Idiot Children

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting


Dianne Marie Durazo

May 2017 The thesis of Dianne Marie Durazo is approved:

______Professor Jon Stahl Date

______Professor Dianah Wynter Date

______Professor Scott Sturgeon, Chair Date

California State University, Northridge


Signature Page ii

Abstract iv

Idiot Children 1


Idiot Children


Dianne Marie Durazo

Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting

Idiot Children is an hour long dark comedy about Alice (14) who realizes she's been indoctrinated by The Truth Speakers, a fictitious religious cult (inspired by real life cults and experiences) and must now find a way out.




SUPER: Los Angeles. 1997.

Black clouds loom on the horizon, the moon’s soft glow illuminates the street below.

THREE MASKED TEENAGERS dressed in all black emerge from the bushes. They dart across the street, climb over the chain link fence and trespass onto a small high school campus.

We see a sign that says: TJ TAYLOR’S ACADEMY FOR LEARNING.

TEENAGER #1 shakes a red spray paint canister, tags the cement building.

TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (tape recording) Man is a curious monster. You see, man is the most self-destructive thing there is in the whole universe.

TEENAGER #2 unlocks the school door with a set of KEYS and tosses them to TEENAGER #3, who catches them and runs down the hall to the administration building.


Teenager #2 turns the light switch, fluorescent bulbs flicker on. The long classroom has a few tables and chairs scattered around. She maneuvers through the space, moving towards a photograph in the back of the room.

On the wall we see 90s INSPIRATIONAL POSTERS, cliche stock photos of people working with words BRILLIANCE, MATERIALIZE and GROW..

TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (tape recording) Man’s curiosity leads to mastery then to control. Not only to control ourselves, but to control... everyone else.

1 Teenager #2 inspects the large framed picture of TJ TAYLOR, a handsome man in his 40s with perfectly combed hair. He looks like a celebrity on the cover of a magazine. She dusts off the bronze nameplate with her thumb: TJ TAYLOR, The Pioneer Of Truth Speakers.

She shakes the can and sprays the picture, painting a Hitler mustache, devil horns and a tiny dick.


Teenager #3 rummages through old filing cabinets. His fingers flip through the alphabetized folders, stops at the “H’s.”

TEENAGER #3 E...F...G...H... Harris, Alice.

He pulls the folder out and opens it. We see a cute FAMILY PHOTO of a young father KIT HARRIS and his daughter ALICE. He closes the folder and shoves it underneath his sweater, securing it firmly in the waistband.

CLOSE on a locked drawer with a sign that reads: LEGAL & ADMIN. He jams each key in the lock, it won’t turn. His hand SLAMS against the old metal. CLINK. He stares. What was that? His hand reaches behind the cabinet and unhooks a set of KEYS.

TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (tape recording) You see, man enjoys suffering. We like getting ourselves in trouble then finding a way out. Why else do thieves leave clues? They want to get caught so they can find a way out of their new mess. We all leave breadcrumbs of our crimes, and it’s a tragic mistake.

The keys open the locked drawer, he flips through the files and pulls out a folder that reads: OPERATION TITAN. He shoves the folder under his sweater. Puts the keys back, closes the cabinets and wipes down the handles with his sweater.


An unarmed RENT-A-COP on a bicycle patrols the campus, spits sunflower seeds out. He notices the red spray paint, shines the flashlight on the wall.



Masked Teenager #1 and Teenager #2 have completely ruined the walls with spray paint, knocking over bookshelves and destroying books written by TJ TAYLOR. Teenager #2 slowly spins in a chair, utterly bored. Teenager #1 takes petty cash from a box.

They’ve created the perfect cover up.

TEENAGER #2 Dude, she said no stealing.

Teenager #1 takes his mask off, 15, still a child.

TEENAGER #1 I can’t breathe with this stupid thing on. You’re gonna turn me in for taking a few hundred? Give me a break, Keeks.

Checks his watch.

TEENAGER #1 (CONT’D) He was supposed to return in ten minutes. We need to go.

TEENAGER #2 No, follow orders.

On the other side of the classroom the door handle turns and opens, the teens perk up. Enters Teenager #3 in a hurry.

TEENAGER #3 Put your damn mask back on. C’mon, let’s go.

They get up when suddenly the classroom door closest to them opens and it’s the Rent-A- Cop, shinning his light at their masked faces.

RENT-A-COP Freeze!

They bolt out of the room, A CHASE ENSUES.


The three masked teenagers outrun the Rent-A-Cop. Two of them jump the chain link fence. Teenager #2 attempts to climb up, but the guard wrestles her down on her stomach and zip ties her hands together.

He turns her over and yanks the mask off, shines the light on her face. Her face frozen with shock and fear, she wasn’t supposed to get caught.







The only apartment complex in the town. Junk cars and trash cans compete for space outside the claustrophobic building.

ALICE (O.S.) (singing) Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want --


ALICE HARRIS, 14, our naive heroine, wipes the foggy mirror with her hand. We see an innocent bare-faced girl with wet curls begin the sacred ritual of a teenager -- applying makeup, badly.

The cassette boom box on the toilet plays the Spice Girls’ 1996 hit Wannabe. She atrociously sings along.

ALICE (singing) If you want my future, forget my past. If you wanna get with me, better make it fast. Now don't go wasting my precious time --

A finger applies a frost-blue shadow to her eyelids. She takes a step back and admires her artistry, good enough.


Spice Girls still plays in the background. She hums along.

Alice emerges from her closet and stands in front of a broken mirror, dressed in 90s acid- washed jeans and a flannel top. She towel-dries her hair. Stares at the clock. 7:05.

ALICE Shit, shit, shit.

5 Inside her closet sits a portable television connected to a VCR playing the end scene and credits to an episode of “BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER.” CLICK, she pushes the rewind button and we hear the WHIRL of VHS tape winding back.


KIT HARRIS, 40, a stocky overworked and underpaid grocery night clerk adjusts his Walkman headphones, listening quietly on a faded red paisley couch. It’s something you’d find at a garage sale or worse, for free on the street.

On the table in front of him are a set of tuning forks. He picks one up and STRIKES it against table edge. He places the end of the tuning fork against his temple, continuing to listen to his audiobook. This is his ritual.

TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) The ego is a nasty little thing. Good thing for you, you can find it and destroy it.

WOMAN (V.O.) That concludes “The Curious Monster and Man” tape five.

CLICK. This was the same tape that was playing moments earlier during the vandalism.

