Oxygen isotopic investigation of silicic magmatism in the Stillwater caldera complex, Nevada Oxygen isotopic investigation of silicic magmatism in the Stillwater caldera complex, Nevada: Generation of large- volume, low-δ18O rhyolitic tuffs and assessment of their regional context in the Great Basin of the western United States

Kathryn E. Watts1,†, David A. John1, Joseph P. Colgan2, Christopher D. Henry3, Ilya N. Bindeman4, and John W. Valley5 1U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA 2U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado 80225, USA 3Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA 4Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA 5Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

ABSTRACT occurrence of these important magma types nimbrite flare-up may have been related to that fingerprint recycling of shallow steepening, or roll-back, of the subducting Successive caldera-forming eruptions altered by low-δ18O meteoric waters. The Farallon plate beneath the western edge of from ca. 30 to 25 Ma generated a large nested appearance of low-δ18O rhyolites in the North America (Coney and Reynolds, 1977; caldera complex in western Nevada that was Stillwater caldera complex is overprinted Coney, 1978; Humphreys, 1995). Although subsequently dissected by Basin and Range on a Great Basin–wide trend of miogeoclinal most calderas occur within intact crustal extension, providing extraordinary cross- sediment contribution to silicic magmas that blocks, some were dissected and significantly sectional views through diverse volcanic and elevates δ18O compositions, making identifi- tilted by Basin and Range extension during the plutonic rocks. A high-­resolution oxygen cation of 18O depletions difficult. Though not late Cenozoic, providing valuable windows isotopic study was conducted on units that a nominally low-δ18O rhyolite, the tuff of into the volcanic and plutonic processes that represent all major parts of the Job Canyon, Eleven­mile Canyon possesses both low-δ18O underpinned them, and perhaps by analogue, Louderback Mountains, Poco Canyon, and and high-δ18O zircon cores that are over- the life spans and eruptive potential of mod- Elevenmile Canyon caldera cycles (29.2– grown by homogenized zircon rims that ap- ern-day caldera volcanoes. 25.1 Ma), and several Cretaceous plutons proximate the bulk zircon average, pointing Caldera exposures are exemplified by the that flank the Stillwater caldera complex. to batch assembly of isotopically diverse up- Stillwater–Clan Alpine complex in western We provide new oxygen and strontium iso- per crustal melts to generate one of the most Nevada (Figs. 1–2; abbreviated here and else- tope data for 12 additional caldera centers voluminous (2500–5000 km3) tuff eruptions where as the Stillwater caldera complex). The in the Great Basin, which are synthesized in the Great Basin. Despite overlapping in western margin of the complex in the Stillwa- with >150 published oxygen and strontium space and time, each caldera-forming cycle ter Range is steeply tilted, exposing an ~10 km isotope analyses for regional Mesozoic base- of the Stillwater complex has a unique oxy- depth section through the upper crust, includ- ment rocks. Stillwater zircons span a large gen isotope record as retained in single zir- ing several overlapping calderas and plutons 18 isotopic range (δ Ozircon of 3.6‰–8.2‰), and cons. Most plutons that were spatially and that provide a unique opportunity to elucidate all caldera cycles possess low-δ18O zircons. temporally coincident with calderas have the petro­genesis of large-volume silicic mag- In some cases, they are a small propor- isotopic compositions that diverge from the mas in the Great Basin ignimbrite flare-up. tion of the total populations, and in oth- caldera-forming tuffs and cannot be their Here, we present the results of a comprehensive ers, they dominate, such as in the low-δ18O cogenetic remnants. oxygen isotopic investigation, with particular rhyolitic tuffs of Job Canyon and Poco emphasis on refractory zircon crystals, which 18 18 Canyon (δ Ozircon = 4.0‰–4.3‰; δ Omagma = INTRODUCTION demonstrate significant diversity in Stillwater 5.5‰–6‰). These are the first low-δ18O rhy- magmas, including two low-δ18O rhyolitic tuffs 18 olites documented in middle Cenozoic calde- During the middle Cenozoic, tens of thou- (Job Canyon and Poco Canyon; δ Omagma = ras of the Great Basin, adding to the global sands of cubic kilometers of silicic magma 5.5‰–6‰). To our knowledge, these are the erupted from dozens of calderas that span first low-δ18O rhyolites described in the Great across Nevada in a broad northwest to south- Basin ignimbrite flare-up. The low-δ18O Am- † 18 [email protected] east belt (Fig. 1; Best et al., 2013a). This ig- monia Tanks Tuff (δ Omagma = 5.4‰–6‰) in

GSA Bulletin; July/August 2019; v. 131; no. 7/8; p. 1133–1156; https://doi.org/10.1130/B35021.1; 12 figures; 4 tables; Data Repository item 2019060; published online 14 February 2019.

Geological Society© 2019 The of Authors. America Gold Bulletin, Open Access: v. 131, no. 7/8 1133 This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license.

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49 48 47 35 Wells 41° Winnemucca 34 b 17 33 Battle Elko a 26 36 32 Mountain Sr =0.708 44 Sr =0.706 i Accreted oceanic i c CM 22 18 terranes 28 RC 27 b 16 FCM CT Stillwater 25 23 40° caldera complex NYC Rifted 20 transitional a (29.2–25.1 Ma) Precambrian crust HC 1 AC 24 Reno 45 JC PD basement 14 DC a Eureka PC NH? Austin LC Fallon LB CC 46 46 SS b Central Nevada Ely UD Volcanic Field 42 EC c 15 (~36–18.4 Ma) 39° 43 FP c 41 AD 37 29 a b Western Nevada MJL Volcanic Field MJU study area of a 40 b Larson &Taylor Indian Peak (34.4–19.5 Ma) 1986 (~32–27 Ma) MH 30


Tonopah 31

Caliente (~24–14 Ma)

Regional granites (King et al., 2004)

mountain range sampled Ammonia Tanks Tuff; 19 study area of Bindeman 1 sample locality number & Valley 2003 Cenozoic Cretaceous Jurassic LOCATION MAP Precambrian Regional granites (Wooden et al., 1999) Cenozoic Las Vegas Cretaceous Jurassic Regional granites (this study, Cretaceous) sample locality AC Alameda Canyon (84 Ma) LC La Plata Canyon (87 Ma) SS Sand Springs pluton (89 Ma) 100 km Humboldt mafic complex (Kistler and Speed, 2000) gabbro, basalt sample locality (172 Ma) Regional calderas and their associated tuffs (this study, Eocene-Miocene) AD: tuff of Arc Dome, 25.2 Ma FCM: Fish Creek Mountains Tuff, 24.9 Ma MJL: lower tuff of Mount Jefferson, 27.3 Ma CC: tuff of Campbell Creek, 28.9 Ma FP: tuff of Fairview Peak, 19.5 Ma MJU: upper tuff of Mount Jefferson, 27.0 Ma CM: tuff of Cove Mine, 34.4 Ma HC: tuff of Hall Creek, 34.0 Ma NH: Nine Hill Tuff, 25.4 Ma CT: Caetano Tuff, 34.0 Ma JC: tuff of Job Canyon, 29.2 Ma PC: tuff of Poco Canyon, 25.2 Ma DC: tuff of Deep Canyon, 30.4 Ma LB: tuff of Louderback Mountains, 25.2 Ma UD: Underdown Tuff, 25.0 Ma EC: tuff of Elevenmile Canyon, 25.1 Ma MH: Manhattan, Round Formation, 24.8 Ma

Figure 1. Map showing the location of the Stillwater caldera complex and other middle Cenozoic calderas in the Great Basin, Nevada. Cal- deras are subdivided into the western Nevada, central Nevada, and Indian Peak–Caliente volcanic fields (Best et al., 2013a). Dashed pale- 87 86 87 86 gray lines show the boundaries between volcanic fields, black solid lines show the locations of the Sr/ Sri = 0.706 and Sr/ Sri = 0.708 isopleths (Farmer and DePaolo, 1983), and dotted black lines show the paleodivide boundaries of Henry and John (2013) (“PD1”) and Best et al. (2013a) (“PD2”). The mountain ranges sampled by King et al. (2004) are shaded in gray and numbered according to their numbering scheme. Labels and ages for the calderas and granites included in this study are shown in the figure legend. Labels are included for two Cretaceous granite localities to the north of the Stillwater caldera complex, the New York Canyon (NYC) stock and the Rocky Canyon (RC) pluton, which may be pertinent to the basement crustal architecture (see text for detail). Stars show town localities in Nevada.

1134 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

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−118º15′ ? 08-IXL2 13-DJ11 A 08-IXL4 10-DJ2 Job Canyon caldera −117º45′ 10-DJ3 (29.2 Ma) Deep ? Canyon 10-DJ4 10-DJ5 caldera

10-DJ6 E (30.4 Ma) Poco Canyon NG

A caldera (25.2 Ma)



08-IXL8 Nine Hill S N ER ? 14-DJ75A Elevenmile T caldera? MT A JC13-9 Canyon caldera

(25.4 Ma) W 12-DJ36 EY (25.1 Ma) L L L L

TI S K C VA 39º30 A ′ ? 12-DJ37 B MTNS

R E 12-DJ38 D E U 14-DJ79 N O L PI L D E A S A T O

E Y I Mesozoic sedimentary rocks 12-DJ33 A


H00-104A A Cretaceous granite DIX L

tuff of Job Canyon 13-DJ7 C

IXL pluton 12-DJ34 tuff of Louderback Mountains MT

tuff of Poco Canyon N N Louderback JC11-32 T S breccia-rich tuff of Poco Canyon M

JC11-26 Mountains Freeman Creek pluton K

AL caldera tuff of Elevenmile Canyon H C (25.2 Ma) rhyolite lavas/intrusions N andesite-dacite lavas/tuff sample location tuff of Deep Canyon Campbell Creek 10 km tuff of Campbell Creek caldera (28.9 Ma) Nine Hill Tuff? 39º15′

Approximate longitude: −118º15′ B Poco Job S Elevenmile Canyon Canyon Canyon N 0 0

tuff of Elevenmile tuff of 2 2 Canyon Poco

Canyon Depth (km ) tuff of Job 4 Canyon 4 level o f modern exp 6 osure 6

IXL 8 pluton 8 Freeman 10 Creek pluton 10

Figure 2. Simplified geologic map and cross section of the Stillwater caldera complex, modified after Colgan et al. (2018). (A) Approximate caldera margins for seven overlapping calderas are shown by the bold dashed lines; thin bold lines show faults, some of which bound the caldera margins. Distributions of Mesozoic basement rocks and rocks of the Stillwater caldera complex are shown by the filled polygons and legend. (B) Pretilt north-south cross section through three overlapping calderas in the Stillwater Range: the Job Canyon, Poco Canyon, and Elevenmile Canyon calderas.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1135

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southern Nevada (Fig. 1) was produced dur- 1996), may be a critical locality for evaluating Mountains (ca. 25.2 Ma, ≤50 km3?), Poco Can- ing the much younger regime of late Ceno- processes of low-δ18O rhyolite genesis in the yon (ca. 25.2 Ma, >360 km3), and Elevenmile zoic Basin and Range extensional tectonics Great Basin and worldwide. Canyon (ca. 25.1 Ma, 2500–5000 km3). We and magmatism (Bindeman and Valley, 2003). also provide data for three Late Cretaceous Low-δ18O rhyolites fingerprint hydrothermally GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND granitic intrusions in the Stillwater Range, the altered crustal materials that have exchanged Alameda Canyon (ca. 84 Ma), La Plata Can- oxygen with low-δ18O meteoric waters (Tay- The western margin of the North American yon (ca. 87 Ma), and Sand Springs (ca. 89 Ma) lor, 1986), thus revealing a shallow process of continent consists of three major crustal zones plutons (Fig. 1), to test whether they are poten- crustal recycling heretofore not recognized in in the Great Basin, from Precambrian cratonic tial crustal sources for ca. 30–25 Ma Stillwater 87 86 the Great Basin ignimbrite flare-up. basement in eastern Nevada ( Sr/ Sri > 0.708), magmas. Here, we briefly describe each of the In addition to providing important new con- to transitional rifted crust and sedimentary rocks studied caldera cycles and note some of the 87 86 straints on Cenozoic silicic magmatism in the of the miogeocline in central Nevada ( Sr/ Sri remaining uncertainties. We refer the reader to Great Basin, this study adds to the occurrence ~0.706–0.708), to accreted oceanic terranes John (1995), Henry and John (2013), and Col- 18 87 86 of low-δ O rhyolites worldwide that signify an in western Nevada ( Sr/ Sri < 0.706) (Fig. 1; gan et al. (2018) for additional discussion of important part of the geochemical evolution of Farmer and DePaolo, 1983). Tectonic interac- geologic field relationships and geochronology. Earth’s continental crust as it interacts with the tion between the continental margin and accreted hydrosphere. Low-δ18O rhyolites have been doc- terranes has resulted in a complex juxtaposition Job Canyon Cycle umented in huge volumes (>10,000 km3) to the of Paleozoic–Mesozoic lithologic assemblages north of the Great Basin in caldera centers of the (cf. Crafford, 2008). Overprinted on this com- The ca. 29–28 Ma Job Canyon caldera con- Snake River Plain–Yellowstone hotspot track plex basement geology are three major pulses of sists of sequences of andesite-dacite lavas, (Hildreth et al., 1984; Bindeman and Valley, silicic igneous activity, manifested by Jurassic breccias, and minor pyroclastic rocks that both 2001; Boroughs et al., 2005; Bindeman et al., and Cretaceous granitic plutons that span across underlie and overlie the ~2-km-thick caldera-

