Cedarburg Bog Plants List

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Cedarburg Bog Plants List Vascular Plants of the UWM Field Station Area Wet Scientific Name1 Common Name Habitat2 Status3 Flowering CC4 Aceraceae Acer negundo* Box Elder D FACW- Apr 0 Acer rubrum var. rubrum* Red Maple SH FAC Mar-May 3 Acer saccharinum* Silver Maple SH FACW Mar-Apr 2 Acer saccharum var. saccharum* Sugar Maple UW FACU Apr-May 5 Alismataceae Alisma subcordatum Water-Plantain M CS SH OBL Aug 4-Aug 21 3 Sagittaria cuneata* Arrowhead A M OBL Jul-Sep 7 Sagittaria latifolia var. latifolia* Arrowhead, Wapato A M SC OBL Jul 4-Sep 5 3 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus Pigweed, Redroot D FACU+ Jul-Oct 0 Anacardiaceae Rhus hirta* Staghorn Sumac FD Jun 8-Jul 8 2 Toxicodendron radicans subsp. negundo Poison-Ivy D FD UW FAC+ Jun-Jul 4 Toxicodendron vernix Poison Sumac CS SC SH OBL Jun 8-Jul 8 7 Apiaceae Cicuta bulbifera* Bulblet Water-Hemlock CS SC SH OBL Jul 19-Sep 11 7 Cicuta maculata* Common Water-Hemlock CS SC SH OBL Jun 16-Sep 8 6 Cryptotaenia canadensis* Honewort UW FAC Jun-Jul 4 Daucus carota* Queen Anne's-Lace D FD Jul 4-Sep 24 E:I Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake-Master FD P FAC+ Jul-Aug 8 Heracleum lanatum Cow-Parsnip D SH UW FACW Jun-Jul 3 Osmorhiza claytonii* Bland Sweet Cicely UW FACU- May 24-Jun 11 5 Osmorhiza longistylis* Long-Styled Sweet Cicely UW FACU- May-Jun 4 Oxypolis rigidior* Common Water-Dropwort CS SH OBL Jul-Sep 6 Pastinaca sativa* Wild Parsnip D FD Jun 8-Sep 2 E:I Sanicula gregaria* Clustered Black Snakeroot UW FAC+ May 26-Jun 29 3 Sanicula marilandica* Black Snakeroot CS UW NI Jun 5 Sium suave* Water-Parsnip CS SC SH OBL Jul 14-Sep 5 5 Taenidia integerrima* Yellow-Pimpernel UW May-Jun 7 Zizia aptera Heart-Leaved Golden Alexanders CS SH FACU May-Jun 9 Zizia aurea* Common Golden Alexanders CS SH FAC+ May-Jun 7 Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium* Spreading Dogbane D FD Jun-Sep 2 Apocynum cannabinum* Hemp-Dogbane FW FAC Jun-Jul 3 Aquifoliaceae Ilex mucronata* Mountain Holly CS OB SH OBL May-Jun 8 Ilex verticillata* Winterberry CS SC SH FACW+ May 10-Jul 5 7 Araceae Arisaema triphyllum subsp. triphyllum* Jack-In-The-Pulpit UW FACW- May 3-Jun 27 5 Calla palustris* Wild Calla CS SC SH OBL May 10-Sep 5 9 Peltandra virginica Arrow Arum A M P OBL June E Symplocarpus foetidus* Skunk-Cabbage CS SH OBL Apr 16-May 15 8 Araliaceae Aralia nudicaulis* Wild Sarsaparilla UW FACU May 10-Jun 29 6 Aralia racemosa* American Spikenard CS UW May-Jun 7 Panax quinquefolius* C Ginseng UW Jul 10 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed UW NI Jun 23-Jul 8 7 Asclepias incarnata subsp. incarnata* Swamp Milkweed M SC SH OBL Jun 25-Aug 19 5 Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed FD Jul 9-Jul 29 1 Asclepias tuberosa subsp. interior Butterfly Milkweed FD P Jun-Aug 6 Asclepias verticillata* Whorled Milkweed D FD Jul-Sep 2 Aspleniaceae Asplenium platyneuron* Ebony Spleenwort UW FACU 4 Asteraceae Achillea millefolium* Common Yarrow, Milfoil D FD FACU Jun 12-Sep 24 