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DONALD DUBH, is the first Cameron of Locheil for whom there is definitive evidence but of whom little is known. Clan tradition states him to have been the 11th Chief and to have married the heiress of MacMartin of Letterfinlay with whom he acquired those lands, but there is no evidence for that and, tradition aside, his existence is proved only by his inclusion in the patronymics of his sons, Allan and Ewen, in 1472. Of his ancestry, Alexander Nisbet, writing in about 1720, could offer no comment and was content to leave such a matter up to those with a knowledge of the Gaelic language. In that tradition, the Bardic MSS of 1467 states his father to have been named Allan, who was the son Maol Anfaigh, son of Paul, son of Gille Padraig, son of Gille Martainn, son of Paul, son of Maol Anfaigh “a quo clann camsronic” (of whom the ). More recently the assertion that he descended from a younger son of Cameron of Baledgarno, in , who acquired Lochiel by marriage with the heiress has gained some traction although if such a union did take place ten generations previous to Donald dubh, any common ancestry between the Camerons of Baledgarno and Locheil would have been extremely remote, and perhaps also even problematic for that paricular theory as there is a reasonable probability that it pre-dated the period in which the surname was first in use. The first Cameron for whom there is evidence for is Robert de Cambrun of Siphane who is named in the settlement of a dispute between the Abbeys of Cambuskenneth and Dunfermline on 24 October 1215,1 and a John de Camburn and Robert de Cambrun both witnessed a charter by King Alexander II. to the

1 Reg. Dunfermline, No. 215. This writ constitutes good evidence that “Cambrun/Cameron” had been adopted as a surname by that date. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

Monks of Scone on 11 July 1234.1 A John de Camburn witnessed a further charter by that King confirming a grant by William de Haya to the Monks of on 18 April 12412 and the first appearance of the Baledgarno line is 1251/1265, when Sir John de Camburn witnessed a charter granted sometime between those dates.3 That Sir John was succeeded by Sir Robert de Camburn of Baledgarno who gave homage to Edward I. of England on 22 July 1296 and he was succeeded by Sir John de Cambrun of Baledgarno who is named in a confirmation by Thomas, , to the monks of Coupar Angus dated between 1314-20x1367, of an earlier grant by John de Inchmartine of that Ilk, and in which the late Sir John de Cambrun is styled his great-grandfather.4 Sir John appears again in a charter by John de Wardroperston to Sir John de Inchmartine dated 1321x265 and his extensive estate was soon after carried off with an heiress, Margaret, on her marriage to Sir John Haliburton of Direlton. That the adoption of Cameron as a surname occurred at an early period in time is proved by evidence here cited, however, there is no evidence to prove that those bearing that surname who emerge into record in the first half of the 13th century shared common ancestry and descended in some protracted way from an older senior line who possessed the lands of Cameron in . Nor, indeed, is there evidence to prove that any family by the designation “Cameron of that Ilk” ever existed. Therefore, beyond a generally accepted assumption that the name itself is of Gaelic origin, whether it was adopted either as a consequence of a peculiar personal characteristic of a noted ancestor or from lands of that name the family inhabited or had rights to some time before the commencement of the 13th century is now wholly unknown. What is certain, though, is that the Camerons of Lochiel emerge into written record in the second-half of the 15th century as a well-established extended kindred united under their own Chief and are referred

1 Cart. Scone. 2 Reg. Coupar Angus. No. 46. 3 RH1/6/14. 4 Reg. Coupar Angus, No. 97. 5 GD16/3/1. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected] to by the Lords of the Isles as “kinsmen.” As convenient as it may be for the modern researcher to assert a relationship to those of the surname who lived several centuries prior to then, it is far more likely that no such common ancestry existed and that historically there have been at least two independent adoptions of the surname, i.e. one in Fife/Perthshire and another in the area of the Highlands. Returning to the first for whom there is evidence, Donald dubh, he was father of,

1. Allan MacDonald dubh, Captain of Clan Cameron, (see below). 2. Ewen MacDonald dubh, was a substitute heir to his brother Allan in a charter of 29 November 1472 and is generally accepted to have been founder of the Cameron of Strone stirpes.

ALLAN MACDONALD DUBH, is styled Captain of Clan Cameron in a charter in his favour by Celestine, Lord of , dated 29 November 1472 granting to him the office of constable of the castle of Strome with the 12 merk lands of Kysrener, in the lordship and earldom of Ross, to himself and the heirs male of his body by Mariota de Insulis, his spouse, which failing, to his brother Ewen MacDonald, and his heirs male.1 He is said to have been k. in a raid he led on MackIntosh lands in circa 1480 but there is no evidence for this, although he was certainly dead by July of 1492, when his son Ewen had succeeded. He was father of :

1. Ewen MacAllan, Captain of Clan Cameron, (see below). 2. John, who is styled John Allani Donaldi when witness to his brother Ewen’s charter for the lands of Lochiel dated 26 August 1492. 3. Donald Allanson, was a witness to a Bond of Surety subscribed by his brother, Ewen, on 7 October 1527.

