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In this issue: • The Big Picture • Research and Scholarship • Achievements

"Van Gogh's Ear" is published monthly and is edited by Lindy Burns, with layout and design by Gillian Stack. Letters to the Editor (no longer than 300 words and signed), reports on outstanding and unusual research, news and human interest ,uories are welcome. Please contact either Lindy Burns or Rosemary Roohan at the University's Information and Public Relations Unit on 216440 or 216463. "Van Gogh's Ear" is printed on recyded stock. SIR BEDE CALLAGHAN (1912-1993)

Sir Bede Callaghan, after whom the rather than spend a lot of time thinking University~s geographical location was about. He always tried to spend some time renamed in 1992, died from a heart attack during the weekend relaxing. Pastimes that in mid-September, aged 81. He was the were particular favourites were lawn bowls University's second Chancellor holding and following the football, especially the the position from 1977 to 1988 after serving t:Ound ball variety. Having spent some time as Deputy Chancellor to Sir Alistair in London, his allegiance to the Chelsea McMullin from 1973 to 1977. Born and soccer club remained with -him until his educated in Newcastle. he was General death. Sir Bede liked all types of sports and Manager of the Commonwealth Develop­ took such roles as his Chairmanship of the ment Bank (1959-65) before being appointed Institute of Sports Medicine very seriously. Managing Director of the Commonwealth Although closely interested and involved Bank in 1965; a position he held until his in government matters throughout his life; retirement in 1976. During- a distinguished Sir Bede never had the desire to go into

career, he also held the post of Chairman of .. pOlitics. That he left to his son-in-law t fonner the Foreign Investment Review Board and NSW Premier, Nick Greiner, whose wife. Executive Director of the International Kathryn survives her father together with Monetary Fund. He was awarded the John her two sisters and mother. Mollie. Storey Medal in 1974 by the Australian Shortly after Sir Bede's death, the Vice­ Institute of Management and in 1977 - knighthood, Sir Bede commented on his Chancellor, Professor Mortiey spoke on received the Rotary Club's annual work ethic til suppose it was rtiy Catholic behalf of those who remembered him well. Vocation.al Service Award. He was knighted background and iny parents' attitudes "He worked tirelessly in his II years as for distinguished services to banking in towards work that strongly influenced my Chancellor and was dedicated to making 1976. own approach. I do believe ,there is a certain the University of prime importance not only Despite his achievements, or perhaps moral obligatien involved. We have a re­ for the Hunter' Region, but also for New because of them, his theory on life and work sponsibility to work to the best of our ability South Wales and . When he was a straight-forward one. He always arid we have an obligation to those we work stepped down in 1988 he still mainiained found his work satisfying and therefore did for," close links with the University and he will itto the best of his ability. In the year of his However, work was something he did be sadly missed by many good friends that ~e had on campus."



Chairman of Environment Week. Kevin McDonald displays the project's promotional T-Shirt

Thanks to the initiative shown by former planner, Dr Don Morris, the University now has ,its own Wetlands area. The area, situated ,<, behind the engineering buildings, The new We/lands area: " ... 0 special place," was officiaUy opened,appropriately by Dr Morris, -during Environment Week. University Environmental Affairs Officer Kent Gillman, said that during the 1970's, Dr Morris used to go down to the swamp behind Engineering on weekends to clear the lantana. "Now we've got a wetlands which is sustainable. It has all sorts of fish and frogs and birds. It really is a special place." ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK

ENVIRONMENTAL ART MAKES AN IMPACT To see people pause, then stand back to appreciate, then move in closer to carefully study the artworks on display in the foyer of the Great Han was a reward in itself for curators, Herbert Heinrich and Anne Llewellyn, both members of staff in the Department of Fine Arts. The Exhibition by thirteen invited artists was based around an,environmental theme. It was held to complement the University's Environment Week, a week which focussed on the important issues of having respect for. appreciating and preserving ourenvironment and featured educational, social and cultural events. The Exhibition was opened by the Direc­ tor of the Northern Regions Environment Protection Authority. Mr Brian Gilligan. Mr Gilligan said that the art reflected people's reactions to what is happening in One of the worlG that captured people's attention ; "The uncovered male skull" (oil on canvas) the environment. He said that at last people by John Baily. are becoming more aware of the need to protect our environment. tho-ugh, people are incorporating environmental activities into their mainstream activities, "Artwork is an integrating mechanism. It pulling it into their consciousness." brings together our feelings, interaction and "It's interesting to note how much our emotions are bound up in the environment. Some of perceptions about our surroundings," Mr this art is an expression of our anguish that our environment is needing protection," he said. Gilligan said. "This is one of the main aims of the Environment Protection Authority. We work hard "We have tended tocompartmentalise the to make sure that environmental awareness is not an add-on, but integrated into people's environment and think of air, water and the daily lives and work," he added. land as separate components of it. Now, WHY FIGHT NATURE, MAKE IT AN ALLY

According to its Chainnan, Mr Kevin mulching and conservation of water are McDonald, the University's Environment now starting to come into their own. He Week fulfils three purposes. These are to be also said that the recycling initiatives for proud of our natural bushland campus. to bottles. paper and other products enhance show that we practice what we preach in these initiatives. environmental management and to make The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Raoul sure that we join in the global effort to Mortley, endorsed these sentiments and protect the environment. announced that the Hunter Water Corpora­ Kevin was speaking at the official opening tion will set up an endowment to sponsor of Environment Week, the second to be held a Chair in Environmental Engineering. and now an annual event on the University He said that Engineering. Science, calendar. Philosophy. Economics and Management The week was filled with activities centred as well as Architecture are important areas around environmental issues. Bushland of academic pursuit that need to consider campus walks, clean up the campus projects, environmental issues. displays, an environmental art exhibition The Environment Week opening was and a 'plant a tree' campaign were some of attended by the Newcastle Lord Mayor. Cr. the features. The NRMA conducted John McNaughton and the Deputy Mayor a test station to see how vehicles rated as of Lake Macquarie. Cr. Bob Tsousis. A tree pollution producers whilst a vehicle free planiing ceremony took place outside the day saw many people travel to campus by Chancellery after the function. Trees were alternative means, no mean feat in the planted by the President of the Student commuter era. Union, Ms Karen Watts, Crs. McNaughton Kevin said it is particularly evident that and Tsousis. the Vice-Chancellor, Warden The Vice-Chancellor. Professor Raoul Mortley The University of Newcastle is environ­ of Convocation~ Ms Jean McGarry and assists the University's Bushland Regeneration mentally conscious. He said the current President of the Friends of the University. Officer. Mim Woodlands. to plant one of the landscaping initiatives which use self Mr Keith Barbour. many trees pili in during the opening of sustaining methods such as mounding, Environment W uk ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK


