SHELTERS FOR 70th Anniversary Celebration Annual Luncheon Tribute2018 | Journal 5778 Mitzpe Ramon

Our family is proud to support the work of Shelters for Israel and to sponsor their Sulamot Music for Social Change project in Mitzpe Ramon

In loving memory of a true Eshet Chayil SHELTERS FOR ISRAEL 70th Anniversary Celebration SundAnnualay, augu Luncheonst 26, 2018

featuring the Sulamot Youth Band from Israel

Proceeds to benefit the Shelters for Israel Sulamot Music for Social Change project in Mitzpe Ramon

Cece Gabbay Bateman,Luncheon Tim Bateman, Committee Daniel Ben-Zvi, Debbie David, Karen David, Mark David, Debbie Ellerin, Klara Firestone, Alain Gabbay, Myra Reisman Gabbay, Margalit Grunberger, Agi Harris, Pini Herman, Nora Holtz, David Israeli, Dave Jackson, Miriam Lax, Kathy Mannheim, Eddie Markley, Marie Mazzone, Simon Menkes, Edith Reichman, Anne Reisman, Madeleine Rosenberg, Robert Rosenberg, Beatrice Satmary, Agi Schwartz, Rosie Silverstein, Handa Stark, Yael Swerdlow, Katalin Weinberger, EloiseWender

1 Officers Co-Presidents Myra Reisman Gabbay David Jackson

Vice-President Rosie Silverstein

Treasurer Karen David

Secretary Madeleine Rosenberg

Board of Directors Debbie David, Klara Firestone, Edward Markley, Marie Mazzone, Anne Reisman, Robert Rosenberg, Agi Schwartz, Handa Stark

Corresponding Secretary Jackie Adelman

Membership Katalin Weinberger

Programming Yael Swerdlow

Events Debbie David, Margalit Grunberger, Agi Harris, Nora Holtz, Miriam Lax, Kathy Mannheim, Edith Reichman

Officers Emeritus Barbara Berman, Serena Bohorodzaner, Renee Firestone, Hedy Reisman, Martha Weibel



3 Projects Established by Shelters For Israel

1950, | Social Hall and Synagogue | Shelters for Israel

1952, Kiryat Ono | Housing Project | Shelters for Israel

1955, Kiryat Ono | Playground | Shelters for Israel

1956-1961, | Housing | Shelters for Israel

1956-1961, Holon | Playground | Shelters for Israel

1970, | Mt. Scopus Dormitory | Shelters for Israel

1974, | Day Care Center for Children | In Memory of Eliezer Shavit

1975, Beer-Sheva | Retarded Children’s Center | Bennet Mermel Building

1976, Kiryat Shemona | Youth Center | Lillian Jacobs Building

1977, Shlomi | Day Care Center for Children | Goldstein Building

1978, | Nursery for Children | Gardner-Kahan Building

1978, Kiryat Malachi | Library Wing | Dr. Olga Berend Wing

1978, Kiryat Malachi | Library | Shelters for Israel

1978, Kiryat Yam | Day Care Center for Children | Markley Family Building

1981, | Nursery for Children | Shoenfeld-Markley Building

1981, | Nursery for Children | Cecilia and Joseph Halmos Building

1981, | Nursery School for Children | Gardner and Kahan Building

1982, Kibbutz Sassa | Anne Frank Dormitory | Andrew Javor Building

1982, Maalot | Day Care Center for Children | Freisinger Building

1984, / | Nursery School for Children | Kestenbaum Family Building

1985, Ramat Gan | Day Care Center for Children | Bennet Mermel Building

1986 , Nazeret Illit | Senior Citizens Center | Kestenbaum Family Building 4 1986, Tel Aviv | Day Care Center for Children | Vari Building

1988, Acco | Nursery for Children | Havassy Building

1989, Beer Sheva | Senior Citizens Center | Gardner-Kahan Building

1989, Pardessia | Day Care Center for Children | Reisman-David Building

1992, Nazeret Illit | Day Care Center for Children | Slatinsky Family Building

1993, Beth Shean Valley | Senior Medical Center | Dr. Sigmond Family Building

1994, Alon Hagalil | Day Care Center for Children | Shirley and Morris Lerner Building

1994, Beth Shean Valley | Autistic Children’s Center | Dr. & Mrs. Mose Firestone Building

1994, Nazeret Illit | Playground and 100 Home Sites | Magda and Zoltan Klein Park

1995, Tal El | Mizgav Regi Nursery School for Children | Halmos Building

1996, Nazeret Illit | Senior Citizens Center | Markley Family Building

2000, Beit Shean Valley | Daycare Center for Autistic Children | Berman Building

2000, Beit Shean Valley | Handicapped Children’s Library | Leon Farahnik Family Library

2002, Jordan Valley | Water Reservoir | Fred Moss Reservoir

2002, Jordan Valley | Senior Citizens Center | Kestenbaum Family Building

2002, Jordan Valley | Armored Van | Shelters for Israel

2003, | Day Care for Handicapped Elderly | Nathan Lustman Building

2003, Kfar Sapir | Entertainment Center | Bennet Mermel Building

2003, Kiryat Malachi | Playground | Kestenbaum Family Playground

2005, Kfar Sapir- | Auditorium | Bennet Mermel

2005, Kiryat Ekron | Cultural Center | Debbie and Leon Farahnik

2005, Jerusalem | Shaarei Zedek (Waiting Room) | Anna Deutsch & Mike Schwartz

2006, Kyriat Gat | After School Project for children | Shelters for Israel

2008, Sefad | Co-Ed High School | Eva and Frank Keleman

5 2008, Ben Yakir | Youth Village Playground | Robert & Madeleine Rosenberg in memory of Agnes Vasl