1 RMS 1424-1513. No. 2281 [1]. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

4. William Roy Allanson, who witnessed a Bond of Surety by his brother Ewen, on 7 October 1527.

EWEN MACALLAN, CAPTAIN OF CLAN CAMERON, succeeded his father by 29 July 1492, when he had a charter from Alexander de Insulis of Lochalsh for 14 merks worth of lands in Lochalsh.1 He had a further charter from that Alexander for the lands of Lochiel dated 26 August 1492,2 and is then styled Eugenio Allani Donaldi, or Ewen, son of Allan, son of Donald. He had a precept under the Privy Seal for his infeftment in the liferent of the lands of Glenloy, , Lochiel and numerous others on 11 April 1539, and had d. by 21 December 1546 when the Queen the escheat of his lands of Locheil, Strone and others, to George, Earl of Huntly.3 Traditionally, he is said to have been a supporter of John Moidertachd of Glengarry firstly, in the defences of his Chiefship of , then against encroachments by the which resulted in open conflict in 1544, at the battle which became known as Blar-na-leine, or field of the shirts on account of their having discarded their plaids and fought in their shirts due to the heat. For his participation he is said to have been one of those executed with MacDonnel of Keppoch in 1546. This may be correct as by evidence cited above it is proved that he was alive in April 1539 and dead by December 1546. He was father of :

1. DONALD CAMERON, was a natural son and in whose favour a precept of legitimation passed the Privy Seal on 15 June 1500.4 On 12 July 1536 he had a gift of the non-entries and ward of the lands of Knoydart which had fallen to the King on the death of Sorle MacIain and is then styled son and apparent heir to Ewen Allanson, Captain of Clan Cameron.5 He m. Anne, daughter of John Grant of Freuchie, (c/m 22 October 1520), and d. vita patris before 3

1 RMS 1424-1513. No. 2281 [2]. 2 RMS 1424-1513. No. 2881 [3]. 3 PS1/20/72. 4 RPS Vol. I. No. 540. 5 RPS Vol. II. No. 2079. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

May 1538, when his father had the gift of the ward of his son, Ewen Donaldson. He was father of :

1a} OF LOCHIEL, who was under age at his father’s death with the King granting his ward to his grandfather, Ewen Allanson, on 3 May 1538.1 He was included in a precept in favour of his grandfather, Ewen Allanson of Lochiel, for his infeftment in the lands of Glenloy, Loch Arkaig and Lochiel on 1 April 1539, and by the terms of which he had the fee thereof assigned to him.2 On succeeding his grandfather he is said to have inherited nothing but trouble and on 18 March 1546/47, he was principle in a respite under the Privy Seal for having given assistance to Matthew, Earl of Lennox.3 He was contracted on 1 June 1534, to marry Janet, daughter of Sir John Campbell, 1st of Cawdor, although this does not seem to have been fulfilled4 and he dsp in around 1553, apparently by the treachery of the MacDougals whose daughter he had been trying to court. 1a} Donald dubh Cameron, who became heir to his brother Ewen in 1553 but being under age, his ward was gifted to George, Earl of Huntly, on 2 March 1553/54.5 He had dsp by January 1558 when his uncle, Allan, had succeeded to Locheil and the Chiefship of the Clan. 2. Allan Cameron, (see below). 3. John dubh Cameron, who is included with his father in a forfeiture by Parliament on 9 September 1545 for “for certain points of treason and crimes of lese-majesty.”6

ALLAN CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, had succeeded his nephew, Donald dubh, as Chief and Captain of Clan Cameron by 30 January 1557/58, when he subscribed

1 RPS Vol. II. No. 2549. 2 RPS Vol. II. No. 2994. 3 PS1/21/3. 4 Cawdor writs. 5 PS1/26/58. 6 PA2/9, II, f. 2r. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected] a Bond of Assurance for himself, his kin, friends and tenants to be live peaceably with Lachlan MackIntosh of Dunnechtan.1 He d. soon afterwards2 and was father of :

DONALD ALLANSON OF LOCHIEL, succeeded his father and d. before 12 February 1563. He was father of,

DONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, succeeded his father and was served heir to him in the 60 shilling lands of Knodart and 20 shilling lands of Glennevis on 12 February 1563.3 He had a charter under the Great Seal for those of Letterfinlay and others in Lochaber on 6 March 1564, in which he is styled son and heir of the late Donald Cameroun Allanson of Lochiel,4 and d. in 1569. He was father of,

ALLAN CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, who as a consequence of being under age at his father’s death in 1569, had his ward gifted by the King to John Caddell of Asloun on 3 January 1571.5 He was of age and had succeeded to his estate by 8 November 1586 when he witnessed a Bond of Caution in favour of Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy. Becoming caught up in the religious intrigues of his time and siding with the Catholic Earl of Huntly, he fell victim to that nobleman’s dramatic fall and as a consequence, his estates were forfeited to the crown and gifted to the courtier Sir Alexander Hay who split them up and portioned them off to various parties including Maclaine of Lochbuy. Apparently, as a means to try to regain proper title, he had himself served heir to his grandfather, Donald Cameron, in the 60

