' Olive ly guarded there advances younger. relief Dr. was to oth-- j 12 month:., be made to Improve condi- years 'tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coate- d tab- suspect that the blast due Scoured basis: Texus, fort would and offered for sale. lets are taken for bad bieaih by all who er than natural cause". i 67 if 70c; fine eight months, 60, tions. ' know t ' them. S2c; Territory fine staple, 75 77c; Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets act gently J'i't firmly on the bowels and liver, stlmii-IHim- RFPRIfsAI FOR RARAL 0NG I fine medium staple. 72 M 73c; fine SPANISH-AMERICA- CHICHESTER S PILLS i i w IIBANH. A. We Again IL.I wi cloth-hal- Repeat: them In natural action, clearing the r,9rn "2c; fine medium f . i.lood sys-li-- and gently purifying the entire INCIDENT ASSURED;;, t:,1t C8c; hlood combing, "9 DEPLORE MASSACRE llrantf, iirrM.rllilia..lTill In Kr 1 n,.ui;k three-eigh- UU 0 They do which dangerous calo-- 1 ts blood comhing, l".m, ttl4 rllh tllii rUI4juK. that VMM THIS IS A REAL, GENUINE does without any of the bad after 6!) 6r 70c nuartrr-bloo- d combing, 6S 191 HORNINQ JOvmttL SetCIAk LIUIO WIMl 4 ''Teotg. ;y moi jounl ficii. mm ; llruUf. A.lrfnf ITl.4 Ifi.N.TPB to ra Santit Fe, Jan. 14 At a meeting "f ni4UMI IIIIANU All the benefits of nastv, sickening, llerlin, Jan. H (Hy wireless 67c. ,.t SHOE CLEARANCE SALE. iring Dr. government; 73K 7 '.c; A A, 7 0 representative Hpaiiish-Amerlcn- n citi- cathartics are derived from Kayville). The Ormnn pulled: Extra. 501D BY DRUGGISTS VERYftHfJE f i 'awards' srlpinK, T tonight, DON'T MISS IT. Olive Tablets without has transmitted to C.reat Ilritain 73r; r ii A. Si 0e; A supers, zens here resolutions wire I'aln or disagreeable effects of any kind. passed deploring the killing of Amer- I'r. F. M. Edwards discovered the for- throug'i the American emhassy a ,;,. icans In Mexico, ropb of the resolu- mula after seventeen years of practiee note which declared th.,t as a result Canorrliu-- t.! '"long patients afflicted with bowel and not fulfilling Oer- - Xim Tux KolU Missing. tions will be forwarded to the New rellrtpHl ,n I ,n h il.t. over complaint W illi the attendant bad of On at Uritain (i It hon i Fe, 14. The state Mexico senator In Washington. hit poimmaut bnath. m. Hm.mH for an explanation of fiatita Jan. lax and efffietlvit - William Chaplin .. la iraai- I'r. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely surrounding commission today received the ufess- - ln Hiniil.illa..ha a ; the circumstances tm: RENT loxflO. faring-alle- rtEetable compound mixed with olive oil by! n,. - . rOR Hootn. nutuei riciurr. rrevton eoalaiiou. "'s1. wl" know by olive color. sinklmr a Cernlan submarine iu able l v them their ...... - In bnlne anilim, mi old BatwwiaTtt. 121 WEST CENTRAL "se one or two every mgnt ror a ., Urttish patrol .bout nanuon. as mr .... v nlnnibiiiK or tin aivtn. or torao Ptrcet Vml It aeilfMl- -f riee II, or it buttle, 'i 71 - mx are nun I'r pi red k k" Germany gultame nieas- icoumv. .me rtion heal and traUt vciaded. Anoljr uO All dm!.,. among mlssintf. rni evAM chemical to,, Cincinnati. 4. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbua, O. ' ures of reprisal. the At. ' SIX ALBUQUERQUE MOANING1fJQURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1916. THR lr:ATll ot' tin tltK HIS NKW" YKAR'S CALL $5.00 Orchard The death of General Ilucrtinlose r TREES AND SEEDS For t:.oa I will Sp.idi pr(, (he, rnreer cif r remarkable mn pnld expres. the folio'-i- morning journal for hi virtue B well n GROW fruit trees and htrry . THAT - . T.f.ii vv. wfyi!tA3i 4u pinni exiru nni- - t for hi vices. The people of the Atwrv.'-- ;'u:AVf Thirty vears' experience selling frefb, varie PMlihd th liinli-sern- fruit from Jutie to un- vicoroiiH tree Slock and pure, t'niifd State knew little of him ciix- - winter. Ileipiiies ii''t JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. -- r.aili.if seeds In placed IOii.ihhi natlslHtl inpleie h began Here. plamlnr til his victorious northward inn. ,rs on our lint atilieU because direi-tloiiH- Sile whv ifiv the IIIK, Iree. lllumi Hid ini'.ui D. K MA('l'Hi:l()X., fre,Mnl inarch against Oroco, then in re- but. tr- - Kim ran teed. l'i aiuile, tlifiusanil of 4 4 W, T MeCHRIO HT rut.tloRue quotP! . pear. cherry, plm,',. 5 BualnM govern- t plnnti-r- Mnr bellion against the Madcro iii both lie fmall ant larce vines, 4 RiVisi-l,,.,- it U IV MrAl.l.IHTCK Nw KUiiof r in lor unci (jfiipe k. N. MOhC.AN City F'iltnr ment. He Orozco In ll ronlnln much valuable 'Information rles, 4 cuiranta. all crushed three ...:n l ..Inn up i cm. oicnuro asuirt . U KJllor .l.. uaiieu aiiu en, uno ruX well filnnn"d nnd vigorously, fought phintiiiK. It list a ci.niplHie af.oi-- merit of Hi! i! and I lower rill t Vt'rstera hut lien, revolutionary ihief-tiii- ' Field VeKetable ltrprettlT and the ; - - . . HI. Vines and C. -- . - ... xnd 'Ornamental rub, J. AMtKHHlN, ....:'.'.-7- j Tree. Jarqaetl Building, III Rftrr the overthrow and death lionet I ORCHARD ((, of Madero, liix-rm- a general of vol- mJ LET US PLAN YOUR Rrpnwiifatlr, sss&mss t:, orchard t mii;'!! farmer or unb- - government. AdiollliliK. we ''.'" lor I II I.I.HMV, unteers of the lll p HAI II. Ml Hinrti 111 1 .,i.l t 1 11 nil i vi ",'"' ' fanner. Wi ire Kow I " ..:.i...t I l'rk Row, Ivta, The one great blot iiion thrt record . ,..;r.i.., , htdn 011 special and larger u0H men la. Tell us () can fulfill every desire. Bntfrea' outid-nlu- ( th of llucrta Was the assassination of wl .it you sir.- - , tnattr ftitnfflr of AHiiitim-rati- N. M undf Art Mndero nnd Huarc. What mrt lie SPECIAL GARDEN SEED OFFER tt Cnfir if Mirih 1. 117t. played ti.igedy never hag been nicl:are all Rood, rename nt anywiier: " in the. 18 full . T,,.... 7.: ny iiin .. Urirtf flrcuiaU"!) oIbr ppr - - tlia disclosed, u him in t been shown .y;u-,r- r Melon V hprl-.- .;.' '" Kw Minim, Th nnlr Vtr N p. .liole 'itaui.h. .M.-a- l.t den, Vunk l!f;r '',hk, Ismx-- III was of plot "-- e ' ' Mrlira tUr In yHT, that ho cognizant the be Tomato, l'i . :.i 7 V.i. , V. "... ' iie "..; ,m,h t. - pel I Mru'e ' iirese .Miipivi.j, ,' ,' which in murder .') Corn. i resulted the and lh TEHMI or Heel. Summer S Kh. CoIck l.ariy water .ileum, i'tiioini ..tu or mill, on month. , .10c Sr,, Hui. li Tniiiip, Firat tV l !! JVns. In 0Wr. br oilnion of most of the bint Informed t l,i!ch fablmre. hlle l'lat errir eaun 1'U kilnx in. I Mixed li. lis. TO WUlWCIUUKKB. people, outside the lr e of murder NOTKK SEND FOR FREE COOK TODAY Iubcltief to Hi Journal. when writing is had ic knowledge att- pi, llucria t aava hnr pupor rhanoil to a n Orchard any n it 5.'iid for our e ., at the lime thai him h iim wan ctm- - $10.00 At In ires mutt b ur In (lv the old fltlra i ' It wi I licli jii plan your p; . l or lltt. on will tend one. , ternpl.-itPd- It - , are lew ipiotal ions front - It ctruu- prepaid frnlg'ht to Here ' "Th Morning Journal hl(br an" Sc: I tii I'eur and I In i". s., ss Sc: leach. Chen ll"f tnD trnrded to nr Mhil I'rpildent Wllion took th firm station fruit ; rtln( '17, plants -- Iieh nil errafteip nn.or.i i;rj,i.s. In Muloo." Th Anirlcii trees and berry 011 $111 pM Nw stand that the I'nileil Hlatin could year. I an. ''reiuiil laid orders. ;i; bfSl variety, fruit all p.- iliiec-- 1 iirnnti' Oitf slock will j i .n ,,.a.jt;ll. not li i!!n (I (; o ve r n I n i ll t baped up. Complete phtnliiiK T, rrof! Send f'-- k today. i. 111 1. Safe arrival and et..r. on rmirder yf the constitutional prett Nfaol Ion jriiarnnleed. 4H jlilent and viin president of th rr- - apple, la pear, in cherry, :! plain. German Nurseries & Seed House apricot. in l'" NOMINAL taM 14 prtutt puhlii'. II, h policy Kax Hot aimed n a. h, all e.l. and Tnft ro"t :t In hour and Iblrtj nl 'more dlreetly at Mexico than tit Knrne 1iui:an mulberry, lfleiupe ii:i.l. ivsl tear ltin,lnrM) tM f ndiulr AaarUI4 I'r vlite. I! noosf berry, t er.r-ranl- i. to I'd wlr flc w ll .other l.Htin Ameiicall Rovernnier.lH all assnrletl. and 3 Drawer K BEATRICE, NEB. H Mkr M;papf ulilllid ta Where chaliKfK of HOvernmPilt Were ev erbeaiin.: rahplterrles. Kw MrxU tuliM mr thu (wMl-fo- ar boar ( ANMidaUd tifcually hroiixhl a '"nit hy fPtrolut ion rn durum u tiA nnd ion. Not only did the piu.ldent fefilKfl Urrs, of Holland, und Kifhanl (lie a native to recounize Iliii ita novel ninellt. Wohlherif, a naturaliod citizen, who oLu. ' - he Hhut Off but exportation of nrms npcrat'H 11 rtibbcr nnd cement factory ' '..munition fro... llm. VMXrt here. The (iuaytile agency is also ' iHtaten and loHed thn bankH of l'n- - made a defendant. JM f.iil"l'M Tin: Mil v rope nil ami :siir.