Business Hearing February 07, 2011
Transcript Prepared By the Clerk of the Legislature Transcriber's Office Business and Labor Committee February 07, 2011 [LB397 LB482 LB555 LB564 LB619 LB623 LB624 LB664 LR29CA] The Committee on Business and Labor met at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, February 7, 2011, in Room 1524 of the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on LB397, LB482, LB555, LB564, LB623, LB624, LB619, LB664, and LR29CA. Senators present: Steve Lathrop, Chairperson; Tanya Cook, Vice Chairperson; Brad Ashford; Tom Carlson; Burke Harr; Jim Smith; and Norm Wallman. Senators absent: None. SENATOR LATHROP: Good afternoon. My name is Steve Lathrop. I'm the Chair of the Business and Labor Committee, and we're here today to hear a series of bills and they generally relate to the subject matter of the Commission on Industrial Relations. We're still waiting on two members to get here and so I'll take this opportunity to tell you a few of the ground rules that they're very familiar with. And hopefully by the time I get done with this, they'll be here and then I can introduce everyone before we start. As the Chair of the committee, I have a number of responsibilities, and one of them, and it's very basic and fundamental, is to keep the hearing moving to make sure that the information that we're getting is new from one testifier to the next and that we're not caught up in a great deal of repetition; the other is to make sure that we're out of here at a decent hour and to make sure that those senators who are going to introduce bills today do not have to wait until 11:00 tonight to do that.
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