1 GD176/74. In which he is styled “Allan Camroun, Chief and Captain of Clan Chamroun” thereby proving that his nephew, Donald dubh, brother to Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, had died before then and when still in his minority. 2 He and his great-grandson and namesake have frequently been conflated into the one person but as the evidence cited above proves there were two intervening generations which have previously been overlooked. 3 C22/1/17. 4 RMS 1546-1580. No. 1512. 5 RPS Vol. VI. No. 1067. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected] shilling lands of Knoidart on 22 May 1607,1 then to his great-great-grandfather Ewen Cameron alias Ewan Allanson of Lochiel, in the lands of Lochiel on 6 December 1608.2 He m. Mary MacDonald, who is styled his wife when he Discharged Sir Donald MacDonald of Sleat and John MacRannald of Eileantirram of £1000 Scots and 500 merks for tack duty which belonged to her in liferent on 6 August 1634,3 and d. by 25 April 1650. He was father of :

1. John Cameron, younger of Lochiel, (see below). 2. Donald Cameron, 1st of Glendessary, was appointed Tutor to his nephew Ewen Cameron, son of his brother John Cameron, on 14 May 1637.4 He m. a sister of Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, d. in 1687 and had issue, (see Camerons of Glendessary and Dungallon). 3. Jean Cameron, m. Alexander MacDonald, younger of Glengarry. 4. Catherine Cameron, m. Allan MacLean of Ardgour, and had issue.

JOHN CAMERON, YOUNGER OF LOCHIEL, who subscribed a Bond with his father taking surety for their offspring and guaranteeing the safety of those men and tenants of Sir Lachlan MackIntosh of Torcastle residing on the lands of Glen Loy and Loch Arkaig, dated 1620.5 He m. in October of 1626, to Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Campbell, 9th of Glenorchy, (she survived him and m. secondly, to Hector MacLean, 1st of Kinlochaline, by c/m 23 October 16376), and had d. vita patris by 14 May 1637. He was father of :

1. Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, (see below).

1 C22/4/65. 2 C22/4/203. 3 GD201/1/42. 4 GD176/365. 5 GD176/301. 6 GD112/25/123. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

2. Allan Cameron, had the wadset of the lands of Achalader, Bartavurich and Brackley, all in the barony of Glenorchy, from John Campbell, younger of Glenorchy, by contract dated 1 May 1665 and is then styled brother to Ewan Cameron of Lochiel.1 He m. Jean, daughter of Patrick MacGregor of that Ilk, (c/m 21 august 1666), d. before 1682 and was father of : 2a} Allan Cameron, who dsp and to whom his uncle, Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, was served heir male general on 5 February 1717.2 3. Isabel Cameron, m. John Campbell, 2nd of Barcaldine, (c/m 17 November 1657.3 He was widow of Margaret, daughter of James Campbell, 3rd of Clathick, by whom he had issue).

SIR EWEN CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, was born about 1629 and succeeding to the lands of Lochiel and others, he was served heir to his grandfather, Allan Cameron of Lochiel, in the 60 shillings lands of Knoidart on 25 April 1650.4 He took a prominent part in the wars that ravaged the country, however, his actions and exploits are far too extensive to cover here, and it is sufficient to say that having survived many adventures, he lived well into old age and d. in 1719. He m. first, Mary, daughter of Sir Donald Gorm MacDonald, 1st Baronet of Sleat, (c/m 27 November 16575), by whom he is said to have had no issue. He m. secondly, to Isobel, daughter of Sir Lauchlan Maclean of Duart, and by her he was father of,

1. John Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. Donald Cameron, served as a Major in Colonel Murray’s Regiment and d. in 1748. He was father of : 2a} Robina Cameron, m. Robert MacGregor of Glencarnock, (c/m 21 June 1732. He was widow of Christian, daughter of John Campbell of Roro, whom he had m. in 1730, and m. thirdly, in 1751, to Barbara Mary,

1 GD112/2/2/7. 2 Services of Heirs. 3 GD13/19. She is then styled sister to Ewen Cameron of Lochiel. 4 C22/20/38. 5 NRAS3273/5330/13. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

daughter and heiress of William Drummond of Hawthornden. He d. at , in October of 1757), and had issue. 2a} Isobel Cameron, m. Archibald Sinclair. 3. Alan Cameron, who was father of : 3a} Katherine Campbell, m. in 1725, to William Campbell, 3rd of Loch Dochart, and had issue. 4. Margaret Cameron, m. at Edinburgh, on 26 April 1686, to Alexander MacGregor of Balhaldie,1 (he d. at Balhaldie House, in 1749), and had issue 5. Ann Cameron, m. Alan MacLean of Ardgour. 6. Katherine Cameron, m. William MacDonald of Ballinskittog, third son of Sir Donald MacDonald of Sleat, (c/m 19 November 1694.2 He survived her and m. secondly, to Katheirne MacLean), and had issue. 7. Janet Cameron, m. John Grant of Glenmoriston, (c/m 13 March 1696), and d. at Invermoriston, on 9 February 1759, in her 80th year. It is said that over two hundred persons descended from her attended her funeral.3