2008; Ellis et al., 2010; Watts et al., 2011, 2012; the state of Nevada and a broad (>400 km) belt forming rhyolitic (~71–77 wt% SiO2) tuff of Drew et al., 2013; Colón et al., 2015; Loewen of middle Cenozoic calderas (Fig. 1). Job Canyon and associated megabreccia (John, and Bindeman, 2015; Blum et al., 2016; Troch The western Nevada, central Nevada, and In- 1995). The volcanic rocks have a total thick- et al., 2017). Other settings in which they have dian Peak–Caliente volcanic fields subdivide the ness of ~5 km. The ca. 28 Ma IXL pluton

been documented include present or former rift numerous calderas of the middle Cenozoic cal- (~59–69 wt% SiO2) intrudes precaldera lavas environments, such as Iceland (Bindeman et al., dera belt (Fig. 1; Henry and John, 2013; Best et al., and Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks. 2012; Pope et al., 2013) and South Africa (Har- 2013b, 2013c). Diameters of individual calderas ris and Erlank, 1992), and modern subduction range from ~10 to 50 km, and volumes of ignim- Louderback Mountains Cycle zone environments such as the Kamchatka Pen- brites range from ~50 to >1000 km3, with well insula in Russia (Bindeman et al., 2004; Selig- over a dozen that can be classified as “supererup- The trachydacitic to rhyolitic (~69–76 wt%

man et al., 2014), the southern Andes in South tions” (cf. Miller and Wark, 2008). Composition- SiO2) tuff of Louderback Mountains overlies America (Grunder, 1987), and Crater Lake ally, the ignimbrites are diverse, ranging from rhyolite lavas and contains abundant blocks of

in the Oregon Cascades (Bacon et al., 1989; rhyolitic to trachydacitic (~78–63 wt% SiO2), them where it fills the Louderback Mountains Ankney­ et al., 2017). Despite this ubiquity, the and crystal-poor (<15 vol%) to highly crystal- caldera, inferred to exist in the southwestern importance of low-δ18O rhyolites to our under- rich (>35 vol%). In areas where Basin and Range Clan Alpine Mountains (Colgan et al., 2018). standing of crustal magmatism likely remains extensional faulting has exposed relatively deep The tuff of Elevenmile Canyon overlies the underestimated due to the dearth of oxygen (>5 km) cross-sectional views through calderas, tuff of Louderback Mountains in this area and isotope data needed to identify them, and the voluminous plutons underlie and intrude the cal- in the Louderback Mountains. Altered tuff up propensity for such shallow rocks to be stripped dera stratigraphy (e.g., John, 1995; John et al., to ~1 km thick, which is tentatively correlated from the geologic record. Geographic location 2008). Geochronologic and petrologic studies with the tuff of Louderback Mountains, over- also has a profound effect on the presence and support a cogenetic origin for at least some of lies rhyolite lavas and underlies rocks of the magnitude of 18O depletion of meteoric waters, these caldera-forming tuffs and plutons (e.g., Poco Canyon caldera in the Stillwater Range and therefore, regardless of tectonic setting and Watts et al., 2016). (Colgan et al., 2018). mechanism, the processes associated with low- The Stillwater caldera complex is the west- δ18O rhyolite genesis may be obscure in many ernmost expression of caldera-forming erup- Poco Canyon Cycle regions, such as in near-equatorial latitudes or tions in the western Nevada volcanic field arid environments (e.g., Folkes et al., 2013). (Fig. 1). From west to east, the complex spans The Poco Canyon caldera system consists of The Great Basin, which possesses a world- the Stillwater Range, Louderback Mountains, two (lower and upper) cooling units of abun- class endowment of hydrothermally altered Clan Alpine Mountains, and Desatoya Moun- dantly porphyritic (~35–45 vol% crystallinity)

and mineralized crustal basement rocks as well tains (Fig. 2; Colgan et al., 2018). Seven nested and rhyolitic (~71–77 wt% SiO2) tuff of Poco as dozens of overlapping caldera centers with calderas were formed in two discrete pulses, Canyon. Sedimentary rocks and up to ~2 km hydrothermal­ alteration (e.g., Best et al., 2013a; with ignimbrite eruptions at ca. 30.4–28.9 Ma of crystal-poor rhyolite tuff, which contains Henry and John, 2013), is a prime setting in and ca. 25.4–25.1 Ma (Fig. 2; Henry and John, abundant mesobreccia and megabreccia blocks which low-δ18O rhyolites would be expected 2013; Colgan et al., 2018). In this paper, we of flow-banded rhyolite and the lower crystal- to occur. The Stillwater caldera complex in present detailed oxygen isotope data for four rich rhyolite tuffs separate the two cooling particular, with caldera-forming tuffs, plutons, caldera-forming tuffs and associated lava flows units (John, 1995). The upper cooling unit and and an ancient hydrothermal system exposed to and plutonic rocks, including the tuffs of Job underlying breccia-rich tuff total ~4.5 km in ~10 km depth (John, 1995; John and Pickthorn, Canyon (ca. 29.2 Ma, >55 km3), Louderback thickness. Outflow tuff from the caldera extends

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>150 km west and ~60 km east of the caldera mineral phases using the established protocols ter of each mount; and ground down to expose

(John, 1995). The caldera is underlain by al- of Bindeman (2008) for CO2-laser fluorination. the approximate midsections of grain interiors. tered, sparsely porphyritic, flow-banded rhyolite Refractory quartz (single to several crystals per Zircon standards (KIM-5, R33, MADDER) lava flows, domes, and intrusive rocks as much analysis) and bulk zircon were the primary tar- were included in the center of each mount. A as ~1.5 km thick that are locally intercalated gets, with additional analyses of sanidine, pla- Tescan VEGA3 scanning electron microscope with and overlain by silicic welded tuffs, andes- gioclase, and biotite. Minerals were analyzed (SEM) at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ites, and minor sedimentary rocks. in 1.5–2.5 mg aliquots under vacuum with a Menlo Park microanalytical facility was used

CO2 laser and BrF5 reagent to liberate O2 gas, to map zircon crystals using backscattered elec- Elevenmile Canyon Cycle which was then purified with a mercury diffu- trons (BSE) and cathodoluminescence (CL) to sion pump to remove traces of fluorine gas, and document internal textures and enable precise

Rocks of the Elevenmile Canyon caldera converted to CO2 in a platinum-graphite con- targeting of core, interior, and rim domains. overlie the Poco Canyon and Louderback verter. For reactive sanidine, an airlock chamber Oxygen isotope ratios were analyzed in situ Mountains calderas, outflow tuff of Poco Can- was used between analyses to prevent reaction at the WiscSIMS Laboratory at the University

yon, and sparsely porphyritic flow-banded rhyo- of grains with BrF5 prior to lasing. A Thermo of Wisconsin, Madison, using a CAMECA lite lava flows, domes, and intrusive rocks. The Finnigan MAT 253 mass spectrometer was used ims 1280 ion microprobe. The WiscSIMS ion 133 + trachydacitic to rhyolitic (~65–77 wt% SiO2) to analyze the oxygen isotopic composition of microprobe was operated with a Cs beam 18 tuff of Elevenmile Canyon is up to ~5 km thick the CO2 gas, and δ O values are reported rela- current of ~2 nA, accelerating potential of in the Stillwater Range and ~3–4 km thick in the tive to Vienna standard mean ocean water (VS- 10 kV (20 kV impact energy), and tuned to an southern Clan Alpine Mountains. Outflow tuff MOW). A University of Oregon garnet standard ~15 µm ion beam spot diameter (~1 µm deep) extends ~60 km to the east and ~125 km to the (UOG; δ18O = 6.52‰, VSMOW) was used to on the sample (Kita et al., 2009; Valley and west (Henry and John, 2013). correct δ18O values in unknowns; UOG analy- Kita, 2009). Secondary ions of 16O–, 16OH–, ses ranged from –0.1‰ to –0.6‰ relative to and 18O– were analyzed simultaneously us- Circa 25 Ma Intrusive Rocks the empirical standard value and had an exter- ing three Faraday cup detectors. The ion yield nal reproducibility (2 standard deviations) of for 16O was ~1.4 Gcps/nA. Ratios of 16OH/16O The Poco Canyon and Elevenmile Canyon 0.1‰–0.2‰. The UOG standard is calibrated were background corrected by comparison to calderas in the Stillwater Range are underlain to the University of Wisconsin garnet standard the nominally anhydrous KIM-5 zircon (Wang and possibly intruded by the ca. 25 Ma Free- (UWG-2; δ18O = 5.80‰, VSMOW). et al., 2014). Analyses of KIM-5 zircon (δ18O = man Creek pluton, which consists of an older Strontium isotope whole-rock data were 5.09‰, VSMOW; Valley, 2003) bracketed each

granodiorite (~65–67 wt% SiO2) phase and collected for a subset of the regional caldera set of unknowns, with ~4–5 KIM-5 analyses be-

a younger granite (~72–77 wt% SiO2) phase. centers for which oxygen isotope data were fore and after each set of ~15 unknown spots. Where exposed, the Freeman Creek pluton in- acquired. Combined with published strontium Values of instrumental mass fractionation based trudes rhyolite lavas and undated volcanic rocks isotope data, these total nine calderas. We have on KIM-5 varied from –1.2‰ to –0.3‰, and the that underlie the Poco Canyon and Elevenmile strontium isotope data for three of the four cal- external reproducibility (2 standard deviations) Canyon calderas; it does not directly intrude dera cycles investigated in the Stillwater cal- during the analytical session ranged from 0.1‰ the tuffs, although it may do so elsewhere in the dera complex (Job Canyon, Poco Canyon, and to 0.4‰, averaging 0.2‰. subsurface. An ~7-km-long composite granite Elevenmile Canyon) and the three Cretaceous A subset of zircons analyzed for oxygen iso- and rhyolite porphyry dike intrudes the IXL granitic plutons (Alameda Canyon, La Plata topes using the WiscSIMS ion microprobe was pluton, separating the Job Canyon and Poco Canyon, and Sand Springs). Whole-rock pow- analyzed for 206Pb/238U ages and trace elements Canyon calderas (John, 1995). At Chalk Moun- ders were analyzed for their strontium isotope using a sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe tain, rhyolite porphyry and granodiorite plutons compositions using a ThermoFinnigan TRI- with reverse geometry (SHRIMP-RG) co-­ (ca. 25 Ma) underlie the Louderback Mountains TON thermal ionization multicollector mass operated by the USGS and Stanford University. and Elevenmile Canyon calderas (Colgan et al., spectrometer at Carleton University in Ottawa, Zircon mounts were re-imaged by SEM after 2018). Where exposed, the granodiorite intrudes Canada. Strontium isotopic ratios were cor- SIMS analysis to evaluate each analytical spot Mesozoic dolomite, but the area between Chalk rected for radiogenic ingrowth using published and to map their precise locations. After polish- Mountain and exposures of the Elevenmile Can- 40Ar/39Ar ages, or when not available, 206Pb/238U ing away the WiscSIMS pits, the grain domains yon caldera is covered by alluvium and it is not ages (Table 1). Previously published strontium just beneath each SIMS δ18O spot were analyzed known if it directly intrudes the intracaldera tuff. isotope data were corrected for the most up-to- with the SHRIMP-RG, using a slightly larger date age data tabulated in Table 1. diameter ion beam (~20 µm). Zircon U-Pb SAMPLES AND METHODS Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) ages were standardized against R33 (419.3 Ma; oxygen isotope data were collected for single Black et al., 2004) and trace elements against Oxygen isotope data were collected for 16 zircon crystals from 22 samples that represent MAD-green zircon (Barth and Wooden, 2010). caldera centers in the western Nevada volcanic all major units of the Job Canyon, Poco Canyon, For a full description of the SHRIMP-RG ana- field (labeled in Fig. 1; tabulated in Table 1). Elevenmile Canyon, and Louderback Moun- lytical methods used, see Colgan et al. (2018). Data collected for the Stillwater complex rep- tains caldera cycles, and one sample of the Hornblende was determined resent four caldera cycles (Job Canyon, Louder- Cretaceous Sand Springs pluton. Prior to SIMS by electron microprobe for the tuff of Eleven- back Mountains, Poco Canyon, and Elevenmile analysis, zircons were separated from crushed mile Canyon in order to constrain the crystal- Canyon) and three Cretaceous granitic plutons whole rocks using a water table, Frantz mag- lization pressures of Stillwater magmas; horn- (Alameda Canyon, La Plata Canyon, and Sand netic separator, and heavy liquids; handpicked blende is either absent or highly altered in tuffs Springs). The University of Oregon Stable Iso- under a binocular microscope; mounted in ep- of the other major caldera-forming cycles in tope Laboratory was used to analyze a variety of oxy rounds within a 10 mm diameter in the cen- the Stillwater caldera complex. Polished thin

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1137

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/131/7-8/1133/4729506/1133.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 Watts et al. i Sr 86 or the – – – – – – – atts et Sr/ W 0.7049– 0.7058– 0.7068– 0.7051– 0.7052– 0.7043– 0.706 7 0.705 5 0.706 1 0.705 0 0.705 4 0.706 0 0.707 2 0.705 4 0.705 7 0.705 0 0.705 1 0.704 7 87 viation of = 1.4‰–1.7‰). † 8.5 9.3 8.0 9.7 8.7 8.4 7.5 8.2 8.6 8.4 6.0 10.0 11.1 10.0 (calc.) melt-zircon 8.6–8.7 5.5–5.8 7.4–7.6 8.1–9.4 Magma O 10.2–10.3 18 tainties quoted are 95% C FIELD y and John (2013), uncer W) OLCANI V – – – – – – – – – – – – – A Zircon VSMO (2008), Henr (17/28)* AD John (1995) data were recalculated f (73/112)* . 8.7 ± 0.3 (74) 6.6 ± 0.2 (20) 4.5 ± 0.3 (19/20)* 7.1–7.2 ± 0.1–0.2 5.9–6.1 ± 0.1–0.5 = 0.4‰–0.5‰ and ∆ tainties quoted are 1 standard de 4.0–4.3 ± 0.2 (59/71) * tz-melt erage (‰, quar uncer av O (2018), and this study; tz O 18 18 ∆ – WESTERN NEV –

