

Species Accounts

Andy Birch

PDF of Ashy Storm-Petrel account from: Shuford, W. D., and Gardali, T., editors. 2008. California of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, , and distinct populations of of immediate conservation concern in California. Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo, California, and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. California Bird Species of Special Concern

ASHY STORM-PETREL (Oceanodroma homochroa) Harry R. Carter, William R. McIver, and Gerard J. McChesney

Criteria Scores Population Trend 10 Range Trend 0 Population Size 7.5 Range Size 5 Endemism 7.5 Population Concentration 10 Threats 10

Breeding Range County Boundaries Water Bodies

Kilometers 100 50 0 100

Breeding-season range of the Ashy Storm-Petrel in California; nests on islands from central Mendocino County south to the southern Channel Islands. Historical information limited, so larger number of known colonies and extended range today apparently reflect a recent increase in survey effort. Still, numbers have decreased at least moderately since at least the 1970s, and recent status north of Marin County uncertain. At-sea distribution reflects transit to and from nesting islands and foraging areas in waters over the entire slope of the continental shelf. In fall, large numbers of birds congregate in the Monterey Bay and Cordell Bank areas.

Ashy Storm-Petrel Studies of Western Birds 1:117–124, 2008 117 Studies of Western Birds No. 1

Special Concern Priority chick periods results in fledging from late July to January (James-Veitch 1970; Ainley et al. 1974, Currently considered a Bird Species of Special 1990; McIver 2002). Concern (breeding), priority 2. Included on both prior special concern lists (Remsen 1978, 3rd pri- ority; CDFG 1992). Historic Range and Abundance in California Breeding Bird Survey Statistics The relatively recent species description (1864), for California and difficulties finding nests and detecting noc- Not sampled by the BBS. turnal attendance at colonies, have led to few available data of the Ashy Storm-Petrel for exam- General Range and Abundance ining historical changes in breeding numbers or distribution. Grinnell and Miller (1944) described Highly restricted breeding range and relatively the species as “fairly common in spring and sum- small global population (approx. 10,000 birds; mer, at least locally,” with breeding reported at Ainley 1995). Breeds on islands and offshore rocks the Farallon Islands (since 1885; Ingersoll 1886), from Mendocino County, California (approx. San Miguel Island (from prior to 1889; British 39º N), south to Todos Santos Islands (approx. Mus. #1888.10.10.3734), and Santa Cruz Island 32º N) off northwestern , (since 1912; Wright and Snyder 1913). We also (Sowls et al. 1980, Carter et al. 1992, Everett and found previously unpublished evidence of nest- Anderson 1991, Ainley 1995). Breeding is nearly ing in Mendocino County prior to 1944. Two endemic (>95%) to California, although 2005 dis- Ashy Storm-Petrel eggs were obtained by Franklin coveries of a nest at Todos Santos Islands (Carter J. Smith, a well-known seabird egg collector in et al. 2006b) and an increase in nesting numbers northern California, on 26 June 1926. One was at the Coronado Islands (Middle Rock) since “placed in a plant root in a burrow . . . on Bird 1989–1990 (Everett 1991; Carter et al. 1996, rock” near Greenwood (WFVZ #17,096). The 2006a) indicate that breeding occurs to a greater other was “on the rocky sea coast at Caspar” near extent and farther south in northwestern Mexico Point Cabrillo, “between boulders, built of weed than previously known. Largest known colonies stalks and feathers from the bird. . . . A gray type occur at the South Farallon, Santa Barbara, Prince, species small” (WFVZ #163,093). However, given and Santa Cruz islands. These storm-petrels for- burrow nesting or nesting material (unusual for age widely in waters seaward of the continental Ashy Storm-Petrels), similarities of adult plumage shelf, near islands, and near the coast within the (if seen poorly) and egg color and measurements southern California Current ecosystem (Ainley et among medium-sized storm-petrel species, and al. 1974, Briggs et al. 1987, Mason et al. 2007, lack of other confirmed nest records north of Spear and Ainley 2007). During the nonbreed- Marin County, we cannot fully rule out misidenti- ing season, most birds remain within waters fication of Leach’s (O. leucorhoa) or Fork-tailed (O. offshore of the breeding range, with large num- furcata) storm-petrels, which also breed (usually in bers (4000–10,000) concentrated in Monterey burrows) in northern California (Sowls et al. 1980, Bay each fall (Roberson 2002). Limited winter Carter et al. 1992). However, Smith indicated that colony attendance has been reported at the South identification was “positive” for both eggs, pos- Farallon Islands and Prince Island (Ainley et al. sibly based on handling and examining incubat- 1974, Carter et al. 1992). Ashy Storm-Petrels have ing adults. Smith also had collected Leach’s and been recorded at sea from Humboldt County, Fork-tailed storm-petrel eggs at several colonies in California, to central Baja California, Mexico Humboldt and Del Norte counties in several years (Ainley 1995, Harris 2005), but most birds occur between 1912 and 1928 (specimens in MVZ, between Sonoma and counties. SBMNH, SDNHM, and MCZ). Given Smith’s experience with storm-petrels, occasional use of Seasonal Status in California burrows and nesting material by Ashy Storm- Occurs year round in waters over and just seaward Petrels in certain locations (Carter et al. 1992), of the continental slope (Ainley 1995, Mason recent capture of an Ashy Storm-Petrel in a mist et al. 2007, Spear and Ainley 2007). Breeding net at Van Damme Rock (Mendocino County) in is protracted. A wide span of egg-laying dates 1989 (Carter et al. 1992), and little knowledge on (mid-Mar to early Oct) plus long incubation and breeding storm-petrels in Mendocino or Sonoma