He m. thirdly, to Jean, daughter of Colonel David Barclay, 1st of Urie, and was father of :

8. Ludovick Cameron, was served an heir of provision to his father on 26 December 1719.4 9. Christian Cameron, m. Alan Cameron of Glendessary,5 and had issue. 10. Jean Cameron, m. on 2 January 1704, to Lachlan MacPherson of Nuid and , (c/m 23 December 17036), and had issue. 11. Isabel Cameron, m. first, Alexander MacLean of Torloisk, (c/m 24 January 1706.1 He was a Captain in the Scots Guards in Spain and dsp in 1711, of

1 OPR – Edinburgh. 2 SRS Lochiel Inventory. 3 Caledonian Mercury. 3rd March 1759, edition. 4 Services of Heirs. 5 GD170/721. 6 GD80/382. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

wounds received at the siege of Briguego, in Spain), by whom she had no issue, and secondly Archibald Cameron, 1st of Dungallon, and had issue. 12. Lucy Cameron, m. Patrick Campbell, 4th of Barcaldine, (c/m 2 April 1707.2 He was widow of Anna, daughter and heir of James Campbell of Kilmun, whom he had m. by c/m 7 August 1700, and d. in 1738). They had issue. 13. Katherine Campbell, m. John Campbell of Achallader, and had issue. 14. Una Cameron, m. Robert Barclay of Urie. 15. Marjory Cameron, m. Alan MacDonald of Morar.

JOHN CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, succeeded his father in 1719 and was an adherent of the Jacobite cause. He raised and led the Clan Cameron throughout the rising of 1715, following which he was attained and his estates forfeited to the crown. He m. Isobel, daughter of Sir Alexander Campbell of Lochnell, and d. in exile at Nieuport, Belgium, in 1748. He was father of :

1. Donald Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. John Cameron of Fassifern, m. Jane, daughter of John Campbell of Achallader, (c/m 23 September 17343), and d. at Fassifern, on Sunday 22 May 1785, in his 85th year.4 He had issue, (see Cameron of Fassifern). 3. Dr. Archibald Cameron, was a well-known Jacobite supporter and evaded capture after the failure of the ’45 until being taken prisoner in 1753. He was taken to and tried there for High Treason, following which he was executed on 7 June of that year. He m. Jean, daughter of Archibald Cameron, 1st of Dungallon, and was father of : 3a} John Cameron of Glenkindy, was a Colonel in French service and m. Elizabeth, daughter of George Hamilton, (c/m 30 July 1754). He was father of :

1 NRAS3283/264/misc. 2 GD170/3399. 3 GD202/26. 4 Caledonian Mercury. 30th May 1785, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

3b} John Cameron, served as a Captain in the army and d. unmmarried. 3a} Donald Cameron of Valentines, was appointed Sheriff of Essex, and became a partner in Harley, Cameron & Son, Bankers, London. He m. Mary Guy, d. at London, on 29 May 17971 and was father of : 3b} Charles Cameron, was a partner with his father in his banking business in London before accepting the office of Governor of the Bahamas in 1804, from which he resigned in 1820. He m. on Thursday 6 August 1789, to Margaret, daughter of James Hay, 15th Earl of Errol,2 and d. at Roydon, on Thursday 26 June 18283 having had issue; 3c} Charles Hay Cameron of Freshwater, Isle of Wight, bap. at London on 12 March 1795 and was for some years a Member of the Council of India. He m. at Calcutta, on 1 February 1838, to Julia Margaret, daughter of James Pattle, Bengal Civil Service, d. at Nuwara, Ceylon, on 8 June 18804 and was father of : 3d} Henry Herschell Hay Cameron, d. unmarried. 3d} Eugene Hay Cameron, b. at Calcutta, on 22 February 1840 and served as Lieutenant-Colonel in the Royal Artillery. He m. at All Souls, St. Marylebone, London, on 18 January 1862, to Caroline Catherine, daughter of John Denis Browne, of Mount Browne, County Mayo,5 and d. on board the S.S. Haytian, on 14 February 1885.6 He was father of,

1 Scots Magazine. 1st July 1797, edition. 2 Scots Magazine. 1st August 1789, edition. 3 Bury & Norwich Post. 2nd July 1828, edition. 4 Evening Post, 17th June 1880 edition. 5 London Evening Standard, 24th January 1862 edition. 6 Morning Posts, 28th February 1885 edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

3e} Archibald Dennis Hay Cameron, b. on 23 May 1863 and m. at Rattoo, County Kerry, on 18 April 1895, to Gartrude, daughter of George Robert Browne of Cahirdown, County Kerry.1 He d. on 20 December 1946 and was father of : 3f} Archibald Eugene Hay Cameron, b. on 15 February 1898, entered the Royal Navy and had the rank of Commander. He m. at Fareham, on Saturday 20 January 1940, to Iona, daughter of Captain William Balfour MacDonald.2 3f} Donald Rolfe MacKenzie Cameron, b. on 17 August 1899 and served as a Captain in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. 3f} Patrick George Lawrence Cameron, b. on 17 November 1902. 3e} Donald Hay Cameron, b. at Southsea, on 21 August 1867 and served as Lieutenant-Colonel in the Central India Horse. He m. at Muttra, India, on 16 February 1905, to Nellie, daughter of George Pilkington, Stoneleigh,3 and d. at Hindhead, on Monday 15 August 1932.4 3e} Caroline Beatrice Cameron, bap. at St. James, Dover, on 5 July 1865 and m. on 29 November 1906, to George Harry Trench. She d. on 12 June 1928.