Framed photos of Kit and his daughter Alice scattered around the living room. On the wall the only nicely framed photograph of Kit shaking TJ Taylor’s hand.


Kit opens a can of refried beans onto the skillet.

KIT Alice, want some dinner? I’ll cook your favorite, Mexican burritos and salsa. I can make it quick before I go to work.

He cracks open a jar of salsa. No response. Peeks his head out of the kitchen, then marches down the hallway.

KIT (CONT’D) Alice, did you hear me?

6 She opens her bedroom door a few inches, wrapped in a robe to hide her outfit.

ALICE No. I... I’m not feeling well.

KIT Again? Is it a fever?

He places a hand on her forehead.

KIT (CONT’D) It doesn’t feel warm.

ALICE No. I’m... on my period.

He quickly draws the hand back.

KIT Oh. Well. I’m sorry. I mean, thank you for telling me. When did this start? Wait, I don’t need to know. I knew it was bound to happen.


KIT In some cultures you’d be considered a woman and I’d have to marry you off to the highest bidder.


KIT Well, I can make you a hot tea. Or a hot water bag. I just have to find it. It might be in the garage.

ALICE I’m fine. I’m fine. Just need to sleep it off.

KIT Use my tuning forks, they’ll put you back in the right frequency.

7 ALICE Sure. I was gonna do that anyway.



KIT On your eyes. It’s blue.

ALICE Oh, yeah. I put it on at school.

KIT And it didn’t come off in the shower?

ALICE Nope. I guess I missed a spot.

KIT Okay, well. Feel better and I’ll see you in the morning, okay kiddo? Wait. I need to get you something for the... you know. Pads.

ALICE I got it.

KIT You sure? I have an employee discount, there’s no need to pay full price.

ALICE Good night.

She closes her bedroom door. He retreats back into the kitchen to make his Mexican burritos to go.


Alice EJECTS the VHS tape from the VCR, removes her robe and hides the television under it. She quietly closes the closet door. The bed covers get pulled over a pillow.

8 Kit’s ENGINE revs off screen, she waits by the window.

WE SEE: his beat-up HONDA drive away. She turns off the lights and closes the door behind her.


We are in a suburb of Los Angeles, a traditional small town complete with a supermarket and a second-run movie theater. Cars whiz past on the only main street. The public bus makes a stop and Alice exits.

She spots her dad’s car in the grocery store parking lot across the street. She quickly jogs down the block and enters VIDEO RENTALS.


Exactly what Blockbuster was like in the 90s. FAMILIES and COUPLES pick out VHS from the aisles. Iconic film posters of Arnold Schwarzenegger line the walls: PREDATOR, TWINS, TOTAL RECALL, TERMINATOR, BATMAN & ROBIN.

Alice enters, amused by the posters. Store Clerk RICHARD MARQUEZ, 16, mans the front register. He’s bored out of his mind.

RICHARD Hello. Welcome to Video Rentals. How can I help you today?

ALICE I’m looking for a friend.

RICHARD Is that one of ours?

He points to the VHS clutched in her hand. She slides it over.


RICHARD I need the box before I can accept it.

MIKEY ROW, 15, comes up behind Alice and scares her. He’s a perfect mix of high- school burn-out meets young Keanu Reeves.

9 MIKEY Boo!

ALICE Ahh! Don’t do that.

MIKEY I thought you forgot about our date or something.

ALICE No. I lost track of time, that’s all.

RICHARD Hey Mikey. Is this her?

MIKEY Uh, yeah. Where are my manners? Alice meet my best friend Richard. Richard meet my girlfriend Alice.



Richard slides the VHS back to Alice.

RICHARD I still need the box before I can accept it. Or I have to charge a late fee until you bring it in. Rules are rules.

MIKEY Don’t be a dick, Dick. (to Alice) C’mon. I wanna show you some stuff we need to watch.

Alice looks around. She’s never been inside this store. He leads her by the hand down the aisles.

RICHARD (O.S.) I’m charging you for a lost video, Mikey!

10 She points to the giant cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger near his films taking over an entire aisle.

ALICE Who’s that?

MIKEY Arnold. He was the king of bodybuilding. Some revere him as a god. Now he’s an action star. Who knows what he’ll do next.

He stops at the alien film franchise. He picks up a VHS.

MIKEY (CONT’D) This is what I wanted to show you. Can’t believe you haven’t seen any of these films. Alien. Released in 1979. It’s about this bad ass chick in space who kills a bad ass alien. It’s totally --

ALICE Bad ass?

MIKEY Exactly. How late can you out?

Mikey grabs the first three movies.

ALICE Until 11. It’s a school night, Mikey.

He puts two of them back. Alice observes the families enjoying themselves.

MIKEY Oh, right. Why don’t you pick out a movie for this weekend.

ALICE Really?

MIKEY Yeah, I got my mom’s card. I’ll meet you in the front.

The two go their separate ways. Alice wanders down the aisles, picking up another episode of BUFFY. She spots an “ADULT ONLY” curtain in the back and ENTERS.


A red light shines down in the 10x10 room. X-rated VHS tapes featuring scantily clad MEN and WOMEN fill the aisles. Alice picks up a VHS with two women kissing. She’s intrigued and confused, reads the title.

ALICE Babes. Babes. Babes.

She turns the VHS box over to read the back.

STORE CLERK #1 swings the curtain open.

STORE CLERK #1 Hey! How old are you?

ALICE Fourteen.

STORE CLERK #1 You can’t be in here.

Alice puts the tape back down and exits.

ALICE Sorry.


Richard rings Mikey up at the register. Alice slides over the VHS.

ALICE I didn’t find anything that I liked. I’ll just get one of these.

RICHARD Lost video, plus three-day rentals. That’ll be $11.75.

Mikey slides over his mom’s VIDEO RENTAL membership card. Richard hands over a receipt with a customer survey attached.

12 RICHARD (CONT’D) Thank you visiting Video Rentals for all your video rental needs. Please fill out this customer survey so I may better assist you.

MIKEY No way. You don’t deserve it. You can’t charge for a lost video when we turned it in. It’s like fraud... or something.

RICHARD Asshole.

ALICE I’ll do it.

She fills out five stars and a comment.

ALICE (CONT’D) Have a good night.


MIKEY You didn’t have to do that. He fills them out anyway. Always gives himself a five star review.

The two exit the store.