118 Species Accounts California Bird Species of Special Concern counties, we judge these egg records as valid evi- Recent Range and Abundance dence of historic nesting by Ashy Storm-Petrels in in California Mendocino County. Nesting likely also occurred historically on the Marin County coast, on the Since 1944, additional colony sites and larger basis of two specimens of adults collected with- numbers at several colonies have been found with out details at Point Reyes in April and July 1898 more thorough surveys and the unearthing of his- (British Mus. #1900.7.20.195, #1900.7.20.196). torical records, particularly in the Channel Islands, One egg also was collected at Santa Catalina but no change in breeding range is suspected (see Island (Ship Rock), Los Angeles County, in 1937 map). Ashy Storm-Petrels have been confirmed (WFVZ #95,994). to breed in California at Bird Rock and Double Ainley (1995) reported no major changes in Point Rocks (Stormy Stack), Marin County; South numbers at the South Farallon Islands between Farallon Islands, San Francisco County; Bench 1885 and the early 1970s, though additional evi- Mark–227x, Castle Rocks and Mainland, and dence suggests that breeding storm-petrels likely Hurricane Point Rocks, Monterey County; Castle were reduced to some degree in the late 1800s. Rock, Prince Island, Santa Cruz Island (Shipwreck Breeding habitats were changed substantially in Cave, Dry Sandy Beach Cave, Del Mar Rock, the 1850s to 1870s by the construction of a light- Cave of the Bird’s Eggs, Diablo Rocks, Orizaba or house, other buildings, and paths, with island Sppit Rock, Bat Cave, Cavern Point Cove Caves, rocks often used to form walls. Also, eggers har- Rocks, and Willows Anchorage Rocks), vesting Common Murre (Uria aalge) eggs likely Gull Island, Santa Barbara Island, Sutil Island, trampled island habitats (Ainley and Lewis 1974, and Shag Rock, Santa Barbara County; and San Carter et al. 2001). By the late 1880s and 1890s, Clemente Island (Seal Cove Rocks), Los Angeles Ashy Storm-Petrels were reported breeding in nat- County. Possible nesting was suggested by birds ural cavities under rocks and in constructed rock with brood patches captured in mist nets at Van walls (Taylor 1887, Bryant 1888, Blankenship and Damme Rock, Mendocino County; Chimney Keeler 1892, Loomis 1896). Between 20 May and Rock, Marin County; Vandenberg Air Force Base 3 June 1911, Dawson (1911, 1923) noted exten- and San Miguel Island (Harris Point to Cuyler sive use of rock walls and that this storm-petrel’s Harbor), Santa Barbara County; Anacapa Island, numbers had either increased or been previously Ventura County; and San Clemente Island (main underestimated. Loomis (1918) also stated that island), Los Angeles County (Sowls et al. 1980; A. L. Bolton found the Ashy Storm-Petrel more Hunt et al. 1981; Carter et al. 1992; Ainley abundant on 19 June 1911 than during early July 1995; McChesney et al. 2000a, b; McIver 2002; 1896, with “stoppage of the egg traffic apparently Whitworth et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2003; H. R. resulting in an increase in population.” Initial Carter unpubl. data). rock wall construction likely reduced available Sowls et al. (1980) estimated 5187 breeding habitat and caused birds to change their breeding birds for California in 1979–1980, with 4000 distribution on the island. Conversely, the many (77%) at the South Farallon Islands in 1971 and sturdy rock walls may have provided protection 1972 (Ainley and Lewis 1974) and most of the for remaining breeding sites from collapse from remainder in the Channel Islands in 1975 to 1977 trampling by humans and introduced . (Hunt et al. 1981). Carter et al. (1992) estimated The introduction of Black Rats (Rattus rattus) 7209 breeding birds for California in 1989–1991, to Anacapa Island in the mid- to late 19th century reflecting higher estimates in 1991 at Channel apparently led to severe reduction of small sea- Islands colonies (omitting numbers found later) birds, such as Xantus’s Murrelets (Synthliboramphus but still using 4000 estimated birds (55%) for the hypoleucus) and probably Ashy Storm-Petrels, and South Farallon Islands. On the basis of modeling limited breeding to cliff areas inaccessible to rats data from at-sea surveys between 1980 and 1995, (McChesney et al. 2000a, ATTC 2001). That Spear and Ainley (2007) estimated 7287 birds nesting in such habitats continued is suggested by (95% CI: 4500–9070) off Sonoma to Monterey small numbers of Ashy Storm-Petrels captured in counties during spring, suggesting greater numbers mist nets at Anacapa Island in 1994 (H. R. Carter occur at the South Farallon Islands than estimated unpubl. data). Introduced cats (Felis catus) at Santa using colony-based techniques (4284 breeding and Barbara Island also may have affected breeding nonbreeding individuals in 1992; Sydeman et al. Ashy Storm-Petrels until cats were removed there 1998a). Given higher estimates at some Channel in the 1970s (McChesney and Tershy 1998). Islands and Mexican colonies since 1991 (McIver

