1Alords and Images, Images and Words Audio-Visual Rituals Is Really a Collec- the Lusty Her Goes On
34 The Soho Weekly News. November 4, 1976 1Alords and Images, Images and Words Audio-Visual Rituals is really a collec- The lusty her goes on. however, and a tion of 13 one-minute sub-programs . rose soxm goes hack to arrows and all is featuring Gusella from the vertical center well again. of his eyes to just below his chest, fully Discrete words are an important part of solarized. He is performing with his arms Gusella's performances. and whether he certain repetitive movements, accom- says Them, sings them, or wears them. panied by a syncopated synthetic score they often combine well with his singular and occasional special effects. On his ,erase of rhythm and his masterful use of chest he wears a word. either tied or print- thevideospace dust behind the,creen. ed on his shirt. Each sub-program is characterized by a different word, dif- ferent arm movements, and a different rhythm. The words are ordinary- tooth, school. needle . sundae, etc. The arm mov- ements are seemingly unrelated to the words. and are always directed to the camera. making good use of the space between the body and the lens, giving it a Audio-Visual Rituals by real sense ofdepth. The rhythm of the arm Emest Gusella movements is reflected in the accompany- uK sans. Fifteen of these is a lot to watch, but the ones labeled puwW, rash Uavldson G'kliotti and angelare compelling. In Modswe Entat seeGusella, from the chest Gusella up and waning a cap, standing Ed Ennhwiller motionless in front ofa wall. On comes a humorously Anthology Film Archives banal synthesized rhythm surd blues NamJune Paik number, and soon we hear Gusella's voice Trbtue to JohnCage growing "words" at the beginningofeach Chtmnd 13 (Now.
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