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DOWN UNDER Volume VIII. No.2. October, 1972 Newsletter of the NATIONAL CAVES·ASSOCIATlON DOWN UNOlN NEWSLETTER OF THE NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION EDITOR: ROY A. DAVIS, Cumberland Caverns, McMinnville, Tenn. 37110 CLAI~A HEIDEMANN I President - Natural Bridge Caverns, Natural Bridge, Texas CARL GIESCN" Vice President - Ruby Falls, Chattanooga, Tennessee ROY A. nAVIS! Sec-Treas. - Cumberlanl:1 Caverns, MclVIinnville, Tennessee REGIONAL DIRECTIORS: 1. Harrison Turk, Howe Caverns], New York 2. Carlos Wine, Skyline Caverns] Virginia 3. Dick Borden, Sequoyah Caverns, Alabama 4. Wayne McCord, Fantastic Caverns, Missouri 5., Andy Anderson, Lake Shasta Caverns, California 6. Fred Hanneman, Cave of the Mounds, Wisconsin DOWN UNDER is published quarterly by the NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION, Rt. 6, McMinnville, Tenn. 37110. (6151 668-4396. Material for publication should be sent to the Editor at the above address. COVER: The door to LAKE SHASTA CAVERNS, Californla--is open to all cavemen: for this month's NATIONAL CAVES ASSOCIATION VIII. ANNUAL CONVENTION. Don't miss the tours, the fun, food and fellowship ... October 17-20,1972 VIII. AUNNAL NCA CONVENTION LAKE SHASTA CAVERNS,Redding Calilornia October 17 . 21, 1972' This year's NCA Convention offers western scenery at its best. Lake Shasta is nestled in the beautiful northern California Cascade Mountains. Convention Headquarters will be at Bridge Bay Resort Motel on Lake Shasta; and guests are invited to stay at the Lodge or on a Houseboat on the lake. If flying come to San Francisco and then catch AIR WEST Airlines to Rcddlngv-tbc only commercial line that serves northern California. If you advise the Motel of your arriv- al they will have a car meet you at the airport. Or, you might like to rent a car in San Francisco--and drive to Redding; about 4 hOurs north--good freeway, Interstate ,5, all the way. Bridge Bay Resort is 10 miles north of Redding, Calif. Take the Br idgo Bay exit from 1-5. There will be someone to greet you at the Motel when you arri vc. If you're driving take any of the main highways to California and junction with 1-5. Lake Shasta Caverns is located 15 miles north of Redding, Calif., 1-3/4 miles off 1-5; take the O'Brien-Shasta Caverns exit. Telephone: Lake Shasta Caverns, (916) 241-0586. VIII. AUNNAL NeA CONVENTION LAKE SHASTA CAVERNS, Redding l:alifDrnia October 17· 21, 1972 20 Schedule TUEsnA Y, OCTOBER 17. Registration at Bridge Bay Resort, Shast1a Lake, Calif. (arriving all day). 6:00 pm : Cocktails and Hospitality Hour '(Bridge Bay). Dinner on your own. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18. Breakfast on your own. 10:00 am: Leave [or tour of Lake Shasta Caverns. (Board Cavern Queen at Bridge Bay docks.) 1 12:00 noon. Return to Bridge Bay via Shasta Caverns main chalet. Lunch will be host- ed and served at Shasta Caverns main chalet. Return trip to Bridge Bay will be ar- rungod by private cars. 1:30 pm: Lake Shasta (Meeting of all the committees). Afternoon free for everyone else to sighl- see in and around Redding, Calif. Boats available to explore the. lake. 6:00 pm: Cocktails and. dinner. (hosted). 