δ (7) (4) (3) (3) (25) Quar or zircon; 10.1 ± 0.4 10.4 ± 0.3 10.7 ± 0.3 11.5 ± 0.1 10.4 ± 0.1 THE f 8.9 ± 0.2 (2) 6.5 ± 0.3 (4) 9.7 ± 0.1 (2) 8.4 ± 0.1 (2) 9.1 ± 0.2 (5) 8.8 ± 0.3 (2) 7.9 ± 0.2 (2) 7.9 ± 0.3 (7) 8.6 ± 0.1 (2) 9.0 ± 0.1 (2) 8.8 ± 0.5 (2) 9.8 ± 0.2 (3) (2016), and this study y (SIMS) or 750–850°C: U age atts e t al. – – – – – – 238 (2016), Colgan et al. W (Ma) Pb/ [2009] f 0.3–0.5 (38) 0.2–0.3 (48) 0.2–0.3 (169) 0.2–0.3 (113) 206 25.29–25.78 ± 25.60–25.99 ± 34.23–34.46 ± 25.00–25.82 ± 88.6 ± 3.1 (13) 29.25 ± 0.5 (17) 25.02 ± 0.38 (6) 34.06 ± 0.40 (23) 19.65 ± 0.22 (21) 25.32 ± 0.21 (21) 28.94 ± 0.31 (24) 83.92 ± 0.83 (11) 87.25 ± 0.50 (12) atts et al. e (2013), W rv ail et al. Ar sanidine ages were compiled from John et al. Tr 39 Va Ar/ Ar age – – – – 40 39

(17) (12) (20) (14) (28) y ion mass spectrometr (Ma) Ar/ 40 27.25 ± 0.04 25.38 ± 0.08 28.94 ± 0.06 34.00 ± 0.03 25.11 ± 0.03 27.01 ± 0.05 (4) 25.20 ± 0.02 (2) 24.66 ± 0.07 (1) 24.91 ± 0.03 (3) 25.27 ± 0.03 (8) 33.92 ± 0.02 (4) 34.44 ± 0.01 (4) 25.15 ± 0.02 (5) 19.48 ± 0.02 (3) 24.91 ± 0.05 (4) actors from TUFFS AND BASEMENT SAMPLES IN (°W) 118.00 117.02 117.94 tz and secondar –116.90 – –118.26 –116.90 –117.03 –117.28 –118.25 –116.82 – –117.42 –118.09 – –117.44 –117.68 –116.82 –118.20 –118.30 –117.98 –118.33 Longitude tain caldera location. r quar (°N) U zircon ages were compiled from 38.77 39.39 39.63 38.77 38.58 40.19 39.56 40.45 39.00 39.77 39.20 39.50 39.14 39.36 40.16 39.72 39.43 39.44 39.33 Latitude 238 = 1.5‰ (fractionation f ination fo Pb / te r. 206 uor

melt-zircon e 2 e 2 FOR CALDERA-FORMING wa e 2 e 2 O bl bl bl bl 18 TA Ta Ta tts et el . ∆ Ta Ta laser fl . Italics indicate uncer Wa by Sr isotope data were compiled from John (1995), 94-43 GE DA DJ-1 3 H94-4 (2016) JC13-5 , see , see H94-28 H93-58 H02-24 17-AD-1 H03-138 Sample(s) , see FCM-2, FCM-5 mined e DR2. H11-167, H11-22 Ma ny Ma ny 03-87, 05-DJ-8, 06- JC11-25, 16-DJ-31 JC11-27, 16-DJ-38 = 0.4‰ and 13-DJ-7, see 10-DJ-2, see JC09-LC4, 16-DJ-34 bl Ma ny Ta —number of sample s. tz-mel t n OPE AND A quar σ ; HH MH ap ID O LB JC FP LC CT SS AC AD PC EC NH HC CC UD MJL MJU y Data FCM 18 ∆ ff on Tu k erage atio nM on W—Vienna standard mean ocean on eak ff ONTIUM IS OT av ff ff rm Tu Min eC w P on pluton Tu Tu on pluton Fo “–“ indicates no data. O isotope data were deter VSMO ve


ximate centers of individual calderas vie ngs pluton ni tM co Ca ny e; erso n erso n ir enmile Ca ny tainties quoted are 2 v Jeff Jeff aetano Mountains er tuff of Mount nderdo Nine Hill uff of Arc Dome uff of Hall Creek uff of Co pper tuff of Mount uff of Louderbac uff of Job Ca ny ow and Sp ri uff of Po ff of Campbell Creek uff of Fa Tu La Plata Ca ny uff of Ele Alameda Ca ny XYGEN AND STR Diamond King n in the ta bl Fish Creek Mountains O . (2018) ; uncer – – –S yp eU este dL este dU —number of analyse s. ested? n —number of analyse s. ABLE 1. Single Singl eT Singl eT Singl eT Singl eT Singl eU Singl eC

n Neste dT Neste dT Neste dT Neste dT

T Nested? Nested? lues were calculated based on als; O spectra ; see Figure 5 and Supplementar 18 on δ on O va 18 on δ k erso nN erso nN eak ngs on wn Latitude and longitude are the appro : w P aT on Mine dence inte rv enmile

vie v ve Magma co Ca ny ir *Multimodal † Note Job Ca ny Fish Creek Mountains Manhatta nN Louderbac Mountains Mount Jeff Mount Jeff Arc Dome confi combined analyses; Ele Fa Nine Hill Hall Creek Co Underdo Caetano al . (2016), and Colgan et most up-to-date age data sh ow Calder Po Ca ny Campbell Creek Basement locality Alameda Ca ny La Plata Ca ny Sand Sp ri

1138 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/131/7-8/1133/4729506/1133.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 Oxygen isotopic investigation of silicic magmatism in the Stillwater caldera complex, Nevada

sections of five samples of the tuff of Eleven- A clearly defined gradient in both oxygen and have high and variable magmatic δ18O values: mile Canyon were analyzed with a JEOL 8900 strontium isotopes is apparent as the longitudi- ~11‰ for Alameda Canyon, ~10‰ for La

electron microprobe at the USGS Menlo Park nal profile steps west from the ~0.708 Sri iso- Plata Canyon, and ~8‰–9‰ for Sand Springs microanalytical facility. Mapping of individual pleth, which marks the western boundary of the (Fig. 3A; Table 1). Only Sand Springs overlaps hornblende crystals with a petrographic micro- Precambrian craton in eastern Nevada, across a the upper range of Stillwater tuffs. Whole-rock 87 86 scope and SEM enabled targeting of core and crustal transition zone, and into accreted arc ter- Sr/ Sri ratios for Alameda Canyon (0.7050)

rim domains. The electron microprobe was op- ranes at the ~0.706 Sri isopleth (Fig. 3). The ox- and La Plata Canyon (0.7051) overlap Stillwater erated at a 15 kV accelerating voltage, with a ygen isotope gradient is broadly apparent in the tuffs, whereas Sand Springs has distinctly lower 87 86 10 nA defocused (5-µm-diameter) beam. A regional Mesozoic granites, as first recognized Sr/ Sri (0.7043–0.7047) (Fig. 3B; Table 1). series of USGS mineral and major-oxide stan- by Solomon and Taylor (1989) and later refined Therefore, none of these plutons is an isotopic dards was used to monitor instrument drift and by King et al. (2004), who concluded that gran- match in oxygen and strontium for the Stillwater

correct compositional offsets. Data for two addi- ites east of the 0.706 Sri isopleth have a crustal tuffs. However, other Cretaceous plutons in the tional samples of the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon, signature indicative of high-δ18O sedimentary vicinity do overlap the isotopic compositions published in the M.S. thesis of Stepner (2017), components derived from the continental mar- of the Stillwater tuffs, such as the New York are synthesized with our new data. gin, with the edge at approximately the 0.708 Canyon granite stock, ~40 km north in the Still-

Sri isopleth. For the middle Cenozoic calderas water Range (Fig. 1), which has a whole-rock 18 87 86 RESULTS that are the focus of this investigation, the gradi- δ O value of 8.9‰ and Sr/ Sri ratio of 0.7056 ent closely mirrors that of the Mesozoic granitic (Figs. 3A–3B; Supplementary Data Table DR1), Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Data for basement, and it is bracketed by the high-δ18O and the Rocky Canyon granitic pluton, ~80 km 18 Caldera-Forming Tuffs in the Western Caetano Tuff in central Nevada (δ Omagma = north intruding the Triassic Koipato Group in 87 86 Nevada Volcanic Field in the Context of 10.2‰; Sr/ Sri = 0.7068–0.7072) and two the West Humboldt Range (Fig. 1), which has 18 87 86 Regional Basement low-δ O rhyolites of the Stillwater caldera a Sr/ Sri ratio of 0.7051 (Fig. 3B; Supplemen- complex in western Nevada, the tuffs of Poco tary Data Table DR1). The Jurassic Humboldt 18 18 Magmatic δ O values were calculated from Canyon and Job Canyon (δ Omagma = 5.5‰– mafic complex, which has extensive gabbroic 87 86 quartz or zircon analyses for 16 caldera-­forming 6‰; Sr/ Sri = 0.7049–0.7057) (Figs. 1 and 3). and basaltic outcrops within ~20–40 km of the tuffs in the western Nevada volcanic field. Units Nested calderas of the Stillwater complex northern margin of the Stillwater caldera com- for which we have both quartz and zircon data have highly diverse magmatic δ18O values; tuffs plex (Fig. 1), has unequivocally -derived 87 86 indicate consistency in calculated magmatic span from 5.5‰ to 8.7‰ (Fig. 3A; Table 1). In Sr/ Sri ratios (0.7041–0.7043) that are far 87 86 (melt) values using fractionation factors from comparison, Sr/ Sri ratios for the same units lower than those found for any Stillwater units 18 Trail et al. (2009) for δ Oquartz-melt = 0.4‰ and appear to be less heterogeneous, spanning from (Fig. 3B; Supplementary Data Table DR1). 18 δ Omelt-zircon = 1.5‰ (Table 1). Calculated mag- 0.7049 to 0.7057 (Fig. 3B; Table 1). The Still- matic δ18O values for the tuffs span from ~10‰ water complex is the only documented local- Zircon U-Pb Ages and Inheritance in to 5.5‰ across a longitudinal profile from ity with low-δ18O magmas in the region. The the Stillwater Caldera Complex in –116.8°W to –118.3°W (Figs. 1 and 3; Table 1). Mount Jefferson caldera system, southeast of the Context of Regional Basement 87 86 Whole-rock Sr/ Sri ratios for the same units the Stillwater complex, also displays hetero­ were included for nine of these tuffs and span geneity in successively erupted tuffs; the up- Zircon 206Pb/238U ages have been determined from ~0.707 to 0.705. These new data were per tuff of Mount Jefferson is ~1‰ lower that by SHRIMP-RG for the 22 samples of the Still- plotted with available oxygen isotope data for the lower tuff of Mount Jefferson (Fig. 3A; water caldera complex investigated for zircon regional granites (and strontium, where it ex- Table 1). Just south of the Mount Jefferson cal- O isotopes by SIMS (Table 2). As described by ists for equivalent units) across the state of deras, the Manhattan caldera may partly overlap Colgan et al. (2018), U-Pb ages are bimodal, Nevada (Figs. 1 and 3; Supplementary Data the mineralized Round Mountain caldera, which with the Job Canyon pulse at ca. 29 Ma and Table DR11). Most of these regional granites hosts one of the largest epithermal gold deposits the Louderback Mountains, Poco Canyon, are Cretaceous or Jurassic in age, with mag- in the Great Basin (cf. Henry and John, 2013). and Elevenmile Canyon pulses at ca. 25 Ma matic δ18O values calculated from quartz and The Manhattan caldera is distinctly lower in (Table 2). One sample from the Poco Canyon zircon analyses (King et al., 2004), and fewer δ18O compared to other calderas at this longi- cycle and two from the Job Canyon cycle have approximated from whole-rock δ18O analyses tude in the O-Sr profile (Fig. 3A). In contrast, inherited zircon grains, with U-Pb ages that are (Wooden et al., 1999). Magmatic δ18O values nested calderas of the central Nevada volcanic Eocene (35 Ma), Late Cretaceous (76–71 Ma, approximated from whole-rock analyses may field studied by Larson and Taylor (1986) have 98–95 Ma), Late Jurassic (150 Ma), Middle Ju- be affected by alteration, whereas those calcu- consistently high and homogeneous δ18O values rassic (166 Ma), and Neoproterozoic (545 Ma) lated from zircon are free of these effects (e.g., (Fig. 3A), based on their analysis of bulk min- (Fig. 4A). Of the three Cretaceous granitic Lackey et al., 2008). eral separates. The high level of δ18O diversity plutons analyzed, Alameda Canyon (84 Ma), observed in nested calderas at Stillwater, Mount La Plata Canyon (87 Ma), and Sand Springs Jefferson, and potentially Manhattan, is not ob- (89 Ma), Alameda Canyon and La Plata Canyon 1GSA Data Repository item 2019060, O and Sr served in different units within single (isolated) have inherited grains that are Late Cretaceous isotope and age data for regional basement rocks in calderas in the western Nevada volcanic field, (96 Ma), Early Cretaceous (104–102 Ma), and the Great Basin, zircon O isotope, age and trace el- such as the Caetano caldera (Watts et al., 2016). Triassic (203 Ma) (Fig. 4A). Two inherited Job ement data for the Stillwater caldera complex, and Three Cretaceous granitic plutons with out- Canyon zircons overlap Sand Springs zircons hornblende chemistry data for the tuff of Eleven- 18 mile Canyon, is available at http://www.geosociety crops around the Stillwater caldera complex, the in both U-Pb age and δ O at ~6.6‰ (Fig. 4A, .org/datarepository/2019 or by request to editing@­ Alameda Canyon to the north and the La Plata inset). In contrast, one Job Canyon grain is geosociety.org. Canyon and Sand Springs to the south (Fig. 1), much older at 150 Ma, though overlapping in

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1139

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A AC 11.00 CT nested calderas 10.00 Larson & Taylor 1986 LC CM HC

SS NYC 9.00 UD FCM MJL CC nested LB calderas MJU O (‰, VSMOW) 8.00 NH AD 18 MH FP Stillwater EC possibly 7.00 caldera nested complex δ18 Magma δ low- O magmas JC 6.00 PC

B 0.7075 CT 0.7070 CM l 0.7065 initia 0.706 isopleth FCM Sr

86 0.7060 CC JC NYC Sr / Stillwater 87 caldera EC 0.7055 NH complex RC

0.7050 LC FP PC AC 0.7045 SS

−120.0 −119.5 −119.0 −118.5 −118.0 −117.5 −117.0 −116.5 −116.0 −115.5 −115.0 −114.5 −114.0 Longitude (°W)

0.706 Sri 0.708 Sri C accreted volcanic arc + clastic transition zone craton 0 GT RMT 10

20 Depth (km) ? Precambrian vertical exaggeration ~ 4:1 ? crystalline basement ? M 30 −120.0 −119.5 −119.0 −118.5 −118.0 −117.5 −117.0−116.5−116.0−115.5−115.0−114.5 −114.0 Longitude (°W)

arc-type volcanic rocks continental clastic rocks intermixed with continental clastic rocks ocean-floor type greenstones continental clastic rocks and intermixed continental clastic and carbonate rocks carbonate rocks arc-type volcanic rocks

Regional granites (King et al., 2004 and Wooden et al., 1999) magma value calc. from zircon for O isotope data; whole-rock analysis for Sr isotope data magma value calc. from quartz for O isotope data; whole-rock analysis for Sr isotope data whole-rock analysis Precambrian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Cenozoic Regional granites, Cretaceous (this study) magma value calc. from quartz and zircon for O isotope data; whole-rock analysis for Sr isotope data Humboldt lopolith gabbro and basalt, Jurassic (Kistler and Speed, 2000) whole-rock analysis

18 87 86 Figure 3. Longitudinal profiles for (A) magmaticδ O and (B) Sr/ Sri values for calderas of the western Nevada volcanic field, with labels that correspond to those in Figure 1 and data in Table 1. Unfilled boxes indicate uncertain caldera locations. Included in 18 87 86 these plots are published δ O data for regional granites, and, when available for the same units, Sr/ Sri (see Supplementary Data Table DR1 for compilation of all plotted data). The low-δ18O magma threshold (δ18O = 6‰) is based on closed-system differentiation of mantle basalt (Bindeman, 2008). (C) Generalized pre-Jurassic crustal profile at ~40°N latitude in central Nevada, shown for the same longitudinal scale, adapted after Farmer and DePaolo (1983) and King et al. (2004). Depths are pre-Jurassic; they do not account for Jurassic–Cretaceous crustal shortening or Cenozoic extension. GT—Golconda thrust, RMT—Roberts Mountains thrust, M—mantle.