The 1980's were unparalleled in awaken­ dairy industry. The Dairy Research and system in retaining and removing nutrients ing human consciousness to our impact on Development Corporation has, however, will be examined. the global environment. Pollution of land, recently produced guidelines for on-site The project will also involve the const­ waterways and the ocean is no longer waste treatment and management. But are ruction of pollution control systems, acceptable, and new ways of waste disposal these guidelines sufficient to combat the incorporating various wetland configurations. are constantly being sought by the general nutrient problem? at a number of locations in the lower Hunter community. industry and agriculture. In the "While the guidelines represent good Valley. According to Phil, systems can , dairy farmers are being management practice in terms of suspended be constructed relatively cheaply and the asked to consider more environmentally and organic matter in the waste, they do not technology demonstrated by farm visits sound ways to dispose dairy wastewater. particularly address the situation regarding and field days. "The environmental impact Agricultural practices contribute a nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen," • of this intensive industry can be minimised if significant amount of nutrients, such as Phil said, adding that artificial wetlands dairy wastes are treated on the farm and "nitrogen and phosphorous, to water bodies. may provide the solution. utilised effectively," Phil said. These nutrients may result in algal blooms. Artificial wetlands have been successfully Recent studies indicate that phosphorous used for effluent polishing for other waste levels in the Williams River, a prime source streams such as urban runoff and industrial of Newcastle's water supply, are on the effluents. The various physical, chemical increase. And, according to researchers, and biological processes which occur some 96% of this phosphorous comes been well documented. from grazing, forestry and dairying. Already a dairy property Approximately 70 dairies are located in near Dungog has had the Williams River Catchment and the a basic pollution control majority of these currently dispose of waste system, incorporating by overland flow into vegetated paddocks. a wetland. installed. Effluent may then enter the water cycle Phil explained that and contribute to the nutrient load of the the system includes river system. In an effort to reduce this anaerobic and nutrient load, researchers at the University. aerobic treat­ in collaboration with the Hunter Catchment ment ponds, Management Trust and the Hunter Water followed by Corporation, have embarked on a project a wetland sys­ to investigate the performance of artifici­ .tern consisting ally constructed wetlands to treat dairy of three parallel waste-water prior to off-site disposal. trenches. These Mr Phillip Geary, from the Department trenches have been of Applied Science and Technology, says planted with different there are currently no legislative require­ species and the ments regarding pollution control in the performance of each



Dr Rod Kidd - he/ping to draft a strategic plan/or total catchment management/or Lake Macquarie.

For centuries, mankind relentlessly Chaired by DrRodKidd from the University catchment will mean that there is, for the exploited the earth's natural resources, of Newcastle's Department of Applied first time, co-ordinated management of oblivious, it seemed, to the fact that these Science and Technology, the Lake natural resources, particularly water, soil resources are limited. An environmental Macquarie Catchment Management and vegetation. awakening in the mid nineteen hundreds Committee was formed in 1992 with the "Given that a number of Government slowed down this exploitation. However support of the Environment Protection agencies are working with community continued efforts are required to effectively Authority. According to Rod, the aim of representatives, a high level of acceptance manage OUT remaining natural resources. the Committee is to manage the lake's of the strategy should result," Rod said. In Australia, and in NSW in particular, resources to ensure future viability of the The work of the Community Awareness various attempts have been made over diverse natural systems, while at the same and Education Task Group of the Lake the last 50 years to achieve a co-ordinated time meeting the needs of the community. Macquarie Catchment Management approach of natural resource management. Rod has been involved with the Commit­ Committee was recognised at the Hunter It was not until the introduction of the tee since its establishment in 1992. He was Environfest when the group won the award 1989 Catchment Management Act in NSW, appointed Chairman by the NSW Minister for "Best Theme Exhibit". (Incidentally, that a formal framework for resources for the Environment, Mr Chris Hartcher, the University display at Environfest won management was implemented. This Act in July this year, an appointment he will Lake Macquarie Council's award for the also recognised, for the first time, the hold until July 1995. Rod explained that most innovative display of environmental overriding importance of community the Committee is governed by the 1989 research and programs.) participation in natural resources manage­ Catchment Management Act and as such is Rod, who has a particular interest in ment. comprised of Government and community policy' development for coastal-zone Locally, the success of catchment representatives. management, has also been apppointed management is highlighted in the work "We have identified a number of issues as the University representative on Lake undertaken in the Throsby Creek catchment, within the Lake Macquarie catchment Macquarie Council's Estuary and Coastal where a degraded storm water channel of relating to the management of natural Management Committee, and on the low amenity is being transformed into an resources, including erosion and sedimenta­ Council's Environmental Research attractive and functional inner-city tion, land-use and development, catchment Committee. waterway. area hydrology and water quality, vegetation Attention is now being focussed on and biodiversity, and estuary waterway the region's other catchments. At Lake management," Rod said. Macquarie, a strategic plan for catchment "Adopting a Total Catchment Manage­ management is currently being drafted. ment Strategy for the Lake Macquarie ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK ENVIRONMENT WEEK


