ParliamentaryRAJYA SABHA Bulletin


Nos. 56230-56235] FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 No. 56230 Bill Office Private Members’ Bills for 3rd February, 2017 Bills for introduction

The following Private Members’ Bills will, subject to compliance with the rules, be set down for introduction on Friday, the 3rd February, 2017:

1. The Compulsory Health Insurance for Senior Citizens, Mentally Retarded Children and Disabled Persons Bill, 2016 by Shri Rajkumar Dhoot, M. P.

2. The Youth (Eradication of Unemployment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2016 by Shri Rajkumar Dhoot, M. P.

3. The Water Conservation Authority of Bill, 2016 by Shri Rajkumar Dhoot, M. P.

4. The High Courts (Use of Official Languages) Bill, 2016 by Shri Bhupender Yadav, M.P.

5. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment of articles 109,117, 198 and 207) by Dr. K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao, M.P.

6. The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2016 by Shri Mohd. Ali Khan, M. P.

7. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment of Tenth Schedule) by Shri Palvai Govardhan Reddy, M.P.

8. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment of article 324) by Shri Shantaram Naik, M.P.

9. The National Waterways (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Shri Shantaram Naik, M.P. 10. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment of article 51A) by Shri Shantaram Naik, M.P.

2 11. The Central Himalayan States Development Council Bill, 2016 by Shri Pradeep Tamta, M. P.

12. The Voluntary Organisation (Regulation) Bill, 2016 by Shri Pradeep Tamta, M. P.

13. The Abolition of Capital Punishment Bill, 2016 by Shri Pradeep Tamta, M. P.

14. The Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (Identification and Support in Education) Bill, 2016 by Shrimati Vandana Chavan, M.P.

15. The Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Shri Vivek Gupta, M.P.

16. The All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh, M. P.

17. The Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Shri , M. P.

18. The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Shri Husain Dalwai, M. P.

19. The Indian Evidence (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Shri Husain Dalwai, M. P.

20. The Right to Adequate Housing Bill, 2016 by Shri Sanjay Seth, M. P.

21. The Surrogate Advertisements (Prohibition) Bill, 2016 by Dr, T. Subbarami Reddy, M. P.

22. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy, M. P.

23. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment of article 366) by Shri Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, M. P.

24. The Population (Stabilization) Bill, 2017 by Shri Vivek Gupta, M. P.

25. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2017 (Insertion of new articles 275A and 371K) by Shri Vivek Gupta, M. P.


Private Members’ Bills for consideration and passing

A draw of lot for the pending Private Members’ Bills was held on Friday, the 20th January, 2017 in the presence of Dr. R. Lakshmanan, M. P. and in accordance with the direction of the Hon’ble Chairman, under which the priority obtained shall remain valid for all the days allotted for Private Members’ Bills, i.e., Friday, the 3rd February, Friday, the 10th March, Friday the 24th March and Friday, the 7th April, 2017. The Bills of only five Members (excluding part-discussed Bill) shall, in order of their priority, be included in the List of Business for consideration on that day out of the names of following Members who have secured the first ten places in the draw:-

1. Shri Anubhav Mohanty

2. Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar

3. Dr. Sanjay Sinh

4. Shri Ahmed Patel

5. Shrimati Renuka Chowdhury

6. Shri Prabhat Jha

7. Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy

8. Shrimati Sasikala Pushpa

9. Dr. Subramanian Swamy

10. Shri B.K. Hariprasad

Those Members who have more than one Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha are requested to intimate the Bill which may, subject to admissibility under the rules/directions, be entered in their names in the List of Business during the ensuing session of the Rajya Sabha. The intimation may be sent to the Rajya Sabha Secretariat by Friday, the 27th January, 2017. ______


No.56231 Bill Office

Directions regarding Private Members’ Bills

The following directions by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha published vide Parliamentary Bulletin Part II No. 36268 dated the 2nd May, 1997 are reproduced for the information of the Members: —

(1) Limit on Notices for introduction of Private Members’ Bills. A Member can give a maximum of three notices for introduction of Private Members’ Bills during a Session.

(2) Draw of lot for Private Members’ Bills. There shall be one draw of lot for all the days allotted for Private Members’ Bills in a Session in which ten names shall be drawn and priority obtained therein shall be valid for the entire Session.

(3) Listing of Private Members’ Bills.

Out of ten names drawn in the draw of lot for a Session, Bills of only five members (excluding part-discussed Bill, if any) in order of their priority shall be included at a time in the List of Business for consideration on each day allotted for Private Members’ Bills.

(4) Time Limit for discussion on a Private Members’ Bill.

The maximum time limit for the discussion on a Private Members Bill shall be two hours. ______

No.56232 Bill Office

Notice of Amendment to Bills

Under the Rules of Procedure, the ordinary period of notice of an amendment to a Bill which is to be considered including an amendment to refer the Bill to a Select/Joint Committee is one day. It is, however, open to a member to give notice of an amendment after the Bill is introduced in the Rajya Sabha or laid on the Table, without waiting for the inclusion of the Bill in the List of Business for consideration. ______


No.56233 Legislative Section Private Members’ Resolutions for 9th February, 2017

Members are informed that a draw of lot was held today, the 20th January, 2017 in the presence of Shri A.K. Selvaraj, M.P. for Private Members’ Resolutions to be taken up for discussion on Thursday, the 9th February, 2017. The following Members obtained the first five priorities:-

1. Shri Tiruchi Siva 2. Shri Vishambhar Prasad Nishad 3. Shri Shantaram Naik 4. Shri Ram Nath Thakur 5. Shri Bhupender Yadav Members concerned are requested kindly to give text of the Resolution which, subject to admissibility under the rules, may be entered in their names in the List of Business for 9th February, 2017 in order of the priorities obtained in the draw of lot. The text may be sent so as to reach the Secretariat by Monday, the 30th January, 2017. ______

No.56234 M.A. Section

Local address of Shri A. Navaneethakrishnan, MP. Local address of Shri A. Navaneethakrishnan, M.P. would be as follows:-

Flat No. 95-96, South Avenue, -110001 Tel. No.: 011-23794648

Members may kindly note for information. ______

No.56235 Question Branch Result of Ballots of Notices of Questions Ballots in respect of notices of Starred and Unstarred Questions received upto 3.00 p.m. on 20th January, 2017 for the sitting of Rajya Sabha on 6th and 6 7th February, 2017 were held on 20th January, 2017, in the presence of Additional Secretary (Q). The result of ballot for the Starred Questions has been placed in the Notice Office and also on the Notice Board in the Outer Lobby for the information of Members.

SHUMSHER K. SHERIFF, Secretary-General