( nK.ilnni effort to borrow Harold Content, assistant United money. Then citme the Tmnplro In. States attorney, say Mrs, Dekkers. Kii.noel .;. Klytlie Ik out In another I,. idctit nnd thn fnollnh refuwil of Jlu- - was to Itave been the I lor sex and fact she had been in of Mm political ii rlli leu, thin titiir erta to npoloKlo and the landinK of the that the habit of makinjr frequent trans-- ; at i Sivlnii a fjencrnl Kiimmlntf up of what marlnen erii niz. Atlantic trips, were relied upon to pro-- : J.uririK all of llieMe daH of extreme "; ho hnn leiirriPd leKiirdinK " repub-- ! Meet her from Htispli 1011, ne runner Mtrem, Jlneita feave the inont uhHO. life was to be by a personal III. in Hituation preMidciitlally. carried her lute protection o American lift nnd hnVKHKC, mr' l , Hi com Iiihioii that none of the property within the territory con- Four and n half tons of rubber was favtirlte mm will hnv n "look-n- '' Ht j trolled by him. A man of nuperiur j obtained by the wounded conspirators, thn rfpiiblk'.in convention, and that j education, he conducted hlmnelf Hkn according to Mr. Content, before the attempt at Hhipment wiib made. Cm lh country hu failed' t respond to j a KPiitlenuin at all time, even when ho wan November 27 Mrs. IJi'kkera tool; pas-FflK- e to Hoot, j drunker than timinl. the effort boom Kllhil hut on the Holland-America- n liner Without money to pay hln trnopn, raaiurfn mwiirti Tim ti wmm hn rcdponded with decided endorse-- j Ryndam, bound for Rotterdum. She W TnE MEYERS CO., IXC. without ammunition for their nfm), had four trunk and cliiht packing U (ieuerul lllstrlliulnr ment of AKAoclute JuNlicn Challei j (It last he Have lip the tmeqilrtl striiit - casts filled with rubber, but. which Vlliuqaertiue, . M. cn-jg- ,, Jv. or any K Ilughcii, not because, ,! (( r(,fK ln fl,,nin where was marked personal hanage. Act-iii- thuHalim for MuBhe but becau-t- he, he reinnlned until early In 191 fi when on information Riven the customs by .'iRents, Mrs. Ia nKntlvrly. tronf, w here all he came to New York, I'Yom thero authorities liritish Dekker's btiKKage was held up and were except V. K. Unit, ly ho came went, ulleedly on a liUMinoK.i of th other men mentioned are she was not permitted to .tail. win was' succeeded by V. M. lle-t- . trip, but wo utrewted Jnat before weak except, of ooure, The defendants will bo anainned in! The officers of the company are reachliiK Ki Taso, charged with Con-- ( one Theodore lioocevelt. the federal district court next Mint-- 1 Chris rinithel, president; Kdward I,. Today, we; t sipracy to launch another revolution- heart rcntlintf chords." as day. Foulli.s, vice I'H esiilt-n- ; K. It. Vallan- - Hut Plythe point out that the. fact ary movement In Mexico, have indicated, Tristan is mill: for With Scissors and Paste AMD ! diiiKhani, secretary, W. M. Ilest, Hughe In a member of the finishiliR-- FOUR MEM that That Iluertit wan port of Aiich rev- bulled. The youiu: ladles' ' iieasurcr: M, S. Nord, Rencral mana-s;e- r; In I h Is it in droves', OFFICERS NAMED BY lunch a drawluuk which olutionary plot 1m undoubted now. ('IHM'XaU'M IIAMf lilMOVI HY. si 00 arc taken to lis Louis S'iy, assistant manager. Ho on.c revolut ionai y limy be decidedly enibainiHiiiR. Whether he wa bucking a movement ; Mr. f'urnenle reiiof.cii that if he did .li.sonanccs ale BIMETALLIC COMPANY The directors of the company are the 1111 rely the point for the fur a we, know now, no man ha of that sort at the limllKallo.i of (b r- - not run hU plant at all In would lose htiutiiif! officers, above named, and Allied ll sum of money year, and1 youthful coinpoMer. INDICTED Mrum. ever Bon from the nupreme ticmh many for the purpone of the larue each .PICtAL COIttllPONDINCI TO MORNIN JOURNAL, drawinu W'c have spokf u lipjitlv of the v that he would he far better off to UemiiiL., M., 14. Fime-talli- c to I'chuiih! the practice of law or to I'lilted ritati into war Willi Mexico iipproatii-abl- t N. Jan. The The report of the company was that money running hi plant than and famillaiily and HI Mining nnd Milling become a candidal for any kind of probably In known hy thn Kovern-Hu'- h company very satisfactory, and financial state- to 1'iM' il If Ills plant weie idle, llisi ueas that Tristan wears for the. I held its annual meeting yesterday af will be - office. It life position w lib h the ment at WaahlnKton. chaiKea t.lUKical world of today. Yet even to- ments mailed to all stockhold- ln competitor preferred to clone, down' FOR CONSPIRACY ternoon, when all of the old officers crs. occupant null only becaime of old have been made with a cirrumituh- - their plain, with the result that tiny, day how overwhelming is the Impres- lifje or death. Utility, that ha caused II to he cretl- - not only lost the money due to their sion made by this inic-ic--- not by its y ipiality, The member of the uiieme Ilea widely. Also it ha been de- IdlencHA, hut were not ready to tiiltei, iu lint by il beauty, tcr- - Hern-Mnrf- advantage of new buMliievi It Intff.ililc lis court, Mr, lilythn ludlcves, would nied vehemently by Count Von f, when came. liblc !' i in .its crowtlliu? mirniicM in Vio- -j Grind Prize, Panama-Pacifi- c Exposition, San Uteniioui'Iy object o the reHllinatioll niiiluiHiiador Mr. CarneKle, on the other, ChaiAe of At tempt z to Francisco, 1915 the (id iiinn to of Inspiration, the ri intizl in-- ! hand, wits ready at any mono m to iilt. the Panama-Californi- of Juetloo MiiulieH for any purpose, Grand Prize, a Exposition, San Diego, 1915 the fulled State. take nilvaiilimi' of any biHliusH of-- i comparable i;eniu that flames late Neutrality Laws by! but rupecpilly would they object (oj ll'ueita, beluimeil It) (he educated ferod, and the start ho thn Mined through il from the first note to the - ' Shipping Rubber to Germany bis retirement to become a c.uidl- this of .Mexico, lie Krcw up tinder mado him practically the master of last. For twenty eais v have been is j listening through per-fo- l (late for the presidency. And it Iiin Industry In lo It, ! ' the lutiinire of rreslilenl und the steel this country. sit' Made by Grand Jury. prol,i,li Hint Mr. IIiikIich hol.ln the Mr. CnriicKie's results would seem ina ileeJ We have Watched its IomIi- - Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Imbibed the blenln of the old dicta- ' iH-s- unfold ami have been silent in' eamo ort of opinion that for him tor and bt Moved In them fully nntl to throw some doubt on the soundness jd !the pi'' sent e of its height and dci'tbs. to le1J to the allurement of the from art economic a nil point of th" IB.' MOWNIN.l JC:l.mNAl. ftCIAL ICAtfO WlHt carried them out rebiitlessly. If ft indeed are "trioulil that wan-jde- r The Food Drink would be to policy of holdliqt tip m IIIhk prices in illere New York. Jan. II. Four men and Without a Fault While iiiih a't n' promim Mexican oppoHftl hi al-!t- iu ideaa depreKtioii, 11ml some Ihroimh eternity." Here is an a Incal- - time of make woman were indicted today by a precedent which tnlKht "oik of high-grad- e he "disappeared," am) if there wa tiro bi fore which tin" it Made beans, blended ' of us wonder if it Is not heller in and altar federal Jury ,,n u i luu'ire of cocoa skilfully Tillable harm to the hinhcKt Judicial in a a revolt It W.1 Bllppfessed rtlthlcsaly time of depression to iiir !poinbst must bow icveieii.e; to t and manufactured I stimulate Uo'at the usloms laws of by a perfect mechanical process, power in all lh ttolld. - I temple of the spirit win rein we and those connected with It were pen- tltistry by h'1Uf article at the price the Coiled Slates by shipping contra- without the of - In f v in il y use chemicals; it is absolutely pure Hut, While th. polit icliin recOR- wiiTp ut they will hriiiK and thus shorten the Iwoiild lain liove that the band rubber in Cerniany. eiallv exterminated computic. and wholesome, Iiize the tieKative htreiiKlh of JUNtice ,,n period of tlepi ssloii, Is it not possi- .that broods wnhin Is repeat im; the' Those indicted were Kdward Weber, and its flavor is delicious, the f ion of lie i ita "I ; IlllKhCH, they Would nun h prefer lluerta'H opinion was that Mexico ble that the money lost dutini; depres- soblitne af iriual a cousin of Albeit Weber, an official natural flavor of the cocoa bean. in . y sion would lie rcKuiiu'd more prompt- Hi heaul.v itself amid beaulifiil of the Dent-.- in s bank in IU iiin; J 'u ill Home nth' f candidate Tin tloh'l was. not fitted for 'thlnM." ly by this method than by holding Schmidt, W'cbt r's partner in the rub- The genuine bears this trade-ma- r, like hi way of doltin thinF prilitl-call- olid In that he wan rlKht,- - lint, us ui and is made only by piiees to such a point that nobody ber and i liiayiile agency of this city; record fla of a tllsposed t It. Jlia Rtnernor with Dlii, he was Hot to could afford to buy and thus prolong- OYXI Max J.'it'Ker, a (lertnan maker of au j devic-fo- r Kreut Mate anil mm nsMiciale Justice of Klve the people un opportunity ti ing the period of depression? The latest American ehutih tomobile ecssmies; .Mrs. Annie Ilek- - Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. arc "raisim; llic wind'' is what a rclis- - the I'lilted Statin aupieine court qualify tlieiiiaelves for It Is an undoubted fuel that if 11 Lt U Off, E.tbH$hed 1780 illee- - I. rr. fc DORCHESTER, MASS. 11 ioiis paper desi I'ibes as "son; well known. It Is luKhly honora- lie ww no reason for means could be found for t ontinulim' lion box." Th. haiis from ASK FOR GET ble record both us to clean politic the Mains quo, therefore ho production, dmitDr a time of depres- inventor and i If i inenib. r of the con-i- n ami thiiikiiiK. Hut sion, the continued Incleitse 111 ikl.ihoina. and IhkIi xiiniiiht failed, a all men who do Ti-- j must fail i i a i ion i op; a i t nl piece or It Is wealth thus produced would be bene- remembered that Mr. IIukIi" not iindeisiand government I. II that I a coin of (..' value, there is silence. fit in to the lountiv at laruc ami. X ' left his patty when he quit the Cap- It .lust powers It Ill-- , I a must derive from the 1, . In, lire. III- I . nil lln. oi oi.l,. If nt piece bell lilies. THE ORIGINAL Albany disrupted. pi, , whistle, itol at absolutely ililelllm nt coll' cnt of the Kovemed. Kven though those tluectliu; or run-- , eiu sounds a and a; 9 -- any: Theie wasn't uiioihif republican Ito IroMinir Ibe Inilnstrv would not fires a blank curtridKC If MALTED MILK, New Yolk until Whitman lone plclind: to be asleep when tin-- ! etiior tf Mr. 1"ly