Water water everywhere, nor any drop to While there is a ready supply of the algae (particularly a farming community if water dl1'nk, The words ofSamuel Taylor Coleridge, (particularly in the summer months), Kathy normally used for irrigation becomes written in the 17th century, ring true today explained that it is not usually in bloom contaminated), so the prediction of blooms as we look at the widespread pollution of proportions and therefore poses no direct and their toxicity are important considera­ global aquatic environments. Closer to home, danger. but any excess growth should be tions in maintaining the public and blooms afhlue green algae (Cyanobacteria) treated with caution. A bloom of blue-green agricultural value of our land. are becoming an increasing problem in algae in the Williams River last summer The problem is a complex one, as Australia's inland waterways. Green surface was not toxic. she said. cyanobacteria are metabolically flexible scums, slime and water discolouration Kathy describes the importance of her and very tolerant of environmental extremes. resulting from alg~1 blooms are not only research in tenns of the environmental and "Some species can grow in temperatures aesthetically unpleasant, but can lead to health hazards posed by blue green algae 'of up to 75OC, and reproduce rapidly in oxygen deficiencies (anaerobic conditions) nutrient rich waters," Kathy said. As with and subsequent fish kills. many environmental problems, humans Lack of dissolved oxygen in waterways have much to answer for. Contaminating can also result in the production of undesir­ nutrients such as phosphorous from able chemicals such as hydrogen sulphide agriculturat and suburban areas. can enter and soluble fanns of phosphate. iron and natural water systems in drainage water manganese, which can cause further water and sewage effluent, in eroded soils, and quality problems. Blue green algae may animal excreta. Kathy says that strategies produce toxins - the amount and nature of to prevent large scale algal bloom fonna­ the toxin varying with different environ­ tion include the removal of phosphorous mental conditions. Thedirectenvironmental One of the culprits - a magnified view of from treated sewage. re-establishment of and/or biological conditions responsible the Anabaena Cyanobacteria. vegetation along river fronts and maintain­ for toxin production and the variation in ing adequate water flow within rivers. toxicity is not clear. contamination. "There are many conse­ "These strategies need to be widely Researchers at the University are carrying quences of algal blooms which have a implemented and accepted in as many out studies on cyanobacteria in an effort to direct effect on the Australian popUlation," locations as possible," Kathy said. obtain a more comprehensive understanding she said. "For instance, by contact with "Conceptualisation of possible'detrimen­ of the nature and extent of blue green algae cyanobacterial toxins, live-stock and fish tal effects on the environment from toxin production. Commissioned by the stock (from fisheries) can be decimated. inapproriate land and sewage management , the study (which Human contact can result in allergic reac­ can only occur through education of the is being conducted by Ms Kathy Walsh and tions, eye irritations, gastroenteritis. and general public. It is apparent that there is Dr Hugh Dunstan from the Department of in more severe cases, hepatitis and other a need for a fast and efficient method of Biological Sciences) will involve culturing serious health conditions," Kathy added. evaluating changes in environmental and comparing cyanobacteria from Cyanobacterial blooms can have detr­ integrity to prevent large cyanobacterial Grahamstown and Seaham weir pool. imental effects on the local. economy outbreaks."

disappearing and so too are many 'of the settlement~" John said, "but much of the PROTECTING animals that inhabited them, But what about remaining rainforest, which occurred in the THE the rainforests in "our own backyard"? mote inaccessible parts, is still alive and UniverSity of Newcastle researcher, Dr well," HUNTER'S John Turner, says that the Hunter Valley's John, a lecturer in the Department of RAINFORESTS rainforests remain in "fairly good shape". Geography, has spent more than 15 years

Theworld'sminforestsare.beingdestroyed We have probably, despite development, on local rainforest re~arch - examining the at an alanning rate as "civilisation" moves retained more than' 50 percent of our composition and distribution of stands of in to even the most remote comers of otiginal rainforest. "Of course, rainforest forest. His fascination with rainforests is, he the globe. The majestic rainforests of that existed along the floor of the main says, difficult to explain in objective terms. South America arid South-East Asia are valleys quickly disappeared with early "It has something to do with their exoticism. F:NVIRONMENT \VEEK ENVIRONMENT \VEEK 1..:NVIRONIV1ENT \VEf::K FNV[H.n~\.l(~.;-";T \\'J~LK


Some 600 to 1,000 hectares of wetlands existing channels. New wetlands areas . University students with the opportunity have been lost or severely degraded in the could also be established by excavation of of working on a practical, applied project. Hunter Region over the past 40 years. With areas less than 1.0 metre in elevation, the "Our students get a great deal of satisfaction the implementation in 1953 of the Newcastle study indicated. out of this type of work, as they feel that Harbour Improvements Act, extensive For the past two years, third year students they are contributing something to their reclamation works were undert~en in the from the University's Department of local environment," Dr Conroy said. But Hunter Estuary - all in the name of devel­ Biological Sciences, under the guidance of integrated projects such as these are opment, we were told. The environmental Dr Brian Conroy and Mrs Pam Lake, have beneficial not only for University students impact of this reclamation is now becoming been mapping the vegetation along and researchers. They provide industry obvious. Cobbans Creek on Kooragang Island. Dr and government bodies with detailed Kooragang Island, where large scale Conroy explained that this is necessary to sci~ntific data and may also contribute to reclamation was undertaken in the 1960's obtain an understanding of the species the community's general understanding of to provide industrial land, provides an present before and after major earthworks important environmental issues. interesting case study. tn the process of are carried out. Biology honours ,------, "reclaiming" the land, saltmarsh, mangrove student, Peter Nelson, is also conduct- forests and tidal channels were destroyed ing transplant experiments to ascertain ( and valuable fisheries feeding and breeding how best to encourage saltmarsh and , fULlfnrm. habitats lost. mangrove species to grow. Concerned at the loss of these habitats, "NSW Fisheries wants ~omaximise NSW Fisheries has called upon researchers fish productivity by re-establishing at the University of Newcastle to undertake large areas of mangrove and saltmarsh a range of studies of the Western end of in the area," Dr Conroy said, explain­ Kooragang Island in an effort to improve ing that mangrove provides the fish productivity in this area. With the necessary nutrients, while saltmarsh support of the Public Works Department, provides protected breeding habitats Hunter Catchment Management Trust and for fish species. Newcastle City Council, a "Wetland Com­ DrConroy indicated that careful site pensation Project Feasibility Study" was documentation and res'eaTch must completed last year and recommendations, precede any major earthworks to including the restoration of fisheries ensure that all factors of the habitat are habitat, integrated education and recreation considered. Any increase in the total L ______-" facilities, and an integrated Hunter Estuary area of saltmarsh or mangroves will, Complex, were made. however, enhance Hunter estuary fisheries Areas designated hy Koorogang Island Advisory According to the study, restoration of habitat and also improve the habitat available Committee (1979) existing degraded wetlands could be for migratory wading birds. Study Area covers Area D and Area E. achieved by maximising. tidal flows in The Kooragang Island study provides

