Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 184 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193


Rian Diana1*, Dominikus Raditya Atmaka2 1,2Health Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The prevalence of has increased signifi cantly and it has become a public health problem globally. Many strategies were done to overcome obesity. One of them is dietary approach. The popular and widely used weight loss diet is the ketogenic diet. This literature review aimed to discuss the mechanism of ketogenic diet in weight lost as well as its long and short term eff ects on health. Ketogenic diet is a very low- and high- diet. This diet restricts the carbohydrate intake up to 50 gram per day. The diet eff ective for losing weight in short term (<6 months), after 6 months there was no signifi cant diff erences compared to other wight-loss diet. Study shows ketogenic diet gives both benefi cial and harmful eff ects in short and long term for ketogenic dieters. This diet is not applicable for anyone, thus people with chronic diseases should receive guidance from or clinician in implementing this diet. Ketogenic dieters are suggested to replace their carbohydrate intake with complex carbohydrate (whole food-not refi ned), reduce animal-based , increasing plant-based protein and polyunsaturated fat, water, fermented foods and beverages.

Keywords: ketogenic diet, low carbohydrate diet, obese, , weight loss

INTRODUCTION the public because it is believe can lose weight Obesit has became world health problem quickly. which the prevalence is increasing (8,5% in 1999 The used of ketogenic diet for epileptics has becomes 13,1% in 2016 (WHO 2016). Obesity been extensively reviewed (Meira et al., 2019; Qi is the risk factor for various non communicable and Tester, 2019; Roehl and Sewak, 2017), but the disease like hypertension, mellitus, use of ketogenic diet for weight loss and the short cardiovascular disease, and (Fruh, 2017). and long term eff ects of this diet still controversial. Many effort has been performed to decrease Therefore this literature study aims to discuss how obesity prevalence, one of them is diet . ketogenic diet can reduce body weight and its short Nowadays many diet has been developed in society and long term eff ect on health. which is low carbohydrate, high protein diet, high fat diet, or diet (Kirkpatrick et KETOGENIC DIET HISTORY al. 2019). Low carbohydrate diet is one kind of Ketogenic diet is a term that shows dietary diet which broadly used to lose body weight (Oh therapy with diet composition that results in and Uppaluri 2019). Diet that has been proven ketogenic state in human metabolism. Ketogenic eff ective to reduce body weight quickly is very low diet contain very low (20-50 carbohydrate and high fat, or namely ketogenic gram per day), high fat, and enough protein. diet (Bueno et al., 2013; Kirkpatrick et al., 2019; Macronutrient intake from ketogenic diet has 55- Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). 60% fat, 30-35% protein, and 5-10% carbohdrate Ketogenic diet is low carbohydrate diet, composition (Oh and Uppaluri, 2019). high fat, and enough protein with composition Ketogenic diet aims to force body to 5-10% carbohydrate, 55-60% fat, and 30-35% break down fat into energy sources. Very low protein (Masood and Uppaluri, 2019). Very low carbohydrate intake force body to do glycogen carbohydrate diet limit carbohydrate intake to synthesis and if it happen for long time then body 50 gram/day. This diet increasingly known to will begin to exp erience . Body begin

