Here Is a List of Structures to Identify in Each Section

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Here Is a List of Structures to Identify in Each Section The Organisation of the Forebrain A Workbook Luis Puelles University of Murcia, Spain Charles Watson Neuroscience Research Australia 15th of March The Queensland Brain Institute THE BRAIN OF THE MOUSE The following images of sections from the brains of the mouse produced in the Paxinos laboratory produced by Erika Gyengesi1.The coronal sections on the left are Gallyas silver-stained and the adjacent sections on the right are Nissl stained. There is a list of structures to identify in each section. Use the abbreviations provided to label the structures. The abbreviations are from the Paxinos and Watson atlas of the rat brain, which has been cited over 60,000 times. Each abbreviation is unique and the construction of abbreviations has consistently followed a number of rules: 1. All cellular areas (nuclei, cortical areas etc.) begin with a capital letter 2. All fibre bundles (tracts and nerves) begin with a lower case letter 3. All parts of the ventricular system begin with a capital letter 1. Gyengesi E, Calabrese E, Sherrier MD, Johnson GA, Paxinos G, Watson C (2013) Semi-automated 3D segmentation of major tracts in the rat brain—comparing DTI with standard histological methods. Brain Struct Funct 219:539-550. doi: 10.1007/s00429-013-0516-8 1 Rostral-caudal levels of the mouse brain sections in this workbook (Gallyas myelin silver stain, sagittal section) 2 MOUSE Figure 1 anterior commissure, intrabulbar part (aci) lateral olfactory tract (lo) accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) frontal cortex, area A (FrA) olfactory formation (OF) olfactory ventricle (OV) 3 MOUSE Figure 2 anterior commissure, intrabulbar part (aci) lateral olfactory tract (lo) olfactory ventricle (OV) frontal cortex, area A (FrA) olfactory formation (OF) anterior olfactory area (OA) 4 MOUSE Figure 3 forceps minor (fmi) anterior commissure, anterior limb (aca) lateral olfactory tract (lo) piriform (olfactory) cortex (Pir) cingulum (cg) olfactory ventricle (OV) olfactory tubercle (Tu) 5 MOUSE Figure 4 accumbens nucleus (Acb) genu of corpus callosum external capsule (ec) olfactory tubercle (Tu) anterior commissure, anterior cingulum (cg) (gcc) lateral ventricle (LV) motor cortex (M1) limb (aca) lateral olfactory tract (lo) caudate putamen (CPu) piriform (olfactory) cortex (Pir) somatosensory cortex (S1) 6 MOUSE Figure 5 accumbens nucleus (Acb) caudate putamen (CPu) motor cortex (M1) olfactory tubercle (Tu) cingulum (cg) external capsule (ec) somatosensory cortex (S1) diagonal band region (DB) anterior commissure, anterior lateral olfactory tract (lo) lateral ventricle (LV) insular cortex (Ins) medial forebrain bundle (mfb) limb (aca) corpus callosum (cc) cingulate cortex (Cg) piriform (olfactory) cortex (Pir) septum (Se) 7 MOUSE Figure 6 cingulum (cg) external capsule (ec) somatosensory cortex (S1) diagonal band region (DB) anterior commissure, anterior lateral olfactory tract (lo) lateral ventricle (LV) insular cortex (Ins) medial forebrain bundle (mfb) limb (aca) corpus callosum (cc) cingulate cortex (Cg) piriform (olfactory) cortex (Pir) septum (Se) accumbens nucleus (Acb) caudate putamen (CPu) motor cortex (M1) olfactory tubercle (Tu) 8 MOUSE Figure 7 caudate putamen (CPu) cingulate cortex (Cg) piriform (olfactory) cortex (Pir) internal capsule (ic) anterior commissure (ac) external capsule (ec) motor cortex (M1) medial forebrain bundle (mfb) preoptic area (PO) cingulum (cg) internal capsule (ic) somatosensory cortex (S1) septum (Se) bed nucleus of stria corpus callosum (cc) lateral ventricle (LV) insular cortex (Ins) fornix (f) terminalis (ST) 9 MOUSE Figure 8 lateral ventricle (LV) fimbria of fornix (fi) motor cortex (M1) stria medullaris of the cingulum (cg) third ventricle (3V) hippocampal commissure (hc) somatosensory cortex (S1) thalamus (sm) corpus callosum (cc) anterior commissure, posterior globus pallidus (GP) insular cortex (Ins) thalamus (Th) caudate putamen (CPu) limb (acp) lateral olfactory tract (lo) piriform cortex (Pir) bed nucleus of the stria external capsule (ec) amygdala (Amyg) medial forebrain bundle (mfb) preoptic area (PO) terminalis (ST) internal capsule (ic) fornix (f) cingulate cortex (Cg) 10 MOUSE Figure 9 fimbria of fornix (fi) optic tract (opt) piriform cortex (Pir) external capsule (ec) globus pallidus (GP) cingulate cortex (Cg) stria medullaris of the cingulum (cg) lateral ventricle (LV) internal capsule (ic) motor cortex (M1) thalamus (sm) corpus callosum (cc) third ventricle (3V) hypothalamus (HyTh) somatosensory cortex (S1) thalamus (Th) caudate putamen (CPu) fornix (f) optic chiasm (och) insular cortex (Ins) 11 MOUSE Figure 10 external capsule (ec) globus pallidus (GP) mamillothalamic tract (mt) amygdala (Amyg) lateral ventricle (LV) internal