with their relative darkness compared with southerly occurring'rainforest of this extent agreements developed ~tween land owners eucalypt forest and their structural. and and type in Australia (there are also minor and the State," he said, adding that the whole -floristic complexity," he-said. occurrences in the JIIawarra). But there is a concept could be "imaginatively" developed. His research involves an examination of potential problem, says John. "Many of the patches of dry rainforest local variations. in rainforest composition "Almost all of the dry minforest, which are still intact and many are sheltered by and the relation of these variations to is largely located in the foothills country buffer fringes of eucalypt forest, which, like environmental factors,such as soil composi­ northwards from. the Hunter River towards the minforest, has little legal protection. I tion, slope characteristics and so on. By the ~arrington Tops, is in private owner­ can .see possibilities for some kind of new measuring the .girth 'of individual. trees. . ship," John said. While rainforest located On agreement so that" these combined areas species by species, John and his researchers publicly owned land, such as in National could be preserved," John said. (largely University students) have tried to Parks and State Forests, is now largely or Research into the Hunter's rainforests gain an understanding of the relative completely protected from disturbance, will continue at the University. "We will abundance· of species in the rainforests rainforest located on private land remains probably try to diversify the approach of around the Hunter Valley. under the control of individual land holders. ourstudies,and begin to look at some ofthe This region boasts four different types of Although John recognises that there is an' more subtle



Paul Lyneham. federal political explaining his respect for Australians' masterful speaker. Lyneham played the commentator for the ABC's 7.30 Report. healthy refusal to easily tug the forelock. large audience (estimated at around 800) leant casually against the balcony rail in "The fifties and sixties saw a deviation people, with laughter reverberating around the Shortland Union building. rolling a from that fine iconoclastic tradition .. we all the Great Han for the duration of his hour cigarette. His -black, elastic sided boots becam.e terribly respectfuL. but the sooner long lecture. and the roll-youT-own tobacco looked we get back to it, the better." Lyneham, While he did offer some fascinating strangely incongruous with his sober, dark whose self-appointed goal is to keep our opinions on the future of the nation and suit and conservative tie. He is taller than politicians accountable, is urbane and the economy, it was always interspersed the television shows but the authoritative laconic as he chats to the students, with jokes. The economy, he told us, had voice really does have that sardonic drawl, and welcomes a cold beer at the end of been found by trackers hiding in an outback his lip that slight tendency to curl. the interview. • crevasse, deeply depressed, anorexic, and On campus at the invitation of Convoca­ His lecture was no less assured or relaxed. due to what the Prime Minister has done to tion, the University's graduate body. to Light-hearted. and entertaining, the talk it over the past year, pregnant, but alive, deliver the 1993 Newcastle Lecture, was peppered with hilarious one-liners, even if it is speaking Japanese with an Lyneham was chatting amiably with many of which were completely libellous. American accent. We heard that the 2NUR journalist. Matt Colemah. an Very few of Canberra's major players "paralysed rabbit syndrome" that has OPUS journalist, and some students. The escaped his attention, with Paul Keating seen the nation's businessmen and young people were keen to test his attitudes. suffering, we were told, from "extreme manufacturers paralysed by their own Considering the influence he wields, does Richardson syndrome .. only the far right pessimism, is coming to an end with the he have a vision of what society should be, of his brain functions and then only fostering of a new workplace productivity be is asked. "Ohyes," Paul breathes out with intermittently", and with franchises for the and a new leaner, meaner public sector. a thin wisp of smoke, ""m very keen on Tim Fischer School of Deportment and While it was foolish not to worry about the idea of us becoming extremely wealthy, Political Charisma being offered. A foreign debt, Lyneham told the audience, of looking after our envir­ the best response to it onment and of providing was to buy Australian and secure jobs for our chi Idren acknowledge the success and anyone else who of our export heroes. wants one." His audience Throughout his lecture waits for the lip to curl and the twenty minute without result. question time that followed, Are you really as cynical Lyneham treated his audi­ as you appear? they ask ence to a total entertainment him. "Cynicism is really experience. The tall man just the true awareness from Canberra was erudite, of reality," Lyneham quips, witty ,expansive, funny, and above all, human.



The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mortley, was the guest speaker at Convocation' s AGM on Septemher2. The meeting was chaired by the new Warden o/Convocation, MsJean McGarlY. The/allowing people have been elected to the Convocation ManagementCommittee: Mr Ron Yates (Deputy Warden), Ms Jill Scott, Mr Ray Hodgins, Mr John Broughton, Ms Isabel Hodgins, Mr Chris Tola, Ms Celina Kovi, Mr Les Pennington, Mr Ray Dooley, Mr David Donnel/yand Mr Bruce Morris. scheme will involve a little more admin­ (Extracts from the Vice-Chancellor's istrative expenditure. ''There is a tendency address to Convocation) at the university toward an inferiority The Vice-Chancellor intends to assure complex which should stop," the Vice­ that the next generation of staff and students Chancellor said. "There should be no will find a better funded and wealthier apologies. We have to set very high goals." University than the one he found. He told One of these goals should be to become his audience of his twenty year plan to raise fully fledged members of the international several hundred million dollars in income. university community, which included The vehicle for achieving this will be a attracting international scholars to come new External Relations section, under the Professor Mortley: here. "This status is achievable and is "We have to set very high goals." management of Associate Professor Jenny happening already at Newcastle:' Professor Graham. Mortley said. Another goal should be to buildings being built," he said. "A building "It involves careful planning and clear remain student orientated, not forgetting may cost 2 to 3 million dollars to build but targets. It will be a slow process, probably that our main purpose is to teach. We must if it is a good one it may make the difference not showing much progress for the first provide excellent attention to our overseas between happy memories and unhappy ones five years, but if we implement a plan, we students as well. Professor Mortley also for those who use it. We have the capacity will achieve somethingratherthan nothing," stressed the importance of building on to build a very fine campus." Professor Mortley said, adding that such a campus, .... d like to see fairly ambitious