has started n little boom- - quire their prof Its a. Htlircctly as before Cheap substitutes coat YOU same passe:-- , il li with pric. was t lei ii J 11 year ago In November. they would come in for their share on'""v awakens til lot for himself for the republican a HAWKIN ami takt Hushes represent the holiest the wave of the more promptly return-im- t watchman's utile, kodak nomination for Bovernor. should i ideals in polite", and he is unyieldi- lie period of prosperity. his j m trait. Ilur-'su- 4 lbs. Nice Meaty 'make hi inquiries of Holm . f ng:. When he ha thought out n i This and oilier questions of a sim- FRUIT BUTTER Chailes Spies Secnmlino - hiM and ilar nature are the oms which the in- NEW CLO VIS BANK HAS rr policy, and party budij or the Prunes ' llumeiti. Tin y will name the next or for li.ttavia riuit Kutter, pure fruit ami sucjar, notliiiip; better. liii-iatur-e mistrial leaders tho near tuture CjL will not support him, he - j governor. il ELECTION OF OFFICERS Xti, a stoim iars Annie HuMct- republican candidate lor will have to face, for it looks as I i i tarries the matter straight to the 2 lbs. Ad a Lai'c Trimcs , . , . '2Th: ! ...45 If they ur- him Mr. need many of our Industrial fallacies will Xo. 3 iars Plum Mutter people. Sil'h men loitilit make a for It His. nice Inletl rcatiies ... stone 501 eiioi'ily underno radical tiiniiKes. SPftCIAL COHISfOSDNCI TO MOUSING JOUSNALi inalte no further inquiries, and if 2 lbs. . . - j.ood president, but he never would N. M., dnvii-'i- s I.aiicf llilcd Peaches 2.M' x si. me jars Peach Putter G0- I: tiovls, Jan. .Mi-l- they are attains! Mm, also Heed bt.v All Soiiuil Apples. . . .$1.(10 be a succiskIuI partv b ader, antlthntl TUP. STHT OP MOO! HX MI SIC. of th,. I'hc.'.'us back lift Wedia-s- m. ike no Inquiries. I!e--I tiaiila l i b's, qt 10c SALAD GRAPES fact is well known to the epubll. all further tlaiurence tlilmtiii in N. A. Hi view.) iay and elected ihe following officers:. r:-- e Sweet III 10c C: j si lent, t W. Singleton; first. allies to liiornia I'resh Oranes are tiff party bosses. If Wngiier bad not written Tristan! 1. 2(1 al the marlet We have the His. Mexican . priMdci.t, Chai i. s i:. tennis: j lleans .Sl.tHI is n if . TIIK l:t. I'AStl MH. nnd Isolde, what We now know USVii Patavia rami ot I'.lMhe of oplni. :,ui.e. I'ciii'l Iliiiniiiv, h . . . ." Pitted drapes prepared for votir ' model n mit.ilc not exist.! sci-on- president, .hums A. l.att.i;! M-l- t riot i - would does tanlpeilc the unveil- S. A. Mothers' Wheat Ileal pk...... l.H' truit salad o. J tins. each. . . KI be .lutlut tl by !oilbtcs we should have had today cashi'T, Jones. 10r W, t Taso shoi.iil not l.arye pkg. . Ilk- - lion, Cotvernor Samuel McCall, ol This is the bank m which a i harter ruiicakc liour ... Mex-i- . some kiml of music; but it would ' 1 the mob demonstration ni;alnst Hcst yalbm SOMETHING NEW Mdiu.ll. hllstits, will be tile ptl Idle ,1 11 was isi'.iiile, by stale a few days Table sji'iip, .... have been a very different kind of the :t alls, lor the very Rood reason that w cans Corn, Teas or . .2r.c Dainty Maid Milk p,Cst iioniinee. And he miy be likht. Me. music from that which we actually a so. and it ill open its thiols to the i.unatoi Hominy. of Iowa corn, cooked in f t w- of KI l'asti' population partici- so, a hiiililiuR- can 3Hc lloisttd Coffee 25-- ! Call, however, has a record of kick-- 1 possess. For modern music without pubic as in as he pure Iowa milk, rendy'to serve. semi' it Is ,t Wcihling Ilreiikliist t 'offer ... :ti( Pet us voii out a I over i pated in tlie rbds, and safe is inconceivable. Hook wher- tcinoibied. fixtures Installed and tli nit the partv trace and Tristan - couple of it tb- ' Harrington Hall Coffee im- cans; is delicious. 2 Kucss that the participants were ever you please in the music of the rcquil'ellu Ills of t he Mat luinkim; - tins for Ml)( then, tlioiitih u a member of l pelc.'s on j with, which toir lour and l'olads's. press drunk. last three detatles; French music or partment are complied BREAKFAST he could be depended up, n tc j ! l",t pkj;. Cislfish lOcj BISCUIT It true Metlcn, Willi Herman, Hussion or Italian, KugUsh Will be about March ''Miami lub bed" g.-- rally. is likewise that ;i laiur l.avt's Matt Ill;-- Huntley & s or American, you will fome- - his ... aimer is line ioi cliildrt'if and' for ( OH'II- - more popula- and find - - Hut Md'all' nmbitlon run nth- - lis (han fifteen million Fl in- ouallty Kansas 1'gg-- . Itl't- w hei t in a modulation or a melo-- ( l!ank lilccts Oliiccrs, tips also. Large tins, Weeks, tion, should n t ho blamed for (he 14. City ;l:esi tpiality (llcomacgarinc 2.W-- , wart those of Senator who die turn, a chord or a sequence smii. j S'anla li, Jan, The Capital I'Yesh Ye twenty-on- e pkgs. jetahles will l.c scarce hus unnnuiK f.l, had his friends murdir of foreigners, of In score bank today tii eted the following di- Macaioui 25c lor several' months. Ke- it Tristan. this llril-bc- within h pa:!, few dns, by Villa gave rectors: J. li. Ilcrndoti. J. Koiiar, 2ac Slroe s Ilk- member we hav e a full rne fit" packed announce f,.r him, und buve the Wagner music a new language, i. - vegetables, the very lany S.'.c am- Wa-l- i t.- - cx-j-- . Cttaii's ... MusiUit huM'tts tl. It V.alli.n, bandits In Chihuahua state. Incomparably rich, various, and '.. Manlorr, best we can gett to sell t - juft as liic IVismi-- . 3lh-- ; popular iht'ccs. Look- over nnr The v.lsi majority of the people of pr.sve. Through tcchicul devices ot j u amillo'aml K. K. l'tilbick. The line FiiHiiwiii will have Hie Illinois tit le- SI 2." I atiit ' Mii s and lay in a uttie stock. e wi law- - audacity, lm liberated low iug officers were chosen by the ci Itc If glad to make you gation, dele- Mexico are kindly, hospitable, Si Fairbanks the Indiuii directors: J. i. llcrndon. president; Ibiis' litsil slims SI.25; special prices mi quantity purchases. hldiiiK, They have been the great- mimic from the constraining melds of (.ills' gation, I'limnins the delegation tradition form that had from thej- Marr.ii. vice ptesldtut; School Mines XI.25, est sulferers from Hie 1 iUlliV S2 IU) HAWKINS' Bnd the delicate. its ol itir of the preventetl Its attainment of Cclao .Lira niillo. vice preXd. nl; C. C. shoc MARKET .S2.2." states bordering Iowa, will strimnle for supremacy, waged j Mnrdol'f. C. I,, liowitls, Men''. Mines Well mi lioiali perfect lit i tloin ami flexibility pf cashier. Mocked as usual with the choicest pa- - Mens gl2.ini . . . .(:( x .. - P.eef. Pork and hov tlie Id.ibo si nt nnd for the inot pint by men without isidaiil cashier. The bank on lbt'cni- Oienttiiis r.... . eniba im Minion, Urn-kens- IK-n- 3 4 1 Men's SS.mi (Mcreouls line loim Hartley is Irving for the Missouri del- triotism ami without other incentive The achievement seems today very,'1'!' :U bad resources of J in, a. 30. Sl.oo and Ducks for votir di-- . Men's SI.Vim . . , ST.oO get jl. thin loot. much a matter of course! o Ihlnir long'"" ounts runnliu; up to Ihi'iviuits iiinner. egation, ami limy ' '"' Ladies' tliorouKh-- : "' Mil. oil Coals s.vno net-it- probably funiiliar. to which we are P,,;iis. Hurton, of the favorite sons, (f the trt.uOti Americans' l adies' $7 Ml Tenderloin Fresh ly and affectimuiti ly habituated. Hut! oats lt.7.V Ik Oysters, to have the bes( 01 tji.iie. .1 niaehiiie livinc in Id l'aso, not mote than a I. il U' Coals ssi.oi) (iMougue. Pickled Pain!) Tongue. fifty years iiro it. effect was rom Uls-ln- Try the ( biblrcn Medicine, and up of him, but he ha been able j hundred or so half drunken men par- be- Ml Sweater, Don't back some, t was us the Main parents arc inclined retimed. 'oigti our rure l'oik Home Ma , - ftr I de Niusagc. Jt no appreciable in t he ticipiited in the mull which terror- lieve m e,l used nil w.c . . . . to make tus 1 a new heaven a new earth: that iae fur children Comfoi'leis SI.2.V line. ln of and r.,- - Whib-I- (sentiment of other Males. it.d and mistreated Mexican In the is not (.citable tin mselves. t otlou lllankt't- - (a i, It) S2.00 f,)r ,ho ,,. ,V14 HnM.r chno - s an- i is true (hi larger dos. ntl The national fiMurts are lloost vclt, strt is and saloons of the city. It Helmich rorn. the eminent feda-- i lii'.iuli'cils i,( oilier ItargHiiis. ' it is unreasonable to suppose Root and Hughes, with the chance whs a saloon mob. nil the incident g..gue, dccliired thut in this score. a that tlisease m an adult should be vol it Moni:- - that belli Hoot and Hughe will elim- should be so tenanted. . harmony was "used in a way that treated .toy tbtl'ercntlv (ban the same ini.i.u hus before the conven- scoff nt its very name:" of meloil.v ailment m :l , t,,l,. Mis l.ail .1, W. L. inate themselvea t ' was "practically l.iiua. ni.1,1, writes. "lamber-1- . may t ertist-nien- t n there none." The! HAWKINS meet- - McCall come in n mob tuH is ever tion' great llansli, k fnund In It "an assas- - i tin's t'.uuh i;. mily is siib ndal gAod in,. f..- , I Price Is Right, a dark horse, tin Dl'the suggest, adv ei ilsi ment for any city ol' - Itietll 'uldrcr.. Have used ll rfre Quality Right anj Scrvce Rghl. of sense and language." Oih- mx-c- . DO filiation ir t ob'.s tt alwa-- s 10-2- 1 LDE'S to Ho.imvi as lute, as ileorglu is learning even M , lor ami has 1 J ftonth l!ut the (raw point it ,rf( MW , Scsnt1 turret. onl. j(nw,n wll.,.,, r, fl,.f i 'btaia- - Phtme 44 -- nominee. thi day. tone-chao- a the nest republican i"a monstrosity," "4 of able i r w !u i v. hones 524 am, c.(mhs m i ivritFn i f w 4 A W4 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15. 1916.