1 London Evening Standard, 22nd April 1895 edition. 2 Hampshire Telegraph, 26th January 1940 edition. 3 London Dailiy News. 14th March 1905, edition. He is said in some accounts to have died unmarried however in the entry announcing his engagement he is styled as younger son of the late Colonel Eugene Hay Cameron, Royal Artillery. See Dundee Evening Telegraph. 29th December 1904, edition. 4 Surrey Mirror. 19th August 1932, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

3e} A daughter, who d. in infancy, at Charlton, on 24 May 1877.1 3e} Margaret Hay Cameron, bap. at Hayes, Kent, on 22 January 1879 and m. at Christ Church, Ottersham, on 16 October 1894, to Rev. Leonard Alfred Williams, fourth son of Sir Frederick Martin William, Baronet, of Trugulew, Cornwall.2 She d. on 28 June 1950, having had issue. 3d} Ewen Wrottesley Hay Cameron, b. at Calcutta, on 23 December 1843 and settled at St. Regulus, Sri Lanka. He m. at Lymington, on 18 November 1869, to Annie Eisdell, second daughter of Edward Chinnery, M.D. in Lymington,3 (she survived him and m. secondly, at St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge, on 24 August 1905, to R. W. Forrest, Dean of Worcester, and d. at Lymington on Sunday 4 January 19254), d. in December 1889 and was father of : 3e} Ewen Norman Cameron, was a banker and m. at Toronto, Canada, on 15 May 1909, to Marie Antoine Elise, daughter of Victor Kieckchusd.5 3e} Julia Cameron, b. at Lymington, on 24 August 1874. 3d} Hardinge Hay Cameron, b. at Fort William, Bengal, on 5 August 1846 and served in the Ceylon Civil Service. He m. first, in 1879, to Katherine Anne, daughter of Rev. Norman MacLeod, Minister of Barony Church, Glasgow,

1 The Globe, 29th May 1877 edition. 2 Cornubian and Redruth Times, 26th October 1894 edition. 3 Hampshire Chronicle. 27th November 1869, edition. In which he is styled as son of Charles Hay Cameron, late Member of the Council of India. 4 Statutory record. See also Gloucestershire Echo. 6th January 1925, edition. 5 Statutory record. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

(she d. Nuwara, Ceylon, on 27 December 18801), and secondly, at St. Peter’s, Eaton Square, London, on Tuesday 2 December 1884, to Adeline, daughter of Colonel George Pilkington Blake of Thurston.2 He d. at Oxford, in 1911. 3d} Charles Hay Cameron, b. at Belgrave Square, London, on 9 February 1849. 3d} Julia Hay Cameron, b. at Calcutta, on 5 December 1838 and m. at St. Mary’s Church, Putney, on 18 January 1859, to Charles Lloyd Norman, eldest son of George Warde Norman, Bromley-common.3 She d. on 3 October 1873, and had issue. 3c} Isabella Hay Cameron, bap. at London, on 25 March 1791 and m. Sir Henry Charles Darling. She d. at her brother Charles’ house on the Isle of Wight, on 4 February 1871.4 3c} Mary Hay Cameron, bap. at London, on 24 October 1792, m. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on 7 May 1814, to Vice Admiral Philip Wodehouse, and d. on 1 October 1854. 3a} Margaret Cameron, m. Cameron of Strone. 4. Rev. Alexander Cameron, 5. Ewan Cameron,

DONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, is perhaps the best known Chief of the Clan and is generally referred to as the “Gentle Lochiel.” Although being unsupportive of Charles Edward at their first meeting and advising him to “go home,” when other Chiefs pledged their support and the venture was destined to continue, his conscience would not allow him to remain at home and so, with reluctance, he

1 Evening Express. 1st February 1881, edition. 2 Bury and Norwich Post. 9th December 1884, edition. 3 Morning Post, 21st January 1859 edition. 4 Statutory record. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected] raised and led the Cameron regiment throughout the campaign. He was present at the end of the affair at the on 16th April 1746, where he had both his ankles broken by grapeshot and was carried from the field by clansmen. Afterwards, he and his wife and family sought refuge in France, and he suffered attainder and the forfeiture of his estates. He d. at Paris, in October of 1748,1 having m. Anne, daughter of Sir James Campbell, 5th Baronet of Auchinbreck, (she d. in December of 1761 “of a consumption brought on by misfortunes of the family”), and by her he was father of :

