GK-20 (February-2013)

1. Ranji Trophy 2013 has been won by a. Rajasthan b. West Bengal c. d. Saurashtra

2. The President of International Court of Justice is a. Dalveer Bhandari b. Peter Tomka c. Kofi Annan d. Ban Ki Moon

3. Indian Air force has purchased Pilatus trainer aircraft from a. Switzerland b. UK c. Russia d. USA

4. The new Solicitor General of is a. Rohinton Nariman b. GE Vahanavati c. Soli Sorabjee d. Mohan Parasaran

5. Jigmi Y. Thinley is the Prime Minister of a. Myanmar b. Vietnam c. Bhutan d. Singapore

6. Hero 2013 was recently won by a. Rhinos b. c. d.

7. The 14th meeting of BASIC Environment Ministers was held in Feb 2013 in a. Argentina b. Brazil c. South Africa d. India

8. The biggest trading country in the world in 2012 was a. UAE b. China c. USA d. Japan

9. India's 1st indigenously developed weaponised helicopter is a. Rudra b. Nag c. Pinaka d. Tejas

10. The winner of ICC Women’s World Cup 2013 is a. England b. New Zealand c. Australia d. Sri Lanka

11. Rafael Correa has been re-chosen President of a. Cambodia b. Ecuador c. Argentina d. Ethiopia

12. ______has been recently appointed as the Ambassador/Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. a. Nirupama Rao b. Asoke Kumar Mukerji c. Ranjan Mathai d. Pawan Sukhdev

13. TS Vijayan has become the chairman of a. SEBI b. State Bank of India c. Indian Banks Association d. IRDA

14. Tata Group will start a new airline in partnership with AirAsia of a. Malaysia b. Hong Kong c. Singapore d. China

15. James Alix Michel, who has won the Sustainable Leadership Award 2013, is the President of a. Holland b. Seychelles c. Panama d. Monaco

16. ______panel has been set up to improve the overall business climate in the country. a. Damodaran b. Rangarajan c. Kelkar d. Tendulkar

17. The winner of Vyas Samman 2012 is a. Vishwanath Prasad b. Ramdarash Mishra c. Narendra Kohli d. Amar kant

18. The record for highest ever polling (93 percent) in India was recently set up in the Assembly elections of a. Nagaland b. Tripura c. Sikkim d. Manipur

19. World's highest rail bridge is being built over which among the following rivers? a. Chenab b. Ravi c. Jhelum d. Beas

20. Which state has shown the highest growth rate in the 11th Five Year plan? a. Karnataka b. Punjab c. Andhra Pradesh d. Bihar

1 C 6 A 11 B 16 A 2 B 7 D 12 B 17 C 3 A 8 B 13 D 18 B 4 D 9 A 14 A 19 A 5 C 10 C 15 B 20 D