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2002, H. R. Carter unpubl. data) plus substantial major 1998 El Niño event were noted at all five decline at the South Farallon Islands since 1972 locations. (see below), more than half of the small world Trend data are not available for most other col- population now appears to breed in the Channel onies because standardized monitoring is lacking. Islands. Still, additional work is needed to refine Eradication of Black Rats at Anacapa Island in population estimates at all colonies. 2002 will provide better conditions for breeding Trend data based on mist-net captures are avail- and should lead to future colony growth (ATTC able for the South Farallon Islands only. Sydeman 2001). Despite five egg records (and one chick et al. (1998a, b) attributed a 30%–40% decline record) in 1912–1913 at Painted Cave (Santa between 1972 and 1992 (e.g., from 3402 breed- Cruz Island), no breeding sites for Ashy Storm- ing birds in 1971–1972 to about 1990 breeding Petrels could be found during brief searches in birds in 1992) to heightened levels of 1976, 1991, and 1994 (Hunt et al. 1981, Carter by natural predators, mainly Western Gulls (Larus et al. 1992, H. R. Carter unpubl. data). At San occidentalis) and Burrowing ( cunicu- Miguel Island (Cuyler Harbor to Harris Point), laria). Over the past 40 years, the 15,000–25,000 three birds were mist-netted in June 1976, but no Western Gulls breeding at the South Farallon nests were found (Hunt et al. 1981). Much suit- Islands have far exceeded numbers from the late able nesting habitat occurs on nearby main island 1800s. By the 1980s, the gulls’ breeding distribu- areas, and breeding is likely, but no further efforts tion had recovered from former human decima- have been made to document use or breeding. At tion to cover most storm-petrel breeding habitats Hare Rock within this area, sites with the distinc- (Penniman et al. 1990; Sydeman et al. 1998a, tive musky smell of storm-petrel have been noted b; Mills 2000), although in the past decade gull (Hunt et al. 1981, H. R. Carter unpubl. data). No numbers have declined somewhat (W. J. Sydeman active breeding sites were found at Santa Catalina pers. comm.). Although Burrowing Owls do not Island during nest searches from 1994 to 1996, breed at the Farallons, they often arrive in fall and but Ship Rock (with a 1937 nest record) and a spend the winter, feeding primarily on non-native rock near Silver Canyon Landing were visited by House Mice (Mus musculus). These owls tend storm-petrels, based on their smell within poten- to switch to Ashy Storm-Petrels and other prey tial sites (H. R. Carter unpubl. data). One nest when mouse populations crash in late fall or early was discovered and many adults were mist-netted spring (J. Buffa unpubl. data). Breeding success on a rock in Seal Cove at San Clemente Island in of the storm-petrels remained relatively high from 1994 (H. R. Carter unpubl. data); no nests had 1971 to 1994 but declined thereafter, with little been found previously, but breeding was suspected or no effects from major El Niño events in 1983 (Hunt et al. 1981). Prince Island was used for and 1992–1993; the number of monitored sites bombing and target practice by the U.S. Navy in declined after 1982 (Ainley et al. 1990; Sydeman the 1950s, which likely reduced breeding habitat et al. 1998a, b, 2001; PRBO unpubl. data). and possibly population size on this small island. Five locations at Santa Cruz Island have been All known breeding areas still are used, although monitored with standardized nest counts annually more effort is needed to confirm breeding status from 1994 to 2006 (McIver 2002, Carter et al. in Mendocino and Sonoma counties. Since 1991, 2007). Numbers of nests at Orizaba Rock have surveys in Marin, Monterey, and (northern main- declined since 1995, possibly from heightened land) Santa Barbara counties have led to discover- predation by gulls or owls related to colony illu- ies of small colonies and possible breeding loca- mination from lights of squid boats, first noted in tions that likely were missed during earlier major 1995. At Bat Cave, numbers of nests were fairly surveys (McChesney et al. 2000b, Whitworth et consistent until 2005, when the unusual occur- al. 2002, Brown et al. 2003). Additional effort rence of an Island Spotted Skunk (Spilogale gracilis is needed to confirm a possible decline in the amphiala) resulted in depredation of many adults small numbers breeding at Bird Rock, Marin (at least 70 recovered) and reproductive failure County, between 1989 and 2001 (Whitworth et (McIver and Carter 2006). At Cavern Point Cove al. 2002). Caves, Cave of the Bird’s Eggs, and Dry Sandy Eggshell thinning from contaminants was doc- Beach Cave, nest numbers have been fairly con- umented at Santa Cruz Island in 1992, 1996, and sistent between years. Predation of Ashy Storm- 1997 and may have contributed to relatively low Petrels by Barn Owls (Tyto alba) has occurred breeding success in 1995–1998 (Fry 1994, Kiff commonly at Bat Cave and Orizaba Rock but 1994, McIver 2002, D. Welsh and H. R. Carter not at other locations. Little or no effects of the unpubl. data). However, low breeding success also