©2020. The formal legal provisions for access to digital articles of this electronic journal are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Received 11-10-2019, Accepted 07-01-2020, Published online 18-09-2020 185 Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193 to increase production of from fat as an Table 1. Diet Type Based on Carbohydrate Proportion alternative energy source to replace . This to Total Energy condition causes weight loss due to continuous Proportion Carbohydrate Diet Ketogenic fat breakdown (Roehl and Sewak, 2017; Oh and to total energy Uppaluri, 2019). High 45-65% total energy No Ketogenic diet was originally used as therapy carbohydrate (169-244 gram/day) Enough 26-44% total energy for patient both in children and adults. No Then this diet develop its use for people with carbohydrate (130-225 gram/day) Low 10-25% total energy diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, including No carbohydrate (50-130 gram/day) for weight loss. Ketogenic diet is one of eff ective Very low <10% total energy* Yes non pharmacological measures for intractable carbohydrate (<50 gram/day) epilepsy since 1920 (Meira et al., 2019). Some Note: *Based on 2000 kcal diet per day, and the amount of literature shows that is a therapy to reduce carbohydrate needed to stimulate ketosis in most adults the symptoms of in epilepsy suff erers. At the beginning of 5th century BC, Hippocrates Ketogenic diet began to be considered as wrote that fasting was useful for controlling diet for weight loss after development of low seizures (Caraballo and Vining, 2012). carbohydrate diet, such as . In 1970, In 1911, Guelpa and Marie, medical doctors Robert Atkins developed diet to lose weight by from Paris noted the use of fasting as therapy for limiting carbohydrate intake (Atkins diet), then epilepsy. In 1921 Dr. Russel Wilder, a medical this diet was also used for therap in people doctor in Mayo Clinic Minnesota formulated idea with epilepsy (Modifi ed Atkins Diet) (Meira, et al. that high fat and very low carbohydrate diet can 2019). cause ketonemia (eff ect like fasting). Dr. Wilder Since 1972 low carbohydrate diet has been build classic ketogenic diet concept consisting used as one strategy for weight loss. Currently, of ketogenic and antiketogenic component can attention to low carbohydrate diets continues be useful for epileps therapy (Meira et al., 2019; to grow, including ketogenic diet. All low Caraballo and Vining, 2012; Roehl and Sewak carbohydrate diets in principle reduce overall 2017). carbohydrate intake, but there is no consensus In 1925, pediatrician named dr. Peterman on the defi nition of low carbohydrate diet (Oh made improvements to ketogenic diet and and Uppaluri, 2019). Carbohydrate restrition determined minimum daily calorie requirement of diet is a diet with carbohydrate intake below the 75% of nutritional adequacy rate for certain height range of carbohydrate intake the is acceptable for and weight and protein as much as 1 g/kg body healthy adults (45-65% total energy). Carbohydrate weight (Caraballo and Vining 2012). Ketogenic restriction diet can be divided into 4 category as diet consider adequate nutrient intake to avoid shown in table 1 (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019; Oh and occurrence of malnutrition. Calculation of classic Uppaluri, 2019). ketogenic diet until this day still the same as initial formulated composition b Mayo Clinic, which KETONE BODY METABOLISM is 1 gram protein/kg body weight, 10-15 gram carbohydrate, and remaining calories come from There are 3 types of produced fat (Roehl and Sewak, 2017). by body, namely acetoacetate, ß-hydroxybutyrate, Ketogenic diet is currently used for weight and . Acetoacetate is the main ketone body loss (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019), diet therapy produced, then acetoacetate will be converted into for cancer (Weber et al., 2019), mitochondrial ß-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone (Kirkpatrick et dysfunction (Hasan-Olive et al., 2019), alzheimer al., 2019). A healthy adult has 2-6% ketone supply (Rusek et al., 2019), infl ammation, oxidative stress frpm body energy needs after a day of fasting (Pinto et al., 2018), and movement disorders and and reaches 30%-40% of energy needs after 3 severe or traumatic injury (McDougall et al., days of fasting (Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). 2018). Measurement of ketone body concentrations can Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 186 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193