Copyright m Brinqihq Up Father International Ntwt Porvto. By George McManm

1 ? a NICE LITTLE POtT- - I'M I'M TO Hl &T - --0.tNCiTO TOO OlNi COLLt- !E oh: DEAR- - TOO on BE UNDER THE BED 1 Mit tOMb , T?AbHLLTO eT - HERE CONEt) Ur,TUTH, EVE.TiN; MAIE - 5HE 00 THtN 'LL nm MOTHER - VLL tUKPrbE 01N" Be I - T0 The. U'VOCiHTER i A - A i!1 eed untu v 4" 7 NICE HAPPN if isssjsiVHEVslri OUT ' m. 0, ' . 2ft S I'LL HlfcE UNDEt? nc BED ' 0 r .

1 . M

V 2 aiiw.jiiiiliji

Distillers' Securities I J Erie 41!, Mil' STOCK EXCHANGE Genera) Electric 172V EI Ton Have a Wsii. ICi-ca-t Northern pfd 124; Groat Nortiiorn Ore ctfs 4'J'i Tell 11 Tlkot the COLUMNS Ougvenhrlm Exploration , 23 PRICES RECOVER Illinois Central 106 ' Consul. Corp 19'' Interboroush T. McKpadilii 12. It, McSpaddou Inspiration Copper 4??i L. . . . 1 10 International Harvester, N. J $2.700 two-8tor- y sluceo, mod- FME HOME IE ACME TIE EXdANGE c Kansas City Southern HOMi ern, and adolc In rear, lot IIA.XH liOl'GHT FROM LehiKh Valley 80 SECOND C0018 a; 75x142, including furniture. A real AND SOU Louisville X- Nashville 129 bargain. SALE lllcyclo lleudipiiu tcis Six building lots on comer Sixth Mexican Petroleum 115 94 IF! We sale one acre of land, $1,800 acres fine bench land, four offer for '. IMf Gold, street and Marble avenue. No better 120 West Miami Copper . . 40 water. Phono till. miles from town; feet to whh good pitch roof ndobn home, residence property In city. An excel- Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd. 1514 $4,000 two-stor- y frame Unsettlement Resulting From 200 grapes, cherry, peoch, apulo and lent buy. MiKsourl Tacific dwelling, modern. South Edith nprlcot trees, nnd fine soil for ti.,100. Tense Mexican Situation National iw-ui- t 120 gtreet. close In. Eight-roo- modern brick, This property is Just outside the cor- n, SALE In order to dose an National Lend 5'il$3,300 New bunifalow, Jubi near-i- lowlands; hot water Foil porate limits and Is convenient to car account we tire authorized to sell Gives Way Before Assur Nevadn CoDiier 15 finished. modern, fireplace, fine heat; corner lot. Trice, and lino. high- the two full Iota en Copper avenue, limy New York Central 110 sleeping porch, good locution, terms right, or will trade for paid for, adjoining m From Washington lands, close in. street paving, ances N. Y., N. H. & Hartford 75 4 a smaller house. TMSTTOM & CO. the G. L. liroolis building, between 1 1.1 South Second St. Iionp 77 $2,750 brick, modern, large $2,-00- Norfolk & Western 1 20 211 West Cud Avenue. Fourth and Fifth streets, for 0. basement, N. Walter street; eas Adjoining property Is held at Northern Pacific Hpi terms. (T MOSNIN9 JOURNAL SSSXIM. LSASSD WISS) Pacific Mull t-- $1,1)00 per lot. Alto, four full lets, PROFESSIONAL CARDS $1,700 frame, mod of New York, Jan. 14. The unsettle- Ttfl. & Tel 41 M)lt KENT Including southwest corner First Paclfic em; corner lot, North Eighth Rt Pwelltmr avenue, $900. ment created yesterday by acute con- Pennsylvania 58 street and Roma for IlKN'TISTM. considerably $2,500 frame dwell- Bunt Appraised price for the four lots ditions In Mexico wna Palace Car ,167 J. K. Pullman ing, modern, S. Arno St., clos in 216 WcPt Gold. FOll ItKNT Vnfurtiiwlii'd, huui $1,500. Will sill on Iciins to suit lR. K.IT dispelled today In consequence of as . 24 Dental Nnnirvn, Ray Consolidated Copper. Many other bargains in Improved moilrrn. Innulri- - 410 t.emt, bnver. Inquire THAXTOX & CO., j Real Estate, Eire Insurance. IxwaB. Wl 1t.)m Iiimctt UMir. I'hon 741 surances from n and other Ken,'ng property. ' and unimproved k'fTnT- - U,illuriilBlwl iioiiN,., mo-er- 211 West Gold. A'"ltitniiMit Mini.. ty Mall. official assurances. a time, how-- 1 rot For Republic Iron & Steel. 52 kh mill (tpei runpt. 4ttii Houih I'inMIIANH AMI HI ltd 1.(1 NS. ever, shares of companies operatinK r;ll.;fi,. .102 a. lsmsasm Peurih mri'i'l. Apiily Humn 19. lnint IMil, restraint, BUY A 10M1E I . M. in Mexico were under severe Southern Hallway . 2314 HU,).AHIN Ill ICKIN, forward in final hour Real nutate and Insurance liOST 1'h)ilelan uii 1nr but moved the Co. .158 four-roo- llKNT-Tlirr- c-r &?tucIrl.Kt'r III South IVmrth Street And pay for It like rent; FUH f urnihln-.- l ottuife. Phone BIT. Ilarnatt IlldK. mailing un . 11(1(1 I unlet Mexican Petroleum Tennesson Copper 59 frame on the highlands, $1350. Smith llifli I'heii.. UdO.I. .OHT Pair uf me.j UeN with cluiln 4 116T4 and M. 1.. Tilcph"'! U'fi'JW. I I I.I, IIAKDM gain of points at Texas Company noi; foil KK.NT -- Twi'D fin lilnlnnl r.'d nmiMH-- DIIH. 3 0 1. It. M'OLl GIIAN -- with Bold rim, la I'racllee l.linltril to 1'nr, Nom nnd American Smelting at Union Pacific . 13 NEW YORK COTTON. with HltH'pini J.nn Killlh. I.OST I'alr "r clansin li, re- 210 West ld Ave. I'hono B(7 tiiiHlni-- Nfi'ilmi. V'lnilcr t Throat. Sharles of munitions companies . 82 KKNT KuuilHllt'U i euttHHfl i.turn Union Pacific pfd nl'fle.. ami ivoi'lvo Plata National Hank tlldK. low New- - 14. Cotton with nl'c)ltiK iiutrh; anil eltull. Journal riuil. covered some buoyancy from United Stales Steel . Sti'i York, Jan. futures mat mid-wee- Kls Hciith WhIOt xtrcet. 1MI. N. II. VON AI.MKN prices of Crucible Steel . . closed steady. Jan., $12.30, March, MEN I' the United States Steel pfd .117 IXH I ICur, Nun Oc- HELP VANTKI I'tOt HIO.N'l' TlntMi roeinsf tiuti Hlrrpliit; l'riirti. t) l.lmileil tu e, leading the rise with an overnight . 89 $12.49: May. $12.73; July, $12.85; Western Union MlTle. li"';h. Hunltitrv, f )irnlihilI Nimh ntnl 'lliriail. gain 69 's. 10 In 4 of 9Vi to Westinghouse Electric . . . 67' tober, $12.68. $K' r.D lntlU)tli)i untT. lihiullc mid Office II. mm: to 13' t war WANTUD-- - lixiHTimiiia .Uhuquer- - toll lllv.NT--Siii- et 1. ))( I'Mumi, Dnu. Wet Avwiiif. Phone Oil Other strong :md active issues day, 20.UU0 lin. ( 1. feudal , Total sales for the (J)in SaMll lol'hmi. I.i.pllil! :r'.. Weal Ml .1 included ltaldwin and American Loco- KANSAS 1'ITY rilOWCK. 1111. T. I . shares. liny nt III uur KK.NT- I ur d rcionm f r TAM WANTED nipn Ire liaillrat Vull llulit III and motive, Studelmker, American Car. 4D4 ikhIuIInI l:jc, liar, Noe lhroat. rIiup. J. KvrlxT A KCUI IIKN ImtK.e. ( h. ili) if kepplnir. cheap. Notth ntvect. 14. nutter-Cream- ery, .lulte IWrnclt IlldK. Alhil(ileriiii. Pressed Car, Lackawanna Steel, Kansas Cily, Jan. i Steer CIlICAtiO 1M) 1H1 OF THADE. WANTED Mexican laborer,. 11.74 lwt taUeti at onee; uwiifi- leaving city. I'lumu Kill! IlKNT Hlfam lleateil fuinlahril lloum 10 o. m. to 4 t. m. Phoiie !Ki. Great Northern Ore, Colorado Fuel 31c; firsts. 29c; seconds, day Employment Affencj. !! uth i:.J3 J. roomx. 3M Went Central. Apply and the motors. Chicago, Jan. 14. Rising tempera 27c; packing stock, 19c. Third iitrnet. Phono HT4. lloum 29. TllrC MI KI'IIIA H tNATIIKH'M - I'Olt El NT Rooiiis Willi IKMird liKNT-I'urnifh- e.l, a honaclienpitHJ 'l'iihcrciibil of the 'lhroat unit f ling. Dealings In marine bonds consti- to dissipate fears of Eggs Firsts, 29c; seconds, 20c. WANTEli-Kxiw- rli nli'd ncenuntant, fanill- I'Olt ture that tended nu vl k, City Office. West Central Avenue. 