1140 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/131/7-8/1133/4729506/1133.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 Oxygen isotopic investigation of silicic magmatism in the Stillwater caldera complex, Nevada tz-zircon # see T – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

quar (°C) O 18 721, 787 708, 772 757, 825 702, 765 804, 872 873, 945 834, 903 704, 767 ∆ . erage; § av ater = 1.4‰–1.7‰). 6.91 7.74 5.99 8.71 8.48 7.84 7.61 8.74 7.36 5.53 8.59 5.82 7.16 7.27 7.23 5.75 5.77 7.53 7. 52 7.53 7.45 7.30 Magma melt-zircon O 18 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ∆ or full data set. Biotite mean ocean w 5.33, 5.42 . le DR2 f b –– –– –– –– –– –– –– Ta ned range used to calculate

6.55, 6.56 7.40, 7.50 O Plagioclase 18 = 0.4‰–0.5‰ and δ y Data tz-melt –– –– –– – –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – W—Vienna standard –– W) 6.35 6.81 7.05 quar O Sanidine 18 ∆ VSMO

VSMO ination data, y; tz –– –– –– uor –– (‰, 8.28 8.35 Quar see Supplementar 8.68, 8.51 6.16, 6.28 6.66, 6.88 7.88, 8.21 7.68, 7.91 8.32, 8.46 7.38, 8.06, Laser fl e yields ~60–70 °C higher temperatures or 750–850 °C; . —number of analyses out defi –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – xcluded); n

6.00 6.27 4.07 6.13 erenc Zircon 4.10, 4.69 6.02, 6.20 4.74, 5.47 4.92, 5.25 5.78, 5.87 5.70, 5.71 5.37, 5.66 [2009] f ysts e y ion mass spectrometr † TER CALDERA COMPLEX enocr ail et al. WA the latter ref Tr oic x erage av O 18 (2003); W) δ THE STILL SIMS—secondar Zircon 6.11 ± 0.13 (8/16) 5.86 ± 0.15 (8/23) 7.09 ± 0.23 (5/14) actors from 6.24 ± 0.27 (14/14) 7.21 ± 0.11 (12/17) 6.98 ± 0.24 (25/25) 4.49 ± 0.26 (19/20) 5.41 ± 0.25 (10/20) 6.34 ± 0.11 (15/15) 7.24 ± 0.11 (12/14) 5.77 ± 0.17 (14/15) 5.73 ± 0.25 (14/14) 4.25 ± 0.21 (20/20) 4.03 ± 0.21 (25/29) 4.27 ± 0.17 (15/15) 5.66 ± 0.14 (15/17) 4.32 ± 0.15 (14/22) 6.03 ± 0.29 (16/20) 6.02 ± 0.28 (16/20) 6.03 ± 0.51 (13/19) 5.95 ± 0.31 (12/14) 5.80 ± 0.33 (11/19) y et al. VSMO oic and Cenoz alues that are ~0‰–0.5‰ higher FOR viations of combined analyses; alle (‰, TA V O v SIMS data, 18 δ Zircon range* OT OPE DA 5.8–6.8 (14/14) 7.0–8.6 (17/17) 6.5–7.7 (25/26) 4.2–6.8 (20/20) 4.0–8.1 (20/24) 6.2–6.6 (15/15) 5.9–8.2 (16/16) 4.5–7.4 (14/14) 3.9–7.1 (23/23) 3.9–7.3 (14/14) 4.9–6.1 (15/15) 5.4–6.2 (14/14) 3.9–4.7 (20/20) 3.6–6.9 (29/30) 4.0–4.7 (15/15) 5.5–6.4 (17/17) 4.0–6.3 (22/22) 4.2–7.1 (20/20) 5.4–7.4 (20/20) 4.9–7.9 (19/19) 4.2–6.5 (14/14) 5.2–7.7 (19/19) “–“ indicates no data. ne range (Mesoz

fi = 1.5‰ (fractionation f ail et al . (2009) and Tr XGYEN IS Ag e (Ma ) melt-zircon O 18 28.45 ± 0.35 29.38 ± 0.38 29.32 ± 0.97 29.25 ± 0.47 28.54 ± 0.51 28.07 ± 0.33 25.12 ± 0.31 25.52 ± 0.25 25.00 ± 0.26 25.29 ± 0.26 25.05 ± 0.26 25.04 ± 0.32 25.99 ± 0.20 25.74 ± 0.19 25.24 ± 0.25 24.93 ± 0.37 25.60 ± 0.25 25.57 ± 0.26 25.37 ± 0.19 25.23 ± 0.26 25.20 ± 0.30 25.16 ± 0.23 ∆ Y OF O tainties quoted are 1 standard de ctors from fa uncer SUMMAR = 0.4‰ and JC13-9 erage; 10-DJ-5 10-DJ-2 13-DJ-7 10-DJ-6 10-DJ-4 10-DJ-3 ; JC11-26 JC11-32 tz-mel t 13-DJ-11 12-DJ-37 12-DJ-34 12-DJ-38 12-DJ-36 12-DJ-33 14-DJ-79 12-DJ-35 H00-104A Sample(s) JC08-IXL4 JC08-IXL2 JC08-IXL8 14-DJ-75A 13-DJ-46 (LF) quar (~65–78 wt%) results in calculated magma 2 ABLE 2. O T 18 ∆ lite U ages ; data are from Colgan et al . (2018) y wt% SiO on on on on on on erage yo 238 co yr on av on ph on on Pb / 206 te Ca ny s used to calculate av k Mountains co Ca ny on yo co Ca ny r whole-ro ck enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny Unit ich tuff of Po v v v v Ca ny k Mountains rh IXL pluton IXL pluton granodiorite ff of Job Ca ny ff of Lee Ca ny r full data set. ff of Po r tuff of Po lite of Co Tu Pre–Job dacite tuff Tu eeman Creek pluton, ff of Hercules Ca ny st–Job andesite/dacite Tu (2008) fo yo ff of Ele ff of Ele ff of Ele ff of Ele we Chalk Mountain pluton Fr Breccia-r Tu Pre–Job andesite/dacite ff of Louderbac Po Chalk Mountain por Tu Tu Tu Tu Lo eeman Creek pluton, granite Rh temperatures were calculated with fractionation Tu Fr Louderbac e DR2 fo et al . bl tz-zircon im) peak in spectra wa Ta ckey quar lues were calculated based on O on on on on on on on 18 y Data O va 18 on on on on on δ um ∆ k Mountains k Mountains k Mountains k Mountains on on on on on on Ages are error-weighted mean zircon : enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny enmile Ca ny v v v v v v v Dominant (and/or r Magma Equilib ri co Ca ny co Ca ny co Ca ny co Ca ny co Ca ny *Numbers in parentheses are number of analyses out total used to de † § # Note Supplementar The calibration of La Job Ca ny Job Ca ny Ele Job Ca ny Job Ca ny Job Ca ny Job Ca ny Caldera cycle Louderbac Ele Louderbac Louderbac Louderbac Po Po Po Ele Po Po Ele Ele Ele Ele

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1141

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δ18O, and another is much younger at 35 Ma and distinctly higher in δ18O at ~8.3‰ (Fig. 4A, in- set). One inherited Poco Canyon zircon overlaps Sand Springs in U-Pb age but is slightly higher in δ18O at ~7.4‰ (Fig. 4A, inset). Age data for regional basement rocks and Cenozoic calderas define three major pulses, or flare-ups, of silicic igneous activity in the middle Cenozoic, Cretaceous, and Middle–Late Jurassic (Fig. 4B). Inherited zircons in the Still- water caldera complex and Stillwater basement plutons fall broadly into these flare-up time pe- riods, and most inherited zircons are Cretaceous in age (Figs. 4A–4B). Ages of specific basement units discussed in the previous section on oxy- gen and strontium isotopes are as follows: New York Canyon granite stock (ca. 71–69 Ma), Rocky Canyon granitic pluton (ca. 92–90 Ma), Humboldt mafic complex (ca. 172–169 Ma), and Koipato Group volcanics (ca. 250–248 Ma) (Fig. 4B; age data from Johnson, 1977; Wooden et al., 1999; Kistler and Speed, 2000; Vikre, 2014). Of these, all but the Koipato Group have ages that overlap within error with the inherited zircon ages documented in the Stillwater caldera complex (Figs. 4A–4B).

Oxygen Isotope Evolution in the Stillwater Caldera Complex

Oxygen isotope ratios collected by SIMS for 22 samples and ~400 analytical spots for single zircons are synthesized in Figure 5 and Table 2 (full data in Supplementary Data Table DR2). Laser fluorination data for bulk zircon and ma- jor phenocryst phases of quartz, sanidine, pla- gioclase, and biotite are included for 13 samples (Fig. 5; Table 2). Job Canyon cycle magmatism began with 206 238 Figure 4. Zircon Pb/ U ages and inheritance in units of the Stillwater caldera complex andesite and dacite lava flows and small explo- in the context of regional basement. Labels correspond to those in Figure 1. (A) Weighted sive eruptions (Fig. 5A). These units have high- 206 238 mean zircon Pb/ U ages for studied samples of the Stillwater caldera complex and Still- 18 18 δ Ozircon values of 7.0‰–7.2‰ and δ Omagma of water basement plutons are shown by the circle symbols (data listed in Tables 1 and 2), and 8.5‰–8.7‰. The caldera-forming eruption of samples with inheritance are shown by the dashed lines that extend to the inherited grains the tuff of Job Canyon was the first low-δ18O with their ages labeled. Zircon cathodoluminescence (CL) images are shown for selected rhyolite produced, with 18O of 4.5‰ and 18 206 238 δ zircon samples with analytical spots labeled for δ O values and Pb/ U ages. Inset in A shows 18O of 6.0‰. Bulk zircon analyzed by la- 18 206 238 δ magma δ O values and Pb/ U ages for inherited zircons in the Stillwater caldera complex com- ser fluorination is in agreement with the SIMS pared to zircons in the Cretaceous Sand Springs pluton; highlighted gray circles show the 18 zircon data (δ Ozircon = 4.1‰–4.7‰). Next grains in the main panel. (B) Histogram of Cenozoic and Mesozoic age data for regional erupted was one of the most hetero­geneous basement units in the Great Basin, Nevada (individual units are shown by gray squares units documented in the Stillwater caldera com- overlying the histogram; data are tabulated in Supplementary Data Table DR1). Ages were plex, the post–Job Canyon andesite/dacite lava, excluded if they did not overlap within 5% error for the same units in King et al. (2004) and 18 with δ Ozircon that spans from 4.0‰ to 8.1‰. Wooden et al. (1999). If the ages overlapped, but were not identical, an intermediate age Plagioclase and biotite analyzed by laser fluo- was used. Each unit is only represented once. The striped vertical bars in B show the ages rination are in high-temperature equilibrium of specific basement units that may be pertinent to understanding the Stillwater basement (i.e., >700 °C) with the magmatic δ18O com- architecture, including the New York Canyon (NYC) stock, the Rocky Canyon (RC) pluton, position calculated from zircon rims. In addi- Humboldt mafic complex (HM), and the Koipato (KP) Group volcanics. tion to having the largest overall δ18O range in zircons, the post–Job Canyon andesite/dacite also has the largest δ18O variation within single zircons (>2‰ zoning between core, interior,

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9.00 JOB CANYON A 8.00

7.00 (17)

(25) 6.00 (15) (14)

O (‰, VSMOW) 5.00

18 low-δ18O zircons δ

4.00 (20) (20) post-Job pre-Job pre-Job tuff of Job post-Job andes- andesite/dacite dacite tuff Canyon andesite/dacite IXL pluton IXL pluton ite/dacite 13-DJ-11 10-DJ-5 10-DJ-2 10-DJ-3 JC08-IXL4 JC08-IXL2 10-DJ-3 3.00 29.3829.32 29.25 28.54 28.4525 28.08.077 26.0-24.89 Age (Ma) Figure 5. Oxygen isotope evolution 9.00 LEGEND Louderback of the Stillwater caldera complex, LOUDERBACK MOUNTAINS Mountains SIMS zircon O isotope data rhyolite error-weighted core with units of each caldera cycle plot- 12-DJ-34 8.00 B probability density interior function (PDF) rim ted in order of their error-weighted 206 238 (n) number of analyses mean Pb/ U zircon ages; tie lines Chalk Mountain in PDF 7.00 pluton average of analyses in between panels show age overlaps. JC11-26 dominant (and/or) rim peak Secondary ion mass spectrometry in PDF 6.00 magma δ18O calculated (SIMS) zircon oxygen isotope data from zircon average 18 are shown by error-weighed prob- low-δ O zircon pre-caldera δ18O (14) O (‰, VSMOW) threshold (<4.5‰) zircon (~7.2‰) 5.00 (15) ability density functions (PDFs), 18