1. JOHN CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, who claimed the Lochiel estate on the basis that it was not possessed by his late father at the time of the attainder against him. He dsp at Edinburgh, on 10 November 1762.2 2. James Cameron, served as a Captain the Regimate de Royal Ecossais and d. unmarried, in France, in 1767. 3. Charles Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 4. Isabel Cameron, m. Sir Richard Mores, a Colonel in French Service. 5. Janet Cameron, 6. Donalda Cameron, 7. Henrietta Cameron,

CHARLES CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, succeeded his brother, John, as representative of the Clan and served as a Captain in the 71st Regiment of Foot. He m. in 1767, to Martha Marshall, (she survived him and d. at Berwick, on 13 May 18163), d. in 1776 and was father of :

DONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, in whose favour it was agreed in 1784, that the attainder over the Lochiel estate would be lifted in consideration of a payment of

1 Caledonian Mercury. 31st October 1748, edition. He is said to have died a “few days ago” and that “his Lady, Daughter of Sir James Campbell of Auchinbreck, Bart. is coming over to England to sue for her jointure.” 2 Caledonian Mercury. 10th November 1762, edition. 3 Scots Magazine. 1st July 1816, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

£3433. He m. at Edinburgh, on Thursday 23 April 1795, to Anne, eldest daughter of Sir Ralph Abercromby, 3rd of Tulliebody & Lord Aboukir,1 (she d. on 7 May 1841), d. at Toulous, France, on 14 September 18322 and was father of :

1. Donald Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. Ralph Abercromby Cameron, b. on 12 May 1803 and d. at Richmond, London, on 19 June 1812, in his 8th year.3 3. Alexander Cameron, m. at Oddington, on 1 September 1835, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of Rev. Edward Rice, Dean of Gloucester.4 He was father of : 3a} Ralph Abercromby Cameron, b. on 20 May 1839 and m. at St. Gabriel’s, Warwick Square, London, on 20 July 1869, to Charlotte, daughter of Rev. Henry Thompson.5 He d. on 2 May 1927 and was father of : 3b} Sir Archibald Rice Cameron, b. at Warwick Square, London, on 28 August 1870 and entering the army, he served as an officer in the Black Watch seeing service in South Africa and then in France during WWI. He was appointed General Officer Commanding-in- Chief, Scottish Command and Governor of Edinburgh Castle and d. unmarried, at Edinburgh, on Monday 18 June 1944.6 3b} John Ewen Cameron, b. at Warwick Square, London, on 15 June 1874. He entered the Royal Navy in 1887 and, serving with merit, he was advanced to Commander then Rear-Admiral and given the command of the coast of Scotland which he relinquished in 1927. He m. at St. Sidwell’s Church, Exeter, on Wednesday 14 February 1906, to Marion Gerturde, second daughter of William Granger,7

1 Caledonian Mercury. 25th April 1795, edition. 2 Courier, 7th November 1832, edition. 3 Perthshire Courier. 2nd July 1812, edition. 4 Perthshire Courier. 10th September 1835, edition. 5 Edinburgh Evening Courant. 24th July 1869, edition. 6 Statutory record. 7 Statutory record. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

and d. as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident at Duns on Friday 28 July 1939.1 He was father of : 3c} Marion Eleanora Cameron, b. on 19 January 1907 and m. at Trinity Church, Embleton, on 9 June 1933, to Captain Harold Keith Salvesen.2 3c} Elspeth Fisher Cameron, b. on 18 August 1908 and m. at Rosyth, on 4 April 1929, to Leonard George Crawley,3 a well- well-known cricketer. 3c} Christina Margaret Cameron, b. on 10 November 1913 and m. first, at Holy Trinity Church, Embleton, Northumberland, on Wednesday 1 August 1934, to James Montagu Burgoyne Stopford, Viscount Stopford,4 from whom she was divorced in 1946, and by whom she had issue. She m. secondly, on 6 October 1946, to Captain Christopher Arthur Vian. 3c} Alexa Granger Cameron, b. on 21 August 1918 and m. first, on 9 August 1947, to Captain George Howard Usher Crookshank, son of Colonel Chichester de Windt Crookshank.5 She m. secondly, on 21 January 1963, to Brigadier Patrick Sholto Douglas, and d. on 18 June 1998. 3b} Ralph Abercromby Cameron, b. at Richmond, on 7 August 1877 and m. on 19 December 1911, to Muriel, daughter of Henry William Hamilton Hoare. He d. on 31 May 1952 and was father of: 3c} Mairi Araminta Cameron, b. on 22 August 1917 and m. on 9 November 1946, to St. John Michael Clive Birt. They had issue.