Ketone bodies can be alternative source of energy for the brain other than carbohydrates because ketone bodies have the same binding affinity (Michaelis-Menten or kM) as glucose. Central nervous system starts using the ketone body as an energy source when the plasma ketone body concentration is around 4 mmol/L. Ketone bodies in healthy adults generally do not exceed 8 mmol/L because central nervous system effi ciently use them as energy source instead of glucose and can be toxic if the levels are excessive (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). Ketogenesis is ketone bodies forming process Figure 1. Ketone Bodies Metab olism. (β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, acetone) Source: (Puchalska and Crawford, 2017) mainly in cells mitochondria while ketolysis (breakdown of ketone bodies) occurs in muscle be done in blood serum (ß-hydroxybutyrate), urine and brain cells (Gropper and Smith, 2013). When (acetoacetate), and breath (acetone) (Roehl and ketosis occurs, liver cell produce ketone bodies Sewak, 2017). (acetacetate, acetone, and β-hydroxybutyrate) Under normal circumstances, glucose is body then ketone body is distributed to extrahepatic main energy source through three mecanism, that tissue (heart muscle, skeletal muscle, kidney, and is glycolisis, Krebs cycle or Trycarboxylic Acid brain). Ketone bodies breakdown in mitochondrial cycle (TCA cycle) and the electron transport chain extrahepatic tissue into acetyl-CoA which can enter (ETC) (Puchalska and Crawford, 2017). When Krebs cycle to produce energy especially in hungry enough carbohydrate intak, insulin will stimulate period (Gropper and Smith, 2013). Metabolic lipogenesis and suppress production of ketone process of ketone bodies can be seen in Figure 1. bodies. Therefore ketone body concentration is Ketone body production is tightly regulated very low (<0,3 mmol/L) compared to glucose and depends on 3 main enzymes activity (4 mmol/L). After a few days of carbohydrate that is lipase sensitive hormone, acetyl-CoA intake reduction (a very low carbohydrate carboxylase, and HMG CoA synthase (convert diet) the production of blood glucose from acetoacetyl CoA to HMG CoA) (Sumithran and become inadequate and central Proietto, 2008). When ketogenesis occurs, blood nervous system needs additional energy sources. glucose levels are still in normal levels due to the During carbohydrate intake restrictions, insulin presence of gluconeogenesis from amino acids level will decrease meanwhile glucagon will and glycerol ( hydrolysis). On day increase. This condition will result in decreasing 3 and 4 of ketogenic diet, the main source of lipogenesis and increasing oxidation of glucose formation is from amino acids through in the liver. Increased fatty acid oxidation will gluconeogensis. When ketogenic condition is cause excess production of acetyl-CoA as a result maintained, contribution of amino acids will liver cell mitochondria will produce ketone bodies decrease and amount of glucose produced from (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). In a state of low blood glycerol will increase. Based on studies related to glucose, gluconeogenesis will occur and body the eff ects of fasting and very low carbohydrate will start using second energy source, that is fatty diet, metabolic adaptation to ketosis occurs around acids. Brain use glucose as energy source and two weeks or more until permanent ketone levels cannot be replaced by fatty acid because fatty acid are reached (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). cannot pass through blood brain barrier. Therefore, In general, ketosis occurs when serum ketones fatty acid must fi rst converted into ketone body increase from 1 mmol/L to 7 mmol/L but do not so that they can pass blood brain (Puchalska and produce acidic metabolic substances, in other Crawford, 2017). words, it does not occur until (Oh 187 Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193 and Uppaluri, 2019). Ketogenic diet in weight Table 2. Comparison of Macro Nutritional Composition loss generally produces serum ketones from 0.33 in Ketogenic Diet with Balanced Nutrition to 0.72 mmol/L, whereas in diabetes ketoacidosis Guidelines it is around 25 mmol/L. While hyperketonemia Diet Carbohydrate Fat Protein and ketoacidosis occur if blood serum acetoacetate Balance Nutrition levels > 0.2 mmol/L and β-hydroxybutyrate 55-65% 25-35% 10-15% Guideline1 >7 mmol/L (Puchalska and Crawford, 2017; Ketogenic Diet Ratio2 Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). Acetoacetate and ß-hydroxybutyrate are two 4:1 2-4% 90% 6-8% ketone bodies which are used as fuel when lack of 3:1 2-5% 85-90% 8-12% carbohydrate (low carbohydrate) in body occurs 2:1 5-10% 80-85% 10-15% (Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). Acetoacetate has Atkin Diet 20-30% 60-70% 25-35% pKA 3.6 and β-hydroxybutyrate has pKA 4.7. Modifi cation2 Both ketone bodies can donate proton to blood Source : 1(Kemenkes RI, 2014); 2(Roehl and Sewak, 2017) vessel