120 Species Accounts California Bird Species of Special Concern occurred at the South Farallon Islands in the late careless stepping by tourists exploring sea caves 1990s, possibly in response to reduced prey avail- will likely degrade fragile breeding habitats among ability or predation (Sydeman et al. 2001, unpubl. rocks and driftwood. Such activities during the data). Eggshell thinning also was found at the breeding season may severely disturb breeding South Farallon Islands in the late 1960s (Coulter adults and even kill storm-petrel adults, chicks, and Risebrough 1973) and, to a lesser extent, and eggs. On offshore rocks and islands, breeding in 1992 (Fry 1994), but apparently this has not sites located in loose rocks are also susceptible to greatly affected reproductive success there since destruction from careless human stepping. 1971 (Ainley et al. 1990, Ainley 1995, Sydeman et Oil pollution likely kills some birds, although al. 1998b). Given documented eggshell thinning no oiled storm-petrels have been recovered after and hatching failures in the 1990s, even lower large oil spills in California, which usually occur breeding success and population decline may have close to shore. However, a large oil spill could seri- occurred in the Channel Islands from the 1950s ously impact at-sea aggregations northwest of the to 1970s, when contaminant levels were much South Farallon Islands or off Monterey Bay (Spear higher, especially before the banning of DDT use and Ainley 2007), killing thousands of storm- in 1971. Extensive eggshell thinning, breeding petrels. Ashy Storm-Petrels have been recovered failure, and population decline were well docu- dead on an at-sea oil platform and at mainland mented for Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) locations with bright lights in Santa Barbara and and Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax Ventura counties (Carter et al. 2000) and San auritus; Gress et al. 1973, Gress 1995). Francisco Bay (Ainley et al. 1990). In the Channel Islands, squid fishing boats Ecological Requirements operating close to islands illuminate colonies at night, which may cause site abandonment and Ashy Storm-Petrels do not excavate burrows, but high levels of predation. No one has attempted usually breed in crevices of talus slopes, rock walls, to document potential impacts on Ashy Storm- sea caves, cliffs, and driftwood, habitats that are Petrels, which we expect can be substantial. often structurally unstable (James-Veitch 1970, Relatively large numbers of -killed Xantus’s Carter et al. 1992, Ainley 1995, McIver 2002). At Murrelets were recorded at Santa Barbara Island times, they breed in burrows or crevices in close in 1999 during squid fishing near the island (P. W. proximity to other seabird species (e.g., Barlow Martin unpubl. data). The Southern California 1894). The Ashy Storm-Petrel diet has not been squid fishery increased dramatically in the 1990s well studied, but includes euphausiids, other (Vojkovich 1998). In some years during the breed- crustaceans, larval fish, and squid, all taken at the ing season, boats have shifted to fishing areas ocean’s surface (Ainley 1995, G. J. McChesney near major Ashy Storm-Petrel colonies at Santa unpubl. data). Like other storm-petrels and many Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Miguel, and Anacapa other seabirds, the Ashy Storm-Petrel is considered islands. While light shields and wattage regula- to be a long-lived species with delayed maturity, tions have attempted to reduce the amount of low clutch size (a single egg), high adult survival, light reaching colonies, the close proximity of and low juvenile survival. Such demographic boats to islands, the multitude of lights per boat, characteristics tend to lead to slow population various light heights, and boat rocking from wave growth and slow recovery from impacts, especially and wind action likely reduce the ability of these from reduced adult survival caused by extensive regulations to reduce impacts to Ashy Storm- predation or other factors. Available information Petrels. on breeding biology and demographic character- istics can be found in other sources (Ainley et al. 1974, 1990; Ainley 1995; Sydeman et al. 1998a, Management and Research b; McIver 2002). Recommendations • Reduce predation by Western Gulls at the Threats South Farallon Islands (e.g., with gull exclu- In addition to major demonstrated historic (or sion or other methods to reduce gull nesting continuing) threats from habitat degradation, or presence in storm-petrel habitats). introduced predators, heightened levels of preda- • Reduce Burrowing Owl predation on tion by natural predators, and contaminants (dis- storm-petrels at the South Farallon Islands cussed above), Ashy Storm-Petrels are susceptible by eradicating non-native House Mice, as to a variety of minor threats. At Santa Cruz Island, loss of the owl’s primary prey should result