1 Statutory record. 2 Statutory record. See also Yorkshire Post. 10th June 1933, edition. 3 Statutory record. 4 Bucks Herald, 3rd August 1934 edition. 5 Statutory record. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

3c} Jean Abercromby Cameron, b. on 23 April 1920 and m. on 24 January 1948, to Major Alexander Tatton Bardwell. She d. between 27-29 January 1948, being lost on board the Star Tiger airliner off Bermuda at the start of their honeymoon.1 3b} Eleanora Cameron, d. unmarried, on 1 November 1946. 3b} Christina Charlotte Cameron, m. at St Peter’s Church, Cranley Gardens, on 30 November 1916, to Rev. John Murray Ballard, St. Leonard’s Rectory, Lasswade.2 She d. on 26 November 1936. 3a} Edward Alexander Cameron, bap. at Honington on 24 March 1843, and became a Civil Engineer. He m. at Radipole, Dorset, on 5 June 1873, to Emma, daughter of Rev. Edward Banks, of Soughton Hall,3 (she d. at Buxton, on 13 February 19014), and dsp in 1905. 3a} Anne Emily Cameron, d. unmarried, on 30 October 1916.5 3a} Catherine Charlotte Cameron, b. in 1841. 4. Anne Cameron, b. on 9 November 1800 and m. at Denton Park, Yorkshire, on 2 September 1846, to Rear-Admiral John Hay, son of George Hay, 7th Marquess of Tweedale.6 She dsp on 30 November 1850. 5. Matilda Cameron, b. on 3 March 1802 and d. unmarried, at Kensington, on 12 December 1893.7

DONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, b. on 25 September 1796 and succeeded on his father’s death in 1832. He m. at London, on 31 July 1832, to Vere Catherine Louisa, youngest daughter of George Vere Hobart, and sister to the Earl of Buckinghamshire,8 (she d. at Eccleston Square, London, on Thursday 15

1 Sunday Post. 22nd February 1948, edition. 2 Statutory record. See also Southern Reporter. 7th December 1916, edition. 3 Bedfordshire Mercury. 14th June 1873, edition. 4 Statutory record. See also Gloucestershire Echo. 16th February 1901, edition. 5 Statutory record. See also Chelthenham Looker-On. 4th November 1916, edition. 6 Morning Post, 7th September 1846 edition. 7 Statutory record. See also Dundee Advertiser. 15th December 1893, edition. 8 Perthshire Courier. 16th August 1832, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

November 18881), and d. at Hampden House, Buckinghamshire, on 4 December 18582 having had issue;

1. Donald Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. George Hampden Cameron, b. in October of 1840, and who, in August of 1866, had Royal licence to assume the additional surname and arms of Hampden in consideration of the terms of his uncle George Robert, Earl of Buckingshire’s will. He d. at Eccleston Square, London, on 23 June 1874, aged 33 years3 3. Anne Louisa Cameron, b. on 4 July 1843 and d. unmarried, at Eccleston Square, London, on 24 June 1864.4 4. Julia Vere Cameron, m. at St. Michael’s, Chester Square, London, on 15 June 1870 to Captain Hugh MacKenzie, 15th Regiment of Foot,5 and d. on 2 March 1921. 5. Sibella Matilda Cameron, m. at St. Michael’s, Chester Square, London, on 12 December 1865, to Rev. Henry George John Veitch of Eliok,6 and d. on Monday 7 April 1890, from an attack of Russian influenza.7 6. Albinia Mary Cameron, d. at Haseley Rectory, on 24 January 1861.8

DONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, b. on 5 April 1835 and succeeded his father in 1858. He m. in the private chapel in Dalkeith Park, on Thursday 9 December 1875, to Margaret Elizabeth Montagu-Scott, second daughter of Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott 2nd Duke of Buccleuch,9 (she d. at Bryanston Place,

1 Statutory record. See also 17th November 1888, edition. 2 Inverness Courier. 9th December 1858, edition. 3 Statutory record. See also Aberdeen Journal. 1st July 1894, edition. 4 Statutory record. See also Banffshire Journal. 5th July 1864, edition. 5 Morning Post, 17th June 1870 edition. 6 Greenock Advertiser. 19th December 1865, edition. 7 Bath Chronicle. 10th April 1890, edition. 8 Bucks Herald. 2nd February 1861, edition. 9 Statutory record. See also Morning Post. 11th December 1875, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

London, 5 February 19181), and d. at , on 30 November 1905.2 He was father of :

1. Donald Walter Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. Ewen Charles Cameron, b. on 18 February 1878 and d. unmarried, on 21 March 1958. 3. Allan George Cameron, b. on 27 July 1880 and serving as Captain in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, was k. in action during WWI. on 26 September 1914.3 He m. at St. Andrews Cathedral, Inverness, on 6 October 1908, to Hester Vere, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Grant Fraser- Tytler of Aldourie,4 and was father of: 3a} Angus Ewen Selwyn Cameron, b. on 20 January 1914 and served in the Scots Guards during WWII. He m. on 5 September 1949, to Judith Evelyn Maud, daughter of Brigadier George Evan Michael Baillie, d. in February of 2001 and was father of : 3b} Angus Iain Cameron, b. on 10 June 1952 and m. in 1973, to Candida, daughter of Ronald Fryer-Smith. He has issue : 3c} Lorien Cameron, b. in 1975. 3c} Fiona Camron, b. in 1978. 3b} Hester Caroline Cameron, b. on 22 June 1950 and m. in 1972, to Ray Hand. They have issue. 4. Archibald Cameron, b. on 5 January 1886 and served as Captain in the 3rd Battallion, Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. He was k in action at Arras, France on 3 May 1917.

