Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1993

--- NEWS ------

Imprisoned statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Government bringing a prosecution to silence them, just defieshuman experi­ ence.' This shocking statement flewin the fa ce of massive evidence to the contrary which was known to the Court." After reviewing other outrageous statements from Judge Bryan, the ap­ peal concludes: "Judge Bryan's fixed opinion was not about some collateral or irrelevant matter; it constituted a preconceived idea bearing on the heart of the case."

New Evidence Keeps Coming Since LaRouche's sentencing in 1989, there has been a steady stream of new evidence. Therefore, in the January 1992 motion, LaRouche argued fo r EIRNSIStuart Lewis discovery and hearings to get all of the fa cts. All of this was ignored by the biased Bryan. laRouche Appeal Filed LaRouche's new evidence motion was filed on Jan. 22, 1992, and pre­ n Nov. 17, 1992 Ramsey Clark the recusal motion," the appeal argues sented a detailed picture of prosecu­ O and other attorneys fo r political [emphasis added]. The new fifty-page torial misconduct and concealment, prisoner Lyndon LaRouche filed an legal document, backed by an appen­ including the knowing use of perjured appeal of Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr.'s dix of six volumes of new evidence, testimony at trial; the exploitation of denial, earlier in the year, of demands LaRouche's immediate free­ this perjury in making closing argu­ LaRouche's habeas corpus motion fo r . dom, that he and his co-defendants ments to the jury; the bad-faith filing freedom. That motion argued that the "are entitled to have their wrongful of bankruptcy proceedings against de­ sentence against LaRouche and two of convictions set aside, be released from fe ndants' companies which had taken his co-defendants, William Wertz and custody, and the charges dismissed." all the loans listed in the indictment, Edward Spannaus, should be vacated, Owing to Judge Bryan's prejudice, as a means of destroying the ability to and LaRouche should be freed, on the both in the original 1988 trial and in repay loans; the recruitment of prose­ grounds of new evidence which the appeal, LaRouche has now spent cution witnesses through immunity showed that "the prosecution con­ fo ur years in federal prison fo r crimes agreements, rewards, threats of prose­ ducted and participated in a conspir­ which he did not commit. cution, and other inducements not acy and concerted action with others disclosed to the defense; and the with­ to illegally and wrongfully convict him Bryan's Bias holding of exculpatory and impeach­ and his associates by engaging in out­ The papers filed fo r LaRouche on ment evidence specifically requested rageous misconduct, including finan­ Nov. 17 exhibit Judge Bryan's own by the defense prior to trial. cial warfare." statements as evidence of his bias. For The new appeal argues that the The appeal to the Fourth Circuit example, according to the brief, "de­ new evidence stream is overflowing Court of Appeals charges that Bryan fe nding the Government from charges with fresh new evidence each month: was "intractably biased" and should of politically motivated misconduct, "In August 1992, a fo rmer Stasi have recused himself from hearing Judge Bryan proclaimed 'this idea' (East German spy service) official LaRouche's new-evidence motion. that the prosecution was politically confessed that the Stasi mounted a Bryan's "bias was manifested in his motivated as 'errant nonsense.' Fur­ massive disinformation campaign de­ actions at trial and attendant proceed­ ther, he declared, '[t]he idea that this signed to blame the assassination of ings, and rearticulated with shocking organization is a sufficient threat to OlofPalme on persons associated with blindness and passion in his response to anything, that would warrant the LaRouche. This demonstrates ... that


© 1993 , Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. the LaRouche movement was signifi­ cant enough to prompt this bizarre and elaborate contrivance, which was coordinated with Soviet attacks on La­ Rouche and their demand that action be taken against him in the U.S. This vicious fa lsehood was broadcast by NBC and became a critical aspect of attempts to destroy movement fi­ nances at the very time the loans in question were coming due. In Septem­ ber 1992, Don Moore, an integral part of the prosecution team, was arrested and charged with conspiracy to kidnap and deprogram LaRouche associates. The fa cts surrounding this criminal plot call into fu rther question the mis­ conduct of the prosecution team. In October 1992, an FOIA release was received which indicates that Eliza­ beth Sexton, a critical Government witness, was acting as an agent of the Government during times relevant to this case, a fa ct she denied and the Government covered up at trial." Helga Zepp -LaRouche (center) addresses the fo unding conference of the German "Civil Rights Movement Solidarity, " in Kiedrich, . Ten Major Errors The new appeal exhaustively docu­ ments ten major errors which Bryan made in his denial of the new-evidence motion, each of which is grounds to Civil Rights Alliance Forged free the fo rmer presidental candidate. t a conference held in Kiedrich, NAACP (1968-84); The errors range from Bryan's fa ilure Germany, Nov. 21-22, 1992, the • Joe Dickson, editor and publisher to recuse himself, to his fa ilure to ei­ A American Civil Rights movement and of the Birmingham World, the ther overturn LaRouche's conviction the movement associated with Lyndon oldest and largest circulation Afri­ or, in the alternative, to grant him dis­ LaRouche, took the historic step of can-American newspaper in Al­ covery and hearings, on nine substan­ joining their fo rces in a new interna­ abama; tive issues backed by new evidence. tional Civil Rights movement. The • Rev. Richard Boone, Project Di­ The topics these nine issues cover name of the new alliance in Germany rector fo r SCLC in Selma, range from �e bad-faith bankruptcy is Biirgerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet Alabama and other locations action which shut down the companies (Civil Rights Movement Solidarity). under the personal leadership of which owed the loans; to the illegal The American leaders present at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; government-private "concert of ac­ the fo unding conference of the new • Hadaasha Maryum, of Universal tion" of the Anti-Defamation League movement included leading personali­ Human Rights fo r African Peo­ ofB'nai B'rith (ADL), American Israel ties who fo ught with Dr. Martin Lu­ ple, Des Moines, Iowa. Public Affairs Committee (AlP AC), ther King, J r. in the 1960's, among John Train, journalists, et al., which Representatives of the LaRouche them: plotted the prosecution; to the Ollie movement included Helga Zepp­

North-linked government "secret • Rev. , founder of the LaRouche, fo under of the Schiller In­ team" member who was fo reman of Student Non-violent Co-ordinat­ stitute, as well as the national board LaRouche's jury; to covert operations ing Committee (SNCC) and Di­ and membership of the Patriots fo r against LaRouche during the Reagan­ rect Action Coordinator fo r the Germany, which lent its institutional Bush administration under Executive Southern Christian leadership weight to the effort. Order 12333 and other "national secu­ Conference (SCLC) and Dr. Mar­ The decision to join fo rces, literally rity" pretexts. tin Luther King, J r.; merging the two movements, was dic­

A decision on the appeal is expected • Rev. Wade Watts, fo rmer State tated by the urgency of the world stra­ early in 1993. President of the Oklahoma tegic crisis, characterized by global