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in reduced owl populations on the islands. Monitoring Needs • Maintain old rock walls at Southeast Farallon Island and create new nesting habitat widely Colonies should be monitored annually using in areas with relatively low gull numbers. standardized techniques to determine trends, • Encourage colony growth and a wider assess threats, and measure success of restoration distribution at Anacapa Island, following efforts. At present, long-term annual monitor- recent eradication of rats, by using social ing of breeding success and use of nest sites has attraction techniques to encourage storm- been implemented at the South Farallon Islands petrel colonization of suitable habitats with since 1971 and Santa Cruz Island since 1994. In low gull numbers. addition to current efforts at the South Farallon • Install artificial nesting habitat to reduce Islands and Vandenberg Air Force Base, popula- predation and human disturbance at tion monitoring using mist-net captures should be Orizaba Rock, Scorpion Rocks, and sea conducted at Santa Barbara Island, Prince Island, caves at Santa Cruz Island. Anacapa Island, Bird Rock, Scorpion Rocks, • Establish protective at-sea zones that ban or and San Clemente Island. Pollutant monitoring greatly reduce bright lights for squid fishing should occur at Santa Cruz Island and the South or other purposes around large colonies at Farallon Islands. Monitoring of predation levels Santa Barbara Island, Prince Island, Santa and predator numbers should be included in Cruz Island, and the South Farallon Islands. monitoring efforts. Similar protections also should be consid- ered at smaller colonies (e.g., Coronado Acknowledgments Islands, Bird Rock, Double Point Rocks, Comments on this account were provided by J. Buffa, Castle Rocks and Mainland, Hurricane W. D. Shuford, and an anonymous reviewer. Additional Point Rocks, and Anacapa Island). information was provided by W. Sydeman, and D. • Establish year-round closures to human Whitworth. We thank the many agencies, organiza- visitation (except for research and monitor- tions, and individuals who have assisted our work on ing) at sea caves with breeding Ashy Storm- Ashy Storm-Petrels, particularly D. Ainley, S. Allen, Petrels at Santa Cruz Island. Post unobtru- J. Boyce, E. Burkett, E. Cassano, L. Ochikubo Chan, sive signs in cave entrances to inform people D. Christy, S. Fangman, J. Gilardi, D. Gilmer, R. Golightly, F. Gress, C. Hamilton, R. Helm, T. Keeney, of the closures. J. Koepke, A. Little, K. Mills, G. Minnery, M. Parker, • Educate kayakers and other tourists about M. Pierson, G. Reetz, J. E. Takekawa, D. Welsh, D. human impacts to nesting birds and habi- Whitworth, and R. Young. Valuable historical informa- tat to discourage landings at storm-petrel tion was obtained from specimens housed in various colonies. If possible, revise guidebooks (that museums cited in the text. currently promote cave visitations) to iden- tify cave closures and provide reasons for Literature Cited closing these few of the 112 named sea caves at Santa Cruz Island. Ainley, D. G. 1995. Ashy Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma • Investigate the effects of contaminants on homochroa), in The Birds of North America (A. breeding success and population size at Poole and F. Gill, eds.), no. 185. Birds N. America, colonies in the Channel and South Farallon Philadelphia. islands. Ainley, D. G., Henderson, R. P., and Strong, C. S. 1990. • Investigate the effects of bright lights on Leach’s Storm-Petrel and Ashy Storm-Petrel, in Sea- predation and breeding success at colonies birds of the Farallon Islands: Ecology, Dynamics, and Structure of an Upwelling-System Community (D. in the Channel Islands. G. Ainley and R. J. Boekelheide, eds.), pp. 128–162. • Conduct research on different techniques, Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. including mist-net captures and nest search- Ainley, D. G., and Lewis, T. J. 1974. The history of es, to monitor storm-petrel populations and Farallon Island marine bird populations, 1854–1972. estimate population sizes. Condor 76:432–446. • Conduct surveys to confirm status at pos- Ainley, D. G., Morrell, S. H., and Lewis, T. J. 1974. Pat- sible breeding locations and locate small terns of life histories of storm-petrels on the Farallon overlooked or newly established colonies Islands. Living Bird 13:295–312. along the central and northern California American Trader Trustee Council (ATTC). 2001. Final coasts from Point Conception to Cape restoration plan and environmental assessment for Mendocino. seabirds injured by the American Trader oil spill. Pub-