DONALD WALTER CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, b. on 4 November 1876 and succeeded on his father’s death in 1905. He m. at All Saints, Ennismore Gardens,

1 The Scotsman, 8th February 1918 edition. 2 Statutory record. See also: Dundee Courier, 1st December 1905 edition. 3 Dundee Courier, 5th October 1914 edition. 4 Inverness Courier, 9th October 1908 edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

London, on Thursday 29 March 1906, to Hermione, daughter of 5th Duke of Montrose,1 (she d. in 1978), d. at Inverness, on 11 October 19512 and was father of :

1. Donald Hamish Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. Allan John Cameron, b. on 25 March 1917 and was a Captain in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders during WWII. When serving in the Middle East he had reported missing since 21 June 1942, although confimration was afterwards received of his having been taken prisoner. He m. at Edinburgh, on 29 June 1945, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Colonel A. V. H. Vaughan-Lee of Dillington Park,3 and d. on 4 December 2011. He was father of : 2a} Allan Douglas Hanning Cameron, b. on 30 August 1946 and d. by accidentally drowning on 28 August 1965. 2a} Ewen James Hanning Cameron, b. on 24 November 1949 and was created a life peer under the title of Baron Cameron of Dillington on 29 June 2004. He m. in 1975, to Caroline Anne Ripley and has issue : 2b} Ewen Allan Hanning Cameron, b. on 10 July 1977. 2b} James Alexander Hanning Cameron, b. on 14 May 1979. 2b} Angus Derek Hanning Cameron, b. on 19 March 1983. 2b} Flora Patricia Elizabeth Cameron, b. on 13 October 1986. 2a} Archibald Keith Cameron, b. on 18 February 1955. 2a} Christina Marion Cameron, b. on 30 September 1948 and m. Charles Evans. 2a} Bride Donalda Elspeth Cameron, b. on 15 October 1956 and m. in 1981, to Donald Alasdair Graham, son of James Graham, 7th Duke of Montrose. They have issue.

1 Falkirk Herald, 28th March 1906 edition. 2 Statutory record. See also: Dundee Courier, 12th October 1951 edition. 3 Statutory record. See also. Aberdeen Journal. 30th June 1945, edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

3. Charles Alexander Cameron, b. on 29 September 1920 and m. on 14 February 1953, to Felicia Margaret, daughter of Colonel Kenneth Lachlan MacDonald of Skeabost, Skye.1 He was father of : 3a} Kenneth Charles Cameron, b. on 29 December 1958, and m. on 29 December 1988, to Kerry Anne, daughter of Richard Gutteridge. He has issue : 3b} James Alexander Cameron, b. in 1992. 3b} Nicholas Calum Cameron, b. in 1995. 3b} Kate Lillian Iona Cameron, b. in 1989. 3a} Johanna Margaret Cameron, b. on 10 May 1956 and m. on 4 November 1995, to Colin George Wilson. They have issue. 4. Violet Hermione Cameron, b. on 6 May 1907 and m. at St. Margaret’s, Westminster, on Wednesday 23 April 1930, to John Stewart of Ardvorlich.2 They had issue. 5. Marion Hester Cameron, b. on 21 October 1914 and m. at the Guard’s Chapel, London, on 6 April 1938, to Ronald Archibald Norman Orr-Ewing.3 She d. on 31 May 1997.

DONALD HAMISH CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, b. on 12 September 1910 and succeeded in 1951. He m. at St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge, London, on 21 July 1939, to Margaret, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Nigel Charles Garthorne-Hardy,4 and d. on 26 May 2004. He was father of :

1. Donald Angus Cameron of Lochiel, (see below). 2. John Alistair Nigel Cameron, b. on 24 June 1954 and m. first, in 1982, to Julia, daughter of Count Wurzburg. He m. secondly, on 12 November 2009, to Clare, daughter of Peter Parson, and has issue :

1 The Tatler, 25th February 1953 edition. 2 Statutory record. See also Aberdeen Journal. 5th February 1930, edition. 3 Dundee Evening Telegraph, 7th April 1938, edition. 4 Aberdeen Press and Journal, 22nd July 1939 edition. © Red Book of Scotland – 2020. [email protected]

2a} Hamish Cameron, b. in 1985. 2a} Robert Andrew Cameron, b. in 1991. 2a} Kirsty Anne Cameron, b. in 1987. 3. Margaret Anne Cameron, b. on 5 August 1942 and m. in 1968, to Timothy Elwyn Nott-Bower. They have issue. 4. Caroline Marion Cameron, b. on 9 August 1943 and m. in 1967, to Blaise Noel Anthony Hardman. They have issue.

DONALD ANGUS CAMERON OF LOCHIEL, b. on 2 August 1946 and succeeded his father in 2004. He m. on 1 June 1974, to Cecil Nennella Therese, daughter of Peter Francis Walter Kerr, 12th Marquess of Lothian, and has issue :

1. Donald Andrew John Cameron, b. on 26 November 1976 2. Catherine Mary Cameron, b. on 1 March 1975, 3. Lucy Margot Therese Cameron, b. on 5 July 1980. 4. Emily Frances Cameron, b. on 18 January 1986.