Grip and the Bengoughs As Publishers and Printers
Grip and the Bengoughs as Publishers and Printers Carl Spadoni In her autobiography, The Side Door, Dora Hood refers to a customer who visited her antiquarian bookcstore in 1939 and wanted to purchase copies of the Canadian satirical magazine, Grip. Although Mrs. Hood had gathered together a bundle of issues, she explained to the customer that it would be difficult to collate a complete run. 'I know,' replied the man, 'for I am the last surviving brother of the five Bengoughs, and I am over ninety.' Before he left the booktstore, he jotted down a summary of Grip and its associated publishing companies: Grip (Weektly Paper) J.W. Bengough, ed. and artist. T. Bengough, printer. May 24, 1873, to Dec. 29, 1894. 1875 G. Bengough came in. Called Bengough Bros. 1881 J.W. Bengough, S.J. Moore & G. Bengough. 1883 Grip Printing Publishing Co. Ran paper until July, 1893. Then suspended at Ser. No. 1048. 1894 Jan. 4 - Ist No. of N.S. (whole I049). Phoenix Publishing Co. (J.W. Bengough, J.J. Bell) 8 I Adelaide St. WVest. Ran until 1894. Dec.' Mrs. Hood's customer was Thomas Bengough (1853-1945) who can be forgiven for exaggerating his age, since he was eighty-five or eighty-six in 1939.· He must have had a very active life. Besides being a printer, he had been among other things a newspaper journalist, an official reporter for the This paper was given at the 43d Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada held at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, on 3 1 May 1988.
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