Twins ROBERT and BECKY JOY, 15, red-headed gingers in matching all-white garb, sit behind a pop-up table handing out TRUTH SPEAKER pamphlets to anyone interested in their ministry.

Robert nudges Becky, points at Alice and Mikey strolling across the street.

ROBERT Hey. Look who it is.


13 ROBERT Do you recognize him?

BECKY No. Maybe he’s her cousin.

CLOSE on Mikey as he places his arm around Alice.

MIKEY So, Richard’s neighbor is throwing a rager tomorrow night. Wanted to know if you wanted to come with. No parents...

ALICE You mean a party?

MIKEY Yeah. A badass party. With a keg.

ALICE Sure. I’ll go. Wait, can I bring a friend? And what do I wear?

MIKEY Chill. Bring whoever you want, wear whatever you want. It’s just a high-school party. Come to my house at eight.

He trips over a crack in the sidewalk. She helps him up and inspects the scrape on his hand, he pulls back.

MIKEY (CONT’D) Ah, I might have sprained it.

ALICE Oh no.

MIKEY I’m good. It’s nothing.

ALICE Can I try something I learned?

She rubs her hands together, then places them over his wrist.

14 ALICE (CONT’D) Anything?

MIKEY No. But you look really cute doing it.

From across the street the twins watch Alice and Mikey share a kiss on the lips.

ROBERT I hope you’ve never kissed any of our cousins like that.

A STRANGER wanders past their booth. Becky stands up.

BECKY Good evening, would you be interested in a free bible study with The Truth Speakers?

Becky holds up a thin green book.

BECKY (CONT’D) It’s a condensed and annotated version with commentary by TJ Taylor. Our leader and savior from the uncertainty of our times --.

The stranger ignores her and continues down the street. She sits back down.

ROBERT You went too fast.


Complete opposite of Alice’s living room, a big screen television surrounded by an expensive leather sofa. They watch ALIEN.

ALICE Can we leave the lights on?

MIKEY Eh. Okay, but it’s not that scary.

The lights turn back on, they’re about half way through the film. He sits next to her, completely engaged in the movie.

15 ALICE How was your day?

MIKEY It was great. College tours. Watch.

ALICE Which colleges?

MIKEY I don’t know. The pamphlets are on the table over there.

He points to his backpack at the nearby side table. Alice gets up and fumbles in his bag, pulls out a folder with numerous college pamphlets.

MIKEY (CONT’D) Don’t read them now. You’re supposed to be watching the movie.

She ignores him and reads through the flyers. WE SEE: happy students embracing each other. She flips through a study abroad flyer. She’s interested.

ALICE You’re gonna go to college?

He gets up to pause the movie.

MIKEY Maybe. That’s like three years away. I don’t even know what I’m doing next week. Take the pamphlets if you want, but please, no small talk during films. Let’s watch Aliens in silence. Okay? We’re about to watch the greatest part.



He resumes the film and turns off the lights.

16 MIKEY (CONT’D) (smiling) It’s not that scary.

Alice’s eyes widen, this is the scariest thing she has seen. ON TV WE SEE: THE ALIEN CREATURE ESCAPING FROM THE MAN’S CHEST.




Kit drives up in his HONDA and HONKS. Alice runs out of the apartment, forgetting to close the door behind her, dressed in a 90s beige school uniform.

He rolls down the window.

KIT (yelling) Close the door.

She retreats back, shuts the door then hurries to the waiting car.


Alice buckles her seat belt. She has noticeable bags under her eyes.


KIT Don’t hey me. What was that about? You look exhausted.

ALICE I woke up late.

KIT I told you to use the tuning forks. I told you. I bet that new music you’ve been listening to has got something to do with your sleeping habits. The Spice Salts.

ALICE The Spice Girls?

KIT Yeah. I read the music industry puts in secret messages that target your subconscious. It’s really dangerous stuff.

18 ALICE Uh-huh.

He reaches behind her seat and pulls up a plastic grocery bag and hands it to her. She opens it and pulls out the box of pads.

KIT Your mom liked these kinds.

ALICE Thanks.

She’s annoyed, should have picked a better lie.


Kit pulls up to a red light. Alice recognizes a familiar face. She perks up, smiles through the car window. STUDENTS in regular clothes board a school bus.

Mikey, with his hair slicked back and a flannel shirt tied across his waist, waits patiently in line with Richard.


KIT Before I forget, I’m taking another night shift tonight.

Alice turns to her father. He looks even more exhausted than she does.

ALICE Why? That’s seven days in a row. Isn’t that illegal or something?

KIT Ha. No, it’s not illegal to work seven days a week. In fact, if everyone listened to TJ and worked everyday we’d spend less and save more. Your tuition went up again.

ALICE Oh. I didn’t know that.

19 KIT You can say thank you.

ALICE Thanks. You can drop me off here.

Kit pulls over to the side.

KIT But we’re still a block away.

ALICE I like the walk. Oh shoot, I forgot my lunch. Do you have a few bucks?

He reluctantly pulls out two dollars from his wallet. She grabs the bills and exits the car.

KIT I want this back.

ALICE Absolutely! Love you, Dad.

He drives away.


The two-story high school campus now in plain daylight. The TJ Taylor’s Academy for Learning sign completely ruined by red spray paint. This is a private high school with 30 students, mostly rich white kids, all wearing variations of the same beige uniform.

High-end vehicles drop off TEENS. Except for Alice, who hurries from across the street. The school bell RINGS.

Alice’s mop of curly hair makes her stand out from the rest of the students. They rush into the building, gawking at the graffiti and mayhem inside.


Alice stares at the vandalism on the walls. Their school has been targeted before, but not like this.

20 PATRICK CHAN, 15, Alice’s best friend and closeted gay teen, flashes a smile at Alice. He’s amused, finally something interesting has happened at their boring school.

ALICE Who did this?

PATRICK Probably drug addicts. You know, the ones who steal copper pipes from abandoned buildings.

ALICE It’s not funny. We’re the ones who have to clean this up.

MOLLY JONES, 50, a towering woman with fiery red hair stands from her chair, she slams the petty cash box shut -- upset her money was stolen too.

MOLLY Listen up, as you can see the campus was vandalized, again. Fortunately, we were able to apprehend one of the criminals. Rest assured, we are taking the proper legal actions to handle this situation. Class will resume after we work together as a team for a campus wide cleanup. Any questions?

STEVEN HARRIS, 17, picks at the paint on the wall. Enter Twins Robert and Becky.