The University's innovative medicine teaching program has come under the microscope in South Australia with three universities on problem integration and clinical skills are planning to introduce graduate medical schools from 1996. taught from the first day . Our program includes both Fellow in Medical Education at Newcastle University, Dr Isobel schoolleavers and mature age people. Rolfe, recently took a team of eight students to Adelaide "In Adelaide we showed how to problem solve to demonstrate the highly successful problem-solving, as delegates from the three. universities watched community-based program which has been taught in the stUdents and tutor in action. We also conducted Newcastle since the late 1970s. workshops on student roles in problem-based The students will demonstrate the "Newcastle learning and also on how to be a tutor." experience" to medical academics from Flinders For Dr Rolfe, it was a case of reverse roles at the University (SA), Sydney University and curriculum conference which was held in Adelaide Queensland. The three universities will earlier this month. Dr Rolfe was in the second group introduce four-year courses through their of students to graduate from the Newcastle course graduate medical schools, with Flinders and has since undertaken physician's training being the first to implement the program and a degree in medical education at Dundee in 1996. University in Scotland. Dr Rolfe said all students enrolling "I was very much part of Newcastle's in the graduate schools would be of innovative program as a student and was very mature age and have their first degree, interested in taking the program to Adelaide where thereby reducing the number of years the universities involved will be drawing required to obtained their medical on the Newcastle experience (and those of degree. McMaster University in Canada and "The traditional path has been for Maastrict University in The Netherlands students to undertake three years of which have similar programs to Newcastle) pre-clinical, basic science experience to investigate teaching and curriculum before completing two clinical years," refonn," commented Dr Rolfe. said Dr Rolfe who researches and evaluates the Newcastle program. "At Newcastle however, we have small groups, we concentrate RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP RESEARCH


Dr David Henry: asked to present an overview of the Australian prescription drug program. Some 30 million people in the United requirement for drugs included in the Australian approach (based largely on States have no health insurance that Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The advice from University of Newcastle covers prescription drugs. Many drugs are guidelines were accepted by the Government academics) will be adopted in the US. "They expensive and the lack of a government and following a two-year run-in period, will certainly take account of our unique sponsored insurance scheme can lead to were made mandatory in January 1993. program," he said. considerable hardship. In contrast, the «In deciding how to implement the As the chairperson of the Pharmaceutical Australian Government's Phannaceutical policy, we had to confront many issues Benefits Advisory Committee's Economic Benefits Scheme ensures that all Australians about how to judge value for money in Working Party, Dr Henry is responsible for have access to even expensive prescription pharmaceuticals and how to determine reporting to the parent committee about a drugs. To have drugs included in the what a reasonable price is for a poteqtially drug's value for money, in tenns of clinical Scheme. manufacturers must not only life-saving drug," Dr Henry said, adding and economic benefits, and the possible provide evidence that the drugs are safe and that the policy guidelines are based on extent of its use. Based on these recommen­ effective, but must also provide evidence of clinical and economic principles rather dations, the Pharmaceutical Advisory their cost-effectiveness compared to other than individual opinion. Committee makes an overall judgement therapies. "This process has been regarded as quite on the perceived need and place of the drug Recommendations regarding which drugs a radical move," he said. and advises the Minister accordingly. should be included in the Scheme are In Australia, the policy. remains The reason for the move towards cost made by the Pharmaceutical Benefits controversial and has had a mixed response effectiveness in pharmaceuticals is made Advisory Committee, which considers the from the pharmaceutical industry. But obvious in the Preface to the Guidelines effectiveness of new drugs and the need interest overseas is high. Along with the document: "Australia, like most countries, for them in the community. Following a head of the Australian Government's is faced with a steady increase in the total change to legislation in the late 1980's the Pharmaceutical Evaluation Section, cost of pharmaceuticals. This means that in Committee is now required -to consider Andrew Mitchell (who is a Newcastle future, increasingly, we will be forced to cost-effectiveness of new drugs in addition University graduate), Dr Henry recently choose which drugs will be subsidised by to other criteria. In 1989 the Australian presented papers at a US Food and Drug the Commonwealth Government. Econo­ Government contracted a group of consult­ Administration meeting and at a Congres­ mic analysis is one factor to be considered ants from the University of Newcastle's sional Staff Seminar. when making choices between competing Faculty of Medicine to develop a set of "One important element of the US health therapeutic modalities." workable guidelines to implement this care refonn will be the establishment of In following the guidelines, companies legislation. an out-patient prescription drug benefit," will be asked to provide data which do The consultants included Dr David Henry Dr Henry explained. "We were asked to not nonnally form part of a new drug from the Discipline of Clinical Phannacol­ present an overview of the Australian application to a licensing authority. The ogy, Dr David Evans from the Centre for prescription drug program, focussing espe­ effectiveness and cost of the drug will be Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, cially on cost-effectiveness assessment," considered, as will changes in the use of and research phannacis~ Ms Jane Robertson. he said. resources which are likely to result from The consultants helped decide how to make While the presentations ~ere well received, its introduction. cost-effectiveness evidence of a regulatory Dr Henry cannot predict whether the new



Wyong Shire residents could have more facilities for leisure. meetings and ,::ommunity events following a sUlVey conducted by second year Social Work students. The survey, which will canvas opinion on community use and expecta­ tions of community centres in the area constitutes a research project which is part of their academic curriculu"'.1' It is being undertaken by 30 students under the supervision of two lecturers from the Department, Ms Yvonne Darlington and Professor Brian English. Ms Darlington said the 16-week project will consider the role of council community halls and centres in enhanc­ ing the quality of life for residents of Perspective view of a smooth surface. the shire. She said that in considering community centres. factors such as their location, use, identity. structure Over the past three years, the University The PIPADS machine enables us to view and context affect the way people live of Newcastle has been involved in the large arrays of data(milJions of data points), and use such centres. single largest computer project in Australia. from any angle. any azimuth, at any "Other factors such as the role of With a budget of $1.5 million, the task of distance, and with light coming from any shopping centres and other community producing a real-time visualisation engine direction. A change in any (or all) of focal points also affect how community was the objective of a consortium including these parameters results in a new image centres operate," Ms Darlington said. CSIRO, BHP, UNSW-ADFA and the being produced within 0.05 seconds. The ''The role of such centres then IS a Department of Electrical and Computer production of such an image is the result dynamic one, changing as society Engineering at the University. of approximately I,OOO,OOO,OOOcalculations changes. Whatdoes"real-tirnevisualisation"mean? -something which is well within the domain "Hence the requirement to provide Within the context of the PIPADS (Parallel of supercomputing for real-time operation. such centres differs today from the six~ Image Processing and Display System) The PIPADS machine is targeted at a ties and seventies and will be different Project. this means the ability to present low-cost market. Supercomputers capable again in five to 10 years time" she said. vast quantities of data on a computer screen of perfonning these tasks retail at several The study will go some way to in an- easily interpretable manner within millions of US dollars, whereas the PIPADS charting what makes a community 1/20th of a second. machine should be much cheaper. centre relevant to its community." The A typical application for the PIPADS How is this cost saving achieved? information gathered will also help the machine comes from BHP - often it is The PIPADS architecture is designed Wyong Shire Council better plan its possible to assess the mining prospects ofan with only one key application in mind - centres for the future. area of land by simple observation of the visualisation, and researchers at CSlRO'S Speaking at a function to launch the topology of that land. In the past this has Division of Information Technology have project, the Deputy Mayor of Wyong involved an aerial inspection of the terrain developed new, highly efficient algorithms Shire, Mr John Millard, said that in question, however with the PIPADS to perfonn this task. All that is required is Wyong is the fastest growing area in machine it is possible for geologists to the development of special purpose compu­ Greater Sydney. its scenic and lifestyle undertake 'fly-overs' of a landscape ter hardware to take full advantage of these attractions playing a large part in without ever leaving their offices. The new algorithms, to be low cost, and to be very persuading people to move to the area. technique makes use of spot height data high perfonnance. This has been the activity He said that there are presently 39 extracted from stereoscopic satellite of the Application Specific Computer community centres in the Shire and photographs, the data (containing millions Design (ASCOD) team in the Department with the expected growth in the Wyong of spot heights and their locations) is of Electrical and Computer Engineering in area in the next 10 years, there will be entered into a computer where the PIPADS Newcastle. an increasing need for even more. engine can interpret the infonnation and produce realistic images of the landscape.


