Jewelry & Watch Repair
The Anniston Star ● Sunday, May 25, 2014 ● Page 6E SUNDAY RECORD YOUR GUIDE TO PUBLIC RECORDS AND VITAL STATISTICS IN CALHOUN COUNTY DEATHS BANKRUPTCIES MARRIAGE LICENSES CATTLE SALE Sarah Hoffmeyer Benton, Jacksonville A Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows the debtor • Kevin Daniel Long of • Cory Dalton Sears Here is the livestock mar- Talladega Lucille H. Jones, Talladega to retain certain exempt property, but the Jacksonville to Aman- of Piedmont to Lauren ket report for the Tuesday Stanley Best, Bynum Eva Jane Logan, Jackson- debtor’s remaining property is gathered and da Michelle Houser of Elizabeth Fortenberry sale. Receipts for this week Niki Leigh Bone, Sand Rock ville sold by a trustee from which creditors will Anniston of Piedmont 682 compared to 524 last Wynne Morris Boyd, Pearl Marie Maddox, receive payment. It may also be used by • Preston Lloyd Sor- • Orion Eugene Carter week. Receipts a year ago Ohatchee Anniston businesses which wish to terminate their rell Jr. of Weaver to of Oxford to Allyson 555. Virginia Chappell, Centre Terry Lamar McCrelles, business. Kathrine Taylor Lovell Nicole Martin Alwine FEEDER CLASSES: Melba Tucker Chestnut, Jacksonville of Weaver of Oxford Centre Joshua Joy Morris, Cedar A Chapter 13 bankruptcy enables debtors, • William August • Corey Allen Rollins Bulls and steers (Medi- Cynthia Dianne Young Cot- Bluff through court supervision and protection, Ziegler III of Butler, of Anniston to Jordan um and Large No. 1 and ton, Riverdale, Ga. Evia “Onzell” Murray, to propose and carry out a repayment plan Pa., to Bonnie Lea Danielle Brown of No. 2): 200-300 lbs. 270.00- Barbara Ann Cromer, Pied- Oxford under which creditors are paid, in full or Raybuck of Butler, Pa.
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