which can cause acidosis or ketoacidosis (Puchalska and Crawford, 2017). Acetone is Ketosis will occur if fat intake more than twice formed as a result of acetoacetate decarboxylation, intake of carbohydrates plus half protein intake of has volatile characteristics, and is released through fat intake (Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). respiratory tract giving smell of ketones in breath To reach the state of ketosis, it is necessary of people who have ketosis (Sumithran and to formulate ketogenic diet properly because fat Proietto, 2008). intake and total energy are not limited. Besides When ketone body is too much it will cause very low carbohydrate intake, limiting protein acetone smelling breath, high anion gap, disruption intake also needs to be done. Protein intake is of body acid-base balance (Gropper and Smith, limited by pay attention to suffi cient amount to 2013), acidosis, and will also stimulate part of maintain body mass (Abbasi, 2018). brain called postrema area and trigger excessive The ketogenic diet limits carbohydrate and vomiting, dehydration until the most severe stage, protein intake (<1 gram per kg body weight) except which is coma (Puchalska and Crawford, 2017). for individual who have heavy exercise habit (1.5 grams per kg body weight). Carbohydrate and KETOGENIC DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS protein restriction is done to prevent endogenous Composition of macro nutrients in diet glucose production through gluconeogenesis, but is an important determinant factor in ketosis. does not limit overall fat or energy intake (Masood Consumption of carbohydrates mainly comes and Uppaluri, 2019). from non-starchy vegetables or fruits with low In a state of ketosis, a reduction in overall carbohydrate content (Abbasi, 2018). A very strict calory intake can increase weight loss (Masood ketogenic diet with 4: 1 or 3: 1 fat and carbohydrate and Uppaluri, 2019). Systematic review and meta ratio has low palatabillity making it diffi cult to do analysis by Gibson et al. (2015) showed individuals for long period. Meanwhile, ketogenic diet with who were on low-energy diet and ketogenic diet ratio of 2: 1 and 1: 1 or modifi ed Atkins diet has had decreased (feeling fuller) (Gibson et better palatability (Meira et al., 2019). Comparison al., 2015). Decreasing hunger naturally can reduce of ketogenic diet with balance nutrition guideline overall calorie intake and lose weight (Abbasi, can be seen in table 2. 2018). Low carbohydrate and high protein diet do Ketogenic diet signifi cantly infl uences energy not cause ketosis because 100 gram protein from intake and expenditure. Some studies show that food can produce 57 gram glucose. Ketogenic replacement of carbohydrate with fat result in diet which usually used in epilepsy therapy in greater energy expenditure. This condition is children limits protein and carbohydrates with due to changes in levels of catecholamines and fat to carbohydrate and protein ratio 3: 1 or 4: 1). thyroid hormones that aff ect energy expenditure Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 188 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193 of individual on ketogenic diet, although the months), weight loss between two diets is same. mechanism is not fully understood (Kirkpatrick Very low carbohydrate diet (including ketogenic et al. 2019). diet) are diffi cult to maintain in long period and are Table 3 shows results and discussion of weight no better than diet with higher carbohydrate intake changes with ketogenic diet. On the ketogenic diet, (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). weight loss occurs signifi cantly compared to a There are several alleged mechanisn of ketonic low fat diet, especially in the fi rst 3-6 months. diet ini losing body weight: However, if compared with balanced nutritional 1. Ketogenic diet give diuretic effect. Weight diet and ketogenic diet > 6 months, the diff erence loss happen at the beginning of diet due to is not signifi cant. diuretics or water expenditure followed by fat Results of 11 studies review conducted by loss (Masood and Uppaluri, 2019; Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). Each gram of glycogen Sumitharan and Proietto (2008) showed that stores in liver and muscle contain about 2 gram ketogenic diet carried out for 3-6 months can lose of water. Deposits of glycogen in liver around weight higher than low fat diet. However, the 100 gram and in muscle around 400 gram. difference in weight loss was not significantly Decreased glycogen reserves and diff erent after 12 months. increase sodium levels in kidneys and water In short term (≤ 6 months), low calorie excretion. (Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). ketogenic diet has higher weight loss compared to 2. Next weight loss occur because body begin to other low calorie diets such as high carbohydrate burn fat stored in adipose tissue, then weight and low fat diet. But in the long period (> 6 loss can continue (Abbasi, 2018).