A team of engineers and scientists led by Professor Graeme Jameson, has been awarded a total of $1.44 million for research into mineral processing. The project will involve a new and unproven process known as "high intensity conditioning", in which finely ground ore is subjected to chemical reaction with intensive agitation, prior to flotation with air bubbles. The purpose of the project is to improve the overall efficiency of the flotation process, which is used to recover and concentrate valuable components of the ore. "One of the aims of the project is to develop ways to scale-up the laboratory results to the full plant size," Graeme said. "The possibility that intensive mixing might improve the flotation process has been around for some time. Some good results have been achieved in the laboratory, but it has been difficult to put them into practice. We want to find ways to do that." The project is being funded under the Collaborative Grants Scheme of the Australian Research Council (ARC), in which monies provided by the ARC are supplemented by cash support from industry. The ARC is providing $600,000 over three years, and the minerals industry, through the Australian Minerals Industry Research Association (AM IRA) is contributing a further $840,000. Head of the project, Professor Graeme Jameson Two PhD students, Malcolm Engel and Tony Farmer, will study fluid dynamical aspects of the problem in the Department of Chemical research groups come together on a project. The skills we have in Engineering. At the University of South Australia, a team led by Newcastle in fluid and particle mechanics, and the expertise in Professor John Ralston, will investigate the chemistry of the process. surface chemistry of the South Australian group, should lead to '"This is an excellent example of the benefits when two complementary rapid progress," Graeme said.

HORMONES AND HIPS Honnone Replacement Therapy (HRT) oporosis and fracture was carried out. age to prevent a small number of fractures, is being increasingly seen as the solution to While the results of random control trials the group concluded the evidence does not a range of ailments and conditions that did indicate that HRT seems to slow the support population intervention. affect post-menopausal women. Among the rate of bone mineral loss that occurs in "Our study is only one arm of the HRT clai.ms made for estrogen treatment is that women after menopause, these trials did not story," Ms Robertson said, "an important it substantial1y reduces the risk of bone investigate a hip fracture outcome. And aspect of which is its cardio-vascular fracture as a result of osteoporosis. Hip while one might assume that reduced bone benefits. I think our study may make people fracture, in particular, presents a significant loss might indicate a reduced risk of fracture, stop and evaluate the evidence to see if it public health issue, with women being these results tended to be derived from very is good enough to recommend that women hospitalised for long periods and frequently short term studies carried out on small groups start taking hormone therapy for twenty not fully recovering. It has been increas­ of women in a younger age group (around or more years to derive these supposed ingly suggested that HRT could be a 50 years old). The group then turned to benefits," she said. The study group, which worthwhile intervention on a population an analysis of epidemiological studies, includes Dr David Henry, of the University scale in reducing hip fractures and identifying five cohort studies and nine case of Newcastle Department of Clinical osteoporosis. control studies from which they derived Pharmacology. bio-statistician, Ms Dianne A University of Newcastle research their results. Connell, Professor Bill Gillespie of the group, commissioned by· the Australian "Overall, we came to the conclusion that University'S Medical Faculty, and Mr Institute of Health to find out if published the best estimate of bene fits we could derive Bob Cummings of Sydney University's figures supported this proposition. have (based on cohort studies and the better case Department of Public Health, hopes to found they do not. In an interim report to . control studies) was about a 15% reduction publish its findings . the Institute, the Osteoporosis Study Group, in the risk of hip fracture," Ms Robertson Ms Robertson presented the group's have concluded that the evidence that HRT said. "In interpreting that. we need to take research in a poster format at the 9th significantly reduces the risk of hip fracture into account the background risk of hip International Conference of Pharmacoepi­ is not strong enough to support popUlation fracture and try to express the benefits gained demiology held in Washington, DC, at the intervention. The group's prime researcher, in terms of how many women need to be end of August. Ms Di Connell presented Ms Jane Robertson, said a meta-analysis treated (with HRT) for the prevention of one the results at an International Epidemiology (secondary data analysis) of the results of hip fracture," she said. Taking into account Association meeting held in Sydney in published trials of estrogen treatment as the large numbers of women who· would September. an intervention to prevent and treat oste- need to be treated from around 50 years of RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP RESEARCH