1 Ambrosia artemisiifolia* Common Ragweed D FACU Aug-Sep 0 Ambrosia trifida var. trifida Giant Ragweed D FAC+ Aug-Sep 0 Anaphalis margaritacea* Pearly Everlasting FD UW Jun-Oct 3 Antennaria neglecta* Field Pussy-Toes FD Apr-Jul 3 Antennaria plantaginifolia* Plantain Pussy-Toes FD UW May 3 Arctium minus Common Burdock D Jul-Oct E:I Aster borealis* Northern Bog Aster CS FW SH OBL Jul 19-Sep 24 10 Aster cordifolius* Blue Heart-Leaved Aster UW Aug 5-Sep 8 6 Aster ericoides Heath Aster FD FACU- Aug 30-Sep 8 4 Aster firmus Shining Aster CS FW SH FACW+ Aug-Sep 6 Aster laevis var. laevis* Smooth Blue Aster FD Aug-Oct 6 Aster lanceolatus var. simplex* Eastern Lined Aster FD FW SH FACW Aug-Oct 4 Aster lateriflorus* Calico Aster, Goblet Aster FW UW FACW- Aug 22-Sep 23 3 Aster macrophyllus* Big-Leaved Aster UW Jul 19-Sep 24 4 Aster novae-angliae* New England Aster FD FW FACW Aug-Oct 3 Aster oolentangiensis Azure Aster FD Sep 5 Aster pilosus Frost Aster D FD FACU+ Aug-Nov 1 Aster puniceus* Purple-Stem Aster CS FW SH OBL Jul 19-Sep 24 5 Aster sagittifolius* Arrow-Leaved Aster FD UW Aug-Oct 3 Aster umbellatus* Flat-Top Aster FW SH FACW Jul-Sep 6 Aster umbellatus var. pubens* Hairy Flat-Top Aster FW SH FACW Jul-Sep 6 Bidens aristosus Midwestern Tickseed-Sunflower SH FACW Jul 19-Sep 23 2 Bidens cernuus* Nodding Beggar-Ticks CS SH OBL Aug 30-Sep 24 4 Bidens connatus Purple-Stem Beggar-Ticks SH OBL Aug 6 Bidens coronatus* Northern Tickseed-Sunflower SH OBL Aug-Oct 7 Bidens frondosus* Devil's Beggar-Ticks D FW FACW Aug-Oct 1 Carduus nutans* Musk Thistle D FD Jun-Oct E:PI Centaurea biebersteinii* Spotted Knapweed D FD Jun-Oct E:I Cichorium intybus Chicory D FD Jul-Oct E:I Cirsium altissimum* Tall Thistle V Jul-Oct 6 Cirsium arvense* Canada Thistle D FD FACU Jun-Oct E:I Cirsium muticum* Swamp Thistle FW OBL Jul-Oct 8 Cirsium vulgare* Bull Thistle D FACU- Jun-Oct E:I Conyza canadensis var. canadensis* Horseweed D FD FAC- Jul-Oct 0 Coreopsis palmata Prairie Coreopsis UW Jun-Aug 8 Echinacea pallida T Pale Purple Coneflower FD P Jun-Oct 7 Echinacea purpurea* Purple Coneflower FD P Jun-Oct E Erigeron annuus* Annual Fleabane FD FAC- Jun 13-Sep 24 0 Erigeron philadelphicus* Common Fleabane SH FACW May 26-Sep 23 2 Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus Robin's-Plantain FW FACU May-Jun 4 Erigeron strigosus* Daisy Fleabane FD FAC- May 26-Sep 24 2 Eupatorium maculatum* Spotted Joe-Pye-Weed FW SH OBL Jul 19-Sep 24 4 Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum* Boneset, Thoroughwort FW SC SH FACW+ Jul 14-Sep 11 6 Eupatorium purpureum Purple Joe-Pye-Weed FW SC SH FAC Jul-Aug 6 Eupatorium rugosum var. rugosum* White Snakeroot UW FACU Jul 28-Sep 24 1 Euthamia graminifolia var. graminifolia* Grass-Leaved Goldenrod FW SH FAC Jul-Oct 4 obtusifolium* Low Cudweed FD UW Jul-Oct 3 Helianthus giganteus* Giant Sunflower FW FACW Jul-Oct 4 Helianthus grosseserratus* Saw-Tooth Sunflower FD FACW- Jul-Oct 2 Helianthus hirsutus* Hairy Sunflower UW Sep 5 Helianthus strumosus Rough-Leaved Sunflower FD UW Jul-Oct 4 Hieracium aurantiacum* Orange Hawkweed