8:30 pm: Meettngot Regional Directors land Officers at Bay Bridge. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19. Breakfast on your own. 9:00 am: Open meeting. Pres. Clara Heidemann presiding. 10:30 am: Rest break. 11:00 am: Welcoming to California. (Honorable Btez Johnson. U. S. Congressman, this District.) "Role of Recreation and Travel in the Economy of Northern California." 12:00 noon. Lunch (hosted). 1:30 pm: Report of special committees & Treasurer's report. 3:30 pm: Adjourn (or tour of Lake Shasta on Cavern Queen. 4:30 pm: On your own. 6:00 pm: Cocktails and dinner. (hosted). FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20. Breakfast on your own. 9:00 am: Business meeting and election of officers. 10:30 am: Rest break. 11 :00 am: What the meetings of NCA. mean to the organization. Open to discussion from the floor ~ 12:00 noon. Set sights for 1973 NCA Convention. 21 1:30 pm: Adjourn: all people who wish to catch flights will be provided wtth transpor- tation. Commercial CaveJ 01 cAmerica From tim to time we are asked to provide a listing of all the commercial Caves in the United States. Such a list is kept on mailing-machine plates by the Secretary--but fur- nishing a copy for those who request it necessitates running ott a card-file for each in- quiry. By publishing the known caves of the United States in DOWN UNDER; we hope to be able to save some effort; and we hope having the list will be helpful to all cave op- erators. The following is listed according to NCA,National Regions, and broken down into state' within each of the six Regions. NCA member caves are underscored. The below list is as accurate as our Intormation permits. We request that.cave c tors review the list and report any corrections, additions or deletions' to theSec w·;r;70N I. RBGION II. Bl-ue SPl>illgS Cave, Rt. 1, Bedford, Ind. 45421 ronaideon, nanun- & Twin Caves, Spring Mill State Park, Mitchell, Ind. 47446 endtoee ,\;Rillel' Caves, Cave River Valley, Campbellsburg, Ind, 47108 I MaJ'cllflc' CalX:, ftkU'OIlg0, Ind, 47140 squire Boone Caverns, P.O. Box 711, New ALbany, Ind. 47150 I';Y,lII.rvt~e Caves, Indiana State Forestry, Wyandotte, Ind. 47179 ,"'aJ'tC:l' Cavus, State Park: & Casaade Caves, Olive Hill, Ky. 41164 CI'ystaL Ony;r:Cavu, Cave City, Ky. 42127 Dml'i<'Z Boone te Cave, Rt. J, sichotaevctte, Ky. 40356 [,'lond (.~a"Cl·lIs, Park. City, Ky. 42160 -t-vnce .!< Coach Caves, Park: ftlCQllmothResort, Park City, Ky. 42160 Loe t: !liaer. Cave. Rt, 4, Bowling Green, 'Ky. 42101 jlJa).'ll.'lothCave NatiolliJ.L Pcu,k. Mamnoth Cave. Ky. 42259 NQ),'Il~lothOnyx Cave, Box 5::7, llorse Cave, Ky, 42749 Sclltpetl'e ccee, Nt, Vel>lloll, Ky, 40456 8.:',-71'Cave. Rt. 1. Box MiO, Buchanan. Niah. 49107 ,CpystaL Cave.• Ohio 43456 22 t·/orovel Cave PaJ'k. Silver tJ,:JlZ,u' ('it:" :·f,), d5dllJ' t.feroaTnec 8l'idaZ Cave, Camdenton, No. 65020 . B-~g_Springs Onyx Cauerne, Box 151, V,lH B:Il',"I,', i1!,'. (,"'9U5 Bluff Dweller's Cave, Rt. 2, Box :::29. N(x:!., Nc'. d.J,'5·) Boone Cave, Rcahenport , Mo. 65279 Civil War Cave. Rt. :3, Ozcp.'k, Mo. 65?::;1 Crystal Cave, U.S. 65, Sppingj'ieZJ, ft}(). U5800 Crystal coveme, Caeeui Tie , Mo. 656;]5 Fantastic Cwel'lts. Rt. 11, Box 19;)5, Sp!'illgi"i ..;Z,/, Nt'. 