STEVEN This is some bullshit, Molly.

MOLLY Thank you Steven. Any more questions?

Students miserably shuffle to their seats, doing their best to avoid touching the sticky red paint.


Patrick fills a bucket with water from the faucet. Alice squirts cleaner on the red spray paint scrubbing the paint off the cement with wire brushes, there’s no use, it’ll never come off at this rate.

21 Alice scrubs at the word “CULT.” She scrapes extra hard on the “L” creating a “N.” Success! She steps back to admire her work: “CUNT.”

PATRICK Did you know that the word cunt dates back to the 16th century? Originally pronounced as cunnus.

ALICE Uh-huh.

PATRICK In Latin, cunnus meant vulva, you know, a woman’s genitals. But today we use it to belittle and criticize men and women. Imagine the irony. One of the most delicate parts of a woman’s body is censored world wide.

ALICE I did not know that, Patrick. Did you know your mom is a cunt?

He stares at her.

ALICE (CONT’D) (off his look) Sorry. I meant cunnus.

PATRICK Historically people didn’t use the word like that--

ALICE Save the history lesson. I have pretty important news to tell you. We’re going to our first high school party tonight!

PATRICK What do you mean by we?

ALICE Last night Mikey called me his girlfriend! Then asked if I wanted to go with him to a party with him. I asked if I could bring someone and he said sure.

22 PATRICK Wait a sec, where’s this party at? (breathing heavy) Does your father know? How are we going to get there? What do I tell my mom? Is this a birthday party? Am I supposed to bring something?

Patrick’s worked up into a panic. Just the thought of sneaking out might kill him.

ALICE Breathe. Breathe. Everything is going to be alright. Okay?

PATRICK How are we going to get there?

ALICE The bus.

PATRICK And back home?

ALICE The bus. Everyone uses public transportation.

PATRICK Yeah right. No one walks in LA. What if we get robbed?

ALICE No one is going to rob us. We have to be at Mikey’s at 8. Which means I’ll be at your place by 7.

PATRICK And what do I tell my mom?

ALICE Nothing. Just stuff a pillow under your sheets and call it a night. I want to go to this party and I don’t want to go alone. Be cool.

23 PATRICK Be cool? I can be cool. I am the epitome of being cool. I am a cool guy.

Patrick is not a cool guy and he knows it.

ALICE I’m serious!

The classroom door swings open, it’s Molly reading off a clipboard. Alice scrubs at the word “CUNT” until it’s illegible. Molly looks up.

MOLLY Wire brushes? It’ll take you a lifetime to clean these walls. Alice, grab the power washer from the shed.

Molly unhooks keys from her pants and hands them over to Alice.

ALICE I don’t know how to use one.

MOLLY Figure it out.

Molly continues down the hallway, inspecting other student’s cleanup efforts.


An outdoor dilapidated shed. The kind of place where you would contract the hantavirus with one wrong sneeze. Alice and Patrick shuffle through the messy shed, they pull out the old gas-powered pressure washer from the back.

Patrick inspects the machine.

PATRICK Looks easy enough.


Patrick rolls the pressure washer to the graffiti wall. She hooks up a water hose to the nozzle and turns the spigot, then stands back watching as he pulls the gas cord to start the engine. The machine REVS on.

24 Water spurts out uncontrollably from the wand holder, jetting everywhere.

ALICE Ahh! Turn it off, turn it off.

Patrick wrestles the wand holder to the ground, rolling around trying to control the ten feet of hose. He aims the wand up in the air, spraying students with water.


Molly runs up and turns off the spigot. The water stops spurting out. Patrick lays on the floor, his uniform completely drenched and now dirty. He realizes that he liked it.

MOLLY Get up. Everyone, get back to work!


Hours later.

WIDE on the classroom. Students already seated at their desks, all of them are listening to cassettes on tape with headphones. This is their study routine, listen to books narrated by their leader and repeating catchy phrases.

CLOSE on Steven, Robert and Patrick getting indoctrinated through the audiobooks.

WE SEE: animated graphics on the different cassette tapes and books.


TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (on tape) Repeat after me, my feelings are an illusion.


25 STEVEN (sotto) My feelings are an illusion.


TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (on tape) You see, there was an ancient civilization on the moon, but the moon landing of 1969 was nothing more than an elaborate hoax created by the U.S. Government to cover up...

CLOSE on Robert.

ROBERT (sotto) ... Elaborate hoax.

-An octopus strangling a man. “TJ TAYLOR’S HISTORY ON OCEANS.”

TJ TAYLOR (V.O.) (on tape) Grey aliens.

CLOSE on Patrick, looks puzzled.

PATRICK (sotto) What the --.

WE MOVE TO THE BACK OF THE CLASSROOM: Alice sits across from an empty chair. She’s reading from a manual titled: “TJ TAYLOR’S BUSINESS 101: HOW TO COMMUNICATE.”

Becky sits across from her. Their knees almost touch. Becky grabs the instruction manual from her.

BECKY Molly told me you needed some help with one of the exercises.

26 ALICE Yeah, that’d be really great actually. Thanks.

BECKY You’re welcome. (reads from the manual) Welcome to Attack Therapy. This exercise is intended to help the student be comfortable with communication and confront any hostile environments. Refrain from reacting, moving and talking. When said student violates these rules, start again.

She closes the manual and places it on the ground.

BECKY (CONT’D) Do you have any questions?

Alice shakes her head.

BECKY (CONT’D) Begin. Alice. What kind of name is that? Sounds like ass lice. Hey ass lice, you look ugly today. Your nose, it’s like really big. Has anyone told you your eyes are different sizes? They’re like a vomit green. Mixed with shit brown.

Alice doesn’t move. She’s not bothered by her taunts. Becky examines Alice, this time moving in closer.

BECKY (CONT’D) I heard you were a slut. A big slut. That’s what everyone calls you behind your back. Slut. Whore. I heard your mother was a whore. That’s why you’re one, too. Like mother like daughter.

Alice remains calm, just another day at TJ Taylor’s Academy for Learning.

BECKY (CONT’D) (beat) I saw you last night. Kissing a non-Truther. You know what that means right?

27 Becky glances at Alice’s expressionless face and inches closer to her ear.

BECKY (CONT’D) (whispering) I can make you do things for me in exchange for keeping your transgression our little secret.

Alice suppresses her anger.