Table 3. Ketogenic diet weight loss from various research results

Body Changes Reduction No. Study Diet Period Non Ketogenic Note Ketogenic Diet Diet 1. Experimental study giving ketogenic diet intervention to Male 18 ± 9 kg Signifi cant body weight reduction 3 months - 35 obese adult (Mohorko et al. Female 11 ±3 kg with average 11-18 kg 2019) 2. Clinical trial giving ketogenic Signifi cant body weight reduction diet to 20 obese adult (Gomez- 4 months 20.2 ± 4.5 kg - with average 20 kg, muscle mass Arbelaez et al. 2017) reduction 16,5 kg 3. Meta analysis from 11 Ketogenic diet has 2,2 kg body Randomised Control Trial (RCT) 6-24 months 2.9 kg-14.5 kg 1.8 kg-11.5 kg weight reduction higher than low (Mansoor et al. 2016) fat diet group 4. Ketogenic diet study in 75 Ketogenic diet give body fat people compare with low fat diet 3-12 months 3.8 kg-6.8 kg 0.3 kg-3.3 kg reduction eff ect higher than 3,5 Randomized Control Trial (Hu et kg compare with low fat diet al., 2015) 5. Ketogenic diet study in 9 male Ketogenic diet can decrease body compare with low fat diet 8 weeks 1.4 kg±0.1 kg +0.9 kg±0.4 kg weight 1,4 kg in 8 weeks while Randomized Control Trial low fat diet increase body weight (Vargas et al., 2018) 6. Meta analysis from 13 Ketogenic diet can decrease body Randomised Control Trial (RCT) 12-24 months 1.5 kg-13.1 kg 0.2 kg-11.6 kg weight 0,9 kg higher than low fat (Bueno et al. 2013) diet group 2.65 kg-10.2 kg 3.4 kg-9.4 kg Ketogenic diet can decrease body 7. Meta analysis from 19 RCT 3-6 months weight as much as in balance (Naude et al. 2014) 1-2 years 2.9 kg-12.3 kg 3.5 kg-10.9 kg nutrient diet (not signifi cant) 8. Very low calory ketogenic diet 13.6±3.9 kg 4.8±2.7 kg Very low calory ketogenic diet can 2 months RCT study in 27 obese people decrease body weight 2-3 times 12 months (Moreno et al., 2014) 19.9±12.3 kg 7.0±5.6 kg more than low calory diet 189 Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193