δ Laser fluorination O isotope data constructed using Isoplot (Ludwig, Chalk Mountain 4.00 (14) zircon Louderback porphyry quartz 2012). On the right side of each tuff of Louderback JC11-32 Mountains rhyolite (14) Mountains sanidine panel are rank-order plots that 12-DJ-34 13-DJ-7 3.00 plagioclase biotite show the individual zircon data 25.52225.29925.05 25.05.044 used to construct PDFs for an ex- Age (Ma) ample sample. Data are summa- 9.00 lower tuff of lower tuff of rized in Table 2 and included in full Poco Canyon POCO CANYON Poco C 12-DJ-38 Canyon in Supplementary Data Table DR2. 8.00 tuff of Poco 12-DJ-38 Canyon Laser fluorination oxygen isotope 10-DJ-4 data for bulk zircon and other min- rhyolite of 7.00 breccia-rich tuff Coyote eral phases are shown by the sym- of Poco Canyon Canyon 10-DJ-6 JC13-9 bols plotted over the PDFs. The 6.00 calculated magmatic δ18O values for each sample are connected by thin (17)

O (‰, VSMOW) 5.00 black lines. The pre-caldera (i.e. 18 18 δ pre–Job ­andesite/dacite) δ O zir- 4.00 con boundary (~7.2‰) is shown by Freeman Creek (22) (15) (20) (29) pluton, granite the horizontal gray dashed line, and JC08-IXL8 3.00 the threshold for low-δ18O zircons 25.99 25.74 25.60 25.24 24.93 (<4.5‰) is shown by the horizontal Age (Ma) gray bar. 9.00 tuff of ELEVENMILE CANYON Elevenmile D Canyon 8.00 14-DJ-75A


6.00 (16)


O (‰, VSMOW) 5.00 (19) (23) 18

δ (19) 4.00 (20) tuff of (14) Freeman Creek tuff of tuff of tuff of Lee tuff of Hercules Elevenmile tuff of Elevenmile pluton, Elevenmile Elevenmile Canyon Canyon Canyon Canyon granodiorite Canyon Canyon 12-DJ-36 12-DJ-33 H00-104A 14-DJ-79 12-DJ-35 12-DJ-37 14-DJ-75A 3.00 25.5725.37 25.2325.20 25.16 25.12 25.00 Age (Ma)

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and rim domains). Intrusion of the IXL pluton was ~0.9‰ lower. This fact, combined with the of Elevenmile Canyon (and equivalent tuffs of marked a return to normal-δ18O values in the bimodal PDF for the granitic phase of the Free- Lee and Hercules Canyon from previous no- 18 Job Canyon cycle, with δ Ozircon of 6.2‰–6.3‰ man Creek pluton, indicates that it may be more menclature of John [1995] and Henry and John 18 18 and δ Omagma of 7.7‰–7.8‰. The IXL pluton heterogeneous than the current data show. [2013]) have multimodal PDFs with δ Ozircon samples are the most homogeneous of all Job The Elevenmile Canyon caldera cycle is the that spans from 4.2‰ to 8.2‰. Low-δ18O zir- Canyon cycle units, with unimodal probability youngest and most voluminous of the Stillwa- cons were found in three of the six tuff samples 18 density functions (PDFs) and zircons that are ter caldera complex and overlapped the Poco studied. The dominant PDF peaks have δ Ozircon 18 18 unzoned or very subtly zoned in δ O. Laser Canyon cycle in space and time; however, the of 5.9‰–6.1‰ (δ Omagma of 7.4‰–7.6‰), fluorination data for bulk zircon from the IXL Elevenmile Canyon cycle has an oxygen isotope which is consistent with the laser fluorination pluton are identical within error to the SIMS record that is highly disparate from the Poco data for bulk zircon, and in high-temperature data, and laser fluorination data for quartz are in Canyon cycle (Fig. 5D). All samples of the tuff equilibrium with the laser fluorination data for high-temperature equilibrium with zircon. The next major caldera cycle in the Stillwater complex resumed after a long hiatus (>2 m.y.) with the eruption of the tuff of Louderback tuff of Elevenmile Canyon Mountains (Fig. 5B). The tuff of Louderback A SIMS zircon analyses Mountains has a multimodal PDF, with both (n=112) low-δ18O and high-δ18O zircons, and it is dis- tinctly lacking in zircons with δ18O of ~6‰, which defined zircons at the end of the Job Canyon cycle. The Louderback Mountains rims rhyolite, a lava or intrusion underlying the tuff SIMS zircon analyses B 2 spots/grain of Louderback Mountains, has zircons with a (n=56) very similar distribution to the tuff of Louder- 14DJ75A, g6 back Mountains; zircon rims in this sample are core 7.2‰–7.4‰. The dominant PDF peak and rim 6.01‰ interior analyses in the Louderback Mountains rhyo- rim lite correspond to δ18O of 7.1‰–7.2‰ and zircon 7.02‰ 18 δ Omagma of 8.6‰–8.7‰. Two intrusive units 12DJ37, g13 that underlie the Louderback Mountains cal- dera, the Chalk Mountain pluton and porphyry, 6.09‰ have zircon populations that are very similar to one another, but very different from the tuff of 12DJ36, g12 Louderback Mountains. The Chalk Mountain 6.29‰ units are unimodal, with the exception of one 5.98‰ zircon with slightly lower δ18O in the pluton. The dominant peak and rim analyses corre- 6.13‰ 18 18 spond to δ Ozircon of 5.7‰–5.8‰ and δ Omagma 14DJ75A, g5 of 7.2‰–7.3‰. The Poco Canyon caldera cycle succeeded 5.28‰ the Louderback Mountains caldera cycle (Fig. 5C). All samples of the tuff of Poco Can- 18 18 yon are low-δ O rhyolites, with δ Ozircon of 18 6.04‰ 4.0‰–4.3‰ and δ Omagma of 5.5‰–5.8‰. Two samples of the tuff (lower and upper cooling units) have multimodal PDFs with a small pro- 18 portion (~15%–35%) of normal-δ O zircons. 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 Laser fluorination data for quartz and sanidine δ18O (‰, VSMOW) are in high-temperature equilibrium with the dominant PDF peaks for Poco Canyon zircons. Figure 6. Oxygen isotope data for zircons of the tuff The rhyolite of Coyote Canyon, which is a lava of Elevenmile Canyon determined by ion microprobe: that preceded the tuff, has a unimodal zircon (A) error-weighted probability density function for all zir- PDF that is identical to the dominant PDF peaks con analyses, and (B) rank-order plot for zircons with two in the tuff of Poco Canyon. The granitic phase analytical spots per grain. Horizontal dashed lines connect of the Freeman Creek pluton, which underlies core, interior, and/or rim analyses for individual grains. the Poco Canyon caldera, has zircons that are Vertical black line shows the average and standard devia- 18 18 significantly higher inδ O, with δ Ozircon of tion of only rim analyses. Zircon cathodoluminescence (CL) 18 18 5.7‰ and δ Omagma of 7.2‰. Laser fluorination images annotated with δ O values for core and rim analyses data for bulk zircon overlap the SIMS zircon are shown for a few representative grains. White bar at the data for one analysis, but a duplicate analysis bottom of each CL image is 50 µm.

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quartz, sanidine, and plagioclase. Single zircons is very similar to the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon, vary from ~5000 to 12,000 ppm for high-, nor- 18 18 in the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon are commonly with δ Ozircon of 5.8‰ for the dominant peak. mal-, and low-δ O zircons (Figs. 7A, 7C, and zoned, with lower- and higher-δ18O cores and Laser fluorination data for bulk zircon in the 7E). Low-δ18O zircons in the Job Canyon cycle interiors overgrown by homogeneous rims with Freeman Creek pluton granodiorite are consis- have relatively restricted Hf (~6000–7000 ppm), an average δ18O of 5.9‰ ± 0.2‰ (n = 12 rims; tent with the SIMS data. while those in the Poco Canyon cycle span al- 1 standard deviation), which approximates the Trace elements were collected for a subset of most the full range of Hf represented in the Still- dominant PDF peak for all tuff of Elevenmile the zircons analyzed for oxygen isotopes from water caldera complex (~6000–12,000 ppm). Canyon zircon analyses combined (n = 112; the Job Canyon, Poco Canyon, and Elevenmile Low-δ18O zircons in the Elevenmile Canyon Fig. 6). The granodiorite phase of the Freeman Canyon caldera cycles (Fig. 7; Supplementary cycle are few in comparison; the two for which Creek pluton has a multimodal zircon PDF that Data Table DR2). Hafnium contents of zircons we have Hf data are ~9000 ppm. Each cycle

Figure 7. Hafnium, δ18O, and rare earth element (REE) data for single zircons in the Stillwater caldera complex determined by ion microprobe (Supplementary Data Table DR2). Labels correspond to those in Figure 1. Vertical dashed gray line in the left panels shows the threshold for low-δ18O zircons (<4.5‰). Tie lines connect analytical spots within the same grains, with grain numbers labeled for those with a corresponding cathodoluminescence (CL) image in the left panels. White bar at the bottom of each CL image is 50 µm; g—granite, gd—granodiorite. In panels E and F, grains interpreted to be inherited from the Poco Canyon (PC) cycle are indicated.

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­possesses zircons with significant zoning in both Canyon share this geochemical characteristic within each group, but the two groups do not δ18O and Hf. The greatest zoning is observed in (as well as δ18O and Hf values that are within the overlap, and the high-Al hornblendes were only

the post–Job Canyon andesite/dacite, which has range of Poco Canyon and Louderback Moun- documented in samples with whole-rock SiO2 highly heterogeneous core and interior zircon tains zircons), suggesting that they are inherited less than 68 wt%. Single hornblende crystals are domains that are overgrown by homogenized from one of these cycles. unzoned or very subtly zoned from core to rim rims with δ18O of ~5.4‰ and Hf of ~9000 ppm (e.g., Figs. 8B–8C). (Fig. 7A). Chondrite-normalized rare earth ele- Hornblende Barometry Constraints Two Al-in-amphibole geobarometers (Ridolfi ment (REE) patterns in zircons from tuffs and for the Tuff of Elevenmile Canyon et al., 2010; Mutch et al., 2016) were used to plutons in the three cycles (Figs. 7B, 7D, and Magma Chamber estimate crystallization pressures for the two 7F), combined with the Hf and δ18O data, indi- hornblende groups. The results between the cate that zircons in the Job Canyon and Poco Hornblende chemistry was determined by two geobarometers are disparate for the same Canyon cycles have tuffs and plutons with dis- electron microprobe for the tuff of Elevenmile hornblende Al contents (vary by about a factor tinctly different geochemical signatures (i.e., Canyon to constrain crystallization pressures of two), and because it is not clear which geo- higher δ18O, higher Hf, and lower REEs in the and estimate the crustal depths at which silicic barometer may be more accurate (and because IXL pluton compared to the tuff of Job Canyon, magma chambers resided in the Stillwater cal- Al-in-amphibole geobarometry is prone to large and higher δ18O, lower Hf, and higher REEs in dera complex (Fig. 8; Supplementary Data uncertainties in general; Putirka, 2016), we the Freeman Creek pluton granite compared to Table DR3). The samples span ~20 km across make very general estimates for crystallization the tuff of Poco Canyon). In contrast, zircons the Louderback, Clan Alpine, and Desatoya pressures and depths for average compositions in the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon and Freeman Mountains and represent the trachydacitic-rhy- for the two hornblende groups. We note that the Creek pluton granodiorite overlap in δ18O, Hf, olitic compositional range of the tuff (~62–73 Mutch et al. (2016) barometer was calibrated

and REEs. One of the most distinctive features wt% SiO2). There are two distinct composi- for low-pressure granitic rocks with the same of low-δ18O zircons in the tuff of Poco Can- tional groups of hornblende, a low-Al group mineral assemblage that is found in Stillwater

yon is a sharp negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 7D). with ~6–7.5 wt% Al2O3 and a high-Al group rhyolites. For the low-Al group, the intermedi-

We note that zircons in the tuff of Louderback with ~10.5–12 wt% Al2O3 (Fig. 8A). The high- ate total Al content (1.2 atoms per formula unit, Mountains have REE and Hf contents similar to Al group has higher Mg, Ca, Ti, Na, and K and apfu) corresponds to 1.0–2.2 kbar and ~4–8 km the Poco Canyon zircons (Colgan et al., 2018). lower Si, Fe, and Cl relative to the low-Al group. depth (based on a 3.7 km/kbar pressure-depth Two low-δ18O zircons in the tuff of Elevenmile Two samples have hornblende crystals that fall conversion) (Fig. 8A). For the high-Al group,

Ref 1, 2 Ref 1, 2 Ref 1 4.4, 5.9 ~16, 22 996 A B Al2O3 12 This study: 12.2-12.3 wt% 3.6, 5.3 ~13, 19 960 15-DJ-18 (73%) 11 14-DJ-46 (71%) 12.5 wt% 15-DJ-15A (70%) 2.7, 4.5 ~10, 16 944 12-DJ-33 (68%) 10 13-DJ-41 (66%) 12-DJ-33 hb-3 100 µm Stepner (2017):

(wt%) 9 3 15-CA-21 (69%) Al O O C 2 3 2 15-CA-28 (62%)

Al 8 1.3, 2.7 ~5, 10 842 7 6.4-6.5 wt% 1.0, 2.2 ~4, 8 763 6.3-6.5 wt% 6 0.8, 1.8 ~3, 7 727 12-DJ-33 hb-5 200 µm P Depth T 40 45 50 55 60 65 (kbar) (km) (°C ) Mg# (100xMg/Mg+Fe)

Figure 8. Hornblende geochemical data for the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon determined by electron microbe

(Supplementary Data Table DR3). (A) Aluminum content vs. Mg#. Whole-rock SiO2 contents of host tuff samples are shown in parentheses. Pressures (P) calculated with the barometers of Ridolfi et al. (2010) (“Ref 1”) and Mutch et al. (2016) (“Ref 2”) are connected by horizontal dashed lines to single hornblende analyses that span the compositional ranges of the two hornblende groups. Depths were estimated from calculated pressures with a 3.7 km/kbar conversion. Crystallization temperatures (T) of hornblende from the Ridolfi et al. (2010) calibration are included to the right. (B–C) Representative photomicrographs of high- and low-Al hornblende crystals in one of the tuff samples, showing a lack of zoning between core and rim domains.