2009/2010, Kibbutz Ravid | Dormitories on Educational Campus Kibbutz Ravid Shelters for Israel

2009/2010, Nitzana | Water Reclamation Project | Shelters for Israel

2010/2011, | Social Club for Seniors Myra and Alain Gabbay Family and Reisman Family

2012, | Student Housing for Ayalim | Shelters for Israel

2012, MDA | Cardiac ICU Ambulance | Shelters for Israel in memory of Eva Schwartz

2012, Arad | Young Adult/Entrepreneurship Center | in memory of Clara Kennedy

2013, Lod | Student Housing for Ayalim | The Stark Family in memory of Andrew Stark

2013, Ramat Gan | Larger than Life Kindergarten Auditorium in memory of Rose and Charles Jackson by Karen and David Jackson

2013, Ramat Gan | Larger than Life Kindergarten Classroom in honor of Shari and Fred Farkas by Auerbach/Farkash

2014, Ra’anana | Absorption Center Multi-Purpose Sports Field in memory of Irene and Leslie Markley

2014, | Bomb Shelter Renovation | Shelters for Israel

2015, | Ayalim Association Student Housing Block | Shelters for Israel

2015-2017, Ramat HaNegev | Desert Shanti Village for At-Risk Youth Education Center

2017, Kiryat Malachi | Project to provide shade for two playgrounds Madeleine and Robert Rosenberg in memory of Victor Vasl

2018, Mitzpe Ramon | Sulamot Music for Social Change | Shelters for Israel

6 a message from the co-presidents Myra Reisman Gabbay and Dave Jackson

A little over seventy-one years ago, a ship called the Exodus 1947 set sail for Palestine with over 4,500 survivors of the Shoah on board, 635 of them were children. As they neared Palestine, the British rammed the ship, boarded it, and bombed it with teargas. The ship’s captain had no choice but to surrender, after several deaths and many more wounded.

These immigrants were forced to go back to France, but they refused to disembark and so they were returned to Germany. This outrage generated major protests and hunger strikes throughout the DP camps in Europe. The ensuing embarrassment for Britain and recognition of the survivors’ plight played a significant role in the swing of sympathy which helped lead to the recognition of the Jewish state in 1948.

In the meantime, as the refugees bound for Israel were being detoured to Cyprus, a trickle of survivor refugees began to arrive in the United States in 1946, increasing throughout subsequent years, within the limitations of the caps placed on that immigration by the United States government.

A B’nai B’rith Messenger article dated May of 1947 wrote of a Women’s Division of the UJWF fundraising luncheon that month, whose goal was to raise monies to help adopt 1,000 orphaned Jewish children in Poland and bring them to France. The featured speaker of that luncheon was Mrs. Sophie Spanjaard, a Dutch survivor of Bergen Belsen. According to the article, more than 600 Los Angeles women attended the luncheon.

Was it at that luncheon that one of our co-founders, and first president, Dr. Irene Halmos, was inspired to form, along with three other women, an organization they named Shelters for Israel? We do know from one of our earlier members that the seeds of ‘Shelters’ were planted in 1947, upon hearing first hand accounts by survivors. This group of women, as Dr. Halmos’ daughter Alyse Laemmle has observed, had been rather assimilated but moved into action by the horrors of the Shoah. They had undoubtedly lost their own family members who had remained in Europe and knew that those who would finally make their way to Israel would need food and housing.

7 True to their passion for Israel, they revised their founding year to 1948 so that it would parallel the founding of the state of Israel! So while we are celebrating our 70th anniversary, and everything that we have done to help the people of Israel, we can also be proud that our organization was one of the first in Los Angeles to step up and adopt as its mission the funding of housing for the refugees arriving in the newly formed state.

Interestingly, for an organization founded by not especially observant Jews for the most part, our first project was a synagogue and social hall in Lod. This was because they were told that the newly arrived survivors needed a gathering place in a new and foreign community, to be together and support each other. That was our first capital project, in addition to monies raised to give to Hadassah and other organizations, which were supplying food and other types of urgent aid for the newly arrived survivors.

In the meantime, our board members connected with Rassco, a building company in Israel, and the group was fervently raising money with lots of card parties, other parties, bazaars and galas, etc., to fund its first two housing projects: in Kiryat Ono (then called Kfar Ono) and in Holon. In fact, Los Angeles Street in Kiryat Ono was so named because of our group. In Kiryat Ono, we built a playground as well as 50 housing units.

Likewise in Holon, Dr. Yona Salk Street was so named when Dr. Jonas Salk visited Israel and dedicated our 74 housing units on behalf of Shelters for Israel. We also built a playground in Holon because Shelters for Israel was and remains very focused on the youth of Israel, and their welfare.

In our invitation and in this Tribute Journal you will see our updated map of Israel with all our capital projects beginning in 1948. We are so proud to have reached this milestone 70th Anniversary and we wish to thank each and every one of you for all that you have done and the many ways you support Shelters for Israel. We are indeed a unique organization and can still state, after all these years, that we remain an all volunteer organization, with all monies raised going directly to fund our projects and other needs in Israel.

We wish you a Shana Tova, a Sweet, Happy and Healthy New Year and look forward to another year devoted to helping those in need of both physical and emotional shelters in the beautiful Jewish Homeland, Israel.

Myra Gabbay and Dave Jackson, Co-Presidents 8 2018 Construction has finished on shades to allow children in Kiryat Malachi to enjoy their playgrounds year-round! The shades are in memory and honor of Victor Vasl, Holocaust survivor. With love from his daughter Madeleine, the Rosenberg and Vasl families.