3. Ketones can suppress appetite. This decreased nervous system (Paoli, 2014). Insulin secretion appetite can naturally reduce overall calorie decreases and after one week, body start burning intake which can reduce weight. Low- fat. This condition is called nutritional ketosis, so carbohydrate ketogenic diets provide metabolic ketogenesis begin and energy sources switch to benefi t by increasing gluconeogenesis (Abbasi, using ketone body (Abbasi, 2018). 2018; Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). Central nervous system cannot use fatty acid 4. Limiting food choices, low palatability of as energy source because fatty acid cannot pass low-carbohydrate diet, the satiating eff ect of through blood-brain barrier. Therefore central relatively high protein and fat intake, increasing thermogenic eff ect of protein and fat, increasing nervous system require another alternative source lipolysis of fatty tissue due to reduced insulin of energy, that is ketone body (which produced levels, and increasing fatty acid oxidation from acetyl Co-A). Liver produces ketone body, (Sumithran and Proietto, 2008). but liver and red blood cells cannot use it because there is no 3-ketoacyl CoA transferase enzyme Eff ect of ketogenic diet on body composition needed to convert acetoacetate to acetacetyl-CoA cause decrease in total water content in body (Paoli, 2014). (ketosis is associated with total body water loss). When ketogenesis occurs blood glucose This condition is being cause of weight loss at the become low. Therefore, insulin secretion become beginning of ketogenic diet. Ketogenic dieter also low, reducing glucose and fat storage stimuli. experienced decrease in non-fat body mass that was Other hormonal changes contribute to increase in higher than low-calorie diets with more balanced breakdown of fat into fatty acids. Fatty acids are macro nutrients. Reduction in nonfat mass can metabolized into acetate which then converted to be due to high protein content in ketogenic diet β-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. This metabolic (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). process results in accumulation of ketone bodies Basically, carbohydrates are the main source in body so that ketogenic diet can take place. As of energy in body tissue. When body experiences long as body is in state of carbohydrate defi ciency, carbohydrate defi ciency due to low intake (<50 energy metabolism will continue to occur in state grams / day), insulin secretion will be drastically of ketosis. Condition of nutritional ketosis is reduced and body will enter catabolic stage. considered safe because ketone body produced Glycogen stores will decrease, forcing body to in small concentrations so that it cannot change adapt to changes in energy metabolism. There blood pH. This condition is very diff erent from are two metabolic processes that occur when the condition of ketoacidosis, which is a life- availability of carbohydrates in body tissue threatening condition due to production of ketone decreases, that is gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. body so much that it changes blood pH become Gluconeogenesis is endogenous production of acidic (Masood and Uppaluri, 2019). glucose in liver. This glucose production comes The results of meta-analysis show that from lactic acid, glycerol, and and low and very low carbohydrate diet (including . When availability of glucose ketogenic diet) is not superior compared to other continues to decline and endogenous glucose diets with more carbohydrate intake. Study of production can no longer meet body needs, then Sacks et al. (2009) describe almost the same level ketogenesis is started to provide alternative source of satisfaction in subjects given 4 types of low- of energy in form of ketone bodies. Glucose is calorie diets (low fat-moderate protein, low-fat- replaced by ketone bodies as main energy source high protein, high-fat-moderate protein, and high- (Masood and Uppaluri, 2019). fat-high protein). Although there are diff erences After few days of fasting (3-4 days) or a in weight loss in each subject in each diet group. drastic reduction in carbohydrate intake (<20 grams Some have very high or above average weight loss per day), body glucose reserves become insuffi cient (Sacks et al., 2009). This explains food choices a to produce oxaloacetate (for fat oxidation in Krebs person must consider in choosing a weight loss cycle) and provide energy (glucose) for central diet (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019). Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 190 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193

SHORT TERM LONG TERM EFFECT OF problems such as nausea, vomiting, constipation KETOGENIC DIET TO HEALTH and abdominal pain (Kirkpatrick et al. 2019). Health effects experienced by people on Besides dehydration, , increased ketogenic diet can vary depending on tolerance LDL , and can also occur and the amount of carbohydrate restrictions. Table in ketogenic dieters (Kirkpatrick et al., 2019; 4 shows the short-term and long-term eff ects of Sumithran and Proietto 2008; Mansoor et al., 2016; ketogenic diet on health. Bueno et al., 2013). Short-term effects that are felt by many Prospective conducted in USA on ketogenic dieters are experiencing symptom such 15,428 adults aged 45-64 years and a meta-analysis as keto fl u (dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, of 8 cohort studies showed low carbohydrate intake fatigue, diffi culty exercising, lack of sleep, and (<40% total energy) and high carbohydrate (> 70% constipation) (Abbasi, 2018) and digestive tract total energy) had a higher risk of death compared