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education. hension), Professor Marie Neal (former Associate Professor Lorna Chan, has been Director of the Krongold Centre for Excep­ recognised for her contribution to the tional Children at Monash University) and community in the area of Special Education Professor Gordon Stanley (Chairman by being named the recipient of the prestig­ of the W A Higher Education Board). ious 1993 Mona Tobias Award. Professor Chan, who has been a lecturer at Professor Chan received the national Newcastle University for the past six years, award at the recent annual meeting of the said she was honoured to receive the award. Australian Remedial Education Association "It's good that research findings are (AREA) in Melbourne. During the award contributing to practice," said Professor presentation Professor Chan was acknowl­ Olan. "It's long been said that there is no edged for her contributions to research, link between research and practice and it teacher education and practice in Special is pleasing to see that researchers and Education. Recognition was made of the teachers are getting together to contribute to contributions her _research has made to practice." society's understanding of student learning During her acceptance speech Professor and its search for effective ways of promo­ -Chan outlined evidence from recent research 'tiog the learning of students with special supporting the proposition that the majority needs. of individua1s experience difficulties in One of Professor Chan's publications, learning, not only because they lack the Dr Lorna Chan Methods and Strategies for Special ability to learn, but because of their Education, which she co-wrote with inefficient and non-strategic ways of Professor Peter Cole from Edith Cowan AREA in memory of Mona Tobias, who was learning and inappropriate motivational University (WA), received special mention an outstanding teacher and pioneer in orientations. During her speech on the at the award presentation as it is widely methods to help children and adults with topic, 'Remedial Education: Research and adopted as a core textbook in Special leamingdifficulties before her death in 1980. Practice', Professor Chan elaborated on Education teacher training and professional Previous recipients of the award include techniques to promote motivation and development courses in Australia. Professor John McLeod (author of the GAP facilitate active and strategic learning. The Award is presented annually by the and GAPADOL Tests of Reading Compre-


The small Pacific nation of Western Fepulea'j during a recent visit to Newcastle. to study overseas, and to discuss their per­ Samoa has about 75 students studying in Ms Naomi and Mr Fepulea'i also met fonnance in their courses," said Ms Naomi. Australian universities, an important factor the Vice· Chancellor, Professor Raoul "It's good to have a look and we tradition­ in the development of the country according Mortley, and members of staff to discuss ally visit our students in Australia. At present to its Minister for Education, Ms Fiame topics such as scholarship administration, we have about 500 full-time and part-time Naomi. The students, studying under entry requirements, bridging programs arid students at the University of the South AIDAB schemes, are being visited by Ms student welfare. Pacific so you can see that the progress of Naomi and the Western Samoa High "One of the main purposes of our visit is our students in Australia is important to us Commissioner to Australia, Mr Feesago to assist our students, to see if there has as a nation." Fepulea'i. The Minister, who is also been sufficient support in preparing them Pro-Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific, said it was important for her to ensure the schemes were working and to meet Australian officials at AIDAB and the universities where her students LloR; were enrolled. Feesago Fepulea'i. Newcastle University currently has two Greta Davies Western Samoan students studying under (Scholarships the AIDAB Sponsored Training Program Officer). (STP). lIuminado Aloaina is enrolled in FiameNaomi the Foundation Program and will study and David Wise (AIDAB) Computer Science next year while Barbara Potoi is studying for her Bachelor of Economics. The two were interviewed and also lunched wi,th Ms Naomi and Mr ACHIEVEME1'TS ACHIEVEMENTS


The newly elected Warden of the increasing. If the Canberra dollars continue University's graduate body. Convocation. is to diminish. then Universities are simply setting precedents with her appointment. faced with having to look elsewhere for Notonly is MsJean McGarry the first female funding." While seeking to encourage Warden, she is also a symbol of the success Convocation members to think of the of amalgamation at the University. A gradu­ University if they are seeking to dispose of ate of the Newcastle College of Advanced funds or making their wills, Ms McGarry Education, that became the Hunter Institute sees her Committee's foremost role as of Higher Education (HIHE), she was part friend-raising not fundraising. Ms Jean. McGarry -first/emote Warden of of the Interim Steering Group that set up "There is a need for universities to Convocation. the first HIHE Convocation. ". have been maintain contact with the communities interested in maintaining conlacts with around them and I think if they pursue I want to find a way to tap into the student my alma mater ever since," Ms McGarry funds too vigorously, they risk alienating body so they literally grow up with the idea explained. ". was Deputy President of graduates. I see our first and foremost of Convocation. We are currently involved Convocation at HIHE when amalgamation priority being to service the graduates but in activities during Orientation Week, take occured and was part of the group that given that current students are future part in Careers Fairs. and offer book prizes, worked over the ensuing 18 months to bring ... graduates, we need to look to their needs as but we need to find a way to move further in the two bodies together," she said. "We well. Friend-raising to me is taking the time that direction." Ms McGarry graduated managed it in a way that was unique and to keep in touch with graduates and provide from CAE in 1985 with an Associate bloodless and I think it could be used as them with infonnation, as well as attempting Diploma in Social Welfare. She took a year a model to other organisations facing amal­ to ascertain their needs and wants in order to off study to be with her young son, before gamation." offer them activities that will be of interest tacklingaBachelorof Arts (Social Sciences) With external relations. including and benefit to them," Ms McGarry said. externally from Curtin University. She has graduate contact, high on the Vice-Chancel­ . The new Warden, who succeeds Mr Vic aDiplomaofEducation from the University lor's agenda for change, Ms McGarry sees Levi and is the ninth Warden since the first of Technology in Sydney. As a teacher of development as important to the future of students graduated from the University in Retail Management at the Newcastle campus the University. "Even now. Universities 1967, hopes to involve more young people in ofTAFE, she feels her external studies have are finding that funding is not there for Convocation. "When I looked across the helped her significantly in the work she them as it was in the past. On the other audience at the recent Newcastle Lecture now does in curriculum development. She hand, demands on them to offer more places (September 10), 1 was disappointed to see began her three year tenn as Warden on to students and to fund new buildings, is that the majority of faces were older people. September I.

SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED TO UNI POSITION The University has appointed a senior in the implementation of academic policies. functions. As Academic Registrar Ms administrator from Queensland to its post "Ms Cheong has demonstrated an Cheong will be responsible for Student of Academic Registrar and Senior Deputy understanding of the secretariat provisions Administration operations which include Secretary. that are required by this University and will access and school liaison. enrolment and Ms Gem Cheong is General Secretary at be drawing on her many years of experience examinations for students. The Deputy Griffith University and has wide experience at Griffith University and in the Queensland Secretary's role will include assistance in in many facets of university administration. Public Service and Singapore Public provision of administrative support for A graduate of the University of Singapore, Service." executive committees and research, legal Ms Cheong will be responsible for New­ Deeply involved in negotiations which led matters, legislation, official publications castle University's Academic Secretariat Unit to Griffith University being transfonned and certain statutory obligations. and the Student Administration Unit. from a small institution of 5,500 students in Ms Cheong is expected to take up her The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Raoul 1989toamulti-campus institution of 16.000 new position in January next year. Mortley, said Ms Cheong would bring depth students, Ms Cheong has represented and knowledge of many university functions Griffith University in negotiations with Ms Gem Cheong ... new face on campus. which were vital in higher education today. external organisations overa range of issues 'This University is looking at many of its and played a key role in restructuring the operations - administratively. academically university's administrative elements in 1991. and commercially - and the position of In her position as General Secretary she Academic Registrar and Senior Deputy has also been the university's legal adviser Secretary has a very important role to play and been responsible for writing a range as we develop many of our systems and of important policy documents dealing procedures," said Professor Mortley. with academic administration, research "Ms Cheong will assist in the planning, administration, records management and development and policy fonnulation of the organisational matters and governance. University and interact with senior officers The Newcastle position has two major

14 ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVEMENTS I\CHIEVEMLNTS EDITORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED TO APPOINTMENT Recognition of the calibre of splice ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATES plasma physics research at The Universityof Nine first year Engineering students have each been awarded an undergraduate scholarship Newcastle has recently been acknowledged to the value of $500. Steven Rogers. Adam McKenzie. Clarissa Leach and Nicholas Diernar by the appointment of Associate Professor were the recipients of The Frank Henderson Scholarship awarded by the Department of Civil Brian Fraser as Australian Regional Editor Engineering and Surveying. Brian McGregor received the Institute of Surveyors Scholarship for the American Geophysical Unionjournal and the Department of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship went to Christopher Wensrich, "Geophysical Research Letters". Peter Leonard, Patrick Noonan and John Waters. The appointment is for three years over 1994-1996. "Geophysical ResearchLetters" is published bi-monthly and is the premier international journal for new, important and short contributions to all areas of geophysics, including the solid earth, oceanography, vulcanology, seismology, geomagnetism, planetology and atmospheric, ionospheric and space physics. Although based in the USA, the American Geophysi­ cal Union has approximately 30,000 members world~wide. Professor Fraser, from the Department of Physics, said that as well as undertaking the usual editorial duties, the American Geophysical Union expects its editors to actively solicit papers where potentially valuable. and perhaps even controversial, rese8.rch is being carried out . .. It also provides a direct conneCtion for L to R: Steven Rogers. Professor Adrian Page (Head, Department o/Civil Engineering and Australian research to, be reported to the Surveying). Nicholas Dienwr. Clarissa Leach and Adam McKenzie; international community of geophysicists," winners of (he Frank Henderson Scholar~hip said ProfessorFraser.


If you are in the sate11ite communication nearly coincident, thereby causing additional business, commercial and other enterprises system industry in Indonesia, a couple of "noise" from the sun which blocks the trans­ attached to CSM's satellite communication days in March and September cause nothing mitted signal. The users (VSAT operators services," said Brian. but "communication breakdown." As the and their customers) need to know exactly TUNRA's next objective is to market sun rises on the island nation it overpowers when the outage occurs to avoid loss of globally the "Solar Out" software and bring satellite communication signals to cause a infonnation. TIED Systems Engineer, Brian valuable export dollars not only to the breakdown in data that is being sent to and Stephen, developed a computer software University but also to Australia. from many of Indonesia's major fmancial package to predict where the sun would be and business institutions. over Indonesia in March and September. Standing L to R: TUNRA staff, Stephen Wellink. Ian Dick, the Manager of TUNRA's After months of work, the "Solar Out" Brian Stephen and Ian Dick introduce the Industrial Electronics Division (TIED) package now can inform CSM of when a "Solar Om" package to Isaac Fananny (seated) learned of the problem late last year while "blackout" is likely. enabling promoting antenna tracking and control the company to close down technology in Jakarta. "We found that there its data system until the was a tremendous data communication antennae can again pick up . problem for banks and companies because the satellite signal. of the sun overpowering signals," said Ian. Isaac Fananny, an engineer "The Jakarta-based firm of Citra Sari with CSM at the company's Makmur(CSM) has ahout 200 VSAT (Very "hub" station main sequence Small Aperture Terminal) antennae and it antennaspent three days here can't afford the downtime it causes - even to learn the software program, only a few minutes duration." just in time for the next VSAT are very small antennae of three eclipse. "The software may metres or less used for single user transmis­ be a small factor in itself but sion and reception of data. The solar outage, the ability to predict the or blackout, occurs when the pointing angles path of the sun has great of the VSAT to the satellite and to the sun are consequences for Indonesia's HOCKEY GRAND FINAL TO UNIVERSITY

One goal makes all the difference. The University captain and centre half. Shane IAN HENDERSON difference between winning and losing and Ambrose and one by Gerard Cocking. who AWARD TO certainly the difference in becoming grand also played in the Sydney Grand Final the final winners after 30 years of competing. weekend before. UNIVERSITY This is how the University's First Grade A large crowd was at the field to lend Mens' Hockey team felt after their historic support and cheer the team on to its success. POST-GRAD win in the Grand Final of the Newcastle A Grade The Newcastle Division of the Mens' Hockey Competition Institution of Engineers Australia. recently. Thirty years of held its public speaking competition, competition reaching the

"lUke thi.~ one ... " The Art Exhibition held in conjunction with the University's Environment Week drew much attention.


• Schools specialising in the perfonning First year students will learn the theory key learning areas," commented Dr Taylor. arts have been established around the State. and practice of dance and drama as well as "Applicants must attend an interviewl including the Broadmeadow School at practical teaching skills and education audition at the University and demonstrate Newcastle. In response, The University of theory. dance potential to meet the requirements of Newcastle will offer a new course next year In the next three years, students will major the Faculty Board. This will be in addition preparing teachers to specialise in dance and in either dance or drama culminating in an to obtaining a mark in the Higher School drama. The Director of the University's independent action research/internship Certificate which satisfies the University's School of Education, Dr Allan Taylor, said program. entry requirements." he believed it would be the first course in Up to 35 student places will be offered Applications for 1994 admission must NSWofferingpre-serviceteachereducation each year in the four-year COUrse. be made directly to the University with in the perfonning arts. The Bachelor of "The course was created in response application forms being available from Education (Perfonning Arts) will provide to curriculum changes in NSW which saw October. graduates with skills in Drama and Dance. creative and perfonning arts identified as