capsule (ic) cingulate cortex (Cg) stria medullaris of the cingulum (cg) third ventricle (3V) hippocampus (Hip) somatosensory cortex (S1) thalamus (sm) corpus callosum (cc) fornix (f) hypothalamus (HyTh) insular cortex (Ins) habenula (Hb) caudate putamen (CPu) fimbria of fornix (fi) optic tract (opt) piriform cortex (Pir) thalamus (Th) 12 MOUSE Figure 11 lateral ventricle (LV) habenula (Hb) optic tract (opt) piriform cortex (Pir) cingulum (cg) third ventricle (3V) hippocampus (Hip) mamillothalamic tract (mt) stria medullaris of the corpus callosum (cc) fornix (f) hypothalamus (HyTh) cingulate cortex (Cg) thalamus (sm) caudate putamen (CPu) fimbria of fornix (fi) internal capsule (ic) somatosensory cortex (S1) habenula (Hb) external capsule (ec) amygdala (Amyg) lateral olfactory tract (lo) insular cortex (Ins) thalamus (Th) 13 MOUSE Figure 12 external capsule (ec) habenula (Hb) hypothalamus (HyTh: VMH) cingulate cortex (Cg) cingulum (cg) lateral ventricle (LV) fasciculus retroflexus (fr) cerebral peduncle (cp) somatosensory cortex (S1) corpus callosum (cc) third ventricle (3V) amygdala (Amyg) optic tract (opt) piriform cortex (Pir) caudate putamen (CPu) fornix (f) / fimbria of fornix (fi) hippocampus (Hip) mamillothalamic tract (mt) thalamus (Th: VP here) 14 MOUSE Figure 13 corpus callosum (cc) fasciculus retroflexus (fr) optic tract (opt) piriform cortex (Pir) caudate putamen (CPu) hippocampus (Hip) mamillothalamic tract (mt) amygdala (Amyg) third ventricle (3V) external capsule (ec) hypothalamus (HyTh) cingulate cortex (Cg) thalamus (Th: VP, DLG) amygdala (Amyg) fornix (f) cerebral peduncle (cp) visual cortex (V1) subthalamic nucleus (STh) cingulum (cg) fimbria of fornix (fi) lateral ventricle (LV) auditory cortex (A1) 15 MOUSE Figure 14 external capsule (ec) cingulate cortex (Cg) medial geniculate (MG) posterior commissure (pc) hippocampus (Hip) visual cortex (V1) hypothalamus (HyTh: MB) superior colliculus (SC) aqueduct of the midbrain (Aq) lateral ventricle (LV) auditory cortex (A1) mamillothalamic tract (mt) substantia nigra (SN) 16 THE FOREBRAIN OF THE MARMOSET MONKEY The following images of sections from the brains of marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) are from the collection of the late Professor Hironobu Tokuno of the Tokyo Institute of Medical Research. The complete sets of sections can usually be viewed on the website but are currently unavailable. The coronal sections shown here are from Marmoset #8 from the Tokuno collection. The images are taken from adjacent Nissl and acetylcholinesterase sections. The Nissl stained sagittal section is taken from Marmoset #5 from the Tokuno collection. There is a list of structures to identify in each section. Use the abbreviations provided to label the structures. The abbreviations are from the Paxinos and Watson atlas of the rat brain, which has been cited over 60,000 times. Each abbreviation is unique and the construction of abbreviations has consistently followed a number of rules: 1. All cellular areas (nuclei, cortical areas etc.) begin with a capital letter 2. All fibre bundles (tracts and nerves) begin with a lower case letter 3. All parts of the ventricular system begin with a capital letter 17 MARMOSET Figure 1: Frontal pole rostral to the genu of the corpus callosum deep cerebral white matter (dcw) rostral tip of caudate nucleus (Cd) 18 MARMOSET Figure 2: Frontal pole at the genu of the corpus callosum corpus callosum (genu) (gcc) caudate nucleus (Cd) deep cerebral white matter (dcw) anterior horn of lateral ventricle (LV) induseum griseum (hippocampal remnant) (IG) 19 MARMOSET Figure 3: Frontal pole at the rostral end of the internal capsule corpus callosum (cc) caudate nucleus (Cd) internal capsule (ic) putamen (Pu) caudate nucleus (Cd) deep cerebral white matter (dcw) accumbens nucleus (Acb) anterior horn of lateral ventricle (LV) cingulate cortex (Cg) 20 MARMOSET Figure 4: Frontal lobe at the rostral end of the piriform cortex and septum corpus callosum (cc) caudate nucleus (Cd) internal capsule (ic) putamen (Pu) caudate nucleus (Cd) deep cerebral white matter (dcw) septum (Se) diagonal domain (Dg) olfactory tubercle (Tu) accumbens nucleus (Acb) island of Calleja (ICj) anterior horn of lateral ventricle (LV) cingulate cortex (Cg) induseum griseum (hippocampal remnant) (IG) piriform cortex (Pir) 21 MARMOSET Figure 5: Tip of the temporal lobe corpus callosum (cc) caudate nucleus (Cd) internal capsule (ic) putamen (Pu) claustrum (Cl) deep cerebral white matter (dcw) septum (Se) diagonal domain (Dg) olfactory tubercle (Tu) accumbens nucleus (Acb) anterior horn of lateral ventricle (LV) induseum griseum (hippocampal remnant) (IG) piriform cortex (Pir) motor cortex (M1) cingulate cortex (Cg) 22 MARMOSET Figure 6: Anterior commissure and optic chiasm corpus callosum (cc) caudate nucleus (Cd) internal capsule
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