122 Species Accounts California Bird Species of Special Concern

lished by American Trader Natural Resource Trustee Mgmt. Serv., Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region, Council, U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Calif. Dept. Fish Camarillo, CA. & Game, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Carter, H. R., Whitworth, D. L., Newman, S. H., Administration. Palacios, E., Koepke, J. S., Hébert, P. N., and Gress, Barlow, C. 1894. Nesting of the Ashy Petrel. Nidologist F. 2006b. Preliminary assessment of the status and 1:171. health of Xantus’s Murrelets (Synthliboramphus hy- Blankenship, J. W., and Keeler, C. A. 1892. On the natu- poleucus) at Todos Santos Islands, Baja California, ral history of the Farallon Islands. Zoe 3:144–165 Mexico, in 2005. Unpublished report, Calif. Institute (and plates). Environ. Studies, 3408 Whaler Ave., Davis, CA Briggs, K. T., Tyler, W. B., Lewis, D. B., and Carlson, 95616; and Wildl. Trust, New York. D. R. 1987. Bird communities at sea off California: Carter, H. R., Wilson, U. W., Lowe, R. W., Rodway, M. 1975 to 1983. Studies Avian Biol. 11. S., Manuwal, D. A., Takekawa, J. E., and Yee, J. L. Brown, A., Collier, N., Robinette, D., and Sydeman, W. 2001. Population trends of the Common Murre (Uria J. 2003. A potential new colony of Ashy Storm-Petrels aalge californica), in Biology and conservation of the on the mainland coast of California, USA. Waterbirds Common Murre in California, Oregon, Washington, 26:385–388. and British Columbia. Vol. 1: Natural history and population trends (D. A. Manuwal, H. R. Carter, Bryant, W. E. 1888. Birds and eggs from the Farallon Is- T. S. Zimmerman, and D. L. Orthmeyer, eds.), pp. lands. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2nd Series) 1:25–50. 33–132. U.S. Geological Survey, Information and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). Technology Rep. USGS/BRD/ITR-2000-0012, 1992. Bird species of special concern. Unpublished Washington, DC. list, July 1992, Calif. Dept. Fish & Game, 1416 Ninth St., Sacramento, CA 95814. Coulter, M. C., and Risebrough, R. W. 1973. Shell- thinning in eggs of the Ashy Petrel (Oceanodroma Carter, H. R., Gress, F., Whitworth, D. L., Palacios, homochroa) from the Farallon Islands. Condor E., Koepke, J. S., and Harvey, A. L. 2006a. Seabird 75:254–255. monitoring at the Coronado Islands, Baja Califor- nia, Mexico, in 2005. Unpublished report, Calif. Dawson, W. L. 1911. Another fortnight on the Faral- Institute Environ. Studies, 3408 Whaler Ave., Davis, lones. Condor 13:171–183. CA 95616. Dawson, W. L. 1923. The Birds of California. South Carter, H. R., McChesney, G. J., Jaques, D. L., Strong, Moulton