Playground Shade Dedication June 2018, Kiryat Malachi. Pictured at the Dedication of the Shelters for Israel Rosenberg/Vasl Playground Shade Project are the extended Rosenberg and Vasl Families with Kiryat Malachi Mayor Eliyahu Zohar and Eitan Kupietzky, Managing Director of the Gimmel Foundation 9 Current Project

The Shelters For Israel Sulamot Music for Social Change Project in Mitzpe Ramon


To our Dear Friends at Shelters for Israel,

One year has gone by since we met in Los Angeles last September, and we are about to meet again at the event marking 70 years of the extraordinary activity of Shelters for Israel for the State of Israel.

Over the past year, there has been a musical revolution in Mitzpe Ramon. Four Sulamot orchestras operate in this town; two at the Ramon School, one at the Harel School, and one at the Orthodox School where we have a string orchestra for girls from the Haredi community. The Mitzpe Ramon orchestras performed in over 20 concerts and performances throughout the year. This includes performances at the schools on the Jewish Festivals Hanukah, Purim, Passover; and performances in the community: at the local culture center, and for the elderly. In addition, there were a number of events in honor of the 70th anniversary of Israel. First, there was a meeting with the Sulamot students from both Beer Sheva and Mitzpe Ramon with Nurit Hirsch, laureate of the Israel Prize for singing. Second, our students participated in a concert of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in which 1,500 young musicians from all across Israel played. Lastly, they performed in a celebratory Sulamot concert in the brand new Zucker Hall at the Bronfman Auditorium, Tel Aviv. The trumpet and low brass students participated in special workshops for their instruments.

Mayor of Mizpe Ramon Rony Marom thanking to the Shelters for Israel for the support. (If you watch it in your mobile) Harel and Ramon Orchestras playing "Let's go Band" at the Zuker hall in Tel Aviv

Concert with Nurit Hirsch in Beer Sheva

Tiki Ozer is a photographer who lives in Mizpe Ramon. We share with you some of her very inspiring photos.


In the Torah Environmental School, we opened for the first time an orchestra of girls from the Haredi community. We have not heard of any other orchestras for Haredi girls in schools in Israel. Usually, the girls are not permitted to perform for religious reasons, and therefore they give up the chance to teach them to play. We insisted that the girls participate in the orchestra and receive an equal opportunity to learn, just like all of the children in Mitzpe Ramon, even if the performances will have to be in the presence of women only. The process of learning to play music and the opportunity to develop creativity is what is most important, not necessarily performance.

The teachers at the Torah : David Levi School are from Jerusalem, Yevgeny Gandelzman and Shoshana Shaarle from Beer Sheva.

More than 2000 children played this year in Sulamot in 22 orchestras all over Israel. This year we had two first graduates- Efrat and Ben. You all met Efrat in our concert last year. Efrat lived in a children village since she was three years old. She started to play the flute in Sulamot eight years ago. On May 9, she played her first solo in a special concert at the Zucker Hall in Tel Aviv and got her graduation certificate. Efrat will leave the children village and start her National Service in Magen David Adom. We wish her luck and success. Ben started to play the Tuba eight years ago. He lives at the Mikve Israel Youth Village. Ben won the audition to the IDF Band and will do his military service as a Tuba player. Ben will come to Los Angeles with the Sulamot group in August.

We are looking forward to our next performance at the 70th celebration for Shelters for Israel. Eight children will travel to Los Angeles this time. Children from Mizpe Ramon, Carmiel Children Village, Afula Children Village, Haifa, Mikve Israel Youth Village and Tel Aviv. Thank you our dear friends, for inviting us to participate in your very special event on August 26 and thank you for the very generous support of our beloved Sulamot!

12 From the Head of the Mitzpe Ramon A THANK YOU TO SHELTERS FOR ISRAEL

,לס'אנג בלוס היקרים לידידנו

!מציאות משנה פרויקט הינו סולמות פרויקט הגיל שכבות בכל שינוי לחולל הצליח הוא ,ביישוב לפעול שהתחיל מאז -המוסיקה בתחום :המוסיקה לתחום מרץ זריקת מעין חוגי ,היישובית הנוער להקת ,התיכון הספר בבית מוסיקה לימודי מוסיקה .ספיר מכללת בשיתוף אקדמיים מוסיקה ללימודי תכנית ואף

לחיזוק אמיתי סולם זהו ,בפרויקט חלק הלוקחים הילדים עבור ,האישית ביכולתם והאמונה העצמי הדימוי עצמית ולמשמעת להתמדה חינוך לפניהם נחשף היה שלא הסיכויים שמרבית לעולם חדשים אופקים ופתיחת .התכנית לולא

.בישוב סולמות בתכנית תמיכתכם על על וןרמ מצפה בשם תודה

,מרום מרציאנו רוני

רמון מצפה המקומית המועצה ראש

Dear Friends,

The Sulamot – Music for Social Change project is a reality changing initiative.

Since the beginning of the Sulamot activity in our town, Sulamot has

successfully generated change among all ages in the field of music. There

has been a type of energy injected into the heart of our music field: music classes in the high school, a band of the town's youth, afterschool music programs, and even a music program at the academic level in collaboration with Sapir College.

For the children who take part in Sulamot, which means both "musical scales" and "ladders" in Hebrew, this is a true mechanism for strengthening their self- image and belief in their personal abilities. Sulamot teaches perseverance and self-determination, and opens new horizons to a world that would most

likely not have been accessible if not for the project.

Mitzpe Ramon is very grateful to your organization, Shelters for Israel, for your very generous support of Sulamot in our town.

Roni Marciano Marom

Head of the Mitzpe Ramon Local Council



14 15 16 17


August 26, 2018

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, welcome ​to Shelters for Israel’s Annual Tribute Luncheon.

For 70 years, Shelters for Israel has helped generations of immigrant families build healthy, stable lives overseas. Shelters has funded more than 60 nurseries, senior centers, community centers, and libraries throughout Israel, and given hundreds of Angelenos a unique opportunity to stay connected with their Jewish heritage.