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the intermediate total Al content (2.0 apfu) In addition to a trend of increasing sedimen- (Wyld et al., 2003), indicating that their genesis corresponds to 3.6–5.3 kbar and ~13–19 km tary components in magmas from west to east, may have involved contamination by these sedi- depth (Fig. 8A). Because the majority (~80%) King et al. (2004) proposed an increase in the mentary sources. Though the δ18O compositions 87 86 of hornblende crystals fall within the low-Al availability of sedimentary components through of the plutons are elevated, their Sr/ Sri ratios group and do not define a continuum with the time as successive orogenic events thickened (0.7043–0.7051) are consistent with the radio- high-Al group, we interpret the ~4–8 km depth the crust, with Late Cretaceous granites having genic signatures of other granites and caldera- 18 87 86 estimate as representative of the tuff of Eleven- higher δ O values and Sr/ Sri ratios (and thus forming tuffs at this longitude (Fig. 3B). mile Canyon magma chamber, and the high-Al a greater crustal affinity) than Early Cretaceous In broader applicability, the O-Sr longitudi- hornblendes as xenocrysts. and Jurassic granites, similar to the conclusions nal trends documented here, which represent of Barton (1990). Our data demonstrate that mid- isotopic sampling of the crust on a Great ­Basin–

DISCUSSION dle Cenozoic calderas just west of the 0.708 Sri wide scale, may be informative for a wide range isopleth have highly elevated δ18O values (e.g., of topics and processes beyond the scope of this 18 18 We begin the discussion by describing re- δ Ozircon of 8.7‰ and δ Omagma of 10.2‰ for study. For example, correlation of tuff deposits gional isotopic trends in Cenozoic and Meso- the Caetano Tuff) that are similar to values of and linking individual tuffs to source calderas zoic silicic magmas in the Great Basin, which Late Cretaceous granites emplaced during the has been challenging in some cases due to large we use to frame our study of the Stillwater cal- Sevier at this longitude (cf. King et al., tuff volumes, widespread distributions due to dera complex, one of the largest nested caldera 2004). This indicates that orogenic events that paleotopography, and varying levels of expo- centers of the middle Cenozoic ignimbrite flare- thickened the crust in the Cretaceous continued sure and concealment by sedimentary basins. up. We consider potential crustal sources in the to exert a control on the isotopic signatures of Our new data are consistent with the hypoth- petrogenesis of isotopically diverse Stillwater Cenozoic silicic magmas. Metapelite xenoliths, esized location of the tuff of Cove Mine cal- magmas, beginning with the first Job Canyon zircon inheritance, and Sr-Nd-O isotopic model- dera ~20 km to the north and between the Fish caldera cycle and then subsequent caldera cy- ing support derivation of the Caetano Tuff from Creek Mountains and the Caetano Tuff calderas cles, followed by an evaluation of possible low- anatexis of Proterozoic metasedimentary base- (Fig. 1; Henry and John, 2013), as it is on-trend δ18O rhyolite genesis models. We conclude the ment crust (Watts et al., 2016). In contrast to the and intermediate to the Fish Creek Mountains discussion by assessing relationships between interpretation by King et al. (2004), for a greater and Caetano Tuff in the O-Sr longitudinal pro- caldera-forming tuffs and plutons in the Still­ mantle component in Cenozoic magmas due to file (Fig. 3). Recent mapping, geochemistry, water caldera complex. crustal thinning during Basin and Range exten- petrography, and geochronology indicate that sion, it is now recognized that episodes of ex- the Nine Hill caldera is within the northern part Significance of Regional Oxygen and tension significantly postdated middle Cenozoic of the Elevenmile Canyon caldera in the Still- Strontium Isotopic Trends in caldera magmatism (e.g., Colgan et al., 2008), water caldera complex­ (Fig. 2), in contrast to the Great Basin and our oxygen and strontium isotope data do previous interpretations for its source caldera not support a greater mantle component in their beneath the Carson Sink to the west of the Still- The isotopic trends defined by our new data source magmas as compared to Mesozoic gran- water Range (Best et al., 1989; Henry and John, for voluminous caldera-forming tuffs of the ites at the same longitude (Fig. 3). 2013). Our new oxygen and strontium isotope western Nevada volcanic field reflect the base- Several Cretaceous granitic plutons west data for Nine Hill place it isotopically between 18 ment crustal architecture, with the highest δ O of the 0.706 Sri isopleth that were analyzed in the Campbell Creek and Fairview Peak calderas 87 86 values and Sr/ Sri ratios just west of the North this study (Alameda Canyon, La Plata Canyon, (Fig. 3), and thus are consistent with new map- 18 American craton boundary at the 0.708 Sri iso- Sand Springs) have much higher δ O values ping and interpretations. 18 18 pleth, where the thickest packages of continen- (δ Oquartz of 9.8‰–11.5‰ and δ Omagma of O-Sr longitudinal trends also bear on hypoth- tal clastic rocks accumulated in the miogeocline 8.1‰–11.1‰) than the O-Sr trends would pre- esized links between crustal structure and metal- (Figs. 1 and 3). The contribution of the clastic dict for this location on the longitudinal profile logeny in the Great Basin. For example, middle (meta)sediment package to silicic magmas ap- (Fig. 3A). King et al. (2004) also documented Cenozoic Carlin-type gold deposits, which cu- 18 87 86 18 pears to wane (lower δ O, Sr/ Sri) westward several Cretaceous granites with high-δ O mulatively form the second largest concentra- across the transition zone and into accreted quartz values at approximately this longitude, tion of gold on Earth, may have had gold and

oceanic terranes at the 0.706 Sri isopleth. The which they attributed to subsolidus alteration of other metals derived from Proterozoic sedi- same trends in oxygen and strontium isotopes quartz rather than reflecting the isotopic com- ments of the miogeocline in central and eastern are broadly apparent in Jurassic and Cretaceous position of the host magmas. Our data indicate Nevada (Vikre et al., 2011). Because the middle granites (Fig. 3), indicating that these trends are that these elevated δ18O values may be primary Cenozoic caldera-forming tuffs track miogeo- pre-Jurassic features; they reflect the Precam- (or close to primary), based on (1) the consis- clinal sedimentary components in their source brian craton margin, passive-margin sedimenta- tency of triplicate analyses for quartz in each of magmas, they offer important constraints for tion, and Paleozoic tectonic events (Antler and the three plutons, and (2) the high-temperature testing metallogenesis models. Two very large Sonoma ) that thickened the miogeo- equilibrium of quartz with zircon for the Sand (>465 metric tons) Carlin-type gold deposits 18 clinal sediment prism (Dickinson, 2006). The Springs pluton (δ Oquartz-zircon = 3.2‰, which (Cortez and Cortez Hills) are located along tighter trends resolved in the Cenozoic calde- corresponds to 580 °C or 635 °C equilibrium the northeastern margin of the Caetano caldera ras may be a function of averaging of isotopic based on the fractionation factors of Trail et al. in central Nevada (cf. Watts et al., 2016). The heterogeneities in the crustal block over tens of [2009] or Valley et al. [2003], respectively). The Caetano Tuff has the largest miogeoclinal sedi- millions of years of silicic magmatism during location of the plutons is coincident with back- mentary contribution of the 16 calderas studied the Jurassic and Cretaceous, with the Cenozoic arc basinal sedimentary terranes that were thrust (Fig. 3), and therefore these isotopic parameters calderas representing discrete point sources onto the continental shelf during the Jurassic may be useful for delineating favorable areas for through the homogenized crustal block. Luning-Fencemaker fold-and-thrust events Carlin-type mineralization.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1147

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Sources of High-, Normal-, and Low-δ18O tinental margin, metamorphosed, and intruded dera complex in western Nevada (cf. Dickinson, Crustal Components in the First Caldera by Jurassic and Cretaceous plutons (Fig. 9; 2006). Notwithstanding this issue, granitic plu- Cycle of the Stillwater Caldera Complex cf. Crafford, 2007, 2008; Vetz, 2011; Vikre, tons can be altered by meteoric waters to signifi- 2014). Reasonable initial sources for a low-δ18O cant depths. For example, the lowest exposed The first caldera cycle in the Stillwater cal- crustal component could be the Middle Jurassic parts of the IXL pluton (~10 km paleodepth) dera complex, ca. 29 Ma Job Canyon, produced Humboldt mafic complex or the Early Triassic in the Job Canyon caldera have highly altered high-, normal-, and low-δ18O magmas, and, Koipato Group rocks, as they both have exten- whole-rock δ18O values of ~0‰ (Fig. 10). therefore, there must have been normal- to high- sive exposures of hydrothermally altered rocks Because assimilation would have hap- δ18O and low-δ18O crustal components over to the north of the Stillwater caldera complex pened at shallow depths in the crust, thermal relatively restricted spatial scales at the onset of (Kistler and Speed, 2000; Johnson, 2000; Vikre, constraints must also be considered. Pre–Job Stillwater magmatism. Inherited zircons in Job 2014), and they are projected beneath or within Canyon andesite eruptions indicate that mafic Canyon cycle rocks are broadly reflective of ma- the basement terranes that host the Stillwater magmas were heating the crustal block prior to jor flare-up events in the Mesozoic (Fig. 4). Late complex (Fig. 9). Each of these could have the formation of the tuff of Job Canyon magma Cretaceous (76–71 Ma and 97–95 Ma) grains been thrust-thickened and transported down- chamber. These andesites are some of the ear- dominate the inherited zircon populations and ward, potentially ~7–14 km, during crustal liest preserved evidence of slab roll-back mag- overlap the ages of the three Stillwater base- shortening associated with the Jurassic Luning- matism in the Stillwater region. Decompression ment plutons and the oxygen isotopic compo- Fencemaker fold-and-thrust events (Wyld et al., of the asthenosphere during slab roll-back is sition of zircons from the Sand Springs pluton 2003). Despite these facts, the isotopic data and presumed to have led to the formation of large (Fig. 4A). Inherited ages also overlap with two age inheritance observed in the Stillwater cal- volumes of basaltic magmas that perturbed the of the Late Cretaceous granitic plutons in the vi- dera complex are not consistent with either of local and promoted large- cinity (New York Canyon and Rocky Canyon) these potential sources. The Humboldt mafic scale crustal melting (cf. Best et al., 2016). No 18 87 86 that were found to have similar whole-rock δ O complex has Sr/ Sri of 0.7041–0.7043, and basalts erupted in or around the Stillwater cal- 87 86 87 86 and Sr/ Sri compositions to normal- to high- the Koipato Group has Sr/ Sri of 0.709–0.712 dera complex at its inception ca. 30–29 Ma, but 18 δ O Stillwater magmas (Figs. 3–4). In contrast, (Kistler and Speed, 2000; Vetz, 2011), which basaltic andesites (54–58 wt% SiO2) erupted the La Plata Canyon and Alameda Canyon plu- are vastly different from magmas of the Still- peripherally to the Stillwater complex from 18 87 86 tons have δ O values that are higher, and the water caldera complex, which have Sr/ Sri of ca. 34 to 32 Ma near the Fairview Peak caldera Sand Springs pluton has δ18O values that over- 0.7049–0.7057. The age of the Humboldt mafic and West Gate (~0–25 km south) and near the lap normal- to high-δ18O Job Canyon magmas, complex is close to overlapping with one inher- Deep Canyon caldera and Edwards Creek Val- 87 86 but Sr/ Sri ratios that are lower (Fig. 3). A few ited grain found in the pre–Job Canyon dacite ley (~5–20 km northeast). The presence of mafic

older grains in the pre–Job Canyon dacite tuff, tuff, whereas no inherited grains correspond to enclaves (56–58 wt% SiO2) in the IXL pluton including Middle–Late Jurassic (166–150 Ma) the age of the Koipato Group rocks. Local Cre- (John, 1995) provides direct evidence for basal- and Neoproterozoic (545 Ma), increase the di- taceous granitic plutons are also commonly hy- tic andesite in the shallow crust beneath Still­ versity of the inherited zircons. The 150 Ma drothermally altered, some with mineralization water calderas. grain has an oxygen isotopic composition that (Wilden and Speed, 1974; Johnson et al., 1986; The spatial extent and depth of midcrustal is identical within error to the Late Cretaceous Quade and Tingley, 1987). Though none of the sills, crustal melt zones, or other salient features inherited grains and the Sand Springs pluton Cretaceous plutons in the immediate vicinity are unresolvable by geophysics due to late Ce- 18 87 86 zircons (Fig. 4A, inset). Therefore, it appears is an isotopic match in δ O and Sr/ Sri for nozoic extension and magmatism that have pro- that a variety of normal- to high-δ18O crustal Stillwater magmas, the New York Canyon stock foundly modified the structure of the crust in the components could have contributed to the initial and Rocky Canyon pluton to the north are very Great Basin. Geophysical imaging of the Alti- oxygen isotope signatures of Stillwater magmas similar. Perhaps most importantly, zircon inheri- plano-Puna volcanic complex, which is perhaps (probably most similar to the New York Canyon tance in the Job Canyon cycle is dominated by the closest modern-day analogue to the Great 18 87 86 stock, based on combined δ O and Sr/ Sri), Cretaceous grains. Therefore, Job Canyon cycle Basin ignimbrite flare-up (Best et al., 2016), re- but the source of the low-δ18O component is un- magmas unequivocally traveled through and in- veals a composite partial melt zone that is con- clear. The absence of low-δ18O zircons in any corporated Cretaceous crust. tinuous from depths of ~4 to 25 km (Ward et al., of the investigated Mesozoic granitic plutons Potential depths of and assimi- 2014), and modeling of the thermal structure (this study; King et al., 2004; Blum et al., 2016) lation of hydrothermally altered Cretaceous plu- of the crust indicates a temperature of ~500 °C indicates that whatever the low-δ18O source, tons into the Job Canyon magma chamber must at ~10 km depth (Gottsmann et al., 2017). Nu- it was not tapped during previous episodes of be considered in this hypothesis. Unlike the hy- merical thermodynamic modeling for low-δ18O crustal melting. drothermally altered Triassic–Jurassic basement rhyolites in the Snake River Plain, which are Here, we evaluate potential rock reservoirs rocks, which may have been transported down- comparable in volume to the tuff of Job Canyon that could have been altered by meteoric waters ward during the Jurassic Luning-Fencemaker (>55 km3), have shown that basaltic sills can to yield a low-δ18O crustal component in the first fold-and-thrust events, no syn– or post–Late generate superheated silicic magmas that melt low-δ18O caldera-forming tuff of the Stillwater Cretaceous episodes of crustal shortening oc- and assimilate ~20%–50% of even relatively complex, the tuff of Job Canyon (see next dis- curred in this part of Nevada to transport altered cold (400 °C) country rocks to form low-δ18O cussion section for evaluation of the Poco Can- Cretaceous plutons to deeper crustal levels. The rhyolites (Simakin and Bindeman, 2012). Addi- yon and Elevenmile Canyon cycles). Stillwater Sevier orogeny peaked during the Late Creta- tional thermomechanical models by Colón et al. calderas overlie three distinct Mesozoic base- ceous, but the front of this fold-and-thrust belt (2018) highlighted the importance of rheological ment terranes (Sand Springs, Quartz Mountain, was much farther east in the Great Basin and discontinuities in the upper crust to focus melt- and Jungo) that consist of clastic, volcanic, and would not have resulted in crustal shortening ing. Heterogeneous distributions of Cretaceous carbonate rocks that were accreted to the con- in basement rocks beneath the Stillwater cal- plutonic rocks beneath the ­Stillwater ­caldera