1J"580;; Fisher's Cave, Maramec State Pork, Sullio.m, Mo. fJ3080 Honey Branch Cave, EZkhead, Mo. 65643 Jaoobs Cave, VersailZes, Mo. 65084 Keener CaVe, Williamsville, Mo. 63473 MOr'k Twain CaVe, Box 822, Hannibal, No. 63101 MQl'Ve~ CaVe Park, Silver Dollar Nt!!, Mo. 65U]U MeY'ameo Caverna, Stanton, Mo. 6JO?D Mystic RiveT' Cave, Camdenton, Mo. 65020 Old Spanish Cave, Reeds Spring. Mo. 65737 Onondaga Cave, Leasburg. Mo. 65535 Ozark Caverns, Osage Beach, Mo. 65065 Ozark Wonder Cave, Noel, Mo. 64854 Rehel Cave, Silva, Mo. 63964 Round Spring Cavern, Round $pring, Mo. 65467 Smittle Cave, Grove Springs, Mo. 65662 Stark Caverns, Box 129, Eldon, Mo. 65026 Talking Rocks, Reeds spring, Mo. 65?S? Truitt's Cave, Box 34, Lanagan, Mo. 6484? REGION V. Colossal Cave, Vail, Ariz. 85611 Grand Canyon Caverns, Box 100, Dinosaur, Ariz. 864~1 BeaP Gulch CaVes, Pinnacles Natl. Monument, Raicinec, Cali[. U~01~ Boyden Cave, Kings Canyon Nat!. Park, Ash Mountain. Cal'iI. iM(l,':;i Crystal,Cave, Sequoia Natl. Park. Three Rivers, Calif. 9J~71 Lava Beds Caves, La,va Beds Na'tl. Nonument , Tulelake, CaliI. U(j];'j1 LaJolZa Caves, 1325 Coast Blvd., LaJolla, Calif. 920J7 Lake Shasta Caverns, P.O. Box 801, O'Brien. Calif. 96070 neroer Caverns, P ..Q. Box 477, Murphys, Calif. 95217 Mitohells CaveT'ns State Park, Essex, Calif. 92332 Moaning Cave, P.D. Box 122, Vallecito, Calif. 95251 Cave of the Winds, Box 228, Manitou Springs, Colo. 80829 Alabaster Cave~Bs State Park, Freedbm, Okla. 73842 Lehman Caves, Lehman Caves Natl. MOnument, Baker, Nev. 89Jll Cav.lsbad CaVerns National Par'k, P.O. Box 1598 •. Carlsbad, N.M. !1fJ~~0 Ice Caves, Box 12,000 Ioe Caves Rd., Gpants, N.M. 87020 Cascade Caverns, Rt. t , Box 5?.1..Boer-ne, Texas '18006 Caverns of Sonora, Box 213, Sonora, Texas '16950 Century Caverns, Rt. 2. Box 99B, Boerne. Texas 78006 Cobb Cavern, Cobb Springs Ranch, Florence, Texas 7652'1 Inner Spaoe, Georgetown, T~xa8 78626 Longhorn cauerne State Par'k, Burnet, Texas '18611 Na.tural- Bridge Caverns, Rt. 3, Box 515, NatuI'Ql Bridge, 'l' Wonder Cave, P.O. Box 1569, San Marcos, Texas 78666 Timpanogos Cave Nan, MonWllent, Rt. 1, BOx 200, Ameriaan Pork, Utah &100J REGION VI. Crystal Ioe Cave, North pleasant Valley Rd., American FaIle, JrUlh0 8~~11 lava Caves, Craters of the Moon Natl. Monument, .11'ao,Idaho 8J/.n Minnetonka Caves, Caohe MatZ. Forest, Paris, Idaho 83261 Shoshone Ioe Caves, Gooding, Idaho 83330 Crystal Lake Cave, Rt. 3, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Maquoketa Cave, waquoketa. Iowa 52060 Olentangy .Ind'ianCaverns, lll;:)Home Rd., De'lawa:r>e,Ohio 13015 ohio Caverns, Nt. 1, West Liberty. ohio 43357 Perry Cave, South Bass Isle, Put-in-Bay, Ohio 43456 ~eneoa Caverns, Bellvue. Ohio 14811 Seven Cave~, Bainbridge, Ohio 45612 Zane Caverns~ Bellefontaine, Ohio 13311 Battlefield Crystal Caverns, Stx'a$burg~ Va, 88657 Dixie Caverns, 5596 Highfields Rd., SW, Roanoke, Va. 24153 Endless Caverns, New Market, Va. 22841 Grand Caverns, Gr>ottoes, pc • 24441 L:auy Caverns, P.O.