I send my best wishes for a memorable event and continued success.



18 19

Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles Certificate of Merit to

Shelters for Israel In recognition of their contribution and commitment to the State of Israel and its communities in need.

The State of Israel congratulates and commends the valiant efforts and contributions of Shelters for Israel. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, Shelters for Israel has dedicated and committed themselves to supporting and caring for Israel’s communities in need, shaping Israel into the country it is today. Thank you for your devotion of time, energy and caring for the well-being of the people of Israel.

Sam Grundwerg Consul General of Israel in Los Angel

20 Jerusalem

21 Jerusalem

In recognition of and in tribute to the dedication, hard work and volunteerism of all members of Shelters for Israel I am pleased to help sponsor Shelters for Israel's current undertaking

Sulamot Music for Social Change project in Mitzpe Ramon

A Longtime Supporter of the Important Work of Shelters for Israel

22 Jerusalem

In honor of the State of Israel

Shelters& for Israel In memory of our dear parents Erzsi and Gyuszi Landau Magda and Gyuszi Regos We miss you all and your memory will be always in our hearts

Julie and Laci Regos Dalia and Rebecca Regos

23 Tel Aviv

24 Tel Aviv

In Loving Memory of Leslie and Susan Gonda Together at last, they continue to guide us and inspire us.

With love and gratitude, Their Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren

25 Tel Aviv

Mazel Tov

SheltersMay we continuefor Israel from generation to generation

Marie Mazzone & David Israeli and Family

26 Tel Aviv

In loving memory of our dear Parents & Grandparents

(of blessed memory) CharlesHolocaust & survivorsRose Jackson and

Abraham(of blessed& Mildredmemory) Schneider You are in our hearts and minds each and every day

David, Karen, Teddy, Stephen, Greg Terri, Ali, Spencer, Randi, Adam Rosie, Sami and Eliana

27 Tel Aviv

As Shelters celebrates

70of existence,Years we honor and cherish our founders.

They had a dream and a mission and succeeded against all odds.

We salute you.

It's an honor to have the Sulamot group again with us. You guys rock.

Robert and Madeleine Rosenberg

28 Tel Aviv






Alice Schoenfeld and Family

29 Tel Aviv

In memory of Andrew Stark beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

We miss him every day.

Handa Stark and Family

30 Haifa

31 Haifa

In loving memory of Lola and Zoltan Schoenfeld

from your children and grandchildren

Debra and Robert Joanna, Josh, Henry, Alexander and Lola David, Rachel, Molly and Lucy Danielle, Jaime, Oliver and Ellie Leah Jonathan, Allison, Jacob and Freddy

32 Haifa

With deep appreciation to

Sheltersand their forfounders Israel who forged a path of support for Israel that we are following today.

We are so proud of what we have all accomplished together.

We pray for the strength and courage to do all in our power to help Israel continue to grow and be strong.

Ron and Rosie Silverstein and Family

33 Haifa

We are proud to support our friends

Myrafor theirand important Alain work Gabbaywith

Sheltersand the Jewish for community Israel

Rhona and Avi Wacht

34 Haifa

On behalf of the Zlotolow, Bernstein and Livni families, we would like to honor the memories of our dear parents

Joseph andand our Amalia beloved sister Yeager Ada Livni To our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel and around the world, we will do our utmost to ensure the survival and continued success of our people. Am Israel Chai!

Miriam Zlotolow

35 Beersheva

36 Beersheva

In loving memory of our beloved

Our devoted, amazing and boundlessly lovingEllie wife, mother and grandmother

We miss you every day and you are in our hearts forever.

The David Family Fred, Debbie, Dan, Sarah, Joey and Amy Mark, Debbie, Michael and Rebecca, and Karen

37 Beersheva

In Memory of our Dear Parents Fred and Shari Farkas

John and Heidi Farkash

38 Beersheva

Congratulations to on all the workMyra that has been Gabbay accomplished this past year! We know how much

Sheltersmeans to you, and wefor want youIsrael to know it means a great deal to all of us, too!

We are very proud of you!

We are proud that you and others are continuing your parents’ work. And we are proud to belong to Shelters for Israel and to continue the tradition!

Alain, Peter, Cece and Tim, Ben and Ethan

39 Beersheva

In Loving Memory of my Parents

Eva and Pauland Yager In loving memory of my Aunt and Uncle Helen and Otto Gruetz

George Yager


41 Safed Congratulations to Shelters for Israel



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42 Safed


onShelters 70 years of supporting for Israel Israel.

Kol HaKavod to the many leaders and volunteers throughout the years!

With appreciation to

Myraand Gabbay

for yourKaren dedication andDavid leadership.

Debbie David and Daniel Ben-Zvi Sarah, Joey and Amy Ben-Zvi

43 Safed

Happy Birthday to our wonderful Aunt

We appreciateHedy your Reisman work and dedication to Shelters for Israel

You are an inspiration to us in so many ways! Thank you for being the best aunt! We adore you!

Biz 120 yor!

With much love, Debbie, Dan, Sarah, Joey and Amy Mark, Debbie, Michael and Rebecca and Karen

44 Safed

In loving memory of our dear parents, grandparents, brother & uncle Ernest, Greti and Tommy Herman and

Congratulations to Shelters for Israel for

of meaningful70 volunteer Years opportunities to support the people of Israel through worthy projects

Pini, Jonathan and Joey Herman

45 Safed

Congratulations to Shelters’ former President

Annaon her 91st Deutsch birthday. May she be here to celebrate with us Biz hundert un tsvantsik.