17c; Inr with hanklhif nil wflh general OK IlK.N'T-Ka- st ItooniH, runniM, HhepliiK porch, leaonnliltt. JIJ, tuted real future of the bond mar- Poultry Hens, He; turkeys, with or without hoard. tl to 11 a. m.; 8 In 4 p, m. the cold weather damage to the winter buslni'sH. None l.ut flml-vhm- lain North Si, I. Office lloum: springs, 13c. IIS. Central uvelnh. Phone 6:.".; Hannlorliini Plinne 411. ket and strengthened the belief that crop hail much to do today with men neeil apply. (.'all John lliTUenhoff at j "OH ItKNT nil board Hl- -t (I ItKNT- uinlxliiil iioiii in for oim W. T. .Mitipliey, M. 1)., Medical Director events settle- I.. 11. J'utnry'H. lluum t'ol-li- are shaping toward a bringing about a setback in the price per fliy Ml South Hroadwa or two peraoiiM. llHtlllo lilTi Went i GIIALV. .1 ment of differences between opposing was a ner- KANSAS CITY r fm llllc. Phone t'til of wheat. The outcome IVm.ilo. KOli 11KNT-Iii- b -- Itoom anil board, with alcep-70- DR, W, W, DILL interests in the company. vous close at to to lc net de- P' North Flftci tail itrcet. Knit ItKNT--Nicel- y iunilalicd room Willi Kansas City, Jan. 14. Wheat No, WAXTKD tllrl for Keneral Iihihh Hleepilif; porcll Connected. With or Wlth- - TMIKKOU.OHIS. Aside from the strength of marines, $1.17 Vi and July, t at Phona IKK'J. cline, with May at Pinal! family, SI North lili'vcnth loot. ' 4 p. 2 $1.15 ji 1.1 9; No. 2 red, $1.20 Hili-se- Mit bord. I'lionn pi'ilW, North Second. Mew Armllo IHils. I to m the bond market was irregular. Total Corn lost to to hard, phone 107?. i5e7clcl7lTut" ItANTTrtTulet and ivi $1.20. lc, (a 1.25.' health report, two iniU-- north nf puM'.of-fU'- HoOttl sales, par value, $0,100,000. to to and provisions WANTKl ) V n 111 f Kcllelul hoiiiiework, oats i ?ic Corn-N- 2 No. 3, 69 f i fsti rum, Jeraey nil Ik. free oonvy- - W, M. SHERIDAN, M, D, unchang- o. mixed, 70c; 030 North Fuurtli Klreet. Ml 9. J. H. lloiiaekee(illiK cloiio In; I'nited States bonds were 10 to 15c. " rtlee nlo. ttllu; por. ll or cottnc.e. I'hone l'i'"W liKNT ri.oma fiMbc; No. 2 white, 70 (a lc; No. 3, KaHtenhiy. no Hick. 41 Went Hold ed on call. Setbacks in the value of wheat he. It AN (.11 I'llt Altractiv. 2 No. 3, 70c. Ol! ( oHB, OKIlAKt 'll"t! ( Closing indi- 69c; No. yellow, 71c; WA.VTK- D- At lainoli Gnu north vl l ltMSIIKD naiiiia. hot water neat, iw prices: gan when an official forecast t'ep- - health leaort mile l..un Gcnlto Urinary Diseases , and unts No. 2 white, 45ff '.c; 'o. 2 Upmtnntl Knftllsh. Apply C'l eream and produced ou place Klelt. no children. 414 Went Silver. Alaska Gold 25 of the cold wave had per milk eKin N'i cated the worst avenue. ' ree for Klectrlp llirhte KOIl-liK- Moil, n looms, eteiiiii heal, 28 im- mixed, 40f 41c. citrrlnK' tcueati. Diseases of the Skin. been encountered and a gradual tVANTED Woman for kchi-iii- I housewoik, ry mall nervlca Kooma nr eattanne F'hone mi alek. r.(H 'j, IVeni fentral avenue. j American Sugar 67 would fol- ttood wiihch to competent jieraon. (.'alt at Mr. W M The Wasecrmunn and Noauchl Teaia. alal Peet provement in conditions V M A It K I Hrl iMi'i;, ci, KAN luriili'li. .1 liouKckccpiiu; audi V I.I KXTOl'K TS. Lead. varsnn "HOB" Administered American Can 62 low. Wet pliepltiK minim. I.UJ.1-- Vcl v'riitnil 6(1 I'OI! HALM ItviKliH-- nm Poultry avenue. (Ttltena Hanlc Mld. American Locomotive Better weather eased corn as well W A VTI'H fowifioti Albuquerque, New Meilot t'lilcngo LicstMk. -- Amo. Smelt. & Kef'ng 107 as wheat. Reports that corn was be- Mill sai.i:- - Klne rininu or tirtvliu; mare, KOll ItKNT 'I wo nicely furnished rooms j Chicago, Jan. 14.. faille Receipts n K p In li.u:ol(eoplnK. modern, 1207 South i Amer. Smelt. & Itefng pfd 11 ing bought to eome hire from Kan- WANTliD Hv man. aitlon III Wext Sliver. for Unlit E, E, R0YER, M, D, 2,000. strong. Native beef Wtore. no (ih.JeiMoll to IcuvihK I Second, Phone Wfi't. Refining 115 put Market 8AI.IC - till heail American Sugar City further to the AiKIichs (.'. 11.. iioimcki i sas tended steers, $6.50 fit 9.80 western steers, rrelicea furnished. i'ipiid fall phone 7,17 Foil IlKNT Three m n' plnli j IIO.MKOI1 I'll 10 1'IIVHll'lAN American Tel. & Tel 127 ',4 disadvantage. Journal. inoibril, rurnl.ihed lomiilntc. IB bears at a (J $3.30rit 8.50; calves, w JlllKJ looms. office WhliliiK llulldlnii Phone S9";8 $0.60 8.30; cows, Kentle 'Ik llole. Anaconda wlHhoa : Hrouiul floor; no ilillilreii. 413 Weal Lead Copper Oats gave way in sympathy with WA NTKD "I'Irst cliia" lmrlcr llh lllltll. I V Tl A'l'TOH n1V SI rB v it v7IBS .106 was $7,25410.75. work regular o on Huturdaya or other iiemie, Atchison other cereals. Eastern demand KOI I HAI.K It. 1. Itcd both - . Hogs Receipts 25,000. Market work. AddreHH W. Whllmer caro coiUelels. houwkneplnit and PITT It'iHS. Ooiinty surveyor, Wdmund Raldwin 112 colltbN. lODI ICimt Copper avenue. MIX, CLEAN furnished Locomotive only moderate. unchanged, Hulk, $7.05 lii 7.45; llo I H Mineral Surveyor, ill) West 94 weak, Journal. aleeplnii rooms hy day or week. I.'mler Baltimore & Ohio realizing by holders pulled KOR HAiTk N i Ui'IvIiik mm riillnit hnia Gold avenue Una 41. Albuquerque. N. M Free light, $7.00 i 7.43; heavy, $7.05 7.60; WANTUD 1'onltl'in ii a cook and house- new mutuinciiient. Amerlciin hotel. Fifth Rethlehem Steel 450 The chief Incentive by or will trinle for cow. M'n Norlh Hecorid. down provisions. pigs, keeper on runcli competent woman and Cintral live. Phone :ui. Urooklyn S7 on $3.S56.0. 7. AfUlress or room KOll s"aT7i:'..iTii'-- i l:c Puff oTpiimione, TV PICXV It ITEKH. Rapid Transit to selling was the lowering prices with boy of call l l'"Tit iili.NT--- A In l'K- uliiascd-l- eilliny I'l util Receipts 7,000. Market j Sheep hotel, llbick Mlnoicua ami Ulc le Inland ICciln. (Irei-.i- - California Petroleum 36 hogs. Palms I'lioin. I'lliniMbell. Connected Willi A 1,1, new second-hand- . grain and $7.10)? 7,8 lambs, 4 )1 t. I'!,! ,,,, sen, KINDS both and weak. AVethers, V NTEl I K x a r n ceil lady Noiih Tliiltci'iith stin ii ml iiiuniio; v.ater; ' Canadian Pacific 179 Closing prlics: A Ik.k nd Inir r ii. bet flit houitht, Hold, rsnled ana leisurml. Albu- $S.40C(i 10.S5. w position; will go cut FOll SAI.K Two dozeirithoili.-Isla- lied! for two ludlcn; rerurciii i u. :ili Wiat a 1. nice querque Typeurlllnu Eichanae I'hona Central Leather 52', May, 27',;.; July, efer'-IK'c- Wheat $1.20. of Inwn; best of Address II. pullcta, roae eom), hlua ribbon blnla at Koatl eeliiie. ir, Moioh Meeoml street 7. Chesapeake & Ohio 65 14 May. July, 79 V, c. M., en M"i nliiK ahow. Ilrantilu. COO Norlh i:iiilitli Corn 79c; City Livestock. A. re Journal. lale J. il lii new Kansas atnet. inrniniiu We nm now local) our oltice. at Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 101 ():1ts May, D0'4c; July. 48'S.c. Re- WANTKl) Well i.lilealed fiood S': ;old ave.. across ft cm post office and City. Jan. 14. Cattle ' Kansas U UKN'i'-O- nii room lurnislied. Chicago & Northwestern 132 $19.00; May, $19.52. clerk, rxpf rienceil In hnnillliiK men for FOll HAI.K Scotch Collie pupa. tnoiilha Foil toiiih can take care of your wants on new lype- - PorkJan., ceipts 1,000. Market Blrong to 10e 1 7 2. Chicago, 19 13 yearn, likea to allow bin ahlllty In any old. parents of reglatercd slock; can be ::i South Waller. Phono writers. Itentals and repairs. Phone 144. H. I. & Pacific Ry Lard Jan., $10.47; May, $10.77. (& p. (). - higher. Prime fed steers. $8.50 rapacity; apeak several latinuumJ. O. II, houKhl for IS If taken ul one, Hoi FOIt 1IKNT-- - Furnished rooms for llK ht I'vriKllV (nli TVI'RWttl I'KIl IDMI'ANV. Chlno Copper 54 Va Ribs Jan., $10.40; May, $10.80. 9.25; dressed beef steers. $7.00 it t. 25; thla office. 17. Helen, N. M. housckeopltm am Hoinh Walter. Colorado & 49 j Fuel Iron 'i 8.50; calves. tTcATlTT COUNTS Huff Orplnntona and FoirTl':.VII'TinilBlie"il rionl I ootii for MONEY TO I.ON western steers, $6.505 V Mlscellani-on- . Crucible Steel 88 Vi KEVIEW. ANTED lllnrk Mlnorcasi ettra and baby chlcka IlKht housikeeplnir, no sli k. South MtADSTItEIT'S $6,006 10.50. .ri W ANTKIl-lnsloff1- e. To loan $:.(i0ll on city properly. &. In season. U 11. Miirgao Kona, Houtb Denver Rio Grando pfd. . . . : . 20 Oroln aacka Phono a. W til Arno. :,h Hogs Receipts 5,000. Market 13 WANTED li Arno. Thone 1H7 Hoi 1 1. Pee. It room furnished for New York, Jan. lU'adstreet's 0 7.40; ! I'll IlKNT l.urse to 25c higher. Hulk, $7.1 HAf.K 14. ('. It. I. Hod cock- - cheap and FOIt breodlnn boiiseliaeplmj. porcli -'- modern. M will say: niULDl.N'd ana repairing dona tanvy I Tl R CARPH. tomorrow heavy, $7.40W7.50; light, $7.107.20; eruls, falaed lroin eastern stock, I'lionn H.IH W fill S. Arno. money, well. Phone lull. a- flood business, plenty of c.r.o. enaa 1 and 15 per fifteen; chlcka In son pigs, $6.00 WuHhluu, 40u dozen, roiiBh dry; high prices, activity in industry, im- WANTUD "" C. I' Hay, MB North II In n street. llanenii EsiweI3-Cjirns- o Will Um TAKE " Sheep Receipts 5,000. Market 75a. doseti Ironed IlH W'eat ' SALTS TO Wages, Ind. THFr Ihey win, the pay. Ihafa KKN1 tllsbed lieulcd front KuawaU proved collections, increased 1 0.60 ; year- Uf, I'll. stuilll Dally passetiHor Service leaving strong, Lambs, $9.50 wuahlns; . Ft 1. . ntlo-tne- kinds of WANTED lluiulle mirk eiiounh to Navajo Herts Sloes. room, In. I'"i one or two and Cnrrlroio at :0(i a. m. nnd scarcity of numerous 9.00; wethers, $0.50 anteed. 