FD UW Jun-Oct E:I Hieracium caespitosum* Field Hawkweed D Jun E:I Kuhnia eupatorioides var. corymbulosa False Boneset FD P Aug-Oct 5 Lactuca canadensis* Wild Lettuce D FACU+ Jul-Sep 2 Leucanthemum vulgare* Ox-Eye Daisy D FD Jun 2-Jul 29 E:PI Liatris spicata* C Sessile Blazing-Star FD P FAC Jul-Aug 8 Matricaria discoidea* Pineapple-Weed D FACU May-Sep E Matricaria maritima* Scentless Chamomile D UPL* Jul-Aug E Packera aurea* Golden Ragwort, Groundsel CS SH FACW Jun 1-Jun 25 6 Parthenium integrifolium T Wild quinine P Jul-Sep 8 Prenanthes alba* Lion's-Foot, White-Lettuce CS SC SH FACU Aug-Oct 5 Ratibida pinnata* Yellow Coneflower FD P Aug 5-Sep 5 4 Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima Black-Eyed Susan FD FACU Jun-Oct 4 Senecio vulgaris Common Groundsel CS SH P UPL* Jun-Dec E Silphium integrifolium Rosinweed FD P Jul-Sep 6 Silphium laciniatum var. laciniatum* Compass-Plant FD P Jun-Sep 8 Silphium terebinthinaceum* Prairie-Dock FD P FACU Jul-Sep 7 Solidago canadensis* Canadian Goldenrod V FACU Jul-Oct 1 Solidago canadensis var. scabra* Canadian Goldenrod D FW FD FACU Aug 4-Sep 23 1 Solidago flexicaulis* Zigzag Goldenrod UW FACU Jul 19-Sep 24 6 Solidago gigantea* Giant Goldenrod SC SH FD FACW Jul 31-Aug 31 3 Solidago missouriensis Missouri Goldenrod FD Jul 19-Aug 6 7 Solidago nemoralis* Gray Goldenrod FD Jun-Oct 4 Solidago patula var. patula* Rough-Leaved Goldenrod CS SC SH OBL Jul 24-Sep 11 8 Solidago rigida* Stiff Goldenrod FD FACU- Jul 19-Sep 2 5 Solidago speciosa* Showy Goldenrod V Jul-Oct 5 Solidago uliginosa* Bog Goldenrod OB OBL Jul 19-Sep 24 8 Solidago ulmifolia var. ulmifolia* Elm-Leaved Goldenrod UW Jul-Oct 5 Sonchus arvensis* Perennial Sow-Thistle D FAC- Jul-Oct E Sonchus arvensis var. glabrescens Marsh Sow-Thistle D FAC- Jul-Oct E Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow-Thistle D FACU Jul E Tanacetum vulgare Common Tansy D FD Jul-Oct E:PI Taraxacum officinale* Dandelion D V FACU Apr 27-Aug 9 E Tragopogon dubius* Goat's-Beard D FD Jun 8-Sep 11 E Xanthium strumarium Common Cocklebur D FAC Aug-Sep 1 Balsaminaceae Impatiens capensis Orange Jewelweed CS SH FACW Jul 19-Sep 11 2 Berberidaceae Berberis vulgaris European Barberry FD UW FACU Jun E:PI Caulophyllum thalictroides* Blue Cohosh UW May 4-May 27 8 Podophyllum peltatum* May-Apple, Mandrake UW FACU May 19-Jun 13 4 Betulaceae Alnus incana subsp. rugosa* Speckled Alder SC SH OBL Mar-Apr 4 Betula alleghaniensis* Yellow Birch CS SH FAC May 7 Betula papyrifera* Paper Birch, White Birch CS SH UW FACU+ Apr-May 3 Betula pumila* Bog Birch OB SC SH OBL Apr 21-May 11 7 Betula x sandbergii Sandberg's Birch FW SC SH OBL May 7 Carpinus caroliniana subsp. virginiana* Hornbeam, Blue-Beech SH UW FAC Apr 6 Corylus americana* American Hazelnut FD UW FACU- Apr 5 Ostrya virginiana* Ironwood UW FACU- May 5 Bignoniaceae Catalpa speciosa* Northern Catalpa P FACU May E Boraginaceae Cynoglossum officinale* Hound's-Tongue D Jun-Jul E:PI Echium vulgare* Blueweed, Viper's-Bugloss D FD Jun-Sep E Hackelia deflexa var.
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