With love and great admiration for all she has done. Michael Maroko, Alexandra Leichter, Ariel Leichter-Maroko, Shimrit Sheetrit, Asher Maroko and Ella Maroko

46 Safed

In Loving Memory of My Beloved Parents

Betty Holocaustand David Survivors Lovi

Your memory will live in our hearts forever I miss you Mom and Dad

Your son, Alex Lovi

and grandchildren, Jessica and Brian Agoura Hills

Am Israel Chai

47 Safed

In loving memory of our dear parents

Susana and andSandor Garai Gertrude and Juan Mannheim You will be forever in our hearts and minds.

We miss you and remember you always.

Kathy Garai Mannheim and Enrique Mannheim

48 Safed

In Loving Memory of our beloved Parents and Grandparents

IrenkeLong timeand and activeLacika members Markley of Shelters for Israel Forever in our hearts We miss you terribly and remember you always

Eddie, Eileen, Graham and Lindsey Markley

49 Safed

Congratulations & Thank You to all the members & friends of

Sheltersfor your incrediblefor Israel love, support & devotion for the State of Israel!!

Rob & Reina Markley & Family

50 Safed

Congratulations on

Shelters' 70th Anniversary Happy 70th to Israel

Agi, Steve, Nicole & Scott Schwartz Carolyn, Jeremy, Sloane, Quinn & Reese Shapiro

51 Safed In honor of our esteemed dear friend

WeMr. admire andDave respect Jacksonyour dedication to all your philanthropic causes. May your family, friends and our entire community follow in your footsteps. We are honored to have been introduced and invited to be part of this beautiful and meaningful event. Shelters for Israel is certainly an important organization. We wish you continued success in all your endeavors. You shine bright in your profession and are an example to all others. We cherish your friendship.

In good health, Neda and Danny Sooferian Claudine, Chandler, Chloe & Chance

52 Safed

In loving memory of

Hymanwhose passion Swerdlow, for classical music zt"l and love for Israel is given life through Shelters For Israel's support for Sulamot.

Ruth and Yael Swerdlow Maestro Games, SPC


54 Eilat




55 “How wonderfulEilat that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” – Anne Frank (1929 – 1945)

So proud to be a part of this amazing organization!

Kol HaKavod to

on yourMyra inspired and Gabbay inspiring leadership!

And with gratitude to you and all of the volunteers for your hard work and dedication to Shelters for Israel!

Karen David

56 Eilat In loving memory

of my daughter

andNicole of my parents Susana and Sandor Garai Always and forever in my heart.

Agi Harris

57 Eilat

Samjoins in saluting Isac

Sheltersfor for Israel

of70 support Years for Israel!


Ethel and Dr.and Victor Kupper



59 Eilat Lilly and David Lewis join in supporting

Shelters for Israel and the

Sulamot Music for Social Change project in Mitzpe Ramon.

60 Eilat In memory of

BennetLong-time Mermelsupporter of Shelters for Israel

From his children, Laura, Leonard and Linda



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62 Eilat In honor of Myra Gabbay and the entire team at

Shelters for Israel Your hard work and dedication are an inspiration.

Leslie & Scott Shlecter

63 Eilat In loving memory of

My dear parents Rezsi and Jeno Jakubovics My dear Uncle Max Klein and Aunt Carol Klein Sisters-in-Law Hedi Garam and Medi Weinberger Brother-in-Law Jozsef Garam and Zsuzsika Garam

You will be remembered always

Kati and Tibor Weinberger

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67 Tiberias In memory of Elie Harris Hamburg Beloved husband, father and grandfather

Tyla Hamburg Bohbot and Family

In Memory For Our Beloved Daughter, Sister, Mother, Aunt, Wife Sandra Brettler In Memory For Our Beloved Husband, Father, & Grandfather Marten Brettler In Memory For Our Beloved Mother Malka Esther And For Our Beloved Parents, Grandparents, & Great-grandparents Sandor & Teresa Katz And For All Our Beloved Family and Friends Who Perished In The Holocaust May Their Memories Always Be For Blessings & Guidance For Us And Future Generations With Everlasting Devotion And Honor From Eva Brettler And Family

Congratulations on Shelters for Israel 70th Anniversary Very proud to be part of this blessed and historical event

68 Tiberias We are proud to support Shelters for Israel! In recognition and appreciation of

Karenfor all their David hard workand andMyra dedication! Gabbay Kol HaKavod!

Debbie Ellerin and Mark David and Family

In honor of Kathy and Henry Mannheim

Elaine and Larry Friedman

69 Tiberias Mazel Tov

Shelterson 70 years of support for forIsrael Israel!

Eva Godel

Congratulations to Shelters for Israel

Mira Indich

70 Tiberias IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY MOTHER Elizabeth Birnbaum z”l




71 Tiberias In memory of my dear parents Lilly and Hugo Somlyo Forever in my heart

Vera Matyas

I would like to congratulate Co-President and the membersMyra of the Gabbay luncheon committee for a job well done.

With much love, Anne Reisman Jonathan Levin

72 Tiberias Mazel Tov

Shelterson 70 years of support for forIsrael Israel!

Isabel Markovits

We Salute

Shelterson thisfor Israel 70th Anniversary!

Galina and Joe Samuel

73 Tiberias

Happy55th - Gabe andAnniversary! Eva Rosenberg 50th - Robert and Madeleine Rosenberg

Love, David and Marie Rick and Eva




74 Tiberias Congratulations to Myra and Alain Gabbay on their dedication to the good work of Shelters for Israel!

Setha and Elliot

Mazal Tov to

onShelters your 70 years of for support Israel for Israel!

Tammy Stockfish

75 Tiberias In honor of our Grandchildren

David, Maxwell, Jacob, Samuel,

Alexandra, Katie, Abby and Benjamin

From their adoring Grandparents

With love, Kati and Tibor Weinberger

In loving memory of our dear friends Irene and Laci Markley We miss you and remember you always.