BECKY (CONT’D) That was you last night, right? He’s cute. That’d be a shame if Kit found out. It’d break his heart if he knew his little girl was fucking a non-Truther.

Alice has had enough, she sits up and SLAPS Becky across the face.

ALICE I didn’t fuck him!

Molly looks up from her desk. Becky holds her cheek, satisfied she got a dramatic reaction from her.

MOLLY Alice!

Alice, terrified, makes a beeline for the door and exits into the hallway.


Alice, breathing hard, enters a stall and sits on the toilet. She shuts her eyes. She’s totally fucked and knows it.

BOOM. The bathroom door opens. Alice watches as a set of feet enter the stall next to her.

Becky steps on the toilet, peering over Alice’s stall.

BECKY I didn’t think that would trigger you.

ALICE Leave me alone.

28 BECKY Hey, I deserve an apology.

ALICE I’m sorry. There. Happy?

BECKY Kinda. I was being serious back there. I’ll keep what I saw a little secret.

ALICE I don’t believe you. Just write me up already.

BECKY I’m serious. I’ll take it to my grave. Scouts’ honor.

Becky holds up her three fingers like an innocent Girl Scout.

ALICE And it was just you who saw me?

BECKY Yup. I just need you to be my little pet for awhile. You know, do things for me. You know?

ALICE That’s it?


ALICE And you promise you won’t tell anybody? Not even your brother Robert?

BECKY I promise.

Becky extends her hand over the stall to shake on it.


They shake hands. Becky steps down from the toilet and opens the bathroom door to exit.

29 BECKY I’ll see you back inside. Oh, Molly wants a write-up of your transgressions. It better be good, I want to be entertained.

Alice steps out of the stall and rinses her face. Stares at herself in the mirror.


Alice stands in the middle of the room, holding the small class’ attention. Molly stands to the corner, behind Becky relishing in Alice’s shame as she reads from her notebook.

ALICE Today I disrupted the class and slapped Becky. I left without taking responsibility for my actions and for that I am sorry to the class and to Molly. Becky and I were doing Attack Therapy drills and she triggered me.

Becky looks unamused.

ALICE (CONT’D) (off Becky) She triggered me because... she asked a really valid question that a lot of you are probably wondering, no I haven’t been fucking Patrick.

Becky lights up. Patrick looks around the room, confused. The class snickers.

ALICE (CONT’D) But I want to.

Becky laughs. The class erupts with laughter, except for Patrick who is clearly not in the joke.

MOLLY I think we’re getting a little off topic, Alice.

ALICE I lied about the book report I submitted, I didn’t read The Great Gatsby. I plan on rereading that this weekend and submitting a real report on Monday.

30 MOLLY Is that all?


MOLLY (to the class) And how many of you accept Alice’s apology? Raise of hands.

One by one students raise their hands, everyone except for Becky. The two stare down.

MOLLY (CONT’D) Becky, I think she was sincere in her apology. Don’t you?

Becky reluctantly raises her hand with the rest of the class.

MOLLY (CONT’D) Great. You can have a seat Alice.

Alice mouths I’M SORRY to Patrick. He winks back.




Just outside of Los Angeles, a commune nestled near the Angeles Forest. PARISHIONERS garden around the newly erected bungalows and yurts.


This isn’t your ordinary church, there are no pews, no religious iconography. A DOZEN MEMBERS stand in a circle humming OM in unison, surrounding a MAN laying on the ground motionless.


We finally get to meet TJ TAYLOR, 50, a charismatic man with a jovial laugh and wicked smile, dressed in his white linen garb.

He rubs his hands together, enters the circle and kneels in front of the man. Placing his hands on the man’s head as if he’s Jesus himself performing a miracle.

The man’s eyes open.

TJ TAYLOR You’ve been healed.

TJ Taylor gets up to leave the yurt.


TJ Taylor is met by his executive assistants JONATHAN and RACHEL GNAT, 40s, husband and wife who dedicate their lives to TJ and his cause. They are in all white clothes, ethereal really. TJ Taylor glances at one of the parishioners pulling weeds in the nearby flower bed.

TJ TAYLOR Nice job, Bill. That jasmine is blossoming perfectly.

PARISHIONER Thanks, Mr. Taylor.

32 The three stroll through the compound.

TJ TAYLOR (to his EA’s) What’s on the agenda for today?

RACHEL Last night The Academy was targeted by three vandals, security was able to apprehend one of them, female, eighteen, former student and a public apostate by the name of Kiki Sanchez. She had these in her backpack.

Jonathan hands over pamphlets. TJ Taylor flips through them.

WE SEE: On the PAMPHLETS a crying woman holding her small child with bold letter, “HAVE YOU BEEN VICTIMIZED BY THE TRUTH SPEAKERS?”

TJ TAYLOR A defector. Any damages to the property?

JONATHAN Nothing a few hours of scrubbing couldn’t clean.

RACHEL Minor damages, stolen petty cash.

TJ TAYLOR And where is she now? Custody?

JONATHAN We thought about it.

RACHEL She’s in our custody. We wanted to do a thorough investigation before we handed her over to the proper authorities.



Rachel leads Jonathan and TJ Taylor down a hallway corridor. She stops at one of the three doors with a covered window opening. TJ Taylor slides it open.

WE SEE: Kiki Sanchez, huddled in the corner barefoot, stripped of her black clothing and now wearing all white. The room is empty except for a shit bucket. She gets up and rushes the door.

TJ TAYLOR How’s the investigation coming along?

JONATHAN She’s refused to corporate. Won’t divulge who is in charge of the new defectors.


Kiki slams her fist on the door, her eyes fixed on TJ Taylor.

KIKI Let me out, you sick fucks! Let me out!


TJ Taylor slides the window shut. Kiki’s screams are muffled, barely audible.

KIKI (O.S.) They’re looking for me. They’ll find me.

TJ TAYLOR Hold the food and ration the water. She’ll break within the week.

Jonathan glances at Rachel, she nods her head. TJ Taylor continues down the corridor, his goons follow closely behind.

TJ TAYLOR (CONT’D) I’ve been thinking, we need some fresh faces at the compound. Dedicated members from The Academy.

RACHEL Yes, sir.

34 TJ TAYLOR Young, female. That’ll be all.


White walls decorated with photographs of TJ Taylor around the world, smiling with people. Framed certificates neatly aligned behind the desk. TJ RECORD on the nearby industrial tape recorder, leans into the mic.

