QuLBIT: Quantum-Like Bayesian Inference Technologies for Cognition and Decision Catarina Moreira1 (
[email protected]) Matheus Hammes1 (
[email protected]) Rasim Serdar Kurdoglu2 (
[email protected]) Peter Bruza1 (
[email protected]) 1School of Information Systems, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia 2Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract what would be considered normatively correct ac- cording to logic or probability theory. This paper provides the foundations of a uni- fied cognitive decision-making framework (QulBIT) The field of Quantum Cognition emerged to re- which is derived from quantum theory. The main spond to this challenge, a major feature being the advantage of this framework is that it can cater use of quantum probability theory to model hu- for paradoxical and irrational human decision mak- ing. Although quantum approaches for cognition man cognition, including decision making (Buse- have demonstrated advantages over classical prob- meyer & Bruza, 2012). Quantum probability can abilistic approaches and bounded rationality mod- be viewed as generalisation of Bayesian probability els, they still lack explanatory power. To address this, we introduce a novel explanatory analysis of theory. In quantum-like cognitive models, events the decision-maker’s belief space. This is achieved are modelled as sub-spaces of a Hilbert spaces, by exploiting quantum interference effects as a way a vector space of complex numbers (amplitudes) of both quantifying and explaining the decision- maker’s uncertainty. We detail the main modules which enables the calculation of probabilities by of the unified framework, the explanatory analy- projection: performing the squared magnitude of sis method, and illustrate their application in situ- an amplitude.