Kati and Tibor Weinberger

76 TiberiasWe Salute

Shelterson forits Israel 70th Anniversary

Carol and Jordan Weiss

In Memory of Monis Hasson Césarine Hasson Clément Hasson

Love, The Slutzky Family

77 Tiberias

78 In loving memory of my parents Helene and Jack Lebovic Kathy Lebovic

In Memory of

Roseby Adler her children Ross Judy Adler Sheer & Rabbi Charles Sheer

Mazel Tov to Shelters for Israel Margalit Grunberger & Simon Menkes


Shelterson 70 foryears! Israel

Marcia Reines Josephy

79 Mazel Tov to

Shelterson 70 foryears! Israel Rachel Kozaski

We join in saluting forShelters 70 years of support for forIsrael Israel! Ruth Orloff and Michael Levin and Family

In honor of Myra Gabbay Candace and Barry Weisz


Shelterson 70 foryears! Israel

Miriam Lax

80 Project Updates

81 Shanti House tel aviv desert shanti For at-risk youth

The Shanti House Association is happy to share

An update to our friends Spring 2018

Shanti House Warm Home Project – 24 hours a day Family Shelters for Israel is proud to have supported Desert Shanti recently with the soon to be constructed Studio/Dormitory building as part of their Education Center.

Additionally, we are supporting the Shanti House Association’s 24 hour program both in Tel Aviv and in the Negev, which serve as an alternative family for youths left without a family, and those at risk of living on the street, and provides them with shelter and all their physical and emotional needs.

82 Shanti House’s therapeutic model is custom tailored for each youth according to his or her needs and is implemented by an experienced team of counselors that support, guide, care, accept and embrace the youth with love.

The home in Tel Aviv operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Admission of youths is possible at any given time, without requiring official references, a waiting period, or a time limit.

A historic moment: Farewell to 17 Shalosh Street

For the first time since the establishment of the Shanti House, 34 years ago, Shanti House Tel Aviv moved to a permanent home. A home that will enable us to shift from a life of survival to solid existence. On April 2, after years of preparations, months of excitement and long days packing, the Shanti family headed out in a long happy procession from our former home in Shalosh alley to our permanent home, the new Shanti House on 5 Nachum Goldman Street. You are all invited to visit.

83 Summer 2018 Gimmel Foundation Update

Summer is here and the Gimmel camps have begun. The teachers work hard to make the school grounds a place of sports, lunch, crafts and music. And especially a place where learning is fun.

We are studying one page from tractate Megillah. The question being considered is who is permitted to read the Purim Megillah in the synagogue. Can a deaf person, who cannot hear read publicly?

This has given us an opportunity to learn sign language. Children learn to spell out their names. They sing a “sign” song. They meet children with this disability.

Gimmel teaches about the “other”. How does it feel to be different? Tolerance and understanding is the key to building a better society.

I have attached some pictures to help you share the fun.

Eitan Kupietzky Managing Director, Gimmel Foundation

84 The Oehlbaum-Kain Senior Citizens Center Kahan and Gardner Families Shelters for Israel, be’er sheva

Year of construction: 1989

Signage: There are donor signs in the lobby and near the back entrance of the day center.

Background: The center was enlarged and completely renovated by Keren Hayesod donors from Sweden and it re-opened in the summer of 2005 after it had been closed for nearly two years. The original center was a Day Center for the Elderly; the newly enlarged center includes a nursing home for long term care as well.

MATAV is one of the leading nursing support organizations in Israel. They specialize in providing and developing services for the elderly, and services in the field of welfare. MATAV provides its customers with a broad spectrum of nursing services and personalized solutions, and for each and every customer they provide the best nursing solution. They run 17 centers, two of which are in Beer Sheva.

The Center: The facility is very well maintained and is in excellent condition. The Nursing Home wing for long term care has 27 full time residents. The home provides dignity and a quality of life that the residents would not otherwise benefit from in other facilities where they may have been hospitalized. The common area needs to be expanded to provide services. Preliminary planning work has been done on closing one of the atriums and making it an organic part of the building. This remains a priority of the Director. 85 The Day Center wing has a large dining room which is also used for activities and group sessions. The Director would like to install a movable accordion wall that will allow the dining room to split into two separate activity rooms.

There are 52 members, almost half being Holocaust survivors, (with a one-month waiting list) and 40 of them participate in the daily programs, which include: music, baking, aromatherapy, physical therapy, exercise, Swedish massage, games, arts and crafts, in need of close care as – נפש תשושי etc. The participants who arrive daily are classified as many suffer from dementia and other cognitive issues. The kitchen provides hundreds of meals a week for the elderly and staff.

There are twelve full-time employees and another forty part-time professionals staffing both facilities.

The center operates five days a week and starts at 7 AM with the bus service beginning around 6:30 AM. Participants have the option of staying until after lunch (1 PM), or until the end of the scheduled programming at 6 PM. There are eight to ten elderly who also attend on Fridays.

86 The Szaja and Perla Lustman Day Care Center for the Aged Shelters for Israel, haifa

Year of Construction: 2003

Signage: There is a JAFI sign and a donor plaque on the outside wall near the entrance, and another large donor sign inside the building behind the reception.

The Center: The building has been maintained extremely well and is in good condition. The atrium is well maintained, however the wooden roof needs repairs, and the area could use a face lift. The center needs to expand its dining areas and activity space. (The dining room cannot comfortably hold all of the members at the same time.) They would like to enclose the atrium which would allow the dining room to expand. The other possible option is to add a second story to the building. The center recently replaced several air conditioners, but the few that haven’t been upgraded are not in good condition and need to be upgraded. Much of the furniture also needs to be upgraded.