TJ TAYLOR (into mic) You have to understand, mankind is... good. You are good. But the second they start to destroy themselves or things around them, it is up to us, The Truth Speakers, to stand up and speak the truth. Stop at nothing to help your fellow brothers and sisters from the crimes they have committed. You have the ultimate power to change them and set them free.

CAMERA PULLS OUT of the private office, out of the of the compound to an aerial view -- this place is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.


Students eat their lunch at picnic tables. Alice chews on an apple as Patrick paces back and forth.

PATRICK Alcohol. (whispers) Marijuana.


PATRICK That’s what happens at these -- things.

ALICE That’s just conjecture.

PATRICK I don’t have anything to wear.

35 ALICE What?

PATRICK I don’t have a tux. Or a suit.

ALICE It’s not that kind of dance. He called it a rager. I guess people rage.

PATRICK What are you going to wear?

ALICE A dress. Just wear something nice. For as smart as you are, you can be really dumb sometimes.

She gets up to toss her apple core then dances for him.

ALICE (CONT’D) Just make sure you got the moves.

PATRICK Those moves suck.

ALICE Excuse me.

Patrick playfully pushes her aside and break dances.

He recreates iconic moves from 1980 Michael Jackson by shuffling his feet for the moon walk, in a quick motion goes in for the crotch grab, then moves to the ground for a quick floor routine.

It’s iconic and she’s impressed.

ALICE (CONT’D) Holy shit! (clapping) Wow!

BECKY (O.S.) Hey, ass lice!

36 Alice glances at Becky, playing basketball 30 feet away with Steven and other students. Patrick stops dancing.

BECKY (CONT’D) Ass lice. Bark like a dog.


BECKY I said, bark like a dog.

Alice feigns a smile. Patrick is confused by Becky’s command.

ALICE Ha. Funny.

Becky tosses the ball to another student, she’s serious.

ALICE (CONT’D) Woof. Woof.

BECKY Louder.

Alice stares at her.


Becky resumes playing basketball.

PATRICK What was that about?

ALICE Just a funny inside joke we have.

PATRICK I didn’t see anyone laughing.


Students resume their indoctrination, listening to more ramblings of TJ Taylor. Molly’s room phone RINGS, she picks it up.

MOLLY (into phone) This is Molly.


AMY, 20s, receptionist, multitasking with paperwork talks into the phone. Rachel waits, calmly seated.

AMY (into phone) I have Rachel here to see you.

MOLLY (V.O.) I’m in class right now and she didn’t make an appointment. Have her come by another time.

AMY (into phone) I told her that. She’s refusing to leave without speaking to you first.


MOLLY (into phone) Well, tell her again.

She hangs up the phone.


AMY She can’t. Like I said, she’s busy.

RACHEL Can I talk to her, please?

Rachel pulls the phone away from her.

38 RACHEL (CONT’D) Put her back on.

Amy dials. Molly picks up.

MOLLY (V.O.) What?

RACHEL (into phone) I got an opening at the new co-op, it needs to get filled today and I thought I’d come by and see if anyone was eligible or interested.

MOLLY (V.O.) It’ll have to wait.

RACHEL (into phone) This is from TJ himself. He suggested coming here first, now if you don’t want to help out, I understand. I’ll let him know you aren’t interested.


MOLLY (into phone) Wait. There might be someone. I’ll meet you in my office.

Molly puts the phone down. Addresses the class.

MOLLY (CONT’D) I have to step out for a few minutes. Patrick is in charge.

She exits. No one cares but Steven.

STEVEN Molly only picked you cuz you remind her of the daughter she never had.

Patrick gets up and sits at Molly’s desk.

39 PATRICK Eat a dick.


The same office that was ransacked the night before.

Molly sits at her desk across from Rachel, who hands over an order with TJ Taylor’s SIGNATURE. Molly reads it.

RACHEL We’re looking for energetic self-starters.

MOLLY I’ve never seen one like this before.

RACHEL He chose this campus for the new batch of recruits. He’s heard a lot of great things about you, the students.

MOLLY Really? My students? I mean, they’re smart but I’m not sure if they’d last on the co-op.

RACHEL What do you mean by that? They’re practically adults.

MOLLY They’re just kids. Most of them don’t even know how to drive, let alone live away from their parents.

RACHEL I’m sure after talking with their parents they’d be more than willing to live there. We have training, we do a lot great things for the community, plus they are helping the cause. Are you objecting to sending new recruits?

MOLLY Of course not. The only one that comes to mind Steven.

40 Molly opens one of the filing cabinets, pulls out a thick folder and hands it to Rachel.

RACHEL He won’t do, he’s 18.

MOLLY Why would his age matter? He’s one of the most committed students here.

RACHEL We’re looking for dedicated people who have few years left in the program. Plus, when we take them in we have their parents sign over guardianship. Stats show the younger the recruit, the more excited they are to stay on the co-ops long-term. It’s a numbers thing.

Molly swivels her chair, goes through the filing cabinet, SEARCHES for Alice’s folder. It’s missing.

MOLLY Harris. Harris. It should be here.

RACHEL Does anyone else have access to this room?

MOLLY No. I mean, maybe someone in administration. I thought I saw it in here.

RACHEL Such a shame. I drove all the way down here just to leave empty-handed.

MOLLY You know what, Becky would be a great fit. And her brother Robert.

She pulls out the files. Rachel reads over the pages.

RACHEL Fifteen. Single parent. She’d be a great fit for the co- op. I’m not sure about the boy, he seems too aggressive. (MORE)

41 RACHEL (CONT'D) We could do a little rehab program for her, adjust any aberrational behaviors she might have acquired from her twin. It’d be a great start for Becky. I’ll be sure to personally write a commendation letter for your swift cooperation. Can we get the mother on the line?

Rachel hands back the folder, Molly picks up the phone and dials.

MOLLY (into phone) Can I speak with Tiffany?


A beat-up car drives up a block away from the street, it slows to a stop. The WOMAN shuts the engine off, seated next to her is CLIFF, teenager #1 from the night before.


The woman holds onto a picture of a YOUNGER ALICE and her self. Puts it back on the visor. Now it’s just a waiting game.

She flips the folder “OPERATION TITAN.” Photographs of TJ’s newest compound, letters between The Academy and TJ.


WE SEE: the same beat-up CAR parked in the background. Two figures still sit inside. Alice doesn’t take notice and walks past and up to her place.


Alice enters looking tired from a long day at school. She tosses her bag onto the couch.

ALICE Dad. I’m home. Dad?