40J Kouth Kec.itul street. t Thiimaa Poultry Tarda, 717 j i;;iC. reports. lings, $8.00 6 and einrt S. no sick. I'Jione Ihrouch fare, one way 111.81 materials, feature this week's 7.50. WANTKD To eell you n "Helper ladillu" Raat Hareldlna avenue. Albuquerque. N. M Intermediate nolnta, per mile II Cold weather over a wide area has anil plinae you. Ilauaer a HniMli.ry. ToTi SaLb Haniboulllet ilanja ".arm IX)lt HAI.ri Mlwellnneoiia (0 lbs. be.iks Ka free Kjeesa oarrlai. S re- atuv snionlh, heayy-woole- d range raised! ItOMVlll, AITO CO., FLUSH El hampered trade In some interior Denver IJvcslock. CAKPET (I.KASINH, furittura anil H r. I'ho ne H42W championship at Arltona atate fair. Hnnd I'HIIAII I'DKI and terllllJ. nnd Operutors. Phona HI southwest, likewise 14. Receipts repnlrliiK- W, A. Hoff. Phone Orncra gions of the 'Denver, Jan. Cattle for Information to Aubrey Inveat- , FOll 1.A1.K - Mao'ly de- WANTKD Automobile atoraga battenea to further railway operations and mail 900. Market steady, ileef steers, men! Co.. I'riacolt. Aria. Ranch addreaa i rHH 7:1 Houiii K dltli. be made aa (nod aa hew. Ilutler Auto larger sense the $5.00f(f Nelson Aria a-- oondltlon; S5i. liveries, but In the $6.00(?j 7.63: cows and heifers, fX j l oll SAI.K- -l iM. used ciira, have acted stock-era- Poll SA ;i;itiioiic Island nTiIir lrtck rlabt. Ilutler Auto Co. meteorological conditions 6.25; find feeders, $5.00 To bu pair cf RTAGID i Back-ach- y WANTUD Minoi ' f. i. Mammoth Ilron-- e turkeys, balTy DAILY AUTOMOniLB Eat distri- i. le. cart nnd fiuit less meat if you feel as an additional tonic to final 7.25; calves, $ 8.00 ii 0.50. cuuntir scales. Address 11.': Hcuttt FOR H.U.KHiow Hi Passenger rierrtca Injun M uch 11. llienlers and rutin. Illuo Wi-.- t hour heavyweight j bus, .hen p. :nn Saul it Fe. butions. In consequence HogsReceipts 1,500. Market ribbon wlniurs slate fair und poultry ahovv, I.aave Silver city :30 p. nx I. b t uut or have Bladder goods have moved frojn the hands of higher. Top, $i?.S5: bulk, $6.703 7.85. WANTKD Second bind bicycles bought Alhtiquerque; poultry ahow, Kl Paso, Tu. Foil ug hoi will Leave :00 a. m. rasp- - North Fourth street. meet Largest Dan full volume, and, aid- and sold. Tho Kxchange, l;0 West Oold liinf In the slnte. Htiawberry nnd t "i" Cars all trains and retail dealers In Sheep Receipts 500 head. Market , d livery III the trouble. Phone 1111 berry plunt;'. ItL'd feather 1'ai in, 1'ortalcs, (.'on SAI.K ( ii- coin, II. I.. Dewis, equip-'- auto aouthweat by seasonal cleat ance sales, stocks steady. , ' ,, IJlCNNIf'rT ALTO CO., ed v . ,. ITlt'NINi.i fruit or shaibi tieis, city or N. M. oo" fliid one .fourth mil ni'C of rlor, reduced. Sales of Hi Silver City. Naw Mexico have been further touiury. K. II. Dennis, 00 j South White, Leghorns, HAl.lj -- t So, harueiui and are ex- FOIt SAI.K Hliis'e comb ill llclillc dry goods for future delivery Lin k IIN From Injuries. alreet, I'lioii" Ills, Young'a strain, from D, W. Vomiik di- bin ny. clo III II Wee! ireliue. Meat acid excites heavi- ib-Ited; forms uric which ceptionally heavy, perhaps the Silver City, N. M., Jan. 14. John WANTKD Aulo repairing to Keep our (an. rect. Flint prlaa wliinera herever i SAI.K t'nderwood typewriter gmo. nd ef- iiiiHiirpaesed Cockerel tor "oil '- -s overworks the kidneys in their season years was of 4 A-- 1 mechanics employed this winter. Injeis. Hler till llf, 4eeond street Hhoi, ar est noted at this for three Lock, tho local blacksmith, who forts system. Keg-H- any make or car. Butler Au- - aula. SO mid I") each. Ukks for liiitohlng to filter 't from the supplies ago fa- Prices right; K bAI,lv-r,i- II. livery bus, loop back, of deficient kicked by a mulo a week and duy-ol- you l old the and fears t o Co. ur.d chicks. Halo clones when oll eaters of meat must flush mak- If lulu-i- C. J. Flllll. ItiOJ Vuth re- from mills already backward In tally injured, died yesterday at a local eamlne abak and prom satisfactory, li. at one.' kidneys occasionally. You must j A i In- .1. opposite stockyard. no lieve your bow-el- a: ing deliveries are very general. hospital, whire he was taken after the WANTED Rooms. lnndry. ranch 8A.NT them like you relieve I ra,,?e". ATCIIIfON, TOPKKA . FE RAIL employed full today, FOll bAI.K our ll'.li: Charier removing all the acid?, Waste and dustry in generai is to aecld nt. Tho funeral was held In lowJa'ids, ouo or two rooiiir. HO l.rand WAV CO. to WANTKD ItlTSIXENe. CTIN'T practicaUy new, liKluire poison, else ou feel a dull misery in capacity, stel Drills are sold six the Independent Order of Odd Fel- furnliiliod or iiiifoinislied. with board or a Venue, Westbound prices con- promi- light g. In prhate KOK OK IlKNT ruoming - No. Clara. Arrlvea IepU 'he kidney region, sharp pains in the forward, of which order he was a for bAI.K i K l motor- seven months lows, Ad- - Foil MAI. Indian twin. 1 California Expreaa . .. 7:J0p t:S0p dizziness, your booking ,'amll;, by i.ioiiiei and to children. houao. furnished, closo to ahopa. Inquire Can bo hecll tck or sick headache, tinue, to soar, ipills are not nent member, being treasurer of the cure Journal. '.vrls, firct. clai.i cinditlon. I. California Limited . ...ll.OOa lli.Kll dreva oMolber" Savoy hotel. i stomach sours, tongue is coated and wages Mexico, iV'inl'.ol ;iraf;e 7. 41.a far uhead at current prices and grand encampment of New leaning Fast Riprrsa ... 10:Us hen tho weather is bad you have Foil" ItKNT ilooil location for SAI.K Al 10 lo 20 per (.lit off list t. Fast Mull . .11 !.i.iip high point. chargo of tho services. The SA l,K llVl I - Foil Is are at a record having EOIt In Savoy lioti bloik. In- of fully guaranteed rheumatic twinges. The ur'.no $4,777,680,-000- . talabllshincnl to close out two lima 18. Do Lute (Thursdays) ... 7:6Da l:0.a clearings lodge, of which he also was a 11 III ClVoy hotel Olfici'. eloudy, sediment; the chan- Weekly bank Elks FOIt HAI.I-;--T- ..0 ft. building shea In re tlrra to make room for new lines, llutlor Hotitliliouuil. full of in n body. F.urial Ii ,'). nel get obliging you member, attended 4th ward, 7.' one smaller al HAI.K Looming house, well loclited. Auto Co. flo. Kl Paai Rxpress 1:IP often irritated, Mel-ni- r. Hold. n a get up during occurred here. The dead man left a W. V ileal with owner and aavo commission. FOll HAI.K n biilgaln, bed Uncus com-plet- I1C. Kl Paso Ki.iress 1:1. two or three times 20 il ss A. 1 office. furn-IhIh- i.iistbound. the- MONEY MARKET. considerable estate, which goes to FOll HAI.E About acres best nl'all'tt ir. Journal for rooiiiinir bouse, also night. NEW YORK iiiitlva-tlon- . Atlantlo F.ipress T:SS a land, seeded, bnlnrir under fid; S.M.I-- Small Kiocerv atom doing house for relit, cheap. tioutll It. l:Ba To irritating ncids a father, mother, two sisters and ii tlirco-roo- 2. Kxprcss :4np neutralize these S mllea out. on main ill'eh. biisimss: v. ill about $HoO i)D. good old street. Fiione 1:i:'2 .1. Knstern Mp 1 pa-pe- KA T:00p "nd flush body's urinous waste York, Jan. brother, all living In England. owner, I.., Cure Je.ui-na- l. 4. California Limited .... 6:40p off the New adobe. ApP!y avll on iiccount hcjlth. Addrei.s ill-- pony, used I" buggy, I'l Li: ..."id . K. C. Chicago Ex. . 7:ll.p 7:op Rt about ounces of Jad SalU 3 3 Vi cent, K 1) four ft per . .louni'il kudrtle and wagon w u k, 3n.i.0; illuo lignt from table-"Poonf- ul " 8(1. Da Luia (Wedneidays) :00p IIP any pharmacy; take a 57c. When You Hne a Ft Id. It !:" T f)Ooil y rr.oms, modem w hiii gml c nulitiou, $30.00, liar silv.T ( FOIt jgoii and iicis. From South. In a glass water before you cold rtEN'T eitnre llnnma. class (Ol7 li Ii .' Z. cf 4 lc. It Is when have a severe ffiH brick, close to Sanla Fe ahopa; first Ksel IKP'O, plloie 110. Kansas City A Chicago. breakfast and your Mexican dollars or unfurnished. Huilt 7:a for a few days bonds Steady. that you will appreciate the good qual. KOK HUNT After 'ehruary 1st torn condition: liiriiished l'tTl T'aT.I. -- Oi ice fin iiituic coiislsiiuj: of Kansas Cl'y Chicago. t'lftp 'idneys and bladder Government Cough occupied by Krwood H, ikery. for rooming hoiim. p. V. Jlci'iinna, Htuir Il. will then act fine irregular. 