1148 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

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complex may have been the source of such dis- in which younger calderas are expected to ex- tion model, most notably, the extreme isotopic continuities that aided the melting process. hibit δ18O depletions through time as a result diversity of zircons within and between caldera of remelting or “cannibalizing” hydrothermally cycles (Fig. 5). All caldera cycles have units Model of Low-δ18O Rhyolite Genesis in altered parts of older calderas with which they with low-δ18O zircons (<4.5‰), but only the the Stillwater Caldera Complex overlap (e.g., Bindeman and Valley, 2001; Bin- Poco Canyon caldera cycle has units that are deman et al., 2008; Watts et al., 2011, 2012). dominated by low-δ18O zircons. The appear- The appearance of a large-volume, low-δ18O However, other aspects of the oxygen isotope ance of the low-δ18O tuff of Poco Canyon af- rhyolite during the first caldera cycle diverges evolution of the Stillwater caldera complex are ter the first Job Canyon caldera cycle, and the from the caldera “cannibalization” paradigm, strikingly similar to the caldera cannibaliza- potential spatial overlap of its caldera with the

Basement terranes Intrusions Lithologic legend

Sand Springs La Plata carbonate granite Sand Springs pluton Canyon pluton Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic Late Cretaceous Late Cretaceous basalt/ (89 Ma) (87 Ma) clastic gabbro

Quartz Mountain volcanic Paleozoic-Mesozoic (?)

Humboldt Alameda New York Jungo mafic complex Canyon pluton Canyon stock Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic Late Cretaceous Late Cretaceous (169-172 Ma) (84 Ma) (69-71 Ma)

Luning-Fencemaker thrust Jurassic Regional map

Humboldt assemblage Early Triassic-Early Jurassic

GT LFT unconformity

Rocky Canyon RC Koipato Group pluton Early Triassic NYC 248-250 Ma Late Cretaceous HM (90-92 Ma) AC Stillwater unconformity calderas LC SS Stratigraphic sequence based on surface exposures Golconda Late Devonian-Permian

Golconda thrust Late Permian-Triassic (Sonoma orogeny)

Figure 9. Relative stratigraphic positions and lithologic characteristics of Mesozoic basement terranes and intrusions projected be- neath the Stillwater caldera complex in western Nevada. The Stillwater caldera complex is located at the intersection of the Sand Springs, Quartz Mountain, and Jungo terranes. The Jungo terrane is thrust over the Humboldt assemblage by the Luning-Fencemaker­ thrust (LFT) and is unconformably underlain by the Koipato Group volcanic rocks, which in turn are unconformably underlain by the Golconda terrane and the Golconda thrust (GT) (cf. Crafford, 2007, 2008; Vetz, 2011; Wyld et al., 2003; Dickinson, 2006). Note that the Koipato Group rocks are part of the Humboldt assemblage (Crafford, 2007). Stars in the inset map show the locations of granitic intrusions (SS—Sand Springs; LC—La Plata Canyon; AC—Alameda Canyon; NYC—New York Canyon; RC—Rocky Can- yon); crosses show outcrops of the Humboldt mafic complex (HM).

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1149

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area of IXL pluton


Latitude paleosurface bottom of exposed pluton

2 km

39.60 −118.30 −118.25 −118.20 Longitude sample location oxygen isotope contour -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 01234567 δ18O (‰, VSMOW)

B megabreccia Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks caldera wall


57 tuff of Job Canyon pre-Job Dixie Valley 727 72 andesite/ Carson dacite IXL pluton Sink post-Job 75 andes- ite/dacite 81

78 84 74

5588 77 compaction foliation 85 in tuff post-Job Canyon 80 caldera rocks 666 bedding 65 2 km normal fault

Figure 10. Contoured oxygen isotope data for (A) hydrothermally altered rocks in the Job Canyon cal- dera, with (B) individual units and features labeled. Whole-rock oxygen isotope data from John and Pick- thorn (1996) were contoured using Aabel geochemical plotting software. In panel (A), sample locations are shown by the black dots, and the area of the IXL pluton is outlined in a heavy black line. The caldera is tilted to nearly vertical, with the paleosurface to the west and the bottom of the exposed pluton to the east.

1150 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

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Job Canyon­ caldera (Fig. 2; John, 1995; Col- Poco Canyon, Sr-O isotopic mass balance mod- indicate ~20% mass contribution from the Job gan et al., 2018) present the possibility that its els were constructed (Figs. 10–11; Table 3). Canyon intracaldera block using the ~4–10 km genesis was related to cannibalization of hy- Whole-rock δ18O data for a comprehensive depth (6 km thickness) and ~5–10 km depth drothermally altered rocks from the Job Can- suite of hydrothermally altered Job Canyon (5 km thickness) sections or ~30% using the ~6– yon cycle. Note that although the low-δ18O caldera rocks over an ~10 km paleodepth range 10 km depth (4 km thickness; IXL pluton only). tuff of Job Canyon was produced during the (>200 analyses; John and Pickthorn, 1996) Volume estimates of the tuff of Poco Canyon first caldera cycle, most magmas of that cycle were contoured to approximately proportional (~250–500 km3) and the Job Canyon intracal- were normal- to high-δ18O, including the last areas of δ18O values (Fig. 10). We note that the dera block over the defined ~4–10 km depth large-volume manifestation of silicic magma- ­meteoric-hydrothermal system is characterized range (~80–480 km3) were then used to calcu- 18 tism, the IXL pluton with unimodal δ Ozircon of by near-neutral pH assemblages (K-feldspar sta- late the percentage of the Job Canyon intracal- 6.2‰–6.3‰. This evidence supports derivation ble propylitic, illitic, and intermediate argillic as- dera block volume in the tuff of Poco Canyon of Job Canyon cycle magmas from isotopically semblages) that decrease in intensity up section, (Table 4). For intermediate volumes for the tuff diverse crust, with rare pockets of low-δ18O ma- with an earlier phase of acid alteration (sericitic of Poco Canyon (375 km3) and Job Canyon terial, perhaps altered Cretaceous plutons, as and advanced argillic) that is present locally at intracaldera block (250 km3), the required per- described in the previous section. In contrast, the top of the tuff and associated with postcal- centage of the Job Canyon intracaldera block 18 18 the low-δ O source of the tuff of Poco Canyon dera andesite dikes. Integrated δ Owhole-rock aver- volume is ~30% (Table 4). The lowest required was continuous enough that all parts of the tuff ages over depth profiles from ~6 to 10 km, ~5 percentage is ~10%, assuming a maximum Job and the precaldera rhyolite of Coyote Canyon to 10 km, and ~4 to 10 km are of 0.9‰, –1.5‰, Canyon intracaldera block volume and a mini- 18 have nearly unimodal δ Ozircon of 4.0‰–4.3‰ and –2.0‰, respectively (Table­ 3). Assuming a mum tuff of Poco Canyon volume (Table 4). (Fig. 5C). Unlike the Job Canyon cycle, which normal-δ18O starting magma with 7.5‰, esti- Conversely, the highest required percentage is possessed many inherited zircon grains, only mated from normal-δ18O zircons in the tuff of >100%, if using a minimum Job Canyon in- one inherited zircon (98 Ma) was documented Poco Canyon and normal-δ18O Stillwater mag- tracaldera block volume and a maximum tuff in the Poco Canyon cycle (Fig. 4A). mas, and modeled for the full range of initial of Poco Canyon volume (Table 4). The mostly To test whether Job Canyon caldera rocks 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7049–0.7057) in the Stillwater feasible results indicate that the hypothesis for are feasible protoliths for the low-δ18O tuff of caldera complex (Fig. 11; Table 3), the results cannibalized Job Canyon components in the

paleosurface (0 km) 0 0.7059 1 B A JOB CANYON 0.7057 INTRACALDERA 2 BLOCK 3

l 0.7055

4 6 km 5 km 4 km portion of block used initia 5 Sr

in modeling 86 0.7053 depth (km) 6 Sr / 87 7 0.7051 6 km thickness: 5 km 4 km 8 0.7049 9 Job intracaldera Poco starting block magma magma 10 0.7047 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.01.0 2.03.0 4.05.0 6.07.0 8.09.0 diameter: 5-10 km δ18O (‰, VSMOW)

Figure 11. Modeling of the Job Canyon intracaldera block as a component in the low-δ18O tuff of Poco Canyon magma. (A) Schematic representation of the Job Canyon intracaldera block as a cylinder with a diameter of 5–10 km and a thickness of 4–6 km (4–10 km paleodepth range). (B) Sr-O isotopic mixing models constructed between a hypothetical normal-δ18O starting magma and the low-δ18O Job intracaldera block; nine curves are 87 86 modeled for high (0.7057), intermediate (0.7053), and low (0.7049) Sr/ Sri values. Isotopic mixing curves were

calculated with the following equation for a two component system: Rmix = [RACAFA + RBCB(1 – FA)]/[CAFA + CB(1 –

FA)], where Rmix is the isotopic ratio of the mixed magma composition, R is the isotope ratio for each element, C is the element concentration, F is the mass fraction, and components A and B represent the starting magma and the Job Canyon intracaldera block assimilant; tick marks demarcate 10% increments. Starting magma parameters were estimated from the least-evolved tuff of Poco Canyon samples and high-δ18O zircons in the tuff of Poco Can- 87 86 18 yon (150 ppm Sr, 0.7049–0.7057 Sr/ Sri, 48.57 wt% O, δ O = 7.5‰). Job Canyon intracaldera block assimilant parameters were estimated from the average of the IXL pluton, pre–Job Canyon andesite-dacite, and tuff of Job 87 86 18 Canyon samples (500 ppm Sr, 0.7049–0.7057 Sr/ Sri, 47.87 wt% O, δ O = 0.9‰ to –2.0‰). See Tables 3–4 for additional details.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8 1151