Table 4. Short-Term and Long-Term Impact of Ketogenic Diet on Health

Eff ect Note Short term (≤6 months) 1. Weight loss (Mohorko et al. 2019; Gomez-Arbelaez et al. Weight loss is signifi cantly higher than other diets, especially in 2017; Mansoor et al. 2016) subjects that are obese and overweight. 2. Gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, Gastrointestinal problems are felt in the fi rst week. constipation, and stomach pain (Kirkpatrick et al. 2019) This complaint is felt after starting ketogenic diet 2-4 days and 3. Symptoms such as keto fl u (dizziness, lightheadedness, can last for several days to one week. This symptom is a form of weakness, fatigue, diffi culty to exercise, lack of sleep, body adaptation to the use of ketone bodies as an energy source. and constipation) (Abbasi 2018) Consumption of protein from food can provide enough sodium, potassium and magnesium to reduce these symptoms.

4. Headaches, skin rashes, muscle spasms, weakness, Increased urine output can cause decreased electrolyte levels including sodium, magnesium and potassium which are associ- diarrhea, dehydration, hypoglycemia, increased uric ated with symptoms of hypovolemia and dizziness. People on acid in blood and and defi ciencies the ketogenic diet should ensure adequate fl uid and electrolyte (Kirkpatrick et al. 2019; Sumithran and Proietto 2008). intake. 5. Increased LDL kolesterol (Mansoor et al. 2016; Bueno et This increase is thought to originate from a high intake of satu- al. 2013) rated fatty acids in ketogenic diet (Kirkpatrick et al. 2019). Changes in composition of intestinal microbiota occur after 3 months of implementing ketogenic diet in epilepsy patients. 6. Decreased Bifi dobacteria, E. rectale, and Dialister also Bacteria that play a role in consumption of complex carbohy- increased E. coli amount (Lindefeldt et al. 2019) drates are reduced. Diets high in polyunsaturated , vegetable protein, and consumption of fermented foods and drinks can maintain the normal function of microbiota (Paoli et al. 2019).

7. Decreased total stool mass, slower bowel movement, Decreased carbohydrate intake can interfere bowel movements and gut microbiota composition, especially Bifi dobacteria. This decreased intestinal fermentation, decreased stool results in decreased fermentation and decreased yield of SCFA SCFA levels, decreased intestinal health conditions, and metabolites which have a protective eff ect on colon disease increased risk of colon disease (Brinkworth et al., 2009) (Brinkworth et al., 2009) Long term (>6 months) Adequacy of nutrients will depend on several factors such as 1. Vitamin and mineral defi ciency (Sumithran and Proietto carbohydrate restriction level, food sources of nutrient, and dura- 2008). tion of diet. Lipid profi le is better in people on low-moderate carbohydrate 2. Lipid profi le such as triglyceride and HDL are not good diet compared to very low carbohydrate diet such as ketogenic (Kirkpatrick et al. 2019). diet. High consumption of saturated fat can increase LDL cholesterol 3. Increased cardiovascular disease risk (Manikam et al. and decrease bronchial artery dilatation thereby increasing the 2018) risk of cardiovascular disease. 4. Increased non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin Study with animal. resistance (Kosinski and Jornayvaz 2017) 191 Diana and Atmaka. Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal). 2020.15(3): 184–193 https://doi.org/10.204736/mgi.v15i3. 184–193 to people who consume carbohydrates between 50- Very Low Carbohydrate, High Fat and High 55% of total energy. The risk of death will increase Carbohydrate, Low Fat Weight Loss Diets on if carbohydrates are replaced with animal foods Bowel Habit and Faecal Short Chain Fatty (goats, cows, chickens, pigs), and decreases if Acids and Bacterial Population. British Journal replaced with plant foods (vegetables, beans, whole of Nutrition 101:1493-1502. https://doi.org/ S000711450894658 cereals) (Seidelmann et al., 2018). 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