87 The Members: The facility, open to all seniors, serves mainly as a rehabilitation center. Currently there are 150 registered members, with between 60-90 seniors who participate daily. The Center caters to elderly who have slowed down physically and/or mentally. The members are required to pay $4.00 per day (there is a varying scale per recognition by Social Security or the Ministry for Veteran Citizens).

Programming: The goal is to keep the elderly active - a particular emphasis is placed on physical movement. There are many physical and occupational therapy sessions offered, including art, aroma therapy, music, cooking, gardening, Thai Chi, activities with animals, and more. The goal is to ensure the maintenance and, in some instances, improvement, of physical and cognitive functioning.

During the weekends and the over the holidays, the management organizes special activities for the members.

The members are picked up and brought to the center starting at 07:30 AM, where breakfast is served. The members stay until after lunch (around 1:30 PM). There is a weekly afternoon program from 4-6 PM for about 25 independent seniors which includes lectures and trips. The new Director of the Center would like to see this expanded to multiple times per week.

88 The Sandor and Cecilia Freisinger Pre-kindergarten Nursery Shelters for Israel, ma’alot

Year of Construction: 1982

Signage: There is a Mosaic on the front of the building, a large donor sign in the lobby, and several individual donor plaques.

The Center: The facility has been maintained very well and is in good condition. The network tries to invest in maintenance and upkeep.

The center is equipped with plenty of games and toys and the furniture is in good condition. The kitchen needs to replace and add to its cabinetry, and really needs a new freezer. In addition, the washer and dryer (used to wash the children’s sheets, should be replaced.)

The Gymboree is located in the below ground bomb shelter (Ma’alot is quite close to the Lebanese border so the staff has to preform drills periodically getting all the kids to safety - pray for peace). It is well-equipped and due to a flood, the safety mats were totally replaced and it looks great. It is able to accommodate 16 children at a time.

The yards are fairly well maintained - to the best of the staff ’s ability - but the grounds should be upgraded to more modern synthetic grass and play equipment.

89 The Children: The Director and 16 staff members care for 81 children between the ages of three months and three years. The breakdown is: • 21 three to fourteen months old. • 27 fourteen months to two year olds. • 33 two to three year olds.

I visited on the last day of the year. About 45 of the children will be leaving, and currently there are 70+ registrants. That should grow to maximum capacity by the beginning of the academic year.

The children are primarily from average to low socioeconomic families from the surrounding neighborhoods, and reflect the general makeup of the city. 18 of the children have been referred by the welfare office.

Programming: The center operates from 7 AM to 4:00 PM and the children enjoy three meals a day, a weekly rhythm and music class. This year the heads of the groups participated in a series of workshops taught by Prof. Youalis of University of Haifa. Once a week there was a yoga class for the oldest children, and in an effort to maximize the space and programming - once a week the children worked on an ecological garden that is beginning to sprout and produce vegetables and herbs which they have already eaten.

90 the kestenbaum family Day Care Center for the Elderly Shelters for Israel, Illit

Year of construction: 1986

Signage: There is a large, mosaic sign on the outside wall, next to the entrance. Inside there are several small and large plaques commemorating independent donors.

The Center: The facility really looks good. The grounds are well taken care of, including the backyard, which is tended by workers. In fact, recently, workers of the Strauss Corporation, voluntarily cleaned, renovated, and spruced up the backyard so it now serves as a popular gathering place for the members of the Center. There is one large room that can seat up to 100 people, primarily used as a dining room but also for activities. The large room has accordion partitions that can divide the room into three. Each of those three rooms is used for lectures, classes and other group activities.

Other rooms include: a reception area, two small offices, a laundry room, a storage room, a beauty parlor, a computer room, and a bomb-shelter that was used in the past as a physical therapy room, but is now used as a rest area where the elderly can lie down as necessary.

Also there is a small kitchen that is used for re-heating, and distributing meals. The meals are received from a nearby nursing home, which is run by the same organization that operates the center, The Association for the Elderly.

The building itself is in very good shape. In 1994 a new wing was added to the building, which hosts a small dental clinic and a library on the second floor which is also utilized for elderly club meetings for locals.

91 The furniture, particularly the chairs and tables, need to be upgraded quite urgently. (Approximate cost would be $35,300.)

The Members: The Center has 150 registered elderly, and there are about 65-70 who come daily. There is a system of car pickups around the city to bring the elderly at the beginning of the day and to drop them off at the end.

Programming: The Center operates from 7:00 AM, until 1:30 PM, but there are several programs later in the afternoon (from 2:00 PM), so that the center is vibrant until the evening nearly every day. There are art classes, lectures, sports, walking groups (everyone wears the “team t- shirts” a beautiful bright green). In addition, the National Insurance Institute is running a pilot program here (twice a week) to bring elderly to the center in the afternoons; a “second shift” for the Center.

30% of the participants are Russian speakers and many are Holocaust survivors (estimated 50%).

Twice a week there is a social club for more independent seniors and once a week there is a social club for Argentinian immigrants. Every other Friday there are activities for the 60+ year-old demographic.

In addition, classes in English and Computer Science are offered. For the last two years a project was built around the countries of origin of the residents. Folklore, culture, food, music, dress, and more were all represented.

The facility is also used as a neighborhood support center. The staff will assist any senior from the surrounding neighborhoods. Some of the help provided includes haircuts, laundry, grocery shopping, and people to deliver meals (together with a local town over 200 food packages are delivered from here on Fridays in honor of the Shabbat). The Municipality- sponsored Passover Seder for the needy and the lonely was held at the facility.