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TABLE 3. PARAMETERS AND CALCULATIONS OF LOW-δ18O JOB CANYON lacking; for example, obvious melt lenses or INTRACALDERA BLOCK PERCENTAGE IN THE TUFF OF POCO CANYON dikes through the IXL pluton have not been Depth of Job Canyon intracaldera Area Thickness Volume* δ18O % in Poco magma§ found despite detailed mapping. Although we block below paleosurface (km2) (km) (km3) average† (%) (‰) have a nearly complete ~10 km vertical section ~6–10 km (IXL pluton only) 24 4 80–320 0.930 through the Job Canyon caldera, it is a single ~5–10 km (IXL pluton + ~1 km of pre–Job 34 5 100–400 –1.520 slice of a three-dimensional caldera. The vol- andesite/dacite and tuff of Job Canyon rocks) ume of the intracaldera block that is modeled ~4–10 km (IXL pluton + ~2 km of pre–Job 40 6 120–480 –2.020 andesite/dacite and tuff of Job Canyon rocks) to be involved in the cannibalization process *Calculated as a cylinder, with r = 2.5–5 km (based on 5–10 km diameter of the Job Canyon caldera) and h = is <30% and could be <5%–10% if using less 4–6 km thickness. conservative model parameters; statistically, it †Approximated from proportional areas and δ18O values in the Job Canyon caldera δ18O contour map (Fig. 10). §Sr-O isotopic mixing model percentage of Job Canyon intracaldera block assimilant (Fig. 11). is likely to be represented in other parts of the three-dimensional caldera that are not exposed in the single vertical slice. Third, another pos- sible low-δ18O crustal source in the tuff of Poco Canyon, if not Mesozoic basement or Job Can- low-δ18O Poco Canyon magma is viable. The Canyon magma should have been apparent, yon cycle rocks, may be older Oligocene cal- required volume could be substantially lower unless they were completely dissolved (we deras that underlie the Stillwater caldera com- if (1) the starting magma had a δ18O composi- note that errors on individual 206Pb/238U ages of plex. The ca. 30.4 Ma Deep Canyon caldera is tion lower than 7.5‰, (2) the low-δ18O assimi- Stillwater zircons range from ~0.2 to 2.5 m.y., exposed ~25 km to the east of the Job Canyon lated part of the Job Canyon block was more average of 0.3–0.5 m.y.). In this study, we did and Poco Canyon calderas (Fig. 2). Perhaps depleted than the –2.0‰ average, or (3) the document one inherited grain in the tuff of other calderas like it beneath the Poco Can- volume of the Job Canyon block was close to Poco Canyon (98 Ma), which overlaps inher- yon caldera could have contributed low-δ18O or exceeding the upper bounds of the estimated ited grains in the Job Canyon cycle (Fig. 4A). source rocks. The lack of xenocrysts makes all volume range. For example, if the starting We cannot rule out the possibility that the tuff of these possibilities difficult to assess. magma was 7.0‰, the assimilant was –6‰, of Poco Canyon also tapped a hydrothermally Though the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon was and the volume of the Job Canyon block was altered Cretaceous crustal source, as advo- not a nominally low-δ18O rhyolite, it has a re- at the upper modeled bound, ~4% of its total cated for the tuff of Job Canyon. However, as markably diverse zircon record that is instruc- volume would be required. described above, the low-δ18O zircon record tive for low-δ18O rhyolite genesis models. Mul- We highlight a few critical observations to in the Poco Canyon cycle is clearly disparate timodal δ18O spectra characterize zircons from consider in alternative models of low-δ18O from the Job Canyon cycle, and the paucity of all samples of the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon rhyolite genesis. First, no inherited Job Canyon inherited Mesozoic or Job Canyon grains in across the ~60 km caldera (Figs. 2 and 5D). zircons were found in the tuff of Poco Canyon. the Poco Canyon cycle is a problem for either Zircon cores and interiors are highly heteroge- 18 Because the Job Canyon zircons are ca. 29 Ma hypothesis. Second, field evidence for partial neous (δ Ozircon of ~4‰–8‰), whereas zircon 18 in age, their presence in the ca. 25 Ma Poco melting of intracaldera Job Canyon rocks is rims have a homogenized value (δ Ozircon of ~6‰) (Fig. 6B). Two low-δ18O zircons (<4.5‰) for which we also have trace element data indi- cate that they are an identical match to zircons TABLE 4. MODEL RESULTS FOR PERCENTAGE OF LOW-δ18O JOB CANYON from the tuff of Poco Canyon, with the distinc- INTRACALDERA BLOCK VOLUME IN THE TUFF OF POCO CANYON tive negative Eu anomalies in REE patterns ~6–10 km depth (IXL pluton only); δ18O = 0.9‰ (Figs. 7E–7F). The tuff of Louderback Moun- 3 Tuff of Poco Canyon total IXL pluton volume (km ) tains is another potential source of the low-δ18O 3 3 Volume (km ) 30% volume (km )80 200 320 zircons, based on our published trace element % of IXL pluton volume required 250 75 94 37 23 data (Colgan et al., 2018). This evidence indi- 375 113 162 56 35 cates that the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon magma 500 150 187 75 47 chamber may have cannibalized Poco Canyon and/or Louderback Mountains components in ~5–10 km depth (IXL pluton + pre–Job andesite/dacite + tuff of Job Canyon); δ18O = –1.5‰ the parts of its magma chamber that overlapped 3 Tuff of Poco Canyon total ~5–10 km depth volume (km ) these calderas. The pattern apparent in the tuff Volume (km3) 20% volume (km3) 100 250 400 % of ~5–10 km depth volume required of Elevenmile Canyon, with isotopically di- 250 50 50 20 12 verse zircon cores overgrown by homogenized 375 75 75 30 19 rims that approximate the bulk zircon average 500 100 100 40 25 (Fig. 6), is remarkably similar to observations for the large-volume, low-δ18O Kilgore Tuff of 18 ~4–10 km depth (IXL pluton + pre–Job andesite/dacite + tuff of Job Canyon); δ O = –2.0‰ the Heise volcanic field in the eastern Snake Tuff of Poco Canyon total ~4–10 km depth volume (km3) Volume (km3) 20% volume (km3) 120 300 480 River Plain (Watts et al., 2011), and supports % of ~4–10 km depth volume required our view that large silicic magma chambers are 250 50 42 17 10 assembled from isotopically diverse batches of 375 75 62 25 16 melt in the shallow crust. 500 100 83 33 21 Finally, aspects of the regional caldera cen- Note: Italics indicate >50% volume (considered an unrealistic model result). ters to which we extended our oxygen ­isotopic

1152 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, no. 7/8

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investigation are pertinent to low-δ18O rhyolite for all caldera cycles except the tuff of Eleven- isotopically distinctive and important magma genesis models. It is instructive that in ad- mile Canyon, in which six analyzed samples types. The 2500–5000 km3 tuff of Elevenmile dition to the Stillwater caldera complex, the of the tuff are very similar to the granodiorite Canyon is one of the most voluminous tuffs Mount Jefferson caldera complex exhibits a phase of the Freeman Creek pluton (Fig. 5D). produced during the Great Basin ignimbrite clear depletion in δ18O through time. Quartz Trace element data collected for the same zir- flare-up, and has a zircon record that points to in the upper tuff of Mount Jefferson is ~1‰ cons analyzed for oxygen isotopes provide fur- rapid batch assembly of isotopically diverse lower than the lower tuff of Mount Jefferson ther support of this observation; only the tuff of melts in the upper crust, possibly including (Fig. 3A), supporting a model in which low- Elevenmile Canyon and Freeman Creek pluton components from previous caldera cycles, δ18O crust was assimilated into the upper tuff of granodiorite have identical δ18O, Hf, and REE and thus it is instructive for low-δ18O rhyolite Mount Jefferson magma chamber. In addition, patterns (Fig. 7). The IXL pluton has discern- genesis models, even though it is not a nomi- the Manhattan caldera, which may overlap the ibly younger zircon U-Pb ages than the tuff nally low-δ18O rhyolite. We emphasize the im- mineralized Round Mountain caldera, is dis- of Job Canyon (28.5–28.1 Ma for IXL pluton portance of analyzing nominally normal-δ18O tinctly lower in δ18O compared to other tuffs in and 29.2 Ma for the tuff of Job Canyon), but rhyolites with high-spatial-resolution methods, the area, and may have assimilated altered parts U-Pb ages for all other spatially associated as processes associated with crustal recycling of the Round Mountain caldera or perhaps al- tuffs and plutons are indistinguishable within are likely to be obscure in the Great Basin and tered Cretaceous granites in the vicinity (Henry error (Table 2). It is clear that relying on field other regions with high-δ18O (meta) sedimen- and John, 2013). In contrast, the nested calderas evidence and geochronology alone to assess tary contributions to magmas. We note that studied by Larson and Taylor (1986) in the cen- volcanic-plutonic relationships is insufficient none of the single (isolated) calderas in our re- tral Nevada volcanic field produced high-δ18O in the Stillwater caldera complex, and high- gional study produced low-δ18O rhyolites, but magmas with a subtle ~0.4‰ depletion from lights the necessity of crystal-scale chemical that the nested Mount Jefferson calderas ex- the early to middle eruptive sequence and a re- and isotopic data to make robust conclusions hibit δ18O depletions through time, and that the turn to the initial higher values in the late erup- about these processes in the Great Basin and Manhattan caldera, which may also be nested, tive sequence. These authors did not have the worldwide. Our findings for the Stillwater cal- has a distinctly lower δ18O signature than other benefit of high-spatial-resolution zircon data; dera complex indicate that, in general, caldera- calderas in the region. This evidence supports a their interpretations may have underestimated forming tuffs and plutons are not derived from model in which overlapping calderas facilitate contributions from isotopically diverse crustal the same magmatic sources. This is in direct the generation of low-δ18O rhyolites. Nested components. Nonetheless, the nested calde- contrast to our previous finding for the well- calderas of the Stillwater complex exhibit a ras studied by Larson and Taylor (1986) are exposed 34.0 Ma Caetano caldera in north- high level of diversity in space and time. De- ~75–100 km east of the paleodivide boundaries central Nevada, where a cogenetic relationship spite spatial and temporal overlap of calderas, defined by Henry and John (2013) and Best et between the caldera-forming tuff and large cal- each caldera-forming eruption has a unique al. (2013a) (Fig. 1). Therefore, these calderas dera intrusions is unequivocal based on many isotopic fingerprint that is apparent from single formed on the Nevadaplano topographic crest lines of whole-rock and crystal-scale evidence zircon analyses. Furthermore, spatially associ- in the middle Cenozoic (e.g., DeCelles, 2004). (Watts et al., 2016). We highlight that none of ated plutons that intrude calderas are in most By analogue with the Altiplano region of the the plutonic or porphyry units appears to have cases not genetically equivalent to the caldera- Central Andes, it may be that the lack of low- assimilated low-δ18O crust, and we speculate forming tuffs. Our work in the Great Basin δ18O rhyolites in this part of Nevada was due that this may be due to a lower-temperature, has implications for caldera-related processes to a lack of meteoric water in a high-elevation, waning phase of silicic magmatism that did not globally, particularly for mechanisms of shal- arid environment (Folkes et al., 2013). Inter- favor digestion of shallow crustal materials. low crustal recycling, which can be an impor- estingly, the caldera-forming tuffs studied by tant component in magmatism that produces Larson and Taylor (1986) in the central Ne- CONCLUSIONS hazardous eruptions from caldera volcanoes, vada volcanic field have ages of ca. 32–24 Ma but one that is not commonly identified. More (Best et al., 2013b), which overlap those of Voluminous silicic tuffs (>3000–5000 km3) isotopic studies are required to assess their the Stillwater caldera complex. Located well of the Stillwater caldera complex possess a global occurrence and significance. to the west of the paleodivide boundary, the remarkably diverse oxygen isotopic record. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Stillwater complex may have been better po- All caldera cycles have low-δ18O zircons, sitioned for the establishment of caldera lakes providing unequivocal evidence for recycling Aki Ishida and Noriko Kita are thanked for provid- and other surface-water features to promote hy- of hydrothermally altered crust in the forma- ing guidance during preparation and use of the Wisc- drothermal circulation and alteration of shallow tion and growth of silicic magma chambers SIMS ion microprobe, and Kim Klaussen is thanked for her assistance in data collection. Peter Vikre and crustal rocks. that yielded climactic caldera-forming erup- Steve Ludington provided helpful conversations about tions. Both existing hydrothermally altered the regional basement geology in western Nevada. Relationship between Caldera-Forming crust from Mesozoic plutons, and cannibal- We thank Brian Cousens for performing strontium Tuffs and Granitic Plutons in the Stillwater ization of hydrothermally altered intracaldera isotope analyses at Carleton University and for shar- Caldera Complex rocks in overlapping calderas, were likely ing his graduate student Kim’s time to travel and 18 participate in analytical work at the WiscSIMS labora- important in generating low-δ O rhyolites in tory. The following individuals are thanked for their All investigated cycles of the Stillwater the Stillwater caldera complex (Fig. 12). The guidance during analytical sessions: Jim Palandri at caldera complex have pluton or porphyry sys- low-δ18O tuffs of Job Canyon and Poco Can- the University of Oregon Stable Isotope Laboratory, tems that are spatially coincident with calderas yon have a combined volume of >400 km3 and Jorge Vazquez and Matt Coble at the Stanford–USGS 18 SHRIMP-RG laboratory, and Leslie O’Brien at the (Fig. 2; Colgan et al., 2018). Despite this spa- are the first documented low-δ O rhyolites in USGS Menlo Park microanalytical facility. We ac- tial association, our new oxygen isotope data middle Cenozoic calderas of the Great Basin, knowledge Mark Stelten, Henrietta Cathey, and an are clearly disparate for tuff and pluton samples extending the geographic distribution of these anonymous reviewer for their careful reviews and

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Job Canyon (ca. 29.2 Ma)

A Pre-Job andesite-dacite B Post-Job andesite-dacite C meteoric meteoric 0 water water Mesozoic Cretaceous metasedimentary plutons basement 4 tuff of Job Canyon tuff of Job Canyon tuff of Job

Depth (km) Canyon magma IXL pluton 8 Mesozoic magma rising, assimilating crust metasedimentary basement ???

Poco Canyon (ca. 25.2 Ma) DE

0 post-Poco rhyolite Cretaceous plutons? tuff of tuff of Job tuff of Poco Canyon Job Canyon 4 Canyon tuff of Poco rhyolite Depth (km) Canyon magma IXL IXL 8 pluton pluton magma rising, assimilating crust ?

Elevenmile Canyon (ca. 25.1 Ma)

tuff of FGPoco Canyon 0

tuff of Poco 4 Canyon tuff of Elevenmile Canyon

tuff of Elevenmile Depth (km) Canyon magma 8 magma rising, assembling in batches, Freeman Creek pluton assimilating crust ????

Figure 12. Schematic synthesis of petrogenetic processes in the Stillwater caldera complex. (A) Pre–Job Canyon andesite-dacite lavas and small-volume tuffs with zircon inheritance from Mesozoic basement crust, probably dominated by Cretaceous plutons. The tuff of Job Canyon magma chamber may have assimilated hydrothermally altered Cretaceous plutons to attain its low-δ18O signature. (B) Caldera-forming tuff of Job Canyon fills the Job Canyon caldera. It is represented over a thickness of ~2 km, but it is faulted and not a uniform thickness as shown in the schematic figure. Post–Job Canyon andesite-dacite lavas tap isotopically heterogeneous crust. Meteoric water penetrates the caldera. (C) IXL pluton intrudes the Job Canyon caldera. A large convective hydrothermal system driven by heat from the IXL pluton and dominated by meteoric water alters the intracaldera block, including parts of the pluton. (D) The tuff of Poco Canyon magma chamber partially overlapped the Job Canyon caldera and may have assimilated some of the hydrothermally altered Job Canyon intracaldera block. It may also have assimilated altered Cretaceous plutons. (E) Caldera-forming eruption of the tuff of Poco Canyon fills the Poco Canyon caldera. It is represented over a thickness of ~4.5 km, but it is faulted and not a uniform thickness as shown in the schematic figure. The tuff is underlain and overlain by rhyolite lava flows and intrusions. (F) Tuff of Elevenmile Canyon magmas are assembled as isotopically diverse batches that attain a homogenized value over time. The tuff of Elevenmile Canyon magma chamber overlaps the Poco Canyon caldera and may have assimilated some of the intracaldera Poco Can- yon block. (G) Caldera-forming eruption of the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon is one of the largest in the Great Basin. Intracaldera tuff fills the caldera basin to a thickness of ~5 km. The composite Freeman Creek pluton intrudes rocks beneath the level of exposure of the tuff. The tuff is possibly cogenetic with the granodiorite phase of the Freeman Creek pluton. The granite phase of the Freeman Creek pluton intrudes the granodiorite phase and the composite pluton underlies both the Elevenmile Canyon and Poco Canyon calderas.

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