No response, he already left for work. She briskly walks to her bedroom and SLAMS the door shut.


She emerges from her closet and stands in front of the broken mirror, admiring her very 90s floral dress. It’s party time.


Alice picks up small pebbles off the ground and chucks them at a window on the second floor. A light turns on. Patrick pulls the curtain back and peeks out.

He opens the window and steps out onto the roof below. He finally looks like a normal kid with jeans and a flannel.

ALICE Be careful!


He drops down to the mini-van below him and slides onto the hood.

PATRICK (CONT’D) I’ve never done that before.

He smiles at her.

ALICE C’mon, we don’t wanna be late.

The two briskly walk down the street.


Alice and Patrick board the bus, she pulls out the dollar Kit gave her earlier in the day and feeds it into the meter. Patrick pulls out a ten dollar bill from his wallet and feeds the meter.

Alice tries to fight the meter and pull back the bill.

ALICE No! They don’t give change back.

43 PATRICK What?

The machine takes the bill anyway.

PATRICK (CONT’D) Get it back.

The DRIVER waives them through.

ALICE Shit. It’s lost. It’s alright. It’s a small price to pay for a really great lesson.

PATRICK Lesson my ass, that was lunch money for next week.

Sketchy PASSENGERS eye them. They pick seats in the back. Patrick not aware he’s a little fish.

PATRICK (CONT’D) Have you’ve never been robbed?

ALICE Not yet.


ALICE I met Mikey on the bus. There’s nothing scary about it. Or the streets. Sometimes I sneak out of the house and walk alone. Not once has anything happened to me where I felt afraid.

PATRICK We’ll see about that.

ALICE Do you ever think where you’ll be in a few a years?

PATRICK Alive, hopefully.

44 ALICE I’m serious. Like college. That never interested you? Meeting different people from all walks of life. Traveling. Did you know you can study abroad and learn a new language --

PATRICK Why would I need to go to college? My mom went before finding TJ Taylor, said it was a waste of time. It’s four years of your life, reading books, writing essays all so that get a little piece of paper saying you did something. People who go to college don’t solve the world’s problems ya know? I wanna finish my last year at The Academy and find a job and live a happy life.

ALICE Then why do they go?

PATRICK Cuz their dad did it, and then his dad did it before him.

ALICE Leaving this place might not be such a bad idea. I like the idea of reading books, real books.

PATRICK Don’t. You’ll just be disappointed like the rest of them.


The beat-up car follows behind the bus.



Alice and Patrick walk up to Mikey, practicing skateboard tricks on the curb. He gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

45 ALICE Hey.

MIKEY Heyyy! You brought a dude...

ALICE This is my best friend, Patrick.

Mikey extends his hand.

MIKEY Well, sorry to say bro but it’s gonna be a massive cock fest. But that’s alright. You’ll still have fun. My brother offered to give us a ride.

In the driveway Mikey’s brother DUKE, 20s, handsome college type finishes putting the oil dipstick back in his truck. He SLAMS the hood shut.

DUKE C’mon nerds, let’s go.




Loud grunge MUSIC BLASTS from oversized speakers. We are at the typical high school rager: TEENS lining up to do keg stands, everyone has red solo cups, marijuana smoke already in the air.

Mikey walks in with Patrick and Alice in tow, definitely out of their element. He’s greeted with a red solo cup of his own.

MIKEY (yelling over the music) Welcome to your first high school party. In that corner we have keg stands, and in that corner ... weed --

PATRICK Where’s the dance floor?


PATRICK Where’s the dance floor?

MIKEY Here. There. I mean, there’s no designated dance floor. People come here to get blitzed. Are you hungry?


47 Patrick shakes his head. Mikey leads Alice inside by the hand.

MIKEY Be right back, try the Jello shots!

Patrick goes over to a table with colorful Jello shots. He picks one up, sniffs it, then downs it. Not bad. He throws back multiple shots.

With some liquid courage in him, he saunters over to the DJ and flags him down. The two exchange a few words. The record SCRATCHES as a new dance jam PLAYS.

Patrick makes space for himself amongst the crowd of drunk teens and BREAKDANCES. WE SEE: the crowd opens up for him as he windmills, does the worm, the robot, and moonwalks.



And the party continues inside. Not a lot of talk as JOCK GUYS stand around and watch two WOMEN KISS each other on the couch. The guys HOOT and HOWL as the kissing gets sexier and sexier.

Mikey leads Alice through the living room and into the kitchen to an assortment of snacks and chips. Alice can’t keep her eyes off the women.

He refills his solo cup with the nearby vodka bottle and makes himself at home by opening the fridge and making a coldcut sandwich -- he has a case of the munchies, clearly.

ALICE Is that... normal?

MIKEY I prefer sourdough, but wheat works.

ALICE No. The girls kissing over there.

He takes a bite.

ALICE (CONT’D) Aren’t they ashamed to be doing that? In front of everyone. What if their parents found out?

48 MIKEY Oh. Who are we to judge what’s normal? If two beautiful women want to express their love for everyone to watch, let ‘em. My aunt is a lesbian up in Seattle, president of the local Pride chapter. She’s dope.

ALICE I mean, do they know each other?

SUDDENLY a drunk jock pops a beer and shakes it on the women -- ruining the moment for everyone. The women stop kissing and get up.

JOCK GUY Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

WOMAN Way to go asshole. You ruined my hair.

The women push through the crowd of horny male teens and proceed to the outside party.

JOCK GUY Hey, where you going? I was just getting the party started. Don’t be like that Stacy. Stacy!

Mikey leads Alice upstairs. She’s reluctant to go.

ALICE Wait. Are you sure we can go up there? I don’t want to get in trouble.

MIKEY In trouble? There aren’t any parents around. We’ll just talk. Put on MTV.

They reach the top of the stairs, in the hallway bathroom a TEEN vomits in the toilet as his TWO FRIENDS get high in the bathtub.

TWO FRIENDS Grody, bro.


Mikey sits on the bed, pulls a joint behind his ear and lights it. INHALES. Alice gives herself a mini tour of the bedroom, picks up a family photo... WE SEE: a happy mom and dad with their teen kids, she focuses on the happy mom.

MIKEY (exhales) Thanks for wanting to come to this thing.

Alice sits next to him, he hands her the joint.

MIKEY (CONT’D) So the trick is to hold it between your two fingers like this. Have you ever smoked a cig?