Staff: The staff is composed of twenty full and part-time employees, and at least twenty volunteers (including young people from a local pre-Army Academy who brightened up the lives of the elderly during my visit). 92 Sheltersrenovation fors wish Israel list

93 Shelters for Israel Existing Projects Renovations Wish List

1. Beer Sheva - The Bennet Mermel Pre-Kindergarten Needs a new classroom and upgrades. It is at maximum capacity. There is a need to open another classroom. Yard needs synthetic grass, landscaping, shade and more play equipment.

2. Beer Sheva - Day Care Center for the Elderly The Oehlbaum-Kain Senior Citizens Center Also sponsored by Kahan and Gardner Families 40 to 50% are Holocaust survivors. Expansion of the common area in the nursing home is needed. The dining room needs expansion. An accordion-like wall would enable splitting the dining room into two.

3. Haifa – The Szaja and Perla Lustman Day Care Center for the Aged The functional areas need to be expanded, especially the dining room. Municipality has given permission. The atrium could be enclosed which would allow space for the dining room to expand. The dining room cannot comfortably hold all of the members.) The air conditioning needs improvement as does the furniture. There are 150 registered members.

4. Kiryat Ata- The Cecilia and Joseph Halmos Pre-Kindergarten Floors and bathrooms need to be renovated. Outdoor therapeutic equipment is needed. This facility caters to children with special needs.

5. Kiryat Bialik – The Gardner and Kahan Pre-Kindergarten Nursery. The building needs renovations – walls, roof and ceiling. There is a total of 130 children enrolled.

6. Kiryat Ekron- Shelters for Israel Cultural Center - Debbie and Leon Farahnik There is a need to replace the roof, repair the walls, add stage equipment and repair the floor. There are plans to convert the upstairs gym into an auditorium. The gym/auditorium can hold 400 people and the multi-purpose room downstairs holds 180. The Center is responsible for all community activities including parades, marathons, tournaments, sports days for the elderly and more.

7. Kiryat Malachi - Library A small auditorium is needed which could be built in the empty area behind the library. The auditorium would be used for writing workshops, art exhibits, poetry readings, visits from authors, a literature club, children’s activities and story time.

94 8. Ma’alot – The Sandor and Cecilia Freisinger Pre-Kindergarten Nursery Renovations are needed in the kitchen and a washer, dryer, freezer and cabinets are needed. The grounds need synthetic grass and more play equipment is needed outside. 81 children are in attendance and maximum capacity will be reached by the beginning of the academic year.

9. Mesilot- Shelters for Israel Center for Autistic Children. Berman Family Day Care Center, Johanna Lowenstein Building with Miriam Hussman and the Farahnik Family Library. The Berman Family Day Care building needs more therapy rooms. Presently, there are only 4. Playgrounds need to be upgraded with synthetic grass and more outdoor therapeutic equipment is needed.

10. , Western Galilee – The Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at Nahariya Hospital. Shelters for Israel generously donated $ 150,000 for incubators to accommodate 32 infants. This equipment may need to be updated and/or augmented.

11. Nazareth Ilit-Kestenbaum Shelters for Israel Day Care Center for the Elderly The building could use new furniture. There are 110 registered elderly and 50-60 attend daily. New tables and chairs are desperately needed.

12. Nazareth Ilit- Markley- Shelters for Israel Senior Center The Center has a unique club of grandparents/grandchildren. 30 families participate. Plans for expansion are in discussion with the Municipality which could double the membership.

13. Sapir Auditorium-The Rosenthal Family Auditorium – with Bennet Mermel sign. The 400 seat auditorium needs air conditioning. The audio/video system also needs upgrading. The auditorium serves as a main focal point for all cultural activities including school plays, class parties, lectures, senior citizen activities, art exhibits, and various holiday and community events.

14. Tel-Aviv PKN- The Kestenbaum Day Care Center The building is showing cracks in the plaster and needs repairs. The bathrooms are old and need renovation. One of the yards was upgraded and the others need to be upgraded including new outdoor play equipment. There are 90 children in attendance.

95 Shelters for Israel Looking Back 70 Years

96 SEPTEMBER 23, 1949 DECEMBER 3, 1949

97 SEPTEMBER 23, 1952 OCTOBER 14, 1952


98 DECEMBER 19, 1957

99 1961

100 101 102 1962-1963

103 AUGUST 5,1963

104 1963-1964

105 MARCH 2,1965

106 1966

107 1967

108 1968

109 1969

110 1970

111 1971

112 1972

113 1973


114 1973

115 1974

116 1977

117 1978

118 1979

119 1980

120 1981

121 1982

122 123 1983

124 1984

125 126 1985

127 128 129 1986

130 1987

131 1988-1989

132 1989-1990

133 1990

134 1990-1991

135 1992-1993

136 1994

137 1996-1997

138 139 140 1999-2000

141 2008-2009

142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 JANUARY 2018 New traditions: Shelters for Israel Games Night

153 Thank You To the Wonderful Hosts who have provided a Home Away from Home for the Sulamot Band and Chaperones from Israel. We greatly appreciate your hospitality and generosity!

Thank You: Ronnie and Mathis Abrams and Edith and Shmuel Reichman 15416 Thank You to all of our Generous Donors who give so full-heartedly throughout the year, because you believe in our organization and our projects. Many of you place ads throughout the year in The Reporter and others wish to remain anonymous...

of your donationsAll matter!

15516 PleasePlease visit visit our our website: updated website:

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156 Israel

In Loving Memory of

Karl Reismanand

Simonwho instilled and their Rachel love of Israel andGabbay of

in theirShelters children andfor grandchildren Israel

In our hearts forever

Hedy Reisman Myra Reisman Gabbay and Alain Gabbay Anne Reisman Peter Gabbay, Cece Gabbay and Tim Bateman, Ben Gabbay, Ethan Gabbay Jonathan Levin