Co., San Diego. C. S., Parker, M. W., Takekawa, J. E., Jory, D. L., Everett, W. T. 1991. Breeding biology of the Black and Whitworth, D. L. 1992. Breeding populations Storm-Petrel at Islas Los Coronados, Baja California, of seabirds in California, 1989–1991. Unpublished Mexico. M.S. thesis, Univ. of San Diego. report, U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Dixon, CA. Avail- Everett, W. T., and Anderson, D. W. 1991. Status and able from Carter Biol. Consulting, 1015 Hampshire conservation of the breeding seabirds on offshore Rd., Victoria, BC V8S 4S8, Canada. Pacific islands of Baja California and the Gulf of Carter, H. R., McIver, W. R., Adams, J., and Takekawa, California, in Seabird status and conservation: A J. Y. 2007. Population monitoring of Ashy Storm- supplement (J. P. Croxall, ed.), pp. 115–139. Int. Petrels and Cassin’s Auklets at Santa Cruz Island, Council Bird Preservation Tech. Publ. 11. California, in 2006. Unpublished report, Carter Fry, D. M. 1994. Injury of seabirds from DDT and PCB Biol. Consulting, 1015 Hampshire Rd., Victoria, BC residues in the Southern California Bight ecosystem. V8S 4S8, Canada; U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Ventura, Unpublished report, U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Ecol. CA; and U.S. Geological Survey, Moss Landing and Serv., 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. Vallejo, CA. Gress, F. 1995. Organochlorines, eggshell thinning, and Carter, H. R., Whitworth, D. L., McIver, W. R., Bulger, productivity relationships in Brown Pelicans breeding J. B., and McChesney, G. J. 1996. Survey of Xantus’s in the Southern California Bight. Ph.D. dissertation, Murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) and other Univ. Calif., Davis. marine birds at Islas Los Coronados, Baja California Gress, F., Risebrough, R. W., Anderson, D. W., Kiff, L. Norte, Mexico, on 23–25 April 1995. Unpublished F., and Jehl, J. R., Jr. 1973. Reproductive failures of report, Natl. Biol. Serv., Dixon, CA. Available from Double-crested Cormorants in southern California Carter Biol. Consulting, 1015 Hampshire Rd., Vic- and Baja California. Wilson Bull. 85:197–208. toria, BC V8S 4S8, Canada. Carter, H. R., Whitworth, D. L., Takekawa, J. Y., Grinnell, J., and Miller, A. H. 1944. The distribution of Keeney, T. W., and Kelly, P. R. 2000. At-sea threats the birds of California. Pac. Coast Avifauna 27. to Xantus’ Murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) Harris, S. W. 2005. 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Ashy Storm-Petrel 123 Studies of Western Birds No. 1

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124 Species Accounts