MIKEY Well, inhale. It’s gonna burn. Keep inhaling.

She takes a tiny hit and COUGHS wildly.

MIKEY (CONT’D) Drink this, it’s gonna be okay.

He hands her the red solo cup of vodka. She takes a swig, it’s her first time drinking, too.

ALICE Ughhh. This taste awful.

MIKEY You get used to it. Finish it.

She swallows the rest, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

MIKEY (CONT’D) You’re one of us now.

ALICE Which is what?

MIKEY A party animal. We get wild, break rules, tell our parents to fuck off. It’s great.

50 ALICE Every weekend?

MIKEY Friday and Saturday, yes. Sunday is the day of rest and greasy hamburgers to get rid of hangovers. I read in history class beer was the main drink of choice during America’s fight for independence. All the founding fathers were alcoholics and brew masters. It only makes sense that I carry on the tradition, in their memory of course.

He takes another hit.

MIKEY (CONT’D) To Benjamin Franklin.

ALICE They smoked pot, too?

MIKEY I’m sure. God created it, why shouldn’t his children smoke it?

She lays back on the bed, stares at the ceiling.

ALICE The room is spinning.

Closes her eyes. He lays down next to her.

ALICE (CONT’D) I should check on Patrick. I left him down there by himself.

MIKEY He’s fine.

They start to kiss. Innocently at first, the Mikey gets aggressive. He slides his hand up her dress.


51 MIKEY C’mon.

ALICE I said wait, Mikey.

She pushes him away and gets off the bed.

MIKEY What are you doing?

ALICE I don’t want to do... that.

MIKEY Okay, okay. Fine. Just sit back down. We’ll just kiss.

He sheepishly smiles. She sits back next to him.

MIKEY (CONT’D) Sorry. When I bring girls here it’s implied that we’ll... have sex.

He goes in for another kiss, she retreats back.

ALICE Girls? You’ve done this more than once? Here? I’m just another one of your girls?

MIKEY No. No. You’re my girlfriend. It’s different.

She holds back tears.

ALICE How? You get me high, then drunk. All alone in this room. You don’t even ask what I want to do, or about my shitty day at school.

MIKEY Alice --

52 ALICE You don’t even realize how much trouble I’ll get if I get caught coming here, hanging out with you. When, I get caught. It’s not even worth it. The amount of shame my dad would feel if he found out that I almost had sex with a non-Truther.

MIKEY (drunk and high) Wait, wait. What are you talking about? No one cares you’re at a party. I wasn’t even going to have sex with you tonight. I just wanted you to blow me.

Alice, upset, runs out the room. Mikey struggles to stand up, but is too fucked up to move, falls back on the bed.

MIKEY (CONT’D) I was kidding.


Alice makes her way through the party, louder and wilder than ever, looking for Patrick’s familiar face as she wipes away a tear. She accidentally pushes against the wrong DRUNK CHICK, who spills a drink on herself.

DRUNK CHICK Hey! Watch it, you dumb bitch.

ALICE Sorry. I didn’t mean to.

Drunk Chick recognizes Alice immediately.

DRUNK CHICK I know you!

ALICE No you don’t.

DRUNK CHICK Yeah, you’re one of them Truth Speakers, always passing out those dumb little flyers around town.

53 ALICE You’ve got the wrong person.

DRUNK CHICK You know that thing is nothing more than a cult. They indoctrinate you with that JT nonsense.



The music lowers, the Drunk Chick has everyone’s attention.

DRUNK CHICK (CONT’D) You’re one of the crazy people. What the fuck are you doing here?

Patrick runs in from outside and rescues Alice.

PATRICK Hey, hey. We’re just here to have fun. C’mon.

DRUNK CHICK Another one? Are you here to make us join your little cult, too?

The Drunk Chick pushes Patrick. He pushes back.

PATRICK Knock it off, cunt.

DRUNK CHICK What did you say to me?

PATRICK I said, knock it off, CUNT.

SLAM! Her fist meets Patrick’s face. A fight ensues between the two of them.

CROWD ALICE Fight! Fight! Fight! Stop!


A POLICE CRUISER rolls onto the front lawn, sirens and lights blaring.



The crowd dissipates. Patrick and the Drunk Chick release each other. Alice grabs Patrick and they head out of the back door.


Patrick and Alice escape through a side gate. They run down the street, getting away from everyone.

PATRICK That was insane. Did you see me? How I took on that chick? I said, knock it off, cunt. (punching the air) Crazy, right?

Patrick’s nose bleeds.

ALICE You’re bleeding.

The two stop running, she takes her sleeve and wipes his nose. Notices his black eye.

ALICE (CONT’D) Thanks, for defending me.

PATRICK Anytime. Cunt. Ha!

ALICE We’ve missed the last bus, huh?

PATRICK Yeah. It’s only a couple of miles, we’ll be fine.

ALICE Sorry about tonight.

55 PATRICK I had a blast. I’m sure you did too.

ALICE Yeah. A blast. Hey, promise me you won’t tell anyone about tonight, okay?

PATRICK Sure. Where’s Mikey? You think he’ll be okay back there?

ALICE Yeah. He’ll be fine.

Alice winces, closes her eyes. He leads her to some rose bushes by the side of a nice residential home.

ALICE (CONT’D) I feel like I’m gonna puke.

PATRICK Let it out.

Alice pukes up vodka. He unzips his pants and pees next to her.

ALICE What are you doing?

PATRICK When you have the luxury of penis, you can piss anywhere.

He turns away from Alice, still puking. The house light TURNS ON, door opens. ANGRY HOME OWNER approaches the drunk pair.


He zips up his pants and grabs Alice’s arm, the two scramble down the street.

HOME OWNER I’m gonna find you two jackasses. Shove my leg so far up your asses you’ll bleed to death.


An hour later. Patrick climbs back onto the hood of the minivan, onto the roof and back into his bedroom window.

PATRICK Thanks Alice, I had fun tonight.

She continues down the street, by herself. The beat-up car now turns on its headlights, 100 feet away, she turns around and recognizes it from earlier. Alice, concerned, continues walking.

The car speeds up, she turns on a side street, walking faster. The car turns following her. Now she’s running, full speed.


Alice, breathing hard, ducks behind a parked car in a drive way. The car slowly drives by, trying to spot her.

She RUNS in the opposite direction of the car. Her feet hit the pavement hard, she’s in a panic, sweat drips down her face.

WIDE ON Alice escaping down the street, running away from all her problems.