'ties of Chamberlain's Remedy. room now loll tup losk Willi Ivpewllter ultacllillelit. disorders disappear. famous Railroad bonds wicks, "N. M. Stnmm. .vutioniil Hsnk building. two typewriter ta- This 90 Mrs. H. H. snackleton, Chad I'. ehinr. tvpowntcis. 'ilts Is grapes Time loans Steady; 60 and ble, Heetloliai hoolieiliM iili0'ou Blylc. book made from the acid of Y.. savs: "I am pleased to say that -- AUTO LIVERY W :! Dwelllnim. IX R DENT Off bee IIooiiik. ( ti I'lerco, and lemon juice, combined with llthia, days. 2'i per cent. Cough Remedy has ANTI of compiled Iiiiik in;, all Fierce f2i Ohamberlaln's Maephar-so- I.. II. l ow r .1 .i building. Phone to Steady. Ruling rale l Well-- KK.NT Icea. Apply D. A. hi Call, Ye Will "id has been used for generations Call money been used by myself and children, and WA NT KD A in oili a. f urlllsbul house KOfl Off GWe Ti Trent clpan sluggish kidneys h, good location, by .1'oirnsl office You RlKhl and stimulate 1 per cent. I have found it beneficial in r lievin with sleeping p"i' I'OI a'id stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts in Fcbriini-- 1. I'loui" H3SI:. KLNT Kleam healed office rooms. MACHINE, A COXSTTUJC Is throat Irritation, hoarseness and FOIt. rTO inexpensive; harmless and makes a I too Orant Uldg, Zol'i Wcat Central. Apply k'OH bAI.U Svw LEAI AM' SPLLTEK. curing a cold. cannot speak A Valufc TION CO. Uthla-wate- r W NTKI Dreswmaklne ftoom ?a pie floort. lenient .meiH. ' delishtfut a C Arkr-rinrt- effervescent highly In praise of such valuable hfi1 for Ma-ct-l- . W. M. - , drink which of men and worn- -- Quiet. medir-in- " nilKSPMAKtS'l Iteasoi, millions New York. Jin. 14. and reliable ohfilnnbln MiU'l ds. mh ii riiti-- mu, ut. 1',1'J . High llniill fi'iln loiimd take now nnd then, thus avoiding . e ery where, e.olt. ula "li)''ua kidney uiij bladder Spcll. I Not U'fO-'l- i t


I V. m r Tiv HARDWARE CO. LET US SEND A MAN THY HOT Hi: CRESCENT I r I ' llfll Turn! in 12. s...p-- hi o I - rr-- IT" rv I "TP A MUtvra, - 1 To Rrplatw That finikin Window Rang, Ifooae Itiriilliln Kda, Coller. Toola, Irim llpe. Valrra POSTAL bUALtS rrt 0 and llUIni, ritinihliif, UraUnf. Ho and Copper Work. HUtlgrT tu'l" I C MB Kit t COM TA W GRIMSHAW'S lit W. CENTRAL AVE. TELCTHONE 111 Meal l'osi.,1 Scale. rhnno 411 it S. lint Koooud mill Cenlrtil. 1 II weighs . . .$1.25 . 1 Ideal I'o-t- al Sea!.-- IMXCAK1.S weighs I n A n 1 , PEERLESS PANCAKE FLOUR II.. .91.50 btk ir Made Out kSI; SuiH-rin- I 'i Uil Scale. Make M(t j4l weighs 4 lbs... $2.00 WITH FIRE SYRUP 'An KM, a Sj.cciai CAMP t Postal lielli-lm- worth $1.5' I. Skinner's Grocery 81.00

BOND-CONNEL- L SNEEP AND WOOL COMPANY ins GREEN BEANS CAULIFLOWER 11(1 AND SPINACH TOMATOES Suits and Overcoats $1 5 SHEEP AND WOOL, HIDES PELTS 2HEEtatSiuL HEAD LETTUCE $25 Office ami Virelious Ttjerna Aicnuo ami ltailimid Track. SWEET POTATOES THIS INCi UDES A GOOD MANY MADE BY HART 'HER MOTHER'S SECRET' SCHAFFNER '& MARX . alt'-tul- TIhmo within l., attend W'c liavt ('rli;. H' I'uii'iiu I r ro'iii'-M-'- tu not i fy AT PASTIME THEATER in f' i nil i.. or i rm I,,v! ,!.!!, mackehel TOMORROW AND MONDAY Tola tots arc I,, $16 Reliable Business Suits $10 fin Ill - this mastci liii of Cl'.cc.--e S;i BO CONFESSES i We ojH'iit d a fnh ''f nii'l I loitM vnu mti:Ki st I ,lc urt, l:,ilih, 'Adonis of tin HEAVY AS WELL AS LIGHT WEIGHTS Hal-ti- tii.1-'- . m M:if." iii-ii- ii vth '1 -- l!;:tt Domestic C'Ii ' vtMcrdav. rv onic of Sas 15c; 2 FOR 25c Carl wi'.lif. , mid Iniir us bin own ftti. Si Hi fm ivu milt, Jr. I', s; ' i ! i HITS t,.r uress .$1.00 H E t mm THAT ril'., and Ills .w i.ft . t' h ah, love llorliln l.niir fruit, mid ) - it t A'-- he.: Jam-- . SJi.O Siiirt- .$1.00 I . EM Hornier An Tut ,ii wriKlit If iniir-- aliout our hue I'reserus. Jt ani ules. ' rlr-- In- uiiU lias a Hun Hi' becomes W'-.o- tH- tl-- l Sweatt rs . . .$1.25 Iloiiilti orniiKO, mt i f Mt Mill Del Monte Coo.l volved M. li Hi iniii' iitid a ilauitlitiT is, V .. carry a complete me of ,;ic down. : r -t In--- , liorn I nit is i a- I - . HOUSES lo thriii. c off. I'rCHTVt'S. $4.50 Wool router- .. $2.00 California Ornli;(o, an. to j(lo l l. h "U ilcKt-rt- lo r i lillil. . roirirn rans' d'i-n- H-- or Thr buby i idotard by Mm. Curt-- 1 15c se. 4 iiair ti r 25c Cmnlwrrli'M, lie quart. wriKht I'pon tln itiiitli of Mr. and ' S'i.00 roys' School Suits. .$1.50 Two lteBds ( nllfi tula lottuiv, Mn f ii i tv, i m lil tin lintiY U mirnrii , Scvcntccn-ycar-ol- d RiCardO.'""-1'- rritiriil lu Its inottn-r- wlii ro-- 1 $5.'3 Hoys' Reefers $2.50 iii.i ii.ison. Afti-- a lapw; of Ippli friini m.23 U. 2 2a lnr Sanchez Tells Captain1 trmri)' yuim lartwrlKht. Ii-- j J. A. $3.00 t'ipicrwear at $1.90 It Skinner hii birii to rollri."'. rctuiriH. Dlnpn-IVIUI- IWmlili't-iuJ- IVutt.-r- , 35t-- I O'Grady He Spent fold t'ntlenveai $3.50 I'r.i 'f,n mi,,,, hiH iii.ilth mid tliii Phones 60 and 61 205 S. First St. $5.00 Duo und. m'ihIm h i foi Auto Joy-iide- s, Idortor in to tin' Maohore. whrr h iiuictM Hemic and hcrj diiUKlilir. t.oiim (Doruthy linen) Kfiorant of his rclntluriHhii) lu Loriiu.j That In- Npent for iiutoiiiobtli joy. In- - ;illn violently In lovi- - ia M h hi-r- . ride mom y that he Mule from n ii Mn' This Is a Real Sale of ImrliiK the i i'tii -- of conn ;.ii l j WARD'S STORE lioiiHi'i the euiif' s'li'Ui Hlcnrdo i' the Jtln y iii.inioni d r ni;lit on mi1 'Hnnehi'St, 17 yeul i old. made to Ciipt. nil' oi IIOMEIl II. TVAIID ilnl;iiul, I'l'on ttuir return to the1 Mff. l'ut U'ilad, of Ihe police, last ln(llit. Merchandise i Seasonable SIS Marble Are. I'lmut CM-S- ma ii l.i ikI in tie nioiiiiim if' i Tin' buv admitted entiling the par- - oiislv' iiiiiM loneil by h'. r illotlier. fconUKe of the ImmiicnliH,. niiception r.;oi THIS IS YOUR SHOE f I C'.irtvi rinlit oih nly ili iiun'n hiH lovo cliun.ll thne Iimh-- and ne"iHK ...... Ml.. t....iitn,...l..n U..I... .1. In liv the ih'Ih e to li n e lid- - .iictji, eonu. ,4iid iie il lu.i llileiided W'lv milted Kolli" nil. i the paldoimHe of Money H...... 'SelUlllb IH'riVf'H. ll'LOLItll7.eM HiriiKe. Call and Save Nu-re- STORE! tint Hi ill i linn Ii iiImi. At mt, i Strong Brothers . tiiriid t' ( nMwi iHht, tuid thi n pni ltir.K I n i . I time ii box onl joiiiiL mi ne ' j t o Untiii, juiYm Uiu cannot marry if Undertakers the IrniiHii ulute l omeiition imrlsli h.r Mil.. ... your . l'."iilenec wiih broken. i PIIOMIT RITHVKT. I'lTOXE i' he-- W At the I'iihtitne theao I" n If oii the t of shoes ami the imit of shoe T5. tJTllONQ IU.ll., COI'I'Elt ill II the iar'iOnai;c .1! the lianmf-'ll- l caie lor and Monday nfteinooiM and rvpiitimti -- AMI NIXON D. lte foneeptloll chuii h v.a 1 service ami satisfaction that our vi oe nioiiev cni ecu re. pu- - I j first 101 lepoit .ih made to the make tliis vour slu e store. lire. h'n Ih" lolbeiv wax reoc.itid, I DANCE TONIGHT SIMON STERN, jliowt-Ver- ihe iohce Hen- notified Aj Colombo hall. Our ilanici m(. ic-tc- h wax k at i lllii-i- K il the pi sf hutia jflin'il. lir i' ('Mi'lleiil. lady COME E- v HER- anil Tliui .1 itiiii uartiHistjiiu to lukc cure of wrap- -. A plnnie ' S! ,.es LX)CAL ITEMS en to enter the thlomh llfnr olie ellllln e. t. hIih For Men's, Women's. Uos'. (jirl' ami I'.ahies' t'ia' wirdoiv, 111 1.ti to the pole e. jalm to pleiiM'. Mulr l I'.'Histei' I nion rank ahoe the r.vW of "iu-- t slioes. or ITEHEST Arn-sin- a- -. He Ifl llnaici. 'onlirMiii. pole e I lie - I'm ii to Mi and Mm A. .V. Ilalky, The Win- oil lookout for; j hi. 11 and lale last nmht IK. Houtli Alio' (.treit, i fti I d.i.v, u l'aitam NOTICE COME E- - HER- 'illil.oK- h,iv 111 t'oioiiu- out .it llo . . ...-- - - 1. .1. .. " wloek ineet- 11 I J .1..I ' .1 I I I I I O W J 11 I i The liolders' aitntial l'wr the utweM models and the latest and hest Mrs. Henry V, lian Jui--t left lv.J Willi III' j "I'i'i ;nd of Mining com-arr- CRYSTAL THEATER the Mio lie l ined the box ondet lK the Claia r.aiton r()U on mif of tu r p i iudlcal liv tlie country's mM noted shoe maker?. .!biiin to tin- city for ""' 'l''''i"n of officers will pari-nti- i and took him Jail. tu her in Clayton, Ala. '4-li- l police my tli.U l'" at room I of the Stern II Itobert-- . The Ihe total amount Frank II. head of the p. 111.. JanUiiry IT, laiKon.iui B of tw building al ;:.iu lam Vesa noimul ermt y, stolen lioin the the COME HER-E- TODAY and TOMORROW lam sio4e J, W 1IAI.I., fatholie cliun h k total nioie than 1 3 r . to the lin:h hi hool Hiidentu Thurs- Set relal y. I;or tlie llest Men's Shoes at to the i!e-- t day. The lobbeliia took place In the $2.50 $5.00: Sh-r- rr t. i'i;i:s ai.ia h pkogham daylline. 'I'he lectorliM were Women's Shi es at to the I'.e r School s i:imi imt A In enje ii rday w $2.00 $1.50; iniirrv jesti 11...... ,n.. rf a w . yti-t- i ' Ihtl.,,0' u l.i' lln. I'tlll) or Nks. n rk I. 1., It. ..I,.. . ill - ' " I ' ' 4...... ,in' u, l.,t1 ' 1. is ,. I my es- - at to ..)ii: tlie l.e Liui'ii;i td n. .11 i mi' al Old"'AI!.UiUerille for to thank all liiend IrllMild Jll.O.lll 'alti'liet, Uall' lloH di their me il . jpeclally the l'.le trlo (ompany, for all Stvle and at anv Price. The Making Over of Atrwcii. t j their kindness and hnipalliy and the Si.ifiish Ktudinu of the li it; h m liool many offering during my late ;; MaL- - This Shoe Slorr a.hi r M.'a.-y- . TWO BIG AUDIENCES floral )v .Sr Manning will gly.. H KpaiilHli play toiiiKht, The Geoffrey bercav elnelit rn-- a will at :15 o'clock. No ! 11 iiiituili SEE MUTT AND MUS. KHANK U Si d'SA. roiH-P'K- i with i:kv mokky. idmlimion Mill lie ihariied. JEFF Sprcliil itnctlnn of the l!n tlier-hoo- d AT CRYSTAL THEATER ( i)tal loilay, tiintiiiii-- s and nit; it. 1 ".--' tami --r r "rr t es t , .'jsi-- . i of American Yeomen will la lu Id at J.S0 ti'i'lock Sunday after- - 'How hh.i ihe hhow'.''' linked one WANTED Extra salespeo- ; M X& noon at the I Ii. II K. hall. The Pest Vamooser In it it of another nik'lil a the ' The followini; li b lira 11. remain un-i- li Apply pie. at once. ii OMK! . crowds wi tc pourluit out of tin Crys- at Wenti 111 office mil lHeled the t'llion tal theater. if count no uildri'sa. lb J Tlioman. Rule Dry Goods Co. 314 am us (food usual," Mid Ihe 1!. I.. Hiiblurd and I W. IUiik 'h, as WEST CENTRAL Otll'l. j MVITN Ill 's A I ;:;I0 ami :5: 1" The race h"rs-- Shafer J.. which Cr)sliil today. mat Iiiii- - nUht. The reply aptly haract'-riiC'- I on thi" ground track the' 4 444 Ml. II AT r::il) mill !:!." lias run fair performance ' .Mutt uml Jei'f,'' It herr, dropped dead iterday motn-Iii- k v h ;ih Rood as umal There whs a CENTS CHILDREN at H K, .leiikm1' ranch in Mh of ADULTS 10 5 CENTS slikiht chaiiite of Memory and proper-tii- was of did Town. Jenkins owiur and niMuna'H. The jokon had .atlup Lomp tiallup Slot the h0IM'. been turned oer on the oiher snle Orrtllo I amp tVrrllloa Sto 1'urmi-- (ianper Cnrrpt will Hahn Coal Co. Jutlc nn, wanned mi a bit mid the MiriK Prv THEATER I'HONK VI Jimtice UeorKe It. IH ipar laforr had been re fohaniicd ( llhet w lue, t J'lHKAirTK MI. SIZES; sTIHWI COAL imKK OITKIAX. Henry hauls baggage and fr.iiif next M' ndy, i h nned wPh was tiling the ainc that we k.iw last (.,kf. Ml111 Wixirl, fartuf) Wood. Cord Wood. Native Kliidllnx lime Moved lu tU South Third Stm t i.ault bud battery upon' Mrs. Anita iycar. IS other things. aTATK Citions Hank Iiulldin. Phone 939. liaiiia at dam e, lie wun arrested I HoWeM'f, the proof of the pudditifc THE I y fader Sheriff ta'k ,iw Thtirs-- j Is ill the oalliiK, ami the fact Hint the LDJ riCTlHKIt (IIANOE i 1 oiiiiiiin and ije bond lr nif j r: i.t il Hai erowilnl at boih matinei 1AKKY IIAV tippraran e. land illicit performances and that the lour-t-i.-- ! Tln;itia ls w aiv- - - i:tm Willi MiTMna csterda 9(tl s put II lo p ss" to the cvtcnl Program 6 Interest d pii him 11.11 y eX.iininaUOu and w.uijthat the atidlenci. was laiiKlnnt: piac-- l SEMI-ANNUA- , ound 10 aw ill the action of tl. ally nil the time Miould be a Huf-- PACKER JIM'S GUARD- rnld Siiiil-nnimall- y on Our Oni. OUR L , Flve-jin- thi. KHir.d Jor 11 ihe chaiKc of wife fii out answer to n ciiticlsm of the1 IANSHIP Tvt. Tlm-r- or r IkmdH li" tatm-hi- d bind. allow, Cloiu the box oft tee stand-- j ir 100.00 and lip. Two-pa- rt Ulotnipli. nslex'm Moirinn-- was brought Tlinr-il.i.- t e the people Hkf ts It li our pmiiiiv lure "Int. hatincr our bond nnv tlini U tii;,li! oa by heputy Kood, and the peopie .oe every eyl-- j A MAN'S SACRIFICE nnjr of at irom eustmuiT-- i mHt tin money. dl.-d- our d em of likln;; the i was Tlirii'-par- Foit-tiir- o Sheriff Oe. Walker. fiat t Star Circular on mjmnt. The ei'iitial station foe loiapii'. scried them visterdiy and last iukIii. With lalilli Storoi. else lv t lioi ' a called to Ho pi Wait Held late Whit to lay AND THE PARROT SAID? atti h.' north" lit Western Mortgage Company Coined v. ib.. fi 10 ..'.oe. The ilia", .! in DANCE TONIGHT CAI'H'Ali SlOO.tltMl .mse ould e,..t i,... 'I ll" rile , I t hull Alhuniu-rniif- New .Mexico. l n olonilsi Our ilanios nic ic bad ni K.iiiii-- much heiol'".i h. . fiinsl. the itiusii oxis-llent- Imly as. t a a r:wtt and tt j.ut oot with n jst-ta- to lakp of wros. phone 1 'o. lo mi. ,, i AtiCii'ilMiei rain jfoi' )iini- - oiinioniriict. We At h, V. M. '. A U .011 svi j if 'aim t peiii liiso l) Ibs.-- ii e I mini NATIVE WINES 11. tlie tilbwitj; tio'ii ..ii. h . PASTIME THEATRE , Tl the l.ori o! ilir- t'ls K'U'in! Whito and riil taM Mine-.- unar-antcc- .l Vet , y. I. !a 'it n. ' J Abi.i- - reinn-liiomle- d Sa.m I tIS W. CratraJ Ave. to bo puii and tiro rilffll tiNla, li nit in anil nielli miHli-r- nl i ., i A 1. M.irtm .1. li II. m- - for both tMhli ami on li' i! blitti o I Oil iisi. l.ibeirtl dioonnls lari It Woui.tH's Ai t I'- - baa qiiantltio-- . W i Ito for luioo'. iiiih'-- man li:irf T O DAY i it to I.:' South fourth, Mint ,1 ,.(tt!.t LA SALLE RANCH I'b one I'M. i 'filer taken loi allk.lois I:. i ,il no ' THE KEY TO THE PAST if fine needle wolk. Mernaltllo. N. M. An nuileaii Two-ro- IVntiiiv Al) With W miffed t.ii oiiwoial. PHONE 17. WILL BE CONCLUDE TODAY I,a Jui vcrr TWX AMI ACTO THE HOUSE PARTY. ! HAY AM MtillT UCT THIS II It AND OF UMIL t.ltlCM) JERRY'S REVENGE t k nui wiini: i.rt.iioKvs. All Clearing Sale Prices Will Be 't.mtrvV onus" haw lut-- the lull tl'IIIOlll. "TELM0" , loi al 1 of ,!,.. Mi- al loi o. i liii;his siauduid for H'ar,. nv ' re oandhst. Ktampi'd anil f imrantis'sl. ni! .1 CA-NM- I' I' Sold hy .latla. "daw kills. AM GOOTS AND Tor Withdrawn Monday i A iao,.. TOlolti;oV MMW I. UAVK THE l5KtT. ! -i , 4, b k o ll liid.o, mat line-- and liiulit HER MOTHER'S SECRET Tin- H'iii' I'm I boioplai roattinni; nZBSka. If T - t A will l lrr and aadillt. lmrr. Trimble' Italpli lt llai. I uml Doi-o-ll- TODA YIS YOUR LAST l.uildins M- -n t c ;;c ftrd turn l.reiti, 0PP0RTUMTI o'clock. I i " - U V M. Iiik. thrri w: "r vi h and 'di ti'l I t onion nciiiK Siinilaj ei ndition, ca:"ry of am will Im NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS to Take Advantage of ! . .'.if. 'in itt un oar I'hi' aihnt' Our bu., oi , Radical Price i r foui horse-fi:- i Ilk- Adults. htlilion Th- - 'O.lie nine Taot for tlu fir--t half of i, clock ' - p. IV i f'.lly da. IBI-- Kill le I aoil t'.o .!ttder. i"it:lpd arc now due and p.nable nt it'o a Iw.i en . d. lamp. il no n spisiomi ter, at tu offloe al rtio roui ilime. Cuts on Standard rhoti taikr . Merchandise h ' h no. I,.is- Xru rids i.f th- - 'rn. It intiM Ni lnioro-- t will tf oharsrsl on r.- -i i p. rsf-n- , dOT to Kast lilalld pa iiu-nt- nui do up to and ln 1 r.i :::v rinding .lanuarr 1t. 10 1 ft. AND - PLUMBING HEATING "ill la- itMO-It B. ftl. WII.UAMM 313-31- 5 t nr. i on all uiado allot-Hin- t SPRINGER Ik-oiI- paiiionti 1 ditto. RKma nJ t Whit'i PulIOicg J. M. VICKREY DOES IT 283 Com- -r Htu-un- n j Qolil W. Central SERVICE MIKE 1' PhAII 1'h.HM- - All. UJI V. (rold All. MANDELL, Trcas. 1 SATISFIES aj tislai. owtliuss. and nilii.